#or they don't care about her anymore since they learnt her ears aren't round?
randomnameless · 9 months
Funnily enough, Byleth might be one of the more tolerable characters on CF specifically, if only because they just quietly enable Supreme Leader's bs instead of coming up with some character-assassinating nonsensical excuse for why they're helping the person that tried to kill them unprovoked five minutes ago like the rest of the non-Hubert and Jeritza BESF members; it's the only time that them being mostly silent does anything to benefit their character (other than shallow self-insertion that's half-assed in and of itself due to them still being their own character to an extent), since they're one of the only BESF members to make it out of the route with their characterization relatively unscathed due to not being able to say stupid shit like the rest of the recruitable cast (excluding how out-of-character it is for them to choose CF at all, but that's hardly an issue exclusive to Byleth lol).
After Nopes, Engage and FEH that fleshed Billy's character a bit more - Tru Piss!Billy is also Tru Piss'd.
A fwend made a list some time ago, but Tru Piss!Billy is callous and makes "jokes" at people's expense, when Billy doesn't (or when they do, it's in good fun).
Even in my first run I noticed Billy being WTF at Emile joining the gang to besiege Garreg Mach - and they finally get their answer about the Jerry incident and the Mole People thanks to Hubert in his paralogue...
But after Nopes, without taking Sothis into account, you want to tell me Billy wouldn't bat an eye and side with Flamey, whose associates (before Hubert tells them that no, they're mutually hating and using each other) killed their father? I'm not expecting Dimitri tiers of being pissed when Rufus says he killed Lambert, but even Barney was pissed at Clout in Golden Shower for the Randolph thing. Billy is just shrugging until, per chance, Hubert takes them along in their paralogue? Seriously??
Still, yeah, I guess not having lines means they escaped the assassination levels of other characters even if I can't say they escape scot free, plot and story wise, they lose the only link they had to their own mother (and if stroking the player's peepee wasn't that important, they would have lost their friend Sothis).
This makes me think, we see way more people (or used to see?) angry because Billy doesn't react (they do actually, but not in the way some players would like?) to Dimitri's boar mode, but those very same people didn't have the same criticism about Tru Piss!Billy, when Supreme Leader sprouts her "lizards BaD bcs non humans" spiel, her "no matter what we must kill Dimitri", or anything regarding her conquest being for the great Gud who is erring somewhere.
I wonder why?
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