#orthopedic surgery aftercare
helthcareheven · 2 months
Discovering Healing Havens: A Guide to Medical Tourism
Reasons for Seeking Medical Care Abroad
One of the primary factors driving the growth of surgical tourism is the high cost of healthcare in developed countries. For many elective and non-emergency procedures, the costs in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and other Western nations have become prohibitively expensive for average citizens and even those with health insurance. Medical tourists are able to travel abroad and receive treatments at a fraction of the price they would pay at home. In many destination countries, the overall package of medical care, travel, lodging and other ancillary costs is 30-90% cheaper than equivalent treatment in a developed country.
Another motivation is shorter wait times. In countries with universal healthcare systems, there can be lengthy waits for non-emergency surgeries and procedures. The average wait time for a hip replacement in Canada is over 6 months, while knee replacements in the UK have 18-month waits. By traveling abroad, medical tourists are able to get treated more quickly without delay. India, Thailand and other popular destinations generally have minimal to no wait times.
Medical Specialties and Treatments Sought
While originally centered around dental care and cosmetic surgeries, medical tourism has expanded to cover a wide range of specialties and treatments. Some of the most common include:
- Cardiology - Angioplasty, angiography, bypass surgery and stent placement are popular cardiological procedures sought by medical tourists.
- Orthopedics - Knee replacement, hip replacement, spinal surgery and arthroscopic procedures feature prominently. The use of robotics and computer navigation systems allows for less invasive techniques.
- Dentistry - Dental crowns, veneers, dental implants and oral surgery make up a major portion of surgical tourism, especially to Thailand, Hungary and Mexico.
- Fertility Treatment - In vitro fertilization (IVF) costs a fraction abroad versus in the Western world. Countries like India, Thailand and Cyprus attract fertility tourists.
- Cosmetic Surgery - Tummy tucks, breast augmentations, face lifts and other aesthetic procedures drive traffic to countries such as Thailand, South Korea and Costa Rica.
- Ophthalmology - Cataract removal and lens replacement surgeries are commonly sought abroad alongside refractive procedures like LASIK eye surgery.
Popular Medical Tourist Destinations
Certain countries have built strong reputations as top destinations in medical tourism. Some of the leaders are:
India - Advanced facilities, JCI-accredited hospitals, large pool of English-speaking doctors and very low costs have made India the world's fastest growing market. The Indian healthcare sector earns over $3 billion yearly from medical tourists.
Thailand - Known especially for quality dental and cosmetic work at bargain prices. Thais are perceived as being quite skillful with bedside manner. Hospitals meet international standards.
Singapore - Highly developed medical infrastructure, including the promotion of integrated surgical tourism clusters with hotels. Singapore attracts Asian patients as well as those from the West.
Malaysia - Healthcare quality equals that of Western countries at half the cost or less. Malaysia Medical Council regulates facilities, and English is widely spoken in the healthcare industry.
Mexico - Popular for procedures like dental work, bariatric surgery, and eye/laser corrective surgeries due to competitive pricing. Many accredited JCI hospitals near the US border.
Challenges and Risks of Medical Tourism
While surgical tourism provides considerable benefits, certain risks and challenges exist that need to be considered. Post-surgical complications may arise, and standards of aftercare can vary in different countries. The legal recourse and patient rights available may not equal what patients expect at home. Medical records and follow-ups may be difficult between multiple healthcare systems. Travel itself poses some health threats like the transmission of new infections or bacterial strains. Cultural differences, language barriers or unfamiliar practices can affect the levels of comfort experienced abroad. Medical tourists need to carefully vet facilities and providers through organizations that accredit and certify hospitals overseas. With prudence, most risks can be minimized to allow patients to reap the rewards of affordable, timely medical care in internationally accredited centers worldwide.
Growth Outlook
The global medical tourism industry was estimated to be worth around $10-40 billion worldwide as per different surveys. Advanced Asia-Pacific destinations capture approximately 45-65% market share of the entire pie while the remainder is split between Latin America, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and other regions. India alone serves an estimated 150,000-200,000 medical tourists every year currently. Going forward, the worldwide numbers are forecasted to grow substantially in the coming years. Driven by factors like the shrinking value of most foreign currencies against the USD, an expanding medical infrastructure abroad, more trade agreements lowering travel barriers, and persistent high healthcare costs domestically – surgical tourism is emerging as a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide with potential for further significant increase in the future if present trends continue.
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raducotarcea · 4 months
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drsssoni1 · 5 months
Choosing the Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur: A Comprehensive Guide
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When it comes to joint replacement surgery, finding the right surgeon is crucial for a successful and satisfactory outcome. In Jaipur, a city known for its rich cultural heritage, there are numerous Best orthopedic Doctor in Jaipur. However, identifying the best joint replacement surgeon requires careful consideration of various factors. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key aspects to look for when selecting a joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur.
Qualifications and Credentials:
The first and foremost aspect to consider is the qualifications and credentials of the surgeon. Look for a surgeon who is board-certified in orthopedic surgery and has undergone specialized training in joint replacement procedures. Credentials from reputable medical institutions and associations are indicative of the surgeon’s expertise and commitment to high standards of patient care.
