frozenyogurrtt · 6 months
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arcana main 6 as.... warrior cats (ft my mc :3)
i got.... bored
their clan name is Oracleclan :)
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fan-clan-fun · 6 years
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Badgerpaw- Bisexual Trans Boy
Black and White Bicolor with yellow eyes
Apprentice of Ashclan
My good Trans boy. He knew from kithood what he wanted from life, and the medicine cat was glad to help him out. He considered becoming medicine cat apprentice, but decided it wasnt for him, and instead became very close friends with the other tom apprentices, following the med cats advice to share nests with them and rub up against them frequently to share their male scent to help minimize his disphoria. Badgerpaw’s mentor is also a tough old craggy tom who happened to transition moons before the great war, and was a significant fighter in his time. He helps Badgerpaw learn to live with his own body and make his identity outside of only his physical reality. In this world, while some herbal medicine exists, they have yet to find herbs and pheromones to completely transition, so for many clan cats that means that disphoria is treated with bolstering self-esteem, encouraging cats to share scents, and often masking their original scents with a personal blend of calming herbs, and develop behaviours of the sex that they identify as.
This is the last one in my series, but rest assured I have plenty more in each clan! These are just the ones I established ahead of time. More will be added once all my family trees and allegiances are up!
Next up, some more Worldbuilding fun!
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thedancingsoulblog · 4 years
I mean, it’s just how we roll! 🌹🎶 And I love you all for it. 🌹🎶 Moon Rhythms Full Moon Online Offerings. 🌹🎶 Friday 7/3 Venusian Dreams Sound Healing Circle. 🌹 Join in circle to ground the body through gentle movement/breath, connect with the cosmic energies through ritual meditation, and integrate with a Rose Ray sound bath. 12PM EST. $22 (portal members $11) 🌹🎶 Monday 7/6 Moon Rhythms Movement Healing circle. 12PM EST 🌹 Join in circle and connect to your body temple through movement, breath, tissue, and sounding explorations, and integrate with a cozy sound bath. $22 (portal members $11) 🌹🎶 DM or comment to RSVP for full moon circle(s). Replay available for a 3 day portal. 🌹🎶 Rose and Moon Love. 🌹🎶 #magickmaker #dreammakers #lightworkers #shadowalker #misfits #mystics #artists #creativewarriors #thedancingsoul #awakenrhythmsofinnerbliss #oracleclan #rosemedicine #soundtherapy #artoflife #stevienicks #beautyway #venusian #magick https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHopnOHXbV/?igshid=189tgsqys3vkg
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fan-clan-fun · 6 years
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Mothstep- Non binary Aromantic Asexual
Black mackerel torbie with yellow eyes
Member of Coveclan
They will be an absolute treat to write! Mothstep a bit skittish at times, but quite good at being quiet and blending in with surroundings. Although not quite skilled enough at hunting to get the whisker suffix, they are quite impressive at stalking, and have been used for reconnaissance in the past. Mothstep, though not romantically inclined, has a very strong sense of loyalty and platonic love for their family and closest friends, though it can sometimes be hard when their friends express feelings they don't really reciprocate. Most of all, Mothstep would die for their sisters, Minnowleaf and Otterstream. I'm definitely going a little beyond my experience with this character, but I want to try my best to show how deep a character can be without having to have romance be the main plot driver, if you know what I mean.
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fan-clan-fun · 6 years
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I was originally planning on doing this series during pride month, but I got so busy I never finished it. Since some people asked for some of my OCs however, I thought I would share the ones I do have ready at the moment.
Without further ado, my series of my lgbt+ OCs for my Oracle clans.
Marbleflower- Pansexual Cis Tom
Longhair Black Silver Classic tabby with yellow eyes.
Member of Ridgeclan
I seriously love this boy, like absolutely adore him.  He was originally my pushback against the idea that toms couldn’t be queens or full time caretakers. I didn’t want to make him trans, because I wanted to make it clear that even a tom identifying as a tom had every right to be a parent in the clans, but he is definitely an all loving guy. He is also quite good looking, and were it not for his skill with kits would have easily gained -face. Him being as kind and open and outgoing as he is has a tendency to attract a lot of cats to him. He has had a few mates in his lifetime, and has had litters with three separate cats, after which he was asked not have anymore lest there be too many in the clan carrying his line and there be danger of sickness from too close relations. His current mate is  Skinkleap, an adventurous tom dedicated to knowing each nook and cranny of territory, and highly skilled at climbing. Together the two mellow each other out, with Marbleflower making sure Skinkleap stays involved in the clan, and Skinkleap making sure Marbleflower gets out occasionally. Marbleflower isnt the most experienced nurse in the clan, and doesnt claim to speak for the biological female side of being a queen, but he does his best to care for the kits in his charge and keep the nursing mothers safe, happy, and healthy.    
