#or more of a like oh no how badly is sq going to get fucked up and can be come back from it
tonyglowheart · 7 months
Okay, wait lmao. I got to chap 45 and was surprised too see what I think is That Betrayal that I see some people get so so hung up about. Is this it? in Chapter 45? Chapter 45?? out of 128?? Like the way I saw some ppl cite it as a "I like yanshen except-" or like this is an unforgiveable thing by YWS.... and it's like. idk man, we're not even at the halfway mark yet. YWS is still like in his enacting his theorem on the world to try to get SQ to see it as a proof of concept stage. It also didn't really feel like it came out of nowhere at least not for me lmao, I was like, yeah this makes sense as a next step, like. whatever YWS does has to be an escalation and it has to come from him, and it has to be something that WOULD be personal like this. Especially after SQ called him his friend (even if part of the excuse was that it's easier to explain and etc)
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 9~
shen qiao is COUGHING UP BLOOD NOW OH MY GOD!!! FETCH A DOCTOR!! FETCH A PRIEST!! FETCH HIS CRAZY HUSBAND!! FETCH SOMEONE!!! wtf his cab is taking him out of the city, what terrible servi--OH NO IT'S BAI RONG D: bai rong: why are u asking about that old driver for, when there's a pretty lady in front of u??? 😘😘😘 shen qiao: ….i'm blind :( (also gay) OH NO SHE KILLED THE OLD MAN ;A; poor old man, rip lao wei, we never saw u but i assume u had friends or family who are missing u rn…. f in the chat for the tart's victim 😔 ahh she was hiding the sexy outfit under the plain one!! clever!! no one EVER expects the Double Outfit Gambit!! 👘👗 bai rong: come nowww yan wushi is so old and weird!!! i don't like ur boyfriend!! but i could be ur girlfriend!! i want to be ur girlfriend! hEY. HEYYYYY >:) shen qiao: pls stop touching me :( GIRL STOP THIS IS WEIRD THIS IS WEIRDDDDD ;A; oh SHIT GET EM SHEN QIAO!! THAT'S RIGHT!! DON'T LET HER BULLY U!!! everyone thinks they can take advantage of u bc ur a nice lad!! i hate it when ppl do that!! just bc he's nice doesn't mean u can hurt him! it doesn't mean u can mistreat him!! he may be KIND but he's not a fucking door mat!! >:V HE EVEN APOLOGISES TO HORSES FOR FUCK'S SAKE. HE'S SUCH A GOOD BOY ;A; shen qiao: *swoons* the old man arrives just in time to catch him again lmaooo shen qiao be looking at the sword of woe like it's a sword of WHOA D: yws: ur dying lol. why don't u be evil with me?? it'll be fun~ remember how ur pet hobo betrayed u??? didn't that suck?? aren't u tired of being nice?? don't u just want to go apeshit??? >:D SHEN QIAO JUST WANTS TO BE TRUE TO HIMSELF ;A; aww yissss more evil laughter :D ngl i really missed it, it never fails to make me laugh as well 🤣 AWW THEYRE BOTH HAPPY NOW!!!! OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO ADORABLE!!! THEY'RE BOTH JUST. SO HAPPY. I LOVE THEM. I LOVE THEM ;A; oh good he's got his stick back!! i was worried, since that twat broke it before!! poor shen qiao just can't catch a break smh 😔 maybe a broken arm, the way things are going for him 😔 THE MONK!!! i remember him!! is he going to say it?? IS HE GONNA SAY THE THING??? I'M WAITING FOR HIM TO SAY THE THINGGGG yws: i'm gonna go fetch what's his name, u go on ahead ok?? sq: wh-- yws: VIBE CHECK!!! *yeets shen qiao into the building* UH WHO IS WAIT YUWEN YOU???? IS THAT THE FUCKING EMPEROR WHAT THE FUCK I'M SO CONFUSED??? A GO DEADLOCK??? WHY ARE WHY ARE THERE SOLDIERMANS HERE??? ARE THEY MOVING?? IS THIS HOW EMPERORS PLAY GO?? BY MAKING SOLDIERS KILL EACH OTHER??? WTF???? well it's a good thing shen qiao can just. jump onto the life-sized game board. i. i sort of thought that would be cheating but. i guess not??? WTF HE WON HOW???? WHAT JUST???? WHAT JUST HAPPENED???? shen qiao beats the emperor and then politely compliments him like it was nothing. shen qiao who are u. shen qiao WHAT are u. shen qiao are u single OK WE'RE GETTING AN EXPLANATION THEN???? yeah no totally didn't understand at all :D i'm not even sure what go is called in chinese?? i think i heard.......qi?? something??? idk. also wHY ARE THERE SUCH COOL NAMES FOR GAME MANOEUVRES. WHAT IS HAPPENING emperor: lol ur good at board games, u want a job?? shen qiao, thinking: i'm in danger :) OH MY GODDD THE OLD MAN IS CALLING HIM ~A-QIAO~ IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING EMPEROR. IN FRONT OF EVERYONEEEE OH MY GOD uh-oh the monk made emperor angy. somebody better say emituofo for HIM now O_O seeing yan wushi acting polite is. EARTH SHATTERING. so strange. i'm…..shocked??? weird 👀
yws: anyway here are my evil plans. u should stay and help bc ppl will keep trying to kill u without my protection >:) sq: no thanks :) if i just let u shelter me, isn't that the same as being sheltered by mt xuandu?? i'll head out on my own :) yws, thinking: ppl keep treating him badly, but he just perseveres!! it makes me want to……HURT HIM MORE >:) wtf yan wushi u are a strange man. u are a weirdo. pls don't step on shen qiao. he's wearing white the stains will never come out yan wushi PLS lmao yan wushi trying to tempt shen qiao into going to dongkang with him is hilarious, i love the bg music as well!! it's so whimsical~ WELL WELL WHO MIGHT THIS BE??? idk him YET but he's??? kinda hot??? ngl i have a Type and it's. embarrassingly obvious smh rip birb….😔 also: the monk did NOT say emituofo. heartbreaking 😔
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Tumblr media
ttile: my alpha, my omega
pairing: John x Reader
fluff 2020 sq: age gap
kink 2020 sq: daddy kink
Abo 2019 sq: older alpha/younger omega
rating: 18+
summery: not telling
word count (optional)
kink 2020 masterlist  fluff 2020 masterlist   ABO 2019 Masterlist
Many centuries ago, in a land now known to the world as Russia.. lives a legend where monsters of myth and story roam… to the west side we travel for our story today where we meet YN a young omega who is unaware yet of her full potential…
YN a young single omega who lives with her aunt who has always let her be her own person… but this her 21st birthday was when she now had to go and find her Alpha… she was now on a journey that sooner rather than later would cross her path…
John a handsome rugged alpha whose passion in the 4th week after his 35th birthday would soon lead him to a city called Bucharest to seek out his omega who would be on a journey of her own to find her alpha…
you were walking through the streets it was another day, another day of go to various places and check on the small businesses you were involved in… your own aunt had refered you into some small business transactions that you were now in charge of…
walking through the center of town, your nose caught a strong scent, you began to follow it… you were not paying attention as always you were listening to everything around you… 
 As you grew so did your abilities, your strength, your speed, your smell, your hearing, your sight… but you sure as hell did not see this one coming… for just a few feet away from you was someone new to town, someone who neither of you knew at the time would soon both parties would be very very very INTIMATE with one another. 
You were close to the fountain in the center of town, john who was not paying attention either was sitting on the edge of the fountain watching and listening to the bustle of the city… You were the one who was stupid enough to not be able to sense this one… 
for you tripped over a stone and fell knocking both you and John into the fountain… this was how you both met… not the greatest way to meet someone but certainly a unique way of doing things… 
john was first to come up for air… he noticed you struggling so he reached out and grabbed you by the hand and pulled you out of the water… some people who worked at the business your family had you in charge of had witnessed the entire thing, they came over with blankets awaiting orders or at least one of them was…
the other was your cousin, Castiel… your cousin was standing there laughing, this earned a low growl from John as he helped wrap you in the blanket… then he wrapped himself in one… 
John: “are you alright?”
YN: “ill be fine, but i should be asking you that… its my fault your all wet in the first place… i should have…”
you stopped speaking when your nose picked up the scent that now sat beside you… this man, this man was an alpha, your alpha… 
John however was having a similar reaction, this was the start the start of something beautiful… 
Castiel and his collegue come up to you as your cousin begins being a 1st class dumbass… 
Castiel: “oh cuz you tumbled cause you werent paying attention, what a clutz… how the hell are you still alive with you being so clumbsy?”
you had to show some restraint… you had to try and assert some authority…
YN: “you there shadowing my cousin, is the nearby apartment owned by the family still open…?”
collegue 1: “yes ma’am would you like it stalked with food and clothes for you and your friend here?”
