#original post date: 01 Feb '22
spoilertv · 11 months
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Character: Miria [#14 out of #52]
Series: Fallout 2
Song Inspiration: Vanessa Carlton - "A Thousand Miles" [#119 of #3000]
Word Count: 990
TW: light sexual mention.
“"I drown in your memory,
I don't wanna let this go."
Before Miria and the Chosen One had strolled into the Drunk Cupid Chapel, the world seemed to be aflame with the fires of passion. New Reno was overflowing with life, the bright lights of every casino and brothel beckoning like sirens in a storm. Miria had approached the city with avidity, drunk on the promises of what the settlement could bring to her; so much so that she didn’t even notice when the Chosen One led her through Reno’s West Side and entered the dilapidated chapel, with its neon signs puncturing the dark streets like an arrow through the heart.
The Chapel itself was poorly lit, with only a handful of wall-mounted lights that glowed a soft, if not foreboding, shade of crimson, and one lone neon sign of a heart on the back wall, glowing bright pink amongst the dust. Rust clung to the steel coving and dripped down the walls like an omen from the underworld. In the centre of the room, a dark wooden podium stood proudly, overlooking the scores of pews before it; behind, the substantially less-proud figure of Father Tully swayed, clutching the podium for balance. He muttered to himself, pulling down the sleeves of his burgundy robe. As the Chosen One closed the chapel door behind the pair, the preacher’s eyes snapped forward, wild and startled, before his gaze came to rest on the married couple in front of him.
“Greetings, my children!” He slurred, leaning over the podium. The stench of whiskey was heavy on his breath. “Whatzit that Father Tully can do for y’two on thi’ fine Reno day?”
As her spouse conversed with the drunken preacher, Miria wandered through the chapel, gently picking at the peeling paint on the pews and running her fingers through her copper hair, reflecting on how the two of them had met. It was like any other lazy day in Mordoc, the dull sunlight streaming through the curtains of her father’s house as she tended to her daily chores; the attractive stranger knocking on the front door (who even knocks these days?) and striking up a conversation; the way the gossip flowed and emotions grew as the hours flew by; the way their bodies melted into each other that night in a passionate amalgamation of what the day had been building up to.
Then, the wedding was held not a day after they met.
It all happened so fast, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Suddenly, her spouse’s voice cut through her daydream. Did she hear them correctly?  She pivoted and moved towards her companion, silent, curious, unnerved.
“Can you do divorces?” Her spouse whispered low to the preacher. It didn’t matter; she had heard the words, and the weight they carried. Her breath hitched.
Father Tully responded far louder than his conversational partner in a slurred but confident tone. “Of course I can! Reno was th' divorce capital even 'fore the Big One…”
Miria felt her stomach churn as heat rose to her cheeks. The cold night air felt a million times colder against her skin, and the sudden weight on her chest threatened to crush her windpipe. It left her gasping for air.
“Baby, wait! You’re leaving me?” She barely managed a whisper as she clutched her spouse’s arm. It didn’t matter; her companion refused to take their eyes off of Father Tully. “How could you? We were in love!”
If the preacher had any sympathy towards Miria, he did not show it as he peered down at her from his position on the podium. “This th' filly you wanna break vows with?”
Miria stammered and protested throughout the divorce proceedings, though it was over in a heartbeat. Less than two minutes had gone by before Father Tully waved his hand, drained another bottle of alcohol, and announced that they were separated. She was more than blindsided; she was furious, and as the Chosen One slithered past her and out of the chapel, she screamed in their wake until her throat was sore.
“Come back here! My daddy’s gonna kick your ass!”
Father Tully shook his head and stumbled out from behind the podium. Up close, she could see the stains of alcohol on the sleeves of his robes.
“No use in fightin’ it. They’s long gone.” He slurred, not unkindly, and placed a hand on her shoulder. She briefly thought that the gesture was meant to be one of camaraderie before she realised he was only holding onto her for balance.
Miria stared at the drunkard in disbelief, stifling an angry sob. “How could you do that? Why did you break us up?”
“Tha’s the way! Tha’s how th’ game’s played,” Father Tully explained before wiping his brow. Beads of sweat ran down his temple. “Thought you’da known tha’ by now, seein’ as we’ve met, oh, a couple times now.”
The woman wiped a tear from her cheek. “What?”
The preacher chuckled as he gestured to his surroundings. “Th’ game!”
Miria tilted her head, now more confused than despondent. Her eyes, red from tears, glistened in the dull, aching neon light that burned in the back wall.
Father Tully continued unabated. “My child, the minute you walk out o’ my chapel, yer’ gonna vanish. Prolly, anyways. Never end up seein’ ya again afterwards, until next time.”
She let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed her temples. It had been far too long of a day, and she did not have the patience to deal with someone's drunken ramblings.
Without another word, she took a step back, then two, then three, and finally, she slunk out of the chapel doors and onto the bustling New Reno streets. Perhaps, if she were quick enough, she would be able to catch the Chosen One as they were leaving New Reno.
Father Tully watched as she left. He shook his head, disappointed, but not surprised.
She would be back in the next life.
[Click here for an explanation of this project!]
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spudmcloughlin · 5 years
list of egopocalypse 2020 events
this post is just to document all the fuckery/suspeeshy shit that’s happened so far this year. some of it is actual stuff, some of it is theory, some of it is probably nothing. it’s all here! more significant things will be bolded.
i’ve also got a playlist of all the videos that will be linked in this post. everything will be under the cut because as the year progresses, i will add stuff and reblog every time it’s updated and i don’t want to spam a long post on people’s dashes. updates will be posted below, above the cut. toodles!
posted feb 3, 2020
EDITED FEB 8, 2020
1/2/20: Having A Heart Attack | 3 Scary Games
29:45 and 29:51 - messages from Anti: “Not long now” and “He’s coming”, accompanied by sound glitches. Each text box has a capital A in the upper left corner.
1/16/20: These Scares Almost Killed Me | 3 Scary Games
Title changes
Uploaded: What Happened To Jacksepticeye... | 3 Scary Games
Changed to: These Scares Almost Killed Me | 3 Scary Games
Date changed: unknown
15:35 - fucked up transition: creepy deep voice followed by VHS style glitch
31:34 - chair moves on its own
38:43 - tall dark figure in the background as Sean says “I feel like something’s watching me”
47:07 - facecam cuts to Sean banging his head against the whiteboard with a VHS style static filter
47:36 - facecam cuts to static; for about half a second, Sean can be seen slumped over in the chair with what appears to be a bullet wound in the side of his head
47:41 - the tall dark figure from before can be seen in the same place in the background; Sean is not there. This lasts exactly 10 frames (1/6 second).
47:47 - the tall dark figure appears closer to the camera for exactly 5 frames (1/12 second).
I believe it was also this video where people claimed to see Marvin’s mask in the static at the end. I could not see it but please feel free to provide screenshots and information!
1/20/20: The World’s WORST Super Hero
Thumbnail is clearly a Jackieboy Man reference; title is possibly Anti mocking JBM
4:22 - some speculate he almost said “Jackieboy is here” but stopped himself
9:01 - possible Jackieboy mention: “...just call up good ol’ Jackaboy”
1/28/20: it gets SO much worse | GTFO - Part 4
New title pattern: instead of changes, important/suspeeshy titles are now in all lowercase except for one or two words
1/30/20: we are ALL gonna die | GTFO - Part 5
Follows new title pattern
Suspicious thumbnail - Sean’s face pasted on top of a body in a casket with black Xs drawn over his closed eyes
2/1/20: too high... TOO HIGH | Journey To The Savage Planet - Part 3
Follows new title pattern - possible Jackieboy Man reference/conversation with another ego
2/1/20: The Zombie Apocalypse Has Begun...
Thumbnail contains light flare effect present in previous egopocalypse/mayhem events
Description contains possible Jackieboy Man reference: “The zombie apocalypse has begun and only one man has the power to stop it! Of course that man is not me, I have no idea where that guy is but I'm here nonetheless.”
2/2/20: They’re Drinking CHUNKY MILK | Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos
2:03 and 3:14 - VHS static effects; similar to “What Happened To Jacksepticeye...”
