#orrrr to protect someone. not herself
mymarifae · 4 months
so does anyone else want to talk about the big ass clue about march 7th's past dropped in the clockie movie saga side quest of all places or
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because like i'm sorry girl What Did You Just Fucking Say
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skyauroka · 5 months
🌺sky the oc (also tf do we call her?? like sona sky?? just sky?? oc sky?? The Birb?? wut do)
oof kinda hard one, haven't really thought about this with the new design xD
also jus call her Auroka for the oc :]
• In what situation would your OC be pushed to commit an act of violence?
To start with the basics,,, definitely when her village would be under attack, be it some thieves or anyone outside her people that are armed she wouldn't hesitate to hurt them. Not as far as to kill them though, just enough to scare them away.
Orrrr she's very most likely to step in when friends or loved ones are involved. (fights, arguments etc)
• Would they go as far to kill someone if they had to?
Yes. She would- if she was forced to, or if it was her last resort to protect someone, especially if one of her friends or loved ones were severely hurt, close to dying or dead.
• How would this affect them and their relationships with others?
For the others? They'd treat it like it was nothing, almost normal. She's one of the protectors of their village, and they're doing it to protect them. They know the best actions to handle that type of situation, no?
If it was the best decision to do to protect someone who was about to die at the moment, then they're fine-ish with it.
It's not like they're slaughtering everyone who comes through, they're a small village- They can understand.
Maybe her closer friends/family would be a bit.. concerned about her, but once again, would be treated like normal.
For Auroka???? She'd be out of it for a few good days. She's never killed anyone before, she wouldn't know how to handle it in any other way other than isolating herself for a while. Was it really the best decision she could've taken at that moment, or could she have found another way to avoid it?
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Sort of fanfic idea : the ghosts love Hermione.
So the idea is that when she gets into Hogwarts at 11, all (and I mean ALL) the ghosts and the people in paintings instantly love her. There *could* be a reason for that but ngl I didn't tought of any.
She was prepared for not having friends, but suddenly a whole bunch of dead people love her?? It's weird ! Also nice. Most of the ghosts and painting-people would do almost anything she asked without even asking for a reason and they're all very happy to answer her questions! Hermione learns so many things from the ghosts - they lived historical events and they just know so much!! They protect her from some bullies and I just really love the idea of Peeves being absolutely smitten with Hermione. He teaches her some harmless pranks and prank the students that insult her!!
I just like the idea of Hermione having a whole school worth of Ghosts and people in the painting being super protective of her (and then after hogwarts she discovered that actually ALL the ghosts and paintings are like that with her and like. Nice, very nice, but why???)
Ooooh another idea. Hermione being haunted by Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuf and Rowena Ravenclaw!!
Like. They've been with her for literally all of her life (and they have no idea why they're drawn to this particular young witch, but like. Why not, right? They have nothing else to do.). She grew up with those four ghosts that her parents believed to be imaginary friends. She believed it too for some time - but they knew things she couldn't know and. She did magic. That's proof. If I go with my headcanon that Hermione's parents love their daughter but are slightly absent and neglectful - she's practically been raised by those four ghosts (she MIGHT have called Salazar and Godric "dad" and Helena and Rowena "mom" ONCE. Or twice. Or more actually. When she's 10 she stops trying to stop herself. Salazar officially becomes "dad" while Godric becomes "papa". Rowena becomes "mom" while Helena becomes "mama". She still considers the Granger her parents! But... The four ghosts ARE the ones who raised her :/) and like idk. I just want Hermione raised by the founders (?) And how that would affect her.
