#ordon is what makes the game unique
skyward-floored · 1 year
Dawn part 4 analysis, here we go! At it again with my ramblings.
Starting off with THE GLORIOUS RETURN OF THE MAILMAN! The moment I saw the flag I was like :O HE’S BACK!!!
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(I also got the blue’s clues mail song stuck in my head)
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Hey look, it’s Warriors’ money! And the inkeeper who’s happily admiring the ridiculous amount of rupees Warriors now does not own!
Rip Warriors’ money. It will be dearly missed.
Also no vacancy?? I mean, it’s possible there’s other people staying there, or it’s just a small inn, but... it kinda looks like Warriors literally bought every available room there was. Mad lad.
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I (like everybody else lol) took a crack at figuring out who’s signature was who’s, based on their respective game’s Hylian texts/scripts, order of when they got there, and the OG tags on the comic. So here’s my best guesses—
1. Time is first, which makes sense based on him being the one to take Twilight to the inn
2. Hyrule appears to be next— his games don’t have a written script, but the hylian here is close to Legend’s, so I’m assuming it’s his, based on the fact that he was part of the next group to get to the inn.
3. Four is who I’m least sure about I’ll admit, but seeing as how he came with Hyrule, (and he’s the only Link left I couldn’t identify at all), I’m assuming it’s his.
4. Warriors we know for sure, since the tags say this signature is his. He gets a shout out for being the only Link who can actually write in the lines.
5. Wind seems to be next, as his hylian is very close to what’s here (his signature partially obscures Warriors’ XD)
6. Legend is who I’m going with for this one, but I’ll admit it could be Wild’s since their script is pretty darn close. But once again, based on when they all got to the inn, Legend would make the most sense to be here.
7. Sky is definitely here. His hylian is very unique compared to the others (I think it’s my favorite)
8. Wild is probably next, but same case as Legend, they could be swapped. But once again, probably not, since Wild was the last to get inside.
9. Twilight bringing up the rear! His hylian is unmistakable, and it makes sense that he’d mark his name last. I don’t think he could handle it until he woke up that morning, though I do wonder which arm he wrote it with...
(Rip Mr. Mailman in trying to figure all this out)
Moving on!
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It’s gotta be close to mid-morning by now based on the light, but Sky obviously does not handle waking up at dawn well. It’ll be interesting to see if he stays sleepy during the rest of this arc, or if he'll wake up a bit.
(Side note, Sky looks so soft and fluffy here, I want to hug him)
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Sky is so relatable in this update, he’s got some serious “I have no idea what’s going on” vibes. That first one he's got such a deer in the headlights look XD
The mailman is just like “you! I’ve been looking for you! Great to see you!” and Sky’s just “I have never met this man in my life” (probably forgot he actually did see him once (because he’s sleepy))
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Four letters, all different languages and dialects... I’m guessing at least one Zelda based on the seal on that blue letter (it seems fancier to me), but I don’t know about the rest. I would guess Malon for one, and maybe another Zelda? Warriors or Wild or Four’s Zelda maybe? Maybe Twilight got a letter from someone in Ordon, or the Resistance!
Only thing I do know is that there’s probably not one for Sky, since he wasn’t immediately like “letter for me! :D”
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Four trying to do something nice and fix Wild’s sword and this guy just laughs at him, rude 😤 At least he didn’t make a short joke, which was honestly what I was expecting. I mean I get knowing that your equipment won’t be enough for the job, but sheesh.
(Also the blacksmith’s goggles look a bit like Gondo’s in skyward sword’s, plus the ones the rescue knights wear, thought that was interesting).
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(Cool pose mode: engaged)
I love this panel!! They all decided to follow Four and help him out just like they did last time, fix the sword and get Wild a good, reliable weapon.
I’ve also never noticed how similar these guy’s hair looks before, especially Warriors and Hyrule’s— if Rulie’s hair was a little shorter and blonde, it would be pretty near identical. Very interesting...
(Plus Wind has the funniest expression, he's so cute)
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We interrupt this rambly analysis to bring you a brief moment of me yelling about Warriors' smile ABHDGFSFKHSBBG LOOK AT HIM that stupid cocky grin and the way he's rolling up his sleeve I'm *swoon*
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Four absolutely losing it over Warriors’ jab about teamwork is SO funny, Captain you have no idea how good your joke was. (also Four, bud, you good? Little hysterical there pal)
Also he looks so happy!!! Compare that to any of the faces he was making the night before, he's doing so much better. I’m so glad he’s happy and smiling now, even if it was just at a dumb joke :)
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I don’t even have anything to say about this panel. Just look at it. Glorious.
And one last thing...
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MULTILINGUAL WARRIORS HOLY CROW that's such a cool trait to give him, I am in love with it now that's awesome.
An amazing update as always, it was fantastic all around <3
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skyloftsword · 6 months
Ranking Zelda stories because I am bored
Happy Easter and Trans Visibility Day! I'm bored and wanted to rank the stories of the 3D Zelda games. Spoilers of course. Ranked from favorite (top) to weakest (bottom). I also won't be including WInd Waker because I never beat it (not the game's fault, I bought HD during the Switch's lifecycle and got tired of the Wii U gamepad). A lot of my problems are just personal gripes and not really criticisms.
Tears of the Kingdom: Controversial placement, I know (I have been literally harassed SEVERAL times over this take, I am disappointed in humanity). It has its issues, but like, what thing DOESN'T have flaws? Everything is flawed, it came free with your entertainment. The plot beats for Tears of the Kingdom are absolutely insane. The Imprisoning War and the events leading up to it all felt connected and relevant to each other and the events in the present. Not to mention watching stuff like the Molduga memory and the Imprisoning War itself was extremely hype. Seeing the interactions between Sonia, Rauru, Zelda and Mineru got me really attached to these characters. The events in the present also feel meaningful and urgent. Your friends from the previous game are ACTUALLY in trouble in this game and not just being stalked by a giant robot that's doing nothing. The Sages also felt more connected than the Champions ever did. The camera not being locked behind a backtracking quest this time was cool too. Overall, this game's story hit the hardest, especially with the Dragon Tears quest.
Skyward Sword: Great story with a great cast. Backtracking is a bit of a pain and could have been handled better, but I love the events of the game. Groose's character development is truly excellent. Link and Zelda having a connection also assisted in making the adventure hitting harder.
Twilight Princess: As a former Twilight Princess hater, I would like to apologize to this game. I had a biased hatred against the game because I thought it was just TP fans that were toxic when in reality its just the Zelda fanbase as a whole that has a massive toxicity problem (not all Zelda fans are toxic). The whole beginning segment with Ordon Village and the Twili Realm sets up Link's quest perfectly. The story as a whole is really great until Ganondorf. Ganondorf in this game is genuinely really weak as a character, same with Zelda. They at least have the manga to help them but still...
Majora's Mask: I love the concept for this game's story and for the most part its really well done. Its just short and a lot of the interesting stuff is in the side quests. This is totally fine because it helps get me invested in the world, but most side quests are just... meh. Anju/Kafei, the grandma stories and the Romani Ranch quest lines (including the Ranch Race with the Gorman Brothers) are really great though.