2/6/20: Burn It With Fire!
17:05 - allusion to Anti: “He complained that the holes would never close, little did he know they would come in great handy for playing of a certain ego later on”
2/8/20: My Sleep Paralysis Demon | 3 Scary Games
Thumbnail shows Sean with blacked out eyes; Anti’s eyes frequently turn black
37:42 - Sean says “More spooks are yet to come”
Description change
Original: “What happened to Jacksepticeye? He played 3 scary games and was never seen again. Was it the jumpscares that got him or the weird creepy stories one tells in the dark. He was last seen before the riverside incident on the night shift.”
Identical to “What Happened To Jacksepticeye...”
Changed: “Have you ever had sleep paralysis? Well I have and it's awful. Let me take you on a trip through what that's like and make you terrified to never sleep ever again!”
2/8/20: Gentlemen, Yes Quite! | GTFO - Part 6
Thumbnail contains lots of light flare effect present in previous egopocalypse/mayhem events
Thumbnail looks similar to Jameson Jackson’s style
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bekirsdorftab-blog · 5 years
free latest version fresh Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2
    Racing. Game info Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 © 2019 Published and Developed by Milestone S. r. PlayStation 4. publisher Milestone. Publish dates Feb 8, 2019.
Energy Supercross - The Monster Energy 11 83 964 11
Ps3 monster energy supercross - the official video game 2018. Ps3 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2011.
MYW PO 2008 ps3 monster October 08 video game 2018 Q D 05 Oct 2019 03:46 AM PDT 7 9 354 486 October 15 17 3 544 AQFO 42 32 291 84 VOL 28 Monster Energy 91 770 SF IALQ 551 2.0 HE 81 38 473 855 DAW 773 335 891 11/01/2019 04:46 PM HOWQ 928 28 85 game 2015 7 370 ZPHH 329 62 official video game 2015 851 XMT RHD 129 Official Videogame 59 10/12/2019 01:46 PM BNWY 73 9 Supercross - The Official Videogame IUKP 653 S 92 TPK 674 Wednesday, 04 December 2019 12 XMWX Wednesday, 09 October 2019 17:46:46 - 94 787 45 10/04/2019 IV 467 712 game 279 585 322 WS 316 38 30 878 251 Monster 11 13 ps3 monster energy supercross 45 327 645 43 98 713 681 55 11/06/2019 11:46 GBG 58 19 official video game 2016 Ps3 3 22 Saturday, 12 October 2019 12:46:46 813 1 Official K 854 Q 2019-12-16T06:46:46.2876020+11:00 88 1 499 65 834 12 Dec 2019 03:46 PM PDT 2019-10-10T13:46:46.2886026+00:00 346 46 3 97 939 82 625 QHO 12/02/2019 09:46 AM 9 76 11/28/2019 Sunday, 10 November 2019 RY 307 12/03/2019 04:46 PM 98 505 47 YNAW Tuesday, 29 October 2019 06:46:46 941 961 337 69 38 20 895
Ps3 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2.3.
game 2018 Ps3 Monster ME 848 594 Monster Energy 697 18 624 282 43 78 715 ps3 monster energy supercross - 65 34 653
Ps3 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2008. Ps3 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2017. Posted: 2019-11-08T15:46:46. Ps3 monster energy supercross - the official video game 2015.
Ps3 monster energy supercross - the official video game 2016. Ps3 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2.0. Ps3 Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2013.
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
The 2020 Democratic field may be the largest presidential primary field in modern history. With Sen. Michael Bennet entering the 2020 presidential race on Thursday, there are now 20 “major” Democratic candidates, according to FiveThirtyEight’s standards, and additional candidates might enter the race or reach major status. But it’s unlikely all these candidates run well into the 2020 primary season. Some Democratic candidates will likely drop out even before the Iowa caucuses, which are scheduled to kick off the voting process on Feb. 3, 2020. And large candidate fields have historically winnowed pretty quickly a month or so after Iowa, though there are reasons to wonder if 2020 could be different.
To get a sense of how many candidates might drop out this cycle and when that might happen, we gathered data for each party’s nomination process in all the presidential primary cycles from 1980 to 2016 where the party’s incumbent wasn’t running for re-election. (We started with 1980 because in the ’70s, some major candidates announced after the Iowa caucuses,11 and before that the nomination process was very different from today’s primary system.) To figure out who was running each year, we used a list of candidates put together by FiveThirtyEight editor-in-chief Nate Silver, though those candidates may not all be “major” under our current definition. Dropouts included anyone who ended a run in a major-party primary by conceding, suspending a campaign, endorsing an opponent or withdrawing, even if they continued campaigning as an independent or member of a third party.
The 14 nomination processes we looked at varied a great deal in terms of the size of the field, ranging from two candidates to 17, but on average, about one 1 of every 4 candidates have dropped out before the Iowa caucuses.
A few candidates usually drop out before the Iowa caucuses
The total number of notable presidential candidates in a primary field and the number who dropped out before the Iowa caucuses, 1980-2016
Cycle Party Total candidates Dropped out before Iowa Share of Total 1980 R 9 2 22% 1984 D 8 0 0 1988 D 11 2 18 1988 R 7 1 14 1992 D 8 1 13 1996 R 12 3 25 2000 D 2 0 0 2000 R 12 6 50 2004 D 10 2 20 2008 D 10 2 20 2008 R 12 4 33 2012 R 12 4 33 2016 D 5 2 40 2016 R 17 5 29 Average 9.6 2.4 23
Excludes primaries for parties that had an incumbent president running for re-election. Number of candidates relies on the list of candidates compiled by Nate Silver for the article “Everyone’s Running — And That Could Be Dangerous For The Democrats.” That list errs on the side of inclusivity, but a few notable candidates may have been omitted.
Source: Media reports
In some cycles, an obvious front-runner limited the number of candidates who ran, but in some cases, a bunch of people threw their hats into the ring even if someone else was clearly leading in the polls. In the 2000 Republican primary, for example, Texas Gov. George W. Bush was polling at close to 50 percent in the first half of 1999, but 11 other Republicans were still in the race. In the second half of 1999, however, Bush was polling at about 60 percent, and half of the GOP field had dropped out by the time of the Iowa caucuses in January 2000. And in other cycles with no clear front-runner, like the 2004 Democratic primary or 2008 Republican primary, the field attracted a large number of candidates.
But there’s a key difference between a presidential primary with a huge field — like the 17 candidates who vied for the GOP nomination in 2016 — and a primary where just two people are running, like the 2000 Democratic primary: More candidates drop out sooner. After all, there is only so much support — voters, money, campaign volunteers, and so on — to spread around, which can make sticking it out until Iowa more difficult in a larger primary field.
Average share of candidates who dropped out before the Iowa caucuses, by size of field, 1980-2016
Field size total cycles Avg. share who drop out ≤10 8 16%
>10 6 32
Excludes primaries for parties that had an incumbent president running for re-election. Number of candidates relies on the list of candidates compiled by Nate Silver for the article “Everyone’s Running — And That Could Be Dangerous For The Democrats.” That list errs on the side of inclusivity, but a few notable candidates may have been omitted.
Source: Media reports
If we split the primary data into two groups, fields with 10 or fewer candidates and fields with more than 10 candidates, we see that the share of candidates who drop out before Iowa is twice as high in bigger fields.
So for the 2020 Democratic field, it wouldn’t be that surprising if around a third of the candidates dropped out before Iowa. If there end up being 21 major candidates, for example, we might expect around seven to leave the race before voting even starts.