Or or or or.... Hermione raised by Sam and Dean Winchester!! And their extended supernatural family. Let's say it's a universe where any big boss has been taken care of and Sam and Dean are just... Normal hunters like in season one, yeah? I said "and their extended supernatural family" cause I don't think those two really could raise a kid alone... (also! Bobby and Benny are alive!! I want Hermione to have a cool grandpa and a vampire uncle!!) and like. They don't really teach Hermione how to be a hunter cause :/ but they teach her how to recognize any supernatural creature and if they're hostile or not. Also how to fight!! Cause even if she doesn't wants to be a hunter, Hermione has to know how to defend herself! Sam and Dean and everyone are not really surprised she's a witch cause hello accidental magic?? Hey but since it's in America wouldn't she go to an American magic school...? Mmmh that could be interesting. Orrrr she still goes to Hogwarts for some reason because it would be funnier. She would be the weird kid :( American accent, has a GUN in her bag, puts salt around her bed at night?? Draw pentacles under every carpet ? She says it's just to be safe but safe from what? (Hermione lived with hunters and friendly monsters all her life and those are normal security measures!!). By the end of the first semester she's friends with all the ghosts and half of the forbidden forest, even the centaurs. Also. Kinda want like... Castiel appearing in the middle of the great Hall at breakfast to deliver a letter (cause Hermione got no howl yet) and it's like *everyone is dumbfounded* "Hermione, here's your letter. Your dads wanted to come in person but I thought it would be better if they didn't." "oh thanks uncle Castiel! And yeah you're right it would have been weird". And then Castiel disappears like he appeared and chaos comes. It's impossible to apparate in Hogwarts!!! Who was this man??? Was he human?? (it would be a very complicated situation so I like to think that Castiel comes back to erase the incident of everybody's memories. Don't remember if he can do that but if not, he should). Also Hermione knowing almost more about magical creatures than Hagrid... She's not afraid of vampires cause 1) they're just people 2) please my uncle is a vampire. She'd be respectful of the goblins uh. The goblins would like that! A polite witch. Nice for once.
How did I go from "wouldn't it be funny if Peeves juts really really liked Hermione?" to "Hermione raised by the Winchester". I just REALLY REALLY like the fanfics where Hermione is raised by someone else or has a weird family (I remember an awesome one where she was a Holmes).
About that, if you know any good fanfics where she is raised by someone else/has a weird family, please tell me in the comments!!
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 4 years
All American-High Expectations 03X03 (The CW) Part. 1
I seen someone say that they think the reason that Spencer and Olivia are so awkward right now is they think that Olivia tried to hit on/sleep with Spencer and he refused her.
I don’t know man. Though i’m still holding out on them falling in love in Vegas, I think Spencer and Olivia at the very least made out. But that clip of that half-naked girl in Spencer’s flashback i’m sure it is Olivia. 100%
If it was Layla in Spencer’s flashback, what would be the purpose of it? Like i’m sure Layla and Spencer banged before, but what would isolate this moment of Layla and Spencer together. What would the purpose be?
In this new episode, Spencer said “why didn't you tell me you went to see Asher after you left me in Vegas”. And she said vice versa about Layla visiting him.. They defintely f*cked in my opinion. This means that she was with Spencer before she went to Asher. You have to also look at connotation. Why does he need to know she went to Asher, her boyfriend, after leaving him Vegas, Why would he feel any right to know that she went to Asher if he didn’t feel some type of claim to her? A sibling wouldn’t ask that. A friend wouldn’t ask that. It’d be more along the lines of, “ooh I heard you visited Asher, what y’all get up to?”
In my opinion, Spencer and Olivia was having a good ole time in Vegas, and eventually had sex. Though it’s Vegas, I don’t even think either one was drunk or high. I think they were sober and their desires/heart got to the best of them. I think what made Olivia go to see Asher is maybe Layla appeared in Vegas and she was reminded that them two were together and maybe Spencer didn’t stop her from kissing him or something. Or maybe she didn’t actually see Layla appear but Olivia felt guilty and decided to visit to her Asher.
I don’t know it would surprise me if Asher was with the other girl sexually/romantically. From how he was denying JJ had any chance with her, either three things are possible: (1) he is jealous as he likes her/was with her sexually or (2) he is an older sibling and he is keeping his relationship to the coach a secret for some reason. (3) protective childhood friend.
HOWEVER, I personally don’t believe that Asher cheated. I think either he saw her walk away when she visited him on the beach and probably think she is misunderstanding the situation or (2) someone must have told him that she came and he must suspect that she knows or thinks he is cheating because she never showed up and now refuses to talk about summer....but you never know, he could’ve.  Update: Asher says he didn’t sleep with the girl, Vanessa, I think her name is, and if he is telling the truth, then I was right on the mark.