Breath of the Wild: Man... This game's backstory is SO, SO, SO GOOD. Like wow is it good. I just HATE how its told. Stuff that would be cool to see is NEVER shown. Like why not show us Zelda and Link vs Calamity Ganon? Not to mention the Camera backtracking quest... I will say, at least it made the Champion's Tunic plot relevant. TotK should've made the Leathers important. Also the Divine Beast quests just don't sit right with me (outside of the Gerudo one, that one was really great). The Divine Beast fights are incredible though, they make up for the atrocious dungeon bosses.
Ocarina of Time: Too boring and unoriginal for me. Yes, TotK takes a lot from BotW's style of story, but it at least builds upon it and has unique aspects like Crisis at Hyrule Castle and Mineru's entire questline. I do like how Ganondorf mocks Link, especially in the Forest Temple, as it makes him more relevant. Ganondorf waiting until Zelda gave Link the Light Arrows just was incompetent though.
Alright, that's my ranking of each 3D Zelda story I have an opinion on. I very much expect disagreement (especially with TotK) and that's fine, just please do not attack me over this stuff. Its just opinions. I've been harassed way too much over my takes on TotK, its tiring.
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
what inspired your Link’s outfits? I love them!
Thank you! I’m not sure what inspired them but I’ll just talk about them (without pictures cuz I can’t 😔)
Sky: I really loved the green color he had from LU, how everyone had a deeper green shade while he had a lighter, more minty green shade (maybe not minty green but sh), so I went with that color cuz it suited him so well! I also like him having his sash so I keep them. His design sorta changed, I originally had him wearing more baggy clothes, but I added bracers and tightened up his clothes a tad. I also kept his green pants from the beginning of the game cuz I thought that’d look quirky. The biggest things were the sailcloth and loftwing feather. I always vibed with feather earrings, and I wanted the feather to be king, but when I actually drew it, it was a HUGE pain. So I removed it and just put it on his belt. And I put the sailcloth on his belt as well cuz I HATE drawing capes lol. Luckily drawing Sky for a bit made me realize what I liked and disliked about his design so I was able to change some things. I do love the diamond thing on his chest. Admittedly LU inspired the design a lot lol, but in the end I kept some stuff for myself :)
Minish: the Minish clothes inspired his shirt! I found his og shirt very bland so I spiced things up with a leafy shirt and called it a day UwU. I also liked him having a headband with an Ezlo pendant at the end, thought it looked cute! And I think I added some metal toes cuz what if you dropped a hammer on your feet? Anyways, it’s safe to say LU inspired a lot of these designs and I’m not ashamed to admit that (LU did NOT inspire this au tho)
Time: I was actually inspired by bonus Links with their oot Link having a vest. I thought it was a cute and gave my Time a more farm outfit. I made his shirt a more forest green and gave him a weird eyepatch to cover half his face, and then gave him cowboy boots cuz I thought they looked cool. I lvoe his pants cuz he looks like a sexy mom so there’s that lol. Also, about his hair, this is an unpopular opinion but I prefer his short and spiky hair 😔 I’m sorry to the folks who loved the long ponytail. I also added some gloves that I think are strength gloves that aren’t ungraded? Made his outfit more battle ready (in the beginning the Links were in more comfy clothes but I didn’t like that)
Legend: oh boy, he probably has my fav design lol. I sorta added this red sash thing to go against his green shirt and I think it turned out cool! And the red accents look dope as well! I’m particularly proud of his boots, which sorta resemble the Pegasus boots (I think that’s what they’re called 😭). Also I love the idea of legend link hating pants so he wears shorts. He hates pants. He’s just like me fr
Hyrule: I’m not sure how much of Lu inspired my Hyrule, but I always ADORED Lu Hyrule’s floofy hair so I kept that. I kinda like his clothes being baggy and casual, and I made his boots a little scuffed since he travels a lot. Idk what is going on with his design tho. I cant think of anything specific that I did with his design minus the boots and turtle neck (I noticed one of the designs for Zelda 2 had link in a turtle neck and I thought that was perfect for Hyrule). Yeah not many thoughts. Just like the amount of thoughts going through his head
Twi: oh boy, I just gave him a shirt that matched Rusl’s cuz it has a boob window, gave him that dumb arm thing, his ordon sash and obi, and just sorta lightly tweaked his farmer’s outfit. His boots are meant to have goat fur popping out cuz I thought that’d be cool. Plus an ordon goat on his design cuz he likes goats. Not much to say
Four: I looked at all the knights from the FS manga and tried to make him look like that. I always thought his braid and color thing was unique and showed the four colors well. I also made his clothes more white and cream colored cuz I’ve seen four Links as white and then go colorful when they split and I LOVED that. He also gets a cool cape. He sued to have more Arno but I removed it cuz he’s still a kid and I hate drawing Armor.
Windy: oh boy, I had to change his design since I aged him down, but I gave him a sleeveless overcoat since there are a lot of overcoats with pirates. I also gave him a pirate-esque shirt and made his colors more deadpan green which I ADORE. I always liked his gray pants and simple shoes so I kept those!
Spirit: it’s just his engineer outfit, nothing special lol. A boy…
Age: idk how I feel about his design, but I mixed the knight’s outfit with the champion’s tunic with a hint of the zora armor and Mipha’s scale!
Wild: I sorta mixed the Hylian tunic with the champion’s tunic. Again, idk how I feel about it but Wild has his entire wardrobe on him so I can just change his design whenever I want UwU
Warriors: made his scarf look more triangle and covering his neck, and added some pizzaz to it, idk.
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tachvintlogic · 1 year
Some Author's Commentary on A Fishing Rod in Hand is Worth 2 in System Memory
This was in my drafts for two years when I finally posted chapter 6 of A Fishing Rod in Hand is Worth 2 in System Memory, and since it ain't gettin' any younger, might as well post it.
I have thoughts about chapter 6 of my System Memory fic and figured to just put them in a post.
I'm so happy I got to the part where I traumatize Twilight. The best part about basing the Links not just on their games, but on a specific speedrun is that I get to write angst unique to that particular run. The story is supposed to be a mix of humor and angst, and I got the humor down if the feedback is any indication, so it was nice to turn up the angst.
This section was really helped by the fact I had access to an actual copy of Twilight Princess to explore the world and find things, like that the postman hangs out in the goat barn in Ordon. (Which sucks because that's not going to be the case for most of the other eras.)
I've played at least a little of one game for each Link except Four, and I think he suffers because of it. I have basic mechanics knowledge from first hand experience for everyone but him. All the glitches come from research and I have to research games I've never played or finished, but for him everything has to be researched.
I remember seeing a post that complained that Hyrule was rarely being given opportunities in fics to be badass or something along those line. So I thought, "okay, I'll give Hyrule an ability so overpowered that most of the other Links can't handle it."
It's been a while since chapter 6 was posted, hasn't it?
I'm very satisfied with finally completing the second arc of System Memory, where I tortured Wind after torturing Twilight (emotionally). The arcs followed a similar progression, though I only noticed it in the middle of writing. Both went hometown → Zelda → Gerudo settlement → dungeon → portal. Both also had a battle where Hyrule was a total badass using an overpowered quirk of his games' controls. The 3rd era will probably not follow this progression (but Hyrule will still be a badass).
At first, the hardest part of that arc was the conversation between Grandma and Wind. I literally wrote the entire chapter with the Savage Labyrinth because I was avoiding that conversation just as much as Wind was.
But once it was done, the hardest part was definitely the naval battle. Which isn't good from a writing perspective because the navel battle was 1.5 chapters long.