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fan-clan-fun · 7 years
Fanclans Masterpost
Unlike some writers,  I have a tendency to focus on the culture and worldbuilding of a particular idea, which means I often get caught up in the nitty gritty details and never write stories about them. So here is a simple masterpost of all the many fanclans which i have developed over time, which anyone can ask questions about.
Clans for my Oracle Project, set in the North Carolina Smoky Mountains:
Ashclan: The most diverse clan, which believes fire as their deity. Ashes are a main component of clan ceremonies, and they have a unique rank who dedicate their lives to tending the living flame of their clan. They are adaptable, and admire and appreciate someone who can overcome their shortcomings to become a better cat. They live in a forest often wracked by fires.
Coveclan: Their spirituality is tied to water, but they also have a firm belief in a Great cat, whose two eyes are always watching, the Night eye, and the Day eye. Most of their beliefs and culture center around dualities, thee are always two sides to a story, two forces at work, good or evil. They live on the edge of a lake with their camp in a cove.
Ridgeclan: The martial clan, they are very heavily tied to earth, and their spiritual place is a spire of quartz which reaches into the sky, a perfect example of how the earth connects to the sky and Starclan. They are very no nonsense and have rules for everything, and despite having the largest amount of territory spreading across a ridge, they also deal most frequently with predators and prey shortages.
Bloomclan: Almost a matriarchy, this clan is heavily centered on familial interaction, particularly between a mother and her kits. As such this is the only clan where the requirements for deputy are either mentor an apprentice/or raise a litter. In many ways, they are the most flexible or lax when it comes to traditional clan ways, particularly about mates and mating. They are firmly connected to nature and plants, and always bury their dead with seeds and seedlings so that a new thing may grow from the remains of an old. They live in a meadow which supports many species of trees, shrubs and flowers.
Clans for my old roleplay site, Ancient as the Sea, set on the coast of North Carolina:
Rootclan: The most traditional clan, they split from Waveclan due to disputes on the warrior code and Starclan. They are exclusive to the point of beginning to have issues with severe inbreeding. Like one of my previous clans they are more strict and martial, but they focus around aspects of the code and staying traditional to the original ways. One might call them the extremist clan, where they pursue everything with passion and fervor, including their belief in Starclan. Rootclan is a clan of competition, of honing skills through activities, they have tournaments and hunting challenges as part of their holidays, a chance to earn rewards in prey and prestige. They live in a heavily forested area and are expert tree climbers.
Waveclan: The clan of water and ocean, this clan is deeply in tune with the tides and the changing of the weather. Half of their territory is waterside, briny water with water foul and the coast, the other half is open windy fields. They have the rank of Skywatcher, who works to predict the weather and help protect the clan from the violent storms which once flooded the clan and nearly drove it to extinction. Waveclan has a higher amount of prey and as such have more free time than the other clan to enjoy their territory and cultivate relationships. They consider themselves to be a huge family, and nothing goes on in the clan without everyone knowing. They are generally a peaceful clan, especially after an event  which only the elders remember where a warmongering leader led an attack on Rootclan which ended up killing the medicine cat. Leaders have been encouraged since then to avoid war and aggression, which leads the younger generation to feel like the other clans walk all over them.
Ferryclan: This clan is an urban clan, living in a town which holds a ferry to the Outer Banks. The clan is an odd mix of kittypets, rogues, and clan cats. They are the most open of outsiders, but before a cat become a warrior and full member, they must take a journey and make a specific oath, at this point, the least dedicated are often simply encouraged to seek another lifestyle. As part of being an urban clan, they are far more lax when it comes to certain parts of the code, particularly involving humans. Since there is less prey to hunt, particularly during the winter, Ferryclan makes use of every resource available, and thus will accept food from humans, or steal it, in order to survive. Their contact with humans has allowed human vocabulary/ knowledge or certain items to make their way into clan knowledge, and certain prefixes exist in the clan, like pepper, salt, oil, gravel, which dont exist in any other clan.
Other info of note: These clans share a very similar religious structure, in that their dead are all buried in a specific burial place, in order that their spirits may ascend to Starclan. If their bodies are not buried there, they become trapped as spirits on earth. This is why the greatest punishment on a clan cat is to be refused to be buried there, either by exile or other methods. Since spiritual energy is far more active in these clans, certain ranks have very specific spiritual energy attached to them, thse are leaders, medicine cats, and the guardians. Each of these ranks have special abilities, but also consequences. Leaders gain nine lives, but these lives are the spirits of past cats which become fused to their own bodies, which means leaders sometimes have cats speaking to them in their head, or can lose their own sanity and identity. Leadership is not for just anyone. Medicine cats bond with a significant cat of their past, often a medicine cat or their mentor, and thus gain a line of access to Starclan for spiritual advice. And Guardians are the protectors of the burial grounds, and fight off scavengers, predators, and malevolent spirits. They gain enhanced abilities, endurance and a second sight which allows them to see spirits and spiritual energy. Any cat of these ranks who has become connected to Starclan through spiritual energy is forbidden to bear or sire kits, with the understanding that that spiritual energy would be both physically, mentally, and spiritually harmful to any resulting kits, if they even managed to survive. Of course there is more to this religious system, and is possibly the most complicated I have ever created…. Yet.
