#original!cale henituse
sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
Okay but, TBOAH but in a sort of Ever After High AU. Meaning: a highschool AU where everyone has a "fate" or "role" assigned at some point.
Og!Cale takes on the role of lout/trash/minor villain so their siblings won't have to do it.
Choi Han is supposed to be the Chosen One Hero.
Everyone thinks the second or third prince must be the next king. It's actually Alberu and so far he's one of the only ones whose "fate" isn't wrong assigned.
Rosalyn is supposed to be a queen, but she's openly in a rebellion against it. She even changed all her princess classes for magic classes. At some point everyone learned to just let her be Or Else.
The Soo's still transmigrates, only that they're also teenagers and the school is sort of fostering them. They keep going around joining whatever classes they like and messing up with the pretty much fucked up tradition.
Eruhaben somehow ended as the magic teacher and it's Raon's fault.
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blueteller · 6 months
You guys ever think about how funny it is that the whole reason why Cale did not have try at all to impersonate the original Cale, was because no one actually knew anything about him, despite the fact that everybody knew about him? On an international scale, even??
Cale: (doing an absolutely terrible job at being trash) Everybody else: That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about Cale Henituse to dispute it
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skylerskyhigh · 3 months
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Cale stares at the table with shaking eyes. His expression is one of shock and dread, with the gaze of someone whose world is tilting on its side.  "I'm sure you both understand it by now. Rok Soo’s life is tied to Cale's." The God of Life leans closer toward Cale's face. His green eyes glowed ominously as he met Cale's trembling eyes.  "So you can't die unless you want to kill your precious hyung."
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unluckycactus · 2 months
You know, I've been thinking about OG!Cale's deal with GoD for a while now. And the more I think about it, the more unfair it is to me?
GoD literally reached out to Og!Cale when he was the most vulnerable, after he had lost everything and quite casually put the faith of the world on his shoulders.
GoD literally swept in in his time of need and went 'give up your life and I will save your world' like a total fraudulent bastard
For real tho, GoD literally put Og!Cale between a rock and a hard place. It was one of these instances in which the other side was presented with the illusion of freedom, because let's be real: Og!Cale was basically coerced into taking the deal.
It is presented to us as if Og!Cale really just threw away his world and life at the opportunity of reuniting with his mother, but that's not really what happened, is it? His mother's reincarnation was just an incentive to take said deal, but he only took the deal after being reassured that his world would be saved
Now, let's say Og!Cale still refused the deal. Then what?
Realistically speaking, what could've Og!Cale done by just regressing? GoD never offered him the same help he handed over KRS (aka the awfully descriptive and full of 'useless details' novel that set Cale's initial course of action) and thus that was never a path open for Og!Cale
Of course, I am by no means discrediting KRS, because the novel was just a guide and the results he got is all his own merit. He efficiently used the information provided, instead of doing a total redo like many other MCs do, and I love him for that
But that's the thing, it was never a matter of which soul was more competent to handle the task in the first place. It not that Og!Cale wasn't competent enough to save his own world
It was always about what would work best for GoD's own agenda and fix his own problems
Because, allow me to recap but:
Og!Cale got reverse isekaied, which is like ten times harder to pull off if you ask me.
We're talking about a literal fantasy boomer being thrown in the modern apocalyptic age, and worse, bro is in the body of someone pretty important (no matter how hard KRS tried to downplay it). If he half-asses his new job, it's gonna be a problem for sure
He has incomplete information on his hands. The impressive part is that, regardless, HeniRoksoo still manages to do KRS' work properly. Jang Sejong says so in the side stories
So it was never an issue of Og!Cale not being competent. The GoD definitely could have arranged a deal that didn't involve KRS at all, he just didn't do it that way because it wasn't convenient for him
I guess GoD did it this way to fix the problem with the White Star's curse affecting KRS, which I get, but idk
I'd like more people to acknowledge that Og!Cale didn't willingly screw KRS over, but was put in a difficult position himself
I know Og!Cale would take all the blame and paint himself as the selfish bastard who stole KRS!Cale's body, if asked, bc is very on brand on him, but I need more ppl to see through his bullshit and beat into Og!Cale skull that he got taken advantage of, too
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zumzumnyan · 8 months
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Mama Jour can't handle the cuteness
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cindythecyclops · 2 months
I have not watched the apothecary diaries but I heard the mc is a poison fanatic and it gave me an idea.
