#orökhan trelgask
thefoodwiththedood · 5 years
“Bad Day?”
EY, here’s another Angels prompt I forgot to post! The prompt the week I wrote this was “Quiet”, so I thought it might be fun to write about Vonnie—perhaps one of my loudest OCs ever—getting to have some quiet time after a stressful day with the pilots under her command. This was a fun one to write, and I love how cute it turned out in the end, so YE, hope y’all like it too! :D
Characters: Vonnie D’ruexieq, Gigi D’ruexieq, Orökhan Trelgask, Zendu’sai’Malloc, Luhton’iko’Vidtekt, Malak Nuct (who belongs to @rekkingcrew​)
Word Count: 896
TW: None
“Okay, so, lemme get this straight,” Vonnie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. “You guys, despite having a path designed to be the fastest and safest route possible, went fifty clicks out of your way on some detour, and lost three fighters in a wholly unnecessary dogfight?”
“That’s...pretty much what happened, yeah,” Gigi piped up, before any of the other pilots could. “It was me an Orö’s idea. We thought that, since it was the safest route, the Empire would expect us to go that way, so we went along the more dangerous way just to be safe!”
“It, uh, sounded smarter in the moment,” Orö smiled, but he did his best to avert his gaze.
“Yeah. I bet.” Vonnie switched from rubbing the bridge of her nose to rubbing her temples as she spoke. She wasn’t sure what was forming faster, the wrinkles on her forehead or the impending migraine. “No one raised an objection to this? Not even Zendu?” “Everyone thought it was a good idea, I...I didn’t wanna be rude and say it wasn’t,” Zendu muttered, wincing in pain as he stepped forward slightly. His fighter was one of the ones that went down, but luckily he and it both survived relatively intact, albeit a little banged up. “Sorry” Vonnie sighed, saying “Nah, it’s fine, just glad you’re alive” in one, long breath as she did. “Well, it wasn’t all bad, I guess—you guys did deliver the supplies, and that’s the important thing. And hey, credit where credit’s due,” she almost smiled, turning to Oni. “For once, Oni’s fighter came back in one piece. Kudos, kid.” “Thanks!” Oni smiled, eyes lighting up at his mention. “I mean, it was a little bit on fire when I came back, but—” Suddenly, a loud boom rang out from the hangar bay, causing Vonnie’s fur to fluff up defensively as she jumped in fear. Her back was to the source of the boom, but she didn’t have to turn around to see what it was. “Oni...you did put out the fire on your ship, didn’t you?” “I was working on it when you called us in for debriefing!” he said, just a tiny bit upset about his ship. “I didn’t wanna be rude!” “You...that’s...I…” Vonnie stuttered, trying to find words to express her frustration, but none came. Instead, she just groaned and ran her hand through her hair. “Look, whatever, just...somebody take care of that and we’ll call this day a net positive” she hopped off the milk crate she’d been standing on, kicking it towards the wall with the others. “Dismissed” With heavy, tired steps, Vonnie walked towards her and Malak’s room, the other pilots rushing to the hangar to take care of the fire. Three times she was stopped on her way up there—”Hey Vonnie, where’s the fire extinguisher again?” “Hey Vonnie, that one’s empty, is there another one somewhere?” “Hey Vonnie, we put out the fire, but now Oni’s trying to turn the extinguishers into a jetpack, how do I stop him?” Each time, she gave a stock answer just to get the others off her back for a minute, until, finally, she got inside and slammed the door shut.
Malak must have felt the door, because he looked up from his desk at Vonnie as she came in. She didn’t greet him right away—her first order of business was to kick off her boots and get changed, and in a minute (a lot of which she spent grumbling to herself), she was in the comfy sweatpants-and-sweatshirt-combo she’d been longing for all evening. In one final act of frustration, she flopped onto the bed, grabbed a pillow, and shouted into it. After that, she stayed still for a while, her chest rising and falling and the pillow still lightly resting on her face. Her eyes were itchy and her ears rung, and she wanted oh-so-desperately to give them both a break.
After a second, Malak sat on the bed next to her, gently moving the pillow so she could see him. His eyepiece was over on the table, so he signed to her. <<Bad day?>> Vonnie sighed, mentally kicking herself for not taking Malak into account when she’d stormed in all angry-like. <<Not bad,>> she signed back <<Just frustrating. We did good work, but it cost us a lot>>
Malak looked concerned. <<Who’d we lose?>> At this, Vonnie sat up. <<No, no, it wasn’t that, we just lost three,>> she stopped herself, remembering Oni, <<four ships,>> She paused again, trying to remember the signs for what she wanted to say, <<and I almost lost my mind, but what else is new?>>
Malak laughed a little at that, and Vonnie found it in her to laugh to. He continued, <<Are you okay?>>
Vonnie nodded. <<I’m trying to yell less. They had good intentions, after all,>> she sighed, resting her head against the headboard. <<It’s just hard some days, you know?>> <<I know>> he replied, smiling down at her. <<Is there anything I can do?>>
Instead of answering, Vonnie just scooted towards him until she was nestled into his right side, and as she rested her head on his shoulder, he took the hint and wrapped his arm around her. All she needed was quiet, and all she wanted then was him.
