#legacy ko
cleverthylacine · 1 year
an embarrassment of riches (I’m not the one embarrassed)
As of today I now have three different Knock Out figures.
And one Breakdown, who looks like he’s not sure whether asking if he can have all of them will get him in worse trouble than not asking.
(It’s OK BD, they’re all your husband.)
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apolozorua · 4 months
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Ko-fi rewards
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penguinkyun · 1 month
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Hoshino Ai's story ended right there and then. That's an absolute fact. Her soul collapsed and returned to the stars and the sea. It will never be reformed again.
wicked by crusher p / oshi no ko c.118 / 45510: onk side story / oshi no ko c.50 / edited hoshino ai wiki status / key visual (official art) / oshi no ko c.135 / sylvie baumgartel / oshi no ko c.137
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meizze-art · 24 days
- 5 SLOTS! available per month -
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how to book a commission? :
1 ► info: pricing & samples
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3 ► book your commission slot :
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🟢WILL DRAW: fanart (any fandom), original characters (oc, mc), nsfw (any kink as long as characters look aged up), fanfic & book covers/scenes, blood, portraits and lineart colorings 🔴WON'T DRAW: heavy mecha/armour, furries
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bloodlegacies · 5 months
Hello folks 👋 just a quick heads up here. Nix and Hayden's POVs available on Patreon and ko-fi. Others to come. 😁Thanks for your attention, and I'll talk to you later. Feel free to send questions or doubts if you have any.
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swtorpadawan · 10 months
Ten Facts About Ulannium Kaarz
I wasn’t actually tagged to do one of these for Ulannium, but I started putting this together as a sort of case-study for him, and it seemed to make sense to do this. Tagging the following people just in case they want to do this for one of their own OCs: @raven-of-domain-kwaad @anchanted-one @actualanxiousswampwitch @grandninjamasterren @sullustangin @cyraniadebergerac @starrypawz @intheinkpot @voidendron @lanabenikosdoormat @dragons-bones @clifford-telegenic @cryo-lily
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Fact One – Parentage and Early Childhood: Ulannium Kaarz was born on Coruscant, the son of Ishris Kaarz, his mother, a brilliant research scientist with a Republic pharmaceutical conglomerate, and Luncib Kaarz, his father, a marketing executive and lobbyist with the same company. Both of his parents were very affectionate, Ishits especially. Although she worked long hours, his mother always made time for her son at bedtime, first by singing him Mirialan lullabies, and later by reading to him, fictional stories at first but later more advanced texts such as scientific manuals. Years later, Ulannium would credit his mother’s efforts (and her genetics) with the development of his impressive intellect. By chance, Ulannium’s Force sensitivity was not discovered until he was already six years old. (Possibly a result of his mother’s interference in the screening process.) By then, he was already academically precocious in the extreme, devouring books far beyond his age-level. When he was selected by the Jedi and told he might one day gain access to the full wealth of the Jedi Archives, Ulannium was thrilled at the opportunity. Indeed, if he had an ambition at this point, it would have been to spend the rest of his life in the galaxy’s greatest library. Ulannium had a younger sister, Tharia, who was possibly even more curious about the universe than he. As she was four at the time, he regarded her as a pest who kept stealing his scientific holopads. When the Jedi tested her for Force-sensitivity, it came back negative, much to the relief of her parents who were already giving up a son.
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Art by @theoasiswinds
Fact Two – Inspirations: One of my inspirations for the character of Ulannium is George Smiley from John le Carré’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. When he does finally confront someone, whether an enemy or even an ally whom he’s trying to persuade, he brings the full force of his intellect to bare on them, and people often find it as overpowering as a force of nature. Ulannium is remarkably proficient at understanding and analyzing most of the people he encounters, including some who others find enigmatic. (Such is the case with Corellan Halcyon. Ulannium understands the Hero of Tython far better than someone like Satele Shan, at least earlier in the story.) On the flip side, a select few people are something of a mystery to Ulannium, and throw him off entirely. (This was the case with Zenith.) Another character who inspired me was Vaegon Targaryen, a minor character from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. He could have done a hundred things, including becoming the King. He preferred his books, however.  
Fact Three – Growing up on Uphrades: To avoid potential contact with his family on Coruscant, the Jedi sent Ulannium to their small enclave on the agricultural world of Uphrades. It was a small training cadre; two semi-retired Jedi Masters and eight younglings. To discourage unhealthy attachments amongst the younglings, they were arranged on a tiered-age system. The oldest of the younglings would be around fourteen and would be considered on the precipice of their initiate trials to become Padawans. The next-oldest would be a year or two younger than the eldest, and so on down the line until the youngest child, who would be around four or five. With the age difference, it was hoped that the younglings would be less likely to adopt detrimental attachments to each other.
