spardium · 4 years
it’s been a while since dante’s done any sort of outside training, often preferring to the safe confines of his room or anything but showing himself to the public eye too much. however, he was in the mood to practice with some people  ---  or to repeatedly hit a dummy, he isn’t too picky. and that’s what he’s been doing for the last few minutes, using his very cool sword to do some very cool tricks against a helpless dummy.
After he’s finished this barrage of hits against the poor dummy, his eyes lands on a small figure watching him close by. a kid, perhaps? something stands out, and dante’s quick to notice.
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“aren’t ya’ a little too young to be here, kiddo?” dante approaches, tactless as ever. “unless you plan on kickin’ some ass, maybe this isn’t the best place for you.”
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isolaradiale · 4 years
*bangs on the bars* LET ME IIIIIINNN. I'm here to re-app Orlondi from Nanatsu no Taizai.
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Orlondi!
You’ll be housed in APARTMENT 304.
You will be given everything you were previously.
-- mod altair.
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losingmyjustice · 4 years
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@orlonditherose​ sent;
❛ I feel like I haven’t slept in months. My neighbours are scared of me. ❜
House Of Leaves
Clive struggled to resist the urge of rolling his eyes.
This guy, from all people, having dreadful sleeping problems — to the point where he hasn't been well-rested once for several months? That's ridiculous, but not as much as it is to imagine their neighbours, or roommates, even, to be terrified of this fella.
Granted, perhaps he might be a tad too desensitized for his own good when it comes to these things, but Clive genuinely couldn't imagine them to come off scary to some, given they behave the same. "Need someone to knock you out?" he'd smirk, clearly joking, although he'd drop it mere seconds later, shifting to a more serious tone. "No, but, if that persists — consider purchasing some sleeping meds, they might help."
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"Sleep's important if you don't want to be as weak as a string of wool." what a hypocrite.
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ombraventi · 4 years
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Half-Life but the AI is Self-Aware Starter Sentences 4 @orlonditherose​ said:
*cacophony of slurping*
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“Do you mind? That slurping sound is disgusting.”
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anglerfishnabe · 4 years
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First meeting {Sentence Starters} (NOT ACCEPTING)
@orlonditherose​ sent:  “Hi! I just need you to pretend like you know me!”
There’s urgency in these words as is in the grab of Ogata’s sleeve. Ogata looks at the strangers who drags him to the counter. He’s not sure what’s going on and doesn’t get an explanation either. It makes the decision easy when they ask the question
“ No”, he says with his most honest expression - a blank expressionless face.
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“ I haven’t got a clue who this is. “
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honourburned · 4 years
{ STARTER CALL }  >> @orlonditherose​
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“ do you, uh... know how to get back to the apartments from here? ”   The question is asked with a little twinge of embarrassment. But Zuko’s been wandering around trying to find his apartment for awhile now. What he wouldn’t give to have a map of this place.
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helpingthelongrain · 4 years
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@nanamigatari, @otherworldly-healer, @existentialismee and @orlonditherose​ asked: 🔆
Send me a “🔆” if you enjoy seeing me on your dash!
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rexerrat · 4 years
@orlonditherose / s.c.
{ 👑 } NOMMIN, SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH, WASN'T HIS FIRST choice. oh, he's known for laziness, may be best at home lounging on the beach with feet in the air, but Gangrel thrived with a bit of danger and a bit of greed. yet, his phone had other plans, it seems, glitching out with his hands full of some old pirate booty, and sending him straight to this ACCURSED paradise.
HANDS NOW COMPLETELY EMPTY, THE CELLULAR device merrily ringing in his pocket as if to taunt him. Gangrel's eyes lower to naked palms, shaking hands that now balled up into angry fists. He does not bother to disguise the angry HISS that exhales between his lips, nor does he hold back the kick he sends into a nearby coconut. A coconut of which soars remarkably MAJESTICALLY through the air, only to fall to a halt a few inches away from a blonde kid who looked equally out of place here.
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
“Ah... This is a peculiar situation, isn’t it? Come, sniff out any wanderers for me.”
She was in a strange, tropical island. One that she had no idea existed in this world until now- and with no way back home. The stars must have gotten bored again, she supposes. In the world of witches, game masters becoming bored and weaving a strange scenario wasn’t uncommon.
Even as the heat was becoming annoying, she didn’t mind much. Those children will have their fun, and everything will end soon.
“Hoh-? Orlondi?” 
Emerging from some bushes was Virgilia, riding on the shoulder of a brutish goat butler. As soon as she found company, she glided off of the goat and it promptly disappeared.