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
Here’s another weekly prompt submission for the Angels’ discord! The prompt this week was “terror”, and while everyone else was really digging deep and making cool character development stories, I decided to adapt this vine into a fun story about Gigi and Oro! It was really fun to write and I like how it turned out, so yeah, I hope y’all like it too! :D
Characters: Gheneva D’ruexieq, Orökhan Trelgask
Word Count: 739
TW: Entirely too much profanity
(full story below the cut)
It was eight hours into its latest voyage, and yet the Bauhaus still chugged steadily through space, its immense speed manifesting as little more than the odd bump to those on the inside. At its helm, the two pilots—Captain Gigi D’ruexieq and Co-Captain Orö Trelgask—sat idly with their seats reclined and their legs up on the console, heads buried in their Space-Nintendo Switches, fully trusting the freighter’s autopilot and their droid crew to keep them on course. They still had a long way to go before reaching their destination—normally they would’ve taken the quicker route and jumped to light speed, but they didn’t want to risk wasting fuel with an overshot, as was common with the ship’s less-than-reliable navi-computer.
Suddenly, their FighterZ match was interrupted by a blinking light and a beep emanating from the center of the console—the ship’s internal comms. With a sigh, Gigi set down her switch and answered the call. “This better be good, guys, we were in the middle of a—” 
“CAPTAIN!” the B-1 called back in his distinctive, high-pitched yell, causing Gigi and Orö to jump in their seats.
“Yeah, yeah what!?” Gigi answered, her attention now fully on the droid. At that same instant, she began to hear the sound of engines, but not the Bauhaus’s. These were much bigger.
“LOOK!” a quick glance out the cockpit window revealed the source of the droid’s terror. Barreling towards the port side of the Bauhaus was a Corona-class frigate, the Nohnanzo Gang’s insignia emblazoned on its disc-shaped hull.
“Oh, FUCK!” Gigi yelled, her voice reaching an octave she didn’t know it could. Frantically, she and Orö began flipping switches and pressing buttons all around the console. Shields up. Autopilot off. Max power to engines. Hyperdrive calculations started. Another quick glance outside showed just how close the Corona was to ramming them. “Nonononono, NO!” As soon as the autopilot was fully disengaged, she cut the flight yoke hard to starboard, nearly throwing her and Orö out of their seats, but reducing the damage of the impact as the Corona side-swiped them.
A quick sigh of relief left both their lips, but immediately after Gigi’s mind went to the Bauhaus’s cargo: a shipment of weapons badly needed on Devaron. She turned to Orö, shouting, “DUDE, we have so much shit!”
Understanding this to mean ‘secure the cargo’, Orö nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt, but just as he got up, he was knocked to the floor by a flurry of cannon fire from the Corona. Gigi unleashed another flurry of expletives as she tried to evade the cannons, though doing so in such a large, boxy freighter was never easy. “DUDE, holy fuckin’ SHIT!” she quickly slammed the button for the door and tried to keep the ship steady enough for Orö to get up. “Orö, get down there! Get on the turrets, we—OH FUCKIN’ SHIT!” a hard pull-up on the flight yoke sent Oro hurtling through the door, and Gigi quickly closed it behind him.
“Captain!” another one of the B-1s called to her through the internal comms, “We can’t handle much more fire, shields are at—”
“HOLY FUCK!” Gigi cut him short as she pulled the ship into a full loop, narrowly avoiding another flurry of lasers. In spite of herself, she laughed excitedly—goddamn, that was cool. Remembering she could die at any second, however, she regained her composure and spoke to the droid. “Eight-o-eight, jump to lightspeed as soon as we’re ready! Seven-o-seven, get the Corona on the main comms!”
Her commands were met with two simultaneous “Roger, roger!”, and in a second she had the Corona’s captain on the horn. “Hey guys!” Gigi yelled, still doing her best to dodge the cannon fire, “Guys, we’re cool!” another hit rocked the Bauhaus’s hull, sending Gigi’s head hurtling painfully into the less-than-comfy headrest behind it. “Hey, hey, CHILL!” she reiterated, an added dose of terror in her voice, “CHILL THE FUCK OUT!”