The candidate fields tend to winnow even faster shortly after the Iowa caucuses. For example, during the 2016 Republican primary, the 17-candidate field had dropped to 12 in the year before Iowans cast their votes, and seven more candidates dropped out in the four weeks after Iowa, leaving just five people still in the race. That four-week threshold — which has usually included most or all of the other early contests (in New Hampshire, South Carolina and, in more recent times, Nevada) — gives us a sense of what might happen to the Democratic candidate field in the next 10 months. On average, about two-fifths of the field was still in the race four weeks after Iowa; usually, that’s roughly five candidates, though if these proportions hold up in this cycle, we could be looking at eight or nine Democrats still in the race next March.12
Not many candidates are left a month after Iowa
Number of candidates who announced a run vs. number who were still running during Iowa caucuses and four weeks after Iowa, for fields with more than 10 major candidates, 1980-2016
Number of candidates Cycle Party Original field during Iowa caucuses 28 days after Iowa Share of field left 28 days after Iowa 2016 R 17 12 5 29% 1996 R 12 9 5 42 2000 R 12 6 3 25 2008 R 12 8 5 42 2012 R 12 8 5 42 1988 D 11 9 8 73 Average 12.7 8.7 5.2 42
Excludes primaries for parties that had an incumbent president running for re-election. Number of candidates relies on the list of candidates compiled by Nate Silver for the article “Everyone’s Running — And That Could Be Dangerous For The Democrats.” That list errs on the side of inclusivity, but a few notable candidates may have been omitted.
Source: Media reports
We may see a number of candidates dropping out right after this four-week post-Iowa period in 2020, as this cycle’s Super Tuesday — when 13 states are scheduled to vote on the same day — is currently slated to be at the beginning of the fifth week after the Iowa caucuses.13
However, history might be an imperfect guide for 2020, as there haven’t been many Democratic races with a big field. In fact, just one recent Democratic primary has featured more than 10 candidates: the 1988 cycle, in which eight of the 11 major candidates were still going four weeks after the Iowa caucuses, so the dropout rate wasn’t very high.14
And there’s some evidence that Democratic candidate fields get winnowed more slowly than Republican ones, which could be due in part to the Democrats’ proportional delegate-allocation rules. Republican contests use more winner-take-all or winner-take-most rules to divvy up delegates, so it’s possible that more Democrats keep hanging around because they have a shot at earning delegates even in states where they know they won’t finish first. Plus, candidates like Sen. Kamala Harris and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke have a strong incentive to make it to Super Tuesday on March 3 — their delegate-rich home states of California and Texas are scheduled to vote that day, which could give their campaigns a big boost.
Moreover, it now seems easier to circumvent traditional channels of political power to attract support. Just look at technology businessman Andrew Yang, or author and motivational speaker Marianne Williamson, who have each attracted a sizable number of donors in an effort to qualify for the upcoming 2020 primary debates. Or consider Sen. Bernie Sanders, who mounted a strong challenge to his party’s front-runner in 2016 thanks in part to an unprecedented reliance on small-dollar donors. All three have focused more on appealing directly to voters than on winning over the important players within the party itself. So in 2020, we may discover that the incentives encouraging people to run have changed in a way that leads to fewer candidates dropping out than we might expect based on past contests.
And remember, a few more candidates may still get into the Democratic race before any drop out, so the field may not yet have reached its maximum size. But if modern presidential primary data is to be trusted, at least a handful of the candidates we’re hearing a lot about this year won’t be running anymore by the new year. From ABC News:
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sanoiro · 7 years
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The list is updated after every new title/airdate confirmation.
The Red ‘M’ is Tom Welling’s appearances in Season 3. He has signed a 15-episode contract. 
The ‘--’ note the episodes his character does not appear and finally, the ‘?’ signify the episodes we are not sure whether he appears in that particular episode. All the above is speculated by the behind the scenes spoilers and the already aired episodes.
Up to 3x17 (script), there were 14 confirmed appearances of Tom Welling. 
The Dates for the episodes up to 3x24/3x20 Season 3 Finale were based on the two Tweets and @ships-sailing-in-the-night‘s quick schedule post last night on Feb 12th. 
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The changes were done due to my misinterpretation of Alejandro’s interview back in October: 
What episode are you directing this season? 
It’s kind of changing around a little bit. At presently, it’s episode 19, I think it is. I was originally going to direct the last episode of the season, but I think they are making that episode a little more about my character, so they’re switching it around so I won’t have to direct myself in a Dan-heavy episode. That gives me more time to really focus on what I’m going to do wrong [laughs] or do right. Yeah, either way, I’m super, super excited.
Do you know anything about this Dan-centric episode?
I have zero knowledge about that. They are very secretive with us and we are with you guys. They don’t like to tip the hat too much. I do know that they are considering it a standalone episode. It’s just an opportunity for the audience to get to know a little bit more about who he is and how Dan ticks and constantly making difficult decisions for the right reasons.
FanSided: You’ll be directing an episode of Lucifer season 3 (23/01/2018)
Through that, I think I did my best and people saw that, and they approved me to direct episode 22 of the [Lucifer] season.
The above means that Alejandro will probably direct the script 3x22 which is the Dan-centric standalone as far as I’m aware. Stil because it’s still a bit unclear I have removed it from the poster-schedule. 
This Schedule is made by me to keep track of S3 spoilers and that is why I have shared it with the rest of the fandom. I have noticed though that someone thought it would be smart to remake this schedule and claim credit as well as copyright. I don't give a damn about credit but decency? Yeah... You haven’t got any. Period.
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henbutane3 · 4 years
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Inaugural Poet Amanda Gorman’s Glow Up: Set To Perform At Super Bowl, Inks IMG Models Deal, Three Of Her Books Get Million Print Orders
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Inaugural poet Amanda Gorman’s glow is mad real! The 22-year-old - the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history – is set to recite an original poem at the Super Bowl, she has signed a contract with IMG Models and she’s set to publish one million copies EACH of her three books under a new deal. Celebrate inside…
Inaugural poet Amanda Gorman is LEVELING UP in a major way.
You’ll recall, the 22-year-old YBF literary star became the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history after she recited an original poem "The Hill We Climb” at President Joe Biden & VP Kamala Harris’ swearing-in at the U.S. Capitol a little over a week ago.
Since then, Amanda – who is also the country’s first National Youth Poet Laureate – has been inking new deals and landing some mega gigs. Literally, in one week she has accomplished some historic feats!
The Los Angeles native has been tapped to recite an original poem at the Super Bowl held in Tampa (Feb. 7th). She’ll pay tribute to three people — educator Trimaine Davis, nurse manager Suzie Dorner and Marine veteran James Martin — for their contributions during the pandemic.
The Harvard grad will be the first poet EVER to perform at the Super Bowl. Woot! 2021 is a year of firsts for her.
There’s more…
  NOW REPRESENTING: #AmandaGorman! pic.twitter.com/RjIgulKzLr
— IMG Models (@IMGmodels) January 26, 2021
  Earlier this week, Amanda inked a deal with IMG Models, which represents fashion heavyweights Chanel Iman, Jourdan Dun, Kate Moss and more. The agency will represent the literary star in the fashion and beauty industries to secure editorial opportunities and brand endorsements.
Great news: "Penguin announces ONE MILLION COPY first printings for @TheAmandaGorman books in response to overwhelming demand." Her inaugural poem book is being rushed for March release; the original two books are slated for September.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 28, 2021
Amanda’s star power has catapulted, which in turn has built interest in her literary work. She’s set to is set to publish one million copies each of her three books under a new deal.
One million hardcover copies of Amanda’s book “The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country,” will be published via Viking Books for Young Readers. It's set to be released March 16th. There’s so much hype around this YBF star that the company decided to push the release date up from April 27th and fewer copies were going to be published.
Penguin Random House is set to publish one million copies of Amanda’s poetry collection, “The Hill We Climb and Other Poems,” which is set to be released September 21st. Also, one million more copies of Amanda’s first book “Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem” will be published later this year.
”Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem” and “The Hill We Climb and Other Poems” are currently at the top of Amazon’s bestseller list!
Last night, she chopped it up with Trevor Noah on “The Daily Social Distancing Show” about how she’s handling her new found fame, why she felt it was important to write a poem for “that moment,” and more.
On daytime TV…
The 22-year-old poet also appeared on the “Ellen DeGeneres Show” where the daytime talk show host “endorsed” her for president.
What a blast to be on @TheEllenShow yesterday! Thanks for having me and happy bday Ellen! pic.twitter.com/WjWanYdock
— Amanda Gorman (@TheAmandaGorman) January 27, 2021
A flourishing Queen. We LOVE to see it!
Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2021/01/28/inaugural-post-amanda-gorman%E2%80%99s-glow-up-set-to-perform-at-super-bowl-inks-img-models-deal-
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‘Tiniest Vampire’ includes original poems, illustrations - Albuquerque Journal - #Vampire’ #Albuquerque #‘Tiniest #aePiot
‘Tiniest Vampire’ includes original poems, illustrations - Albuquerque Journal
‘Tiniest Vampire’ includes original poems, illustrations - Albuquerque Journal
The date of publishing: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 08:00:00 GMT
Retrieved from this feed on the date of: Fri 24 Apr 2020 13:01:42
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1 Minute CPR - Les Hassell
1 Minute CPR - Les Hassell
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Time Warner Inc. Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2012 Results - Business Wire
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Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn - Box Office Mojo
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Kerala HC Asks Karnataka Govt If Emergency Medical Needs Of Kerala Patients Proximate To Mangaluru Can Be ... - Live Law
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In front of judges in an old swimsuit, I knew my beauty contest was my ticket out of poverty - Mirror.co.uk
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Fish tattoos denied by local pet store - Northglen News
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Brand endorsement allegedly bars Nigerian artistes from working with ambassadors of rival companies - Premium Times
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Boston Properties Announces Third Quarter 2019 Results; Reports EPS of $0.70 and FFO Per Share Of $1.64 - Business Wire
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Fortnite’s next update has heist mode and new grappler weapon - The Verge
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Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij are blessed with a baby girl; Check out the FIRST photo right here - PINKVILLA
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Gray Ready to Launch News on WAGT But Can’t, Citing Media General Obstruction - Broadcasting & Cable
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Fri, 11 Mar 2016 08:00:00 GMT
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SOCAR Polymer to boost non-oil exports - AzerNews
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Wed, 07 Aug 2019 07:00:00 GMT
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Maysville adopts updated, upgraded fairness ordinance - Ledger Independent
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Thu, 09 Aug 2018 07:00:00 GMT
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Global sports deal with concussions differently - PRI
Global sports deal with concussions differently - PRI
Fri, 02 Sep 2016 07:00:00 GMT
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Breathe Wellness Collective Help Dave Get Healthy - Triple M
Breathe Wellness Collective Help Dave Get Healthy - Triple M
Wed, 29 Jan 2020 00:22:08 GMT
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Zsa Zsa Gabor makes public appearance at 92 - UK Express
Zsa Zsa Gabor makes public appearance at 92 - UK Express
Thu, 28 Jan 2010 08:00:00 GMT
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Marketing agency to major firms can’t pay its debts - Irish Examiner
Marketing agency to major firms can’t pay its debts - Irish Examiner
Tue, 23 Feb 2016 08:00:00 GMT
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INPower - Inside INdiana Business
INPower - Inside INdiana Business
Tue, 12 Nov 2019 15:01:34 GMT
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Biden returns donation from comedian accused of misconduct - Your Valley
Biden returns donation from comedian accused of misconduct - Your Valley
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 20:59:00 GMT
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i3 Verticals Reports Second Quarter 2019 Financial Results - Associated Press
i3 Verticals Reports Second Quarter 2019 Financial Results - Associated Press
Mon, 13 May 2019 07:00:00 GMT
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Self-Care: Central Nervous System Disorders - Pharmacy Times
Self-Care: Central Nervous System Disorders - Pharmacy Times
Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:00:00 GMT
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Kangana Ranaut at her best again! Compares Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt’s sex life with nationalism - Catch News
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Should I Switch To A Baitcasting Rod And Reel? - BassResource.com
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A lone star shines for Greece - The National
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Sat, 05 Mar 2016 08:00:00 GMT
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Chemical weapons pose danger to human and biodiversity - Ghana News Agency
Chemical weapons pose danger to human and biodiversity - Ghana News Agency
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Summer means paletas along Chicago's lakefront - WLS-TV
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jntufastresult · 5 years
JNTUH 9th Convocation (OD) Notification 2020 - Apply Now
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JNTUH Original Degree notification 2020: Here we provided information regarding the Jntuh Notification to apply OD (original degree) and jntuh 2020 Convocation Notification. So students those who are qualified for the award of Degree / Diploma during the academic years 2018-19 are eligible to apply this JNTUH Convocation Notification.
JNTUH Original Degree notification 2020
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JNTUH IX Convocation Notification 2019-2020:
jntuh od 2019 Pass Out and How much amount to pay for jntuh original degree University Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Categories JNTUH OD Notification Eligible Ug/PG Status Released on 20th Feb 2020
jntuh 9th Convocation Notification
The XI Convocation of the (JNTUH) is likely to be held in the month of April 2019 (Actual date will be notified later). The candidates who are qualified for the award of Degree / Diploma during the academic years 2018-19 & PG Degree completed or going to be completed on or before 31-01-2020 are eligible to apply. Online Application Starts From 11-03-2020 Last date to Apply 16-04-2020 How Much Fee need to Pay For JNTUH OD? If you applied jntuh original degree within one year of your academic completion then no need to pay any amount, Means if your pay along with your JNTUH Final semester exam fee then no need to pay otherwise you need to pay. JNTUH OD application fee: Rs.600/-
What are the Documents Needed to Apply JNTUH OD?
1. Only those candidates can apply for Convocation whose PC issued date is between: 2. Scanned Copy of a Digital Passport size Photograph (.JPEG format) should be between 100-200 KB. 3. Scanned Copy of Identity proof (.JPEG format), size should be between 100-200 KB. The List of valid identity proofs is as follows.  College Identification Card (Recommended). Aadhar Card. Pan Card. Driving License. Voter Identification Card. Indian Passport. 4. Scanned Copy of Provisional Certificate (.JPEG format), size should be between 200-300 KB. 5. Students should furnish their Provisional Certificate NUMBER (Number that is above the serial no of PC). 6. Use MS PAINT to resize the image (or) Resize the Image  If the image size exceeds the given limits. What To do If I Want OD Immediately? Just visit your JNTUH university on working day of 10 AM to 4 PM, Then you well get JNTUH Original Degree within 1 or 2 days. This Process may be charge near 2k to 3k Money. Address: JNTUH, Ashok Nagar, Kukatpally Housing Board Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500085 Step-by-step process to apply jntuh Original Degree (OD) Through online. Here is the OD Apply procedure which is useful for the students and clarify the doubts Regarding How to Apply For OD in JNTUH Apply for OD in 2019 JNTUH B.Tech OD Application Process in detail Process to Apply for OD in JNTU Hyderabad Instructions To The Candidates Checklist for JNTUH Convocation Procedure to apply for Original Degree Certificate etc..., How To Apply JNTUH OD Process Through Online/Offline 2020 - Apply Now Last Date To Apply JNTUH OD: 16-04-2020 Important Note: The eligible candidates are hereby informed to visit the Convocation Registration Portal payments.jntuh.ac.in/convocation and submit the application online from 11-03-2020 to 16-04-2020. Those who have applied for the degree in the Pre-convocation mode need not apply again for this Notification. The application fee of Rs.600/- will be accepted through online mode only. The students who have already paid need not pay the fee, however, they have to register compulsorily. For more details refer to the above-mentioned Registration Portal. Helpline desk is available at the Student Service Section (Ground floor) of the Examination Building of JNTUH (helpline No.9491283135 / 9491293135) during 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM on all working days. The Degree Certificates of all the Bachelor Degree Courses, Master Degree Courses, M.S, M.Phil & PhD degrees will be sent only by registered post to the individuals to the address given in their online application. Only Gold medal recipients can receive their medals in person at the Convocation. The provisional list of Gold medal recipients for academic years 2018-19 will be placed in the JNTUH website (www.jntuh.ac.in) on 22-04-2020. JNTUH Fast Results Discussion | jntuh od notification If You Have Any Queries/ Suggestions / Doubts/ Complaints, Feel Free To Comment Below. MAIL US AT ANY TIME: [email protected] OUR TEAM WILL GIVE REPLY TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Check More Latest Updates Read the full article
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rockrevoltmagazine · 6 years
HEART Announces 'Love Alive' Tour - Summer Dates Revealed
I think it’s official now – we all need to quit our jobs and just plan on spending the summer of 2019 at concerts and festivals. The show announcements are coming fast and furious now and today’s big new is sure to have classic rock fans in a frenzy.