From writing those chapters, I've found that the thing that really gets me in a writing mood is being a passenger on a plane or a long car ride with no internet and only my laptop with an open fic document for company. After 2 five hour car rides, the arc was "done" and I started updating it again.
Another thing that helps is having research notes from the actual game. They were very helpful for getting a sense for the Forsaken Fortress and Wind Temple layout, the sunrise scene, and visualizing where the pirate ship was supposed to do in relation to the islands.
(For the 3rd arc/era, I fortunately own a game set in that era for easy reference.)
...But having a first draft with all the necessary scenes present doesn't mean it's done, now does it? So, the battles in particular had lots of revisions because the story beats were happening too quickly and it was just too barebones.
I never meant for the time between chapter 6 and 7 to be as long as it did. I was kind of in denial about hiatus for a while, thinking "I'm only a month at most away from posting chapter 7!" for a lot of 2021 and 2022.
What basically happened was that I didn't want to post a chapter before the next chapter is fully written with all the necessary scenes. This is because I figured I wouldn't have anymore major edits to make to a chapter once the one after it is complete. But then chapter 8 was split into 8 and 9, and posting 7 without finishing 9 would be cheating, and then 10, 11, and 12 still needed to be written...
And that simple rule ballooned into a requirement that chapter 7 can only be posted once the entire arc has a complete draft.
(Arc 3 will probably follow the same rule, so there's aren't long waits between chapters in the same arc. Chapters between arcs is another story.)
I don't think this arc would've turned out the way it did if I hadn't taken that hiatus. For one, back when I finished chapter 6 I hadn't started reading Moby Dick, which definitely influenced Wind's narration. (I searched up crossovers between Moby Dick and Wind Waker and found nothing. Kinda disappointing.)
The chapters of the second arc are shorter than the first. I had felt the chapters were getting too long and wanted to cut them up (chapter 8 and 9 used to be the same chapter), but they all ballooned to be longer than I had initially expected. I guess that's just how it is.
All the comments on each chapter are very appreciated, even if I don't reply to them. They do a lot to boost my motivation to overcome writer's block. For those who commented, thank you.
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namine-rae · 1 year
crack Lu au idea (from a very tired rae)
a Tokyo mew mew au
So like, basic premise:
the chain (who are at least mostly unrelated to/don’t know each other) becomes a Magical Girl team to fight the aliens/the monsters attacking the city (castle town?)
each of them gets animal dna from a creature from their respective games
the cafe is run by the goddesses time is a baker/manager while the boys switch between kitchen and server jobs (eight servers for one small cafe is a bit much I think)
The bois themselves are mostly in high school, with wind in middle and time being a Married Adult and is still Dad Age compared to the rest
Most direct character role swaps off the top of my head: - wind takes Bu-ling/pudding’s place looking after gran and Aryll - warriors takes zakuro’s place -hyrule takes retasu’s place and I’m not sure who would take ichigo and minto’s places
Everything would need to be adjusted to better fit the chain and their personalities. I don’t picture any romance aspected being involved since it would be a focus on team-as-family, and I don’t know if there would be any one “main character” since they would all deserve to have some spotlight (but wind is my favorite so knowing me it’d probably end up wind-centric)
it’s probably be demise/ganon behind the attacks, with the shadow in place of quiche. But it could also be fun to swap in other villain characters like griahim or Vaati. Maybe get spicy and do a villain redemption for some of them
Marsha’s character would be swapped for a fairy companion like Navi, Proxi, or Ciela. Like either a rotation/team of the fairy companions or a fully new one.
I’m not sure if the chain would have gone on their respective adventures before any of this, but I think it would be cool. No idea how to blend them all together without them knowing each other though. Maybe instead of different eras it’s different neighboring kingdoms/countries? Idk.
now for the animals for the bois: - twilight has his wolf form or ordon goat - legend has his rabbit form, but it would be fun to explore other options for him - sky would totally get remlit. While loftwing could be really cool, I think sky fits remlit much better. (Plus the loftwings can still exist in this au. I like them too much to just remove them) - wind’s games don’t have that many animals that aren’t sentient races, so that leaves pigs and kargarok. Kargarok I think would be best. For the angst potential and air connection - four would get minish. I know they’re a race and not an animal, but a sorta minish form is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Could add multiple tails to represent the colors like my in progress minish form design - similarly hyrule could get fairy, but if the Masha equivalent is a fairy that wouldn’t make much sense. I don’t know much about his games so I’m not sure what other options there are. - warriors is a similar issue. I don’t know what animals are in his games, though something like a horse might be interesting? A lion or peacock could be fun, but I really want to stick with in-game animals. - wild has a lot of animals to pick from. Though I’m leaning towards bear or deer. a bug or lizard might be cool too if there are any that fit with Wild’s personality. (I’m not including totk here because I haven’t played it yet and want as little spoiled as possible before I do) - time is giving me some trouble too. I haven’t played any of his games. Maybe something based on his masks? Like a great fairy or deku scrub? (Again with the sentient species vs regular animal problem that hyrule and four have) definitely should be something forest-related to tie back to the kokiri/growing up in a magic forest thing.
all of their weapons with either be their respective swords, or a unique one from each of their games
and that’s about it for now
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0-racle-0-f-hylia · 3 years
Who did the Hero of Time end up with?
In every Zelda game I could always find some reason, convenient or otherwise, for Zelink to be present- every game except one.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 1998. Unlike games previous to it, it had several female love interests for Link. Saria, Ruto, Nabooru, Malon, and of course Zelda herself.
I never really considered the first three mentioned to be a good match for Link though.
Saria is a perpetual 10 year old
Ruto forced a 10 year old Link into an engagement with her (he didn’t even know what that was) and had him carry her around in her shoulders like he was her servant. (Not to mention if they did have any kids they’d be Zora, not Hylian)
Nabooru is at LEAST 7 years older than Link. I mean, she was an adult when they met and he was a little kid. (Also it is hinted at in game that she is Malon’s MOTHER)(think about that)
And then there was Malon. Initially, I didn’t think much of Malon to begin with. I mean, to me she was just the npc that gave you a horse, but whatever. I didn’t like her as a love interest for Link because I didn’t think she was good enough for him. I really HATE shallow-female-love-interest-characters that do nothing to support plot/Link and are only there to look pretty.
And a never gave Malon a second thought because it seemed to me that during the game, Link had a stronger connection to Zelda than he did Malon.
Zelda gave him the Ocarina of Time, an essential tool for his quest
Guided him after his seven year sleep as Sheik and taught him the teleportation songs
Helped him in the final battle against Ganon
Had a heartfelt goodbye as she sent him back to relive his childhood
To me, there are two legitimate reasons why people ship Malink. One being that, in the manga, Malon had a crush on Link and dreamed he was the “Prince” she was waiting for. Two, in Twilight Princess, Link, a descendant of the Hero of Time, lives in a ranch. So people naturally assume that since Malon herself is also a rancher, the Hero of aTime married Malon and hence all his descendants are ranchers.
Now, since the Manga isn’t canon, the first reason is void, but the second? It does seem pretty solid doesn’t it?
And for the longest time, I couldn’t find any reason to deny that, even if it made me want to pull my hair out because I couldn’t find anything to prove it was wrong.
Every Zelda theorist I knew, claimed that Malink was canon and I COULDN’T DISPUTE IT.
