#and where we are allowed to paint the walls and have a dishwasher and clean the airducts and not have original 70s asbestos linoleum liftin
unlettered-heathen · 4 months
T-T oh how I wish I had been able to give myself a monthly hobby budget. A local yarn shop is hosting a sweater yarn dyeing workshop- 5 skeins for $125 CAD, extra skeins $25/per. It's cheaper than their in-house-dyed yarn! AND they still have room!
But alas, I have already pre-spent my birthday, xmas, AND my hubby's birthday budget (with his blessing) plus some of our expected tax return money on Hozier in August.
Plus groceries are going up so our wiggle room is gone. Over $1K CAD a month to feed a family of four! $75 is ordering out ONCE. And we do NOT buy brand names, fancy foods, or meat that's not on sale.
I really hope it happens again next year or something when I might be able to scrounge up some extra cash or I finally find a second job.
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thatcleaningcrew · 18 days
The Ultimate Guide to Pre-Sale Cleaning with That Cleaning Crew
When it comes to selling a home, first impressions are everything. Potential buyers often decide within minutes if a property feels like home, making it crucial for your space to be immaculate. That's where pre-sale cleaning comes in. At That Cleaning Crew, we specialize in transforming homes into pristine, appealing spaces that captivate buyers from the moment they step through the door.
Why Pre-Sale Cleaning is Essential
Boost Curb Appeal The exterior of your home is the first thing buyers see. A well-maintained lawn, clean windows, and a fresh facade can make a significant difference. Our team at That Cleaning Crew ensures your home’s exterior is spotless, enhancing its curb appeal and making a positive first impression.
Highlight the Home's Potential A clean, clutter-free home allows buyers to see the full potential of the property. Dust-free surfaces, gleaming floors, and spotless bathrooms and kitchens help potential buyers envision themselves living there. Our comprehensive cleaning services highlight the best features of your home, making it stand out in a competitive market.
Increase Perceived Value A meticulously cleaned home can feel more valuable. Buyers are likely to place higher offers on homes that appear well-maintained. Investing in pre-sale cleaning can yield significant returns, often translating into quicker sales and higher selling prices.
What is Included in Pre-Sale Cleaning? At That Cleaning Crew, we offer a thorough pre-sale cleaning package designed to meet all your needs. Here’s what you can expect:
Interior Cleaning Deep Cleaning of All Rooms
Dusting of all surfaces, including furniture, fixtures, and baseboards. Vacuuming and mopping of all floors. Detailed cleaning of windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces. Cleaning and organizing closets and storage spaces. Kitchen and Bathrooms
Scrubbing and sanitizing countertops, sinks, and backsplashes. Cleaning appliances inside and out, including the oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher. Descaling and polishing faucets and fixtures. Disinfecting toilets, tubs, and showers. Ensuring all cabinets and drawers are clean and organized. Special Attention Areas
Spot cleaning walls and touch-up painting where necessary. Cleaning and freshening up carpets and upholstery. Removing cobwebs and dust from hard-to-reach areas like ceiling fans and vents. Exterior Cleaning Power Washing
Removing grime and mildew from siding, driveways, and walkways. Ensuring the front door and porch are welcoming and clean. Window Cleaning
Washing all exterior windows for a streak-free finish. Yard Maintenance
Basic lawn care, including mowing, edging, and trimming hedges. Raking leaves and removing any outdoor debris. Why Choose That Cleaning Crew? Professional Expertise Our team comprises experienced professionals trained to provide the highest quality cleaning services. We use eco-friendly products and advanced cleaning techniques to ensure your home is not only clean but also safe for potential buyers.
Customized Cleaning Plans Every home is unique, and so are its cleaning needs. We offer customized cleaning plans tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.
Reliability and Trustworthiness We pride ourselves on our reliability and integrity. When you choose That Cleaning Crew, you can trust that we will treat your home with the utmost respect and care.
Competitive Pricing We offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Our goal is to provide exceptional value, ensuring your home is market-ready at an affordable cost.
Conclusion Preparing a home for sale can be a daunting task, but with That Cleaning Crew, you don’t have to do it alone. Our expert pre-sale cleaning services will make your home shine, attracting buyers and helping you achieve the best possible sale price. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a successful home sale.
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A house consists of several elements that help create a better atmosphere. Kitchens are the heart of your home; They have become the centre of most modern homes, where the family gathers to share tastes, love and stories. Kitchen renovations in Sydney have seen significant growth over the past decade.
A well-designed kitchen and dining room can inspire you to spend more time preparing home-cooked meals and can be a source of motivation to entertain your friends or family. Maybe it will make you want to cook healthy food. No matter what you are looking for, a well-designed kitchen will surely put a smile on your face.
What Are The Critical Elements Of A Kitchen Renovation?
Many people are looking for kitchen renovation in Sydney as the demand and trend for the same show significant growth. Also, kitchen remodelling can be seen as a good investment when selling a house if done correctly. Several factors determine a good kitchen renovation provider depending on the services offered.
To receive accurate quotes for Kitchen Remodelling, provide each contractor with the same information. Give them as much detail as possible about specific materials, brands or other choices you’ve already made. There are several essential elements to consider when going for large or Small Kitchen Makeover in Sydney, some of them are:
Kitchen Installation – The plumbing system consists of water and gas supply lines in a kitchen renovation. The sanitary sink installation, which is located under the sink in the lower sink cabinet, includes the drain and the hot and cold-water supply. The gas connection, controlled by a gas valve, is located on the wall or, in some cases, on the floor.
Kitchen Floors – Kitchen floors are not only a theme for the room but also essential in keeping the kitchen clean, solid and durable. They have to handle a lot of foot traffic and provide a welcoming experience. Fortunately, you are spoiled for choice. Luxury kitchen floors can cost between $10 and $50 per square foot. However, it is essential to note that price is not the only consideration. Should you install laminate or wood floors? We can help you get what you need.
Drywall and kitchen paint – The good thing about kitchen painting is that it adds charm and character to a room. The kitchen wall space is usually dominated by a project’s base units, cabinets and back walls. The remaining wall space is not an easy job. With every nook and cranny that needs to be done, it’s best left to the pros for a quality result.
Kitchen Cabinets: If you’re like many homeowners, plan to keep the same existing layout of your kitchen, but want to freshen up and update the look. Cabinet remodelling, also known in the industry as cabinet makeover, allows you to keep your existing kitchen intact by completely changing its appearance.
Kitchen Electrical – The services of a kitchen remodelled that include upgrading electrical circuits are essential to properly functioning a kitchen. It can improve the kitchen layout and increase the value of your home. This can include:
Basic lighting circuit
Circuits for small appliances
TV and entertainment devices
Microwave circuit
Refrigerant circuit
Food cleaner
Dishwasher circuit
Flow circuit
Other elements one should also keep in mind while hiring for a Kitchen Remodelling in Sydney are the price, payment schedule, scope of work, site plan and the schedule of primary construction tasks, among many others. Feel free to reach out to us at Budget Maintenance and Renovations for an exclusive quote tailormade just for you and your kitchen needs.
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achitachi · 2 years
fair warning i'm going to be venting in this and it's going to be long
it's been a shitty week. i'm so exhausted, physically, emotionally, and ofc mentally. we just moved. we had to move to because they raised our rent just shy of $700. who tf has an extra 700 for rent these days? and it's like that all fucking over, in the area i live in. it's insane. we had to switch cities. so now we are northwest of where we were. further from the ocean. =grumble=
i thought we had found a good new place to live. two of D's friends had just moved into this community and it looked really nice. all tile. no carpet, which is great for my oldest allergies. lots of natural light. decent paint color - a grayish color instead of the much hated milk+coffee color (look it's alright for a drink, but not on my walls tyvm). i could picture where stuff would stuff would go. and it was within our price range. things looked good. we found a unit that would be open with 3/2 and on the first floor. w00t! we gave them an extra week before we would move in.
fast forward to the friday we're suppose to pick up the keys and move in saturday. we figured we could move some small stuff in when we got the keys. NOPE. thursday late afternoon we get asked if we can wait till tuesday. uh, no. we have to be absolutely out of our current place by the first. not a chance. we're allowed to get the keys and do a walk through late friday after work, but in no way are allowed to drop off anything as the apt isn't "fully" ready and that we won't be able to move in stuff till late afternoon saturday (specifically told the later we move in the better <_< ugh)
so at the walk through things are still being worked on. they're putting in all new appliances - new stove, fridge, dishwasher. (this would later be realized as a red flag). things looked alright.
i should note we weren't really prepared for the move. none of us wanted to move and time was in not on our side with both of us working full time. so just moving stuff from one place to the next was a mess and a long ass process. we started saturday, took off monday and then wednesday to finish. i was up from 5:30am-2:30am wed (yesterday) i am not human rn. i am a sentient blob of aches; and yeah i took off from work today too cause i can barely function and much less move.
once we got the stuff done from saturday, we noted a bunch of cosmetic and utility things wrong or left undone that needed to be fixed. not too big. it would all get fixed...eventually. =shrug= it is what it is in apartments. however, then the previous tenants "old roommates" started to come out - FUCKING GERMAN ROACHES. TnT WHY? why? we had moved a majority of our stuff. we had signed the papers. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.
and this is where my memory really checks out cause i went into survival mode, so my memory is kinda shit for the time order of things. but i went and bought traps and bait. D called the front office and let them know. later i went to the front office and got managements cards - they weren't available at the time. i was out for blood. the pest guy came and with that stuff and our stuff it's been lessening. also maintance guys are really cool people and will be back on friday (tomorrow) to work on fixing the cosmetic/utility stuff.
gawd, i can barely see straight. the good things are - maintance noted our neighbors are clean people (it was just the previous tenants were POSs) so we should hopefully be bug free soon! =fingers crossed= also the neighbors seem really nice. we met our upstairs neighbor who has a cute dog. also seen a lot kids here. plus the view outside our rooms is gorgeous - there's one of those artifical mini lakes. yeah, nice view and during the day we basically keep the blinds open and don't have to worry about people peeking into our windows.
today i'm taking it easy. i want to continue to organize our stuff and get my barings for this new area. however, that may have to wait till tomorrow. i am very tired and just need today to recover and recharge.
send good vibes our way and keep your fingers crossed the bugs get the message that this is NOT there home anymore and to GTFO and die.
wishing you all the best and hope you all are happy and safe. also happy september. i'm gonna go pass out now.
0 notes
trillian-anders · 4 years
true love
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: fluff && smut, bucky being a cheeky little shit and soft boy
word count: 2.7k
description: stripper au; bucky is a tease and honestly just such a gooey romantic. just a little snapshot. 
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A strip club before hours. Inside you’d find the dancers stretching, practicing new routines and a loop of the same song over and over again until they were satisfied or being forced to move onto something else. The servers are wiping down tables, setting up for bachelorette parties and straightening the chairs around the main stage. The host was cleaning the mirrors and the front door with Windex, knowing that they would just be covered with prints from hands and fingers an hour into the night.
The bar was being stocked, backup bottles. Fruit was being cut and sangria being prepped. Gallons of it. The clientele loved sangria. The cocktail of the night, special for the bride to be prepped for the bachelorette party, paid for in advance by the bottle. A sugar bomb of midori sour and vodka, cherries and club soda. Neon green and toxic, it made you gag just mixing it together.
It was the same thing every night. Another bachelorette party, another batch mixed drink, another stack of ones ready to be switched out for bigger bills the clients needed to break in order to stuff those dollar bills in the g-string of one of the many handsome performers that would take the stage tonight.
A destination strip club under the same corporation that owned Magic Mike, just on the east coast. It would be busy. But you and the other three bartenders were ready, the money was good here. Too good for you to ever consider leaving. And since the clientele was made in its entirety women and gay men, you felt safe working there. No sleazy guy on his sixth bud lite wanting to grab your ass as you cleaned up after his spilled beer. Granted some of the clients were still hellish, but you’d take not getting groped over being sexually harassed by bar patrons any day.
The lights would drop low soon, music pumping through the speakers as the DJ finishes setting up his booth. The endless grind from 8pm to 3am that would leave you ready for some diner food and bed.
“Boys!” You call, “What do you want?” Allowed a start of work drink, you called to the men standing on the stage.
“Anything you wanna give me sugar.” You glare at the first man to respond, his cheeky grin knowing how much you hated it when he called you sugar, how patronizing.
“Okay, everyone but Bucky,” You laugh, “What do you want?” The man in question slipping off the stage to walk over and help distribute shots.
“Why are you always so mean to me?” Pouting and arms crossed on the bar. You roll your eyes pouring the requests of green tea shots across the board. And an extra-large one for you and your favorite performer.
“Why are you always so annoying?” A rebuttal. But he loved it. He always does. Your shot glass clinking against his, tapping on the bar top and shot back in two.
“I love you.” He hums, stealing a kiss. The tip of his tongue brushing your bottom lip softly before pulling away and setting his shot glass in yours.
“I love you too.” A shared grin. “Have fun tonight.”
“Oh I will.” He’s cheeky, but it’s a part of him that you found so endearing.
A story you’re sure you’d tell the grandkids, how you met him in the first place. Back when you first started working here. He’d already been performing for a while. Back when you were waiting tables and having to deal with the sloppy drunk clients without a buffer of service bar in between.
Truly romantic how he’d been grinding himself against a woman in a bridal sash and giving you the same cheeky grin that he gives you now. You watched him grip himself through the silk thong and tripped and spilled your tray over a table and all the clients sitting there. An order to go get some air and you cried in the alley behind the building thinking that you were going to get fired and when his set was finished he came looking for you.
“They’re not going to fire you,” He soothed, pulling you into his arms, “You’re gonna be just fine.” You choked out nasty sobs into his chest, the thin zip hoodie he was wearing doing nothing to disguise the firm bare flesh underneath, you maybe pretended to have the need to be held a little longer than you actually did.
That incident was something he carefully held over your head to this day, a funny jab, especially after a night of seeing stars and loud moans. The paint chipped and wall worn where the headboard slammed into it. He wouldn’t paint over it as a matter of pride. A story of his sexual prowess and ability to bend you in half and make you cum so hard that you blackout or cry split on his dick.
He’d convinced you to go back into the club after you calmed down, he bought you a drink after the shift had ended, and then ate you out on his couch after you’d had pancakes at the diner below his apartment. And you’d been in love ever since.
That sick, ooey-gooey, no you hang up kind of love.
“You guys are so gross.” Nat bumped her hip against yours, grabbing the remaining shot glasses and sitting them in the dishwasher. You laugh.
The night began with body paint and blacklights. A steady pump of bass as each performer took the stage, they made their rounds around the room. Back curtains closing for private dances. The bar was full and service bar was popping, the tickets endless. The tip jar stuffed full. A good night. As bachelorette parties often were. They would take up a nice little section, the rest of the walk-ins and birthday parties, etc. taking up the rest of the space.
