#or if you want to see Vardri subtly-not-so-subtly care about Ashara and not admit it?
semper-draca · 4 years
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Iustitia : The Grand Moff 
Oren examines the latest information they’ve got on Karagga’s comings and goings. Which is nothing, the Hutt doesn’t go anywhere. Mostly they’re looking at who goes into his palace and who comes out, rather than the guy himself. Mako’s a great slicer and she’s been able to get a ton of info, but their ace in the hole, as it were, has turned out to be Nem’ro. Few years back, Oren had a bit of a friendly rapport with Nem’ro, and it turns out the Hutt has been secretly pulling for the Empire for some time now and is totally down to kick out Karagga. 
The other surprising addition to his team has been Tivva, Vette’s older and angrier sister who’s been hanging around since their first failed attempt to kill Karagga. 
“I’ve been analysing those ID cards we collected last time we tried this,” Mako is explaining, leaning over the holo map and chewing on the remains of a fish stick skewer. “I should be able to piece together a few convincing forgeries - There’re a bunch of repeating patterns when you take a closer look. Nothing that’ll pass a close inspection though.”
That might end up being a problem. Oren frowns at the map. “They’re on relatively high alert after the first attempt. I don’t think even a few months of no activity from us will be enough to fully calm them down. We need another way to pass inspection.”
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