But after looking through both OOT, TP, and every trusted Zelda resource that I know-
I’ve come to the conclusion- that it is far more likely the Hero of time married Zelda not Malon.
I do find it believable that Malon or Talon founded Ordon village as it is the closest thing TP has to LonLon ranch, sharing many similarities in culture. And it is logical to think that Malon’s descendants would live in Ordon village.
So, in conclusion, the Hero of Twilight, descendant of the Hero of Time, is related to Malon because he lives in the ranch-centered village of Ordon!
Yes, it’s the perfect theory! No flaws in it whatsoever.
. . . except for one thing- TP Link- is not an Ordonian.
It’s a tiny detail most people seem to miss. In Twilight Princess, alongside all the other races of Hyrule, there are two kinds of humanoids:
Hyruleans: the non-magic people of Hyrule with round ears.
Hylians: with long ears, gifted with the ability to “hear the gods” and possess magical ability, as said in the Hyrule Historia.
Link is from the latter category, as he has long, pointed ears. And while it is possible one of his parents or grandparents was Ordonian, there is no way to prove this as he looks the same as any other Hylian. Meaning, it is likely that Link had no relation to the Ordonians by blood.
There are no other Hylians in Ordon besides Link, which leads me to conclude that Link’s parents were from castle town, the only other place in TP where Hylians reside.
In the beginning of the game, Rusl does say that Link has never been to Hyrule. But that merely implies that Link has ever been outside the village in his memory or since Rusl has known him.
Meaning his parents may have lived there when he was a baby. Or he was found/given to the Ordonians after his parents death or disappearance. Similar to how the Hero of Time was raised as Kokiri because his Hylian mother brought him to Kokiri forest and died soon after.
Epona is another factor that needs to be accounted for. It could be argued that as TP Link has a horse named Epona, this ties him to Malon, as the original Epona came from LonLon ranch. But it is a null point as the Hero of Time owned Epona even if he didn’t marry Malon and therefore his descendants, wether or not they are related to Malon, could have a horse that is related to, or named after Epona.
Now I’ve stated a couple reasons why I think Link didn’t marry Malon, but I haven’t given any reasons why the Hero of Time would marry Zelda. But I’m getting to that :)
One of the reasons why I believe the Hero of Time married Zelda is due to his appearance on TP, specifically, the Hero’s Shade.
Besides his ghostly, skeletal figure, the most intriguing thing about him is his armor. Comparing his elaborate armor to the much simpler armor of the guards or soldiers (not knights, as some people think) in Ocarina of Time, makes me believe he is much higher ranked , probably an esteemed Knight or something similar.
Which makes sense, considering he was the one who warned the king of Ganondorf’s treachery and possesses amazing swordsmanship skills. It is also hinted at in Hyrule Historia, that Link’s father was a knight as well, making Knighthood, Link’s inheritance.
Another detail I find interesting is, though faded, you can tell that the Hero’s Shade’s armor was once gold with red detailing. The armor’s color scheme, red and gold, is typically used by kings of Hyrule.
As seen in Wind Waker and the Minish cap. King Gustaf, King Daltus, and King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule all wear red and gold.
Another peculiar detail about the Hero’s Shade’s armor is the shape of the breastplate resembling that of an owl’s head. Owls are associated with wisdom. In OOT, Zelda holds the triforce of WISDOM.
In TP, you can buy an item called magic armor in castletown. It’s design is reminiscent of Zelda’s appearance in the game. Including the design of the crown pauldrons and tassel. This makes me assume it once belonged to a prince of Hyrule. This is further backed up by its red and gold color scheme, colors associated with the king of Hyrule.
The most obvious connection between Hylian royalty and the Hero of time is concerning the magic armor. Specifically, the long, red cap included in the outfit. Compared to the rest of the armor Link gets in the game, the magic armor just doesn’t seem to fit.
The hero’s clothes have a green cap because it’s what the previous hero wore, Kokiri styled.
The Zora armor has a blue cap because it is made to resemble the Zora’s long head fin.
But the magic armor? Something made for royalty? In all the other games, no other Hylian royalty is depicted with a long cap, so where could this style have come from?
Well, if the Hero of Time married into the royal family, perhaps his unique style would have carried over into the traditional Hylian royalty get-up, as he become a prince. Creating an outfit that includes the royal colors, crown, tassel and the Hero of Time’s long cap.
On a side note, may I remind everyone that in Majorca’s Mask, when the Skull Kid was attempting to bring down the moon the first time, Link flashed back to his last moment with Zelda?
Sure he could have just been remembering the song of time and yes, the fact that he has Epona means he did go back to LonLon ranch to see Malon.
But one, he probably just went to LonLon to get his horse to travel with
And two, he didn’t flash back to his last moment with Malon, did he?
And three, the fact that he rembered how Zelda reminisced about their time together and he didn’t just recall the song of time just go’s to show how strongly he felt about their relationship.
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violent-optimism · 3 years
Why Twilight Princess is the Best Zelda Game (To Me!)
Hey ya’ll,
I know I don’t really talk about video games that much. I really should though! Video Games have been a huge part of my life for pretty much as long as I can remember.
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a game that means so much to me I can scarcely put it into words. I was 10 years old when this game came out, the perfect age in my opinion. I think if I had been any older or younger it might have slipped past my radar. Despite the game being rated T for Teen, my parents got it for me and my sister anyway which I think is pretty fucking rad.
Not that we really knew what we were in for, of course. I was just a kid. I didn’t read game reviews yet, and I didn’t have any friends who had played this game so I couldn’t ask them about it either. When we first popped that disc in and were brought to the main menu, we had absolutely NO idea just what kind of ride we were in for or how just how much this game would impact us.
Another thing I’d like to mention was how this game was introduced into my life at the perfect time. My sister and I had just moved schools. We were the new kids, and we had a lot of trouble adjusting and fitting in. There was definitely some teasing, maybe even some bullying. I don’t remember much from those days to be honest. But you know what I do remember? Playing Twilight Princess. This game was the perfect distraction from my crappy school life, and in a time where my sister and I barely had any friends, it was so comforting. We’ve always been close, but I think we bonded a lot over this game.
If you’re a gamer, you know this feeling; the feeling when you are currently playing a game that is just so fun, so amazing, so utterly addicting in the best possible way; that when you’re away from it it’s all you can think about. I distinctly remember my Dad installing the new TV which meant no Twilight Princess for a day or so. I was SO impatient and I just couldn’t wait for him to be done so I could continue playing it.
Even though I’ve now played Twilight Princess so many times that I could basically play it with my eyes closed (maybe lol) I still remember experiencing some of the best moments of the game for the very first time; running around Ordon Village, finding Midna, beating the first dungeon, finding out that GANONDORF was in the game! (Remember I had no way of knowing this at the time). Every big moment, every discovery, every heart-wrenching cut scene, it all felt so real and so important at the time. In a lot of ways, it still is.
Okay, so that’s the personal part. A bit long-winded, I know. I just thought it was important to include for this essay. But what is it about Twilight Princess that makes it so special? Why do I love it so much even after 15 years? (God that makes me feel old). This list isn’t really in a particular order but I will definitely be covering a lot of the BIG reasons why I adore this game so much. Oh, and in case you’re a little late to the party, there will be spoilers. Let’s go!