YN: “yes and get my cousin a mouth muzzle he needs to learn when to speak and when not to speak…” 
 You hissed that last word.. this made john realize how badly he wanted you right then right there.. he could feel the feistiness coming off of you.. this sent him straight into a rut… 
 You however were already entering heat, you could feel johns hands round your own and the fact that you kinda knocked him into the fountain wasnt much better… both of you were not mad about the incident… But you now had started shivering, John gently picked you up into his arms you began to lead the way… 
the apartment nearby was prepped and ready when you and John arrived… John set you down on your feet…
John: “leave us we will let you know if we need anything…”
the poor collegue left in a haste… John went to lock the door as he took off his wet jacket and hung it by the door… you stripped off your sweater and tossed it on the heater… 
John: “cute place… i dont suppose you are a single omega, are you?”
you nod as you kinda do a hair shake but shiver in the process… 
John: “you should shower to warm up… go on i might join you in a few moments… just gonna see if there are towels…”
you nod not caring… you slunk to the bathroom and start the shower before stripping off your wet clothes… you get into the shower and the hot water starts to warm you up as you just stand there not caring that John might join you, not caring that it was the middle of the day..
John outside the bathroom was taking off his wet clothing and making sure his head was clear and that he was fully mentally composed before heading into the bathroom where he knew you were behind the curtain…
you knew he was just outside the curtain, so you turned around and smiled quietly to yourself… John came into the shower and stood behind you… eyeing you up and down he felt something come over him… his senses going haywire… 
John: “fear not i wont hurt you sweet omega… why dont you let go of all the embarrassment from earlier and let loose with me?”
YN: “but dont you have to claim me before we “let loose” as you so put it…”
John: “are you okay if i claim you right here right now? i know you feel the same way about me as i do about you…”
YN: “claim me John i do feel the same way.. and i have a bad heat right now ive had it since before i knocked us into the fountain… help me daddy…”
John at that moment placed an arm around your waist, you placed your arm on interlocking fingers, his teeth changed into fangs he let off a low growl before spinning around so he was under the water as he sunk his fangs deep into your shoulder…
the feeling of being claimed made a loud shrill of moaning sound escape your lips... Blood flowed from the wound down between you and John just the feeling that you had been claimed was amazing... 
Then John released the bite, he spun you around and lifted you up placing you on his massive cock... He trusted hard into your virginity... He was getting as much pleasure from this as you were... The release came in waves, fast never slowing waves... 
John had you against the wall as he thrust into you again, his cock already rock hard again... your pussy throbbing for more, your moans turning soft to loud in seconds... the kissing was constant... the thrusts grew more and more frequent with each passing moment... 
with now being claimed every single rut and heat that you both had been feeling in the last week came on and on and on... escaping the shower after your recent release before it hit again you both got out of the shower and dried off...
John: “im gonna fuck you into the middle of next week...”
YN: “but the age gap the pack...”
John: “do we really care about that?”
YN: “no daddy of course not...”
John: “by the way keep calling me daddy and ill give you my knot alot sooner than we may plan to...”
YN: “yes daddy...”
John threw you onto the bed and climbed on top of you kissing you he was hard again, you felt him slide into you a moan released from your lips. the feeling of being fucked by your alpha had your mind going ten thousand miles a minute... 
Johns mind was dragging him through the dirt... both of you would have to face the pack leaders sooner or later... yea there are alphas but there is a council that guards every single decision made within each pack... 
one of those leaders happened to be your uncle... that leader had spies everywhere... he knew what was happening in that apartment right then... he was planning his attack... 
several hours later you and John were laying there waiting for John’s knot to take effect... covered by the thinnest sheet on the bed you were just happy to be in the arms of someone who cares deeply for you...
John: “when the knot finishes being released, we need to connect with our packs and face the trials of their thoughts on us...”
You knew he was right but you snuggled in closer, his beard tickling the back of your neck... thats when you both heard it the footsteps and running outside the door... 
John: “alright baby girl stay calm just move with me we cant let the knot escape your body...”
the door flung wide open John was pounding you into the bed as your uncle and his men walked inside...
Nazam: “excuse me what the hell is going on?”
YN: “be with you in a moment uncle...”
you and John finished and then snuggled back into a spoon this time with a thicker blanket over the naughty bits...
YN: “uncle, what an unplesent surprise what brings you and your lackys here?”
nazam: “dont play dumb with me... i can smell the blood, this man claimed you didnt he?”
John spoke at that moment keeping his arm around your waist...
John: “yes i did, my name is John winchester im the alpha for the north eastern pack... i came this way to find my omega... and i found her in the form of your niece... now like my omega here asked, What brings you here?”
Nazam: “well well well, let me see here ah yes im here to invite you both to the trials of rites tonight... there is still 8 hours for you both to prepare... now dont you dare take it lightly and if you think about skipping town we will deny the trial of rites by which instead you both will be exiled hunted and killed... that is all...”
YN: “leave this apartment uncle... we know our rights and legally im claimed by John he and i cant be seperated... and if need be i will fight you uncle...”
Nazam stands tall and eyes you with John...
Nazam: “i suppose you will stand by her side...”
John: “yes and i intend to marry your niece with or without the blessing of the packs... this is the life we both want and its together forever... i hope this knot that im releasing into your niece gets her pregnant the council’s laws prevent execution or seperation of the couple upon findout of pregnancy... now leave good day sir...”
nazam leaves his henchmen follow, your cousin’s friends come in and fix the door... you and John are left alone once more with eachother and your thoughts... 
John: “were you serious about fighting your uncle?”
YN: “were you serious about marrying me?”
John: “i guess we both have plans and together we shall conquer it all... now lets rest a bit before tonight so we both have strength to deal with what is to come...”
You smile as John still having you on his cock so his knot can finish flips you around so you both facing eachother as you both begin to nod off..
John: “yo lacky thats outside the door...”
Collegue 1: “yes sir...”
John: “wake us up in 7 hours we are going for a snooze..”
Collegue 1: “as you wish sir...”
the lacky left you felt John holding you close to his strong form as you drifted off into a sleep full of happy thoughts... John fell asleep shortly after you did... both of you dreaming of a life where no threats stood in the way of your better lives...
~thats all for now~
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legion1993 · 5 years
my alpha, my omega
Tumblr media
ttile: my alpha, my omega
pairing: John x Reader
fluff 2020 sq: age gap
kink 2020 sq: daddy kink
Abo 2019 sq: older alpha/younger omega
rating: 18+
summery: not telling
word count (optional)
kink 2020 masterlist  fluff 2020 masterlist   ABO 2019 Masterlist
Many centuries ago, in a land now known to the world as Russia.. lives a legend where monsters of myth and story roam… to the west side we travel for our story today where we meet YN a young omega who is unaware yet of her full potential…
YN a young single omega who lives with her aunt who has always let her be her own person… but this her 21st birthday was when she now had to go and find her Alpha… she was now on a journey that sooner rather than later would cross her path…
John a handsome rugged alpha whose passion in the 4th week after his 35th birthday would soon lead him to a city called Bucharest to seek out his omega who would be on a journey of her own to find her alpha…
you were walking through the streets it was another day, another day of go to various places and check on the small businesses you were involved in… your own aunt had refered you into some small business transactions that you were now in charge of…
walking through the center of town, your nose caught a strong scent, you began to follow it… you were not paying attention as always you were listening to everything around you… 
 As you grew so did your abilities, your strength, your speed, your smell, your hearing, your sight… but you sure as hell did not see this one coming… for just a few feet away from you was someone new to town, someone who neither of you knew at the time would soon both parties would be very very very INTIMATE with one another. 
You were close to the fountain in the center of town, john who was not paying attention either was sitting on the edge of the fountain watching and listening to the bustle of the city… You were the one who was stupid enough to not be able to sense this one… 
for you tripped over a stone and fell knocking both you and John into the fountain… this was how you both met… not the greatest way to meet someone but certainly a unique way of doing things… 
john was first to come up for air… he noticed you struggling so he reached out and grabbed you by the hand and pulled you out of the water… some people who worked at the business your family had you in charge of had witnessed the entire thing, they came over with blankets awaiting orders or at least one of them was…
the other was your cousin, Castiel… your cousin was standing there laughing, this earned a low growl from John as he helped wrap you in the blanket… then he wrapped himself in one… 
John: “are you alright?”
YN: “ill be fine, but i should be asking you that… its my fault your all wet in the first place… i should have…”
you stopped speaking when your nose picked up the scent that now sat beside you… this man, this man was an alpha, your alpha… 
John however was having a similar reaction, this was the start the start of something beautiful… 
Castiel and his collegue come up to you as your cousin begins being a 1st class dumbass… 
Castiel: “oh cuz you tumbled cause you werent paying attention, what a clutz… how the hell are you still alive with you being so clumbsy?”
you had to show some restraint… you had to try and assert some authority…
YN: “you there shadowing my cousin, is the nearby apartment owned by the family still open…?”
collegue 1: “yes ma’am would you like it stalked with food and clothes for you and your friend here?”
