#or straight women to lesbians. tho I think the implication is conversion therapy or beating/praying the Gay away in those cases?
moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
Ummmmm update? Apparently the person is not only a huge jokester but also extremely homophobic and sexist??? He immediately called me a liar and then said he could "fix me". Omg this us why I'm a lesbian :(. What's even worse is that I have been friends with him since I was around 11 so that's around 7 years if friendship gone down the drain.... anyways have a good day! I'm gonna go get some tomatoes. -Lola
ah that sucks
Sorry bud
Maybe find a friend who you’re out to (and is supportive) and tell them about this, and you guys keep an eye on this dude. He might not do anything but idk! I don’t know him and even if I, did you can’t usually tell
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