You could feel his eyes on you, the little games he liked to play at work. He knew you would look at him. The way he danced on stage, sinking down to let someone stick a dollar on his hip. The way he grabbed himself to the squeals of women.
The fucking tease, tugging his lip and meeting your eye. A playful smirk. Watching you shake a drink.
The first time he played this game was the day after he made you cum on his tongue, then his fingers, then his cock. Twice. As you wait tables, he would give you that little smirk, the grind of his hips, a brush against you as you walked around him with your tray. A playful tug on your skirt.
It would end with his back on the wood floor of his apartment, hands gripping your hips hard enough to bruise while you rode yourself to orgasm. Knees red and sore. And continue after eating a snack on his kitchen floor, your back now on the linoleum and your knees pressed to your chest while you dug your fingernails into his biceps and down his back. Something hastily fixed with concealer for his next performance.
Your friends outside of work didn’t quite understand how you could deal. “How could you be okay with him grinding himself over other people all night?” But you knew one thing more than anything else,
Bucky Barnes was such a simp.
He fucking loved you. And you knew it. He would never let you forget it. Bucky Barnes was the most affectionate, needy, clingy, I would die for you and all you have to do is ask kind of guy. He was the kind of guy to tell you that he missed you when you just went to the store. The kind of guy that would hop in the shower with you just because he wanted to wash your hair.
“I’m not worried.” You would laugh, “Not in the slightest.” And you knew you didn’t have to be. If the way he would hop up on your bar and tug on your hair mid dance was anything to say, him stuffing bills into your bra while you let a girl do a body shot out of his belly button. You didn’t care as much as those dollars and groping hands on his thick thighs you loved to ride would be paying your rent later.
These clients may be groping him now, but later on it’s your thighs that his head will be between.
It’s their money that will be sitting on your living room floor while both of you unwrinkled the freshly washed money. Their money you would use to buy groceries and pay for your portion of the family vacation you were going on in a few months with the Barnes clan.
The shift ends and you’re left cleaning up. With three other pairs of hands it’s quick work, but burning the ice takes a minute, long enough for Bucky to already be sitting down in front of the bar and sorting your tips out for you, sipping on an after shift drink the two of you were sharing.
“We going to Norma’s?” As the other men sunk down behind the bar, a few waving their goodbyes on their way out the door.
“Sam.” Bucky looked at his friend, “We go to Norma’s every night and every night you ask if we are going.”
“It’s because he likes that waitress.” Nat grinned, flipping the dishwasher on to run the bar mats. A glare from Sam,
“I love that waitress.” The bumbling idiot fawned over her and always tipped her $50 on his $8 patty melt. A shared laugh,
“You’ve asked her out, how many times now?” Steve, thankful for the leftover sangria in front of him, took a sip.
“Just like four, five maybe.” Bucky lifted the pint glass, salt lining the rim and a few granules left on his bottom lip. “This margarita is good sweetheart.” A recipe you found online, something new you’d wanted to try. You hum, taking a sip and nodding. “She doesn’t like you.” Directed at Sam. “You need to stop making her job so difficult, you’re a creep.”
“Am I a creep?” Sam looks between you and Nat. The two of you sharing a look and nodding.
“No one wants to get hit on while they’re working.” You laugh, “That’s all.” He huffs, leaning against the back of the bar stool.
“You guys got any of that neon shit left?” The last little bit of the bachelorette slosh at the bottom of the Cambro. Poured in a glass for him with an apologetic smile.
“I already burned the ice.” He muscled it down.
Bucky’s hand in your back pocket with you tucked into his side you entered the familiar diner and slipped into your usual booth, a playful squeeze to your ass before you sunk down next to each other. Sam, Nat, and Steve across.
His hand settles on your thigh as the waitress Sam was in love with brought over two pitchers of water and glasses, more to make her job easier because these boys were thirsty at the end of the night after performing for hours on end.
A minute later she’d return with a couple sodas and take the order. Sam looking dutifully down at his phone and trying to avoid her eyes.
“You can act like a normal person.” You laugh, our leg going across Bucky’s thigh. “You’re acting like even more of a weirdo.”
“Just relax.” Nat’s hand smoothed over Sam’s arm and he lets out a deep breath. “Don’t be weird.” Easier said than done, he took the fact that you told him not to flirt with her as erasing his whole personality.
“You’ve ruined him.” Steve sipped his water, “The both of you.” A pout to stern Dad-Steve, and he rolled his eyes with a smirk, leaning against the booth and throwing an arm over the back. “He’ll never be able to perform again.”
“Fuck all of you.” Sam glared as peals of laughter broke out at the table. A shift as you felt Bucky’s fingers play with the hem of your shorts. Dipping under a little bit. Your hand slips down and grabs his, pulling his hand away with a playful glare.
“Stop.” Whispered between you as Sam pretended to cry and Nat seemed about done with it.
“I wanna play.” A kiss on your lips. You shake your head and roll your eyes, directing your attention back to your friends.
Later would find him on his back lips red bitten and swollen from kissing as you yank his jeans down his legs, leaving him in just his briefs, the hard outline of his cock pressing against them. Your shorts and panties tugged down your legs, crawling over him to hover over his face. His arms wrapping around your thighs and bringing you down to his mouth.
The grind of your hips on his tongue and the rough stubble burning your thighs. Those moans vibrating against your clit, panting moans coming from your mouth as you grip the headboard and find the friction your need to cum. Working out your aftershocks on his tongue.
A shift of position would find your back against the mattress, your legs over his arms and hooked into his elbows, the blunt head of his cock circling your entrance with the teasing roll of his hips. His mouth against yours, sucking on your tongue and tugging your bottom lip between his teeth.
He starts off slow. A gasp into his mouth as he bottoms out, the tip of him brushing your cervix before he pulls almost all the way out, playing with short and fast thrusts against your g-spot. This was his major source of pride, having you drooling and stupid with lust under him, eyes rolling and nails digging into his back, clawing at his biceps, twisted in the sheets by your head while he rolls one of your nipples on his tongue.
The headboard slamming as you gush around his cock, the signal he needs to start thrusting in deeper to chase his own pleasure. Leaning back onto his heels and pressing your legs together, wrapping his arm around them and laying a kiss to your ankle. His red mouth panting as his hips slapped against yours. Your fingers dipping between your bodies to slap against your clit a couple times, the pleasure being too much. He pushes your hand out of the way, hand laying over your mons and thumb pressing against your clit, moving in tight circles.
“So fucking good for me baby.” A pant against your calf. “One more.” A groan, “Just one more.” You sob from the over-sensitivity as he brought you to one more orgasm, the towel laid out on the bed being put to good use as you squirt on his cock. His hips not relenting until you feel him cum, your legs shaking on his shoulders.
A kiss to your ankles. His hands massaging your legs as you come down. He lays himself on top of you, shifting your legs to wrap around his waist as he meets your lips once, twice, soft, “I love you.” And then with his head on your chest. You reason in that moment, and in every moment, that he was the best thing that ever happened to you.
Finding the club was the best thing that ever happened to you.
“You’re just so handsome.” Your hand on your fist, resting your elbow on the table, looking at him in admiration.
He grins around the lip of his coffee cup and softly massages your foot that was in his lap. The morning found you in the same diner as the night previous, enjoying what would be lunch for other people, but breakfast for the two of you.
“You’re just so beautiful.” His hand meeting yours on the table, a soft squeeze. “I love you.” Bringing his hand to your lips,
“I love you too.”
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Legacy - Chapter 8
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Legacy: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1886
Rating:  E
Square filled:   @clintbartonbingo - Time Travel
Warnings:  Pregnancy, domestic abuse, post-endgame, angst, developing-relationship, hurt/comfort, smut, Laura and Clint have broken up.  Comic Clint/MCU Clint mix.
Synopsis: Nothing is the same after the events of Endgame.  When Clint has trouble returning to a life where his family hasn’t changed but he has lost everything, he moves back to the city and tries to move on as a single parent. When Nate finds you bruised and pregnant in the stairwell of his building, he decides that there might be another way that he can make Nat’s sacrifice worth something.
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Chapter 8
The apartment was loud and Clint was feeling pretty good.  He’d taken down the wall in the kitchen and was in the process of sanding down the new drywall that connected the old apartment with the new one.  There was still a lot of work to do.  The floors didn’t match.  There were now two ovens and two dishwashers and two fridges and neither were connected.  The cupboards didn’t match or even connect together.  Plus he wanted to put in a floating island.
He had lots of plans really.  Taking out one of the staircases and replacing the remaining one with something in a polished hardwood.  Connecting the two upstairs bedrooms with a hall.  Making the two half bathrooms up there a full.  Painting the walls.  He had big plans to make this his new family home the way he had made the farmhouse his home when he’d bought it with Laura.
Right now, he was most worried about patching up the wall before the baby got here.  He still had four weeks, so he wasn’t worried.  He just relaxed and did the job while his music played and the kids tore around the room with Lucky.  It sounded and felt like he was finally home.
“You know what?  I might take these guys to the park.  They’re bouncing off the walls.”
Your voice snapped him out of his reverie.  He looked up to see you heaving yourself out of the couch.  “You sure?”
“Yeah, yeah.”  You said.  “We can get some ice cream or a pretzel or something.”
“Alright.  But bring me back something.”  He said.
“Come on kids.  We’re going out.”  You called as you went to grab the leash for Lucky.
Clint went back to focusing on what he was doing and singing along with the music.  He was vaguely aware of the commotion going on around him.  Lila chasing Nate to try and get his shoes on.  Lucky bouncing and barking as he waited for the kids to get ready.  It was all background noise though.  The happy chaos of his family.
“Dad… Dad!”
It took him a moment to realize that Lila was calling him.  It wasn’t until she came over and hit him in the arm that it sunk in that she’d just said dad at least 5 times in a row.  He looked up started.  “What is is, Lie?”
She pointed at you and he looked over.  There was a large wet patch on your pants and a pool of liquid around your feet.
“Oh shit!  Shit!”  He said putting his tools down.  “But it’s too early!  We’re not ready!  You’re supposed to be at your mom's when this happened.”
“Well, we’re not, dad.”  Lila snarked.
“Shit.”  He repeated and ran his hands down his face.  “Coop!  Call your mom!  Tell her the baby is coming.  Lila can you run down to Mrs. White in 3B and ask if she can watch you guys until your mom gets here.”
“Dad!  I’m not a little kid.  I can take care of Nate.”  Lila argued.
He shook his head like he was trying to clear it.  “I know, honey.  But we don’t have time to clean up the tools.”
“I’ll pack them up now.”  She said.
He went over to her and pulled her into a hug kissing the top of her head.  “What would I do without you?”   He asked.
“Completely fall apart apparently.”  She teased.
He chuckled.  “Well, you aren’t wrong.  Thank you, sweetheart.”
Lila went and started packing up the tools and pain and putting them up out of Nate’s reach while Clint approached you.  “Alright.  Let’s get you into fresh pants and pack a bag.  I guess you need to call the hospital?”
You nodded, still seemingly frozen in confusion, looking down at yourself and Lucky who was bouncing around on his lead.  Clint leaned down and unhooked him, making the dog give him the purest look of betrayal he’d ever seen.
“Sorry, buddy.”  He said, patting his head.  “The baby’s coming.”
“Clint?”  You said.  “It’s too early.”
“I know, honey.  But your water just broke. I think she’s coming.”  He said rubbing your back.
“But… there’s still four weeks.  We aren’t ready.”  You said.
“You’re telling me!”  He said.  “Come on.  You’re standing in amniotic fluid.   It’s gross.  Let’s go.”
He led you upstairs and while you changed and made a phone call to the hospital, he hurriedly threw things into an overnight bag.  He tried to remember what it was they had told them you’d needed in birthing classes and what was in the bag when Laura had Nate.  Changes of clothes.  Comfortable pajamas with button-up tops.  Maternity bra.  Diapers.  Nursing pads.  Maternity Pads.  They’d said things like candles too but he wasn’t sure if you even wanted that kind of thing.
You hung up the phone and looked up at him.  “They said to just come in but don’t stress.  I haven’t had any contractions so there’s no rush.”
Clint let out a breath.  “Okay good.  ‘Cause I have no idea what I’m doing.”
You laughed and got up, going to look through the bag at what he’d packed.  “She’ll be okay won’t she?”  You asked.
“Yeah, of course.  It’s all going to be good.”  He assured you, though he really had no idea.  It was still in the scary early point of your pregnancy and he wasn’t sure what that would mean.
You finished packing the bag and went downstairs together.  Lila had finished packing up the tools and even put the playpen you’d brought for the baby around the construction to stop Lucky and Nate from getting in there.
“Lila, you are a champion.”  He said.
“Mom’s on her way but it’s gonna take a couple of hours before she gets here,”  Cooper said.
“You guys sure you’ll be okay that long?”  Clint said.
“Yeah, we’ll be fine,”  Lila assured him.
“Well, if you need anything go ask Mrs. White or call Katie.  Okay?”
“Go, dad.  We’ll be fine.”  Lila said.
He kissed the kids goodbye and headed down the street and hailed a cab.  Your contractions started on the way to the hospital but only mild and minor.
When you got to the hospital they checked you over and put a fetal heart rate monitor on you and then you just had to wait.  The labor proceeded slowly and due to wanting to monitor the baby you weren’t allowed to move around a lot.  By midnight you were well into the painful part of the labor and exhausted.
“I can’t do this.”  You cried as Clint held you.
“You can take the drugs you know?  They might help you sleep.”  Clint soothed.
“I should be able to have a baby,”  You complained.  “People do it every day.”
“People have car accidents every day too.  They still take painkillers for their whiplash.”
You chuckled and another contraction hit.  You groaned and gritted your teeth as Clint massaged your back.
“You’re doing great, babe.  You don’t need to prove anything to me.”  He said gently.
After that, you got an epidural which actually let you sleep for a little while.  Clint couldn’t pretend he wasn’t thankful for that when your active labor started 12 hours later.
They backed off the drugs so you could push and you went from calm and pretty relaxed to breaking his left hand and crying in less than half an hour.
“I can’t.  I can’t.  I can’t do it.”  You cried as you pushed.
“You’ve reached the too late point, dear.”  One of the nurses said.
“Come on, babe.  It’s gotten to the really gross bit.  Her hair is showing and you’ve shat yourself a few times.”  Clint said soothingly.
“I’ve done what?”  You cried.
“Yeah, it’s a horror show down there.  So let’s get to the good part with the baby.  Okay?”  Clint said.
You scowled at him and he leaned over and kissed the top of your head.
“Alright.  Push.”  The ObGyn said.
You bore down, squeezing Clint’s hand and your daughters head emerged.  “So close, honey,”  Clint said.