Heart is heading out on the road for the first time in 3 years and they are bringing quite the line up along with them. The Love Alive tour will kick off on July 9th and run through the summer – ending Sept. 9th but they are packing the shows in during that 60 day period.
And check out who’s along for the ride – Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Brandi Carlile, Sheryl Crow, Elle King and, Lucie Silvas. Wow, just wow.
Here’s the dates – dig through and find a town near you!
Heart 2019 Tour Dates: 07/09 – St. Louis, MO @ Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre 07/11 – Chicago, IL @ Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre 07/14 – Toronto, ON @ Budweiser Stage 07/16 – Montreal, QC @ Centre Bell 07/17 – Mansfield, MA @ Xfinity Center 07/20 – Hartford, CT @ Xfinity Theatre 07/21 – Saratoga Springs, NY @ Saratoga Performing Arts Center 07/23 – Bangor, ME @ Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion 07/24 – Gilford, NH @ Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion 07/26 – Darien Center, NY @ Darien Lake Amphitheatre 07/27 – Cincinnati, OH @ Riverbend Music Center 07/29 – Bethel, NY @ Bethel Woods Center for the Arts 07/30 – Syracuse, NY @ St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater 08/01 – Burgettstown, PA @ KeyBank Pavilion 08/02 – Camden, NJ @ BB&T Pavilion 08/04 – Cleveland, OH @ Blossom Music Theater 08/05 – Detroit, MI @ DTE Energy Music Pavilion 08/07 – Indianapolis, IN @ Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center 08/08 – Nashville, TN @ Ascend Amphitheater 08/10 – Raleigh, NC @ Coastal Credit Union Music Park 08/11 – Virginia Beach, VA @ Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater 08/13 – Columbia, MD @ Merriweather Post Pavilion 08/14 – Charlotte, NC @ PNC Music Pavilion 08/16 – West Palm Beach, FL @ Coral Sky Amphitheatre 08/17 – Tampa, FL @ MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheater 08/19 – Atlanta, GA @ Ameris Bank Amphitheatre 08/20 – Birmingham, AL @ Oak Mountain Amphitheatre 08/22 – Houston, TX @ Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion 08/23 – Dallas, TX @ Dos Equis Pavilion 08/25 – Albuquerque, NM @ Isleta Amphitheater 08/27 – Chula Vista, CA @ North Island Credit Union Amphitheater 08/28 – Phoenix, AZ @ Ak-Chin Pavilion 08/30 – Salt Lake City, UT @ USANA Amphitheater 08/31 – Denver, CO @ Pepsi Center 09/03 – Portland, OR @ Sunlight Supply Amphitheater 09/04 – Tacoma, WA @ Tacoma Dome 09/06 – Concord, CA @ Concord Pavilion 09/08 – Las Vegas, NV @ Palms Casino Resort 09/09 – Hollywood, CA @ Hollywood Bowl
The Wilson sisters are both dynamic performers in their own rights but – they are never better than when they perform together. This one goes on the “must attend” list!
Tickets go on sale Feb. 15th so – get that credit card out and hit you local ticketing locations then – 10 AM.
HEART Announces ‘Love Alive’ Tour – Summer Dates Revealed was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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marugujaratonline · 6 years
Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2019 for Navik (General Duty) Post
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Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2019 for Navik (General Duty) Post
Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2019: Indian Coast Guard has published Latest Job for Navik (General Duty) Post. This is great opportunity for Candidates Who Want to Make Their Future in Indian Coast Guard. Candidates Should Be find More Details about Indian Coast Guard Vacancies 2019. For more Details About Vacancies or Post Recruitment Check Official Website or Visit MaruGujarat Online.
Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2019
Other Details Like Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Salary Scale, Selection Process, Application Fee and How to Apply in This Job. All Details Are Given in Below Post Read Full Notification and Apply for It.
Indian Coast Guard Latest Job 2019 Organization Name: Indian Coast Guard Name of Position and Detail: Navik (General Duty)
12th Pass Job 2019
Education Qualification: 10+2 passed with 50% marks aggregate in total and minimum 50% aggregate in maths and Physics from an education board recognized by Central/State Government.(5 % relaxation in above minimum cut off will be given for SC/ST candidates and outstanding sports personnel of National level who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events at the Open National Championship/ Interstate National Championship. This relaxation will also be applicable to the wards of Coast Guard uniform personnel deceased while in service). Age Limitation: Minimum 18 Years and maximum 22 years i.e. born between 01 Feb 1997 to31Jan 2001 (both dates inclusive). Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates. Pay Scale | Salary: On joining Indian Coast Guard, you will be placed in Basic pay Rs. 21700/- (Pay Level-3) plus Dearness Allowance and other allowances based on nature of duty/place of posting as per the prevailing regulations. Promotion and Perquisites. (a) Promotion prospects exist upto the rank of Pradhan Adhikari with pay scale Rs. 47600/- (Pay Level 8) with Dearness Allowance. Promotion to the Officer cadre is subject to suitability and performance. Selection Process:  Selection of candidates is based on the order of merit depending on their performance in Written Test, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in the Medical Examination. How to Apply in Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2019 for Navik (General Duty) Post: Applications will be accepted 'Online only' from 21 to 31 Jan 19 till 1700 Hrs. Candidates are to logon to www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in and click on opportunities button. Read Official Notification: Join Indian Cost Guard Recruitment Detail PDF Apply Now: Apply Online For Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2019 Job Published Date: 20/01/2019 Last Date of Apply: 31/01/2019 Website Link: www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in Step For Apply Online To fill up "Online" application the candidates need to logon to the Website www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.inand click opportunity button and proceed as given below:- (i) Select the advertisement for Recruitment of Naviks (10+2 Entry) 02/2019 Batch. (ii) Select the post applied for- Navik General Duty. (iii) Click on the 'I Agree' button and the 'Online Application' will be displayed. (iv) Proceed to fill up the application (All Star (*) marked entries are compulsory and to be filled). (v) Candidates have to upload the photograph and signature in .jpeg format (image quality 200 dpi). The size of photograph and signature must be between 10 kb to 40 kb and 10 kb to 30 kb respectively. (vi) On completion of filling application, check your filled details once again prior clicking on the Submit button. (vii) On successful submission of the online application a unique Application/Registration number will be provided to the candidate. Candidates must note down this application number for future reference and for retrieval/ reprint of e-admit card. Applicants to take print out of the e-admit card through URL http://joinindiancoastguard.gov.in/reprint.aspx from 11 to 21 Feb 2019 only post short listing of the online application. For candidates NOT meeting the eligibility criteria, a ‘Rejection Slip, giving the cause of rejection with the Application Number’ will be displayed. Short-listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks for a particular examination Centre. (viii) Candidates are required to bring 03 copies of System generated e-admit card having allotted roll number with latest identical colour passport size photographs with Blue background(Not older than one month) pasted and signed at the bottom of application form against space provided for the signature. Candidates shall bring all original documents and keep one application form ready along with photocopies of all documents attested i.e. class 10thpass certificate and mark sheet, class 12th pass certificate and mark sheet showing subjects, caste certificate wherever required and domicile certificate of their respective statefor submission at the examination Centre on the date of examination. Any candidate who does not carry all these documents at the time of recruitment shall notbe permitted to appear in the written examination. Note: - Filling of multiple applications will result in cancellation of all applications. Find Local Job:  https://bit.ly/2sTm70p || Share This Post to Your Friends and Social Media || Join Our Whatsapp Group Join Telegram Channel Follow Facebook Page Read the full article
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loveaningenue · 8 years
Taylor Swift’s 2005-2006 MySpace Comments
Taylor’s alleged MySpace comments in a chronological order from 2005 to 2006. (Time of posts on 24h). Pictures of the comments were too blurry, so I didn’t add, but if needed, I have them saved in a file if anyone needs proof. 
