glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Reverting Your Chemically Damaged Hair Back To Glory
Hair that has been treated with the use of strong chemicals tends to undergo an abrasive process to do so. The most common reason why curlies use chemicals on their hair is because of the following reason. First to  “relax” your hair using chemicals that work to straighten out the likely curly strands. Second,  is to dye it a different color using a variance of different types of chemicals, based on the color someone is aiming for.
Tinting, bleaching, and perming create tiny openings in the hair through damaging hair. Chemical processes involving peroxides, hydroxides, and thioglycolates and relaxing chemicals. This creates spaces in your . Eventually, though, after repeated applications, your hair feels coarse and dry, due to more holes than the chemicals can fill.
You may ask, Why does colored hair look so good right afterward, and so bad later on?
The chemical damage accumulates. Each time the peroxide and ammonia are applied to the hair, (and don’t be fooled by ammonia free and peroxide free colors, as they have alternatively damaging chemicals) the gases cause microscopic holes in the hair fabric. The first time causes just enough for the tint to adhere, but then, each application shatters the hair just a bit more, resulting in less surface for the color molecules to hold onto. These openings leave the hair feeling rough, dry, with a dull appearance, and when it’s really damaged can make the ends look off-tone.
If you’ve ever undergone one of these treatments, you probably understand how much of a nuisance your hair becomes once it starts growing back. When the roots start to come in, they’re a completely different texture than the rest of your hair. What was once hassle-free becomes extra trouble, since you now have to make sure your hair looks uniform. There may come a time when you decide to stop chemical treatments altogether. Maybe you’re tired of the damage, maybe you’re annoyed with having to deal with your roots, or maybe you’re just sick of the price. The enviable next step is the seemingly never-ending process of growing out your hair. So how do you go about this and still make sure it looks awesome? These tips will help you restore your hair to its former glory.
Know The First Sign On Chemical Damage To Revert IT ASAP
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When it comes to chemically damaged hair, it is always best to start at the earliest sign of damage, dryness or brittle strands. The most effective way to catch those pesky rouge strands is taking care of your hair daily. As you color or chemically alter your hair, check your hair for signs of damage. Again, with chemical treatments, it is typical to notice a small amount of damage; however, significant damage can be cause for alarm. The best step it to switch to a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Sulfates can strip your hair of its natural oils and moisture-retention mechanisms leaving it drier and susceptible to damage. Shampoos and conditioners without sulfates can aid your hair with adding moisture to your strands. Much like picking out a hair mask, make sure the top ingredient of your new shampoo and conditioner is water. With chemically damaged hair, it is important to moisturize daily. Your strands are parched and in desperate need of moisture. By moisturizing daily, you are replenishing the moisture lost by damage, while also helping your hair rebuild its ability to retain moisture. In between your usual wash day, spritz a small amount of leave-in conditioner and add a dime-size amount of moisturizing styler to your hair. Avoid wetting your hair every day, which ironically will do the opposite of depositing water into your strands. Especially with tap water or hard water, the minerals in the water open the cuticle layer and allow for water to escape. Without adding a product to seal the layer, you will lose more water than you deposit. Try our Glammednaturallyoil Biotin Shampoo and Biotin Conditioner 
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Give Your Locks Some TLC - Hair Masks and Hot Oil
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Once you catch any sign of chemical damage to your hair, you want to start replenishing the moisture lost back into your strands immediately. The best way to do this is by applying a hair mask. You can purchase your favorite deep conditioner or go the DIY route. There are tons of recipes online for hair masks that will help your hair begin to retain moisture again. Be sure to look for ingredients that are considered a humectant, which means that it naturally keeps moisture inside your hair. Honey is an excellent humectant. If you are purchasing your mask, look for water or an aqueous solution as the number one ingredient. When water or aqueous is at the top of the ingredients list, you can be sure that the product contains a base of water and will supply your hair with the moisture and nutrients that it needs. Oils are also a great product to add to your hair to reverse that damage caused by chemicals. Oil helps to smooth down the cuticle layer of the hair, allowing your hair to retain more moisture. Oils also add back shine and smoothness to your hair to keep it from looking dry and dull. When your oils are hot or relatively warm, the molecules of the oils are better able to penetrate through your hair shaft. Use our Glammednaturallyoil Hair Growth Oil and Braid Oil and surely you’ll  get your hair back on track.
