polyhcdron · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Ophelia Santana
AGE: 28 years old
D.O.B: September 13, 1994
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Genderqueer — she/them
OCCUPATION: Independent Contractor
TIME IN ASTORIA: Roughly 27 years
Ophelia Santana is known to her friends as Lia.  She is a witch who is indifferent about what she is and what she can do. At the age of one, she became the sole survivor of a plane crash and an orphan. After some brief shuffling around in Astoria’s foster care system, she was adopted into the Baksh family. Though for her adoptive mothers’ sakes, she legally uses her biological father’s last name.  For tax purposes, she is a self employed, independent contractor who is focused on completing odd jobs. She refers to herself as a legal hitman who is a paid nuisance to society, but really, she’s a content creator on Only Fans with plenty of loyal followers and sponsors. While much of her profits come from explicit content generation, she has posted various types of videos like, but not limited to,  process videos on metal sculptures she creates, prank videos, and videos of her harassing other small business owners because someone paid her enough. She isn’t in the game of limiting herself. Personality wise, she likes being “big,” independent, direct, and finding out what’s the next “big” thing, even if that means she has to be a shit stirrer. Deep down, she doesn’t want to admit that the perfect life she wants might not exist or that she doesn’t even know what that might look like.
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rachel-hathburn · 5 years
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>Penelope Wash| Pen, Penne, Penny, Princess P, PP, Poe<
✎ENGLISH- (A bit of french from one college class)
✎5′8 (I know Dove is pretty short but I see Pen being on the taller side)
Blood Type
✎ O+, 
Spirit animal
Standing Behind Convictions
Learning Proper Use of Power
Messenger Between Human and Divine Beings
Family History
Penelope didn’t always live in her neighborhood or house she does now. She actually used to live in a far bigger house with her Mother, Father, and Older Sister. Her Mother and Father were the farthest thing from the nurturing type and treated their daughters like robots, always coding them to perform at an unachievable level; Her older sister Prim however didn’t find it so unachievable and was exactly what their parents always wanted. Prim went on to become a neurosurgeon and once she got to job moved out to Vermont, their parents deciding to follow with her. Penelope was left on her own basically at 19 and a half, with nothing but a crippling understanding that she was useless and began to forever deem herself that way. She tried to contact her parents and sister but seeing as none of them ever really took a liking to Pen, she never got a response back. Penelope was given everything in life, finically, and never really was taught how to support herself.  It wasn’t long until the girl began getting heavily into the party scene which inevitably brings about a lot of negative inhibitions, however the girl struck gold with meeting the people she’d soon come to live with in the Animal House. These people soon became her family and she enrolled into a community college,  got her degree in education, and landed an amazing teaching job at a near by school. ~• •~
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"Above all, be the heroine of your life. Not the victim." — Nora Ephron 
Age of Appearance
✎Pen always tend to look a bit younger at first glance, especially without any make-up on, however her height and demeanor change that once you actually speak with the girl.
Body Type
✎Pen likes to take care of herself, she tends to keep busy with the chaotic house she lives in and with her work.
Skin Tone
✎Pale, blushes easily. 
✎ Freckles on the top of her nose, faint.
✎She has a birthmark right under her rib-cage, someone once told her birthmarks are how you died in a past life, and she been convinced she was stabbed there ver since.
✎She has one large scar on her arm, a burn from back when the animal house began and she drunkenly tried to make stir-fry for everyone.
✎It’s rare for someone to see Penelope with out her face done. 
✎She dress in a way that makes her look put together and classic. However she does step it up and go all out when going out on the town.
✎She has a necklace from when she was little that never leaves her skin.
Body Modification
✎She has gotten lip fillers before and keeps up with them regularly. 
Are they confident in the way they look:
✎Yes, Pen is secure in her appearance and takes pride in her looks.
~•  •~
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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”– Lao Tzu
General Temperament
✎Penelope is generally a bit cold off first impression, unless you’re close with her or are one of her students. However once she warms up to you the girl is very caring and attentive to your needs.
✎Penelope finds her happiness through helping her students learn, she says theres nothing better than when a kid is struggling and then finally grasp the concepts, it is one of the most rewarding things to the girl and a big part of why she loves her job so much. 
✎There are many things that make the blonde sad, however only a few that really rock to her core. Poverty, kids coming in without supplies that are needed, and climate change are some of the more impersonal ones. Her family is 100% a home run of sadness. 