YN: “yes and get my cousin a mouth muzzle he needs to learn when to speak and when not to speak…” 
 You hissed that last word.. this made john realize how badly he wanted you right then right there.. he could feel the feistiness coming off of you.. this sent him straight into a rut… 
 You however were already entering heat, you could feel johns hands round your own and the fact that you kinda knocked him into the fountain wasnt much better… both of you were not mad about the incident… But you now had started shivering, John gently picked you up into his arms you began to lead the way… 
the apartment nearby was prepped and ready when you and John arrived… John set you down on your feet…
John: “leave us we will let you know if we need anything…”
the poor collegue left in a haste… John went to lock the door as he took off his wet jacket and hung it by the door… you stripped off your sweater and tossed it on the heater… 
John: “cute place… i dont suppose you are a single omega, are you?”
you nod as you kinda do a hair shake but shiver in the process… 
John: “you should shower to warm up… go on i might join you in a few moments… just gonna see if there are towels…”
you nod not caring… you slunk to the bathroom and start the shower before stripping off your wet clothes… you get into the shower and the hot water starts to warm you up as you just stand there not caring that John might join you, not caring that it was the middle of the day..
John outside the bathroom was taking off his wet clothing and making sure his head was clear and that he was fully mentally composed before heading into the bathroom where he knew you were behind the curtain…
you knew he was just outside the curtain, so you turned around and smiled quietly to yourself… John came into the shower and stood behind you… eyeing you up and down he felt something come over him… his senses going haywire… 
John: “fear not i wont hurt you sweet omega… why dont you let go of all the embarrassment from earlier and let loose with me?”
YN: “but dont you have to claim me before we “let loose” as you so put it…”
John: “are you okay if i claim you right here right now? i know you feel the same way about me as i do about you…”
YN: “claim me John i do feel the same way.. and i have a bad heat right now ive had it since before i knocked us into the fountain… help me daddy…”
John at that moment placed an arm around your waist, you placed your arm on interlocking fingers, his teeth changed into fangs he let off a low growl before spinning around so he was under the water as he sunk his fangs deep into your shoulder…
the feeling of being claimed made a loud shrill of moaning sound escape your lips... Blood flowed from the wound down between you and John just the feeling that you had been claimed was amazing... 
Then John released the bite, he spun you around and lifted you up placing you on his massive cock... He trusted hard into your virginity... He was getting as much pleasure from this as you were... The release came in waves, fast never slowing waves... 
John had you against the wall as he thrust into you again, his cock already rock hard again... your pussy throbbing for more, your moans turning soft to loud in seconds... the kissing was constant... the thrusts grew more and more frequent with each passing moment... 
with now being claimed every single rut and heat that you both had been feeling in the last week came on and on and on... escaping the shower after your recent release before it hit again you both got out of the shower and dried off...
John: “im gonna fuck you into the middle of next week...”
YN: “but the age gap the pack...”
John: “do we really care about that?”
YN: “no daddy of course not...”
John: “by the way keep calling me daddy and ill give you my knot alot sooner than we may plan to...”
YN: “yes daddy...”
John threw you onto the bed and climbed on top of you kissing you he was hard again, you felt him slide into you a moan released from your lips. the feeling of being fucked by your alpha had your mind going ten thousand miles a minute... 
Johns mind was dragging him through the dirt... both of you would have to face the pack leaders sooner or later... yea there are alphas but there is a council that guards every single decision made within each pack... 
one of those leaders happened to be your uncle... that leader had spies everywhere... he knew what was happening in that apartment right then... he was planning his attack... 
several hours later you and John were laying there waiting for John’s knot to take effect... covered by the thinnest sheet on the bed you were just happy to be in the arms of someone who cares deeply for you...
John: “when the knot finishes being released, we need to connect with our packs and face the trials of their thoughts on us...”
You knew he was right but you snuggled in closer, his beard tickling the back of your neck... thats when you both heard it the footsteps and running outside the door... 
John: “alright baby girl stay calm just move with me we cant let the knot escape your body...”
the door flung wide open John was pounding you into the bed as your uncle and his men walked inside...
Nazam: “excuse me what the hell is going on?”
YN: “be with you in a moment uncle...”
you and John finished and then snuggled back into a spoon this time with a thicker blanket over the naughty bits...
YN: “uncle, what an unplesent surprise what brings you and your lackys here?”
nazam: “dont play dumb with me... i can smell the blood, this man claimed you didnt he?”
John spoke at that moment keeping his arm around your waist...
John: “yes i did, my name is John winchester im the alpha for the north eastern pack... i came this way to find my omega... and i found her in the form of your niece... now like my omega here asked, What brings you here?”
Nazam: “well well well, let me see here ah yes im here to invite you both to the trials of rites tonight... there is still 8 hours for you both to prepare... now dont you dare take it lightly and if you think about skipping town we will deny the trial of rites by which instead you both will be exiled hunted and killed... that is all...”
YN: “leave this apartment uncle... we know our rights and legally im claimed by John he and i cant be seperated... and if need be i will fight you uncle...”
Nazam stands tall and eyes you with John...
Nazam: “i suppose you will stand by her side...”
John: “yes and i intend to marry your niece with or without the blessing of the packs... this is the life we both want and its together forever... i hope this knot that im releasing into your niece gets her pregnant the council’s laws prevent execution or seperation of the couple upon findout of pregnancy... now leave good day sir...”
nazam leaves his henchmen follow, your cousin’s friends come in and fix the door... you and John are left alone once more with eachother and your thoughts... 
John: “were you serious about fighting your uncle?”
YN: “were you serious about marrying me?”
John: “i guess we both have plans and together we shall conquer it all... now lets rest a bit before tonight so we both have strength to deal with what is to come...”
You smile as John still having you on his cock so his knot can finish flips you around so you both facing eachother as you both begin to nod off..
John: “yo lacky thats outside the door...”
Collegue 1: “yes sir...”
John: “wake us up in 7 hours we are going for a snooze..”
Collegue 1: “as you wish sir...”
the lacky left you felt John holding you close to his strong form as you drifted off into a sleep full of happy thoughts... John fell asleep shortly after you did... both of you dreaming of a life where no threats stood in the way of your better lives...
~thats all for now~
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itwasmagic · 4 years
tagged by: @sarahsjeffery (thank u this one was very fun! sorry i’m late)
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag some people
lost girl
who is your favorite character in 2?
regina mills
who is your least favorite character in 1?
oh noooo why did i pick this order...... massimo,,, wait no!! hades for what he did to tamsin and aife and trick and well everyone??? but also what the fuck was rainer get out of here i block out all of s4
what is your favorite episode of 4?
i liked there’s a mummy on main street bc of the car scenes and getting more backstory of the twins and hope
what is your favorite season of 5?
i thinnnkk season 2
who is your favorite couple in 3?
tara and willow
who is your favorite couple in 2?
emma and regina
what is your favorite episode of 1?
okay every question about lost girl is gonna make me emotional i love the kenzi scale and fae-ge against the machine!!  
what is your favorite episode of 5?
maybe the masquerade ep for the costumes or like the one where they did that play of lilith im not good with ep titles and stuff when i watch on netflix bc they all blur into one
what is your favorite season of 2?
probably s1 intense sq and no beards,, yes
how long have you watched 1?
i think s2 started while i was midway through s1 so for about 9 years
how did you become interested in 3?
OHH THIS IS A STORY well i was 2.5yo when it started and a lady my dad worked with used to love it and talk about it so apparently being an annoying toddler learning to talk i kept bugging my dad about it (even tho i probably had no clue what it was about) but my ever sensible mam was like u literally cannot watch this show with a toddler it will TERRIFY her but then when i was about 3-4 he finally let me watch it and i was obsessssssed and anyone who has met me irl i feel like if you watched it you’d just be like “oh,, ,this is why she’s that way” bc i was raised on it i’m dramatic and blunt i can’t help it but that’s also why i had not much memory of the first couple of seasons so i needed a rewatch badly
who is your favorite actor in 4?
i dont know all the cast that well but from what i’ve seen i love kaylee and her love of theatre
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
you’re really gonna make me pick between lost girl and ouat (sorry i love caos but it doesn’t even come close),,,, probably lost girl bc i met most of my fandom friends from that show, i have a tattoo, the cons were my absolute fav and even though i didn’t love the plots of s4 and 5 as a whole they had really good stand alone episodes but ouat i feel fell flat in a lot of ways and i was watching it purely for swan queen
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
i’ve probably rewatched 1 more but 3 was longer running/had many more episodes
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
probably none they all have not good stories lol
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
oh my god yessss imagine buffy turning up at the salvatore school going after some ripper vamp with no humanity and hope jumping in like u don’t have to do this alone!! and oz becoming part of the pack!!
pair two characters in 1. who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
okay lost girl has gone in almost every direction possible but man do i want kenzi/evony to be a thing no one attaccc me that scene where kenzi, nate and evony go out for dinner in table for fae sent me 
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
uhhh i think coas is probably more focused
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
i think ouat’s is maybe more iconic to me
tagging: @sopheirion @bidoctor @softhizzie @mareyshelley (sorry if you’ve already done it bc im so late)
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maevefiction · 5 years
Your Light in the Mist - Chapter 52
Tom and I were able to spend just over two weeks together alone with Henry, and we’d quickly become a well-oiled machine. It was seamless, really…which made me wonder how I was going to function when he left on March 1st for Kong promo. I cried, and so did Tom as he was leaving, a puzzled Henry in my arms looking back and forth between us during our final hug goodbye. He’d be returning to London on the 13th, and I made sure to cross every single day off on the calendar before I ate breakfast because nothing makes you lose track of time more than when you’re caring for an infant while thoroughly sleep deprived and missing your partner so badly it actually aches.
