#or in other words a sarang' meltdown~ ♥
mythvoiced · 4 months
“people think i’m weird.” ( for sarang!! )
@kamipyre | more random dialogue prompts | ♥
"Oh, darling," Sarang twirls the origami between her fingers, turning it this way and that. She's been practicing. Caught herself brushing her fingers over all sorts of paper, pamphlets, magazines, even the stiffer napkins of some restaurants, mind subconsciously drawn to the forensics expert and the life she exudes.
She's not admitting it to herself yet. That would be detrimental to her cause, wouldn't it? Knowing someone is leaving an impact.
Her smile tastes like poisoned vin brule when she lifts her head to smile at Suki. Her origami is no more than a bookmark, butterfly-shaped, once she'd find while mindlessly scrolling through short videos over short videos, trapped in the pretense of someone fallen deep enough into that she wouldn't possibly notice approaching danger.
She'd been waiting.
She killed her target.
And yet, after getting rid of everything that belonged to that persona, the video had remained.
Suki had remained.
Beyond the personas.
Beyond Sarang's understanding that losing is better than gaining, in terms of connections and people to think of. It's easier when she holds onto something with the excuse she likes to get a rise out of them, or with curiosity justified by the potential of the answer helping some of her endeavours.
But Suki?
Well... maybe... wouldn't be a bonus to have someone like her on her metaphorical, expendable team? Forensic specialist, tough cookie, investigative penchant, assertive and sweet.
Suki would be an incredible asset.
Alas... Sarang isn't putting a lot of effort into... trying to adjust her to perfection to fulfill some sort of task or the other. She doubts someone working for the police department doesn't have anything on her registered somewhere. The occasional mumble or knowing look from her colleagues, because no matter how tight-knit, someone will always talk, really, would it be that difficult for Sarang to start digging?
She crumbles the origami she made in a tight fist.
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"Because people are dull, insecure, unimaginative. People who waste time thinking you're weird are the same people who curse their lives on their death-bed for having been too good. You're perfect, lovely. And much more interesting than any people."
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