✎Penelope gets angry when people are extremely reckless, which is ironic because she used to be the poster child for recklessness, I mean she is living in the animal house after all. But as she's grown up, the girl has done a big 360 and now is one of the most responsible people in the neighborhood. As she gotten to be the teacher to many of the children living around other close neighborhoods she finds it disrespectful when people are reckless outside of their own homes.
✎Penelope is confused about what to do with her living situation. The girl wants to move and get a smaller place of her own but she knows some of her room-mates would fall off the deep end without the structure she brings to the house, and even though the girl puts on a tough mask, she is a softie at her core, especially for her room-mates who she deeply loves.
✎She loves big cats. period.
✎forget-me-nots, when Pen was little the name used to make her cry, but they’ve come to be her favorite flower of all time.
Weather/Time of the day/Season
✎For someone living in California it’s hard to imagine her favorite weather not being clear and sunny; but yet, Pen likes the cold. Nothing makes her happier than when their little town finally starts to cool off a bit.
✎Penelope is good a cooking, she can’t make anything extreme but she’s learned how to whip up a nice dinner and usually does so for her house. 
✎Nothing makes Pen happier than a spiked lemon-aide.
✎Pink! If that isn’t obvious.
✎All she has ever known is california, but the girl has always been fascinated by paris, hence why she took up french in college.
Social skills
✎ Penelope is a natural at schmoozing and knowns how to put on charm when she wants to. 
✎Penelope is insecure in that fact that she never feels proud of herself, her accomplishments never really feel like they’re enough and she is always striving to be useful or helpful to someone so she doesn’t get left behind. But she’d never say that out loud.
✎Penelope tends to be very forward when she’s angry, but through working with elementary school kids she has learned how to calmly talk through her emotions, or so she tries.
✎Being completely useless.
✎Penelope always feels like she has to prove herself, even if the only person she’s proving anything to is herself, and that keeps her driven and motivated.
✎To have a family of her own and to make sure her students get the best education possible.
~•  •~
First Words: ball
What emotions to the attribute to their childhood: rejection
Morning Person or Night Owl: morning person
Significant Childhood Memory: Pen’s parents bringing her and Prim to the amusement park because they both got straight As
Current Residence: Animal House
Occupation: Second grade teacher
What do they smell like: Vanilla and rose
What words or phrases do they overuse: “Okay- got it, thanks.”
Do they have a catch phrases: “Can you- not.”
What is their greatest accomplishment: Their job
What smells remind them of their childhood: The smell of pencils
What was their childhood ambition: To please her parents 
Do they believe in love at first sight: No
Do they believe in true love: Yes
Have they ever had their heart broken: Yes
Are they ticklish: Very
Can they keep a secret: Absolutely 
How do they display affection: Words of affirmation
Are they okay with PDA (Public Displays of affection): Yes, a tasteful amount
Are they a virgin: No
How do they want other people to view them: Successful 
Are they competitive: Yes, very.
Deadly Sin : Envy 
Heavenly Virtue:  Diligence
Are they a minimalist or a hoarder: bit of a hoarder with classroom supplies
Where do they go to feel safe: in their room
Where do they go when they’re angry: the beach 
What password do they use for everything: penpalpenny333
What is their favorite day of the week: wednesday
What do they keep in their pockets: spare erasers��
What is their most treasured object: she has a necklace she wears 24/7
Do they have any pet peeves: slobs and slow walkers
How confident are they: 5/10
How generous are they: 10/10
How creative are they: 9/10
How honest are they: 6/10
How loyal are they: 8/10
Are they manipulative: She for sure can be but only if there is a calling for it
How predictable are they: Pen has her moments where the retired party animal will randomly appear but other than that her schedule is pretty regular
How do they flirt with people: by trying to appease them 
Book smart or street smart: A healthy mix
Do they prefer being hot or cold: cold, pen loves the cool weather
What do they think is the worst thing you could do to another person: Abandon them
How do they deal with stress: By doing one million things at once
Are they comfortable crying in front of other: Only a select few, and even then its rather uncomfortable for her
What social justice issue would they be most passionate about: Proper education for less fortunate kids.
If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be: Pen would change her inner need to please and accommodate those around her.
Sexually Explicit Questions:
Are they a top or a bottom (Or do they switch): Definitely a secret bottom there is no doubt.
How important is sex to them: Like on a scale?? maybe a 6
Do they believe it is a mostly emotional act or a mostly physical act: Pen thinks it can be both
Turnons: Caring people, acts of service, when someone is trying not to smile. 
