#or if I suspect you’d be an Edelgard stan
sailforvalinor · 7 months
The only reason that I would tell you NOT to play Fire Emblem: Three Houses is that it might ruin voice acting for you forever. It’s just that good. There is no return.
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nanigma · 5 years
What do you mean 'footage not found". You're saying this when the guy goes insane over such bullshit that makes no sense (like blaming a 13 years old kid for Duscur wut??) I swear, the Dimitri stans are so laughable and pathetic with their constant romanticization of his mental illness and ignore the bigger issues. Assuming that Azure Moon get a post-game story (which happens after unifying Fodlan), if he fucking relapse then it's the entire world who is in trouble. So yes he deserves to dies.
Me opening my inbox to this:
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I don’t think anyone has to guess why you sent this message on anon, you massive coward.
Let’s see, should I even touch this? In the interest of people actually looking for an elaboration from me on this topic (so not you), I will point out that Dimitri never “goes insane” over anything in CF, the route I am talking about in the post that prompted this. There is nothing in his actions that isn’t 100% reasonable given the information he is given. He is literally just a guy defending his country and deciding that between the pope and the girl who’s been working with TWSITD as the Flame Emperor (which includes a hand in things like human experimentation and Jeralt’s murder) and enacted a coup in her country to gain an army with which to attack the church on unsubstantiated claims, he’d rather side with the church. 
Your “arguments”, shitty as they are, don’t even apply to this guy. 
Now, your wonderful claim about post-AM is not only entirely baseless, but fucking dangerous. 
Baseless, because even at his darkest, Dimitri never attacks his allies. Byleth actively interferes with his killing that imperial onii-chan and his response is “Fall in line or kill me!”. People threaten not to follow him on his suicidal rush towards Enbarr and his response is “Fine, I’ll do it myself. :(” His violence is never random, but very much targeted at people he considers deserving. Targets include imperial soldiers invading his country and harassing his people, bandits, and his top-priority of Edelgard. Now, of course Edelgard couldn’t possibly be the main perpetrator of Duscur at 13, but working as an informant is very much something she could have been capable of. Couple this with her actions as Flame Emperor and you can see why Dimitri might jump to conclusions during a highly suspect situation. 
You might also remember, if you played it, how Blue Lions part II is entirely about people making Dimitri realize that he is on the wrong track, not with opposing Edelgard, but in how he does it. The eventual turn about is decidedly not about Dimitri being absolved of guilt because he went off the deep end. Dimitri readily admits his responsibility for his own actions and strives to atone for them as best he can. That is not how you set up someone who is “incurably insane” and incapable of reflecting his actions in order to prevent repeating them in the future.  
Now for the dangerous part: I know you won’t believe this, but I am not actually in favour of Dimitri’s excessive violence. My point isn’t that it’s good and justified, but that it is not random. How do you “go back” to being a danger to everyone when you have never been that in the first place? Therefore your argument that he is sure to become a danger to “the entire world” on a whim rests on what? That he is craaaaaazy. And you can’t reason with craaaaaazy people, right? 
Your point is essentially: “Some people are too crazy to let live.” It is so clear that you have no idea what you are talking about in regards to Dimitri and the only thing you can bring to the table is how he is “cray cray” so anything goes for him apparently.
I guess it’s not surprising you’d consider not advocating for the death of a mentally ill person for crimes that they either haven’t even come close to commiting in that timeline, or totally baseless assumptions on them relapsing in random ways, as romanticising. “You don’t understand! They might be a danger someday, so it’s best to murder these crazy people now!” Horrifying ableism seems to be your bread and butter I see.
I haven’t said this to anyone over fandom discourse before, but you disgust me. Don’t even bother sending another ask, I am just going to block you.   
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