Experience in Joint Replacement Surgery:
Experience plays a vital role in the success of joint replacement surgeries. Seek a surgeon with a significant amount of experience in performing joint replacement procedures. An experienced surgeon is likely to have encountered a wide range of cases, making them better equipped to handle complex situations and ensuring a smoother surgical process.
Specialization in Joint Replacement:
While general orthopedic surgeons can perform joint replacement surgeries, choosing a surgeon who specializes specifically in joint replacement adds an extra layer of expertise. Specialized surgeons often stay updated on the latest advancements in joint replacement techniques and technologies, leading to improved outcomes for their patients.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials:
One of the most effective ways to gauge the reputation of a joint replacement surgeon is by reviewing patient testimonials and online reviews. Platforms like Google, Healthgrades, and patient forums can provide insights into the experiences of individuals who have undergone joint replacement with a particular surgeon. Pay attention to the overall satisfaction, recovery process, and aftercare provided by the surgeon and their team.
Technology and Facilities:
The best joint replacement surgeons in Jaipur often work in well-equipped facilities with advanced technologies. Check whether the surgeon uses state-of-the-art equipment and modern techniques for joint replacement procedures. Advanced technology can contribute to more precise surgeries and faster recovery times.
Consultation and Communication:
A good joint replacement surgeon should be approachable and willing to communicate effectively with patients. Schedule a consultation to meet the surgeon in person, discuss your concerns, and ask any questions you may have. Pay attention to how well the surgeon listens, explains the procedure, and addresses your queries. A transparent and communicative surgeon is more likely to foster a positive patient-surgeon relationship.
Success Rates and Complication Rates:
Inquire about the surgeon’s success rates and complication rates for joint replacement surgeries. A high success rate and low complication rate are indicative of a surgeon’s proficiency and the overall quality of care provided. Surgeons who are transparent about their outcomes and willing to share relevant statistics are typically more trustworthy.
Hospital Affiliations:
Consider the hospital or medical center where the surgeon practices. Affiliation with reputable hospitals often indicates a higher standard of care and access to comprehensive medical resources. Ensure that the hospital is well-regarded for orthopedic services and maintains a strong track record in patient satisfaction and safety.
Are you in pain? Looking for the best Joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur?
If you’re dealing with any health-related concerns and seek a healthcare serv
ice dedicated to your well-being and a speedy recovery, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr SS Soni. Get treated by the most trusted Joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur Dr SS Soni. Get treated by the most trusted Joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur Dr SS Soni.
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anattahumanversity · 1 year
Best Rehabilitation Center in Hyderabad
Are you or your loved one in need of professional rehabilitation services in Hyderabad? Choosing the right rehabilitation center can significantly impact the recovery journey. With numerous options available, it’s crucial to find a center that offers exceptional care, expert staff, and tailored treatment plans. In this article, we will explore the best rehabilitation center in Hyderabad, providing you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.
1. Introduction
Rehabilitation is a critical step towards recovering from various health conditions and restoring independence. It involves a comprehensive approach to address physical, psychological, and social aspects of an individual’s well-being. Hyderabad, the bustling city known for its advanced medical facilities, is home to several top-notch rehabilitation centers.
2. Understanding Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation encompasses a range of services designed to aid individuals in recovering from injuries, illnesses, or surgeries. It aims to enhance functionality, alleviate pain, promote independence, and improve overall quality of life. Rehabilitation may be necessary for conditions such as orthopedic injuries, neurological disorders, cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, and more.
3. Importance of Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in maximizing recovery potential and achieving the best possible outcomes. It helps individuals regain strength, mobility, and endurance while minimizing the risk of complications. Through rehabilitative therapy, patients can improve their physical and cognitive abilities, manage pain effectively, and regain confidence in their daily activities.
4. Factors to Consider
When searching for the best rehabilitation center in Hyderabad, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure optimal care and positive outcomes. These factors include:
Expert Staff: Look for a center with qualified and experienced medical professionals, including doctors, therapists, and nurses, who specialize in rehabilitation.
Facilities and Infrastructure: Evaluate the center’s infrastructure, ensuring it is equipped with modern equipment and technology to support various rehabilitation therapies.
Range of Rehabilitation Services: Check if the center offers a comprehensive range of rehabilitation services, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and more.
Individualized Treatment Plans: Look for a center that emphasizes personalized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs and goals of each patient.
Advanced Rehabilitation Techniques: Consider centers that utilize cutting-edge techniques and technologies for enhanced recovery outcomes.
Success Stories: Research patient testimonials and success stories to gauge the center’s effectiveness in achieving positive rehabilitation outcomes.
Patient-Centric Approach: Choose a center that prioritizes patient comfort, safety, and well-being, providing a supportive and compassionate environment.
Comprehensive Aftercare: Ensure the center offers comprehensive aftercare services, including post-rehabilitation support and guidance for long-term recovery.
Affordability and Insurance: Evaluate the center’s affordability and check if they accept insurance or offer flexible payment options to suit your financial needs.
5. Best Rehabilitation Center in Hyderabad — Overview
Anatta stands out as the premier rehabilitation center in Hyderabad, offering exceptional care and specialized services to individuals seeking rehabilitation. With a strong commitment to patient well-being and evidence-based treatments, they have gained a reputation for their excellence in the field.
