#orionist thought
swordoforion · 3 years
Orion Digest №41 - A Short Treatise on Orionist Philosophy
While not a topic broached yet, I am of the personal conviction that the methods and structure laid out for eco-socialist federation are of little use without the motive for implementing them. There are those, belonging to the movements from which ESF theory is inspired, who already have their own individual motivations and desires associated with world federalism, socialism, or environmentalism. However, if the point of these ideas is to spread and attract attention so that one day, the ideals of a united and just world may be realized, so too must there be a reason why people should concern themselves with the struggles of others.
A more philosophical piece than others, below is what I consider to be a combination of previously introduced theories as well as an observation on human existence itself, and what I have come to consider the essential theory of Orion - the responsibility we have, as humans, to help others, and the resultant fight for eco-socialist federation that Orion is pledged to take on. I had written this separately from the Digest as a personal essay for purposes of elaboration and cohesiveness between the content of the Eco-Socialist Federalist Handbook and the Orionist's Creed, but I believe it fitting and necessary to publish publicly.
The purpose of Orion is to protect the survival and prosperity of the human race, and should our world expand, all sentient life. We were founded upon the desire to alleviate the suffering of the world, and what followed naturally from that desire were both the means of doing so and the reasoning behind the goal – the ‘how’ and the ‘why.’ The former is our founding political theory – eco-socialist federalism, and the latter our essential moral philosophy – Orionist thought. Both are essential to each other – federation cannot be established unless people believe in the cause, and mere intentions are hardly useful without the necessary action.
Eco-socialist federalism is a synthesis of previous theories of environmental policy, economy, and government, designed to both tackle the problems of our current age and remain as a stable structure long after they are solved. The developments of the Industrial Revolution resulted into an economic structure that has a) grown at an exponential rate at the cost of damage to our ecosystem, and b) shifts power over time to a small population of elites and owners without political confines to implement moral restrictions. Incapable of dealing with the consequences are the various governments of the world, that fight for power through force or policy, and usually side with the wealthy that grant them advantage in the game of nations. The constant threat of war and the economic divide that thrusts many into unlivable conditions feeds into the social divisions that pain humanity, and all the while, the damage we’ve done to the natural resources upon which we depend threatens to wipe us out while we fight amongst ourselves.
Thus, the theory poses political and economic reform on a global scale, in order to strike back at abuses against human rights (prosperity) and to stave off our extinction due to the climate crisis (survival). A democratic government between nations would be formed, with members required to conform to the constitutional standards of rights and freedoms, as well as standardized economic structure. This structure would involve the public ownership of means of production via the democratic state, which would lease resources for use to registered businesses, following a worker cooperative model and required to meet labor and wage standards. The chief policy of this new government would be to aid impoverished areas of the planet while de-escalating the production rates of the most industrialized nations in waves, until the course of every nation’s production was kept low enough to cut back on emissions, until public research and revitalization programs yielded positive results.
The combination of the three approaches would be necessary – economic reform would put some nations at risk of conflict with other nations were it not for federation, ecological action would be ineffective without a long-term change in industrial practices, and a federation alone would still be at the will of those with large pockets without removal of private ownership. While it borrows from environmentalist concerns, socialist theory, and the cause of world federalism, it recognizes that each must rely and feed off of the other if effective change is to be established.
However, while the implementation of such would be beneficial for the whole of humanity, it would still require great effort and cost to do so, and the question arises of why we should bother with taking a fresh start, rather than just letting the snake eat its own tail and to have the species die off. More specifically, some wonder why they should bother themselves with helping others at all. In comes the second theory of Orion, which is properly known as Orionist thought, or Orionism for short.
From the second we are born, we are observing and discovering the world around us, and to know joy is to see the beauty in the world around you. Different people see and appreciate the world differently, but we all have things we hang onto, things we value, and we all try to find some meaning or answer about ourselves from the universe around us, as well as the people we meet. Every person will experience some combination of pleasure and pain in their unique journey that leads them in pursuit of some sort of satisfaction, whether it be to write a book, to see sights, or simply to find peace and understanding. It varies for everyone, but all find whatever they believe to be their meaning and purpose, and learn about themselves in the process. As we possess the ability of empathy, we are able to understand and relate to others, and in them, we can see elements of ourselves – their hopes and fears, their habits and desires.
Since we can understand others, we can understand also why they might shrink from pain, and why they might experience elation at comfort. As we all seek to fulfill our various needs, from physical to psychological, we may sometimes be blinded to the fact that others are like us as we struggle against each other to assure our survival, but if we look past that, we can see others, like ourselves, trying to survive and figure out the puzzle of existence. Realizing that we’re both just trying to make it, we can find some joy in helping others with their own experience, as it is a helping hand that we would want in our own lives. If we would want the pains and burdens to be a little lighter, and for the highs of life to be a little sweeter, we can understand why they would want it as well.
By showing kindness and improving the lot in life of others, we demonstrate the basic concept that we are not alone in this journey, and that kindness does exist. People can work together to fulfill their needs, to understand themselves and each other, and to find that personal happiness. It is not simply about personal benefit – helping others does not necessitate that they help you back. Rather, making the world better is something we must do because we see ourselves in those that suffer, whether we suffer ourselves or fear the possibility of suffering, and we act in solidarity as the change we want to see, as the voice we would want to hear, the hand we would want to lift us up. As we would want our burdens lessened, we work to lessen the burdens of others like us.
It is our responsibility, if we be able, to save the world from destruction and division, for the sake of our fellow citizens today, and for the future generations to come. To do this, we must strive for the establishment and protection of eco-socialist federation, as well as assistance and security to those in need of it. To serve others who, used to the constant fight for survival and the age-old bid for power, might never show us the same courtesy, and to push down our own desires for comfort, we must possess discipline to tame and hone our passions. Anger must become drive, greed must become temperance, restlessness must become patience, and so on. We must be willing to stand kind and firm in the face of the misguided and the grieving.
The final level of Orionist philosophy follows necessarily from the others – if we hold a responsibility to help others, it will require sacrifice to fight and change the world. It is not an easy task to convince others so set in their ways, to take on titans that burn the world and chain the people, to approach age-old empires and get them to side with ancient enemies in one fight, as one people. We cannot wait for gradual improvement, for our devastation of the environment has ensured that we are facing a ticking clock. Thus, it will take dedication beyond a simple afternoon of effort, and very likely, sacrifice of those willing to give their happiness so that many others can appreciate the beauty that they dream of seeing. Our dreams of a united and peaceful world will be lived out by those that succeed us.
The envisioned Orion is an organization that stands from now until its last member, dedicated to upholding and, whenever necessary, fighting for the survival and prosperity of humanity. Its charge is the world; not one specific people, not a select few, but all the world. Its members see the beauty in the universe around them, use empathy to understand the thoughts and dreams of others, take on the responsibility of bettering the world, temper their passions through discipline to better help the people, and are willing to sacrifice so that others may be free to explore themselves and the unending cosmos.
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