All in all I thought I was handling things well, though there were days when breakfast was the only real meal I ate and showering was such a rare and special treat that if I actually took one two days in a row I almost felt guilty. There was one day I managed to shower and eat three meals within a 24-hour period and man, I felt like I’d conquered the Kingdom of Domesticity, lemme tell ya. Alongside the chaos and the exhaustion, though, there were countless moments of joy and discovery as Henry and I got to know each other as separate entities. I’d already begun naming objects during playtime and while flipping through picture books, and, honestly, I blathered on with such constancy that I figured the first discernible sound he’d make would be ‘shh’. Every night we’d sit together in the nursery room rocker and I’d read to him, mostly rudimentary level children’s stories. Skippyjon Jones always seemed to get him amped up the most, his little arms waving as I voiced each character accordingly, sometimes to the point where I’d be laughing too hard to continue. And, of course, I sang. I sang when he was fussy, which wasn’t often, I sang when I changed his diapers, I sang during bath time, I sang when he nursed, and I sang as I rocked him to sleep. Actual songs, songs I made up on the fly, lullabies, humming classical tunes…he appeared to enjoy it, and the day before Tom was due home he flashed me a great big gummy smile from his bouncy seat when I added dancing to my rendition of Melanie’s ‘Brand New Key’. Despite all official guidance suggesting babies were only capable of smiling reflexively until they were nearly at the the two-month-old mark or later, Henry’s was genuine. I know this because I spent a good portion of that particular day testing my theory, and every time I sang that damn song and danced like a fool, there it was. I thought about Skyping Tom in order to share my super-scientific findings, but decided it was only one more day until he’d be able to see it in person…also, I was dying to see what would happen if he sang it and danced as well.
Tom’s flight was scheduled to land at six PM, which meant he’d probably be rolling in around seven-thirty at the earliest. Henry typically nursed every two or three hours, sleeping in between at nighttime and napping here and there during the day. That evening I’d tucked him in at six-thirty and turned on the baby monitor, fully intending to squeeze in a snack and a shower before Tom got home, but then I made the grievous error of sitting down in the rocker for a brief spell just to make sure that Henry was really and truly out before I left the room, because I’d learned the hard way that sometimes he’d pop awake. Nothing like having shampoo in your hair when your kiddo starts crying in the adjoining room, you know?
I must have dozed off immediately, because the next thing I knew I was dreaming that Tom was saying my name, and the dream was so vivid that I could actually feel his hand on my shoulder, shaking me gently. Dream me tipped her head to the left to nuzzle dream Tom’s hand, and when the fingers of the hand grasped the back of my neck and the thumb stroked the magic spot behind my ear I inhaled sharply, catching his scent as I did so. My eyes flew open, and there he was, sitting on the ottoman in front of me. I reached up to grab his wrist, finding it warm to the touch which reassured me that I hadn’t lost my damn mind. A long, deep, delighted sigh from me broke the silence.
“You’re real. You’re back. I missed you. So, so much. I thought I was dreaming, you know, but there you fucking are and…”
He cut me off with a kiss, his tongue parting my lips and thrusting into my mouth in order to tousle with mine. We hadn’t been intimate since before Henry was born, given that I was technically on the disabled list until after my six-week checkup. It hadn’t been an issue for me, really, because I’d still been bleeding rather heavily right up until the day after Tom left. The bleeding had ceased completely by the 5th, but prior to this scenario I hadn’t even felt a tingle of desire since giving birth. Nothing. Nada. Deadsville. With a combination his scent and a smooch it was resurrected, back from the beyond, good to go, and ready to rock times infinity. I reciprocated, first sucking on his tongue, then his lip, then continued to devour him until we had to break to breathe. He stared into my eyes, dazed and panting, his left hand slipping under the bottom of my robe and up my thigh, coming to rest between my legs, a throaty ‘oh’ escaping him as his fingers brushed my panties and he realized I wasn’t wearing a pad. When I propelled my hips forward against his hand he groaned, then began to rub my mound, circling slowly. As the cotton grew damp, his eyes rolled back into his head briefly, then focused on me again…they were impossibly full of want, and I bit my lip. He shook his head, dutifully trying to clear it and pull himself back from the brink.
“Maude. I’m so sorry. I know perfectly well that you can’t…I have no idea what I was thinking.”
I exhaled through pursed lips, my chest heaving. “I’m fine. Wait, that’s not what I meant to say. What I meant to say is that I am on fucking fire…”
He whined, a low and thoroughly devastating sound. “May I…I…taste you? Make you come? Please? I can smell you and it’s…I…I can’t…I need to…”
I lifted my hips off the seat to signal that fuck yeah, yes you can, get these things off me but it turned out that wasn’t necessary because he ripped my underwear clean off as if the fabric was a piece of ancient, crumbling parchment. He slid off the ottoman and down onto his knees, lifting my legs in the process.
“Feet. Shoulders. Now. Please.”
It was then that I remembered that hello, a baby recently popped out of there and your husband hasn’t seen this part of you at close range since then and what if it’s different and/or totally unappealing? I hesitated, and he nipped the inside of my right thigh before placing my feet where he wanted them on his own, then dove right in, licking a stripe from my asshole up to my clit, then back down and up again and again, finally taking the nub between his teeth to shake it gently before closing his mouth around it and sucking rhythmically. I had to slap my hand over my own mouth to keep from screaming as I humped his face until I came. He kept going, reducing his suction just enough to leave me on the edge, and I felt the tip of his finger at my entrance. Still not ceasing his ministrations, he peered up at me and I nodded. In it went, inching its way up to my G-spot. He stroked back and forth, round and round, until I began to swivel my hips in the opposite direction. After adding a second digit he began to slide them in and out ever-so-slowly, gradually increasing the speed until the sliding became thrusting, and as I felt another orgasm was imminent I covered the hand already over my mouth with my other one, just in case.
My muffled screams were accompanied by his moans, almost entirely suppressed by my flesh. He stopped sucking completely, instead navigating every fold and crevice with his tongue and waiting for me to apply pressure to his forehead before he pulled his fingers out and his head away. He shifted and lowered my legs back to a resting position in order to rise up so he was vertical, though still on his knees. The sight of his face slick and glossy, eyes narrowed as he inhaled and exhaled rapidly through his nose was so intensely arousing that I leaned forward, grabbed him by his white T-shirt and pulled him in for another kiss…a sloppy, noisy wet one that assured me that if nothing else, my flavor hadn’t changed whatsoever. The rocker began pitching forward and back with more force that it had while he was eating me out, and the cause, I established, was Tom humping the seat cushion. I reached between us and began to unbutton and unzip his jeans, but he stopped me in my tracks, fingers wrapping around my wrists and shifting them to the side as he cut short our kiss, shaking his head back and forth as he moved away.
I growled, then frowned, ready to question his behavior until he stood and held out his hand to help me up. Without a word, he led me through the adjoining doorway and to our bed, stripping naked in a flash and gesturing for me to do the same. Again, I hesitated. He’d seen my boobs plenty of times before he’d left to do promo, but other than a glance after a shower or something similar he hadn’t seen me in all my post-partum glory as yet. I had, though, and while I’d thought all along that I looked pretty damn good, somehow standing in front of this gorgeous being resulted in my confidence bubble deflating like a balloon that’s not successfully knotted. Squeak pffffttt, there it goes. He stepped forward and undid the belt tie at my waist, then slipped his arms around me inside the fabric and pulled me against his warmth, hard cock pressing into my belly, and as he ground it against me his unspoken message came through loud and clear…that was because of me, and for me. And one should never pass when offered cock, should one? Hell no. I shrugged off the robe and let it fall to the floor, and he stepped back to look me over as he licked his lips, took both my hands in his own, squeezed, then released them to gesture for me to lie down on the mattress. I obliged, glancing at the monitor station on the night table along the way to make sure Henry was still sleeping. And, you know…still there in his crib and breathing, because that’s apparently a side effect of becoming a parent, frequent intervals of sheer terror followed by obsessive observance.