6. Facility and Infrastructure
Anatta boasts state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure that are specifically designed to cater to the diverse needs of rehabilitation patients. Their well-equipped therapy rooms, advanced diagnostic tools, and modern exercise equipment ensure an optimal environment for effective rehabilitation.
7. Qualified Medical Staff
The rehabilitation center takes pride in its team of highly qualified medical staff. Their multidisciplinary team comprises experienced doctors, skilled therapists, compassionate nurses, and other healthcare professionals. They bring together their expertise to provide comprehensive care and support throughout the rehabilitation journey.
8. Range of Rehabilitation Services
Anatta offers a wide range of rehabilitation services tailored to address various medical conditions and individual needs. These services include:
Physical Therapy: Helping patients restore physical function, improve mobility, and manage pain through targeted exercises and techniques.
Occupational Therapy: Assisting individuals in regaining independence in their daily activities, including self-care, work, and leisure.
Speech Therapy: Focusing on improving communication skills, swallowing abilities, and cognitive functions in individuals with speech and language disorders.
Cardiac Rehabilitation: Providing comprehensive care to individuals recovering from heart-related conditions, including post-surgery rehabilitation and lifestyle modification.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Aiding individuals with respiratory conditions in improving lung function, managing symptoms, and enhancing overall endurance.
9. Individualized Treatment Plans
At Anatta, every patient receives a personalized treatment plan based on their specific condition, goals, and progress. The medical team conducts thorough assessments and collaborates with patients to develop tailored rehabilitation programs that maximize the chances of successful recovery.
10. Advanced Rehabilitation Techniques
The rehabilitation center adopts advanced techniques and technologies to accelerate the rehabilitation process and achieve optimal outcomes. These may include robotic-assisted therapy, virtual reality-based interventions, electrical stimulation, hydrotherapy, and more. Such innovative approaches enhance patient engagement, promote neuroplasticity, and facilitate faster recovery.
11. Success Stories
Numerous individuals have experienced remarkable recoveries at Anatta. Through their dedication to providing high-quality care and individual attention, the center has helped patients regain their independence, improve their quality of life, and accomplish their rehabilitation goals.
12. Patient-Centric Approach
At Anatta, patients are at the center of everything they do. The compassionate and caring staff creates a nurturing environment where individuals feel supported, motivated, and empowered throughout their rehabilitation journey. The personalized attention and emotional support contribute significantly to positive rehabilitation outcomes.
13. Comprehensive Aftercare
Ensuring a seamless transition after rehabilitation is a vital aspect of the recovery process. Anatta offers comprehensive aftercare services to help individuals maintain their progress and prevent relapses. These services may include follow-up consultations, home exercise programs, support groups, and guidance on lifestyle modifications.
14. Affordability and Insurance
[Insert Name of Rehabilitation Center] understands the importance of affordability and aims to make rehabilitation services accessible to all. They accept various insurance plans and offer flexible payment options to accommodate different financial situations. This commitment to affordability ensures that individuals can receive the necessary care without undue financial burdens.
15. Conclusion
Choosing the best rehabilitation center in Hyderabad is a crucial decision that can significantly impact an individual’s recovery journey.Anatta excels in providing exceptional care, expert staff, individualized treatment plans, and comprehensive rehabilitation services. Their patient-centric approach and commitment to positive outcomes make them the top choice for rehabilitation in Hyderabad
Source:- https://anatta.in/rehabilitation-centre-in-hyderabad/
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Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Begumpet - Dr Srinivas Kasha
Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Begumpet - Dr Srinivas Kasha
Orthopedic surgery is a specialized field that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of injuries and disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. The field is led by a team of skilled professionals who are responsible for providing top-notch care to patients. In Begumpet, one of the most popular and sought-after orthopedic surgeons is Dr Srinivas Kasha. In this article, we will explore why he is considered the best orthopedic surgeon in Begumpet and what sets him apart from the competition.
Introduction of Srinivas Kasha
The introduction of the article will briefly discuss the significance of orthopedic surgery and why finding the best surgeon is crucial. It will also introduce Dr Srinivas Kasha and give a brief background on his experience and education.
Education and Training
Dr Srinivas Kasha has an extensive education and training background that makes him one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Begumpet. In this section, we will discuss his academic qualifications and training, including where he obtained his medical degree and the hospitals he has worked at.
Specializations in Orthopedic
Orthopedic surgery is a broad field that covers a range of specialties, from sports medicine to joint replacement surgery. Dr Srinivas Kasha specializes in several areas, including hip and knee replacement surgery, sports medicine, and arthroscopic surgery. In this section, we will delve deeper into his areas of expertise and explain what makes him a standout surgeon in each field.
Experience is one of the most critical factors to consider when choosing an orthopedic surgeon. Dr Srinivas Kasha has been in practice for over a decade and has performed countless surgeries with a high success rate. This section will provide an overview of his experience and expertise, including the types of surgeries he has performed and his success rates.
Patient Care
Dr. Srinivas Kasha is known for his exceptional patient care. He takes the time to listen to his patients' concerns and provides them with personalized treatment plans. He also educates his patients on the importance of proper nutrition and exercise for musculoskeletal health.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Dr. Srinivas Kasha's clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to provide the best possible care to his patients. The clinic has advanced diagnostic and imaging equipment, including digital X-rays, MRI, and CT scans. This allows for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
Patient Reviews
Patient reviews are an excellent way to gauge the quality of care provided by a surgeon. Dr Srinivas Kasha has received glowing reviews from his patients, with many praising his bedside manner, professionalism, and skill as a surgeon. In this section, we will take a closer look at some of these reviews and what patients have to say about their experiences with Dr Kasha.
