kinships · 4 years
In the week after their departure, no one had seem hide nor hair of the Warrior of Darkness. Most probably would’ve assumed she had to go on more adventures at home and leave it at that, but today was a different case. Wandering the Chrystarium, Azee looked for Ryne until she saw the red head on her own.
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“I come bearing news!”
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ikigaia · 4 years
@oraclesblessing​ liked for a starter!
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“I’m back,” She calls out as her eyes scan for the familiar head of orange hair before smiling as soon as she spots her. “And I brought gifts.” Trinkets, treats, even a few relics, the Warrior of Light had brought over a myriad of things from the source for Ryne to taste and see.
“Hope you’re not busy today... Cause it’s a lot.”
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burnishedglory · 4 years
@oraclesblessing​ replied: "...are you okay??"
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     “Go easy on me. Trying to make you laugh before I go. I’m assessing that my best here is taking me nowhere close to obtaining a smile or two from you, but kill me if I don’t try again.”
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crystalliccs · 4 years
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Meme: Tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal |  ( always accepting! )
❝ for the meme you reblogged -- i love your raha so much. i love your writing so much. basically everything you've put on my dash is 10/10 would recommend to literally everyone B).❞ asked by @oraclesblessing​
Awww you are so sweet <3. I use this chance to say that I adore what you’re doing with your muse as well. Actually I accidentally stumbled across your blog when I made my G’raha a bit more than a week ago and I had the strong feeling of wanting to write with you, lmao.    I really hope we can interact in the future! 
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aryalaenkha-a · 5 years
POST  3 - 5  SONGS  THAT  REMIND  YOU  OF  YOUR  MUSE rules:  repost,  don’t  reblog
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Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence causes silence Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it’s not me It’s not my family In your head, in your head, they are fighting With their tanks, and their bombs And their bombs, and their drones In your head, in your head, they are crying
Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away Where innocences burn in flames A million mile from home, I’m walking ahead I’m frozen to the bones, I am
A soldier on my own, I don’t know the way I’m riding up the heights of shame I’m waiting for the call, the hand on the chest I’m ready for the fight, and fate
Tout retrouve sa place et (Everything finds its place and) Tout se replace d'un seul coup (Everything can be put back together all at once) Quand on se rend jusqu'au bout (When we go all the way) Tout va bien même si tout va mal (Everything is fine even if everything goes wrong) Et quand tout devient fatal (And when everything becomes fatal) Notre nature enfin se dévoile (Our nature is finally revealed)
J'ai fait le choix d'aller là, d'aller là (I made the choice to go there, to go there) Peur du vide et de moi et de moi (Fear of emptiness and of me, and of me) J'ai traversé au delà et je remonte encore a chaque fois (I crossed over beyond and I go up again every time) J'ai fait le choix d'aller là, d'aller là (I made the choice to go there, to go there) Peur de lui et de moi et de moi (Fear of him and of me, and of me) J'ai traversé au delà et je remonte encore à chaque fois (I crossed over beyond and I go up again each time)
Je m'envole enchaînée au sol (I fly off chained to the ground) On me dit que je suis folle (They told me I’m crazy) En fait je croyais être forte (In fact, I thought I was strong) J'ai tombé je redécolle (I fall and take off again) On m'a dit que j'étais morte (They told me I was dead) En fait j'ouvrais une autre porte (Actually, I was opening another door)
I don’t want to know who we are without each other It’s just too hard I don’t want to leave here without you I don’t want to lose part of me Will I recover? That broken piece, let it go and unleash all the feelings
Did we ever see it coming? Will we ever let it go?
We are buried in broken dreams We are knee-deep without a plea I don’t want to know what it’s like to live without you Don’t want to know the other side of a world without you
tagged: @oraclesblessing​​​ thank you, my dear ♥ tagging:  @daggerintheflame-ff14​ - @gegegenotairin​ - @twotonedechoes​ - @symphcnii​ and whoever wants to!