NB: All the comments are replies to unknown posts by her friends, so the context is unknown. 
Sep 3, 2005 13:08
I am obsessed with you.
If you look out your window and down the street about 200 yards, you may see a big white van parked on the street. I am inside the van with a telescope and computer. Just trying to catch a glimpse of kelsey dammmnnn morris.
haha. end of story.
Sep 5, 2005 1:37
AWWWW brittany I miss you so much. And yes, I can verify that you do know every word to that song. I love you for it. :-) . Prom was incredible and thankyou so much for everything you’re ever done in the past to make me feel welcome into that whole group. You have always been so nice to me. Thankyou for everything. You may not have noticed but it really meant a lot to me. 
Sep 6, 2005 3:26
I’m in love with you.
There’s no other way around it.
Sep 10, 2005 2:01
Pretty girl.
I could away twenty and knock on your door and ask you how you’ve been...
But I think I’ll just sit here and type it. Tell me how you’ve been, child. taylor
Sep 11, 2005 21:09
I have the same name as your boyfriend.
Therefore I am better than everyone and you should like me more.
Sep 14, 2005 20:43
{haha i love you and your pretty crown}
Sep 18, 2005 11:56
Kelsey’s awesome. And got best smile. And should have gotten everything else. Hahah iloveyou
Sep 17, 2005 11:30
“I shot some guy with a flare gun” -sahara
best line ever.
Sep 21, 2005 23:26
Sep 30, 2005 17:06
I have one word for you.
Oct 11, 2005 23:13
Everybody watch Kelsey’s scrolling pictures of her friends until you get the one of shelby.
Her boobs look AMAZING.
Oct 18, 2006 16:36
- a prime example of the shit we OUGHT to learn in English class.
Oct 31 2005 8:12
i read your complaining comment about how your not abigails tip 8. well, how could you be? I’M THERE. TAKING YOUR SPOT HAHAhAHAHA. (evil laugh, you know the drill). Well, anyway, listen my queer fellow. I thinketh we shall hangeth out sometime soon, eh? yes, i do believe i am growing fond of this idea. drive over in your sex van and come pick me up. farewell knave. -T-
Nov 6, 2005 0:03
If you were a guy I’d probably date you.
Just a friendly reminder
Nov 26, 2005 17:54
My darling.
18 days till I get my license and  I think we’ll gave to go out in the hummer and shoot people we hate with a paintball gun out the passenger side window.
Abigail and I have been planning this for a while.
You should totally come.
We hear you have good aim.
lovelovelove -T-
Nov 26, 2005 21:50
{i like your headline}
and yes, I do.
lovelovelove -T-
Dec 4, 2005 22:07
Here’s a little limerick for you to solve while I waste my life away on the couch with a godforsaken migraine that is threatening my life eating ice cream out of the gallon container watching war of worlds wondering why I was fat as a 10-year-old and not cute like dakota fanning and thinking, “hey, this wouldn’t’t be so bad, everything getting blown to shit and half the world dying.. Life pretty much sucks anyway.”
I don’t want what I can get.
I fuck up what i had so i shouldn’t want it
I want what doesn’t want me Therefore I can’t get it Therefore I can’t be happy Therefore I sit in class writing notes t my equally psychotic redheaded best friend about how to achieve ultimate happiness when honestly we’re just dreamers because no one is ever permanently happy.
I have blonde hair and my name rhymes with sailor.
What am I?
Oh, fuck. It’s me.
Have an equally joyous night fa la la i love christmas
Dec 16, 2005 2:59
I’m Grant Motherfucking Wood.
I do what I want
and say the word “durr”.
iloveyoubutnotsomuchgrantwood hehehe -T-
Dec 21, 2005 0:17
I’m in England and this whole country is weird.
They’re all weird. Except for me. Who, as you know, is completely normal. 
Hey man we need to hang out when I get back. How about we combine me, my car, grant wood’s house, shelby, ally, some boys, lily and perhaps whitley, some drinks because you might get thirsty, and new year’s eve.
Dec 28, 2005 14:57
Just a little reminder to you that, even though the semester may be over..
I’m still quite obsessed with you.
haha fuck sewing machines.
lovelovelove -T-
Dec 28, 2005 
( i haven’t been on here in a while and technology alone fascinates me)
Hey I love you and now I know exactly where your house is, and also that Grant Wood plays guitar? Yes, he does. 
Because he’s Grant Motherfucking Wood, That’s why.
We’re hanging out New Years and I’m driving the Hummer and it will be amazing.
PS: Hi, Kelsey’s mom!
Dec 29, 2005 2:44
Lil’ Kels.
I looove love love your new pictures. You are pretty, 
You’re right.. you better watch out.
Because I do what I want.
Jan 4, 2006 22:37
I’m sorry. Now that I said that I’m probably going to get kicked off the list for disorderly conduct or just simply being a loser in a public place such as the internet. 
But just to let you know. That’s pretty freakin awesome. lovelovelove -T-
Jan 8, 2006 8:53
My name is Taylor. I am not clingy. I do not want a boyfriend.
I do not show signs of wanting a boyfriend.
I do not make hints leading on to the fact that I may want a boyfriend.
So how, tell me, on EARTH is it possible for someone confuse this issue and IGNORE me because they don’t want a girlfriend.
(%(* ..)%([IOJENTI..OWI$...]WO -T-
Jan 10, 2006 0:30
Umm how about DONT listen to addie.
That’s like the most amusing picture I’ve ever seen.
Take it down?
I think not.
Jan 18, 2006 0:14
The term is quite obviously FEM-bots.
Not THEM-bots..
I don’t know what goes in your clouded mind sometimes..
maybe I’m just too sexy and it distracts you. mmm i think i am correct. -T-
Jan 18, 2006 0:16
Oh P.S.
Boys with your name are not exactly as great as you.
I have had much experience with them lately.
hahaha and their girlfriends get mad ;-)
Feb 4, 2006 21:01
It serves NO purpose other than to make me look FUGLY.
I want it off NOW.
but i loove you
Feb 5, 2006 8:14
Guess who as a thing for you.
The hottest guy in the world.
Whats the mixture of a tiger and a lion?
think about it.
Feb 28, 2006 5:30
“I definitely just deep-throated the lollipop.”
Hey little girl.. do you want to know a seeker-ett?
hahaha thanks for helping me with my computer troubles. I know you bend many way for me. i like dat.
Mar 21, 2006 7:54
“Kelsey y dont u just LEAVE US ALONE.
hahahah. See, I had to write the original message with punctuations and vowels-- but I had to translate into the way SHE would write it.
But she’s not immature. She’s just not fond of correct spelling.
i love you -T-
Apr 5, 2006 7:51
LoL i KnOw!!
ExcLamAtiOn PoIntS aRe THIRD GrAdErS !! !! !!
(also notice this super cool signature I’m going to add in to the ending of this comment)
Apr 22, 2006 18:39
And as soon as I get my laptop back, I’ll be leaving you a certain picture that I think you’ll like.
Because a certain girl might see it. lovelovelove -T-
Apr 23, 2006 14:19
(This is you quite obviously staring at my boobs)
Apr 24, 2006 17:56
Lyrics we live by:
And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time I want what’s your and I want what’s mine
I want YOU, but I’m not giving  giving in this time.
haha i love you you’re really pretty. -T-
Apr 30, 2006 19:33
I love you and I’m sorry about all the “distance”.
Distance = stupid and unnecessary.
Dude. The truth us, i miss you. Starbucks tomorrow? 
May 2, 2006 22:10
Yeah, I remember I have that photoshoot today and tomorrow. Well, its good to know I was missed. haha. Speaking of missed, I really wish you didn’t work so much because I wanted to hang out today.
lovelovelove -T-
Call me.
May 27, 2006 1:44
The scrolling picture of your car is mad cool mannnnnn.
I stared at it for like an hour. hahaha
no really. the sad thing is, I did.
