#orb writes.txt
Some headcannons about Tara and Gale because they make me emotional:
- Gale was a cheeky kid and a cheeky teen and is a cheeky adult always coming up with crazy ideas To which he would tell Tara Enthusiasticly every single time even though she would always initially say no to but he loves sharing
-Tara would then respond by being flabbergasted and wack him on the back of his head with her tail you would hear "Mr. Dekarios!!!!! Good heavens NO"
- but Gale would spend hours explaing to her his very sound plan(not sound at all) and she would eventually agree as long as she tags along
- Tara would often give Gale the look TM that mothers give thier children to get them to sit the fuck down except Tara does it to adult almost 40 year old Gale and you bet your ass he sits the fuck down knowing fully that he is an adult and can just not listen but he does with a smile although some part of him is still scared of that look and the tail smack
- Gale likes to pick up Tara when she is mad and lecturing him with the biggest smile on his face giving her a big ass forhead kiss and starts carrying her in his arms to which she protests to but never stops him and she is definitely capable of doing it but she secretly likes it soshe never does
- Tara has definitely taken gale out of some pesky situations when he was younger and stubbornly refused to listen by biting his collar and flying/teleporting away to which he would sulk about for days
-Tara likes to Tag along to any adventure Gale goes on not only because she needs to keep and eye on him or the fact that she enjoys adventuring but also because she has alot of fun sampling the pigeons of the diffrent regions and also the occasional wing in Gale's face in semi serious situations
- Gale loves carrying around Tara in his tower she either perches on his shoulder or is tucked in his arm like the books he carries
- Gale sometimes forgets to feed himself but never forgets to feed Tara even thou she can hunt fornerself he spends an hour making her gourmet Tressym food.
-there is definitely a food bowl and a soft cushion ontop one of the highest bookshelves in his room because its Tara's favorite place besides his lap
- Gale loves it when his mom vists and spends time with Tara but also kinda dreads it Because it means double the lectures but its endearing enough for him to sit there smiling and listening
- when both are in the house you often here "Gale!! Mr. Dekarios!!" At the same time
-he gets tail smacked twice as much when his mom is around because it makes his mom laugh
- gale often subconsciously reaches out over his shoulder to grab tara gently and hug/cuddle/kiss her and place her on his lap
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