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Avoid Using Chemicals (Again) and Heating Tools
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It may be hard to break up with your hair color or perm that you have reapplied faithfully every 2-4 weeks. However, adding more chemicals to your hair is not helping but instead increasing the damage already done to your hair. Chemicals on hair previously color-treated only aids in the dry and brittleness of your hair. The second items you want to break up with are your heating tools. Yes, your flat iron, curling iron, and blow dryer should take a much-deserved break from your hair. Again heat only increases the amount of damage done to your hair. Do not send your strands to the desert with a flat iron trying to get perfectly straight hair. You can still look gorgeous rocking your natural curly hair.
Consider A Good Cut
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The hard truth is that chemically damaged hair is not fully reversible. Although you can do a variety of tricks to minimize the damage, sometimes the only other option is to cut your losses literally. Split ends, dry ends and straw-like texture is no way to live your best hair life. Consider going to a professional to at the very least trim your ends. Some may even resort to  Big Chop. Do not be afraid of change, try something new especially if it's going to be for the benefit of your hair’s health. Research a few haircuts that will compliment your face shape and fashion style. Try going to a professional stylist to see what they recommend as your best short style option. Experiencing chemically damaged hair can be traumatic, but it does not have to stop you from expressing your best self and looking great while doing it. Take the leap of faith! You never know the boldness and fabulous style you may uncover.
Overcoming chemically damaged hair can affect the way we view ourselves, our confidence and the ability to express our best self. Although some chemically damaged hair is irreversible, there are ways to restore and revert your hair to its former glory. If cutting your hair is the only option, consider again the opportunity to explore another style of yourself. It can be scary and saddening that you have to consider such drastic measures under unfortunate circumstances. However, your hair will grow back and be healthier than ever.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Hair Breakage And How To Prevent It
Due to its molecular structure and small quantity of protective oils, natural hair tends to be dryer and have rough texture compared to other hair types, which is why natural hair is prone to hair breakage and damage. And we all know for a fact that most of naturalistas experienced it.
When the shafts of your hair break, resulting in split ends and shorter hair strands, it is known as hair breakage. Hair breakage usually occurs due to a dry scalp and damaged hair.
If you notice uncontrollable frizz, dryness, and split ends, you are probably experiencing hair breakage. Hair breakage is largely caused by the mishandling of your hair, like excess use of chemical products, heat styling tools, using the wrong hairbrush, etc.
It’s not that having a good hair day is easy, but dry and damaged hair just makes it all the more difficult to achieve. If you are wondering how to stop hair breakage, the answer is simple. Try the natural home remedies listed below to get your hair back to its healthy form and make it soft and lustrous.
Causes Of Hair Breakage
Lack of Moisture
Unusually dry hair is one of the precursors to damage and breakage. It’s also caused by a variety of factors, including dry weather, low humidity, and too much heat. Be sure you use warm and not hot water when you wash your hair — the latter leads to further drying. If your ends are dry, consider concentrating shampoo on your scalp only. Use Glammednaturalyoil Biotin Shampoo it doesn't have any harmful chemicals that strip off your hair natural oil keeping it moisturized.
Skipping conditioner is also a no-no. Use  If you’re pressed for time, spritz on some water with a conditioner before combing wet hair. Try Glammednaturallyoil Biotin Conditioner
Heat styling and blow-drying your hair
The perks of being natural is having very versatile hair. You can pretty style it the way you wanted. However, using hair tools like blow dryers, heat curlers and straighteners incorrectly or too much, damage your hair cuticle because of  extreme temperatures.
One way to prevent overall heat damage is to give your strands a break from all styling tools. To reduce the actual heat damage from your styling tools, select ceramic versions — these heat up more evenly so you don’t have to keep using them on the same sections of hair repeatedly. It’s also important to protect your hair before you apply the heat.
Lack of hair trims
It may seem like cutting your hair can damage it. Ironically though, hair trims help keep your hair healthy and free of split ends. You can think of a hair trim like you would exfoliate for skin — in both instances, you need to remove some of the old cells to help new ones grow. When you have split ends, these splits in the cuticle can travel up the rest of the length of your hair and lead to breakage.
See your stylist at least every eight weeks. Even if you’re growing out your hair, trimming damaged ends can prevent further breakage.
