#original japanese tfp ko
cleverthylacine · 1 year
an embarrassment of riches (I’m not the one embarrassed)
As of today I now have three different Knock Out figures.
And one Breakdown, who looks like he’s not sure whether asking if he can have all of them will get him in worse trouble than not asking.
(It’s OK BD, they’re all your husband.)
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soujin-hyouka · 9 months
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(KO & G1 Tracks)
I hope they will be good friends as fellow beauty seekers, but BD that misunderstands Tracks may cause a little trouble.😂😂
(Sorry if my English is strange as usual.)
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This is the first time I have heard of Tracks being a child!😳
In the Japanese version, I have the impression that he is a "narcissistic young man".Is he that young in the original version?
Also, Tracks is one of my favorite characters in G1 and I'm not trying to hate on him at all.
The impression I get of TFP's Breakdown is also quite different between the original language and the Japanese. I enjoy those differences as well!
Probably solved!
Thanks to those who told me!🙏🙏🙏
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