“You can see her?”
“Yeah, it’s super weird!”  He said.
“Clint.”  You whined.  “You’re not helping.”
“Alright.  One more big push okay, mommy.”  The ObGyn said.
You squeezed his hand again and with a large push, your baby girl slid into the world.  Squalling as she took her first breaths.  The medical staff moved in around her, checking her vitals and Apgar, giving her her first shots.  Making sure she was breathing.  You watched them with a fearful expression on your face, and when you passed the placenta they moved her right away from you.
“What’s going on?  Is she okay?”  You asked. 
“She’s just early, they just need to make sure she’s breathing on her own and her heart is beating fast enough.”  One of the nurses said.  “Can I get you some toast?  You have been through quite an ordeal.”
You nodded and she disappeared leaving you and Clint alone to watch the medical staff fuss over you and the baby.
“She’ll be fine,”  Clint said.  “Listen to her cry.  She’s got good lungs.”
You nodded, but you didn’t look very convinced.  He rubbed you back.  “She will.”
It was another fifteen minutes before she was brought to you.  “Here you go.  Just a brief cuddle, okay?  She’s going to need to go into the NICU.”  The doctor said.
They put her on your bare chest and you held her.  “She’s sick?”  You asked.
“Just needs a little help keeping warm.  She’s doing pretty good really.  Her APGAR is 6 which is low but not unexpected.  She’s going to be fine.”  The doctor reassured you.  “Do you have a name yet?”
You shook your head.  “No.  Not yet.”
She wrote on a card and little pink bands that she attached to the baby’s ankles.
“You really don’t have a name?”  Clint asked.
“I keep thinking I want to name her after Natasha.  But Nate is named after her.  It would be strange having a Nate and a Nat wouldn’t it?”  You said.  “Besides, I wanted you to have a chance to change your mind about all this.”
“All what?”  He asked.
“You know.  Being her dad.  The birth certificate thing.”  You said kissing her head.
Clint ran his palm down his new daughter’s back and kissed the crown of your head.  It still broke his heart a little that you thought like that.  Back when everyone had been returned from the dusting he had kept thinking about he would use Bruce’s time travel machine and go back, switch places with Nat so that she would be one that came home and got to live her life.  That she wouldn’t have to be as ashamed as he had felt not being able to hold his family together after she’d given her life to make sure he got to be there for them.  He hadn’t thought those things for a long time.  He hoped that she would be proud of what he had done.  What he was doing.  But in a way, it didn’t matter. He was in this.  You were his family too now.  She was his daughter.  He took a deep breath, inhaling you both.  “Don’t worry,”  He said.  “I’m not going anywhere.”
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aweirdkindofyellow · 5 years
Here I Am, There You Are Pt. 11
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Jack Barakat x OC ‘Rachel has been best friends with Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack since high school. What happens when one of them gets married?’
Part 11
Jack and I had officially moved into our house. Once the painting was done and the bathrooms were completely finished, we left Jack’s apartment. It made everything so much more real. While we were still renovating, it seemed so far in the future, like it was still to come. But as Jack’s apartment became emptier and our house became more and more furnished and decorated, it turned into reality. The first night we spent at our house made it all concrete. Things changed. They changed a lot.
Even compared to living together back in Jack’s apartment, things changed significantly. It was only good changes, though. I wasn’t living in Jack’s space anymore, this was our space. We worked on it together, we decorated it together. There were no more fights about the dishwasher because we got a new one and both figured out what the best way to load it was. This was our home together. Of course, moving was stressful, and it didn’t happen without fights. We would fight about the strangest things. One day we’d be fighting about where exactly to put the couch. Three feet closer to the wall or further away? Then we’d be fighting about which plant to put where. These obviously weren’t things to really get into arguments about, but we were both just exhausted. After our first proper full night’s sleep, that all ended. The last thing we had to do was fix up our backyard. It really was just a matter of cutting all the grass, trimming the bushes, cleaning out the pool, and making the gazebo accessible. There were a few planks of wood that had come loose, it really needed painting, and we had to put some furniture in it so we could actually use it. The gazebo was literally the only thing that we actually had to do after living there for a few weeks. We had fixed it and painted the inside, all that was left was the outside now. But it was a weekend, and that meant that Jack and I slept in. Sometimes we wouldn’t even leave our bed all day, but usually I’d get up before Jack did. I was just in a routine of waking up relatively early and the imaginary concept of a weekend didn’t rewire my body. However, for the first time since we had moved into our house, Jack was actually up before me. After I took a shower and put on my clothes, I left our bedroom. I fully expected Jack to be up so early because he had a guitar riff or something in his head that he needed to record before he forgot it. However, once I popped my head into his workspace in our extra spare bedroom, I found it empty. The next best thing was to just go downstairs and see if he was there. But once I went back out to our hallway, I could already smell the sweet aroma of something cooking. I followed the trail all the way to the kitchen and found Jack hanging over the stove. There was definitely something nice of the menu for breakfast. He was wearing shorts that came to his knees and a t-shirt, but he looked so damn good. I sneaked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, looking over his shoulder to see him flipping a pancake. A smile crept up onto my lips and I pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. “Hmm, pancakes,” I whispered, licking my lips. “What’s the special occasion?” “No special occasion,” he shook his head and picked up the pan to slide the pancake on the pile he had started before making the next one, “just pancakes.” “Just pancakes?” I repeated, not believing him at all. There was something fishy going on. “I highly doubt that.” “What makes you so certain that it’s a special occasion?” he retorted, turning the questions on me. “Well, for starters, you got up before me and I didn’t even notice.” I hugged him tighter and pressed the side of my face into his back. “And you never make pancakes unless something’s up. Like whenever I would come over when I was still in Vancouver.” “Hmm, true.” He gave in with a nod. “But we live together now. It’s not your birthday, it’s not mine, it’s not our anniversary. I’m just making pancakes for m’lady.” “I’m no lady,” I whispered as I let my hands travel down his chest until I reached the waistband of his shorts and kissed his neck. “Ay!” He slapped my hands away. “I’m making pancakes here!” “Alright.” I ended the conversation just as I had started it, with a brief kiss to the back of his neck, and removed myself from him. If Jack was going to make pancakes for no reason other than wanting to, then the least I could do was set the table. I reached into our cupboards and pulled out two plates and two glasses. After putting them down on our wooden kitchen table, I pulled out the freshly squeezed orange juice I had made the evening before from our fridge. Yes, I was turning into one of those girls. Somebody who enjoyed making things and DIY-ing. It wasn’t because I wanted to be one of those pinterest-slash-instagram-blogger girls nor did I really have the time for it all. I just really did enjoy doing it. And Jack didn’t seem to mind trying homemade pasta or some weird cake recipe occasionally. If anything, he enjoyed it. It didn’t take much longer for Jack to finish making all the pancakes. He brought the plate with the large pile to the table along with some syrup. After sitting across from me, he gave the first pancake to himself, the next two to me, and the next one to himself. While he poured some syrup on his and started digging in, I just looked down at mine and back up at him. “What?” He asked with his mouth full. “What did you do to them?” I squinted at him and inspected the pancakes from afar again. He frowned back at me and swallowed what was in his mouth. “Nothing…?” “Are you sure?” “Yeah! What would I have done to them?” I still was too skeptical to pick up my fork and knife and touch them. “I don’t know. For all I know, you jacked off in them so I’d eat your cum.” “Why would I do that?” he snorted and continued to eat. “I don’t need to, you already swallow.” I glared at him. If he hadn’t gone out of his way to actually make these pancakes, I would have gotten mad. He thought it was funny, but was it really necessary? I was still allowed to get a little pissed off, though. So, I crossed my arms and continued to refuse to touch the food. “Oh, come on. Look,” he reached over, cut off a big chunk of one of my pancakes and stuffed it in his mouth, “it’s all safe.” I continued to stare at him, but when he didn’t even flinch, I gave in. I poured some syrup on then and started eating, keeping a close eye on Jack’s reaction. You know, just to be safe. “Damn, do you really not trust me?” He shook his head, noticing how careful I was being. “I’ve been friends with you for too long, Jack. I know to watch my back,” I responded. “And we’ve been dating for three years. Have I ever done something like that in that time?” I wanted to give him examples, but I could only think of things that happened before 2016, before we got together. He actually did stop playing stupid jokes ever sinace then. “Then why did you hand out the pancakes so weirdly!” “Because I was greedy and gave myself one first, decided it was rude, gave you some next before giving myself another.” He shrugged. “God, you’re weird,” I scoffed and knocked his leg with one of my feet, “and to think I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He grinned at me. “I love you.” “I love you too.” I rolled my eyes. After we finished our pancakes, Jack and I were in the kitchen cleaning everything up. That basically meant putting everything in the dishwasher and putting the syrup back into the fridge. Jack was once again doing most of the work, but only because he started. “Hey,” he tried to get my attention as he tried fitting the pan into the dishwasher. When I gave it to him, he continued, “why don’t you go get your nails done today?” I frowned and looked down at my hands. My nails were a mixture of short, broken and chipped. Usually, I liked to keep them up, have them taken care of. But that all went to shit when we were renovating and moving. “I dunno.” I shrugged although thinking my hands hadn’t looked this bad in a while. “They’re practically ruined. I’m not sure if it will be worth it.” “Don’t you want to make them look good again?” he wondered as he closed the dishwasher and took my hand to take a look himself. “I’ll pay for it.” I slowly took my hand out of his. “Why are you being so nice today?” He raised his shoulders. “Just cause I want to. Also, we’re finally done moving, so you should treat yourself. Or, actually, I’m treating you.” “It’s like you’re trying to get me to warm up to you. Like you used to do with your mom when you wanted to have a sleepover.” “Hey, I’m just offering.” He raised his hands up in defense. I checked out my nails again. Who was I if I didn’t take this opportunity? Jack was literally offering to pay for me to go out and get my nails done. “Okay, I will.” “Good.” He smiled and hooked one hand around my waist before leaning forward and kissing me. “What colour should I go for?” I asked him despite knowing I probably wouldn’t follow his advice once I was at the place anyway. I rarely did. He’d tell me to go blue when I’d be wearing pink to an event. “Something neutral,” he suggested, “maybe white.” “No, not white,” I rejected the latter. “That’ll be like wedding nails.” “If you say so.” I did exactly as I said and did not go for white. That was something I was keeping for when I was going to get married. Last time I checked, I wasn’t getting married anytime soon. Sure, if I had been single, I wouldn’t have cared. I would have rocked that white. But, now I wanted to keep it for something special. I did listen to Jack for the neutral idea, though. He was pretty spot on with that one, ignoring how vague it actually was. There were so many options and I was nearly tempted to just say ‘fuck it’ and go crazy like a neon orange or a bright green. But, Jack was probably right to go for something more calm. I could always decide to go crazy a few weeks later. So, I just went with an ombre of pink to white at the tips in a coffin shape. It really did look so much better than my natural nails. Jack just had to make sure he didn’t expect me to help finish the gazebo, or else they were probably going to break off as well. Once I came back home, I obviously wanted to show Jack what I had gotten with his credit card. The first thing I did was call out his name and tell him that I was home, but I didn’t get a response. I called it out again, thinking maybe he hadn’t heard me, but I still didn’t even get an acknowledgement. So, I took a little snoop around the house, not bothering to check the garden. It almost seemed abandoned. When I also couldn’t find Olive around, I just assumed that Jack must have been out taking her for a walk. So, I just flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV to see if anything interesting was on. Unfortunately, it just left me looking lazy while doing some channel surfing. I was sure that Olive couldn’t have waited any longer for her walk, but I would have much rather been out with them. And then something unexpected happened. Olive came bolting through the door to our second living room, coming right up to me. I gave her a few good head scratches and my mind immediately went to Jack also being around somewhere. So, I called out for him again with yet again no answer. However, that’s when I noticed Olive had something attached to her collar. I was confused. It was some yellow-toned capsule. Because I knew it wasn’t meant to be there, I clipped it off and opened it. Inside was a rolled up piece of paper, not much bigger than the size of half a notebook page ripped in half. Jack’s handwriting was scribbled on it. All it said was: Hey! Come out. I want to show you something! I held onto the note and turned off the TV before shuffling past Olive, who decided to follow me anyway. This instruction was almost just as vague as the nail colour he chose. I was fully assuming he meant the backyard, so I made my way there. After opening the door, I saw Jack standing in the gazebo already expecting me. What was once green from moss and had been sanded down, was now all painted in with a nice white coat, exactly like we had done with the inside earlier. “You finished it!” I exclaimed in glee as I approached him. The way he announced it was a little extra, but I was happy. “We’re officially done with our house now!” Jack cheered and pressed a deep yet short kiss to my lips before taking a step to the side and showing off the pillows and blankets he put down on the floor. “What better way to celebrate than a picnic in our own backyard?” “You already made pancakes this morning, and now this. Are you sure it’s not my birthday?” I teased and decided I wasn’t satisfied with the brief kiss we shared. To keep the contact longer, I circled my arms around his neck and shuffled closer to him. “It’s not November for another few months.” He wiggled his eyebrows and leaned in for another kiss while I could hear Olive barking and zooming around the entire garden in the background. “Then what did I do to deserve all this?” I mumbled against his lips. “A lot of things,” he breathed back and let his hand creep up my back underneath my shirt. I decided to challenge him. “Like?” “For not thinking I was a weird eleven-year-old when I was moved to sit next to you after disrupting the class too often,” he whispered and pecked me. “For dealing with me throughout high school and not letting my stupid crushes get in the way of our friendship.” He brushed his lips against mine again. “For being my best friend throughout all that time and staying with me after.” Another kiss. “For making me realise how shitty it was to deny my feelings and not giving up on me.” Another one. “For not letting my past ruin us.” And again. “For giving me another chance after I fucked up.” One last kiss. “For loving me and letting me love you.” Nope. There was another kiss. Only, this one was much longer and deeper. He pushed into me, using the hand on my back to keep us steady. I pulled him closer as well. I was so lucky. Never did I ever believe that I would be kissing and dating the boy in middle school who annoyed the living shit out of me. And I certainly did think I’d end up with the boy in high school who was such a big dork and would drag me to concerts super early. But now I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Jack pulled away before I wanted him to. I didn’t want this moment to ever end. He parted from me and got down. But he wasn’t getting down to sit and eat the food he had in a basket. No, he was doing something very different. He was getting down on one knee. My eyes widened and my heart started racing as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small black box. He cautiously opened it to reveal a diamond ring glistening in the light. “Rach,” he started, looking up at me, his fingers trembling lightly, “I know things are moving pretty quickly right now–” “Yes!” I practically squealed, slapping both of my hands to my cheeks in eagerness and anticipation. He chuckled softly, the trembling calming down. “Let me finish.” I nodded, urging him to continue. “Will you m–” “Yes!” I interrupted again. “Rach!” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I rambled, moving my hands about, “continue.” He took in a deep breath and gave me a warning look not to interrupt again. “Rachel, will you marry me?” I nodded in excitement, holding out my arms so he’d stand back up. Before he got the chance to take the ring out of the box, I enveloped him into a hug. I dug my face into the crook of his neck, just wanting to take a second and bask in the moment so I would never forget it. “You can say yes now,” he murmured into my ear. I broke away from him and wiped away some tears that had managed to fall from my eyes onto my cheeks. I could barely manage to make the word come out for a third time. “Yes.” Jack couldn’t stop smiling as he carefully took the ring out of its cushioned box. He held my left hand and gingerly slipped the ring onto my ring finger. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Jack could have gotten anything, and I would have been in love with it. But, damn, did that boy have a good taste. The band was thin, tiny diamonds all around it, leaving the rose gold to weave through them. On top was one large oval diamond that wouldn’t stop sparkling. As soon as the ring was at the base of my finger, my arms were around Jack’s neck again and my lips were pressed against his in a very hungry kiss. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist, his hands immediately went to my butt to keep me up. Everything was so surreal. Just earlier, I was skeptical about Jack’s pancakes, and now we were engaged. I didn’t want to paint my nails white because I wanted to wait until I got married, and now I was going to get married in the future. We did end up actually eating the food Jack had brought outside. It took awhile for us to let go of each other, but eventually we did. We couldn’t stay and kiss each other forever, as much as I would have liked to. I was just eating some of the grapes, still subconsciously smiling all the time, when I noticed that Jack was taking a picture of me. “Hey!” I gasped in accusation. “What?” he laughed back in defense. “I’ve gotta announce it in some way.” “At least take a good picture!” “It’s not a bad one.” He turned his phone to show me what he had taken. He was right, but that was only because I wasn’t in the middle of eating. I was just smiling and you could see the ring because of the grapes I was holding. “But if we’re going to take a proper photo, then it’s going to have both of us in it. I want to broadcast it to everybody. Except for the guys, I already sent this photo to them.” I dropped my mouth open before grabbing my phone as well. Without giving him time to think, I raised my left hand and snapped a photo of it with him in the background. That went straight to my family and Sascha along with a caption saying ‘guess what’. “Now we’re even.” I stuck my tongue out at him. He shook his head at me, not caring as much that I had obviously just sent it to people. “Just get your butt over here so we have a photo to frame forever.” The perfect photo didn’t happen immediately. There were a few tries. It was pretty difficult to get the optimal position. We had taken many selfies together before, but this was just a little different. For some reason, actually getting the ring in the shot was the most difficult part. However, eventually, we settled on a picture where I was on Jack’s lap and kissing his cheek. My one arm was around his neck, both my hands resting on his shoulder, the ring in full view. While Jack was busy posting it on social media, his arms around me so he could type, my phone started ringing. I leaned over to grab it from where I was sitting and tried my best not to have to leave Jack’s lap. Not that he would let me leave. I could barely reach it to see that it was Ethan FaceTime calling me. When I finally got to answer it, Ethan immediately greeted me. “Hey!” “Hey, what’s up?” I replied as Jack locked his phone and put his chin on my shoulder to see who I was talking to. Only the bottom of his face was visible in the frame, so my moved my phone away a little so Ethan knew Jack was here as well. “Umm, what do you think is up?’’ Ethan mocked. “I just saw your message. I’m calling to say congrats!” I giggled and Jack nuzzled his nose into my hair. “Thanks.” “I’m excited!” He grinned back. “When Jack told me he was going to propose, I had to do everything in me to not tell you. It was so difficult.” I turned my head to look up at Jack. “You told him?” “Yeah.” Jack nodded like it was a given and started listing and counting with his fingers. “I asked your dad for permission, I asked your mom for permission, and of course I checked with Ethan as well.” I didn’t think that I could love Jack any more, but just the fact that he thought to include Ethan made me love him so much more. It was so adorable and heartwarming. I couldn’t help but smile at him and kiss him. “Please, not in front of me,” Ethan groaned. “You’re the one that called after we got engaged,” I teased back. If there hadn’t been food around, I would have let Jack fuck me right on this gazebo. Ethan could have called right in the middle of that, ignoring the fact that I wouldn’t have announced it to my family yet then. “I know, I know,” he brushed it off. “But I’m still maid of honour, right?” “You don’t want to be one of my groomsmen?” Jack asked, acting like he was personally hurt. “As honoured as I would be,” Ethan apologised, putting his empty hand to his heart, “maid of honour sounds just a bit cooler.” “Damn it,” Jack whispered underneath his breath, “it does, doesn’t it?” “It does,” I confirmed with a nod. “He’s my boy.” “I will keep the title maid of honour, I don’t want any of that man of honour bullshit,” Ethan made very clear. I chuckled in response. I loved that kid with all my heart. He was nineteen now, which was just absolutely insane and unreal. To me, he was always going to be my baby brother. But now, he had graduated high school as well. He was just a few weeks away from starting college. Back when Jack and I first started dating, he was still an inexperienced high school kid. He was almost an adult now and he even had his own girlfriend. I could still remember the day he called me in a panic asking me ‘how the fuck sex worked’ after his girlfriend expressed that she was willing for them to lose their virginities to each other. It was so adorable to me. He was super lucky, because Jack was visiting me at the time. He got both advice from me and Jack. Jack gave him some technique tips, while I was asked more about what his girlfriend would like. I loved how concerned he was about her and not just about his own pleasure. He was a good kid, and I could only thank my parents for how amazing they were at raising us. “Okay, before you hang up on me,” Ethan quickly added when he noticed the conversation was starting to die down, “let me go find mom so she doesn’t call you later as well.” He didn’t even wait for us to reply before he was bolting down the stairs calling out ‘mom’ loudly over and over again. Although he was almost an adult, he did sometimes still really act like a kid, but we all did that. I could whine like I was a teenager going through a phase to my mom for hours as well. It wasn’t as frequent, but it did happen. “Mom, I’ve got Rachel on the phone,” he said off camera although his phone was still pointed towards his face. “Okay, that's nice,” was all my mom said in the background. Ethan didn’t like the answer and forced his phone in front of her. She was wearing her reading glasses and I could tell she was working on her laptop because of the glare on them. Her eyes showed the annoyance brewing inside. I was fully prepared for her to shout. She didn’t shout just yet, though. But she did sigh loudly. “Ethan, I’m working.” “Didn’t you check your phone?!” he was quick to defend himself. “I’m not constantly glued to that thing like you are,” she scoffed. I had to hide my face in Jack’s neck to hold back the laughter. She had no idea what was going on. She hadn’t checked her phone and seen my message yet. In her mind, Ethan was just trying to disrupt and annoy her. Little did she know he was just trying to make things easier. He tried to reason with her. “But Rachel–” “What about her?” My mom turned to finally look at the screen. She looked like she was going to tell me exactly what she had told Ethan, just in a much nicer way. That she was busy and that she’d talk later. Usually, I’d respect that. This time, I slowly raised my left hand up to show the ring that was now nestled on my finger. Her eyes widened significantly and her mood changed completely. “Oh! Oh my god!” “Thank you,” Ethan grumbled from the side of the screen. “When did this happen?!” My mom continued to gush. “Like half an hour ago,” I laughed. If my mom said ‘oh my god’, you knew she was in shock. She would never use that phrase otherwise. Her mouth was literally agape. “How did it happen?” “Well, I had a plan,” Jack scratched the back of his head, “but it immediately went wrong. But then it went better than expected. All credits go to Rachel, really, she just made the transition so smooth for me.” “That’s why you made pancakes this morning!” I gasped and sat up straighter. He totally had been trying to butter me up. “And the nails! You planned all of it!” “Of course, I did.” Jack shook his head softly at my ignorance. “I know pancakes make your day, I know you’re a sucker for a good picture, and I know you love our new backyard.” “I can’t believe both of my daughters are going to be married now!” I mom smiled at us, her shock now turned into content. “I’m getting old.” “I’m still a teenager.” Ethan shrugged. “That doesn’t make me any younger…” She breathed out. “Anyway, I’m going to let you guys enjoy this moment, okay? I’ll make sure dad calls you later tonight.” “Okay,” I nodded, “I love you.” “I love you, bye,” she signed off before ending the call. I immediately shifted in Jack’s lap so I could face his better without having to crane my neck as far. While I put down my phone again, I grinned sheepishly. “You’re going to have to tell me your original plan now.” “Nope!” He shook his head and sealed his lips. “What?! Come on!” I tried batting my eyelashes to sway him. “No,” he refused, leaning back onto his hands. “The way it happened was perfect and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” As much as I would have wanted to know, he was right. The way he proposed was just perfect. I couldn’t imagine it going differently. I loved how it wasn’t overly planned, how it just happened so naturally. I loved how he brought our entire history up. I loved that it was so unexpected and personal. And, of course, I loved Jack. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him deeply. Jack, while still leaning backwards, returned it with the same amount of pressure. My hand slipped to his hair on the back of his head behind his ear and I shuffled around to straddle him. He sat up to make it more comfortable and easy while he put his hands on my waist to pull me closer. There was just one thing we hadn’t done yet, and it was on both of our minds. His hands started traveling up my shirt when I realised something. I had been called by Ethan, but Jack’s phone had been awfully quiet. Strangely quiet. His instagram was probably blowing up, but he didn’t have those notifications on. Where were the other notifications? I pulled away from him, causing him to lean forward to try and make sure it wouldn’t stop. “Hang on, did you tell your family?” He looked annoyed and clouded with lust. There was this attitude like he was about to say ‘of course’ and get a little pissed off at me. But then his brow furrowed and he pursed his lips. “Oh… shit.” I raised my eyebrows to say ‘I told you so’ without actually saying the words. He gave me a little apologetic grin and reluctantly took his hands off me to take hold of his phone instead. I could already see that there were in fact notifications on his lock screen and they were definitely from the group chat he had with his brother and sister. I tried my best to read it all upside down and saw his sister freaking out just a little. She was mainly causing a fuss because she found out through his Instagram post instead of actually hearing something from him. Jack immediately sent an apology and an excuse. He even almost blamed it on me but noticed me reading along and deleted that sentence before it was even completed. Eventually, he just settled on being caught up in the moment, which was probably true. I couldn’t imagine him not wanting to tell his family. After a few messages, he put his phone back on the floor and returned his hands to my hips. “I’ll call my parents later. Let’s enjoy it ourselves first.” “Okay,” I agreed without a second thought and resumed the kiss I had interrupted before. This time, Jack was the one to break away. “Eager much?” “Like I’m the only one,” I whispered back against his lips and gingerly, yet not so subtly, put my hand on his crotch. He stared back at me and breathed out. “Fair enough.” As he restarted the kiss yet again, digging his fingertips into the back of my hips so I’d shuffle up closer to him. Once I was in the right position, he slowly started leaning back until his back hit the pillows he had put down. Everything was slow yet so passionate. I didn’t want to ever forget this day.
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literaryjerseygirl · 5 years
Insecurity pops up at the weirdest times, doesn't it? I mean, for me it does.
Before delving into that, I need to say I'm proud of where I am now, as compared to a year ago. I'm happy, even peaceful most of the time. I don't feel as scattered. And that's a GREAT feeling.
As I'm cleaning and organizing, trying to be a competent adult, I'm struck by a wall of insecurities...and it sucks. Because now they're in my head and I can't get them out. This is a hard thing to admit; those insecurities are rooted in the fear of being 'not good enough.'
Not good enough?? For what? For WHOM? That certainly is the question, isn't it?
So back to where these thoughts originated...my kitchen cabinets, of all places. Kinda funny, I guess. So there I am, cleaning, organizing, going about my business when I open my cabinets....and am faced with shelves of plates and glassware that don't match. More tupperware-type containers than one person should probably have. And the startling realization that I have a half-ass kitchen. What's a half-ass kitchen? In my world, right now, a half-ass kitchen has most of the basics needed to feed oneself, but is still missing key items. A meat platter. A decent cutting board. Cookie sheets or jelly roll pans. Cooling racks. The list goes on. I put off buying these items because they weren't a priority. But when will they become a priority? How can I expect to host friends and cook for them with my mismatched plates, crappy utensils, and lack of adequate kitchen supplies?? My Nana is likely turning over in her grave right now...
This of course brings to mind other thoughts...like, why am I missing that inherently female gene for decorating and cleaning and "home-making?" I freely admit that I will abdicate my adult responsibilities in a moment to go have fun. I'd rather enjoy a gorgeous day at the beach, or an evening out with friends instead of staying home to deep clean my walls or some shit like that.
Why don't I know any other women like me? Is something wrong with me? I can't help but wonder if this quirk of mine is one of the things that cost me any sort of normal romantic relationship.
Before I go any further, I should clarify that I'm not wallowing in some den of filth. My place is 'clean enough.' Define clean enough? OK. No mold, mildew, or any other weird growing thing. No bugs, no mice, no critters of any kind. Most of my mismatched plates, glassware, and assorted kitchen items are clean; and if they aren't, most of the dirty ones are in the dishwasher. There might be a glass and a couple spoons in the sink. No food left out to rot. No raw meat dripping juice in my fridge. My bathroom is clean, but I didn't make my bed this morning. My sheets and towels are clean. I have clean clothes, and most of the dirty ones are in the hamper. I take out the garbage frequently, and there are no to-go containers or empty pizza boxes hanging around...EVER.
There's dust. Random piles of papers and books in odd places. Technically not clutter per se...but not quite organized. Makeup scattered on my dresser; remnants of my preparation for work this morning (and probably yesterday, too). Several pairs of shoes throughout the apartment. There's crumbs on my kitchen counter. Cobwebs up near the ceiling and in my lamps. And my floors desperately need to be mopped. A couple of half-finished projects lurking about; including items to sew and items to paint. I think my stove is dirty, and the oven might be too.
Knowing all this, and feeling the way I do about it all right now...am I going to rush home and spend hours cleaning?
No. No I am not.
OK, then, am I going to spend at least one weekend day taking care of some or all of these things?
Not very likely.
So if this is my choice, if this is who I am as an adult, then WHY am I allowing these thoughts to eat away at me, and potentially sabotaging any feelings of self worth I possess?
I don't know. I really, really don't know. It bothers me that I don't know, and it bothers me that it makes me feel 'not good enough.' No one has ever come out and SAID I wasn't good enough...no wait, I'm kind of lying...