But back to Spencer, y’all can’t deny the brief touches between them are no longer friendly. From Spencer lightly grasping her hand, deeply hugging her like she is his lifeline, and the looks he give. He looks so jealous when he sees her with Asher. When he came back to the baker house looking for Jordan, he didn’t get snippy until he saw Asher was there....why? Everything is loaded with sexual frustration and jealousy.
I thought that Asher and Spencer were cool when the first season ended. Why is Spencer giving such frosty looks to Asher. He didn’t know anything about Asher and the girl Asher was supposedly with, as evidenced by the above question he gave Olivia. So it’s not like he is coming from a pissed off friend/sibling angle that she was supposedly being cheated on. Why did their relationship sour?
I also kind of think that Olivia might have misunderstood again, and that Layla did visit but that nothing sexual happened between them. I think Olivia was jealous so she left Spencer in Vegas and went to Asher. And I think Spencer at the time didn’t know why she left. So they barely or not at all contact each other because Spencer thinks Olivia doesn’t want to talk about it and kind of snippy at being left and Olivia thought Spencer was intimate with Layla. Now, for Olivia BLM event that Jordan told Spencer about. Spencer tries to talk with Olivia but she’s not receptive and when Asher arrive he jealously watches as she jumps into Asher’s arms. Then is further angered by finding Asher in the Baker house, coming from upstairs, symbolizing that he thinks or knows that they had sex. So now he gets snippy, then he starts focusing more on Layla. Part of me think he is trying to forget about what happened since Olivia is unwilling to talk or pursue anything, but the other part of me think he is trying to make her jealous.(tit for tat) He is really ramping up the pda with Layla in front of her, and each time we see Olivia leave or looks around awkwardly.  This tension was never there before. This is deeper than a denied attempt at hooking up. This is two people who got caught up in Vegas and are left reeling with their feelings. 
I think part of why Olivia is not confronting Asher about her seeing him with the girl is that: (1) she doesn’t want to lose him in case he decides to leave her for the girl (she does have some feeling for him) (2) she doesn’t know if she has the right to angrily go off on him because she herself slept with Spencer. (3) she doesn’t want to hurt him.
OH! I also forgot to add that I think Jordan knows about Olivia and Spencer hooking up. This whole breaking up a family thing is weird to me...like is he referencing that his dad and mom split because he thinks it’s Spencer’s mom fault orrrr?? Jordan while even after his encounter with the police is still not 100% aware of how life is for the non-wealthy black folks, I feel and saw that Jordan understood and supported Spencer returning to his old highschool team. While I won’t deny that Jordan would probably miss playing with Spencer, I just don’t buy that this whole feud is because Spencer left the team. I also feel that it should be pretty aware to the players that the reporter twisted Spencer’s words. I think Jordan especially knows that Spencer isn’t exactly savvy with how reporters work yet.  So he should support Spencer on that end.
But you know...that is just my opinion :) I could be wrong but theorizing is one of the fun parts about watching a show. I will update as I get further into the episode.
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sydnam · 7 years
OUAT 6x21-22 “The Final Battle”
I actually really liked almost all of this.
Running commentary under the cut.
PREVIOUSLY...everything is about Emma and Henry and then we shoehorned Hook and a wedding in. Bah.
Who is this cute little one? Why does she have the book? A Book? Oh fuck they ARE going with older Henry, aren’t they? :(
Henry Daniel Mills you get off that roof right this minute before you get hurt! Are we in Storybrooke that ISN’T Storybrooke? Oh Archie. :( Time jump? A wee one at least?
Ah so it’s the Normal Again episode. AND FUCKING NURSE RATCHED. How come Archie knew Henry meant Emma? DID Henry mean Emma when he asked for his mom? Oops, not a wee time jump. Who takes care of Henry if Emma is in an institution? OHHHHH I didn’t see that coming. Hey Fiona. She stole Henry but WHERE is Regina? Protective Henry is a good Henry.