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Fact Four – First Friendship: Two years after Ulannium arrived on Uphrades, the next youngling was sent. The younger child seemed untalented and almost Force-blind to Ulannium, who by then was already demonstrating an impressive sensitivity to the Force. But as the Masters were unwilling to give up on him yet, when he turned six, he was handed a training saber. Within a week, he had surpassed every other youngling in combat, even those twice his age. Within a year, no two initiates could match him. Even Master Sagottoh, once a Blademaster of the Order in his younger years, soon found himself pressed. This youngling - one age tier below Ulannium - was named Corellan Halcyon. When they first met, Ulannium himself thought the youngling was untalented and barely worth his notice. Later, when his martial capability manifested, Nowan Ko Detizu realized that Corellan needed Ulannium’s help to acclimate to the other children, most of whom were intimidated by the young firebrand. The bond the two developed would last them the rest of their lives. In recognition of this reality and her responsibilities, when Ulannium was ready to become a padawan, Nowan Ko’s report to the council would advise them not to assign the two to work together, which is why they were kept separated for the next eight years. Although they were both disappointed, both would ultimately conclude it had been the right thing to do.
Fact Five – Tragedy: When the Sack of Coruscant took place, Ulannium was still far away on Uphrades, reading a text on archaeology. He recalls feeling a deep sense of foreboding in the pit of his stomach, but as he was unable to determine what it was, he soon resumed reading. A few days later once the reports had come in, the Uphrades Masters regretfully informed him that his family had been killed during the attack when falling debris had collapsed on them on the street. The youngling showed little reaction at first, then finally announced his intention to head off to find solitude to meditate. The masters, decided that he needed time to process what had happened, let him. Corellan, recognizing that he needed friendship, pursued him and talked. [I may write about that encounter someday.]
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Fact Six – Personality: One of Ulannium’s personality quirks is his tendency to answer a question with a question. This is sometimes a defensive mechanism, and sometimes simply a way to get an individual to rethink their position diplomatically. In the normal flow of conversation, he does this skillfully enough that people rarely even notice. He picked up this particular quirk from Master Nowan Ko Detizu, one of his mentors back on Uphrades. The Cathar Jedi taught him a multitude of simple techniques that aid him in his day-to-day life as a Jedi, diplomat and sometime political and military leader.
Fact Seven – Traits: By the time the class stories begin, Ulannium is already an expert in the fields of biology, archaeology, geology and history, and could probably have earned a master’s degree in any of those areas if given the time and inclination to do so. Although he was appropriately honored to meet the esteemed members of the Jedi Council, he was most excited to meet Gnost-Dural, as the Kel Dor had, by then, been named the Keeper of the Jedi Archives. Ulannium definitely has a strong interest – some might even say a passion – for ancient Force knowledge and would live in the Jedi Archives if he could. One of the most difficult decisions he ever faced was rescuing Laria Taphoni on Taris, effectively sacrificing the holocron the expedition team had found. In making his choice, Ulannium was guided by the principles of the Jedi code and recognizes that it was the correct decision, but nevertheless he had to meditate for a long while to process everything that happened. Although he recognizes that Rajivari’s teachings ran contrary to the Jedi code and had corrupted many ancient Jedi, Ulannium never quite forgot what he had learned of it. He wishes he had spent more time with the fallen Je'daii Master to learn where things had gone wrong.
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Fact Eight – His Relationship with Nadia Grell: Ulannium doesn’t believe in concepts like “love at first sight”. But when he met Nadia, he generally became more protective of her innocence. Eventually, those feelings evolved into romantic impulses, but even in their early days together, he was somewhat distracted. That was one of the reasons he didn’t immediately pick up on Nadia’s force-sensitivity, which he would have normally understood right from the get-go. As a side note, his relationship with Nadia develops very differently in my story than in the game and does not progress until after she is Knighted almost three years after becoming his Padawan. As a fluffy note, To date, Nadia is the only person who has ever called him “Uli”. She’s usually discreet about the practice, but she did actually let it slip in front of Felix Iresso on one occasion. Ulannium was embarrassed, Nadia was aghast, and Felix was amused.
Fact Nine – Joining the Alliance: After Ulannium and the rest of the Ossus colony rejoined the rest of the galaxy (lining up with the Jedi Under Siege expansion from the canon story), he and Nadia became honorary members of the Eternal Alliance, with Ulannium serving as the Alliance’s liaison with the Council. The Council - when it eventually reformed - did not formally condone or condemn this relationship; they simply pretended that they didn’t know it existed, despite it becoming common knowledge by that point. [Note: This mirrors Revan’s post-KOTOR relationship with Bastilla in the “Revan” novel.] Far from being past his prime after joining the Eternal Alliance, Ulannium achieved some of the most impressive efforts of his career as the Alliance’s top diplomatic negotiator, writing much of the treaty that Corellan and the Alliance would eventually sign with the Galactic Republic. But arguably the most impressive feat of his career was the negotiation of the Treaty of Alderaan, a pact that ended nearly twenty years of civil war and internal discord. Leading the Alliance’s diplomatic corps, one of Ulannium’s top deputies would be the Killik Joiner and former Imperial diplomat and Intelligence operative, Vector Hyllus. Ulannium learned a great deal of respect for Hyllus and his capabilities, which was reciprocated by the Joiner.