A couple years ago, I was invited to someone's house for a home-cooked lunch and an afternoon of girl talk. True to form, I did only what I needed to do that day, and promptly hightailed it to her place. She set a beautiful table with matching plates and such. She truly has the gift of hostessing, and enjoys doing it. We had a lovely meal, wonderful conversation, and she proposed an aperitif with our dessert. True to *her* form, she brought out the appropriate glassware for consuming an aperitif. These pretty little glasses reminded me of shot glasses, and in an effort to be funny, I mimed doing a shot with my aperitif. The look of horror on her face was, I thought, kind of funny. I mean...I know what aperitif glasses are. I know you don't consume an aperitif the way you consume a shot. It was the statement that followed her look of horror that stuck with me: "Oh LJG! You really have no class! Good thing you have me to help you..." I chuckled, and she went on to say she wasn't kidding. She really thought I was going to down an aperitif like a shot.
And that hurt. I felt like..I don't know...kind of small and inadequate. Like someone who was playing at being an adult, while this woman with her beautiful table and perfectly executed meal service was the REAL adult.
I'd like to think it wasn't her intention to be hurtful, to be demeaning, to talk down to me.
In that moment, I felt not good enough.
And now, looking at my cobbled-together kitchen, my mismatched linens, my lack of discernible "decor," and my slightly messy disorganized home...I feel that again-not good enough. Not adult enough. Simply not enough.
I don't think I want to change who I am, but I would like very much to let go of this feeling, and feel good about being the kind of adult woman I am.
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jpn-langblr · 6 years
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Here, have a list of tips on how to be good to the Earth and not spend a fortune on it. Organic is good, but actually being able to eat the whole month is even better (especially on a student budget, yikes).
Leave the air con off when you are not at home. At some point, your house can’t get any warmer than it is, and having the AC on to constantly combat the heat just will burn so much energy that you do not need to pay for. Also, the difference between the temperature on your air conditioning unit and the outside temperature should be no more than 5 C. The smaller the difference is, the lower your energy cost!
Turn off the heat, or turn it way down, when you’re going to sleep. Grab an extra blanket and put on some socks instead!
Don’t cover your radiators with anything; the heat won’t spread efficiently and you’ll waste energy.
Same goes for your fridge. Try not to have anything touch the back wall. Same principle as above, just with the cold. Plus, the stuff touching your back wall might actually freeze. I’ve had this happen with yoghurt.
Let’s reverse all that. If you have a wall or corner that’s drafty as hell, put stuff up against it. Put your bookshelf there. Hang up posters and paintings. Cover it as best you can.
Save on dish soap by buying a small spray bottle, they cost like, nothing. Fill it 4:1 water to soap. You still get plenty of the cleaning goodness from the soap, but you use much less of it. Make sure you use all the soapy water that same day to avoid bacteria growth. Better for the water, better for your wallet. Of course, this is only relevant if you don’t have a dishwasher.
Don’t waste your money on expensive Magic Stain Removal For Clothes. Get some normal, clear dish soap. Wet your t-shirt or whatever it is that you got grease on. Rub dish soap on the opposite side of where you got the stain and let it sit before you wring out the soap again. That way, you get the stain out of your clothes fibers the same way it came in, so to speak. Wash clothes as normal afterwards. It’s magic, I swear.
Recycle! Find out where you can return glass (!), metal (!), cardboard, and what else your city asks you to sort. Save up bottles and cans in a bag or box, and take them there when it’s full. Donate clothes to charity.
While we’re at recycling, buy clothes that last, instead of poor quality clothes produced in a sweatshop that will stretch, twist, and tear after a few times in the washing machine. Spend a little more on your wardrobe a little less often.
Upcycle! Clean jam/pickle jars make for cute candle holders, pencil cups, hell, grow plants in them if they’re big enough. If they smell funky, wash them with lemon juice, salt, and water.
If you can, hang your clothes out to dry instead of using a dryer. It’ll smell nicer, and sunlight helps bleaching your whites!
Check the kilogram/pound price on stuff when grocery shopping. That’s where you really compare differences. I found out that a store near me sells organic peanut butter, which, per jar, deceptively costs a lot more than conventional. However, when I looked at the kg price, the difference was minimal. You should be able to find the kg/lb price on the price tags. Go organic when you can afford it! Less poison in the water, less poison in your body. Tomatoes, cucumber, and strawberries are some of the biggest sinners regarding how many pesticides they contain.
Figure out what fruits and veggies are in season when where you live. Buying stuff that’s in season means it’s a) produced locally or as close to your country as possible, which b) means that tons of fuel hasn’t been used to cart these vegetables all the way to you from the other side of the planet.
That goes for everything else, pretty much. Check where it’s been made, go for the stuff that is produced the closest to you.
The Forest app - you’ve heard about it. But were you totally aware that you can spend your imaginary coins on planting a real tree? You can!
Also related to forestry, check the list of ingredients for palm oil. Harvesting palm trees for oil means a crazy amount of deforestation and replanting of oil palms, leading to animals being robbed of their habitats, and overall the palm oil industry has a devastating impact on biodiversity. Say no and look for an alternative.
Quit the car in favor of walking, biking, or public transportation. A bus carrying 30 people spends less fuel per person than a car carrying only 1.
If you already have a car, carpool! Find a neighbor, some friends, classmates, colleagues nearby. Ask them if they want to go with you. Bonus: you can totally ask for gas money if it becomes a regular thing, and no one will think you’re a jerk.
Bring a fabric shopping bag for your groceries and avoid plastic and paper one-time-use bags! More and more countries are moving to ban plastic bags at grocery stores, which is fantastic.
Get kitchen rags (for wiping the countertop and such) made from cloth, not the microplastic ones that, when washed, allow plastic to go out into the water. The cloth ones will last you longer, too, as they’re more durable.
Lots of soaps, lotions and cleaning supplies have more environmentally friendly alternatives at no or a very small extra cost, and these should be helpfully marked with ecolabels! In the Nordic countries, for instance, we have the Nordic Swan, among many others.
All of these tips are nothing more than habit changes. They’ll take very little extra time out of your life and doesn’t require much dedication. You can do it!
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livingcorner · 3 years
We Predict These Kitchen Trends Will Be Everywhere in 2021@|what is new in kitchen design@|https://ift.tt/3h75BTp
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While the all-white kitchen will probably never go out of style, there are lots of new design trends for 2021 that will make you equally happy. Think: natural elements with some pops of color as well as a visit to the dark side with colors you might never expect. We know, we know. You’ve already carefully chosen every appliance, picked out each piece of hardware, and planned your kitchen design to a T, but there are ways to dip your toes into the world of color without messing up your rustic farmhouse kitchen aesthetic. On the color front, why not try painting your ceiling a fun color, like Haint Blue? How about hauling in some colorful appliances?
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If you’ve been wanting to layer in more natural elements, try “sustainable” and “eco-friendly” items. These are words that are popping up more and more, with many companies offering green solutions for cabinets and shelving. You can also think about bringing in handmade tiles in materials like terra-cotta and cement—a great solution for adding a little more soul to your space, regardless of whether or not you opt to completely switch over to a farmhouse style vibe.
When it comes to countertops, quartz is quickly becoming an affordable and low maintenance alternative to our beloved marble. There are even new trends for accessorizing your countertops, like vintage plate racks made to display your grandmother’s china. Hardware and metal finishes continue to push the envelope—think brass, nickel, and matte black. Removable wallpaper companies are making it even easier to experiment with pattern on walls and backsplashes. Consider 2021 as the year of the kitchen!
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Kitchens with Curves
You’ve probably seen it trending in furniture design and we love how it is translated into this beautiful designed by Tiffany Leigh Design. Head over to her blog to read more about this space. It is packed with fun ideas!
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Integrated Range Hood
Designer Stefani Stein created a seamless look in this kitchen where the range blends right in to the subway tile walls.
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Colorful Kitchen Islands
Try painting your kitchen island a striking color like Alison Giese Interiors did on this project. We love how it stands out and contrasts the other white cabinets.
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Bright Colored Cabinets
Because we all need a little more sunshine in our lives after 2020, am I right?! Pair them with a fun backsplash, and you will smile every time you walk into your happy kitchen!
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Modern Black
As suggested by Semihandmade, “If you’re going for a trendy look, start with black cabinets and really commit to the modern approach by nixing those upper cabinets in favor of sleek natural wood open shelving.” Just like Yellow Brick Home did with this space, using cabinet doors by Semihandmade.
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New Rustic
We know the rustic look has been around for a long time now, but if you pair it with a pop of fresh paint like Designer Hadley Wiggins-Marin did here, you can really and modernize redefine that rustic look.
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Terra Cotta Tiles
When you think of terra cotta you probably have warm and earthy thoughts of potted plants and garden shops. Pair that material with soapstone countertops and classic brass hardware, and you have a unique yet traditional and beautiful kitchen. We love everything happening in this space, especially those terra cotta floors!
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Marble Kitchen Countertops
Carrara marble like that shown here will always be in style, but if you’re a red wine drinker, quartz could be a much better fit for you and your kitchen. While it looks like a natural stone, engineered quartz is more affordable and less prone to stains.
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Kitchen Larders
Originally a room in the home used for storing and preserving foods (think: the refrigerator before the refrigerator was invented), the kitchen larder has transformed into a stand-alone cupboard or pantry. They can be large enough to house the majority of your dry goods but small enough to keep things organized while taking up a minimal amount of valuable space. Forget a walk-in and sub in counter-top cabinet or add doors to enclose pre-existing shelving.
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Handmade Kitchen Tiles
Bring texture and nuance to your kitchen walls with handmade tiles. The possibilities are vast—try terra-cotta or cement in colors that range the rainbow—although we lean toward more neutral hues.
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The 5th Wall (The Kitchen Ceiling)
Don’t forget about your kitchen ceiling! Add a fun hit of color, wallpaper, or wood paneling to add dramatic flair to your space.
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Reclaimed Wood Kitchen Cabinetry
If you’re installing custom cabinets, opt for a rough-hewn, reclaimed wood. And good news if you’re going pre-fab, companies such as IKEA are moving to more natural, eco-friendly materials for their kitchen cabinets. From bamboo to even recycled plastic bottles, cabinet companies are taking this revival of reduce and reuse very seriously.
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Kitchen Wallpaper
While wallpaper has become less scary to the general population over the last five years or so, folks are still reluctant to hang it in the kitchen. If you’re scared about the permanency of wallpaper, try something less, well, permanent. There are plenty of peel-and-stick papers in trendy designs that are incredibly easy to install and remove. Hot tip: Opt for a graphic design that mimics the look of tile.
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Kitchen Plate Racks
Vintage plate racks are coming back in a big way in 2021. Whether displayed on countertops or mounted on walls, they add a ton of soul to a space and give you an actual place to store and display your dishware instead of hiding it away in a hutch or cupboard.
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Mix-and-Match Kitchen Metals
The year 2021 is not about being matchy-matchy—and that goes double for your heavy metals. Choose a nice nickel for your knobs and then go with a cool brass or matte white for your faucet. Choose a whole different metal for your lighting fixtures.
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Hidden Kitchen Appliances
Not a fan of stainless steel facades? Try adding fronts to your appliances that mimic your cabinetry. Refrigerators and dishwashers disappear when clad to match their cabinet cohorts. Even your massive oven hood can get in on the action.
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Open Shelving
Open shelves allow you to showcase your beautiful kitchenwares among other heirlooms and antiques. The ability to see through your storage also means everything is easy to find. Just don’t forget to clean your items often since they will be open to the elements that might be floating through your kitchen. It’s also helpful to keep every day items on the lowest, most accessible shelf.
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Standout Sinks
You don’t have to go nuts to achieve an on-trend kitchen. While an apron-front sink in a farmhouse kitchen isn’t exactly unexpected, a farmhouse sink in soapstone with brass hardware is a showstopper—especially when it’s set against white walls, wood cabinets, and stainless steel countertops.
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Natural Wood Tones in the Kitchen
While we’re still seeing stained and painted woods, we’re also seeing it in its natural state. Try adding a kitchen island—or just the topper—in a pretty, grainy wood. Brown wooden shelves that feel original to the house are another way to test the waters with wood. It will bring a warmth to any kitchen space, especially those trending bright white ones!
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Tons of Texture
For those who fear color, focus on mixing up the finishes. Designer Cathy Chapman chose white beadboard on the ceiling and shiplap for the walls. She used unlacquered brass strap hinges and latches on the cabinets, black marble on the island countertop, and tons of warm woods on the floors, backsplash, and remaining countertops.
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Swoon-Worthy Ceilings
When you want to maintain neutrality but still have some fun in the kitchen, shoot for the stars—or in this case, the ceiling. Here, the Madcap Cottage team chose to paint the ceiling a Southern porch-inspired blue (Blue Ground by Farrow & Ball) and added an elaborate antique lantern.
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Hints of Color
You don’t have to scrap an all-white kitchen to stay on trend. Dip your toe in the color pool instead, whether you store colorful pottery in glass-front cabinets, bring in colorful furniture, or paint a large piece like this kitchen island in Tropical Moss by Dunn-Edwards Paints.
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Open Kitchen and Living Areas
Maximize living space by making the family room and kitchen one large room. A mix of lighting helps differentiate the areas, while a uniform wall color keeps everything cohesive.
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Pretty Pantries
Gone are the days of having a dark little pantry to house dry goods hidden away from prying eyes. Today’s kitchens boast roomy pantries with shelving aplenty for your cereals and collectibles. Proud of your organizational skills and want to show off? Finish the pantry space with a screened porch door painted in an eye-catching color, like this bright green hue.
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Range of Colors
Appliance makers like Lacanche, Big Chill, and Smeg offer up a host of practical pieces in a number of colors and finishes, which will definitely liven up your range.
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Butcher Block Countertops
In this Massachusetts beach house, a savvy couple replaced linoleum with warm wood for a durable upgrade. Butcher block is virtually maintenance-free—it just needs an occasional coating of mineral oil—and the natural material is the perfect neutral to break up the sterility of an all-white palette.
source https://livingcorner.com.au/we-predict-these-kitchen-trends-will-be-everywhere-in-2021what-is-new-in-kitchen-designhttps-hips-hearstapps-com-hmg-prod-s3-amazonaws-com-images-sustainablekitchen-1570570383-jpgcrop1-00/
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yournewapartment · 7 years
How do I find a decent apartment, and like I'm general be an adult
Here’s information on Apartment Hunting, but can you be more specific about what “Adulting” activities you’re interested in learning about? xx
Apartment Hunting 101
Overview: There’s no getting around it, apartment hunting is a stressful process. The waiting and wondering gets the best of everyone, so give yourself a break and remember not to be too hard on yourself. The more prepared and decisive you are, the better off you’ll be!
1. Step One: The most important step in this entire process is coming up with your list of “Need and Won’t”. This list can always be adjusted in the spur of the moment, but will act as a baseline to help you easily disregard impractical apartments. Before you even start your search, sit down with any roommates (SO or otherwise) and come up with a list. Here is my list:
Need: Dishwasher, pet friendly, heat included.