Turnoffs: Ignorance, Toxic Masculinity, and people who hate children. 
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dmncs · 5 years
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(( tommy martinez, 26, he/him, heterosexual )) [MUSE L]? no, that’s [DOMINIC CORONADO] but they can also be called the [CYNIC]. i’ve heard they can be [LOYAL && RESPONSIBLE] but also [OVER-BEARING && RETICENT]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a [BOUNCER AT THE LOCAL CLUB]. when you think about them, you can always picture [BLOODIED KNUCKLES AND SPLIT LIPS, LEATHER JACKETS FILLED WITH DRUGS, CLASSIC ROCK PLAYING FAINTLY ON A BUSTED RADIO].
hi hi hi! the name’s lexi and i’m from the est tz !! this is my Mf [clap emoji] Baby [clap emoji] dominic. he is annoyed. tired. tall. that’s it. FDJKFDK. but for real, you can find a bullet-form bio for him below, as well as a link to his wc page, and my d*scord for any plotting purposes :-)
dominic grew up in a tiny apartment on the rougher side of town with his mother. since he could remember, it was him and mom against the world.
his father had walked out before dominic could even say the word ‘daddy’. he had no memory of the man and no desire to find him.
he was a small kid, constantly getting picked on by the kids on his block. dominic was an angry child, but he internalized it, always putting his mother first. 
and on his fifteenth birthday, dominic had grown to six feet, and saw no sign of stopping (well he DID stop at 6′3″ the year after). he started working out, and soon he came to be known as the guy not to fuck with on the block. 
late night alleyway fights, coming home quietly with bloody knuckles and slipping into bed wincing, it all became part of dom’s way of coping with things.
after one particularly nasty fight, he came home to his mother sitting in the living room with some man in a suit. his mother rushed to him and started tending to his face, but his eyes were glued to the corporate schmuck sitting on his couch. 
the van burens had bought all the buildings on the block ---- they were known for flipping neighborhoods into perfectly gentrified areas. 
the lackey had noticed something special in dominic, and he was approached several times the next few weeks.
it took some time, but the offer of relocating his mother and he into a beautiful apartment on the  20th floor of the mogul’s most prestigious apartment had done the trick.
dominic then got initiated into the shadier parts of business, the training better than any military service could provide. though he was bulky before, he’d become ripped. 
this caught the bosses eye. this quiet kid with nothing to lose and an aggressive flair was just what he needed. he started meeting with dominic privately, sharing some of the most crucial details of his business. 
the relationship between the two strengthened quickly, and soon to the boss dominic was an integral part of his few personal bodyguards. to dominic, he’d found the father figure he’d always yearned for, deep down. he’d die for this family, and mr van buren knew that
so when his daughter moved away and business was starting to get too dicey, he sent his most trusted lackey ---- dominic.
dominic was reluctant to go. things were getting dangerous in the city and he didn’t trust anyone to keep the boss safe apart from himself.
he’d never oppose a van buren wish though, and headed towards the oceanside house with a heavy heart.
now that he’s here, he’s working as a bouncer at the local beach club, but his real work is updating mr van buren every night on his burner phone and assessing + dealing with any threat to his daughter, no matter how small or insignificant.
SO BASICALLY we got ourselves a fuckin Moody Boi who basically hates everything about this assignment but the only person he’s ever looked up to trusted him with this job so he’s gonna do it as best he can
he’s very cynical and sarcastic, and doesn’t let anyone in past that layer of him. tbh he doesn’t even know what there is past that because his whole life has been spent focusing on his physical aspects so he’s never introspected or anything like that lmao
ok i’m lazy i’ll put up my wc page in a bit but!!! like this or hmu on im’s or d*scord trashman#6025 to plot hehe
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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(( jeon jungkook, 21, he/him, homosexual )) [MUSE F]? no, that’s [LUX PARK] but they can also be called the [THE MALINGER]. i’ve heard they can be [OUTGOING && ADVENTUROUS] but also [IMPULSIVE && CHILDISH]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a [THRIFT STORE EMPLOYEE]. when you think about them, you can always picture [CONTAGIOUS LAUGHTER, COLORFUL SHOE LACES, WALKS OF SHAME]. 