 Darker and More Mature:
There’s something really enticing about being a kid, and witnessing something in a movie, video game, etc. that you know you probably shouldn’t have watched but you did anyway. Not only is Twilight Princess the only Zelda game to date that is Rated T (I’m pretty sure anyway), but it has some seriously dark and disturbing moments throughout the story; including one VERY creepy cut scene about halfway through the game that still haunts me a little to this day. Beyond that, you’ve got painful transformation sequences, characters being stabbed, characters sacrificing themselves, and a scene where I’m pretty sure Ganondorf’s neck just gets fucking broken. I can go on, but the point is this Zelda game does not screw around when it comes to showing intense moments and it’s all the better for it. I never felt the game went too far with it, but let’s say Twilight Princess definitely earned its T rating.
 Wolf Form:
I’m sure people who haven’t even played TP know that this is probably the biggest defining feature. In this game, Link gains the ability to turn into a Wolf! I know some people might consider these parts of the game to be boring and not as fun, but I have always disagreed with that notion. I think it’s a really cool and out of the box way to break the somewhat repetitive gameplay of traditional Zelda games. There’s more of a puzzle-solving element to these Wolf sections, and I for one find it very satisfying to collect the Tears of Light. Turning into your Wolf form becomes essential, especially towards the latter half of the game when you need to complete tasks that you couldn’t normally do as a human. Plus…Wolf Link is pretty darn cute! His design is awesome too.
And speaking of Wolf Link, around the same time Link gains this ability he also meets a character who (in my opinion) is THE BEST Zelda sidekick/companion across all the games. She’s not annoying, she’s not boring; Midna is a 3-Dimensional, fully fleshed out character that plays a crucial role in the story. I can’t imagine anyone playing this game and NOT getting attached to Midna. I know I certainly did. In the first half of the game you don’t really know that much about her, but she is certainly helpful gameplay-wise and doesn’t just give you the same useless hint over and over. Plus, the SASS! My God, Midna is so sassy I love her so much. I love how she grows and changes and becomes a better person by the end of the story. Midna really deserves her own game!
 A Beautiful Game:
Now obviously this doesn’t just apply to Twilight Princess. Most Zelda games are very beautiful, especially the more modern ones such as Breath of the Wild. However, there is something about the specific beauty of Twilight Princess that just takes my breath away. The scenery is just gorgeous everywhere you go. Ordon Village is beautiful, Hyrule Field is stunning, Snowpeak is captivating, the Fishing Hole is serene, you get the picture. And to top it all off, Twilight Princess STILL looks beautiful even after all these years. The graphics have aged really well which is certainly no hindrance. As a kid I always wished that some of the locations were real, and honestly, I still kinda do.
 Best version of Ganondorf:
It’s funny; I don’t normally root for villains. I tend to gravitate towards more heroic characters or characters that are more similar to me. Ganondorf is certainly the exception; specifically the Ganondorf that we see in Twilight Princess. I remember being SO EXCITED when he first appeared in a cut scene after Arbiter’s Grounds. I don’t know if it’s the way he was introduced, the raspy laugh, or his character design, but I LOVE Ganondorf in this game. He is just so bad-ass, so cool, my only wish is that we saw a little bit more of him in TP. Regardless, every time he shows up in the game, he is a formidable and dominating screen presence. And I feel no shame whatsoever admitting that 10 year old Sam developed a massive crush on this Ganondorf. Is that weird? I dunno, but either way he is just so cool as well as a fantastic addition to an already perfect game.
The Soundtrack:
Again, it’s not unusual for a Zelda game to have a really fantastic soundtrack. The series has always had amazing music since the very first game. However, the music in Twilight Princess continues to entrance me even to this day. The Main Menu theme? Amazing. Midna’s theme? Amazing. Lake Hylia? Amazing. And don’t even get me started on those beautiful Wolf Songs you sing throughout the game. It’s just a beautiful soundtrack. To say it’s nostalgic for me is a massive understatement.
Dungeon Design:
Unsurprisingly, most Zelda games tend to recycle the same temple themes over and over again. You got your forest temple, your fire temple, water, desert, time, etc. These are definitely present in Twilight Princess, but there’s something about the way they’re designed and the way you move through them that just feels so unique and wonderful. I won’t name them but I’ve played other Zelda games where the dungeons felt like a horrible, tedious chore. With TP, I never felt that was the case. Every Dungeon is packed full of secrets, with plenty of interesting set pieces to explore. Even the water temple (YES, the Water Temple!) is enjoyable to play through. The Dungeons have tons of replay value as well, meaning that you can return later and find special items that you weren’t able to access before.
And just as a fun bonus, here’s my top nine list for the Twilight Princess Dungeon’s:
9) City in the Sky
8) Palace of Twilight
7) Hyrule Castle
6) Temple of Time
5) Lakebed Temple
4) Forest Temple
3) Snowpeak Ruins
2) Goron Mines
1) Arbiter’s Grounds
 And that about wraps it up, folks! Sorry this was such a long essay, I had so much to say. It is, after all, my favourite video game ever. Of course it’s not technically perfect and it definitely has some flaws. But you know what? It’s perfect to me, and I’ll never get sick of it.
Thank you so much for reading! :) Listen to this track of the opening theme and tell me you don’t feel it in your SOUL!!!
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46ammy · 4 years
Primal Zodiac of the LU Links
So I was browsing through Tumblr when I found a link to Primal Astrology, in which it gives you a primal zodiac by combining your Chinese Zodiac (birth year) and your Zodiac constellation (birth month) signs, and I was fairly amused by how some parts were pretty accurate describing my personality. 
Me being rather obsessed with LU, I decided to look up the Primal Zodiac signs for each Link in the LU verse, based on their release date of their “timeline-wise” first adventure (eg: Four= Minish cap)
Some of the descriptions I found pretty close to what the fandom depicts each Link’s personality, and some I kinda disagree/ not certain about. 
Ones I agree for the most part:
Hyrule      February 21, 1986 -> Pisces + Tiger = Stingray “those born under the sign ... are adventurous, humanitarian, generous, sincere, rebellious, and emotionally fragile all at the same time. .... but stingrays are also deep thinkers, dreamers, and idealists. ..... While they may spend a great deal of time lingering in the background, they are not afraid to stand up for themselves, and can be a very formidable opponent.... love intense conversations and ideas that they can share with others... tend to play whatever role suits them best in different social situations... attracted to mysterious people, places, and things... relish the unusual and unexplained...”      (That’s how I see Hyrule for the most part)
Legend      November 21, 1991 -> Scorpio + Sheep = Panda “...tend to be popular but loners, want to go with the flow but have to feel in charge of their own destiny, long to relax but are always working on projects.... Those born under this sign are quiet, collected, and focused, but can become obsessive, overly critical, and anxious if left alone for too long. ... aren’t very social by nature, but still enjoy having like-minded friends around. ... may not seem their nature, they are deep down romantics...”      (while some may debate on the quiet part, I see that as him being quiet about himself, not sharing too much with others.)