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protectorfailed · 5 years
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 “Ryne, I... We need to talk about something.” They had been too busy to think on it. But it seemed like, if all went well, soon the Scions would return home. As far as he knew, there was no way to take Ryne along with them. If he stayed, he would die. It was a cruel fate, was it not? For the first time in a long time, he had a reason to live. And now he would be forced to abandon her. Mayhap a part of him, all this time, truly believed there would be no returning. But if the Exarch was close to finding a way, then he would have to believe him. He wasn’t wont to talk about his feelings. But he was trying to get better at it, for her sake. And so he figured it would be best to talk about it before the final hour. Or else he could regret it forever. “But if you would rather not do so, a later time will work.” He adds on. A cowardly way of him hoping SHE would back out. Still as pathetic and immature as ever. 
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artisangoldfish · 5 years
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Finger doodles || Still Accepting!
For @oraclesblessing
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musesbyarya-a · 5 years
@oraclesblessing | STARTER CALL
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If it was interesting to follow the path of the Warrior of Light, it was just as interesting to keep an eye on this Priestess of Light. As young as she is. But the reversal of the situation during the last discussion between the Scions and the Exarch in the Occular was not to displease him. The girl wanted to get out of her “adopted father's” bosom and take on a little independence. 
"So, young lady, how does it feel to follow your own choices?"
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allageyed-archive · 5 years
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@oraclesblessing​ said:  ryne leaves a homemade batch of goodies outside the dossal gate addressed to the exarch. inside is various animal shaped cookies & other treats with smiley faces on them & a child-like drawing of her, the exarch, & the warrior of darkness eating them together on a note stuck to the basket. underneath the drawing reads a message: 'don't work too hard!!!'
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 What a surprise. Ryne, as she’s called now, is a truly sweet girl. Grateful is he that she will not be sacrificed as so many that came before her had been. He wished she would try to enjoy her childhood a little bit more. But she is unlike to do that. He admires her strength, despite her age. He is certain she will go on to do great things. He smiles warmly looking at the picture. Yes. Sometime, he will have to prepare something special for her as well. Mayhap the three of them can actually enjoy something together. He did need the occasional reminder to not work too hard, after all. 
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twotonedechoes · 5 years
“I missed you a lot. Like, I’m going to get corny about it.” ( for makara if you’re still accepting ❤️ )
Precious... child... Ahh, too pure! The Warrior gave the girl a fond ruffle of her hair, before bending down in conspiracy. 
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“Well we can’t have that now, can we? Would a fresh cookie or three prove distraction enough? We’ll keep it our little secret, of course...” 
Ruining her dinner? Thancred never had to know. 
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alphadrg · 5 years
“No frowning. No sad face. Okay?”
i want to line the pieces up, your’s and mine – ACCEPTING
   WHEN DESPAIR LINGERED OVER EVERYONE’S HEAD, the noose tied around their throat, it was hard to keep smiling. Cheery faces. Lips turned upward. A task most impossible when the end of the world rested within his own chest. Light that seethed. That poured. That dripped from his very lips as he was filled to the brim. An overflowing cup. Tension barely held to keep it all together. Sickness that burst forward. That often kept him within bed as he stared out into endless day. It was his fault, and most didn’t even know it. 
   The most often visitor, and could he even suggest healer, to his room Ryne. Her touch always gentle, her magic soothing upon his soul. As if it bandaged even more than the light that tore through his aether and calmed even the more deeper wounds that inflicted his psych. Even if the respite was temporary, even if the stitches broke each and every time, it helped. But being cooped up within a room with wounds that were beneath the skin left Distra bitter. Angsty. Sullen. His mood dropping with each and every visit. And although his mouth never bit, irritability was noticeable, as was looming depression of the inevitable turning of who he was becoming. 
   Although he had faced death many times before, the slow death, he concluded, was the scariest. 
   She must have noticed. How could she not with her soothing words and fingers that tugged his lips upward in a smile. Her face serious, but also a respite from his own soul with seethed. He didn’t even notice the perpetual frowning that constantly graced his appearance since the fateful slaughter of Innocence. Distra’s face was left with a perplexed expression as he mulled over her words. Realizing his completely depressed atmosphere that seemed to emanate from his room. Ryne’s demand left Distra with a soft laugh, a laughter he had not heard for days. “Have I been frowning that much since being on medical leave?” His smile was weak as he looked at her. A sorry expression on his face. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t be frowning as much as I am and being stuck in my emotions like this.” Which could be said in more ways than one. 
