#or of having their work stolen and plagiarized en masse by machines
noporovi · 3 months
as awful as the ai news is here i cannot leave, there is literally nowhere free from shitty data scraping anymore, i've already ditched almost every other site due to selling of data and ai scraping, at this point the only way to avoid giving techbros a free buck is to go completely offline which. no lmao i aint letting some white ceos at silicon valley take the internet away from me
it sucks that there isn't much for me to do personally aside from glazing my images (which i hate) or locking all of my accounts (which isn't always possible on some sites, and also bars me from connecting with others sharing my passion), someone's gotta start regulating this shit asap cuz im tired of having my hobbies and passions used to make other dudes richer than possible without my consent
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