And my most recent project, my medieval scottish clans. I intend to make them a roleplay if anyone is interested!
Quick Note: My medieval clans are still somewhat under construction, particularly their religion and pacts with the Faerie. If anyone has any suggestions or knows a lot about the mythology of Faeries, send me a message, I need all the help I can get! That said I do have a few things figured out. First of all, In ancient times, the first clan cats made a pact with one of the most powerful of the faerie. In return for service  in the afterlife (and essentially guarantee of an after life), some cats, those who became heroes and legends in their lives, could essentially become faeries themselves. Unfortunately because it was a faerie deal, it did not go too much as planned, yes the cats would go to the stars, but very few became actual faeries. As such there is gratitude but also great distrust. However, some faeries offer better terms, certain deas to certain cats which improve the lives of cats and increase the chances of becoming a faerie in the afterlife. Each clan and rank has a pact with different faeries. Also, in Scottish folklore, Cat Sith are black cats who are associated with faeries or witchcraft, but are untrustworthy and thought to steal souls. For the clans, having a solid black pelt is considered at least unlucky, and at most the dangerous possibility that they are not true cats at all but faeries in cat skin. Black cats outside the clans are vehemently driven away, and never welcomed into the clans. Names are also considered sacred, and some mothers give their kits secret names, under the hope that this means they cant be replaced as changelings. A lot of what I want to do with these clans is take certain superstitions in medieval times, and play with them, as well as give a completely different context and time period for a warriors world.
Moorclan: The clan of the high moors, descended from actual Scottish Wildcats, who were pushed out of their territory by human villages and the domestic cats within them. Some would say this clan is the most broken and hurt. Their decisions, made in terms of survival, are often considered barbaric in the eyes of others. Yet they are quite structured in their own way, with certain specific roles which attempt to maximize the abilities and potentials of the cats they have. They have two unique aspects, the rank of counselor, who serves as a repository for the knowledge of clan history and law, and the herbalist, who serves as the main healer for the clan. Because of the counselor’s importance, they have a bodyguard which happens to be their apprentice, who protects the teachings in order that they may be passed on, and since one healer for an entire clan is not enough, the healer has three assistants, who specialize in specific areas, but who may or may not succeed them as full healer. What sets them apart from the other clans however, is their stance on faeries. While they are a part of the original pact, they became immediately displeased with faeries, and sought a way to cut themselves off from them in any way. They found one faerie, who offered to essentially cut their territory off from the fae world, but asked a terrible cost. Any kit born with a solid black pelt  must be sacrificed to them, in the possibility that they might be a faerie kit, who could disrupt and destroy that isolation from the faerie realm. Of course the clan does not directly murder the kit, but simply leaves it out in the open, exposes it to the elements. This more than anything has isolated it from the other clans and most other outside cats. This also means that neither their leader nor their healer have any faerie bond, and so are as mortal as any warrior.
Pineclan: Pineclan lives in a predominantly pine and evergreen forest, which runs to the coast and some cliffs. The closest to human settlement, but remaining separate from them, Pineclan has the widest range of pelt colors and genes, with accents like silver, and amber, and chocolate. Perhaps they have been influenced by humans, as they follow a fairly linear hierarchy. Their leader is the Monarch, chosen from amongst the kits of the previous monarch as the one with most potential and insight to lead the clan. The deputy/second of this clan, is the chosen Consort of the monarch, their pair and counterpart who compliments the skills of the monarch and fills the gaps in the leadership. Often they share two separate skill sets, where one specializes in the matters within camp, social interactions and mentor/apprentice pairings, while the other specializes in matters outside of camp, such as organizing hunting, and territory patrols. Although it is encouraged that the consort and Monarch also be mates and produce kits, it is not required, in the case that they are both of the same gender. In this case, what is preferred is a strong bond and ability to work and lead together. For this clan, the faerie pact which was made to benefit the clan was made to extend to the specific royal line, so if a leader must be chosen, they must be chosen from the royal line to accept the blessing. This blessing involves longer life, but also the benefit that they cannot get sick (in this case are also immune to cancer). Eventually there are things which the blessing cannot cure or suppress, and the cat will die, after a longer than average life, or in battle. Healers also have a pact with  a faerie, but it is one which must be earned. The healer has 2-4 apprentices when the time comes to choose, and they learn the arts of healing, but also of good counsel and wisdom, and of cunning. They are trained with how to deal with faeries, of the dangers. Then they go to the faerie ring within their territory and pass into the faerie realm. There they must make their way to the faerie which issued this challenge. If they survive, and do not get lost or flee from fear, they gain the ability to walk between the real world and the faerie realm. With this ability they can protect their clan from certain faerie interference, and save cats on the verge of death. But it is dangerous, and they must choose who to save, because they only have a certain amount of energy to use in saving others, lest they risk being stuck in the faerie realm forever. This clan, although it interacts with faeries, is still quite wary of them, and cunning and word games are encouraged or taught to kits, because words and names are quite powerful, and faeries although they never lie never tell the full truth.