Time      November 21, 1998 -> Scorpio + Tiger = Honey badger “Powerful, passionate, and resilient ... fierce competitors who are not afraid to go after what they want. .... fearless in their conquests and will not back down to anyone. ... Deep down Honey badgers want something to live fore beyond mere day to day survival. Survival is easy for them, finding their place in the world is not.  On the outside they come across as tough, mysterious, and unable to be broken, but inside they are actually quite fragile and complex. .... members of this sign are old souls who carry with them a deep wisdom that allows them to understand human nature. They inherently know what people want, which is why they are often so successful. ....spend a great deal of their time and energy pursuing their goals, and are almost always alone or leading a group. Those who do get to know them well discover that they are extremely loyal to their friends and actually have a surprisingly great (and shocking) sense of humor. When they relax they can be the surprise hit of the party.”     (The Old man in a nutshell, for the most part)     
Warriors      August 14, 2014 -> Leo + Horse = Hyena “members of this sign strongly prefer to spend time in large groups of friends and families. ... very strong-willed sign with the ability to follow through on their promises and take what is theirs when necessary. .... have an easy charm about them that draws other people in. ... great at taking charge of situations, and are by far most comfortable when they are in charge. .... main weakness of Hyenas is their tendency to be self-centered. .... are highly likable, and tend to only conflict with others who challenge their social leadership. Even in social groups where everyone is equal, Hyenas tend to become the de facto leaders of the group simply because of their ease and charm.”      (The Captain in a nutshell. ‘nough said.)
Wild       March 3, 2017 -> Pisces + Rooster = Ocelot “keep others at a distance. ... don’t really want confrontation.... (but) enjoy the company of others quite a bit. They sometimes isolate themselves because it is the easiest, and sometimes the only, way to fully harness their immense creative power. .... can get things done, but in their own unique, visionary style. They truly don’t need others to succeed, but can benefit quite a bit from connecting to people in the real world. ... like to be inspired by new surroundings and new adventures.”
    (I don’t completely agree with the keep others at a distance and they make a big front to do so, but one thing is that Wild’s personality can differ depending on the player’s play style, so I guess this may fit in some interpretations.)
Wind      December 13, 2002 -> Sagittarius + Horse = Dove “Independent, energetic, and adventurous, .... love life and long for new experiences. ... always looking forward; they rarely dwell on the past. ... often restless, which can lead them to take risks in life. .... seem lucky because they are so optimistic. Even when they are feeling down, those born under this sign always manage to get back on track. They believe that they can have whatever they want if they work hard for it, and they are almost always right. .... They have tons of energy and never want to stop moving, which ironically causes them to miss out on many of life’s more subtle experiences. .... they are spirited, independent and have a tendency to speak bluntly, but they also have big hearts, great senses of humor, and a unique philosophy about life.”     (he is a sailor and an explorer for new land, I do see Wind never wanting to stop moving)
Ones I’m not sure:
     November 18, 2011 -> Scorpio + Rabbit = Koala “Emotional, powerful, and intense, .... It’s not that they are putting up a false front, it’s that they are trying to keep their tornado of emotions safely inside themselves. .... can seem harmless from a distance, but can be quite defensive if provoked or approached without caution. .... A tendency of this sign is to use passive aggression and subtle manipulation to get what they want. While they try their hardest to be convincing, they can’t help but wear their emotions on their sleeves. ....  Koalas are deeply emotional, and on top of that they have a way of burying their feelings to keep them secret, even to themselves. ....  When in their element, these individuals are surprisingly sweet, loving, caring, and even funny.”     (I see Sky being sweet as his default emotion, that isn’t a surprising element of his personality. This description had a more negative connotation with the word “emotional”  than positive for me. But if you look at it in a different angle, he may harbor some passive aggression.)
     November 4, 2004 -> Scorpio + Monkey = Raven 
“ Strong, curious, and energetic, ...  deepest desire is to overcome the odds, to triumph, and to prove themselves to the world. ....  difficult to pin down.  .... the Raven Spirit was considered a trickster - a sly and cunning individual who would often get what they wanted, or otherwise entertain themselves, through the intellectual manipulation of others. Powerful and unpredictable ....  highly developed senses of humor...  Loyal, gregarious, and funny, Ravens can be the life of the party or they can be self-absorbed, competitive, and negative. ... prefer to be big fish in a small pond, getting their fix of attention from those who know and understand them best.”
(Hmmm, Four is a difficult person to pin down his personality, he does have four separate ones if he wishes to use the ability of the Four Sword. Cunning, yes he is, but intellectual manipulation of others for his amusement? that sounds more like Shadow. Then again, Shadow did kinda come from Four...)
     November 19, 2006 -> Scorpio + Dog = Octopus
“Loyal, ambitious, and intense, ... prefer to deal in facts rather than emotions. ... can be fairly anti-social. To be more specific, they tend to be uncomfortable in most social situations. ...  prefer time alone or with a couple of their closest friends with whom they share a great deal of the same ideals. ....  The mind ... is both complex and contradictory. They are part rebel but part people-pleaser. They have deep reserves of inner strength but become nervous and uncertain at the slightest glitch in the plan.They are passive while temperamental, honest while secretive, ....  internalize their negative feelings rather than expel them into the world, .... value loyalty, honor, and work ethic above all else. They often have difficulty creating their own happiness, mostly because they prioritize things like pride and power over peace and serenity. Always hardest on themselves... Socializing is not their strong suit,...”  
(Socializing not being his strong suit? Anti-social? I don’t see it. Twilight is very good with children. You need to be able to do socializing to have smaller children adore you, like how the Ordon children adores Twilight in the game. Not emotional? Twilight is pretty emotional, I mean look at his expressions in TP!)
Those are my opinions. What do you guys think? (you can click the underlined hyperlinks to see the full profile for each sign)
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cookie-waffle · 7 years
pointless observations I’ve made about Link that most other people don’t seem to talk abt much
- Sky enjoys wood carving and even gave a carving to Zelda of her loftwing. You see wood carvings all over his room and one carving of the blue loftwing in Zelda’s room that was onviously done by him.
- Sky seems to have shorter than average ears than other hylians as well as the other Links
- Warrior just straight up literally wears eyeshadow
- Wind can speak english appreantly
- Wild has noticeable overbite. (noticeable to me anyways)
- Wild has abs but they’re like, abs that are just starting to develop. So they’re not super easy notice at first.
- Wild has really long eyelashes
- Time was freakin’ ripped as a little kid?
- Twilight’s hair color is really inconsistant for some reason.
- Sky and Hero (in Zelda II) have the chubbiest cheeks of all the teenage Links
- Warrior has the most unique nose shape
- Hero’s hair color is also pretty inconsistant
- Why is First so muscular in the manga? That literally makes no sense?? he should look like a freakin skeleton after being in a shitty prison for so long????
- Wild shows signs of having a very high motabolism
- Sky shows several symptoms of ADHD
- Time seems to be the most muscular of all the Links
- It’s sorta implied that Wild didn’t choose to become a knight and was actually forced? (assuming by his family) Which actually makes a lot of sense because it would parallel really well with Zelda’s childhood, and as we already know she felt she could relate to him.
- Toon Link in not just one incarnation of Link, he’s actually several different incarnations that just look very similar.
- Wind is not in Hyrule Warriors. That’s actually Spirit. EDIT: that actually is Wind because Aryll has speech text when you play as him, it’s toon Zelda who’s the one from Spirit Tracks (Tetra being the version of Zelda from WW)
- There’s an NPC in Tri-Force heroes who’s cosplaying as ALTTP Link, with the pink hair included.
- Hero’s Shade’s armor looks kinda impractical for battle. So that might actually just be some fancy funeral armor he was burried in, not what he actually wore into battle.
- Twilight has like... a bunch of boxes full of empty bottles in his house???