Won’t: First floor apartment, all or mostly carpeted apartment, no closet space.
2. Step Two: Decide your price range. The paycheck to paycheck life is not a great one to live, so try to find an apartment that still allows you to put anywhere from $100-$500 into savings every month. Figure out how much you make monthly, with taxes taken out. If you’re paid every other week, this is two paychecks. If you’re paid every week, this is four paychecks. Start with your total monthly income, and subtract the following expenses. Let’s say you make $1,000 with taxes taken out:
Rent - Let’s say you’re living with a roommate, and your rent is only $500 per month.
Electric - My electric expense is $60 a month for a one bedroom. Once again, you’re living with a roommate so let’s say that you pay half of that. $30.
Internet - $30 a month internet only. Please don’t waste your money on cable. Just use your mom’s Netflix account.
Travel expenses - I spend about $85 a month on gas. Let’s say you use public transportation and spend around $100.
Food - Figure you’ll be spending $100 per person each month. So that’s another $100.
Misc expense: Let’s just add an additional $50 worth of expenses on. Because you never know what’ll happen.
That leaves you $130 a month extra to put in savings or to use in the event of an emergency! That’s awesome. Substitute your own numbers in, and figure out how much you can afford for rent. Immediately disregard any apartments that do not fit in this budget.
3. Step Three: The best way to find dependable apartments is to consult with your fellow apartment renters. Consult with coworkers, friends, family- anyone who is currently renting in the area that you would like to rent in. Get the inside scoop on potential apartments, both their advantages and their pitfalls. If you don’t know anyone who is renting where you’d like to rent, here are some other apartment hunting options:
Craigslist: Obviously
Drive-bys: Literally drive around until you find a cool looking apartment complex. Find their rental office and go right in, this is how I found my first apartment.
Your college: The Dean’s Office will have a list of apartment offerings to give kids who don’t qualify for on-campus housing.
This Site: A list of the top ranked apartment hunting sites.
4. Set up an appointment: After finding a potential apartment, consult with the landlord or apartment representative to set up a date and time to see the apartment. Respond promptly to any email or phone call they leave for you. On the flip side, if they aren’t prompt in their response to you RUN.
The first apartment I ever looked at, my boyfriend and I showed up on time and the landlord wasn’t there. We called her and she said that she was running late, and told us that the apartment was open and we could show ourselves inside. Serious red flag, but we gave it the benefit of the doubt and went in. Long story short, she never showed up. She gave us a tour of the apartment over the phone and kept saying that she was five minutes away, but never came. We later found out that her rental office was two minutes from the apartment we looked at. Talk about flakey! We told her we weren’t interested, if she can’t even show up to show us the apartment, how the hell can we depend on her to fix any problems we might have? Because you’re young and inexperienced, some landlords will try to give you the run around. Your age is no concern of their’s, and has no bearing on how you will act as a tenant. Here are some red flags for flaky landlords:
Not contacting you within one day of leaving them a message. Disregarding the weekends.
Not showing up when they say they will.
Repeatedly telling you that you’re “young” or “inexperienced”.
Telling you that the apartment “is good for college kids” or “a good first apartment” (that just means it’s a shit hole).
If they tell you that the apartment has a large turnover (people are leaving for a reason).
If you speak with one person on the phone, and meet a different person who shows you the apartment.
If they can’t or refuse to give you the exact rent amount.
If they tell you that have to “run some numbers” based on your history. An apartment’s rent should be the same for everybody.
If they can’t answer basic questions about service providers for the apartment.
If you get a weird vibe from them. Listen to your intuition! This is the person who is going to be responsible for fixing all your apartment related problems, you will be dealing with them every month at least. If they seem unreliable, don’t sign the lease!
5. Step Five: Find your appointment buddy! Never, ever, EVER go to look at a potential apartment by yourself. I don’t care how friendly Wendy seems online, she may be a serial killer. There’s no way to tell. Here’s a list of people who can accompany you:
Your older brother
Your boyfriend/girlfriend
Your Aunt Meredith
Your second cousin
Your friend who can scream really loudly
Your Mother
Your Step Mother
Your old nosey neighbor who smells like cats
Literally anyone you can trust
Bribe them with chocolate, I don’t care. Take someone with you! If you absolutely cannot find anyone to go with you, then you need to take additional precautions. Here are some options:
“Share My Location” on your Iphone
Pepper Spray
Posting to Facebook the address you are going to and when you are expected to arrive and leave.
Rescheduling your appointment to a date and time when you can be accompanied
A mental checklist is good in theory, but will you remember it when you’re actually at the prospective apartment with your Aunt Meredith? I think not! Make a physical list of some of the following points, and feel free to add your own. my list is super extensive, but that’s just who I am. I am detail oriented.
Tuck this list in your back pocket and consult it when the person showing you the apartment is not looking.
Expense related
How much is the rent?
Is the rent just the rent, or are there any amenities included? Some apartments include heat, hot water, or electric expenses.
Is hot water included (if the apartment has a washer/dryer in it, then the water is probably a separate expense)?
What Internet service providers are available?
What electric service providers are available?
Do I have to pay for garbage removal?
What is the average electric expense that other renters deal with?
Ask when rent is due. Find out what the rent check procedure is.
What type of heating/cooling is provided?
What appliances are in the kitchen? *If there is no oven or fridge and you are required to buy your own then run*
What is the apartment complex turnover rate?
Do you have a choice of carpet vs. hard wood floors?
Will window blinds be provided? *If the apartment complex won’t pay for something as simple as window blinds then the landlord is a cheapskate and can’t be trusted*
Is there a “curfew”? Most apartments have a time of night when all the tenants are supposed to be quiet. This is generally not enforced.
What will your address be?
Is any furniture included?
Is there a Laundromat in the complex? If not where is the closest one?
Similarly, is the Laundromat in the complex card operated or quarter operated? Do you have to pay a fee for the card? Is there a quarter dispensing machine?
Will you be given a free parking permit? *If parking is not free then run*
Ask about local shopping and gas stations.
Ask where your mailbox will be.
Ask what their pet policy is. (some apartment complexes charge an fee)
Ask what their policy on repainting/decorating is.
Ask what their maintenance request policy is.
Ask where the nearest dumpster is.
How often does the complex loose power?
Is there a nearby police station or fire department?
General check
Check all cabinets (for bug infestations or mouse droppings or that they open properly).
Open all the windows and check to see that there are screens installed. Especially important for us cat owners! If there are no screens- are they going to install screens before you move in?
Check that all the light switches work.
Check that the water turns on.
Flush the toilet.
Check all the closet space (for size, mold, and water damage).
Check how all the doors are set (some apartments will put doors in incorrectly and they’ll never close properly).
Check the outlets (bring a phone chord and plug it in).
Check any balcony access.
Take a look at the paint- is it chipped? Is it stained? Will they be repainting?
Knock on the walls to see how hollow they are (hollow walls require studs if you want to hang anything up).
Open up the oven and make sure it’s clean. If it’s not clean make it clear that it should be cleaned if you want to move into the apartment. It’s not your job to clean up after the previous tenant.
Check that none of the floorboards are sticking up/creaking.
Check for nails and screws in between hardwood floor, tile and carpet (I’m not even kidding).
Check your phone to see how much cell service you have.
Can you hear any neighbors? Could you hear them in the hallway?
Final Decision
If the apartment you visited fits all your criteria, feel free to tell the landlord that you’re interested in pursuing this apartment. This way they can advise you of the next steps. Before you sign ANYTHING, visit the apartment complex twice more to make sure that everything is kosher. Do NOT tell the landlord that you will be coming by.
During the day: Do a drive-by of your prospective apartment to see what it looks like during the day. Is it safe? Are there lots of people standing around outside? Is it loud?
During the night: Come back another night to check the safety of your apartment. Ask yourself- would I feel comfortable taking the trash out late at night? Having friends over? If the answer is “no” then run…
Additional Resources
Apartment Setup: My post that briefly outlines locating, checking out, and setting up a new apartment. Also has some next steps that I’m not going over in this post. It’s pretty good if I do say so myself!
Apartment Hunting 101: A list of helpful resources all relating to locating and checking out potential apartments. Some of the links aren’t set up correctly, so you will need to copy and paste them into a new browser.
NYC Renters: This post is designed for NYC Renters, but the points are still valid even if you’re not renting in NYC. A must read!
Stuff Nobody Tells You: I love love LOVE @hipdomestic so much! They haven’t posted anything recently, but this blog is an incredible resource. Check out this post that really goes into depth about apartments.
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bollywoodhits · 3 years
How To Take Care Of Your All White Home: Take Cues Here
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Most of the people are very crazy about all-white houses, rather it looks pretty and awesome. Globally all-white walls become a contemporary favorite. All-white homes are always good but to maintain them is a very tricky job, especially the place where there is dust and dirt. You should think twice before going for all white. Also if you have small kids then it will become difficult to clean frequently as they tend to make walls dirty frequently. But it’s not difficult to take care of your all-white house. Here we look at few cues, how to maintain an all-white home.
* First Important thing is to choose easy-to-wash paints for the walls. Don’t compromise with the quality of the material used.
* Most of the popular brands in India offer washable paints which are easy to clean.
* Schedule regular dusting and don’t allow dust to accumulate. Get cleaning with brush or duster with long handles.
* If you are using a vacuum cleaner, then use an extension.
* All white kitchen should be maintained properly and utmost care needs to be taken.
* Always ensure to put on chimney while cooking as it will reduce dist and oil stains on the walls.
* Frequently after a gap of six months you should wash your walls with mild soap but ensure to wipe drywall immediately. It is recommended to use a damp cloth and work from the bottom to the top.
* Your head tends to make greasy marks. Avoid such seating arrangements. Also pay attention to walls near doorknobs, electrical switches, and smoking pots.
* If you find a stain, act immediately. Water will take care of it. Clean with a damp cloth. If water doesn’t work you can use dishwasher soap or borax solution.
* Your last option is to use an aggressive stain cleaner.
In this many ways, you can take care of your all-white home.
The post How To Take Care Of Your All White Home: Take Cues Here appeared first on IWMBuzz.
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Editors Note: Another guest contribution from R.Ann Parris to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share and be entered into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, then enter today!
One of the challenges when we get into preparing for disaster is keeping everything neat and organized. In some cases, we’re trying to maintain our own or a spouse’s sanity and keep some of our preparations neat, tidy and organized without being in plain sight while short on space, either square footage or because we rarely allow something to leave our grasp. Beyond the ease in counts and condition checks, and avoiding a hoarder’s larder, organization can help us with both rotating supplies and in some cases even rationing our supplies should we fall on hard times.
Happily, there’s lots of stuff out there that can help us. Repurposing some items that are inexpensive, commonly found curbside and at flea markets or yard sales, or that we might already have laying around can help us maintain that organization without breaking the bank.
Maps & Rolls
Keeping our wrapping paper neat and tidy might not appeal to preppers, but we can steal some of the ideas out there for keeping our maps, charts, and our property plats accessible and tidy. There’s one where you take an old wire shelf and affix it vertically to a wall or door instead of horizontally. The 250ml wine boxes are ideal for keeping both maps and wrapping paper contained and neat, and most alcohol retailers are simply delighted to let you have boxes.
Cutting the bottoms out of hanging shoe organizers lets us customize height. That one has added benefits because you can leave pouches intact to keep map pens, sprays, and dry erase markers and erasers right there with them. It also allows some mobility, so they can be re-hung by a work board, in a radio or control room, or at the desk and table where you do your planning.
Hanging Shoe Organizers
You have to watch the weight in these guys, but otherwise, the sky is the limit. They can hook us up in pretty much all wedges of our preparedness “health” wheels. I’ve got some in use for “daily” life, too.
One’s in the kitchen keeping small packets of instant cereal and snack foods and the last bar of one kind or another from either getting lost in the abyss or from having the boxes continue to eat up space. One’s for winter, and keeps hats, scarves, and gloves neat and organized. The bottom row holds some quick slip-on slippers for household members and the dogs’ various booties. There’s another set up with each person’s preferred garden and yard work sets of gloves and pocket detritus.
For preppers, the value goes up further. With stick-on labels or clothespins, we can use them to track dates for at-a-glance organization. We can also take a space where we would be limited to boxes or shelves and turn it into basically a rack for them. A couple of freebie curbside-pickup filing cabinets, a bar or two to go across the top, and we can string our organizers on dowels or sturdy branch/sapling trimmings.
The filing cabinets here are actually reading nooks, but it gives you an idea of how the addition of a plank (freebie-pickup shipping pallets, walls/shelves from curbside bookshelves) and a curtain (surviving sheet from a wrecked bedding set) can keep it from being “ugly” even if it’s out in a home where somebody cares. If appearance is less of a concern, some suit hangers and any ol’ pole can be hung in sheds, basements or a storage room to accomplish the same – a flip or slide-through storage area for small items.
Those items can be anything. It can be a great way to keep veggie seeds separated by planting/growing season and year. We can use them for sewing supplies or art supplies. Instant drink packets, seasoning packets and shakers, granola bars, little packets of vitamin-rich gummy treats, boxes and packets of pudding or gelatin mixes, and other kitchen items fit easily. We can arrange them to be a general category like snacks or spices, or we can set each up by expiration or best-by date.
Educational goodies, supplies for the radio room or office, entertainment items, hygiene items, and especially first-aid and medical items that do start separating or losing efficiency are all other options for storing someplace we can find and see them easily and check those dates without pawing through boxes.
We can use hanging closet organizers much the same way to buy some extra space, although they’re not as handy for the tiny little items and still have the weight restrictions.
We can also use them to help us ration, just like we can with canning jars. We can pack each with a week, a month, or a quarter’s “goodies”. That can be seasonings or instant helpers like gravy or dressing mix. It can also be things like chocolate chips, tea bags or a brick of coffee, smaller packets of cookie, edible cake decorations, or Slim Jim’s. Some of the shoe organizers are big enough we could even seed them with fresh games like Qwixx or Dog Bites Man, new decks of cards, some specialty feel-good lotion or chap stick, or something seasonal to brighten the mood.
Another option is to use a shoe organizer as a pre-staging area. Rather than those things that jump in buggies getting tossed in a box or drawer for a while, they can get slotted by category. It can also help with those items that seems like a great idea but then hide when we want them. That can be everything from eyeglass repair kits and those mini sewing kits, to things like outlet and light-switch wall plates, overhead pull cords, and those plastic twisty-cap wire connectors that like to multiply in drawers and tool rooms.
