#ortega x platonic!reader
giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Hey there! I’m back yet again with more scarvio headcannons for your event! I recently started replaying the game and have so many thoughts but! I’ll keep it limited lol. I’m getting kinda close to the end of starfall street and have decided that despite his bratiness Ortega definitely has a super sweet and soft side! Wether this is canon or not I’m not sure (it’s been awhile since I’ve done the story and don’t remember) but I still think it’s a nice concept! And if possible can you do a reader insert? (platonic please!) if you don’t feel like it it’s all good, I know I send in a lot of reader stuff and it can probably get boring after awhile. I’m just a huge sucker for self insert stuff lol. Thanks in advance and I hope you’re doing well!!! -⚡️
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
ORTEGA!!! Oh man- I freaking love him! While not my favorite of the Starfall crew (admittedly I don't have a favorite as I love them all so much Atticus) I adore him with my entire heart and soul! This was a joy to write for you friend! I've gotcha covered! :D (And don't ever worry about your requests/headcanons being boring! On the contrary I think they're freaking awesome! You always give me the best characters to write for!)
Ortega was…a lot.
Mechanically speaking, he was brilliant- his hands were golden as they turned simple shapes into incredible machinery for Team Starfall to use in battle. He was meticulous, thorough, and still somehow remained ridiculously cute smudged in motor oil.
“Careful, you klutz!”
He was also a bit of a brat. Okay- a full brat.
“Sorry.” You stepped back from the table, admiring the various trinkets and do-hickies across the cloth. “And I’m not a klutz! That was one time!”
“One time falling into my tool setup, two times spilling pink paint everywhere, another time dropping water all over yourself and- how many times have you stumbled and flopped on your butt?” He sent a cheeky grin over his shoulder at you, hands deep within the wiring of the starmobile. He laughed when you pouted, mildly vexed.
“Whatever.” You flopped into the nearest seat, sinking further in your chair as his soft titters carried on. What were you expecting?
Some time passed when he called out again. “(Y/N).”
“The desk beside you, could you open the second drawer?” When you glared, he sighed. “Please?”
“....Fine.” You did as told only to pause. Among the various screwdrivers and extra wiring sat…
“Yeah, it’s just some whatever piece I was tinkering with. Not much to look at, but I guess you can have it if you want.” He folded his arms with a huff as you carefully pulled out the statue, shaped into a glorious portrayal of your go-to pokemon. Despite his claims, the craft was clearly handled with care- the edges smooth and flawless and the effects of the Pokemon’s typing visible with brightly colored resin. Your go-to was posed in an incredible way- badass and powerful and truly amazing.
“Ortega…did you make this for me?” You asked, looking over to find him having returned to his work. You might have been hallucinating, but you couldn’t help but note the growing flush against the back of his neck.
“Pfft- please. Like I said, I was tinkering. But…if you really like it-”
“I love it!” You cried, heart racing as you looked at the various angles. “I adore it! Thank you so much!”
“L-Like I said- it’s only a tinker!” Ortega fussed, neck coloring more as the blush spread to his ears. “But…yeah, I’m glad you love it.”
You grinned at him one more time before carefully placing the statue on the desk, leaning into your arms as you gazed upon its beautiful form.
Ortega might have been a brat, but when the softer parts come out; it makes it all worth it.
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