Tom placed first one knee, then the other on the foot of the bed as his hands nudged my legs apart, pressing outward on the inner portion of my knees until there was enough room for him to crawl in between them. He knelt there, staring at me, until I sat up, reaching forward to take him in hand. He gasped at my touch, his arms lifting, hands coming to rest on my shoulders.
“Ohhhh…Mauuuddee…” He continued to moan as I stroked him, and though my intent had been to finish the job I couldn’t stop thinking about how it felt when he was inside me, and how long it had been since we’d been able to fuck face-to-face, and how much I missed witnessing the way his head fell back and his neck tensed so gloriously when he came. First my rhythm faltered, then I released his cock and lowered myself back onto the bed, leaving him with the options of joining me or letting go of my shoulders and staying where he was. He leaned forward with me, still holding on until his knuckles scraped the mattress, wherein he loosened his grip and positioned his hands on the bed to either side of my head.
He remained on all fours, both of us staring at each other, until I wrapped my legs around his waist and attempted to pull him downward. The gesture was met with resistance, and after a short pause to consider how to proceed, I spoke. Three words, our gazes locked, the sound breathy, the tone pleading.
“I want you.”
A tiny smile from him, then the corners of his mouth tipping downward in a frown of concern. “And I want you. So badly. I’m desperate for it, the feel of you all around me. Are you certain…is this…is it alright?”
I reached up and around him to clasp my hands behind his shoulders. “Only one way to find out for sure. You willing to give it a try?”
He groaned, biting his lip, his body already beginning to gravitate downward toward mine. “You’ll tell me straight away if I’m hurting you?”
Balancing himself on one hand, he used the other to line himself up and nudge the head of his cock against my opening. His eyes never left mine as he worked himself inside at a snail’s pace, ever-so gently, and the shade of red his face had turned served to me as an indicator that the anticipation might actually be killing him so I canted my hips upward in order to speed up the process. He gasped, his own hips reflexively driving him forward in reaction to my action, and with one more thrust from me he was finally fully sheathed.
“Oh. Maude. Oh. OH.” He blinked and shook his head, the hand that had been guiding him into me returning to the mattress just above my shoulder, his lower belly now resting against mine. “You’re okay? Any pain? Discomfort? Just say the word…”
“I have two words. Fuck, and me. Fuck me. Please. Now. Tom. My god.”
He grinned. “Am I?”
“Are you what?”
“You said ‘Tom, my god’.”
I raked my nails down his back. “Yes, Tom. You’re my god. Now, I pray, wield thy rod and deliver us to the promised land.”
Snorting, he began to circle his hips. “Oh, that was awful.”
Smirking, I lowered my arms back to my sides, then reached up to tweak his nipples. “Oh, I know. But still…the rod. Wield it. I need it.”
He moved in and out, still circling, my own hips moving in time with his thrusts. As our tempo increased everything else around us grew hazy, the lines of objects blurring until all I could see clearly was his face, his shoulders, his chest…and there was indeed no pain, no discomfort, the only possible difference from before being that I was slightly more aware, more sensitive, but that was easily attributable to it having been so damn long since we’d been in this position and as far as I was concerned missionary had never, ever been so fucking heavenly. I’d wondered if I’d still be able to squeeze, and was relived when I gave it a go and Tom screeched like a banshee, then began pounding into me, harder and harder until I came with him doing the same seconds afterward. As his hips continued to twitch I locked my legs around his waist by way of my ankles and rode his still-hard cock until I came again, then again, chanting his name the entire time. He collapsed on top of me, face nuzzling my neck, nibbling here and there as I rubbed his back. He shifted so he could see me, his smile beatific.
I smiled in return. “Hi.”
His left eyebrow rose. “Everything all right?”
“Everything is spectacular, thank you.” My once again confidence faded, as did my smile, when I wondered what his experience had been, post birth. “How did it…you know…was it…for you…was it…different, or anything?”
“Yes. It was different.” He leaned in to touch his forehead to mine. “Because I’ve come to love you even more than ever before. Which I would have thought impossible, yet, it’s…happened. What I witnessed in that room, Maude…using this body, your body, you performed a miracle right before my eyes…you endured and persevered and brought forth life, the embodiment of our physical and ethereal union…and the fact that you find me worthy of giving, receiving and sharing pleasure with you in this way, experiencing the divinity of your flesh…I just…I…”
In lieu of weeping, I opted for sarcasm. “So, the sex was okay, then?” He chuckled, and I giggled, and when the chuckle transitioned into full on laughter the force of it shifted him to the side a smidge, at which point I noticed wetness between us where it decidedly did not belong. “Shit, sorry babe…it would appear the divine flesh has sprung a leak. It’s baptism by breastmilk for you, my dude. Wow, the religious references just keep on coming today. Pretty sure I just heard Anne clucking her tongue at me all the way from California.”
Tom grunted, grinding against me. “All I heard was ‘coming’ and ‘tongue’.”
As his lips met mine we were interrupted by the sound of Henry whimpering, which caused my boobs to leak even more. Tom’s torso lifted off of me, and I placed my palms on his chest. “Alas, play time is over for now, good sir. Tiny human requires a snack.”
He pulled out and knee-walked backward to the foot of the bed, then stood. “Would you like me to bring him in here for you?”
I shook my head as I got up, then bent to grab my robe off the floor. “Nope. There’s no way I’m missing the expression on his face when he sees you.”
After I slipped my arms into the robe, Tom handed me the T-shirt he’d been wearing so I could clean up. “Here you are, my love. I’m going to grab a pair of shorts…can you wait for me?”  
Nodding, I did a brisk mop-job, dropped the T-shirt back onto the floor, then tied the belt loosely in place. We held hands as we walked to the nursery, but I fell back and let go once we we entered in order to allow Tom to lead the way. Henry’s whimpering had evolved into what I liked to call the Universal Baby Siren Wail, and as Tom first approached then leaned into the crib, I hustled to find a vantage point from where I’d have the best view of both of them. Tom reached down to move the Pooh quilt aside, then rested his hand on Henry’s torso.
“Hey now, baby boy. It’s all right. We’re here.” He slipped his other hand underneath Henry to support his head, then shifted the hand that had been on his torso under his bum, lifting and holding him out directly in front of him, then turning him sideways to cradle him against his upper chest. “Shh, shh, we’re here.”
Henry quieted immediately, eyes un-squinching, then opening widely as he fully realized that someone other than the food-giver was holding him. Tom’s megawatt smile broke out across his face, and when Henry smiled in return I damn near died right then and there. Tom’s mouth dropped open, his head turning toward me so fast that whiplash was an actual concern.
“Maude, he smiled. Did you see? He smiled at me. I mean, I think he smiled at me. Perhaps it’s just gas or…”
“Oh, it’s not gas. He smiles. And he totally just smiled at you, the little bugger.” I moved closer to my dudes and slipped my arm around Tom’s waist. “It started yesterday, but he only does it for me when I put on a show for him.” It had crossed my mind to keep that bit of info to myself because I didn’t want him to feel as if he’d missed out on something, but I knew there would without a doubt be firsts either he or I would miss along the way,  because children develop at such a rapid pace all you have to do is be looking in the wrong direction for a second and that’s that. It initially appeared that Tom seemed thoroughly unaffected by my statement, however, and returned his focus to Henry.
“Henry, that was quite a spectacular smile. It’s made Daddy feel very, very special. Thank you. I missed you so much while I was gone, and I want to keep you all to myself but I know you’re hungry, so here’s Mamma, all right?” He passed him to me, and I headed over to the rocker, pausing before I sat down when I felt Tom’s hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him, and he smiled bashfully as he spoke.
“Would you mind if I sat with you? Or if there’s not enough space would you consider sitting on my lap while you nurse him? I…I’d like to be close to both of you.”
I smiled back. “Sitting on your lap sounds like perfection. Park that pretty ass, Tom.”
He complied, and I lowered myself carefully into place, resting semi-sideways. He wrapped his right arm around me to serve as support, his hand grasping my hip, fingers splayed. We remained silent until I’d burped Henry for the second time and Tom began to rock us all forward and back slowly. He spoke, voice hushed so Henry’s attempting to doze off wouldn’t be disturbed.
“I knew it was possible…likely, even…that certain milestones in his development might occur in my absence. And I’m aware that such moments are fleeting, even if I happen to be nearby. But having it actually happen the first time out of the gate…well…we’ve yet to discuss it, though I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit, and I don’t know how much consideration you’ve given to it, if any, because lord knows you’ve been busy here on the frontlines all alone, but...where do you see us, going forward, in regard to our occupational statuses?”
