#or whatever magazine i read it in never had a digital archive idk
echthr0s · 2 years
when it comes to memorable lyrical content I gotta say Cradle of Filth always wins out for me. I have so many favourite CoF lyrics and many of them are because of wordplay alone. there are so many fucking puns in their songs
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by tickticktmr
Do you have a digital camera? What color is it? No, haven’t held one in years. The last digital camera we had was a bit of a magenta shade; it actually belonged to my sister but I borrowed it occasionally.
Did you like the movie Juno? It was ok, though to be honest I’ve mostly forgotten what it’s about. I remember fairly liking it but it’s not the type of movie or genre I’d rewatch.
Name something you think is way over-rated: Big Macs, which I’ve never found tasty.
Do you remember your first friend? Yes, it was a girl named Kaye that I sat with in preschool. She didn’t stay too long in my school, so I haven’t been able to reconnect.
Would you rather live with your mom, dad, a friend or on your own? On my own.
Name something your pet(s) like: Walks.
Do you listen to country music? No, I don’t.
What does the color white remind you of? Peace, serenity, doves, minimalist homes.
What show/movie/song makes you cry every time? Show: From Brooklyn Nine-Nine - either the episode where Rosa Diaz comes out as bisexual or the episode where Terry gets racially profiled.
Movie: La vita e bella.
Song: There isn’t one song that makes me cry 100% of the time, but I suppose Why We Ever by Hayley Williams had this effect on me for a time.
What was your last fight about? I spilled a drop of our dinner’s soup on the dinner table last Thursday and my mom did a sufficient job making me feel incompetent and a dumbass about it, so I was hurt by it and didn’t speak a word for the rest of the evening. Not really a fight, but y’know.
Do you text a lot? I used to not but anymore. I usually get prepaid for LTE now, not to have credits for texts.
Have you ever been screamed at by a teacher? Many times. A number of them didn’t like me for whatever reason...
Do you smile or scowl more? I definitely try to smile more, but idk for sure if that’s what I do more frequently.
Obama or Bush? Idk, maybe Obama? Considering we were colonized by the US at one point and imperialism remains to linger in my country, I generally don’t take kindly to any US president, though.
Batman or Superman? I don’t like comic books.
Are you excited about Blink 182 getting back together? I don’t follow the band so I’m not sure how recent or relevant this news is, but  generally speaking I don’t remember ever being stoked for a Blink-182 comeback in particular.
Would you rather be a teacher, a stripper or a hairdresser? I’d go with teacher, and preferably of history, so that I at least can have an hour or so to talk about my passion with other people lol.
The last person you spoke to: how many times have they made you cry? Just once.
What's your favorite kind of gum? The classic bubblegum flavor is fine with me.
Have you ever failed a class in school? Just exams, but never altogether an entire class that required me to retake.
Are you even in school? No, not anymore.
Are you taller then your best friend? No haha, I’m slightly tinier than both of them.
Are you scared of spiders? I’d be scared probably of the larger kinds, but all we get here are the super small spiders so this isn’t an issue for me for the most part.
You can't eat anything ever again except for jello or apples: which one? Probably apples. I cannot stand the texture of jelly/Jell-O, and I guess I can move past my dislike of fruits for this situation since apple is kinda decent anyway.
Have you ever cheated on anyone? No, never man.
If you answered yes to the last question, do they know about it?
Do you paint your nails often? I never do and I never have them done either.
Mascara or lipgloss? Er lipgloss I guess, since I literally don’t care how my eyelashes look.
Who’s the last person you called? I think it had been Denise, a co-worker. 
Describe the last person who sent you a text: It was just the delivery guy who brought Ysa’s gift to my place, so I don’t know enough about him to be able to give a sufficient description.
Do you ever watch TV shows or movies on YouTube? No, because for the most part they would be high- or low-pitched, in a tiny screen, sped up, zoomed in, or altogether fake. I also don’t understand why buying movies individually on YouTube is still a thing when Netflix exists for literally cheaper.
Myspace or facebook? Uh Facebook, I guess.
How old were you when you lost your first tooth? I was around 5 or 6, I think.
Have you ever embarassed yourself in front of someone you like? Yeah. But when I started dating them, fucking up in front of them became less embarrassing, of course.
Describe your hair right now: Wet and slightly dripping since I just stepped out of the shower.
Do you like it when it rains? Yes, it’s my favorite weather.
Does anyone miss you right now? I hope my friends do...but I can’t say for sure.
How many funerals have you been to? None. Just wakes.
Where's your favorite place to hang out? Depends on the vibe I’m feeling for the day and the company I’ve got.
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Oh gee, never.
Do you like video games? What's your favorite one? I was raised around video games and so much of my childhood was watching my kuya, dad, and a number of my uncles completing games, so I definitely hold a big appreciation and fondness for them. I never inherited any skills of my own though lmao, so I mostly watch walkthroughs; and the only video games I’ve ever met considerable progress on are Nintendo games marketed for all audiences HAHAHA.
Have you ever worn something your parents wouldn't approve of? Yeah I’ve gotten chided by my mom a handful of times, telling me to cover up with a jacket or something. But her reasoning was always men, so I’m usually able to defend myself and say that that’s not my problem and that’s something fucking men have to deal with themselves. We both know I’m right so she ends up begrudgingly letting me go out with whatever outfit I choose on that given day.
Where are your sibling(s)? They are in their respective bedrooms.
When's the last time a friend got dumped/dumped someone? September. That friend was Gabie and the dumpee was me hahahah, does that count?
Do you celebrate Valentine's day? If I have a significant other, yeah. I like keeping our activities lowkey though because from all my past experiences, malls and restaurants tend to get fully booked on February 14 and it ends up being more of a (very crowded) hassle than a celebration.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yep.
Does it snow where you live? Never.
Have you ever wanted a pet unicorn? I never did, actually.
Would you like to work to earn money, or simply have money given to you? The latter is obviously the ideal situation, but I recognize the importance of hard work too and constantly working on my skills.
If you could be on any game show, what one would it be? Jeopardy or Family Feud.
Do you know anyone whose famous? Yes, at least locally.
Do you read those gossip magazines? I used to, lol those were my guilty pleasures back then. I still keep up with celebrity updates, but I’ve moved to social media now. I also filter which publications I consume and avoid the tabloid-y ones like Daily Mail.
Summer or winter? I’d go with winter so that I can actually experience it for once.
What do you hear right now? I’m watching an archived Facebook livestream of a senior citizen who had held a virtual piano concert to raise funds to afford his maintenance medicine. The media ate it up like crazy and it’s since gone viral, so I was able to I read about him earlier tonight. He reminds me so much of my late grandpa so I quickly searched for the finished concert on Facebook and now I have it on :)
When's the last time you saw a cousin? Around two weeks ago.
Where were you the last time you left your house? I can’t remember exactly. I think I went to Feliz...OH OK I remember now - I originally went to the nearby SM to handle an LBC delivery for work, and to stay at Starbucks for a few hours also to work. After that I went to their vape stall to buy new pods but they didn’t have any for the vape brand I use, so I went to Feliz as well to try my chances there. They ended up having a few flavors but not what I usually get, so I decided to try a new one - grape lol.
Describe the room you are in: Dark, filled with the lovely sounds of piano music, and the faint smell coming from my scented candle. Overall, light and peaceful.
What shoes did you wear today? I wore my Onitsukas when I walked Cooper this morning.
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