Wrong Diet
There’s actually a lot to the old saying “you are what you eat,” especially when it comes to hair and skin health. Certain nutrients help your hair grow and stave off breakage from damage. Make sure you’re getting enough zinc, iron, and folic acid in your daily diet. Adequate protein and antioxidants (found in plant foods) can also keep your hair damage-free
Improper towel drying
When you step out of the shower, it’s a natural response to rub a towel on your skin and hair. However, this rubbing motion actually damages your hair when it’s most vulnerable (after being wet). Instead of rubbing water out of your hair, blot an absorbent towel around your hair instead. You can also leave a towel in your hair as a temporary measure to absorb excess water.
There’s a multitude of evidence showing links between stress and hair loss, but it’s also known that stress can lead to hair breakage. Telogen effluvium is the type of stress most likely linked to hair damage. This type of stress makes your follicles go dormant, so hair that’s in the middle of a growth cycle may break off. You might notice old hair fall out, too. Managing your stress may result in healthier hair.
Trichorrhexis nodosa (TN)
Trichorrhexis nodosa (TN) is a common disorder characterized by hair breakage due to weak points in the hair. Though there are inherited forms, the most common type of TN is due to physical or chemical trauma to the hair.  It occurs more frequently in individuals of African origin with curly hair.1 The spiral shape of the hair follicle and hair shaft predispose African hair to breakage. Type 4c hair naturally is less dense and grows slower than other hair  groups and it is at increased risk for significant damage when exposed to cosmetic treatments. If you think you are suffering from TN you can contact us. We are here to help.
Preventive Tips To Avoid Hair Breakage:
Trim your hair regularly.
Avoid blow-drying and ironing your hair every day.
Do not comb your hair when it is wet.
Do not change your hair color often, or look for a natural alternative if you plan to do so.
Massage your hair and scalp with a good oil every now and then.
Use a hydrating conditioner to keep your hair well moisturized.
Do not wash your hair daily as it may damage it and make it dry.
Follow a healthy diet that consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, and lots of fluids.
Instead of buying chemical based hair products try making your own.  DIY HOMEMADE RECIPE FOR  NATURAL HAIR EBOOK will help you make your very own 100% organic and safe hair care recipe for your hair care needs.  
Use correct hair care products to help you nourish both hair and scalp
Try Glammednaturallyoil Dynamic Hair Trio and Glammednaturallyoil Everlasting Hair Growth Moisture Bundle
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Bonus Tip :
Prevent Breakage In Most Natural Way Using Ayurvedic Tea Rinse
There are many factors that can interfere with the health of our hair such as chemical treatments, use of heat, environment, stress, hormone imbalance or diet.  It is known that a cup of tea can relax and soothe the mind, body, and soul; but did you know tea can also work wonders for your hair?
Tea rinses are an ancient old beauty remedy used for treating scalp issues, enhancing hair color, and fixing a long list of other hair issues and that includes hair break due to dryness
If you’re noticing that you’re losing clumps of hair every time you style, this may be the solution for you. The main reason behind hair loss is a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Ayurvedic Tea Rinse  which blocks DHT, thus allowing your strands to flourish in endless growth. In addition, tea rinse  is also  known for thickening and strengthening hair.
General benefits of tea rinses include;
-Stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp thus encouraging hair growth
-Gently cleanses hair
-Increases shine
-Fights premature graying
-Relieves irritated, dry, flaky, dandruff ridden scalps
-Restores pH balance of scalp and hair
-Makes it soft and healthy
GlammedNaturallyOil Ayurvedic Hair Tea Rinse is made from high quality,  all organic  herbs that will surely nourish your hair and scalp. This herbal tea blend is a treatment you never knew your hair needed. Naturally nourishing and conditioning the hair and restoring softness, shine and manageability to all hair types. It also fights against itchy scalp and dandruff to soothe.
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How To Use Ayurvedic Hair Tea Rinse
Directions to use:  Take 2-3 tablespoons, place herbs in a glass container, boil water, cover the herbs and steep for 10-20 minutes. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool. Pour over the head after using our biotin shampoo and conditioner. DO NOT RINSE OUT For best results use right after using our shampoo and conditioner. After rinsing add a leave in conditioner, moisturize with our mango or coco shea butter and seal in with our hair oil.
For more instruction on how to use
Glammednaturallyoil Ayurvedic Hair Tea Rinse
please click this link to check out this video
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