OG! Cale who eats poisons for fun.
In a version of this AU, he didn't need to act trashy, he just became very open about his obsession with poisons and how he wants to travel the world to injest different types of poison. That really put people off him becoming Count.
Or, he still acted like trash and indulged in his poison hobby in his free time, which he had a lot of.
I imagine that in a situation where he's at some place with the heroes, they're served wine and Cale drinks it and says: "Oh yeah, this is straight poison!" before taking another sip. Choi Han knocks the glass from his pout and complains to him that it was still good wine.
Alberu kept Cale as his personal poison tester because the guy was knowledgeable and immune to most poisons. Cale probably became a leader of poison specializing division in the military.
Let Cale have his poison.
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Og!cale: I have these sevem products for my skin, these five for my hair and these three for the rest of my body
KRS!Cale: oh I have this one product for all my body and the floor of my house
Og!cale: ...
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youngyoo-apologist · 5 months
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Average OG Cale and Choi Han argument , sparks are flying, who is winning this time?!
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zharaely · 6 months
On the topic of birthdays...
We don't know the Original Cale Henituse's birthday, but just imagine the Henituse Family celebrating Cale's birthday. And Cale has to awkwardly play along even though he knows it isn't HIS birthday they're celebrating. While the Henituse Family is also awkward because it's been years since they got to celebrate Cale's birthday properly, but they wanted to take the chance this time now that they've gotten closer (except it's too late now). But they notice Cale's discomfort throughout the entire celebration even though he tries to hide it. Things snowball from there.
Or maybe when the day comes, Cale isn't aware that it's his body's birthday. So while everyone else is dropping hints about it being a special day, Cale is just confused about why they're acting so weird. It eventually leads the Henituse Family to misunderstand thinking Cale got so busy during or after the war that he forgot his own birthday.
(After Cale realizes, he'd also send Kim Rok Soo a gift via the God of Death. Fortunately, no churches were harmed after that conversation, but only a god's pride.)
This also works vice versa with the Original Cale Henituse in Kim Rok Soo's body. Maybe the Original Kim Rok Soo wasn't known to celebrate his birthday (with other people, or at all). So Kim Rok Soo doesn't even realize anything weird that day, except the increasing glances sent his way by his team members and other people from the company ("The team leader still went to work today even though it's his birthday…sighs"). Kim Rok Soo only finds out by the end of his shift, when he's about to go home to his niece but is stopped by someone unexpectedly giving him a small gift.
(The next time he meets with Choi Jung Soo, he asks the guy to send his birthday greetings to the man he swapped bodies with, along with a birthday card drawn by his niece. ("I don't know about over there, but I found out it was your birthday here on Earth. Happy Birthday, Cale.")) (Extra: Choi Jung Soo becomes nostalgic after remembering all his shared birthdays with Kim Rok Soo, before remembering all the birthdays Kim Rok Soo spent by himself after their deaths.)
Or, the other characters find out it was Choi Han's birthday (not knowing it's also Cale's birthday). Everyone helps to plan a birthday party, with Cale even giving Choi Han a gift during the celebration ("I wasn't able to give you a gift last time, so…Happy Birthday, Choi Han.").
Once the celebration was over, or maybe when everyone else was too busy to hear or disturb the two of them, Choi Han was the first to greet Cale a happy birthday ("…Happy birthday to you too, Cale-nim. Kim Rok Soo."). Of course, Alberu does not forget to secretly give both his instructor and his dongsaeng gifts as well, aka, "a happy birthday to the two punks who gave me headaches".