   “Thanks for reminding me, Ryne.” And he smiles at her. Genuinely. 
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fatedkings · 5 years
@oraclesblessing​ deserves candy and ice cream with a nap.  she deserves good things.
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“ no i am not telling urianger, gods have me damned for a surprise to be ruined! ”  out of context or the playful tone, the sentence would most definitely fit that of an angry parent.  merely teasing her with what was to come.  thancred’s hand extended,  cupping the top of the blonde’s head,  rustling,  “ just enjoy yourself,  i will deal with whatever comes with later.  now... ”
he cleared his throat,  matching that of a deeper tone than his usual voice,  imitating that of the merchants that would try and sell them useless items.  one day his sarcasm would eventually do him in,  “ what will we have today miss? ” 
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begotten-soul · 5 years
 oraclesblessing started following you
     “Ah, gentle soul, warm and shimmering like a spring ray of light. Such a precious spirit shouldn’t be walking the city of ghosts.” Came the soft echo of the ancient from his seat on an old bench. He hadn’t been there before, he just simply appeared. Perhaps drawn to the gentle hum of light her soul gave off. It was...familiar somehow, and yet not like that of her companion. 
“If you’re looking for the library, it’s just around the corner there.” The elder mused, pointing slowly towards the opposite hall where wandering spirits like himself continued to walk passed. “Everything you see before you is physical, but for how long I yet know naught. Hmm...you must be one of those young souls who’ve traveled here in search of Emet yes? Quite brave of you lot.”
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“Tell me child of light, twas what name were you blessed with If you don’t mind an old soul asking of course.” The ancient elder mused in a friendly murmur. 
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aryalaenkha-a · 5 years
@oraclesblessing​ | Continue from here.
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    “ i’m not…cold. ” ryne attempts to deflect the observation, yet it’s obvious that she’s lying – arms wrapped around herself and small frame shaking with each passing moment, she continues to stand there in defiance before a small sigh escapes her lips. “ okay…maybe a little. ”
    the oracle finally allows herself to shuffle over, snuggling her way into aria’s arms and jacket for warmth. it’s nice, and despite her previous stubborn attitude ( worried about being a burden, truthfully ), it seems that now that she’s there, she won’t be budging for a long while.
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This everlasting Light did not prevent the slight temperature variations that could occur between day and night. And with the fatigue that accumulated from traveling all over Norvrandt and the many battles they had to fight, as soon as they landed to camp somewhere, the body tended to reduce its heat emission to focus on the vital parts to rest as well.
When Ryne came to snuggle up against her under her jacket, Aria smiled tenderly and hugged her, stroking her long hair with a comforting maternal look. Slowly, she began to hum a lullaby that her mother sang to her when she was a child, one of the few pleasant memories she could have of her youth. Her smile became slightly sadder and she seemed to hold back her tears as if she was trying hard to hide the heavy regrets she kept deep inside her.
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deaegratia · 5 years
"Ryne!" The call of her name was accompanied by the sound of someone running towards her at full speed- something that might have been a bit frightening, had that someone not been one of the Warriors of Darkness. Nenela took a moment to catch her breath after catching the Oracle's attention, before starting to talk at the same pace as she had been running.
"Ryne! I'm so glad I found you! Mind standing still for a moment? It won't take long, I promise!" Clutched in her hand was a measuring tape, which soon became unfurled as Nenela tried her best to take Ryne's measurements, muttering all the while. "So you're two times me, which should be five... six fulms? And then..." Some notes were hastily scribbled down, before both the parchments and the tape were tucked away in her pouch again.
"Hope that wasn't too much trouble!" The Lalafell beamed. It was only two seconds later that her face fell, as she realized her excitement had completely made her forget to explain... well, everything.
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“Um... Sorry, I probably should’ve asked first, shouldn’t I...?”
[ @oraclesblessing ]
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bastard-son-aymeric · 5 years
oraclesblessing started following you
    “My Lady, tis an honor of the most highest to be in your generous presence. Pray forgive my boldness and such forward further but I am of great excitement to be your host here in my humble city.”
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“If you have any a care, please do not be rejected to admit such desires, be they of any kind. I am your servant.” The young Lord Commander gave a low bow of grateful respect and a timid smile.
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