Firthclan: The clan of the pure mountain waters, and the mysterious bogs and fens. This is by far the most spiritual of the clans, and the one most open to faerie influence. Firthclan cats are very respectful of faeries, and very tolerant of them, even of the smallest variety, and interact almost daily with them. This means that there are more benevolent faeries to grant them even small gifts, but many of the most heinous villains, under the promise and pact of a malevolent faerie, originated from this clan. They are somewhat removed from the other clans, and there has been debate if they should just give up the territory on the other side of the firth to the other two, but there is significant benefit to what they do have, and so they still maintain their borders, although not as aggressively or strictly as the others. Their relationship with faeries has made them bitter enemies to Moorclan, and some of the more precocious Firthclanners have been known to sneak into Moorclan territory and save black kits left out to die. They have the traditional leader deputy structure, and the faerie pact which saves the leader is one which is similar to the traditional understanding of nine lives. If some injury or sickness would take a cats life, faerie energy heals them. As for the healer, the pact is one in which the healer communes with benevolent water spirits, and urges them to heal and soothe an afflicted cat, especially in times where herbs may not be enough, like in an infection where the water may cleanse it, or a fungal or viral sickness. Firthclan focuses greatly on an understanding of purity, and greatly values honesty and truth, and perceives kindness and caring of others in the clan to be high value.
Anyway these are my main clans that I have contributed to and devoted significant time to developing. I can always create more detail, and give more unique aspects which is why i enjoy worldbuilding so much!
Also if anyone likes an aspect or two from my clans, and would like to borrow it for their own (in combination with other unique aspects to make it new and unique) feel free to let me know. Or if you want to brainstorm for your own clans send me a message!
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fan-clan-fun · 7 years
Blog Tags
I know I don’t exactly have many watchers or interested parties, but for my own sake and any future watchers, I’m setting up tags for my projects as well as descriptions for them. I still take just about any requests for reviews out there, so feel free to send them in!
General Blog Tags:
#buildaclan: Should be on all Clan building posts.
#warriorsworldbuilding: All posts (that I can remember) that have to do with worldbuilding
#warriorsocs: Posts including my or others OCs
#myart: Posts including my art
My Project tags:
#oracleclans : After a false prophecy and betrayal by a medicine cat which started a war between all clans, starclan has withdrawn their power and protection from medicine cats and have instead promised a single cat to keep the peace by moving between the clans and learning their culture, they would be given the power of foresight, flashes of foreknowledge. But not everyone in the clans agrees with this, they see this oracle as taking away each clans autonomy and individuality, and one day there will be a reckoning.
#Thejourneymatters : A re-telling of the second series, with several twists and changes from canon.
Sub projects for this universe:
 #SkyclanReborn: A descendant of Cloudstar and the old Skyclan, named Sky, is brought up to rebuild Skyclan. Under the instruction of an ancient she-cat, his grandmother, granddaughter of cloudstar. He learns the basics of clan knowledge, including a mangled version of the code, two part names, and the importance of Starclan. From this he goes about building Skyclan from the ground up.
 #Beforethejourney: Not completely rewriting the first series, but including enough background information and headcanons to build a basis for the second series.
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fan-clan-fun · 6 years
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Rosestar- Lesbian Cis Female
Red mackerel tabby with Green Eyes
Leader of Bloomclan
My beautiful lesbian leader. Another one of my pushbacks to typical canon issues, during the fic she is a part of, she is a nursing mother of kits and a leader. Her clan is known for being more matriarchal and heavily protective and appreciative of their queens, originally I was going to have an almost all female high position list for the clan, but I decided I wanted to change up the deputy position to be known as the protector, a tom which functions as the deputy and leads fighters and hunters and protects the clan and queens with his life. We will see what direction I take it. But in any case Rosestar is my wonderful lesbian gal, and her mate is the lovely Nuthatchfur, a very affectionate and social gal who participated in the Singer’s competition but lost out in her year to Blacksong of Ashclan. Some people in the clan think the couple are just too cuddly, since their relationship is very open and public, but its better than the alternative of drama for sure. Her kits are from left to right: Cardinalkit, Gingerkit, and Flickerkit. 
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