((There's also an easy solution to this entire thing: Original Cale Henituse's birthday was ALSO on November 8. Now we have 5 people sharing the same birthday.))
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ogalcaleweek · 1 year
Crown Prince Alver trying to grasp the difference between the infamous lout he's heard about and the kind uncle that Hye Sun describes.
(Jour's reincarnation was designed by @asterefflores thank you for allowing us to draw her!)
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ohmycale · 2 months
Random Unpopular Opinion
Sometimes I wish, og!cale would just could leave everything and everyone behind for a time...or forever. Or have an amnesia for a time or...also forever. I'm trying to find a some point in canon when or where he did things for himself. Not for others, even for his family. Just himself. For such a background character, his relationships are complex but also exhausting. But since he is not the hero, we all just get crumbs and unfortunately, that leads a lot of theories about him (and his immediate groups). If he doesn't yet need an in-lore and canon competent therapist, he also needs a long and relaxing vacation. And yeah, I'm sure KRS would love to hang in that vacation too. o
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sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
The other day I had this weird dream where, in a timeline where the Soo's, somehow and for some reason, stopped the plaza terror incident— pretty much with no casualties. And then, like a week later or so, the king or Alberu (or any royalty, not sure who) gathered the nobles and other people related to the matter on the palace.
Here's when things start to... happen, I guess?
Turns out, between the people there was a really angry noblewoman who went straight to the king to ask for divorce of her husband. Not really sure what the guy did, but he was also there and he was kind of a jerk, so... Fair.
Zed, for this time in the right, tried to explain that 'yes, he can get them divorced, but right now was not the time for it'.
—It didn't worked.
The woman was really mad and indignated and the jerk of the husband wasn't helping. Obviously, the situation escalated.
The discussion turned into yells, which turned into them throwing things and a random woman (seriously, who was this? a mistress, maybe?) joining the jerk. Food was launched, Antonio Gyerre almost got a fork at the eye and, by the end of all this, Choi Han had a chicken wing on his hair (that was Choi JungSoo, actually).
After they got them separated, the jerk ended up being held by the guards for some reason (I think he threw a knife, but I'm not sure. It could had been Raon). The woman stomped off the room, being followed by a distressed maid holding a baby.
Five minutes later, Cale Henituse entered through the door, looking really confused. He glanced at all the people covered in food, at the man being picked like a naughty cat by the guards and at the spoon tangled in the king's beard. He tilted his head.
"What happened here."
And, instead of answering him, Bassen asked, "hyung-nim, what are you carrying there?"
Slowly, Cale moved the bunch in which he had his coat wrappled in his arms. He pulled off a piece of fabric a bit, showing a pair of litte hands to Bassen.
"Some crazy woman threw this baby at me at the hallway. Literally."
Then I woke up and now I don't know what happened later with og!Cale and his accidentally acquired baby. I mean, besides that he kept her, obviously.
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skylerskyhigh · 10 days
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I found a ref for the expressions and it fits the twins so well lmao
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unluckycactus · 2 months
Noble Boarding School AU
I’m disappointed in the shortage of Noble Boarding School AUs, so my brain just birthed one.
Quick note: Cale here stands for og!Cale.
Now, picture this: instead of waiting for years to start acting out, Cale Henituse age eleven convinces Deruth to send him to a noble boarding school. Violan is pregnant with Lily so the timing is just right, Cale wants to create the narrative that he’s getting kicked out.
Deruth is unsure, but Cale convinces him by throwing a fake tantrum after fake tantrum. He’s sick of being stuck at home all day, he says; he needs friends, yadda yadda. Cale relentlessly pushes and pushes and pushes, until Deruth finally gives up.
Cale has a plan! He’s going to become the worst troublemaker this school has, tarnish his reputation to the point his family is ashamed of him and the vassals can’t plead his case any longer, then make a huge mess to get expelled in a couple of years.