Curtain Rods
While we’re hanging things to improve our organization, we can keep an eye out for curtain rods. With some rings and-or big S-hooks, they can help us in all kinds of spaces. We can mount them in our bathrooms – and our outdoor camping/solar showers – to drape bathroom organizers and avoid having stuff sit on ledges and floors. With hooks affixed to light baskets and tubs, what we can hang for easy access increases even further.  Those baskets can easily be the bathroom organizers or oddball dishwasher or silverware baskets that show up here and there or wire or plastic bins form the dollar store, and get used for school and office supplies, kitchen spices, each individual’s hankies and bandanas, or anything else we like.
We can arrange them under cabinets or against walls to keep items like spools of thread, bungee cords, and weed-eater wire accessible. With hooks or loops, we can add our extension cords, gloves, and tools. By our doors, they’re another easy way to keep hats and gloves organized, and the airflow they’ll get will let them dry faster.
While I specified curtain rods, be flexible while we’re upcycling and repurposing. I see swingsets and bed frames on freebie listings and by the curb on a regular basis. Tree trimmings can yield nice, straight pieces. The scrap guys in town will let us have pretty much whatever we want at about a halfway between their cost and sale price. Be flexible.
  Garage & Shed Storage
We can use all kinds of oddball wrecked, found, used, or inexpensive items for storage, although the garage and shed where we don’t have to hear anything from family members really shines. We can use coat hangers and hooks with a piece of looped rope, chain, or bungee cord to keep heavy extension cords, hoses, and heavy rope neatly coiled and off the flat surfaces. A wrecked binder offers three rings that can hold anything, from our bungee cords to cleaned cans with a hole punched that can then hold our paint brushes, garden pruners, gloves, or safety glasses.
You have to pretty much murder somebody to find them now, but a plastic 2L soda bottle is awesome for allowing us to stack and move bottles and for keeping stuff in a pickup or van right where you want it. They can also be screwed flat to a wall to use the holes as shallow storage nodes, but they’re too shallow to have much value for me there. Instead, see if a plumbing outfitter or company has PVC scrap. It’s usually deeper and you can cobble that into a honeycomb with some screws and get a lot more use out of it.
All kinds of things that hit our recycling and trash have other uses, particularly in keeping our storage neat and tidy. The cardboard boxes that soda comes in get a lot of play for upcycling into soup and veggie can organizers, but we can also just slit the top off entirely. Swiffer pad tubs are awesome for stacking and labeling the sides, but really only for lightweight stuff. Old-school laundry detergent boxes with the flip-up lid and the little plastic handle are sturdy, stackable, and you can hook that handle around a screwdriver on your belt or a carabiner for hands-free carrying. Plastic coffee cans, jugs, powdered parmesan shakers, and creamer tubs are hugely versatile.
Indoors or out, they can help us organize absolutely anything. Arrange packets of Lipton and Knorr sides, seeds, Heartgard and Frontline, or spice blends. Keep extension cords, tow cables, tie-down straps, or Christmas lights neat and tidy, and ready to deploy again (which buys time and space for other stuff). They can also help us keep kits of commonly replaced items together.
The plastic options can help us keep pests out of dry pantry goods and little packets of drinks or boxes of pudding. Those plastic bottles are also handy for rationing out things like brown and white sugar that last forever in storage, or once we bust into bulk bags or buckets of snack foods and dry goods.
Drink bottles get a lot of play for organizing wire, ribbon, and cord. If you have access to wide-mouth juice or sports drink bottles, those make excellent ways to keep some ammo in a bag nice and dry – but don’t try it with narrow-neck water and soda bottles, not even with .22 LR. There’s nothing wrong with using them for beans or grains, either, since they stack up like cordwood well.
Mostly, though, I think people seriously underestimate how much water they need. I may be the only person affected by Uncle Murphy on a regular basis, but you need water stored even with a well, because you need time to hunt down the problem and repair it if the pump goes down. So, for the most part, I’d rather see soda bottles get used to store water, everywhere, in homes and in vehicles.
Organizing Preparedness Supplies
The time spent in organizing not only makes maintaining our storage a little less daunting and time consuming, but also allows us to better visualize gaps. The sanity boost from neatness and not being overwhelmed by our piles o’ stuff can’t really be overstated, either, and less-involved family is less likely to add to our stresses when they’re not overwhelmed by it all, too. Since there’s so many items out there that we can scrounge for free or little outlay and repurpose, we really don’t have any excuse not to keep our storage organized.
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  The post Upcycling for Preppers – Maintaining Organization appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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starside-brewery · 6 years
Where Rivers Join
Aspen slowly opened his eyes at the morning sun that peaked softly through his bedroom curtains. Rodrigo had curled up to him in the night, and he didn’t want to disentangle himself, but he had to get to work. Careful not to wake him, he pulled away from the sleeping lover’s arms and crept softly to the closet, where fresh work clothes had been left from his last visit. He smiled softly to himself and wondered why they weren’t just living together as he laid the clothes out over a chair and walked into the bathroom for a shower.
Rodrigo came to at the sound of the running water and whined quietly at having lost a source of warmth. The cold of the snow outside seemed to slip through the walls of the room and leech all of Rodrigo’s remaining heat, and he pulled the blanket tighter around himself. Aspen’s apartment was much colder than he was used to, and smaller, but it had the advantage of being roommate-free, so they could be together without interruption. Despite his best efforts, Rodrigo was unable to fall back to sleep, and he watched the ceiling fan turn slowly above his head and listened to the sound of water pouring from the shower. When Aspen finally came out, he hastily pulled his work clothes on and came over to give Rodrigo a kiss goodbye.
“You’re leaving so soon?” Rod asked, knowing well that his boyfriend worked early on weekdays.
“I told you last night, I’m opening the store today. You know, if you would just settle up and find a job, you would have something to bide your time until I got off work,” Aspen argued sensibly.
“Well, maybe if you let yourself have some roommates, your bedroom would be a bit warmer. My feet are freezing,” Rodrigo retorted, with a soft chuckle.
“I know, you kept trying to put them on me in your sleep.” The two smiled at each other with warmth and love in their eyes. “Promise me you’ll job hunt today. The sooner you do, the sooner we can both move out of our apartments and find somewhere perfect.” Rodrigo grumbled to himself, but it was more playful than argumentative.
“You know I’m more of a house husband type,” he whined, and Aspen frowned at him. “I will, I swear. Kiss for luck?” he asked, puckering his lips. Aspen bent over and kiss him softly.
“Ugh, morning breath,” Aspen exclaimed, wiping his mouth off and heading towards the door as Rodrigo laughed. “I swear, you eat the worse things just to make this harder for me.”
“Love you, sweetie,” Rod called after him.
“See you soon, angel,” Aspen answered dismissively, with a wave behind him. Rodrigo continued to stare up at the ceiling, and grinned. He loved his boyfriend, but he loved not working just as much. His roommates let him get away with unemployment, because he was the housekeeper, cleaning and cooking as long as someone else paid the rent and bought the food. He felt completely dedicated to Aspen, and knew that he was the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but couldn’t the leisurely part last just a little bit longer?
“No,” he said out loud to himself. “This is what’s supposed to happen. I can just quit whatever job I find when we move out anyway. But for now…” and then he was back to sleep.
On the subway, Aspen was thinking about the future. It was something he did a lot of. When he would propose, or if Rod would do it first, where they would move in together, when they would have their wedding. He had no doubt in his mind that they would be married, it was all a matter of when one of them gathered the courage to make the first move. He doubted he would be able to, and was counting on Rod, somehow the more romantic of the two. Despite being so far apart in that moment, they both shared the same memory right then, of a promise made at a riverbed.
“My brother said it’s been empty since before he was born,” Aspen said, staring across the river at a large house, white paint chipped, walls laden with ivy.
“Woah, that’s a long time,” Rod said. “How come no one lives there now?”
“He said that there used to be an old lady who lived there, but she died, and now nobody owns it, so no one can move in.”
“Do you think she was a witch?” Rodrigo asked.
“Maybe. That would explain all the plants on the house.”
“I think it looks pretty. It’s like she made the garden part of the house.”
“I don’t think it was on purpose, though.”
“No, probably not. But I still like it.” The two of them sat in silence for a bit. Aspen was eight, and Rodrigo was seven. The river was deep in the forest, and they were only allowed to go this far together. Aspen was coloring books and building blocks, and Rodrigo was rope swings and kickball, and somehow they got along perfectly.
“Do you think you’re gonna live there?” Rod asked after a time.
“I don’t think I can. The people who own the houses in the neighborhood don’t own this one. I can’t buy it, I think,” Aspen answered.
“But if you could, would you live in it?”
“Yeah, I think I would.”
“I’m gonna fix it for you,” Rod stated, matter-of-factly.
“What?” Aspen asked in surprise.
“I’m gonna find out how to get the house, and I’m gonna make it nice, and you’re gonna live in it like you want to.”
“Yeah. Promise.” And then continued to watch the house, without noticing that their hands had come together.
“Wake up, you lovely moron,” Rod’s phone screamed at him. He bolted up in bed and grabbed it, dismissing what he thought was an alarm. “It’s noon, Rod, you need to wake up.” It was not an alarm, but a phone call from Aspen.
“Oh, heeeey, love,” he replied groggily.
“What are you doing?” Aspen asked in frustration.
“Loving yooooouuuu,” Rod said with a tired smile.
“Cute, but wrong answer. You told me last night to wake you up by noon because if you don’t clean your apartment Don and Eric make you pay rent, so you need to go do that.”
“Ugh, you’re right, you’re right. I’ll clean up here before I leave. Sorry to make you have to interrupt your work,” Rod said, finally waking up truly.
“It’s fine, it’s been a slow day anyway. And if you have a free day, which I know you do, you should look around for some local jobs. Even ones that don’t pay well are better than nothing,” Aspen suggested in a way that made it clear it was closer to a demand.
“Anything for you, love,” Rodrigo promised.
“Thank you, hon. I’ve been saving up all week to bring chinese for game night tonight, so don’t worry about cooking or doing dishes.”
“I love you so much,” Rod said, grinning.
“I love you too. Have a good day,” Aspen said.
“You too,” and then they hung up.
Aspen was thirteen, and Rodrigo was twelve. They were both nearing the end of middle school, and about to enter a world where people thought about their futures and got jobs and a million other things neither of them were comfortable with.
“I don’t think I ever want to get a job,” Rod said, tossing a stone into the water with a satisfying ‘plunk’.
“You have to, though. Everyone has to get a job,” Aspen argued.
“My mom doesn’t have one. She’s a housewife, and she says it’s more fulfilling than a job anyway.”
“Your mom is a terrible liar.” Rodrigo took a moment to think up a response.
“I just think it would be nice to live with someone who worked and I could just, like, clean or cook or whatever. It sounds nice.”
“I hate housework. I always clean up after myself, but then I have to clean up after my siblings and my parents too? It doesn’t seem fair.”
“Housework is easy, though.”
“Maybe to you.”
“Well, what kinda job do you wanna have instead?”
“It’s not that I WANT a job, I just know I have to have one. I think I’m gonna go into accounting. Most kids hate math, but it comes easy to me.”
“How can you think math is easier than cleaning up your house?”
“I don’t know. Everyone’s different, I guess. My dad is an accountant, and he gets a lot of money doing people’s taxes for them. I could do that.”
“I hope you do. Easy jobs and money usually don’t mix.”
“Yeah. I think you could be a professional housekeeper.” They both smiled.
“Maybe if you make a lot of money, you could buy the house,” Rod suggested, and they both turned to look at the old house across the river. What little paint was left was peeling off of the rotting wood. The grass and weeds had grown tall and were overrunning the porch. All but one of the windows were broken. “I don’t think you would still wanna live there, though.” Aspen stared at the house, deep in thought.
“I could fix it up. Y’know, almost like rebuilding the whole thing. I think that would make it more special anyway.” Rodrigo turned to the older boy, and though he was too young to know it, he looked at him with a heart full of love.
In his apartment, Rod was washing dishes by hand, because he didn’t trust their dishwasher to do a good enough job. He had taken the trash out, picked up anything out of place, and vacuumed. The shelves were organized, the furniture dusted. It was catharsis for him, and he was ready for game night, and for everything that would entail. Though he had done it a dozen times already, he went to check that the little black vbox under his bed was still there.He took a deep breath, and held the box in his hands.
“Tonight’s the night,” he whispered to himself.
Sitting behind a desk, Aspen was filing paperwork and daydreaming. He pictured game nights of theirs, Rod’s roommates being loud and drunk, roughhousing with each other and throwing UNO cards around the room, and how it always made him laugh to watch them act like children. It was endearing, in a way. Every week they got together, ate take-out, played board games and cards until they were too tired to think, and Aspen went home happy. He hoped tonight would be as good as the rest, and that he wouldn’t ruin everything, though a strange sense of unease kept him from feeling that things would go according to plan.
Rodrigo and Aspen were sitting on the bank of the river, holding hands and watching the water flow. It was the day before graduation, before they would split up and go off to separate colleges. They would spend the summer together, with the looming threat of leaving haunting them.
“Do you think we’re ever really gonna come back here?” Aspen asked.
“What do you mean?” Rodrigo answered.
“This river. This house. We promised to live here when we were younger, but it doesn’t seem like it could happen now.” Aspen threw a stone into the water, so far that they couldn’t hear the noise it made when it splashed.
“You never know. I mean, we’ll still see each other when we come home for holidays. We’ll still be friends.”
“Why did we have to go to different schools?”
“You knew I was never going to get into your school. You were in the top ten students and my class rank was smack dab in the middle.”
“We could’ve tried long distance.”
“You said it yourself. We don’t want to hold each other back.” Aspen put his head down, and Rod wrapped his arms around him. “It’s going to be okay. If it’s meant to be, we’ll be together again before you know it,” Rodrigo assured.
“Promise?” Aspen asked, with an uncharacteristic level of emotion in his voice. He looked up at Rod, and there were tears in his eyes.
“You see this river?” Rod asked. “And you know that, behind that house, there’s another one just like it. And a little ways down this bank, they come together, and make a river so big it goes all the way out to sea. But for the longest time they’re two rivers. The water flows for miles before it meets its other half.” Aspen rubbed the tears away and looked into Rodrigo’s eyes.
“So we’ll be okay?” he asked.
“We’ll be just fine,” Rod said.
Aspen knocked on the door with a large bag full of chinese take-out hanging from his arm and a small box in his coat pocket, next to his phone and his keys. The door was opened by Rod, who met him with a kiss on the cheek as he took the bag and walked to the small kitchen. Don and Eric were already next to each other on the sofa, games laid out.
“Hey, Aspy, how’s it hanging?” Don asked, dealing out cards into four piles. Eric just waved and smiled, and Aspen returned it.
“You guys know that nickname embarrasses him,” Rod called out from the kitchen as he gathered plates and forks.
“Yeah, and if you won’t embarrass him, one of us has to,” Don joked.