Technology and Techniques
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of orthopedic surgery, making it possible for surgeons to perform complex procedures with greater precision and efficiency. Dr Srinivas Kasha is at the forefront of these advancements, utilizing the latest techniques and technology to provide the best possible care to his patients. In this section, we will explore some of the technology and techniques used by Dr Kasha and how they have improved patient outcomes.
Insurance and Payment Options
Orthopedic surgery can be costly, and it is essential to find a surgeon who accepts your insurance and offers flexible payment options. Dr Srinivas Kasha accepts most major insurance plans and offers a range of payment options, making it easier for patients to receive the care they need without breaking the bank. In this section, we will provide more information on the insurance plans accepted by Dr Kasha and the payment options available.
Rehabilitation and Aftercare
Rehabilitation and aftercare are critical components of orthopedic surgery, and they can make a significant difference in the success of the procedure. Dr Srinivas Kasha works closely with his patients to develop personalized rehabilitation plans that ensure a speedy and safe recovery. In this section, we will explore the rehabilitation and aftercare services offered by Dr Kasha and how they benefit patients.
Awards and Accolades
Dr Srinivas Kasha has received numerous awards and accolades throughout his career, recognizing his contributions to the field of orthopedic surgery. This section will
Success Stories
Dr. Srinivas Kasha has helped numerous patients achieve better musculoskeletal health. One of his patients, Mr. Sharma, had been suffering from severe knee pain for many years. After undergoing knee replacement surgery with Dr. Kasha, Mr. Sharma is now able to walk pain-free and lead a normal life.
Affordable Treatment
Dr. Srinivas Kasha provides affordable treatment to his patients without compromising on the quality of care. He offers various payment options and accepts most insurance plans.
In conclusion, if you are looking for the best orthopedic doctor in Secunderabad, Dr. Srinivas Kasha is the right choice. With his education, experience, and personalized patient care, he has become one of the most trusted orthopedic doctors in the region. Schedule a consultation with him today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.
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eublcome · 2 years
Small Animal Surgery - Theresa Welch Fossum
EPUB & PDF Ebook Small Animal Surgery | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Theresa Welch Fossum.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD Small Animal Surgery
Read More : READ Small Animal Surgery
Ebook PDF Small Animal Surgery | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Small Animal Surgery EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Small Animal Surgery 2020 PDF Download in English by Theresa Welch Fossum (Author).
 Description Book: 
From basic procedures like spays, castrations, and declaws to advanced surgeries like craniotomy, vertal slots, and lung lobectomy, Fossum's Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition is the go-to, full-color guide for everything that general veterinarians and vet students need to know about both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Five editors bring their expert perspective as they discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. With each book adoption, you'll also have access to the Expert Consult website, which includes a fully searchable version of the book plus step-by-step video clips and animations of surgical procedures, aftercare instruction handouts, case presentations, references linked to full text articles on PubMed, and an extensive image collection. There is no better resource to keep you up to date on the latest advances and techniques in small animal surgery!
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In Cook Hills, Australia, How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?
It makes sense why dental implants are growing in popularity as a replacement for lost teeth. Dental implants are more durable than the alternatives, far more comfortable, look and feel like your natural teeth, and don't need any further maintenance beyond what you already do for your teeth.
Additionally, they outlast traditional dentures, tooth-bonded bridges, endodontic (root canal) therapy, and traditional dentures in terms of durability. However, some patients might believe this therapeutic option is beyond their budget because it can be expensive.
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The Common Price For Dental Implants
The initial stage of placing dental implants costs between $2,500 and $3,000. Additional fees are charged for implant testing, the creation of implant-retained teeth, and tooth removal (if necessary).
Patients may receive implant treatment while awake (under local anaesthetic) or asleep (general anaesthetic – day stay surgery).
At the consultation, detailed quotes are given along with the relevant Medicare rebate numbers and health fund item codes.
When prescribed by a qualified surgeon, Medicare rebates will pay for CT and cone beam scans.
Medicare rebates are available for individuals who require bone grafting operations, such as sinus lifts. To reconstruct the bone around the implant site, bone grafting typically entails applying bone graft goods (most frequently "off the shelf" synthetic bone products). To rebuild the jaw bone.
Dental implant surgery carries some health risks, just like any surgical procedure. However, problems are typically minimal and straightforward to resolve when they do happen. The ones at risk are:
Contamination of the implant site Affected or damaged nearby structures include nearby blood arteries or teeth. Your natural teeth, gums, lips, or chin may experience pain, numbness, or tingling due to nerve injury. Sinus issues can occur if dental implants implanted in the upper jaw intrude into a sinus cavity.
How do you get ready
Several specialists may be involved in the planning process for dental implants, including an ENT specialist on occasion and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who specialists in mouth, jaw, and face conditions. A periodontist treats the structures that support the teeth, such as the gums and bones, while a orthodontist creates and places artificial teeth.