While I hadn’t committed to anything, my plan while pregnant had been to take twelve weeks off, then return to work at Prosper at least three days a week and continue to be the Great and Powerful OZ behind the curtain for Manageall. But those weeks, man, they were whipping by at warp speed. The few instances so far wherein I’d needed to handle urgent business issues despite being on leave had been atypically stressful, and that had given me pause, though I was onto the next task at hand so rapidly there was no thorough evaluation as to whether or not I wanted to proceed as planned or rework it all lock, stock and barrel. I shook my head.
“I thought I had the answer for that…there was a plan, you know? But honestly, Tom…now…I’m kind of questioning, like, everything. Which I did not expect.” Glancing down at the beautiful, now soundly sleeping, being in my arms, I shifted my legs forward, then stood. “Welp, someone’s out cold. Let’s tuck him in and adjourn to the bedroom once again so we can speak at normal people volume. Before you comment, let me rephrase – normal Maude volume.”
He chuckled, and both of us whispered our good-nights to Henry, then returned to our marital bed, this time remaining mostly vertical instead of horizontal. We sat, side by side, each waiting for the other to start until I elbowed Tom in the ribs.
“You’re the one who mentioned it, so it only seems fair that you should go first.” He inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly, and I reached out and grabbed his knee. “Thomas. I understand. It’s all good. You’re my partner, I love you, and I’ll support whatever choice you decide to make.”
He placed his hand atop mine. “God, how I love you. Thank you for that. All right. Out with it. Here’s what I’m thinking…for the remainder of this year, I’ve got Early Man to finish up, a very short shoot for the next two Avengers films, then Ragnarok promo. All the Early Man stuff will take place in a studio within driving distance, so while I’ll be working, I won’t have to be out of town. Avengers won’t take more than a few days, but Ragnarok promo…that’s another story, and though it’s unavoidable, it’s not until late fall so there’s a nice span of time during which I’ll be able to remain in London. Early next year I’ll have Early Man promo, then Avengers promo, and since the format of the Vampire Chronicles has been switched from a cinematic release to a streaming series filming has been pushed back until 2019 at the earliest. So, my schedule for the foreseeable future is relatively clear. And…other than possibly entertaining a London-only stage production…I’d like to keep it that way. I want to spend every moment I can here, at home, with you and Henry, until he’s old enough to travel easily. Though honestly, I’m not even sure about that anymore. There are several aspects other than my personal preference to be considered, however. How will this affect us financially? How will this impact my career? And finally, how does this fit with your line of thinking, if at all?”
“Let’s address my line of thinking, then the rest, because it’s all relative. I like working. I can’t see myself not doing some sort of work. And I think you’re the same with your work, with acting. It’s a significant component of who you are, at your core. For me, while I’m really, really good at PR, if I do say so myself…” He snorted, and I shrugged. “Like Peggy Carter says, I know my value. Anyway. I’m skilled at it,  but it’s not my passion. It’s never been. Coding and design…those are my passions. PR is just…work. Bear in mind that if Manageall had never happened I would not be considering this, but…I don’t see myself returning to Prosper other than as an outside consultant. The staff has become well-versed in how to handle social media and instructing clients, which renders me non-essential in that realm. Where I can be of benefit is on the front lines…however, that position is very taxing from an emotional standpoint…and, let’s face it, the entire industry is kind of soul-sucking. I could handle it, before…no problemo, dude. But now that we have a kiddo, I feel compelled to reserve as much of myself for him as I possibly can. And, bottom line from a purely financial standpoint, my earning potential when working at coding and designing is far greater than in the PR world. It’s work that offers nearly complete flexibility in regard to time and location. I want to begin to pursue…slowly… developing and improving Manageall. I want to see how far it can go, and, eventually, I want to explore other projects. Mainly apps. Apps. I want to create and design apps. Wow, that’s quite the revelation right there, and fuck, I really feel like a ginormous turd for essentially bailing on Luke for the most part, but I have to be honest with myself and honest with you and the truth is…the thing that’s most important to me right now and probably will be forever or at least until he’s an adult with a life and stuff but then, grandbabies…fuck me, that’s nuts…anyway…the most important thing is Tom and Maude and Henry being…together. Long story short, we’re in excellent financial shape and could live a perfectly lovely life if neither of us ever worked again, you know that, I know that, and I’m incredibly grateful for that, and time is the enemy, and after all we’ve been through, why the fuck not step back a bit so we can enjoy our son, and each other? Oh, your career. Forgot that part. Will there be an impact? Yes. Will you be able to jump back in at full speed whenever you want? Technically, yes, though it may take a little time if you’re way off the public radar. Is there any guarantee that you’ll ever enjoy the level of notoriety you have right now? No. Will that impact your earning potential? Entirely possible. How does that make you feel? How does everything else contained the verbal version of explosive diarrhea that you just listened to me spew make you feel, other than wicked sorry you asked for my opinion?”
He snorted. “I asked, and I received…not at all sorry. Exhausted, perhaps, but not sorry.” Sobering, he stared down at the floor for a moment, then looked up and turned his head toward me. “I came across an article a few years back…a list of the biggest regrets expressed by patients in hospice. At the top were working too much, and not spending more time with family. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, now…we all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one. Throughout that one, our priorities change as we live, love, and grow, but the constant is time. The sand is flowing ever-downward through the hourglass and there’s no stopping it. Time is, as you just said, is the enemy. At the end of my time on this plane of existence I don’t want to find myself staring in the rearview at the life behind me with words of regret upon my lips. I want to be replaying all the moments of beauty and joy I experienced with the people I loved, finding peace in knowing that even if I were able, I wouldn’t change a blessed thing. The path to that is clear…Tom and Maude and Henry being together, as often as humanly possible.”
He paused, and just as I was about to wrap my arms around him, he smirked, then grinned mischievously. I cocked my head to the side, left eyebrow raised. “You’re totally thinking about that first day on the beach when you said you wanted to know me and I said biblically and you said…”
“…as often as humanly possible. Yes, Maude, yes I am. That was quite a day, was it not?”
I nodded. “That it was. Mind-blowingly strange and spectacular. And though there’ve been so many ‘best day evers’ since…without that one, none of them would have happened. Thus, I’m inclined to delegate it as the most important best day ever.”
He reached for me, the sides of his hands resting on my collarbones as his fingers stroked my neck and his thumbs brushed my jawline and cheeks. “I concur, my light in the mist.” He kissed me, feather-light at first, then firmer, finally sucking my lower lip into his mouth and doing the thing…with the result exactly as expected.
My thighs were still clenching as I spoke. “Thomas William Hiddleston…first of all, how dare you. Second of all…HOW DARE YOU?!”
He laughed loudly, releasing me to raise his hands up as if he were praising the god of his choice, then rotating his wrists and turning his palms skyward. “Still makes me feel like a fucking rock star.”
I reached out to pinch his nipples. “As a reward, the rock star will be given the honor of changing the next diaper. If he can handle it.”
Nodding, he wrapped his arms around me and began pushing me backward onto the bed. “He can. But he’s going to handle you first, if you can, you know…handle him handling you. Again.”
“She can handle him handling her again a few times, probably.” With that, Henry began crying again, and we both rose quickly to our feet. I poked his bicep. “I regret to inform you that there’s been a sudden but not entirely unexpected modification to the handling schedule. You’re needed at the north stage immediately, Rock Star. The woman will have to wait her turn.”
He linked his arm with mine as we walked though the bedroom door and into the nursery. “Well, I hope she won’t mind too much.”
I shook my head. “She won’t. You’re worth it.”
He kissed my cheek as we reached Henry’s crib. “So are you, my Maude. So are you.”
After Tom fulfilled his doody duties, which I figured would be the case because Henry typically didn’t wake up when he was only wet, I stood back and observed, attempting to absorb and retain even the most minute details of his interaction with our son. Kissing his little feet one at a time before placing them back into his footie sleeper, carefully closing the snaps, bending down to hold him against his chest as he lifted him from the changing table, breathing him in as he re-positioned him so his head rested upon his left shoulder. And then, he began to sing. So softly I couldn’t quite make out the words, but I knew the tune. And so I stepped forward to stand before him, and the words became clear.
I feel my heart beating I feel my heart beneath my skin Oh, I can feel my heart beating 'Cause you make me feel Like I'm alive again Alive again Oh, you make me feel Like I'm alive again
Turn your magic on, to me she'd say Everything you want's a dream away Under this pressure, under this weight We are diamonds taking shape We are diamonds taking shape
I joined in after that verse, somehow managing to not dissolve in a puddle of tears after hearing my husband remixing our wedding song into a lullaby for our son.
