#or we'll end up being lifelong renters where rent is easily $2k/month for a 3 bedroom illegal suite and only going up
unlettered-heathen · 3 months
T-T oh how I wish I had been able to give myself a monthly hobby budget. A local yarn shop is hosting a sweater yarn dyeing workshop- 5 skeins for $125 CAD, extra skeins $25/per. It's cheaper than their in-house-dyed yarn! AND they still have room!
But alas, I have already pre-spent my birthday, xmas, AND my hubby's birthday budget (with his blessing) plus some of our expected tax return money on Hozier in August.
Plus groceries are going up so our wiggle room is gone. Over $1K CAD a month to feed a family of four! $75 is ordering out ONCE. And we do NOT buy brand names, fancy foods, or meat that's not on sale.
I really hope it happens again next year or something when I might be able to scrounge up some extra cash or I finally find a second job.
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