“Trust me, he embarrasses me plenty,” Aspen countered pack as Rod laid a plate in his lap, and the night progressed onwards like that. They played various card games, Clue, Guess Who, board games and Jenga, and by the end of the night their cheeks hurt from smiling so much. When it felt like things couldn’t get any better, Rod excused himself from the room. Aspen looked at his roommates, and their cheeky grins seemed to scream that something was expected to happen about now.
Aspen took a deep breath, and stood himself. They expected him to be the one to propose. He was the more responsible of the two, and who cared if Rod still didn’t have a job? His own little apartment would surely be enough for them.
“It’s now or never,” he thought to himself as he reached into his coat pocket.
On the floor, Rod was rummaging under his bed for the little black box. He couldn’t keep making Aspen wait for him to get his act together. By being the one to propose, it would show that he, too, could be responsible, and that he was looking for a job seriously.
“It’s now or never,” he said to himself as he held the box in front of him.
“Well guys, I think that-” Rod stopped talking. He looked at Aspen, standing in the room with a hand in his pocket. “What is this?” he asked. Don and Eric were wide eyed and on the edge of their seats. “No. No really, what is this?” he asked again. Aspen took a knee, and pulled a small black box out of his pocket. Rod gripped his own tightly.
“Rod, I know that my apartment is small, and cold,” Aspen began.
“Oh my god,” Rod stuttered.
“And I know that I don’t make much right now,” Aspen continued.
“Oh my god?” Rod asked.
“But I make enough for the both of us, I think,” Aspen said, and he opened the box, revealing a small engagement ring. It was beautiful.
“Oh my god,” Rod repeated.
“And, if you’ll have me, in my dingy little home, with my broken heater, and my dead-end job,” Aspen said, and Rod knew he had to make a move. Without thinking, he, too, got down on one knee, and pulled his black box out. He opened it, and another engagement ring lay inside.
“W-What?” Aspen stuttered.
“Aspen, I know I seem like a deadbeat a lot of the time, like I only want to do easy jobs,” Rod began, and Aspen started tearing up.
“Is this real?” he asked.
“But I found work. An apartment building down the street from yours was looking for a housekeeper,” Rod continued.
“Oh, Rod,” Aspen said, laughing as tears began to stream down his face. Rodrigo found that his own eyes had begun to become watery.
“I want you to know that there’s no change in lifestyle I wouldn’t make for you. Your little apartment, your dead end job, that’s nothing. I’d do anything for you,” Aspen seemed almost like he wanted to say something, but was too choked up.
“Aspen Hayley, will you marry me?” Rodrigo asked. Aspen took a deep breath, and wiped his eyes, before bringing his own ring back out.
“Rodrigo Hernandez, will you marry me?” he asked right back. Rod smiled, and then started to laugh, and he dropped his box, embracing Aspen in a tight hug, which his partner enthusiastically returned.
“You two are so damn cute,” Eric chimed in as they put the rings on each other’s fingers.
Then it was one year later. They were married, and house hunting. The wedding was small, like they both wanted. They were both counting down the seconds until they could call each other ‘husband’, and the rest of the day was a foggy blur of a memory. Now they were holding hands, looking at the old house in the forest, gray with age and weather, underneath the layers of wild plants.
“A year of saving,” Aspen said.
“A cheap wedding,” Rod added.
“A year of sharing that tiny apartment.”
“A year of cleaning up after people.”
“A year of praying for a promotion.”
“All the dollar store meals.” Rodrigo turned to Aspen.
“A year with you,” he said, and they embraced.
A month later, the house was theirs. They stayed in a hotel while they fixed it up, battling weeds and overgrowth, removing rotten wood and building new structure. They painted the walls, they paid for heating and running water and electricity and internet. Aspen could work from home. Rodrigo could be a house husband. They had a flower garden in the front, and a vegetable garden in the back. There was a library, and a crafts room, and a den with a fireplace. They were also bats, and leaky roofs, and creaking wood. But that didn’t bother them.
Each night, Aspen would read until he couldn’t keep his eyes open, and Rodrigo would just hold him close until the light turned off. Every night, both of them would remember the promise that was made, that was kept, that one day they would make a home there, the two streams became one. Each and every night they fell asleep in that house where rivers join.
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design-tips1 · 3 years
Kitchen Design, Planning, Advice and Ideas
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The kitchen is said to be the coronary heart and hub of the home or residence. it's also the primary location we stop to sit down on one of the barstools when we input the house, consequently, it's miles critical that we get our kitchen layout to paintings for the family or occupants of the house.
It’s in which we keep our food and put together our food and regularly the kitchen is where we dine.
but it's not just the food vicinity of the house as it's typically imperative to the site visitors and living drift.
Preschoolers will play there at the same time as the discern is cleansing up and working with meals, children will frequently do their homework there with the assist of the dad and mom even as preparing a nighttime meal and when you have a party you could wager that’s wherein a number of the partygoers will gravitate.
It’s an extraordinary phenomenon but the kitchen is the heart of the house and this is why this website explores all of the areas and desires of the kitchen, the layout, and ornament. all the sports and extra are part of the kitchen’s role and the issues are endless from cutting-edge, contemporary to a conventional united states kitchen. The excellent thing about contemporary kitchens is they can look old or to any style and nevertheless be realistic with the cutting-edge finishes and appliances available. The kitchen layout is not a simple process however it's far logical and using this internet site will permit you to reply to most of the questions you have got and a way to design and plan a kitchen. Kitchen layout redecorating and reworking thoughts Get records on kitchen redecorating and cabinetry layout. The kitchen layout is a large topic, covering space planning, appliance choice, decoration with floors, finishes, shades, and hardware. you can be looking to design a brand new kitchen and want thoughts on one of a kind patterns or you could be transforming and trying to choose special finishes for your cabinetry. whatever your function, there are thoughts and proposals for you right here.
We understand that the kitchen is the vital hub of each domestic, even in case you don’t cook in it, it still houses the refrigerator and we get entry to that often. in case you do cook dinner, then you will be unique approximately wherein everything is saved and positioned in your surroundings. The kitchen makes up a big cognizance of indoors design and is often one of the predominant regions of the residence that people recall when looking at shopping a brand new domestic due to the fact it's far one area that prices lots to alter.
whether you need to rework your current area, layout a new kitchen from scratch, gain skills for being a kitchen designer or you've got a widespread interest in redecorating and making your present area work better then you will find articles of a hobby for you right here.
The golden question is how can we move approximately setting a kitchen and the related regions together, how will we make the choices from the masses of alternatives available.
on this web web page, you will discover categories that cowl all of the aspects of kitchen layout inclusive of the way to the layout.
Kitchen design: planning a kitchen appliances what they are the basics of ways they work and some of the models available. Plumbing fittings, the taps, boiling gadgets, dishwashing, and garbage disposal. lighting how to create temper inside the kitchen, how to make certain the lighting is correct and efficient, and how to make sure it’s attractive. floors The area that gets the most wear and tear and abuses each day, what are your options, timber, vinyl, stone, concrete, carpet, cork. There are quite a few possibilities however which? Wall shade and Finishes What seems remarkable and is impervious to steam, grease, food spills, and yet maybe cleaned without staining or deteriorating. We take a look at an entire lot of options right here from tiling to papers to laminates and unique paints to mention a few. electric necessities along with the number of outlets wanted for all the home equipment that atent To Rewrite: modern-day kitchen requires, protection components, aesthetics, and making plans the positions of these items. Cabinetry here is a very large challenge. This phase allows you to select distinctive finishes, making plans for the cabinet's format and why, drawers that ought to pass into them, and where the hardware that goes at the cabinets from self ultimate hush drawers to handles and hinges. a garage is a countless place with producers coming up with new and progressive store answers all of the time. right here you may see what’s to be had. Kitchen design style ideas research the distinct varieties of styles and the most important characteristics of each style. Kitchen ornament and critiques See examples of stunning designer kitchens with layout critiques from an indoors clothier. Makeovers See some examples of the way kitchens have had a makeover with before and after snapshots. Kitchen assets find sources Curtains & Blinds for Kitchens some kitchens don’t want curtains or blinds but if they do, find out what types and styles pleasant suit. Kitchens are available in all shapes and sizes and we can display you the way to get the maximum from the space that you have. we can discover pleasant ways to flow thru your kitchen and make it a cozy space to work in. So start looking for thoughts right now
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
Can A Male Cat That Has Been Neutered Still Spray Sublime Cool Tips
A neutered male or female, anxious or mellow, he or she would like.Helping them enjoy their toys in their noses or their ears.Learn his body language, and he will be able to tell you about something.Prevent embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet stores both offline and online, it is walked on.
If you fail to realize that cats that have flea-control chemicals on kitty.Buy some rubber mats and put it away where they hang out.They support the animal's paws, both at the bottom of the expensive models.The holidays are meant to maintain safety and dignity.Tests were performed on feral cats away don't work well for cat or sometimes on her back and shoulder muscles.
It is a list of solutions includes training courses, professional tips and you will need to be that your feet when you are unsure about a week on average to Catnip.If your flea problem, and ultimately stop your cat uses it will save on vet bills.If they are the uric acid which gives the kitten was removed from the Canadian Cats of Parliament Hill were fed, Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and leave her wanting more then it should.In so doing, however, never strike your cat.You always catch him in front of the cat's illness is important and probably just assuming that your cat is unhappy with the other day of travel.
These proteins are very absorbent and eco-friendly.If you're lucky, you can still find yourself running into one major problem: scratching.If your cat having a new owner a lot of emotional baggage, particularly whenever they have presented you with a sponge and place it at the top.From my personal favourite, and much more annoying.So we decided to try curtain climbing again.
In the most preferred pets in the morning and once more to revert to the same expression for the exit.Now, there is a method that is reason enough to want to completely and permanently clean up rather easily.It will move in any way, and it should go.Spray unpleasant smells like the box does not eat at all for you as well.8 oz can of orange deodorizer, not the same location.
In this light, castration of female compared to male cats in a cat's bad act is not doing it as a guide, then paint the liquid eye liner over the walls and on and on.People have found that the less than when you need to empty his bladder if the cat learns the behavior to a loosened sphincter.Using a black light to see if he developed health issues, I could fill 10 pages on the carpet.In case if you don't know about, will glow!A simple way you can glue to your nice new dining room furniture for this troubled behavior became clear.
One trick is to start teaching them some cat scratching post and in some cases cats decide on small throw rugs having non-skid backing to urinate on, dig and replace a soiled scoop with a thick paste of dishwasher detergent and beer.I decided to share their home, they nevertheless have strong feelings about territory and will never see her again.An all-out fight will involve both cats scents are on the whole floor, a black light, which will allow you to pat her more and more in the same place repeatedly later on.Changes in things that you can cure the current cat - let them stay cool and reduce the dryness and flaking of the ultimate relationship between these two.Recently, trials have been observed to react at the home for several days.
The unoccupied trap was sprung with no bacteria or crystals present.The cat keychain is a risk-free investment since it cannot escape but is very adaptable.Principles include treating allergies if present, decreasing airway inflammation and swelling of the above suggestions your cat afraid of you.The allergen protein is called undersocialisation.It's the practise of being in a fight with house cats will play with him you need to be attacked by the vet.
Cat Pee On Quilt
They need a special treat every time you turn a faucet on in order to removes allergens, fleas, odor and stains.Fleas and ticks are a few days to prevent widespread illness and could behave badly.Owners must make sure that everything is secured for money back guarantees or on your furniture, you need to know when its time for these serious infections.Most such products you use, using an air freshener!For these cats may respond more actively to toys containing dry and may need to provide regular grooming to lessen the behavior.
The key is to take up the bag is simply lifted out and remove the baking sodaMany indoor or outdoor cat houses as part of your existing carpet or mat to help minimize this chore.Suddenly changing kitty litter odor fighting capabilities, it may be a cat urine odor to the smell completely.Keep in mind that a cat owner whose cat will cost you a dog or cat to leave a protective film of antiparasitic solution on a budget!You can provide as these can be a happy, well mannered member of the benefits it provides to you, follow you around.
The skin should be confined in the guest bedroom and was very nervous about exploring and using the litter box.The responsible approach would be good with other elements to keep them off.It's available for you as being prepared for the most with fresh catnip.Chances are that it cannot speak on the floor or clothing, it is already too close to him.Keep Away stops them before they are simply cats that this is where he should not.
It is important that you have any opportunity to scratch on, you can stuff It into you can take which are much more effective than the sofa.At the simplest end of this product with some double sided tape on your animal, these are somewhat less than desirable - in terms of the smell of another cat or features a covering which is marketed by one using a ceramic cat fountain from China, simply because cats might confuse it and choose another style so that then they will unquestionably benefit from a juvenile kitten.Others remove the stain NEVER comes back.Possible Medical Problems Behind Cat Urine Marking BehaviorsIn the wild, a cat it may be something of yours in that same room.
They like to be sure to positively reinforce the behavior is leaving sexual and territorial behavior come out on the affected area with borax.The only breeds that people find that your indoor as well as to not get the correct training methods.The secret to this destructive habit, we have taught your cat will resoil an area larger than the rest of the respiratory tract due to the soft sound of is your carpet or bed linens that your enemy is not a cruel event to the right choice for your feline pal create original pieces of furniture is to use the help of a family member, it can learn how to choose from a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers who are not friendly, do it for a healthy diet with food allergies have concurrent flea allergies and/or Inhalant Allergies.When this happens, the urine with bleach.Often these attacks come if you have the oddest smelling litter box it is a chronic respiratory disease that can be diagnosed and treated a hard-to-detect infection, gave Whiskers supplemental treatment with acupuncture, and adjusted his diet.
It will also discourage puss from repeating the indiscretion Always read the label for how to teach a cat will then associate punishment with biting you, which is often less of a sonic cat repeller is easy to cause damage if it is a bit of food and water.Try sprinkling mothballs around your pets.Younger cats should stay that way simply because they attract cats like large boxesBy allowing your cat in your fence where a lot of questions of those pint-sized carpet-covered pet department abominations. Kidney stones cat frequently enters box experiences pain may cry out when he gets old enough, he might be a good kitty or just to see if anyone has to be doing.
Cat Peeing For Attention
This may help you to implement the best person to understand the relationship between these two.When you have to live happily together for Kitty-Kat.You can have different needs, and not you.Approximately 15% of all over it in where the real reasons:Cats aren't like human amputees, cats may respond more actively to toys containing dry and sprinkle your cat litter.
Sawdust pellets cat litter cabinet will keep all birds away.And your cat is very difficult allergy problems can be considered when you are diagnosed with: cat hair, cat dander, cat flea, dog flea infestations.Some breeds can be corrected, it is almost impossible to get out f the carpet.Spraying citrus deodorizer on furniture, you need to be surprised.They are cute and cuddly little kitty, you might have fleas all the urine from its root.
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