Meanwhile in FTL we have Regina as EQ, Snow, Charming, Hook, and miraculously bb Neal was remembered. The Snow wig is not great right now.
Archie is coming across as evil right now I’m disturbed. Fiona is trying to ship Emma to Boston. Fiona don’t hurt the book. Burn the book? How is burning a book embracing reality? It’s just destruction of property. Yeah I thought that mirror was suspicious.
HOLY SHIT A JEFFERSON REFERENCE? Didn’t see THAT coming? So. We’re in the Neverending Story and everything is being eaten by the Nothing? Henry is Bastian and Emma is the Childlike Empress except she needs belief and not a name?
Ok what’s the deal with RUmple now though? Does he know? I bet he knows. Gideon dresses like his Papa! HOW DARE YOU HAVE HIS MOTHER BE LOST SHOW HOW DAAAARE YOU Fiona this is your SON don’t creep on him. Also didn’t they make a deal to protect Rumple’s loved ones wtf Fiona.
Hey it’s Aladdin and Jasmine! And an Arandelle reference. Yes Regina, kick some ass. And yes get Henry and Emma back because you love them both.
Emma going full on Sarah Connor?
How many fucking beans ARE there It was NOT your first adventure it was you trying to SCREW HER AND HER FAMILY AND FRIENDS OVER Sorry Hook don’t care about you. Still.
Henry, keep trying. How come Emma who’s been institutionalized for 2 years is more like herself than Emma of last episode? Henry you have no memories of the last 2 years here how do you know where Archie keeps the car keys also why does Archie keep the car keys shouldn’t they be locked up with Emma’s personal effects in the institution?
Rumple’s looking for something. Hmm. He KNOWS something. What’s up? Ah. HHH. Is the book gonna make Gideon remember? Ohhh Gideon that was cruel. Oh sure Belle went to the store and never came back. He knows he has to know but maybe he doesn’t? So confused. Maybe he can’t SAY things? I mean we know he made a deal with the Black Fairy to protect his family.
WTF EQ IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE WISH REALM? Are they ALL in the Wish Realm? Oh nope, apparently not.
Fiona knows Henry knows. But she doesn’t seem to mind. Oh that was cruel. Don’t hurt the kid!
Fiona you’re not terribly convincing. Get’er Rumple. Wait maybe he doesn’t know? I JUST CANNOT TELL.
Hello bad CGI! Is Anton gonna be here? We can hope. No he isn’t right, Charming. MY SON EWWWW GROSSSSSSS THE WORST THING CHARMING EVER SAID EVEN WHEN HE WAS EVIL OR ACTUALLY HIS BROTHER I am so tired of beans being everywhere though.
IT’S A DRAGON HURRAY Is it Maleficent or Lily?
Oh Rumple PLEASE tell me you can tell those are super badly photoshopped. Fiona you didn’t even TRY. So did Belle have Gideon when she was like, 10? Dr Whale getting multiple mentions tonight! Oh no, no magic flashes! Poor Henry. Not a kid? He’s 14. He’s a baby! Emma if your kid is concussed why would you upset him by BURNING his prized possession that doesn’t even make sense? Shouldn’t the book be like immune to tampering? DEFINITELY NEVERENDING STORY DISLIKE that seeing Hook’s picture is making Emma remember. WHy not her parents?
HI TIGER LILY Fairies have forseen it? THAT NEVER ENDS WELL
DAMN Fiona, serving him up his book’s ashes on a hospital tray? COLD. I don’t understand how this curse actually works. It’s odd.
Hook falling to his doom! If only… HOW did Charming survive that? Orrrr how did Hook survive that, that’s even MORE improbable. MUMMY? EW GROSS STOP THAT THIS INSTANT.
Emma, stop being awful to your kid. You know better. Also Emma if you’ve been locked up for 2 years what sort of life do you even have to go back to in Boston? I’m guessing ZERO LIFE.
HOW THE HELL is her apartment still there? Who paid the rent? Who paid her phone bill? Her other utilities? Who dusted the place?
Snow you share a heart surely you should know if he is dead or not? I was worried he was dead though. It would have been a nice full circle touch though VERY upsetting.