If we've only got this life This adventure oh then I If we've only got this life You'll get me through, oh If we've only got this life And this adventure, oh then I Wanna share it with you With you, with you
As we finished, I found myself transfixed by the sight of Tom’s body rocking gently from side to side, and his fingers drawing small circles on the back of Henry’s sleeper. It was soft, 100% cotton, white with purple horizontal stripes and a powerful sense of deja vu overwhelmed me, though it escalated beyond ‘I’ve been here before’ quickly and transformed into glimpse of the future, similar to the dream I’d had immediately prior to waking up on the day of our public wedding ceremony…Tom and I, three children, brief instances throughout time, the moments occurring in various places, with one thing in common…all of us, together. A vision of myself, looking downward at hands that were starting to wrinkle, holding the sleeper Henry was wearing in the here and now, then passing it to someone, into the hands of a younger man, his face blurry, but his hair very clearly black, and I could hear voices around me speaking, Tom’s being the only one I recognized. Though I wasn’t able to make out the words, I could feel the joy emanating from everyone around me, and from within me. A vignette that, whether it turned out to be real or imaginary, imparted upon me a sense of finality. Not an ending, just a bookmark in the story of my life’s adventure for this year, this day, and this hour, when I could see the purpose of the past and the promise of the future and recognize that I was precisely exactly where I was always meant to be. Tom quietly asking if I was all right snapped me back to the present, and I looked up to see those blue eyes gazing back at me, eyes in which I’d seen darkness and light and everything in between, eyes that were indeed a mirror, a reflection of the soul housed within that had called to mine so strongly, so loudly, across time and space, until, finally, the hand of the universe had been forced to relent and bring us together. I grinned, nodding in the affirmative, my answer a single whispered word.
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elzariel · 6 years
Karma Fairy
This will be a LONG one, like, short novel long, but its been a long gig and I need to tell the world of this mess, hoping this'll pay my debt back to the karma fairy for letting justice rain on this.
The cast: Me MOS (manager on site) CB (cheeky bugger) HAH (horny asshole)
TLDR; HAH acts like he's the pro and brags to everyone, before talking shit about coworkers behind their back to other coworkers and boss, then doesn't do his job, expects boss not to find out he's skipping work, doesn't turn to work and when boss wants to ask him what the fuck, doesn't even answer his phone. HAH is in for a surprise when MOS will never hire him again and probably will cut ties with him all together, as he now knows what a shit person HAH is.   
Background info: I'v been with this company for half a year now, but have recently moved from another town. My old boss offered to introduce me to the manager at the new town and said they could easily get me more work there. I agree that I'd love to keep working for them, as I'v been cleaning for years on several smaller companies, but its never ended happily. Turns out cleaning as a profession is a swamp of bad customers and crap employers. Who knew. All in all, this company has been nothing but nice and I love working for them. The two managers I'v worked for were stellar gents, I trust them and will bend backwards to keep the customer happy for these people. My current boss at the company, is a friendly, no nonsense guy. I'v met him like, twice before I got to the worksite, but he seemed to get along well with my old boss, so I trust this guy. A little scatterbrained and bad at choosing workers, but we all make mistakes. Also kinda crap at making inventory on what needs to be done when etc. but its okay, he has a whole town's cleaning jobs to run for a fairly big company.
My new manager, MOS, asks if I want to do a short gig, since they don't have anything stable to give me yet. I agree, as I want work asap. This would also raise my experience and give me kudos in the company for accepting short notice work, since MOS called me a day before the gig starts. (turns out nobody else wanted to do it except me and CB) Gig is at an office type building, to clean before the new tenants move in. Space has been cleaned after the last tenant left, but they want us to deep clean the space, since new tenant has had problems with in-door air quality at their last place, meaning they're gonna be absolutely anal about new place being clean. MOS makes it clear to all three of us working there, me, CB and HAH that this is IMPORTANT. The dust HAS to be gone. From EVERYWHERE. There is no slacking at this job. This is one of those gigs where it has to be spotless or we'll have to just re-do it until it is.
On day one, I meet my work buddies for this gig. CB, darker skinned immigrant worker, speaks fairly ok english and a understandable version of the language of the land. Does the jobs given to him, or so we thought. Not a bad dude, just has a shit ton of work on his plate, including another cleaning company next to ours, this raises tension with him and MOS. HAH, dude says he's a veteran of the field. Has been cleaning "forever". Keeps mentioning how he's a pro at window washing and seems oddly fixated on windows, as if he thinks this is his only job here. MOS said he hired this guy because HAH didn't have work atm. Never said that HAH would only be doing windows. From that day on, HAH would constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY, keep talking how the windows will only take him a day to do, including the outside. How this job, that has been scheduled for 70 hours or in other words 5 days, will only take us like two, so we can take it slow and laze around. (Of course not when MOS is around, but he openly talks about going slow with me and CB. Even bitches at me for doing the bathrooms "too fast" as we'll "run out of work" if I don't slow down.) When HAH wasn't boasting about how fast this'll be, he is talking about sex. Not kidding. This man spent 80% of the time his mouth was moving talking about fucking, dicks, vags, railing women and the sort. Now I ain't a prude, but damn son, reel it in a little. He's 49, going through a divorce, with kids my age (29) and it seems like he has no other topics besides being a fast worker and how many women he's banged. CB humors him, but I only answer with curt, short comments. I'm not interested. I'm here to work, not boost someone's ego. We get trouble almost immediately. HAH starts on indoors glass surfaces, while me and CB start trying to figure out how the heck we're supposed to clean the windows that are second story high, we have our own saga with fighting a scaffolding set that's not only badly installed, but at the wrong spot, trying to get it moved, trying to have CB not die falling from cleaning on this thing, etc. It is not fun, its driving MOS insane trying to get the guys responsible for the scaffolding to help us. It goes on for most of the time we're there. In the end, all higher windows have to be cleaned with a seriously dodgy ladder.
Trouble starts on the third last day. Its monday. I come in to find nobody there. Okay, I assume CB has been working too much again and can't come in today, or will be late. Its a trend, but I'm like, its okay. We're almost done anyways. On Friday, HAH left super SUPER early, saying he's done all he needs and we'll do the windows outside on monday when it gets warmer. I shrug, almost tell him to fuck off since he's done jack shit all week, even though he was supposed to help us with EVERYTHING, not just windows, but let him leave because its his fault when MOS comes by later that day and he gets in trouble. MOS got annoyed as fuck when he did come by, but said I could leave early too since we're almost done. (or were we, dun dun duu)
At around lunch on monday, I call MOS to ask about the bathrooms in the foyer, if they belong to the office space and if I should clean them too. Here's the convo: "Yeah those are part of the office too." "Hey I wanted to ask, where is everybody? I'm alone here and we aren't nearly done." "Oh uhh.. Yeah HAH was there this morning, but since the usual electricians didn't show up before 9am, he waited outside the door for an hour and left, without calling me to get someone to open the door." "What?! He left???" "Yeah I don't think I'm hiring this guy again after this. Old friend or not. He's getting all kinds of cocky.." "Well, yeah, he left super early on friday too, saying how he'd finish the outside windows on monday but I guess thats tomorrow then?" MOS apologizes and tells me he's gonna come by in a few to do inventory on what needs to be done and check up a bit on what has been done. We're going to have a check-up with the customer on tuesday around noon, so we'll know what the customer wants re-done by wednesday. MOS shows up in about half an hour, I tell him the list of stuff that needs doing, at this point its mostly the floors, one bathroom needs a quick dust-up since its been in use. We walk around and spot some dusty window frames. MOS looks suspicious af and starts touching ALL the window frames indoors. There's dust everywhere. HAH was supposed to wipe these as he cleaned them, turns out he didn't. While we're doing that, we spot a few ventilation vents that need to be vacuumed, nothing major. Some walls are scuffed and we comment on how that could use a touch up. All in all it looks ok. Rest of monday is spent with CB, who shows up late, getting upper surface dusting done and me finishing small stuff like the bathrooms and some of the walls. By the end of day, I'v seen MOS outside with window cleaning stuff finishing the outside windows. I'm starting to suspect he is so done with HAH at this point. This is tuesday. I come in fairly early, as I can only work for 3 hours that day. In between that tuesday and the first day there, I'v gotten a small bank job from CB to do three times a week + I'm doing holiday leave for a bigger job in town, cutting my available hours to 3 at the office space. This means I'm there for 3 hours, finishing up dusting high up surfaces, when I walk past where MOS and HAH are talking in a room. HAH is making snide comments on how he's surprised (me) can use the floor cleaning equipment. I listen in, take a deep breath, and walk away. Not worth it. I don't have the energy to explain to this jackass I have a damn degree, that has 40% of it concentrated on machine usage and maintenance. I can use any and all equipment a cleaning job needs, be it floor cleaners, polishers, watervacuums or those mini-zambonis. Client shows up around noon. MOS is busy