You must undergo a complete evaluation to prepare for the operation because dental implants need one or more surgical procedures. This includes a:
Thorough dental examination. Dental X-rays, 3D photographs, and models of your teeth and jaw may be created.
Review your medical background. Any medical issues you have, along with any prescription, OTC, and dietary supplement use, should be discussed with your doctor. Your doctor might advise taking antibiotics before surgery to help avoid infection if you have specific cardiac issues or orthopedic implants.
Plan of treatment. This plan, which is customized for your needs, considers how many teeth you need to be replaced and the health of your jawbone and remaining teeth.
What to anticipate
Dental implant surgery is often conducted as a series of outpatient treatments with recovery time in between. There are several steps involved in installing a dental implant, including:
Removing a damaged tooth
If necessary, jawbone grafting preparation.
Installing dental implants
Bone development and repair
Location of abutments
Positioning of artificial teeth
From beginning to end, the process may take many months. Most of that time is spent recuperating and watching for the development of new bone in your jaw. 
Depending on your circumstances, the specific procedure, or the materials used, specific steps can occasionally be combined.
The usual cost of dental implants in Cook Hills is between $2000 and $3000, though this can vary depending on your needs. Try to see a reputable orthodontist who will not only provide you with the best treatment and also the best aftercare.
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helthcareheven · 3 months
Destination Healing: Embarking on a Medical Tourism Journey
Introduction to Medical Tourism
Medical tourism refers to the practice of traveling abroad to obtain medical, dental and surgical care. The key factors driving the growth of medical tourism include affordability, accessibility, and availability of quality treatment options. More and more people are choosing to travel to other countries for obtaining healthcare services.
Popular Destinations for Medical Tourism
Thailand: Thailand has emerged as one of the top medical tourism destinations in Asia. It offers world-class healthcare facilities at substantially lower costs compared to other developed countries. Joint replacement surgeries, dental care and cosmetic procedures are some of the most commonly sought after treatments by medical tourists in Thailand. The country is also promoting medical tourism as a way to boost its economy.
India: India's private healthcare sector has witnessed exponential growth over the past decade. Several Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited private hospitals in cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai offer high-quality yet affordable treatment packages. Cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgeries and oncology are among the leading areas attracting medical tourists to India from countries like the United States, United Kingdom and Middle East.
Malaysia: Malaysia is investing heavily in the healthcare and biomedical industry to increase its share in the global medical tourism pie. The sector is steered by organizations like the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC). Facilities like the KPJ Healthcare Berhad chain of private hospitals provide world-class patient care matching global standards of developed countries. Cosmetic, fertility and dental tourism are particularly popular segments.
Cost Savings with Medical Tourism
One of the primary factors driving the rapid growth of medical tourism is significant cost savings compared to healthcare expenditures in developed nations. Some examples include:
- A hip replacement surgery in the US costs between $40,000 to $75,000 but the same procedure in Thailand or India ranges from $10,000 to $15,000 including costs of travel and accommodation.
- The price for dental crowns and dental implants in Western countries like US and UK is anywhere between $3,000 to $4,000 per unit. However, these dental treatments are offered at $600 to $800 per unit in popular Asian destinations like Thailand and Malaysia.
- Average cost for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) ranges from $8,000 to $15,000 in the US but high-quality fertility treatment packages are available overseas at $3,000 to $5,000 including medications and multiple cycles.
Rising Acceptance, Risks Involved
With accredited centers delivering standardized care and successful outcomes, medical tourism is gaining wider acceptance globally. However, certain potential pitfalls and risks cannot be overlooked. These include post-surgical complications or infections, lack of aftercare support in the home country, language and cultural barriers, and difficulty establishing credentials of foreign physicians. Reliable information, thorough research and choosing recognized healthcare providers can help mitigate risks associated with medical value travel.
Future Growth Prospects
The Asian countries are ideal favorites but other emerging destinations include Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica and Turkey as well. The key growth drivers include growing geriatric population worldwide, rise of lifestyle/wellness travel trend, universal healthcare challenges faced by developed nations and social media influencing treatment decisions of patients. Overall, medical tourism demonstrates huge untapped potential benefits provided issues around accreditation, safety and regulation are properly addressed by stakeholders.
In conclusion, medical tourism is an innovative solution for more affordable and accessible healthcare globally. Countries that can build robust infrastructure and awareness regarding this sector stand to gain economically through valuable foreign exchange revenues and employment generation. Standardized regulations and initiatives by organizations like JCI and MHTC are crucial to scale up medical tourism responsibly while safeguarding patients' interests. Only regulated growth of this industry will ensure it fulfills the twin goals of accessibility and affordability of quality healthcare services.
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sweetdejun · 3 years
medical!au x dream, sungchan and shotaro
I wrote a medical!au x nct 127 and I was like,,, it only makes sense if I do the rest of the members, too! mark and haechan are going to be in the nct 127 version here. medical!au x wayv’s coming soon!