I’m your grandson. YES. RUMPLE IS SO PROUD OF HENRY RIGHT NOOOOOW. Rumple you also care about Henry stop pretending.
So is Belle locked up in the basement or under the library? Those are my guesses.
Oh no Henry. Don’t do that. Or maybe he’s just baiting his family into getting back faster. Wait which Regina is which now EQ dying redemptively is honestly how i thought that storyline was gonna end in the first place
Since when does the Town Hall look like that? Oh GOOD Emma, finally.
Well this is creepy, everyone on a pedestal floating in the Nothing.
Sure would be nice to see Belle in this finale since Emilie’s either laid off or demoted… OH LOOK THERE SHE IS. ...did she make her like seriously agoraphobic that is FUCKED UP WOW THAT IS SO CRUEL and also impressive
Fiona, Gideon has NO idea what you’re on about. NOOOOOO NOT HIS HEART STILL THAT IS AWFUL Poor Gideon. Wait whose heart is in Gideon then?
I do so enjoy when Rumple lets people who cursed him know he knows. OH RUMPLE LOOK AT YOU MAKING GOOD CHOICES BB I AM SO PROUD OH HELL NO YOU LEAVE NEALFIRE OUT OF THIS OH RUMPLE BB <3 Only light can snuff out light? That doesn’t even make sense, Fiona. BYE FIONA I was pretty sure she was doomed this episode.
GIDEON NO BB BOY DON’T DO IT Where’s his heart though? Can we locator spell it? Blood magic? Something? WILL HIS MOMMA SAVE HIM?
Nicely done, Henry
Belle he could fix your ankle in 2 seconds HE IS MAGIC
Emma don’t give up you JUST got your hope back COME ON Regina this is an excellent pep talk
The choreography on this fight is not great Shades of Becoming: Part 2 Oh Emma Oh Gideon
Oh Rumple, bb, you tried. OK NOW KISS AND BREAK THE CURSE
OMG IS THAT BABY GIDEON DID HE REBOOT But what about Giles? Giles is a fucking delight. :(
And the book is magically reborn! I was hoping it would be. So they were both the Savior after all. And no The End. :D
LOOK AT ALL THOSE RESTORED REALMS This would have been a good series finale, actually.
Time Jump? Nope. They just have outrageously large boots for bb Neal.
EW HOOK SHOULD NOT BE A SHERIFF THAT IS A FUCKING HORRIFIC IDEA Like, yesterday he shot a dude in the back and wanted to murder him. YESTERDAY.
AWW ROBIN YAY Awwww that’s cute
MONORAAAAAIL Wait why is the wee child in Seattle now? 815!
I am CONFUSED AS FUCK how wee child got to Seattle And how Henry was in FTL in the first place THIS BETTER BE EXPLAINED WELL IN THE FALL
But how the FUCK is this gonna work next year with half the cast missing?
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hatsutsil · 4 years
I Can Do What I Want
     ok so I used to keep a journal but my hand always hurt after a bit and I can’t get the words down fast enough and I get frustrated and sloppy and so didn’t keep up with it. I hate typing on my phone for similar reasons, and also because it feels like I'm just texting about my deepest fears and innermost thoughts, and that is just too casual! My fears and thoughts deserve more. But I have had a computer for a year now and just got the bright idea to write a journal through it. Cool! But then I got nervous, what if someone sees it? What if a complete stranger looks at it and decides I am a weirdo, doesn't that define me as one from then until forever? It has to be something that will please everyone else right? I decided to move past these well founded and reasonable fears and do it anyway. I know this will make me feel good and lately that feeling comes and goes so I am going take what I can get. So here we are. Curious to see what mental health points I can score with this strategy and also excited to pretend I am writing an important blog that thousands of people read and approve of. I am channeling my inner Carrie Bradshaw, let’s see what comes of it. 
