#or. my parents favorite. tryin to immitate it
chickenoptyrx ยท 1 year
For DBZ asks: 6, 12, and 20? (Love your art btw)
Preciate ya :D sorry there's not much of it rn
6. Which saga is your favorite?ย 
As much as I love android arc/ cell saga, I think saiyan saga was definitely the one I rewatched the most both as a kid and now- you got the intro of a lot of new lore, gohan in the wilderness, and goku/vegeta fight! Even the anime filler is p much all good in this saga
12. How long have you been watching/reading the Dragon Ball series?
Since I was a little kid! :D my parents hated it and my grandma would only let me watch 1 show before i hadta go outside, so I'd hafta pick either DBZ or dragon ball (sometimes I could watch both without her noticing tho)
our city library also had some of the manga but I had to read those there- my mom only let us check out 'real' books. Also me and my friend learned the fusion dance and did it.. too often. god we were cringe ๐Ÿ˜… (overly long explanation, I know, but I almost miss how hard it used to be to be for me to get dbz content) oh but- gonna add: I didn't really draw dbz stuff ever- not til just the last few years. Idk why
20. If you could hang out with one character, who would it be?
Imma actually go w yamcha. He seems chill, plus he'd totally be down for camping/hiking/bein outdoors
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