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“So you’re in this strange place as well. How regrettable, you must be getting too hot in those clothes too. Shall we go find some shade?”
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aid-lombard · 4 years
@orlonditherose​ liked.
This child...looks like a lot of trouble. Saint-Germain knows she shouldn’t judge someone based on their appearance, but it’s clear in the way he holds himself that he’s at least very smug. The son of a noble family? Who knew--it certainly didn’t matter now that he was in Spirale, and his potential high status wasn’t going to get him the bouquet of flowers he was looking at alone.
But still, it wasn’t like she didn’t have the money to buy out the entire flower stall.
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“Do you wish to purchase these flowers?” She’s very curt, quickly looking at the boy, and then the flowers. “I would assume you have a reason for staring at them.”
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homunculusrune · 4 years
❝ I’m good, amigo. The bleeding’s all internal. That’s where the blood is supposed to be.❞
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Kiddo, you’re the blood expert here, how well does that work out for people you’ve stabbed in the past.
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lancerofclay · 4 years
Super strength is great and all, but there are still issues of balance. Enkidu’s hefted half of an enormous statue over their head. Carrying it isn’t a problem, but adjusting for the weight is a little harder. 
They wobble, and its edge clips a building, sending bit of concrete falling to the sidewalk. 
No one appears to be hurt, but they shift their grip to hold it a little steadier. 
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“Oh no- I am sorry! I will be more careful.” 
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Hello, I would like to drop Orlondi the Rose from Nanatsu no Taizai. He was housed in 304. I also drop Sariel from the same series (fourwinged, for easy unfollow), who's been housed in 216.
They’ll both be dropped for you!
– ⋆ canopus.
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losingmyjustice · 4 years
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@orlonditherose​ sent;
> "Itazuji" — OC, Faceclaim stolen from Winter Moon | AO RP |
'How realistic,' she chuckled as soon as you entered back into the lobby. You can see that Ken, too, was resisting a laugh. ... Of course, they were eavesdropping. Was a given, at this point. 'Do you even remember half of what you said?'
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"Duh!! Mallory Lourdes Marquise! If I want to pass as a Native here in Scallasya, I might as well have the complicated mish-mash people have here!" they're still laughing, great. Fine, you might have said this solely because you were panicking when she asked for your name, but, not like you'd admit it. That your name has a significance is something they didn't need to know. Yet. It's not as if this was even your idea. Though, trying to mask off a young child as 'over 18' and 'on a business trip' sure uh. Sure is something bound to fail sooner or later.
Well, you weren't doing as awful as Ken; at least you had some magic roots you could use as 'proof'. Ken, in turn, would be royally fucked. Speaking about Ken ... 'Lest we talk even louder about this, how about we hurry to the District?' ... at least that was one thing both of you could unanimously agree on.
Still, it was infuriating on how little you had a say in anything. You want to go back home. Back to Pa, if possible.
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paaperboats · 4 years
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(    ; ▽ UNCOMMON CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT  –  accepting   )
@orlonditherose​​ said:
              ▷:           What position does your character sleep in? 
red usually flips between sleeping on her stomach and her side, and she usually holds onto something when she does. this most times ends up being her pillow, but she will on occasion bring the transistor into her bed when she’s feeling particularly lonely.
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when boxer still had his body, she always curled into his side and slept with her head on his chest; he would keep an arm around her and they would just.. stay like that, for almost the entire night. red isn’t a particularly heavy sleeper, but she felt the most rested whenever he was with her; these days.. she doesn’t really get to experience those sleeps anymore.
it helps to have the transistor so close to her bedside, but it’s not the same. boxer doesn’t get to sleep anymore and that keeps her up at night.
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regemverum · 4 years
@orlonditherose​ / starter call.
He hadn’t the time as of late to explore much of the Golden Ward. He likes it, though, finds it interesting and eclectic; the people he’s met are friendly and even more fascinating, but since he cares little for being observed and would much rather be the observer he keeps to himself. The dogs here are an interesting touch, something that Spirale has that he’s never seen elsewhere. Screens for heads -- now, that’s something the Empire would have loved to have, a shame technology wouldn’t combine daemons and computers in that particular way just yet. Imagining a world like that makes Ardyn smile just a little, and he almost reaches to touch one of the creatures when he notices the smaller child nearby.
He grins, and instead of attempting to chase down one of the canines he saunters close to the young boy, his coat swaying back and forth as he does. His hat is hiding some of his face with the angle of his hat but it’s not on purpose; the sun was rather bright earlier, but now that it’s beginning to get dark he can tilt it back. As he does, he makes eye contact with the other and a slow smile appears on his face.
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“Have you had any more luck with our canine acquaintances?”
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