“We’re ready to jump!” Orö called from the internal comms, and without waiting to hear the Corona’s response, Gigi slammed the lever forward and the ship rocketed into hyperspace. As the blinding blue light enveloped her view, Gigi slumped into her seat and breathed a sigh of relief. She heard Orö do the same on the other side of the comm, and in spite of themselves, they both laughed. Next time, they agreed without saying so, they’d take their chances with the navi-computer.
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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SO, while I was working on the Angels group pic, I decided to sketch out some members of the team I’d only mentioned but never drawn, and that spiraled out of control into all these new friends!! From left to right, we have Zendu’sai’Malloc, Markhor’sai’Malloc, Kapp Dendo, Gheneva D’ruexieq, Orökhan Trelgask, and DEV-44!
Basically, all of these guys are Angels B-listers, who I can’t imagine I’ll develop too deeply, but mostly just exist to populate the rebel cell and look cool doing it. Designing them was a whole lot of fun (as you can tell, I went sorta wild with the traditional Devaronian look on one of two of them), and yeah, I’m excited to maybe end up exploring their characters! Or not! Who knows!
But yEAH, what do you guys think? Would you want me to develop any of these guys more? Do you have a favorite in the set? Are you mad that I finished these guys before anyone else’s Angels? Let me have whatever feedback you’ve got! :D
(Short backstory blurbs for each of them below)
Zendu’sai’Malloc, son of Markhor and brother of Bevya, is one of the Angels’ fighter pilots, serving under Vonnie in her own Gargoyle squadron. Originally from Montellian Serat, he joined the Angels after witnessing his uncle, Kardue’sai’Malloc, execute the majority of the rebel cell during their failed attack on the capitol city. Ever since then, he’s been one of the Angels’ fiercest warriors and most outspoken activists, all in the name of honoring his late sister’s memory.
Markhor’sai’Malloc was originally one of the highest-ranking generals in the Devaronian Army, surpassing even his older brother Kardue in rank. For most of the Angels’ rebellion he was against them, even moreso after both his children ran from home to join their ranks—yet after meeting Hes face-to-face and learning of how greatly his daughter had impacted her life, he had a change of heart. Around 4 ABY, he and a couple thousand of his best men defected to the Angels themselves, thus turning the tide of the war in the Angels favor and cementing himself as one of Hes’ close confidants.
(Also, side note, Markhor is of course what came of that Devaronian adopt I decided to keep—two of those are still for sale, btw)
Kapp Dendo is the head of the Angels’ intelligence and espionage division, which in truth is mostly just him anyway. Despite his reputation as a conman, a pathological liar, and a womanizer, he’s fiercely dedicated to the rebellion’s cause, and he’s willing to go to any lengths necessary to help the Angels come out on top.
(Full Disclosure: I may have borrowed Kapp from the legends continuity, since I figured he wasn’t going to be brought into canon any time soon. His story and character just fit so well into the Angels’ story, I couldn’t resist :D)
Gheneva “Gigi” D’ruexieq (a rebellious 20-something from Devaron who happens to be one of Vonnie’s 7 sisters) and Orökhan Trelgask (A spacer from Nar Shaddaa who may or may not be of Gamorrean as well as Devaronian descent) are the two co-captains of the smuggler ship Bauhaus, a YV-929 freighter crewed by themselves and a gaggle of re-programmed B1 battle droids. Formerly smugglers operating around the inner rim, the two joined the Angels after Gigi returned home for the funeral of her and Vonnie’s father. During her stay, the two sisters reconnected, and seeing how well-off Vonnie and the Angels were, Gigi and Orö figured they’d be better off contributing to a worth-while cause.
DEV-44 is a DEV-series Infantry Droid, originally built by the Montellian Engineering Corporation for use with the Devaronian military. However, before they could be sent off, DEV ran away from their factory and was nearly destroyed in their escape. They were later found and re-built by the Angels, and after being fixed up they decided to stay with the cell, becoming one of their few droid soldiers.
(Side note: DEV is genderfluid, meaning their programmed gender fluctuates between masculine programming, feminine programming, both, neither, or anything in-between. This often manifests as them changing their voice, removing the spots and/or horns from their face, donning different clothes, etc.)
