#or pretend thwy aren't there and ignore them
honeytonedhottie Β· 7 months
I joined alot of grps and made online friends and now I regret. They always made me feel bad. I was friends with some kpop stans too. They attacked me when I said that I didn't like the same song as they did . They all attacked. Even a 27 yr old women attacked me and shamed for so. Why are kpop stans like this ? 😭most of the time its army and blinks ngl.There was some girl I used to talk to online friend I thought she was my friend only to realize that she was using me as an option . One day when I got into some drama and shared that with her FIRST but she behaved like she didn't understand . But when others in the grp were saying sh*t against all of a sudden she understood everything thwy said and started being angry at me. Even twisted my words and things I told her earlier. Uk why she came back and apologized ? When all her friends left her and she probably had fight with her bffs. Also when she got her friends back she would start ignoring my messages or not reply at all like she used to .
Again one more girl she was kind first but one day we had some misunderstanding .I apologized and cleared it to her as well. I even asked if it affected our friendship and she denied . But I noticed how rude and mean she became. As I said some people attacked me when I didn't like the same music as they did an she was one of those. When I shared how one actor's own wife didn't like her husband own movies doesn't mean she hates him . This girl started saying dumb stuff like " u are comparing the people u love with being an army "πŸ—ΏπŸ’€ tf this doesn't even make sense tbh. Army are fans of bts and they love bts too . What was she trying to say ? Why did all got mad at me for not liking 1 song πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ and made me awful for not liking it. This girl wouldn't stop saying rude stuff , she would nitpick stuff like me sharing or even just talking about stuff and saying how they all were tired of if. When the thing is the things she mentioned those people in grp were tired of , the fight fidnt even happen coz of that. She was saying really rude stuff and being mad at me. She wouldn't understand my pov and if I would try to explain myself she would be like why are you repeating yourself I mean girl ?? πŸ’€πŸ’€Btw while I was texting her I was outside somewhere and I fell down from stairs πŸ’€πŸ˜­cuz I got zoned out when she said awful things to me. I was like " am I really that bad ?? " She attacked me. I really feel that she was just a bitch pretending to be nice at first but then she showed how toxic she was. She was online friend too.
I wonder why i didn't take stand for myself at that time 😭😭😭😭😭and listened to her rude words. They attacked me for no reason _Also last but not the least one day a girl got mad at me when I shared a video of lizzo on my story , a girl shared the same video on grouo chat . Lizzo made some unnecessary comments and I just wrote WTF LIZZO. THIS GIRL THOIGHT THAT I WAS TRYING TO PICK FIGHTS WITH HER ??? I MEANN LIKEE WHAT 😭😭😭 it wasn't even against her . It was against lizzo making disgusting comments .
These online people made me feel so bad. Alot of drama happened similar like this this is just 3% 😭I really want to know ur opinion and advice on these people and how yo deal with these ..sorry for spamming too 😭😭😭
WOW πŸ₯Ή hi anonie, my input is this ;
ppl who feel threatened by or dont let u have an individual opinion are red flags. U ARE ENTITLED TO UR OWN OPINION. anyone who disagrees or tries to shame u for it can kick rocks πŸ’€. protect ur peace, drop them cuz they aren't good friends, and listen to music that u like πŸ’—
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