I feel like renjun is the type to consider something a little more artistic in the medical field, which is why I feel like he’d be an orthotist. he’d design prosthetic limbs in the labs for children, veterans, or adults, and whenever he’d get an order, he’d spend days on it. his friends went out those weekends, but renjun stayed in, his espresso steaming on his work desk and his glasses perched on his nose as he scrolled and edited his prosthetic design. he never made the same one twice. of course, if someone damaged their old one, renjun repaired it instead of creating a whole new one, but these prosthetics were designed for permanent-use. he’d finish off with his signature emblem before giving it one last check then giving it to the hospital.he’d insist the doctors to invite him when they wore it for the first time, just to see the look on their faces and the absolute joy they’d receive from being able to use it for the first time. it’s not a steady job, sure, but it sure as hell is fulfilling and that’s all renjun would ask for.
so I kinda just imagine jeno being a psychiatrist… I imagine him taking notes as he carefully listens to his patients. jeno’s very attentive to detail, and just shortly after his undergrad, he interned with a psychiatrist who helped him learn more about what goes on behind the scenes, and he really impressed the interviewers at his medical school with all that he learned. soon after earning his degree, he went to work for the same psychiatrist that he’d interned with and his patients loved him. the one moment that jeno will never forget is when he had a patient who was battling severe depression. it wasn’t until jeno arrived on their case that they began to show improvement. they smiled for the first time in months, and within a year the patient was miraculously much better. before they left, they thanked and hugged everyone, but jeno received the biggest thanks and the tightest hug. 
okay, the reason I think jaemin would be interested in becoming an orthopedic surgeon ever since he had back problems in high school. he was fascinated by all the cool diagrams of skeletons, and his doctors had explained his injury so well to him, that it inspired him to strive for orthopedics as a specialization. he did really well on his entrance exams, and he managed to come full circle, and become a resident at the hospital he was treated in. as an orthopedic surgeon, jaemin makes sure to inform his patients as much as he can. sometimes, he’ll even call them at odd times to let them know if there are any changes he’s decided to make regarding the surgery, or aftercare, whatever. jaemin’s a trustworthy doctor, and his patients never seem to forget him, even if it’s a while after he’s healed them.
chenle as a medical technologist is a little unexpected. when he hangs around his friends during his free time, and you can hear his laughter down the hallways, you wouldn’t think he’s the guy who is counting blood cells under a microscope. but he’s very detail-oriented, and always impresses his supervisor. it’s also not a job that is as demanding in the knowledge of science, since he really needs to be able to distinguish what is normal over what is not, which he loves. in his free time- which there’s not too much of, but in the rare occurrences he does- he likes to either visit his friends, resident!jisung or physicaltherapist!mark who’s in the next building. another admirable thing he’ll do, though, is he’ll stop at the pediatrics floor and play with the kids that come in for blood transfusions or testing, since he’ll have their blood supply to give to the doctors, or he’s there to collect the samples. and sometimes, a parent will thank him for all his help and he can’t help but blush because, well, it makes him happy to help others.
jisung is totally a resident. no questions, it just makes sense. the fact that he knows people at the hospital was one of the reasons he applied for residency there, because he went to medical school with some of the (now) workers. when he finds out he’s accepted, he’s over the moon. generally hangs around by chenle’s department, where the front office of the hospital is. takes care of checking in patients and directing people to different areas of the hospital, while doing checkups on patients and the other thousand things his seniors assign him. although he enjoys the work he does, he doesn’t know if he wants to specialize or stay as a general physician, which his friends also help him decide down the line. he knows that no matter what, he wants to end up back in this hospital because it's like a second home to him. 
sungchan works as a physician’s assistant. initially also wanted to pursue medicine as a whole but he had this… feeling? that medicine was going to wear him out faster than he wanted to, and he felt that he was the type to burn out easily. not to mention, he also wanted to have free time on the side; conveniently, this job provided him with just what he wanted. the hospital was right outside a neighborhood park that also needed volunteers for coaching little kids. turns out, the way his schedule is at the hospital, he takes the morning shift at the hospital, gets out at 2:30, then stops at his apartment nearby to nap and freshen up before coming to the park and coaching soccer in the evenings. it’s the perfect life for him and hasn’t been happier. 
finally, seeing shotaro as a veterinarian is ideal for him. I mean, have you seen the guy? he’s so gentle and soft, it’s no wonder he’s amazing with animals. he grew up near an animal shelter in japan, where he visited the animals as often as he could. the vet that would visit the shelter often saw him, amused by the way he handled the animals with care. naturally, the vet talked to shotaro about considering veterinary school as a potential career choice, and at first, he didn’t really pay too much attention to the vet’s words. but one day, when one of his favorite pups wasn’t as energetic as she usually was, shotaro took her to the vet’s office, and he learned that the puppy had hyperglycemia. since then, he knew that he never wanted to feel that way again, and persevered to become a vet. now, he lives in korea and runs a clinic there, and that puppy from the clinic? he ended up adopting her and bringing her to korea with him and it’s just the cutest thing.
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doberbutts · 4 years
tinypawpets replied to your link “Shelters Contemplate Breeding Pets During COVID-19 Animal Import Dry...”
That's insane....I would love a day when my time in rescue wasn't needed....I know shelters are different up north. I wish they would come down here and see how we are drowning in dogs :(
The problem is that they were bringing dogs up from down south prior to covid, but they were not treating any dogs they had that came in with illnesses and were not training dogs that came in with aggression. Simply going to southern states and bringing truckfuls of dogs up, and adopting them out occasionally as they arrived. Dogs with active ringworm, heartworm, kennel cough, canine influenza, giardia, tapeworm, and other diseases going straight home, sometime with warning and sometimes not. Dogs that had been hit by cars being shoddily patched up and sent on their way still with a cone and stitches. Dogs that had limps and mystery wounds that were never investigated that became huge vet bills for their new owners. And, sadly, dogs that were never tested with cats, children, or other dogs now going home to where these things exist.