- Just what the hell is up with Twilight’s house in general.
- Twilight is the only Hylian in Ordon. Everyone else is a human.
- So far there are are three canon incarnations of Link that have not had their own games
- The incarnation that came before Wild may have been a gerudo. On the tapestry in BOTW Zelda still looks like most other Zeldas, But Link noticeably has long red hair and bigger nose, which are traits found in gerudos.
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6 Cheap And Easy Celebration Concepts Your Kids Will adore
In relation to tossing any type of party, children’s kids celebrations consisted of, whenever of day could make or break your spending plan due to one specific little aspect: food. Should you have your son or child’s celebration around lunch or dinner time, it’s assumed that you be also providing dinner. Instead, attempt having your party right after lunch– around 2 p.m. It is basic to get away with having just birthday cake and the other festive to take in, which supports make you stay on budget.
Recall your childhood birthday celebrations? The majority of definitely these people were simple affairs with cake, goodies and timeless games like “pin the tail to the donkey.”
Throughout this time duration, sadly, this kind of low-key celebration is not the norm. Instead, numerous families choose elegant events, generally including an expensive venue say for instance a play gym, an artist’s studio or even a club car over a train!
In case your household won’t have the financial ways to work with a three-ring circus to entertain your child and his buddies for a birthday party, do not stress– there are plenty of other budget-friendly options that can be similarly as innovative and meaningful. Today I’ll share six ideas that might bring big smiles to the children’s faces, in addition to leaving long lasting impressions inside their memories– rather then with your banking accounts.
Wish. on the celebration’s theme, place in addition to other party information, discover a real budget. Remember the birthday celebration will practically definitely are numerous short hours, however the repercussions of spending more earnings than to match your spending plan might last far longer. As soon as you’ve a manage what does it cost? your family can stomach financially, then you can definitely begin brainstorming methods for an exciting, imaginative celebration that the child will keep in mind for several years to come.
For Toddlers and Youngsters
Concept # 1: Teddy Bear/Stuffed Animal Celebration One of the most whimsical kids celebrations the children have actually ever gone to had been a Stuffed animal Bash. The birthday girl was turning 3, and all the guests were required to bring a popular bear or some other stuffed bear. We entered a fanciful setup inside family’s dining-room, where picnic blankets were set throughout the room each visitor experienced a comfy cushion waiting on to the floor with an all new stuffed bear good friend for each and every child. Your kids had actually reached choice cute clothing from your big picnic basket to wear their brand-new bears (discovered at a local craft shop), along with the whole party revolved around as much as possible stuffed bear. This included a sport of “hide and seek,” bear-themed coloring pages, in addition to a “pin the tail to the bear” game which the creative mother built from building and construction paper. A beautiful bear cake was served with gummy bears galore– and within 120 minutes, the party was over and everybody left pleased, full and carrying a whole new bear friend!
Idea # 2: Storybook Character Party Just, my 7-year-old daughter went along to an unique character celebration. The 10 kids (kids) who went to were instructed to come impersonated their preferred storybook characters. When all of the visitors got here, they played an individual game of “20 Concerns” to see each visitor’s literary identity. My child went as Fancy Nancy, and lots of with the other characters who got here were Harry Potter, Curious George, Willy Wonka and in some cases Junie B. Jones. Each of them have got to make book coats portraying their finest characters/stories out from journals purchased the dollar shop and covered with heavy-duty construction paper and stickers. These appearances like their own books!
The host took photos of the child, which are glued for the back covers from the books having an adorable bio featuring highlights about each “author.” My child’s read: Annie Butler, Grade 2, is crazy in love with every product and component fancy. She’s the youngest sister of five bros along with sis and enjoys to embellish her space with posters of Fancy Nancy. When she’s not checking out, you can get her while in the gymnastic studio or messing with her Pomeranian young puppy, Gracie.”
In addition, the host asked each child to bring a couple of the used books and in addition they held the sunday paper exchange throughout the enjoyable. Each child utilizing a custom handcrafted book and a minimum of 2 books with the book exchange.
Concept # 3: Chocolate-Making Party A lot of kids delight in making deals with. One such and easy reward to produce is chocolate. You can get a number of fun, lively molds and chocolate melt tastes inside craft shop. Melt the chocolate from the microwave and kids can pour the gooey goodness to the molds and find as imaginative as they rather just (or you!) want with designs in addition to lollipop sticks. The molds set rapidly inside the refrigerator or freezer, and clean-up is simple in the event you put wax paper on your kitchen area island or some other work location that you chose.
Idea # 4: Backyard Carnival This principle requires a little more work, but if you get this remarkable yard, or merely a large garage, and will spend a couple weeks preparing and developing some cool video games, this is often a frugal alternative for going to a bowling alley, gymnastic studio and other expensive venue where kids get to be active. We did this for your 10-year-old child a short while earlier plus it would be a success.
A few of the games we produced for the carnival included a miniature golf course, an engagement ring toss on soda bottles (which we filled with water and food coloring to ensure they are joyful), a beanbag toss that a lot of us constructed and painted utilizing large appliance boxes– so we even stood a cotton sweet and popcorn stand. We had a tattoo station, face painting and balloons. Prizes were offered too, and these were integrating buy from thrift shops, the dollar shop, the celebration shop, and numerous sale items I had actually assembled found in my weekly shopping. This party took us a number of weeks of planning, nonetheless it was worth it.
Idea # 5: Craft Celebration Many tween ladies enjoy to develop things. Channel that interest in a craft-themed celebration. Buy some unfinished items for example wooden trinket boxes, unpainted pottery, T-shirts, picture frames and bags. Guarantee they’re as plain as is possible so they make for a wonderful blank slate. Present the partiers by fabric, paints, sparkles, glue, markers as well as any other knick knacks, and permit them to go to town.
Decoupage can be a terrific method to develop one-of-a-kind designs for ladies’ bed rooms. Get concepts from your kid products she’s passionate about, and for that reason the two of you can invest quality time together looking for the important things you might require. The monetary dedication to get a craft celebration is rather minimal– products of fabrics, shine, paints, mirrors and other such product is pretty cheap. So that you will not spend a lot, although the kids leaves the celebration with a gift how they produced in their distinct private design.
Idea # 6: Scavenger Hunt A scavenger hunt is amongst the most exhilarating celebrations for the kids of all ages. The technique is to get some believed to the belongings you will be concealing and, not remarkably, develop the tricky ideas that occur to be and a large number in the draw! My 13-year-old son went to a scavenger hunt celebration at the beach recently. Each child got a note inside a bottle (water bottles were made use of and loaded with confetti include them as actually colorful) each kid a different poem with ideas.
They worked resistant to the clock to find who would try to find the buried treasure (it actually was a tin box that contained movie tickets, present certificates to the local pizza place plus some books and board video games). Every kid had actually been a winner since there were a great offer of rewards that can be found over the lifetime of the scavenger hunt. However the main treasure was simply found by one child. Your offspring loved it as it was certainly a bit competitive, just about all got ridiculous and interesting so they can see who could decide the hints.
Those are only a few of the numerous terrific party ideas for a strict budget plan. A number of other medication is indoor camping celebrations, cooking celebrations, scrapbooking parties or stewardship celebrations where kids invest the spinal column on the party gathering items for a food pantry or setting up a thoughtful craft for individuals for a regional care house.