walking the premises with them and I immediately realize there's trouble. The client(s) turn out to be a group of people, with various faces and job titles. MOS looks horrified about 5 minutes in and it just gets worse from there. HAH has done a shit job. Like, major shit job. CB did some of the windows high up, but since he's clearly never been actually taught how to do it, he did it in whatever way that felt logical to him. HAH was supposed to spot clean after CB, but this combo just turned into a mess where ALL indoors window frames had to now be re-dusted with a wet cloth. Yes. All of them. 1000m2 of space, re-dusted. That's 10 763,9 sq ft for americans. HAH had the balls to walk past me re-dusting with "I did that when I cleaned the windows you don't have to do that" which I curtly responded to with "No, the customer literally just said everything has to be re-done." This caused HAH to start doing the SAME THING I WAS DOING. We now had TWO people dusting these window frames, like idiots, while the customer is there. I was so very VERY close to throwing my rag at this guy, telling him to fucking find something useful to do, instead of passive-aggressively following me. I was already doing the job, what on earth! On top of this, the customer found dust. But refused to tell us where he found the dust from. MOS is flabbergasted. How does hiding where it is help us clean? We have no idea, we went through the whole location trying to find this mystery dust treasure trove. Got some hits, cleaned those. MOS is defeated and deflated, he is tired and done after the customer(s) leave. Turns out we have to re-do most light-fixtures, some windows needed a re-wipe, the floors are still not done. I leave on tuesday early, with HAH still shit talking to MOS, now insulting CB's work ethic and results openly, getting more and more racist by the minute. I exit before I have to hear what he has to say about my cleaning. So its wednesday now. Its technically our last day there and everything has to be perfect, finished and spotless before anyone can go home. What does HAH do? Leave early. I come in around 9:30, by 10:00 HAH is gathering his gear talking about how there's only the floor to clean and we should be done. CB is coming later to help right, you'll be fine on your own with 1000m2 flooring to clean! (again, 10 763,9 sq ft) Apparently only some of the offices floors need cleaning, mostly what is needed is two front offices, the big entrance room, a hallway and the foyer. All this time HAH is talking, he is clearly talking about using the small floor cleaning machine we have there. He even points at it, making sure I know how to use it etc. Before he leaves, I ask him to help me move all our equipment, scattered around the office, to the main lobby room and clean up a little. I'm thinking, he can at least do THAT, right?? No. No he cannot. He brings maybe third of the equipment to the lobby, helps with none of the trash, and just poofs into thin air. I'm like, ok, I'm fine with this. I start by checking that everything is ok, spot clean some walls, then start on the floor. I use the little machine we have. At the lesser used end of the hallway it works fine. It looks clean etc. But by the time I'm at the lobby end of the hallway, I'm seeing streaks on the floor. This is a trend that continues through the two offices and the foyer. After I'm done with the lobby/main entrance room, I realize this isn't gonna fly. The floor is super streaky and I can't figure out what is going on. I'm technically done now, all the floors are ran through once with the cleaning machine, but I just don't feel right leaving without asking MOS about the floor, if there's something to do, if I can leave etc. I text MOS if I can leave, I'm done with everything, I think, etc. Ask about the streaking. Then I start my lunch. I know he's at a meeting so getting an answer might take time and I'm in no hurry, as I have no other work on wednesdays, I can stay here however long that is needed. I don't hear anything in 45 minutes and decide fuck it, I'll call him. MOS answers instantly, laughing how he was just about to call. We laugh about telepathy and here's the convo: "So are the electricians gone? They were supposed to finish today right? Are you guys alone?" "What? No, I'm alone. There's two electricians here with me, they seem pissed too, I guess nobody is in time here." "Wait what? You're alone? Where's HAH??? Didn't CB show up??" "Uhh no?" "What in the actual fuck!? What happened???" "HAH was here until about 10am but he left, said everything was done, he had nothing to do so he'd be off" "What the fuck does he mean Nothing to do?? The floors are- are the floors done?" "Well see, there's this weird streaking problem.. I don't want to leave before you ok me to leave, since this doesn't look clean to me, tbh" "Give me 20 minutes. I'll be there. I'll give you a ride home later." "I'm in no hurry, I have no other work for today" MOS shows up in exactly 20 minutes. "The polishing machine hasn't done a very good job has it.." "What polishing machine?" "Huh? You haven't used the polishing machine on the lobby yet?" "No??? I wasn't told that was to be done. All HAH told me was to use the small machine and we'd be done?" "No, we need to use the polishin machine on the lobby, foyer and probably the hallway too, looking at the streaking, the shit's stained too deep for the small machine to penetrate it. Fucking HAH! What the hell does he think he's doing!? Why the hell did we bring the polishing machine and watervacuum here if its not used! Idiots!" At this point MOS starts cursing and I realize its finally dawned on him how much work there still is to do, and its just me and him now. MOS calls around trying to reach anyone to help, CB can't come he's already used his hours today, again. (Turns out he isn't even doing his jobs at the other places he cleans well, he has been lazying around wasting time and not following customer wishes/demands for a while, MOS tells me I might be getting stable work sooner than later, as it seems CB is gonna get booted too if his shitty work quality continues) Its now about 1pm and MOS asks me, looking desperate, if I'm okay helping him for the afternoon and for the next day as well. I agree, saying I'd gladly take the cash and how this vexes me too. The floor looks terrible + I want to look as good as possible to MOS now that I know both CB and HAH have screwed over their graces royally. We take a couple hours to use the smaller machine again the offices, but with the Good Stuff used with the polishing machine, resulting in clean floors. While I'm doing the offices, MOS starts on the lobby, with the Good Stuff + the polisher. GS is a very smelly, acidic chemical meant to strip wax off flooring, so its serious stuff, but also proceeds to get this grimy, black substance to come out the plastic flooring, making us realize some poor fucker waxed this floor, thinking it'd help (spoiler it didn't, don't wax plastic flooring) and that was causing the streaking, as the smaller machine can't strip wax but it can streak it. Thing is, when you use the polishing machine, you literally throw water and cleaning agent on the floor, run it over with the polisher then use the watervacuum to remove the dirty water. Its a two person job or it takes forever, since you cannot let the detergent and water dry, or you have to re-do everything. There was NO way I could have done this alone in a sensible time! HAH either knew this and was a cruel shit head or didn't know and wasn't the pro he said he was. By the time its 3pm, we have the lobby half done and the offices finished. The next day would be the hallway and the rest of the lobby. Before we leave, MOS tries to call HAH to ask him what the fuck is up, but doesn't get an answer. I tell MOS not to bother, HAH knows he's in shit so won't answer. MOS drives me home and on the way he expresses his regret in letting HAH in on the job, saying how if he knew what a bastard HAH'd be, MOS would never have hired HAH. MOS also tells me how HAH spent the whole tuesday shit talking CB and my work, how if HAH was alone he'd finished in 2 days. TWO DAYS. MOS says that was the point where he stopped listening and decided this man was beyond help. This is also when I heard MOS talk about how CB's other locations have been complaining a lot, saying how CB would leave equipment everywhere, would not clean the whole time he was supposed to be cleaning, would not show up at work etc. Got pretty much told I could have free pick when CB was fired later this year on his locations. MOS also mentioned how he was going to find out if there was anything he could do about HAH's pay, since he hadn't been at work or if he had been at work hadn't actually worked. I told MOS some pretty exact times when I knew HAH was working, meaning HAH couldn't bullshit his hours to MOS saying he'd worked when he hadn't.
Sadly, I didn’t go on thursday after all, as I realized I had a medical appointment I thought was on friday but was on thursday instead, so I have no other ending to this, except the knowledge that HAH will never work for MOS again.
I apologize for the HUGE wall of text, but it was a wild week and by the end of it, I could literally see karma fairy when I closed my eyes. I just wish I could be a fly on the wall when HAH realizes what a shit show this gig was and how its gonna affect his work prospects with this company.
Epilogue: Also, as a sidenote, yeah, this whole thing was a mess from the customer perspective too. By the time we got to wednesday, the electricians weren't done, they were supposed to have been done DAYS before we were to be done. There was new renovations that needed to be done showing up constantly. Several smaller jobs hadn't been done etc. I feel bad for the new tenants, who were supposed to move in on FRIDAY, with walls to be painted and crap still MIA. So its almost as if the picky customer got karma'd too. They were so hellbent on having the cleaning done perfectly, that the renovations weren't done anywhere near in time, meaning the nice clean floors and bathrooms? Now dirty again from reno guys using them for a good two days after we finished. And as we have picture evidence of our work, they can't come back saying we didn't clean. We did our job and their reno guys fucked our work up, not our problem.
TLDR; HAH acts like he's the pro and brags to everyone, before talking shit about coworkers behind their back to other coworkers and boss, then doesn't do his job, expects boss not to find out he's skipping work, doesn't turn to work and when boss wants to ask him what the fuck, doesn't even answer his phone. HAH is in for a surprise when MOS will never hire him again and probably will cut ties with him all together, as he now knows what a shit person HAH is.
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