I used to live in Maryland and Pennsylvania and I have never seen so many dogs going home sick or aggressive until I moved to the New England area. I can absolutely understand wanting to help the plethora of dogs rotting away in rescue in the southern US, but in order to do that you have to make sure that the dogs are healthy and safe once they go home. Rescues just aren’t doing that here. I’ve had so many dogs with contagious diseases showing up at my job and I have to explain that it won’t just spread to other dogs that come in but also can spread to the new owners and their kids (in terms of skin and parasite diseases). I’ve had rescues turn their backs on the new owners once they come back with problems and won’t help with the very expensive vet bills they’ve now foisted off on the unsuspecting family.
Let me put it this way- Creed’s breeder has a guarantee that puppies coming from her are healthy before they leave. If you take your puppy from her to the vet within a reasonable amount of time, and the puppy is shown to have contagious disease or genetic defects, she will pay for whatever it takes to make sure the puppy can live a happy, healthy life, because a responsible breeder feels it’s their job to do everything in their power to make sure the puppies are healthy before they go  home.
I had a client who adopted a pit bull two days after she arrived from Texas. She had been hit by a car and apparently shattered her elbow. The rescue used the cheapest vet they could find to install a plate and save the leg, then adopted her out still in cone and stitches with next to zero plan for aftercare. They came to me for training when her stitches came out and I warned them that I did not believe the leg was stable and that I felt they should get a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist. She always had a limp but went completely non-weightbearing after a few months and would not allow her family to touch her without aggression. They took her to an orthopedic specialist and the vet confirmed my original fears regarding the leg- the leg was not stable, the plate was installed very poorly, and the rescue should have just had it removed as it would have been cheaper and less pain for the dog. The estimate to remove the leg was $7-8k. The family called the rescue to ask for help paying or at least organizing a fundraiser since it was their vet that made the mistake. The rescue hung up on them after threatening to take their dog away and give her to a family that will “appreciate her”, and have added them to an adoption blacklist shared by all the rescues in the area.
To me that is abhorrent. There is no reason to have not done it properly the first time except greed- it was cheaper to go to the person who offered the cheapest fix rather than do it properly and give the dog some relief from her pain. There is no reason to take responsibility for the bone holding the plate cracking down the center from the poorly placed screws in an already shattered joint. There is no reason to have adopted this dog out before it was clear whether the plate installation was a success and not two days after surgery.
I have no problem with dogs within the US being moved to areas with little overpopulation and adopted out (though that was paused during covid and has slowly been made illegal over time due to the above issues) but the dogs must be put through the same rigorous health checks any bred dog should go through before going home.
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dramynrajani-blog · 7 years
Tips to Optimize Recovery After Orthopedic Surgery
The long road to recovery after a successful orthopedic surgery is something that can frustrate a lot of people. It is quite a challenging task especially when you’re a working professional & have to get back to work as early as possible. In this article, we have chalked out some tips that will help you to get back on your feet sooner than you imagined.
1.   Move whatever you can, often & safely: Start moving with parts that didn’t have surgery. If you had a knee surgery, start moving with your arms, then your hips & the opposite knee. Move your surgery part, but only after you’ve been advised to do so.
Your movement will help to keep the blood flowing, lymph draining & muscle contracting.
2.   Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help: Don’t be shy of asking for help!
Request your mother to cook a healthy meal for you.
Ask your doctor for a physical therapy referral
3.   Drink Bone Broth: Your grandma’s go to dish whenever you feel sick, broth with long bones is good for additional bone marrow in the body & also helps in your healing process.
4.   Go outside in the sun as much as possible: Let the vitamin D in for strong & healthy bones.Early inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis of the knee and autoimmune diseases have also been linked to vitamin D deficiency. Although eating foods high in vitamin D like fatty saltwater fish is helpful, it is still important to get sun. As a safe rule spend time in the sun, but don’t burn.
5.   Sleep is critical for Recovery & Repair: Sleep when you’re tired, there is a natural recovery & repair process that takes while you are asleep so make sure get sound sleep of at least 10-12 hours.
The important three R’s that you should follow to optimize recovery after orthopedic surgery: Remove, Replace & Restore.
Remove stagnancy and helplessness; remove refined and processed foods, especially sugar. Remove excessive screen time to fill your day.
Replace with movement any way you can safely. Replace with help from family, friends. Include good amount of rich foods in your diet.
Restore optimal healing and recovery from injury and surgery.
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cvzxcvbghgfiuo4545 · 3 years
[*EPUB]-> Read/Download Small Animal Surgery BY Theresa Welch Fossum Book
Read and download book Small Animal Surgery in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Small Animal Surgery by Theresa Welch Fossum.