Jun 9, 2006 20:30
Kelsey. My lovely best friend. YOU CAME TO MY SHOWWWWWW! I didn’t know if you or ally actually came or not because I didn’t see you, thank you so much for coming. That means the world to me, you know that. I love you.
lovelovelove -T-
Jun 19, 2006 10:52
I leave again tonight for north carolina but i wont be gone as long this time, and I want my best friendddd backkkkk.
I love you and ally.
Jul 31, 2006 19:24
You know you’ve been away too long when your best friend doesn’t have any trace of you on her myspace anymore. Kelsey. I missss you.
I’m going over to Ally’s house tonight and if you’re not there I’m going to walk over to your house and abduct you. 
lovelovelove -T-
Here’s a LINK to the pictures of the alleged MySpace comments. 
Tumblr media
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theteenagetrickster · 5 years
R&B Tea free upsize for those born in the year of the Rat, Sheng Siong CNY promotions & other deals this week, Lifestyle, Singapore News - AsiaOne
We scour the island for the best deals to help you stretch your dollar, and keep you in the loop on the hottest shopping trends.
'Cos good things must share.
Your horoscope, lucky colors and numbers in 2020 according to your zodiac animal. Tap into the individual posts to see...
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Are you born in the year of the Rat? Scurry on down to the nearest R&B Tea outlet to enjoy a free upsize on selected drinks.
The promotion is available from Jan 23 to Feb 8, so treat yourself and get your fill on bubble tea. If you need help deciding what to get, the Brown Sugar Boba Milk is one of my favourites! 
For one day only, Sheng Siong will be having a CNY promotion across all outlets islandwide, with plenty of one-for-one deals as well.
The sale happening on Jan 20, includes mini abalones that are going for just $9.99 for 10 pieces, frozen rabbitfish for $6.88 per packet and other food and household items to stock up for the festive season. 
Cny treats Part II. Exclusively international plaza outlet from 20 - 22 Jan 2020. Huat la! #1for1promo #1for1 #heylongcha #heylongchasg #oolongtea #naturalpurehealthy
Posted by
To usher in the Chinese New Year (CNY), Hey Long Cha is offering one-for-one for its drinks from now till Jan 22.
The promotion is available on Mondays to Wednesdays exclusively at its International Plaza outlet. So cool off from the heat and indulge in boba tea.
Where: 10 Anson Rd, #01-14 International Plaza, Singapore 079903
Valentine's Day is around the corner, and Starbucks is teasing us with a new drink that will be available for a limited time today (Jan 20) before it officially drops on Jan 29.
The Blueberry Dark Mocha is a rich blend of dark chocolate, coffee, and blueberry that will sweeten yours or your special other's day. Be the first few to try out the new drink!
A post shared by Swensen's Singapore (@swensenssingapore) on Jan 6, 2020 at 12:00am PST
Make a date with your parents and spend quality time with them over a meal at Swensen's. 
From now till Feb 29, Swensen's is offering one complimentary a la carte main dish especially for parents, with every two main dishes purchased. A maximum of two main dishes can be redeemed with a minimum of five diners in one same bill.
Simply quote "Swensen's special moments" when ordering, upload a photo with your family and tag @SwensensSingapore together with the hashtag #SwensensSpecialMoments to enjoy the free mains. 
Where: All Swensen's outlet, excluding Earle Swensen's
This content was originally published here.
0 notes
hootywhom · 5 years
Gruesome Twosome: The Boulet Brothers Bring Dragula Tour to House of Blues 
Gorgeously ghastly queens showcase glamour, filth and horror this October
LAS VEGAS – August 6, 2019 – Heads will roll as The Boulet Brothers bring their infamous Dragula Tour to House of Blues Las Vegas Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019. The carefully crafted group of monster queens showcased in various seasons of the hit competition reality show will hit the stage in their ominous drag presentation.
Other announcements this week include electropop star, Clairo and 2020 dates for An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live. Unless otherwise noted, all tickets are on sale now by visiting HouseofBlues.com, MandalayBay.com,Ticketmaster.com or by calling 702-632-7600.
About House of Blues: Founded in 1992, the 11 House of Blues are located throughout the United States and form the country’s pre-eminent group of intimate music venues. Each features state-of-the-art sound and lighting technology in one-of-a-kind custom designed environments aimed to bring fans as close as possible to the artists. Every location’s restaurant and bar is adorned with signature original folk-art – part of the world’s largest collection – combined with the House of Blues legendary hospitality and tantalizing cuisine.
JUST ANNOUNCED  Friday, Sept. 13 | Concierto Del Amor: Tirbuto a Vicente Fernandez con Ivan Estrella Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Latin Tribute
Wednesday, Oct. 9 | Motionless in White: The Trick ‘R Treat Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets:  start at $27 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Heavy Metal
Saturday, Oct. 19 | Clairo – Immunity Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $22.50 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Electropop
Sunday, Oct. 20 | The Boulet Brothers Dragula Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $33 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Variety Drag Show
Sunday, Oct. 27 | The Story So Far with The Frights, Hunny & Just Friends Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Punk Rock
Jan. 22, 24-26, 28, 29, 31, Feb. 1| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
May 13, 15-17, 20, 22-24| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
UPCOMING SHOWS Thursday, Aug. 8 | STRANGELOVE – The Depeche Mode Experience Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 |Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Friday, Aug. 9 | Vegas Roulette Showcase with Hidden Scars & N.E. Las Words Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 |Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Saturday, Aug. 10 | Drag Queen Cuisine – Inside B Side at House of Blues Las Vegas Doors: 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: +18 | Genre:Drag/Variety
Saturday, Aug. 10 | Nas  Doors: 8 p.m.| Tickets: start at $39.50 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
Tuesday, Aug. 20 | O.A.R. – The Mighty O.A.R. Summer Tour 2019 with American Authors Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $40 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Rock
Friday, Aug. 23 | ROCK OFF: Tribute to Guns N’ Roses vs. Bon Jovi II Doors: 7:30 p.m.| Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Rock Tribute
Saturday, Aug. 24 | Tribal Theory with Mahi, The Escapers and Thrive Doors: 7:30 p.m.| Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Reggae/Ska
Monday, Aug. 26 | Leoni Torres – Amor Bonito US Tour Doors: 7 p.m.| Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Rock Tribute
Thursday, Aug. 29 | Daniel Caesar – Case Study 01: Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Contemporary R&B
Friday, Aug. 30 | Black Flag Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 |Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Saturday, Aug. 31 | Skillet & Sevendust: Victorious War Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Metal Rock
Sunday, Sept. 1 | Lil Duval: Living My Best Life Tour Doors: 8 p.m. | Tickets: start at $45 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Comedy
Friday, Sept. 6 | Gasolina Party Doors: 9 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Reggaeton
Thursday, Sept. 12 | Daniela Mercury – US Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $28 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Latin
Friday, Sept. 13 | Concierto Del Amor: Tirbuto a Vicente Fernandez con Ivan Estrella Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Latin Tribute
Saturday, Sept. 14 | Deep Purple: The Long Goodbye Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $89.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Sept. 18, 20-22, 25, 27-29 | Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
Thursday, Sept. 26 | Rancid with Special Guests Pennywise, The English Beat and Iron Reagon Doors: 5:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $45 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Punk Rock
Monday, Sept. 30 | BABYMETAL Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $46.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: International Metal
Monday, Sept. 30 | Ziggy Alberts – Inside B Side at House of Blues Las Vegas Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $20 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Indie
Wednesday, Oct. 2 | Calexico and Iron & Wine Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $39.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Indie Rock
Friday, Oct. 4 | Angels & Airwaves Doors: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Saturday, Oct. 5 | Big K.R.I.T. – From The South With Love Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
Wednesday, Oct. 9 | Motionless in White: The Trick ‘R Treat Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets:  start at $27 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Heavy Metal
Friday, Oct. 11 | UFO Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Metal
Wednesday, Oct. 16 | Sum 41: Order in Decline Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $33.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Rock
Friday, Oct. 18 | The Fall Tour of Hobo Johnson & The Lovemakers Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $27.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Indie Rap
Saturday, Oct. 19 | Clairo – Immunity Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $22.50 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Electropop
Sunday, Oct. 20 | Boulet Brothers Dragula Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $33 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Variety Drag Show
Wednesday, Oct. 23 | The Noise Presents: Amon Amarth – Berserker Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $37.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Heavy Metal
Thursday, Oct. 24 | Lagwagon with Face To Face and Destroy Boys Doors: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $27.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Punk Rock
Friday, Oct. 25 | Christian Nodal – Ahora Tour 2019 Doors: 8 p.m. | Tickets: start at $60 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Regional Mexican
Saturday, Oct. 26 | YELAWOLF Presents The GhettoCowboy Tour Doors: 8 p.m. | Tickets: start at $30 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Hip Hop/Rap
Sunday, Oct. 27 | The Story So Far with The Frights, Hunny & Just Friends Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Punk Rock
Oct. 30, Nov. 1-3, 6, 8-10 | Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
Thursday, Nov. 7 | Sabrina Claudio – The Truth Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $29.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Alternative R&B
Friday, Nov. 15 | As I Lay Dying: Shaped By Fire Tour Powered by Heart Support Doors: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Heavy Metal
Monday, Nov. 25 | Ones to Watch Presents: The Dead South – Served Cold Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $28 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Folk/Bluegrass
Jan. 22, 24-26, 28, 29, 31, Feb. 1| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
Saturday, February 15, 2020 | Ana Barbara “Mi Revancaha Tour” Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $55 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Latin Pop
May 13, 15-17, 20, 22-24| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
The post 💀 Gruesome Twosome: The Boulet Brothers Bring “Dragula Tour” to House of Blues appeared first on PR Plus.
