#or in a way that isnt MONEY PLEAAAASE
yournowheregirl · 15 days
someone please tell me how to find the motivation to write YET ANOTHER motivation letter after being rejected for the billionth time
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My Experience With Splatoon 2
I’m gonna ramble off some stuff about what I’ve experienced so far! (Bear in mind this may not be AMAZING advice, you may learn/do better with a different approach, so take this with a grain of salt. It’s just what worked for me!)
Under the cut cause LONG LMAO;; (Sorry Mobile Users!)
-Complete Single Player Mode (Trust Me) -Experiment with weapons! You may find a new fave that works for you! -When you’re feeling low or not skilled, just focus on making money/getting experience! You get it even if you lose. Just ink a lot! -Remember that you’re up against a lot of people who played for 2 years in Splatoon 1. You aren’t a bad player, it’s a very steep difficulty curve to start! -We all started as bad players. Give yourself time! Team up with old pros and learn their tips! -If you’re REALLY feeling the salt, PLEAAAASE STEP BACK FROM THE GAME. I know we all wanna just get ONE win to feel better, but when we’re angry and heated, it can be harder to focus and it can make it worse. Take a 10 minute break and try again! -Stop blaming your teamies for EVERYTHING. I get that we all get stuck with bad teammates from time to time, but remember everyone’s trying. Sometimes the other team is just better; it doesnt mean your team sucks every time you lose. You just got put up against a better coordinated set of players!  -If you have some bad games, figure out why! Are you getting splatted a lot? Is it because you charge in too much, or aren’t very good at sneaking? Do you get cornered a lot? Use these to learn how to do better!
Turf Wars:
-If someone squidbags you, remember that they’re TRYING to get you angry. I get annoyed too but ultimately it’s a cheap tactic to slip ya up. Keep a cool head! -REMEMBER TO INK!! Turf isnt about killing, I’ve seen (and been) the person who gets 10 kills or more LOSE.  -However, a few kills definitely can help the cause. Balance it 50/50! Ink as you go! It can stop the enemy players from inking more. -If you keep going the same way and getting splatted, rethink your approach! It’s okay to hide out for a few and look for an opening!  -I’ve sacrificed myself as a distraction for Spawncampers! If you can slip past them and make a beeline for their base, chances are at least 2 of them will chase after you. They want you DEAD, but that means their hold on your base is weaker. It’s okay if you die a lot trying, but if you can break their camping, you can save your team the game!! EMBRACE BEING SPLATTED /dies -If you get the lowest score, don’t sweat it! It happens. Everyone has bad days/games. -Always look for side areas or higher up points! You can get an advantage of seeing where people are going and can either dive down or sneak past them. -Remember that it’s just turf wars! Don’t take it too hard. People may PLAY like it’s Ranked, but in the end it’s just a normal regular mode. Ranked Mode:
-If you love yourself, don’t play this mode /dies -RECON FIRST!! There’s a lot of new maps and my first matches were stuck trying to find where the tower/zones/pedestal was. Dont make my mistake, learn your map FIRST before going in! -Only your best gear and weapons here! You’re going to need it. -People are AGGRESSIVE. They are sneaky, they will employ any tactic possible whether fair or unfair to beat you. This is the mode to throw out all your fair-playing and pull out whatever it takes to win. -Try not to bee-line to their spawn to camp unless you’re WAY ahead. Your teamies need you out there, they dont need a 3v4 match in this mode. Help them!! -With the Rainmaker, it’s better to get some distance than no distance at all. Even if it keeps exploding in your hands every time you die, it’s precious seconds of respawning the Rainmaker that gives your teammates time to plan or attack to get ahead. Dont let it get closer to your base UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! -With that being said, DONT BE AFRAID TO GRAB IT!! Unless you’re in a team with friends and have a specific plan on who’s best at carrying it, just try your best!! It helps to clear out some enemy players first, but if time’s ticking down and it’s close, JUST MAKE THE JUMP -With Splat Zones, be careful not to focus TOO much on filling that square. People will sneak around to your side or behind you to splat you! Be aware at ALL times.  -Also try to block some of their ink paths or wall paths! It can help slow ‘em down a little. -Tower Control, I’m actually pretty bad at. I’d say the biggest tip for this is let ONE person ride the tower and the rest of you work on defending it! Dont all group up on the tower, it makes you a very easy group-kill. -Bear in mind that little bar on the tower CAN block attacks. Rollers struggle with this a little, so dont try to attack behind that bar or your shots/swings may be blocked. -If your rank drops, it’s okay! It just means you start from square one and can learn and practice new tactics! Every loss is a learning experience. -PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF DONT PLAY RANKED
Salmon Run:
-PROTECT!! YOUR TEAMMATES!! PLEASE WE NEED YOU, IT CAN GET HECTIC BUT WE NEED ALL 4 PEOPLE ALIVE AND FIGHTIN’!! Getting the Quota is the only important part, a high score is nice but NOT at the risk of losing it all. -For the Steelhead Eel, I like to be the one to guide it along a specific path so my teamies have better access to its tail and can shoot it for me -If you’re stuck with a weapon you dont like, remember there are subs and specials to help!! -A big tip is to save both specials for Wave 3, unless you ABSOLUTELY need it to survive Wave 2. Only use one if possible. -Watch out for the small fries!! THEY’RE LIL ANKLEBITERS THAT CAN SPLAT YA BEFORE YOU NOTICE ‘EM -You dont have to take out every boss, but try to take out the worst ones. For me it’s the missile launcher, the stingray, and the Maw thing -I HAVENT PLAYED A TON YET SO THATS ALL I GOT, basically work together, get good practice with each weapon, and if you lose, it’s okay!! It’s better to play with friends, but I’ve honestly gotten some VERY skilled strangers on Freelance mode so, dont be afraid to take your chances!
ANYWAY WOW THAT WAS A LOT, if you have any questions or wanna dispute/suggest any extra advice, hit up my ask box so I can post it for others to see/learn! 
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