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Read/Download => https://bryandcvg-a88030.blogspot.com/?book=0323443443
 Descriptions :
Read and Download Theresa Welch Fossum book Small Animal Surgery.From basic procedures like spays, castrations, and declaws to advanced surgeries like craniotomy, vertal slots, and lung lobectomy, Fossum's Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition is the go-to, full-color guide for everything that general veterinarians and vet students need to know about both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Five editors bring their expert perspective as they discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. With each book adoption, you'll also have access to the Expert Consult website, which includes a fully searchable version of the book plus step-by-step video clips and animations of surgical procedures, aftercare instruction handouts, case presentations, references linked to full text articles on PubMed, and an extensive image collection. There is no better resource to keep you up to date on the latest advances and techniques in small animal surgery! . 
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xbvnmjkuioi4545 · 3 years
[*EPUB]-> Read/Download Small Animal Surgery BY Theresa Welch Fossum Book
Read and download book Small Animal Surgery in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Small Animal Surgery by Theresa Welch Fossum.
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Read/Download => https://bryandcvg-a88030.blogspot.com/?book=0323443443
 Descriptions :
Read and Download Theresa Welch Fossum book Small Animal Surgery.From basic procedures like spays, castrations, and declaws to advanced surgeries like craniotomy, vertal slots, and lung lobectomy, Fossum's Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition is the go-to, full-color guide for everything that general veterinarians and vet students need to know about both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Five editors bring their expert perspective as they discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. With each book adoption, you'll also have access to the Expert Consult website, which includes a fully searchable version of the book plus step-by-step video clips and animations of surgical procedures, aftercare instruction handouts, case presentations, references linked to full text articles on PubMed, and an extensive image collection. There is no better resource to keep you up to date on the latest advances and techniques in small animal surgery! . 
 Small Animal Surgery by Theresa Welch Fossum
Tags: Small Animal Surgery by Theresa Welch Fossum Free download, PDF, epub, docs, New York Times, ppt, audio books, Bloomberg, #NYT, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books,online books, books online, book reviews, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, best books to read, top books to read Small Animal Surgery BY Theresa Welch Fossum books to read online.Reading Download Pdf Epub read
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powellvetsservice · 3 years
Pets, Like Their Owners, Often Need Medical Care
It is easy to fall in love with that cute kitten that joins the household, or the friendly puppy that steals our hearts. We take them in and give them a home for the rest of their life, and often they become like children. 
This also means that we need to make sure not only their physical needs about food and safety should be met, or their emotional state is considered, but certainly also their needs for medical attention. 
This should, ideally, start the minute that kitten or puppy arrives in the home so that the vet can establish early on whether this pet is healthy and well-adjusted. The earlier the better, because that way the vet can intervene if he/she finds that the animal is not 100% well, or maybe a candidate for one or more illnesses or conditions in the future. Take them to the vet early on, and thereafter schedule regular visits to make sure they do not suffer from any illness and to be sure that all their medical needs are seen to, should such needs arise. 
Dogs and cats – and other pets – can get sick and will require the intervention of the family vet. Make sure you know who the best vet in your region is and build a professional relationship for the benefit of your animal. Also, if such a relationship is based on trust, the pet and vet may form a lifelong relationship for the benefit of the pet whether it is a relatively easy situation to take care of, or if, indeed, the pet needs more advanced medical attention, such as surgery. 
Of course, there are different surgeries available for pets, and in the same way that medical care for humans develops and the industry advances, medical attention and different surgeries now make use of advanced technology and the latest methodologies to ensure pets receive proper care, whether preventative or as a result of illness and injuries. 
Certain surgeries for pets are necessary to prevent, for example, unwanted puppies and kittens; therefore surgeries such as spaying and neutering are offered to owners that want to help control the animal population as far as they can. Of course, more serious surgeries are also done by experienced veterinarians to help an animal back to good health once more. 
It starts with the best veterinary service or clinic - and the vets that work there - near you. Without a good relationship with a well-experienced vet, you may be off to a bad start. Get to know the services in your area. Find out things such as: are they experienced and respected, and recommended, by the public; do they work from upscale rooms with the latest equipment and, for example, x-ray machines; do they take an interest in owners and their pets beyond seeing them for an appointment and then leave them without offering follow-up services and ongoing interest in how the animal is improving after, for example, surgery?
These are only some of the important qualities pet owners should be looking for in their veterinarian. Also, think of more serious surgeries such as orthopedic procedures, the aftercare, and follow-up visits your pet may need to make a full recovery. Of course, other surgeries may be required, such as when your animal is involved in a serious fight with another animal, or when they may be involved in different accidents that require surgeries to different parts of their bodies – a leg, a shoulder, hip, or their face. 
The good, experienced vet is there to take care and to ensure your animal recovers. Get to know these vets. The best ones today have great websites too, with information about their services and themselves. By logging on you may find great information. Whatever it takes, we always should do our best for our pets – also when it comes to treatment and surgeries.
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About Us: At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivalled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer a great experience and are proud of the services we offer about all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO-based, and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergencies. Pets are our passion and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit https://powellvets.com/.
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otisscott65 · 3 years
Medical Tourism - 5 For Choosing The Right Hospital
I'm a massive fan of health tourism provided uncover the right destination. If you've read all of my previous articles anyone certainly know I am a fan of the latest Zealand as that destination -for many reasons, not the least of may clean, state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained doctors and surgeons. Let us assume that you're in market place for a knee or hip replacement surgery - or any orthopedic surgery procedure - and the search engines . on New zealand. Now the to prepare for the holiday.
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salladbeth · 5 years
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