     I am always the person to stop myself, from everything. No one has got in my way except me. You hear stories of people overcoming the most horrific situations life has to offer, or about people overcoming being put down by other people and continuing on to great things nevertheless. But here is me-  white girl from a middle class background, who grew up with two parents, in a nice home, who always had food and never had to fight for anything she had. And yet we see from her average to below average grades, no participation in gym class or sports, average singer in choir, average friend, the kind you generally like but always seem to forget about because she never can seem to stay on your mind after you’re not in her presence anymore. Average interests and no hobbies, no talents born with nor any developed. Why is she so boring? She could have it all, or at least a lot, and she settles for nothing. Here is what you can’t see from the outside. Most of her life has been spent fighting. Always with herself in her own mind, over things like getting up in class to throw something away, raising her hand to answer, auditioning for theater or a solo, practicing something she wasn't immediately good at, talking to her friend because she’s scared they’ve changed their mind about her and they now can only tolerate her presence. All this fighting in her head usually ended the same- she didn’t do the thing. She lost to herself every time, and here’s the kicker- she didn’t really see anything wrong with it. She felt protected and safe and that is what really mattered right? Life experiences aren’t everything- blending in and staying safe is! And here we are, four years out of high school realizing why high school was so hard and dull. Why she struggles to live up to her title as an adult. Adults make their own doctors appointments. Adults can make shopping lists and cook the food from those lists without feeling drained and overwhelmed. Adults know what they like and don't like and how to be by themselves happily and keep up with their friends and family without it being a *thing*. By *thing* I mean assuming your friends and family don’t actually care to hear from you since they didn't respond to the post you sent on Instagram or haven't texted in over a week. So why bother reaching out to them? Orrrr the extreme opposite which is being terrified your friends and family don’t care to hear from you so you must be sure to win them back, and make them like you, and make sure they know you exist by excessively texting and checking in. Adults don't do that! Teenagers do that. Tweens do that. 
     I feel like my brain has grown and developed at a normal rate through life, but emotionally I am a mix of a 3 and 14 year old. When emotions come, they come big and strong and I just let them rule man. Anxiety, anger, fear, sadness, they possess me suddenly like demons and leave me when their work is done. I come to and find the mess they left behind. I overanalyze anything I possibly can in a social situation. I believe in signs, hidden meanings, body language, I even sometimes think I know what a person means better than they do. For example, if a friend says “I am so happy for you for getting married!” here’s what goes down in my mind. Her smile is too big, and her hug seems dramatic and showy, because of how she squeezed me so tight and threw her arms so wide. Her message was delivered ok, but I know her opinions on dating and marrying at a young age, as I remember she once said she herself wouldn't dream of dating right now. And she's two years older than me. Also is she really sincere if she’s giving me such a generic congrats? After all, this is one of the biggest events in my life and if she truly were a friend and was truly happy for me it would have been a more detailed, personal, and emotional congrats. I then reach the conclusion she is lying and is in fact disapproving of me, and all this decided in my mind before she even pulls away from the hug. This way of thinking is what has contributed to the boring-ness that is my life, and the war zone that is my mind. I regret not trying out for solos in choir. I regret not having the time of my life in gym, because I actually am very competitive and love playing games with people. I regret never pushing myself harder in English or in art, because I thoroughly enjoyed those classes. I hate that I look back on my teen years and can only think of a few truly fun times with friends, because I never reached out or made plans. What do I do with this information? I had planned to keep it locked up in my skull tie the day I die. But now, I have decided- I’ll do what I want with it. I’ll put it right here on the internet for everyone -or just me -to see. It makes it more real and more true if it is somewhere, anywhere else than in the synapses of my brain. I also plan to use this information to grow. That war is still always going on in my head, but I’ve learned to quiet it down, to tell it that I can do whatever I want. I can buy that weird painting and hang it in my living room. I can talk to a random person at the grocery about the weather, if I want. I can invite my friends over and be ok if they don't come- because I want to be ok with it. I can write a journal that might be dramatic and embarrassing and lengthy- because I think it will help me cope and move forward and because I want to. I can do whatever I want. I will do whatever I want. 
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reesesxxpieces-blog · 7 years
Spencer James‎ to J Edward Khrist Making her way over in the next half hour, two littles in tow, she was greeted at the door by Soph holding a little bundle of pink which Spence quickly stole after putting Rhys down to run inside with River, both boys in search of Uncle J. "Tripled security, eh?" She commented, noticing the crinkle in Soph's nose as Judas seemed to be on high alert protecting his first little one.