—except, Cale’s plan ends obliterated when he accidentally becomes the first year’s valedictorian.
"No, I was not standing up for the students! I was just complaining!", "I didn't intend to expose the staff corruption, I was trying to start trouble!" "I was trying to start a riot, not to form an student council!"
Who’s here:
Alberu — Reason: scammed the Queen.
Basically, she wanted to get rid of him to cement her children’s positions in the palace without his interference and tried to send him abroad.
Alberu is no fool and recognizes this is a good opportunity for networking: however, he won’t let his enemies peacefully get rid of him. He says ‘hell, no’ and pulls a Perez (In This Life, I Will Be The Lord/I Shall Master This Family) making the Queen pay him out of her own pocket to get rid of him.
Rosalyn — Reason: fooled her parents.
Our gal just wanted to study magic and the academy has a magic program, she basically lives a double life and her family has no idea.
Taylor Stan (uncrippled) — Reason: buying himself some time away from his crazy family to network in peace.
Eric Wheelsman & Gilbert — Reason: I just want them there.
I wouldn’t include Amiru because I’d like Amiru to focus in her own territory, therefore being homeschooled.
The reason why I’d add Gilbert is because, well, if the school has a magic program why not a knight program as well? Yes, it is just an excuse so I can add Choi Han as well.
I also would make Kim Rok Soo transmigrate as a teacher or something, too.
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zumzumnyan · 5 months
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Seeking warmth
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cindythecyclops · 2 months
OG! Cale is at a nobles banquet and there are some important guests attending so causing trouble could cause a big incident that wouldn't affect only his reputation.
So, he's on his best trashy behavior. Meaning, he's quietly drinking in the corner, minding his own business and glaring at anyone who comes near him.
Well, one down on their luck artist saw him when he thought no one was looking. This can be anyone, an oc, an AU version of an existing character, whatever. All you need to know is that they have a parlour in the place the banquet is held which they use as a studio or painting place.
His elegant motions, his expression smoothing to a tired sort of blankness that caused his eyes to droop, his long lashes casting faint shadows on his cheekbones. His lips, shapely and rosy, glossy from the near constant drinking and how his tongue swiped over them to catch every last drop of wine. Pale skin flushed and his blood-red hair artfully framing his face, the dim lighting of the corner he occupied making him appear isolated in the crowded ballroom.
Basically, he looks out of this world and this artist has just found their new muse.
So, they ignore his prickly attitude and ask if they can paint him. Cale is confused but he chalks it up to this person not knowing who he is and thinking he's pretty, which he is. He wants to scare them off but the ballroom has quietened a bit due to the music slowing down and really, they have done nothing wrong and he decides, just this once, he can have this.
Cale says yes, and the artist, excited, immediately drags him away to their studio room. He shrugs and goes with the flow.
During the sketching part, Cale takes off his coat and loosens up the laces on his neck because he's feeling warm. Artist-nim is thrilled and flustered and even more amused. So, they make him pose on the couch like this:
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Except his legs are on the floor, his gaze is to the side and his hand is propping up his chin. Cale is a bit tired and he drank enough to be a little buzzed, his expression is soft and he zones out.
Everything goes well, they paint him beautifully and amazingly, he likes it enough to offer them a few gold coins which they try to refuse but he insists so they relent and take the money from their muse.
Cale doesn't think much of it, it was the only fun he had at that banquent.
A few weeks later, the Artist is showing off their work at an exhibit and they display the painting of Cale as their magnum opus.
People recognize Cale but they're shocked and amazed because one the painting is stunningly beautifully and because of how Cale looks. He appears relaxed, his expression dreamy, almost dazed, his cheeks rosy with that drunken flush and shapely lips parted ever so slightly. His throat and collarbones are bared in an unintentionally sensual manner.
Long story short, the painting goes internationally viral, Cale becomes a target for artists everywhere and the Henituse are being bombarded for their son's hand in marriage.
The Artist who painted is hella rich and hella smug.
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