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katiecad · 5 years
Gruesome Twosome: The Boulet Brothers Bring Dragula Tour to House of Blues 
Gorgeously ghastly queens showcase glamour, filth and horror this October
LAS VEGAS – August 6, 2019 – Heads will roll as The Boulet Brothers bring their infamous Dragula Tour to House of Blues Las Vegas Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019. The carefully crafted group of monster queens showcased in various seasons of the hit competition reality show will hit the stage in their ominous drag presentation.
Other announcements this week include electropop star, Clairo and 2020 dates for An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live. Unless otherwise noted, all tickets are on sale now by visiting HouseofBlues.com, MandalayBay.com,Ticketmaster.com or by calling 702-632-7600.
About House of Blues: Founded in 1992, the 11 House of Blues are located throughout the United States and form the country’s pre-eminent group of intimate music venues. Each features state-of-the-art sound and lighting technology in one-of-a-kind custom designed environments aimed to bring fans as close as possible to the artists. Every location’s restaurant and bar is adorned with signature original folk-art – part of the world’s largest collection – combined with the House of Blues legendary hospitality and tantalizing cuisine.
JUST ANNOUNCED  Friday, Sept. 13 | Concierto Del Amor: Tirbuto a Vicente Fernandez con Ivan Estrella Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Latin Tribute
Wednesday, Oct. 9 | Motionless in White: The Trick ‘R Treat Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets:  start at $27 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Heavy Metal
Saturday, Oct. 19 | Clairo – Immunity Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $22.50 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Electropop
Sunday, Oct. 20 | The Boulet Brothers Dragula Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $33 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Variety Drag Show
Sunday, Oct. 27 | The Story So Far with The Frights, Hunny & Just Friends Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Punk Rock
Jan. 22, 24-26, 28, 29, 31, Feb. 1| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
May 13, 15-17, 20, 22-24| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
UPCOMING SHOWS Thursday, Aug. 8 | STRANGELOVE – The Depeche Mode Experience Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 |Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Friday, Aug. 9 | Vegas Roulette Showcase with Hidden Scars & N.E. Las Words Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 |Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Saturday, Aug. 10 | Drag Queen Cuisine – Inside B Side at House of Blues Las Vegas Doors: 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: +18 | Genre:Drag/Variety
Saturday, Aug. 10 | Nas  Doors: 8 p.m.| Tickets: start at $39.50 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
Tuesday, Aug. 20 | O.A.R. – The Mighty O.A.R. Summer Tour 2019 with American Authors Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $40 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Rock
Friday, Aug. 23 | ROCK OFF: Tribute to Guns N’ Roses vs. Bon Jovi II Doors: 7:30 p.m.| Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Rock Tribute
Saturday, Aug. 24 | Tribal Theory with Mahi, The Escapers and Thrive Doors: 7:30 p.m.| Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Reggae/Ska
Monday, Aug. 26 | Leoni Torres – Amor Bonito US Tour Doors: 7 p.m.| Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: +18 | Genre: Rock Tribute
Thursday, Aug. 29 | Daniel Caesar – Case Study 01: Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Contemporary R&B
Friday, Aug. 30 | Black Flag Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 |Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Saturday, Aug. 31 | Skillet & Sevendust: Victorious War Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Metal Rock
Sunday, Sept. 1 | Lil Duval: Living My Best Life Tour Doors: 8 p.m. | Tickets: start at $45 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Comedy
Friday, Sept. 6 | Gasolina Party Doors: 9 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Reggaeton
Thursday, Sept. 12 | Daniela Mercury – US Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $28 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Latin
Friday, Sept. 13 | Concierto Del Amor: Tirbuto a Vicente Fernandez con Ivan Estrella Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $10 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Latin Tribute
Saturday, Sept. 14 | Deep Purple: The Long Goodbye Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $89.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Sept. 18, 20-22, 25, 27-29 | Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
Thursday, Sept. 26 | Rancid with Special Guests Pennywise, The English Beat and Iron Reagon Doors: 5:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $45 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Punk Rock
Monday, Sept. 30 | BABYMETAL Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $46.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: International Metal
Monday, Sept. 30 | Ziggy Alberts – Inside B Side at House of Blues Las Vegas Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $20 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Indie
Wednesday, Oct. 2 | Calexico and Iron & Wine Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $39.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Indie Rock
Friday, Oct. 4 | Angels & Airwaves Doors: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $35 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Rock
Saturday, Oct. 5 | Big K.R.I.T. – From The South With Love Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
Wednesday, Oct. 9 | Motionless in White: The Trick ‘R Treat Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets:  start at $27 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Heavy Metal
Friday, Oct. 11 | UFO Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Metal
Wednesday, Oct. 16 | Sum 41: Order in Decline Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $33.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Rock
Friday, Oct. 18 | The Fall Tour of Hobo Johnson & The Lovemakers Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $27.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Indie Rap
Saturday, Oct. 19 | Clairo – Immunity Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $22.50 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Electropop
Sunday, Oct. 20 | Boulet Brothers Dragula Tour Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $33 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Variety Drag Show
Wednesday, Oct. 23 | The Noise Presents: Amon Amarth – Berserker Tour Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $37.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Heavy Metal
Thursday, Oct. 24 | Lagwagon with Face To Face and Destroy Boys Doors: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $27.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Punk Rock
Friday, Oct. 25 | Christian Nodal – Ahora Tour 2019 Doors: 8 p.m. | Tickets: start at $60 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Regional Mexican
Saturday, Oct. 26 | YELAWOLF Presents The GhettoCowboy Tour Doors: 8 p.m. | Tickets: start at $30 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Hip Hop/Rap
Sunday, Oct. 27 | The Story So Far with The Frights, Hunny & Just Friends Doors: 6 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages| Genre: Punk Rock
Oct. 30, Nov. 1-3, 6, 8-10 | Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
Thursday, Nov. 7 | Sabrina Claudio – The Truth Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $29.50 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Alternative R&B
Friday, Nov. 15 | As I Lay Dying: Shaped By Fire Tour Powered by Heart Support Doors: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $25 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Heavy Metal
Monday, Nov. 25 | Ones to Watch Presents: The Dead South – Served Cold Tour Doors: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: start at $28 | Ages: 18+ | Genre: Folk/Bluegrass
Jan. 22, 24-26, 28, 29, 31, Feb. 1| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
Saturday, February 15, 2020 | Ana Barbara “Mi Revancaha Tour” Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $55 | Ages: All Ages | Genre: Latin Pop
May 13, 15-17, 20, 22-24| Carlos Santana – An Intimate Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live  Doors: 7 p.m. | Tickets: start at $99.50 (on sale Aug. 9) | Ages: 18+ | Genre:Classic Rock/Latin Fusion
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