Fact Ten - His Legacy: Some years joining the Alliance, he and Nadia had their first child: Maykia Ishris Kaarz. She is named for both of her grandmothers; Maykia on Nadia’s side and Ishris on Ulannium’s. She’s a couple of years younger than Bela and Tasiele, who are friends of hers who I’ve spoken about elsewhere. Her childhood was complicated to say the least, but she eventually fully joined the Jedi order on her own terms as she began adulthood. She wields a double-bladed lightsaber as her mother did, albeit she’s not a true Jedi Shadow. [Note: Maykia is part of the “Future Halcyon Legacy” I’ve been putting together. ]
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Thousands of years later, Teela Kaarz, one of Ulannium’s descendants, would be conscripted to work on the construction of the Death Star. Teela and a group of Rebel recruits fled the doomed space station before it exploded. [Novel: Death Star ]
Thank you for reading!
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expecto-kedavra · 4 months
What was the answer to the 2 truths and lie and the tattoo posts
The lie was the two kids one, I only have one.
I’m also heavily tattooed, I have a lot of traditional Polynesian tribal work.
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juicegarrethfizzy · 1 year
Guys, I really want know if you would like ordered commission on Ko-fi??
I prepareding this and I really training for make the best illustrations about Hogwarts Legacy.
▪︎almost Sebastian in bellow
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kniteracy · 3 months
Passing In The Night
From Gwyneth: I braved the weather in Nu Jyorck to visit the White Witch Shop, because I needed some herb cuttings and a little potion refill. Calendula, who runs that shop, does the most amazing things with flower oils; she’s at a much higher level than I am with potion-making, so I visit her when I need a little refill of Glamour-Aide. It comes in a gorgeous vial and fits around my neck, which…
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View On WordPress
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guys you finished creating me a kofi. 🐍💫In case you want to invite a coffee, I'll probably upload previews of art or more nsfw stuff out there🧐
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silverxstardust · 1 year
I Just Received My First Ko-fi!
Thank YOU Annika! 🖤 Means a lot 🥹
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annon-guy2 · 1 year
Soul Calibur Guest Charater Question (Part 1)
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"Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold..."
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1. Dante and Vergil from Devil May Cry [Capcom]
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2. KOS-MOS and Shion Uzuki from Xenosaga [Bandai Namco]
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3. Kain and Raziel from The Legacy of Kain [Crystal Dynamics]
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4. Emil Castagnier and Marta Lualdi from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World [Bandai Namco]
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5. Simon Belmon and Alucard from Castlevania [Konami]
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6. Charlotta Fenia and Vaseraga from GranBlue Fantasy [Cygames]
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7. Es Mitsurugi and Touya Kagari from XBLAZE [Arc System Works]
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8. Laharl and Etna from Disgaea [Nippon Ichi Software]
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9. Ichiro Ogami and Sakura Shinguji from Sakura Wars [SEGA]
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10. Lu Bu and Diaochan from Dynasty Warriors [Koei Tecmo]
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lancecharleson · 1 year
With "The Game" coming out in less than 2 days, here's my two cents. I'm not gonna waste your time reading a long post about why giving JoKeR money is bad. A lot of people here and on other places like the hellbirdapp twitter are already doing that. At the same time I'm not sure whether she'll gain loyalties from the game's sales, or if she's already been paid by WB as a result of the game going into development beforehand. Instead I'm gonna say this... I can't stop you from enjoying Harry Potter, let alone stop you from paying full price for this game. Neither am I going to deny the fear that trans people and their friends feel for their lives (which is largely what's driven them to boycott, or worse, bully people out of buying this game) in an era where anti-trans sentiment has intensified in recent years.
All I can do is leave you to sit with one simple question; Will it be worth it?
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fluffghostrp · 2 years
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horrible urge to pick up an unnamed touhou character and just run...
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serenofroses · 5 months
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expecto-kedavra · 5 months
uhm hi yeah hello so for one i want you to write more (but no stress im not trying to be rude and pressure you) but aLsOooo i was stalking you (heheh) anD I SAW YOU POSTED THAT YOU CAN LIFT ALOT OF WEIGHT AND HOW COME I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE CERTIFIED STRONG BOY??? i am in shock?!
Haha hey 🤣 I am definitely brainstorming some stuff, working through it (: but yeah haha I feel like I don’t fit the description of what I write lol. Like I played football and rugby in college, I go to the gym a lot, I’m around 6’2, 200 and I feel like that’s not the description of me people have in their heads 🤷🏾‍♂️😅
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