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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(For a version of the group pic you can actually see and also comment directly on, click here! :D)
After over a month of work, I’m happy to say the Devaron’s Angels group pic is finally complete! This whole Angels’ thing has been an absolutely amazing journey to embark on, and I wanna thank everyone who’s jumped on! I hope it’s been as fun for you guys as it has been for me, and yeah, I can’t wait to keep having fun with all these amazing characters! :D
Speaking of these amazing characters, every Angel (from left to right) and their creator is listed below:
Laziran Yeloni (created by @heartofilum)
Garalla Maravvi (created by @kirbwars​)
Havani Maravvi (created by @kirbwars​)
Chelmaaron Vekt (created by @rakata-cheese)
Bion Mot (created by @the-dark-sleen)
Dezi Vox (created by @commanderreid)
Sieg Vox (created by @commanderreid​)
Anelyagh Darc’ih (created by @kirbwars)
Flashbang (created by @x-w1ng)
Juelc Chask (created by @leeoliver)
Vrindath Chask (created by @leeoliver)
Tel Rik (created by @pieircingorangeeyes)
Malak Nuct (created by @rekkingcrew)
Ki’anya Dimirhekov (created by @of-stardust-and-wanderlust)
Gigi D’ruexieq (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Orökhan Trelgask (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Kapp Dendo (created by @thefoodwiththedood​) (and also Dark Horse Comics, to an extent)
Kobelka Sornell (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Gemre G’vund (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Russoc Dhaalgondt (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Hes Chaddic (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
0R-D3 (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Cerate Evis (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Vonnie D’ruexieq (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Heraath Chad’tekt (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Markhor’sai’Malloc (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
DEV-44 (created by @thefoodwiththedood​)
Zendu’sai’Malloc (created by @thefoodwiththedood​
Kolvorrd Ja’lok (created by @heartofilum)
Raizel (created by @rina-monster)
Trass Visk (created by @tinybuggy)
Gimec (created by @winglorn)
Jelmoc (created by @winglorn)
Laon Vol (created by @tinybuggy)
Verno “Dodario” Curron (created by @haltherobot)
Inna Kozl’qeauv (created by @of-stardust-and-wanderlust)
Woad Kozl’qeauv (created by @of-stardust-and-wanderlust)
Collas Dhaac (created by @in-a-nutcase)
Grelan Dunlee (created by @tinybuggy)
“Julius” (created by @tinybuggy)
Skir (created by @tinybuggy)
Okov Sornell (created by @tinybuggy)
Once again, thank you to everyone who made an Angel! Y’all are the greatest! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
Devaron’s Angels Master List
in3Hey everyone! So, for the sake of my own organization and for the sake of showing off everyone’s characters they’ve made, here’s a master list of all the Devaron’s Angels I’ve got so far and who they belong to:
Conroe Haitch
Emilio Jonathan Flussläufer
Joschka Ke’reman
Luke Himmelvanderer
Dezi Vox
Domi A’kadii
Grimmr kil Tsulumhel
Orijaa Sornell
Siegrain Vox
Xochek'sees Tijin
Ziora Khore
Yet Unnamed Angel
Olivius So’lash
Verno “Dodario” Curron
Arkin Fen
Hedae Lonquen
Kolvorrd Ja’lok
Laziran Yeloni
Three Yet Unnamed Angels
Collas Dhaac
Juelc Chask
Vrindath Chask
Yet Unnamed Angel
Desla Kyner
Sauth T’rekirt
Hrenli ​T’vros
Inna Kozl’qeauv
Ki’anya Dimirhekov
Striker Kaz
Takachuav Nu’kehlavir
Woad Kozl’qeauv
Ohaso Zaa
Tel Rik
Chelmaaron Vekt
Ashae Khren
Sayl Mosiel
Malak Nuct
Pakhet Nimro
Raizel Sadovnik
Suri Sadovnik
Anelyagh Darc’ih
Garalla Maravvi
Havani Maravvi
Busz Tanut
Gravis Kérato
Koyi Afan
Nuri Rowe
Ryo Corliss
Val Corrick
Zaveyer Aureus
Lusel Dhirat
Fell A’kadii-Vox
Khon Dezahk
Mihsaahes D'vorokh
Nehvinni K’vonte
Rone D’veix
Dorian Fehn
Dracis Rhel
Elisa Vox
Felicia Brinn
Jacinda Lithen
Kirii Vorn
Lorn Vox
Skalin Noct
Teddy Torres
Bion Mot
Jeskel Vrisk
Sulas Strelitzia
Trym Krustallos
Belmigna Brik
Cerate Evis
Gemre G’vund
Gigi D’ruexieq
Heraath Chad’tekt
Hes Chaddic
Juvrohk Dhandte
Kapp Dendo
Kobelka Sornell
Orökhan Trelgask
Russoc Dhaalgondt
Taumde Jolkirk
Vonnie D’ruexieq
Grelan Dunlee
Laon Vol
Okov Sornell
Trass Visk
Yet Unnamed Angel(s)
Rivu T’vic
Amity Priest
Edwyn Whitduff
Kabra Vellatu
Nimia T’hizo
Vinzan “Flashbang” Vaazal
Virtue Priest
All those said, I’m gonna be taking new Angels as long as I’m working on the big group pic, so YEAH, if anyone else wants to jump on this, feel free! You can check out the original post here or message me for details on that :D
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