And bear in mind that sometimes less is certainly more. Kids don’t require a costly celebration or maybe whole park of untamed animals. Exactly what they prefer is constantly to view as well as their pals doing something fun.
A sort of the next few paragraphs originally appeared on Recreacion feasts infantiles Bogota.
Recreacion Fiestas Infantiles might be the host on the Mighty Mommy podcast for the Quick and Dirty Tips network.
Recreacion Fiestas infantiles is really an absolutely special children’s celebration location located in Bogota.
You’ll find more info about Kid’s Celebration on our website ordones eventos recreación feasts infantiles bogota
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sister2of5 · 8 years
LoZ:TP Workthrough, Day 1
I am a rambler, so I’m putting all of this below a cut.
Right, so first off, hydration is important. Have some water handy. Take a break for a drink whenever you need to do so. I will also prompt taking a drink of water every time I save or the game prompts me to save. Also, remember, if link is running, you are, too.
During the lovely opening animation, take a few minutes to stretch. This will not count as part of the workout time.
We start in a cut-scene. Feel free to jog in place during it.
Ilia stole our horse, so we have to go find her. Go down the path without a fence beside it. The game will let you know if you’re going the wrong way.
You’ll enter a clearing you can either just run through, or you can throw rocks to make a few quick rupees. Large rocks will not break when thrown unless you throw them against a wall. Do an air squat for each rock--I counted seven.
Just before the bridge you can turn left into the spring where we can retrieve our freshly bathed horse. If you talk to Ilia, she’ll mention playing your horse (hereafter referred to as Epona, whether or not you named her that) her favorite song with a blade of grass. If you do, do five quick jumping jacks.
Having retrieved Epona, turn right going back out of the spring and go straight to head to the ranch to help with the goats.
There will be a cutscene of Ordon village. If you stop to talk villagers on your way to help Fado with the goats, do five sit-ups for each unique conversation. I found four, which would be twenty.
I took a quick drink here.
Do a jumping jack for each goat: 10.
Fado will set up fences for you to practice jumping over. There are two practice fences and the main gate out of the paddock. try to jump all three in a row. If you make it, do three pushups, regular or modified, and add one for each time you mess up a jump. I ended up doing four.
You are now prompted to save. Take a drink.
The town’s children wake you up the next morning. The ladder down from the window has ten rungs. Do ten mountain climbers, five each leg. There’s another ten rung ladder. Do ten more. The ladder down from your house has twelve rungs. I’m sure you know what to do.
The kids tell you about a slingshot on sale, and Colin tells you you can pick up the fishing rod he made you from his mother. Ten sit-ups for two conversations. I drank some water.
There are some rupees in the grass by your house, and looking under rocks will find you some more. I broke four rocks for four more air squats.
Head into town. If you talk to the shop owner’s husband that’ll be five sit-ups on top of the five for learning about L-targeting. If you decide to jump over and call a hawk, do five jumping jacks and four mountain climbers for climbing the vines.
I had to take a short break to stretch out a sore chest/arm muscle. If you need a break, take one. Have some water. You can knock down the bee’s nest the store owner’s husband told you about with the hawk. If you miss, do five penalty jumping jacks. (I had to for accidentally launching the hawk when I didn’t mean to...)
Jump down (if you were up on the rocks) and go to find Colin’s mother. Do five sit-ups after talking to her. She’s missing a cradle. It floated downstream, which, if you follow the water flow, goes back toward the rocks. If you went up earlier, maybe you noticed you can jump farther, and there is another piece of grass to call a hawk. Head back and jump over there. Do four mountain climbers for the vines, four lunges, two each side, for jumping across the rocks, and five jumping jacks to call a hawk. You can see a monkey in the distance holding the cradle. Use the hawk to retrieve it. Apply appropriate penalties for errors.
Bring the cradle to Colin’s mother and follow her home to get your fishing rod. She’s very slow, but giver her a break--she’s pregnant. Do five sit-ups for the conversation.
Equip your new rod and head back down the path. Cross the bridge and talk to the mayor (five sit-ups). A goat will try to escape from the ranch. Block its way and hold down “A” to stop it. If you are successful, do two lunges, four if you missed.
Go back across the bridge and over the next to go behind the mill where the cat is. Catch a fish which it will steal. Do a lunge for each fishing attempt, including the successful one. Follow the cat back to the shop, where if you have gathered enough rupees, you can buy a slingshot (do five sit-ups for talking with the shopkeeper). I broke the four pumpkins for rupees and did four more air squats, then two more because I didn’t have enough rupees for the slingshot, which costs 30 rupees. Have some water.
After purchasing the slingshot, go home. You are told you have a delivery (five sit-ups), but there is a spider on the ladder. L-target it after equipping your new slingshot and shoot it down. Climb up to your house (twelve mountain climbers) and open your gift: it’s a wooden sword.
Back outside you can practice using the sword and slingshot. Either do another twelve mountain climbers for the ladder if you’re up to it, or jump down and do two lunges instead. Do a penalty jumping jack for every miss or failure to execute an attack properly. Also, do five sit-ups for talking to the kids. L-targeting will help with shooting the scarecrows, but you’re on your own for the targets. Line them up right between the tops of the slingshot arms and you should be golden. I took a drink after the slingshot and before the sword. For the sword, just follow the instructions--easy, right?
After all that, the kids see a monkey and chase it into the woods; follow them. If you talk to the girl, do five sit-ups before continuing into the woods. If you talk to Malo before crossing the bridge, do five more sit-ups.
You’ll come across a closed gate. Use a grass to call Epona (5 jumping jacks) and a lunge for every miss trying to jump it. (I did two--my timing was off.) There will be a cave in front of you with a boko baba out front. Epona will refuse to go inside, so you must continue on foot. Do a penalty jumping jack for each time the boko baba damages you. (I did one--I pulled out my fishing rod instead of my sword--how embarrassing!) Remember that in a fight, L-targeting is always your friend!
Before entering the cave, head to the side where you can get a free lantern from the guy with the afro. You’ll need it in the cave. Continue to do one jumping jack for each time you take damage on your way through the cave. Light the lanterns as you go and use the lamp to burn the spider webs blocking your way. At the fork in the path, you can leave the main stretch to get ten rupees from a chest or just continue. The cave is much longer on the Gamecube or Wii.
You will want to bear right across the large clearing to a cave, where you will find a chest with a key, and by lighting two lanterns to reveal it, another chest with a piece of heart. Leave the cave and continue hugging the right wall of the clearing to find a locked gate on which to use your shiny new key. (I got hit three times for another three jumping jacks.)
Continue onward. There is a shop run by a bird where you can buy more lantern oil, if you need it, but don’t forget to pay on your way out, or he’ll hurt you. Do five jumping jacks for a thief penalty if you didn’t pay or didn’t pay enough. Cross the bridge, fight the enemies, and rescue Malo and the monkey by using a spin attack to break the cage. (I got hit two more times here.)
There is a cut-scene where you escort Talo most of the way home and then encounter Rusl. Then we skip to the ranch again on the next day, but save and call it a day because this was more like an hour long workout, and I don’t know about you, but I’m pooped.
Stretch a bit to cool down.
My exercise total for this day was probably about thirty minutes of light jogging, thirty-one jumping jacks, fifty-two mountain climbers, seventy-five sit-ups, eight lunges, seventeen air squats, and four modified pushups. Whew!
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