J Edward Khrist Mixing himself a shake in the kitchen by the time he heard the arrival at the door, he'd wait out the sound of tiny feet before stopping what he was doing. "Ug-babies!" Stopping himself as their mom would kill them as he intercepted both. Kneeling down on his knees for each hug, allowing one one arm as River got there just a moment before Rhys. Pressing a kiss to each forehead as he curled them in. "Hi, guys. I missed youse." He greeted.
Spencer James As Spence quickly took to Eden, it seems J had been attacked by the boys. Looking over to see them getting at him as best as they could, she couldn't help but laugh. "So River now knows the route to your place. I wouldn't tell them where we were off to. Five minutes in and he spilled the beans." The boy was a wonder to Spence, watching him grow up a little more every day, never knowing just how she got so lucky to be a part of any of it.
J Edward Khrist Smirking gently at River as he rubbed the little guys head. Standing back up straight. "That's crazy...that's how his dad is. Smart as all get out with weird shit like that. Directions, putting shit together but you put six letters infront of him and he's dumbfounded." He'd tease, as it was hardly a bad thing. Just a different sort of intelligence that was incredible to witness. "Get ready to see lots and lots of IKEA furniture." He warned River before walking to the counter where John's birthday present laid in an envelope.
Spencer James Her smile grew brighter as Judas spoke of the intelligence of River and John, noting the similarity and loving them both for their strengths. Holding Eden, Spence made herself at home in a place she and John had resided a short time while she was pregnant in the aftermath of something she now worried about again. Her glow was there, yet she wasn't confessing anything, though Soph kept glancing in her direction as Spencer took a seat on the sofa. "She's getting so big," she stated honestly as the little one was thriving, looking healthier each time she saw her.
J Edward Khrist Feeling River find his knee and clinging on, he'd reach down for Rhys as he walked them both into the living room. A nod to follow. "That's 'cause we feed her." He began as he handed over the envelope to her. Looking towards Rhys in his arms.
Spencer James As he offered the envelope with his arms full, she slipped one hand up to take it and place it on the sofa beside her. "You know John's going to be mad he didn't get Eden time himself," she offered, loving how that man of hers looked with a baby in his arms. "Goes soft, instantly."
J Edward Khrist "Gotta sleep sometime." He offered, knowing it was well worth it as he'd nudge his nose gently to Rhys'. Remembering River at his leg as he stole a seat in his recliner. Pulling River into his lap as well.
Spencer James Watching as both boys found a place on his lap, turning the man into a jungle gym. "Sooo, what did you get John for his birthday?" She asked, her curiosity too high to ignore.
J Edward Khrist "Season tickets for the..." Feeling River trying to climb up his shoulder to get up to the back of the chair, he held his legs. "Eagles." He'd conclude. "I got three for youse and two for us. Figure one boy could laps if all of us decide to go."
Spencer James "That's amazing. He will love it," she stayed easily as it went without question. "Miss Eden going to get to come too?" She asked, knowing he had been keeping her in since she came home and unable to imagine him taking her out just yet. "Orrrr I could babysit!"
J Edward Khrist "You're supposed to be going, genius." He pointed out, all but ready to call her a dumbass as she tried to steal his baby. "And maybe sometime...but those are meant for all youse to go."
Spencer James "I knoooow. But this baby! Someone has to be here to love her and that someone should be me," she offered, continually claiming that baby even if she sat knowing there would be another soon. "I'll take good care of her. Look at the boys," she offered as proof.
J Edward Khrist "You mean the one standing on my dick?" He asked, feeling him still pushing his feet at his lap in attempt to climb up the chair. "Or the one trying to eat my tv remote?"
Spencer James "I mean, either one, really," she offered in return as either stood as fine examples of her incredible parenting skills. Offering a beaming smile towards him, cheesing it up intentionally before her eyes would return to the little one there in her arms. "This little girl though..." she sighed, shaking her head. "How do the two of you do anything at all? Do you just sit around and stare at her all day?"
-August 28, 2017
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