NAME: Alexander Lee Choi NICKNAMES: Lux AGE: 21 GENDER + PRONOUNS: Cismale + He/Him SEXUALITY: Homosexual BIRTHDAY: June 16th ZODIAC: Gemini ETHNICITY: Korean BIRTH PLACE: Vista, CA OCCUPATION: Magic shop employee
HEIGHT: 5 ft 10 WEIGHT: 150 lbs BUILD: Average HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Brown TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: None
Lux is the youngest child in his family, and basically the black sheep because trouble sticks to him like glue, especially once he entered his Rebellious Teenager Phase™ which he never really got out of.
In high school, Lux was the class clown; always cracking jokes, attention whoring and acting like a brat to teachers. It was his way of trying to fit in and to distract his peers from the fact that he  genuinely didn’t know the answers to the teacher’s questions.
Lux smoked a lot of pot with his friends. Well, they weren’t actually ‘friends’. More like fellow trouble makers, people who he met in detention or at parties. 
He struggled to keep up with his studies, and eventually, he just gave up all together. Lux was sixteen when he dropped out of high school. His parents freaked, and threatened to kick him out, so Lux moved in with his granny under the condition that he would help her around the house and work at her store. 
Lux and his Grandma Park had always been very close. He was her youngest grandchild, so he held a special place in her heart. She was a strict, but fair woman. Sadly, she passed away when Lux was nineteen. 
Because he no longer had a place to stay, and moving back in with his parents was no longer an option, he moved from Vista to Oceanside, to live with his high school bestie, Echo. He’s been here for about two years now.
Recently, his boyfriend moved in with them... which isn’t working very well. ( But I still need to plot deets on that )
Now that his grandma is no longer around to keep him in line, Lux fell back into his old ways again and he has been partying a shit ton. A tiger can’t change his stripes  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This intro is really short because I’m terrible at writing them rip. If you wanna know more, just ask! Oh, and dm me for plots! I’d love to set up some connections.
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clem-cross · 5 years
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(( Zendaya, 22, she/her, pansexual )) [D]? no, that’s [CLEMENTINE CROSS] but they can also be called the[LOST CHILD]. I've heard they can be [WITTY && HONEST]but also [RIGID && RECKLESS]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a/an [SUPERMARKET WORKER / ASPIRING FILMMAKER]. when you think about them, you can always picture [A RAISE OF AN EYEBROW, A FAR OFF GAZE, THE CLICK OF A DISPOSABLE CAMERA, ].  – ooc Heather, est, she/her –
Hello all! My name is Heather- This is my sweet little broken bean Clem. Sorry this took me so long to post! Connections are always wanted so just hit me up- I have some skeletons at the bottom! 
Name: Clementine Ophelia Cross
Nicknames: Clem, Minnie
Birthday: June 2nd, 1997 (22) 
Zodiac: Gemini
Likes: movies, art, museums,long drives, bonfires on the beach, selflessness, notebooks
Dislikes: cockiness, rudeness, most rich people, lies
Positive Traits: witty, honest, can actually be funny and warm
Negative Traits: rigid, sarcastic, reckless, isolates herself often
Clementine “Clem” Cross was born and raised in Oceanside, CA. Growing up she mostly kept to herself but was sweet.  Her family wasn’t insanely rich, but they did have money with yearly vacations. They believed in hard work, and were always on the go. 
Clem would often find herself in the shadows of her two siblings, Delilah and [open]. However, she never minded it. This allowed her to enjoy solitude and focus on her studies. Most of her peers seen her as quiet until in middle school, she began to stick up for those being bullied. This in turn caused her to become bullied, but she never talks about it. 
In high school Clem found her voice through her creativity. She began pouring her heart into her short stories and photography. There was finally a way she could communicate her feelings. Despite being seen as odd, and a bit of an outcast- Clem stuck to her guns. By the end of high school she had combined the two and made numerous short films. These films got her into USC film school. 
In a cloud full of like-minded people, Clem was able to herself. Instead of being seen as the ‘crazy’ girl with the camera; no one batted an eye when she pulled out her camera to film. Not only that, but she was hands down among the top students to ever attend USC. She has worked on sets of notorious films and even had a few minor roles in TV and film. Everyone thought Clementine was going to become someone. 
That is, until she became no one. On their way to her winter showcase, her parents were involved in a wreck. Unfortunately, neither of them made it out alive. After the funeral she found it hard to even leave her old room in their home. By the end of it, she dropped out of school weeks before graduation and now works at the local market. 
Now her camera equipment is collecting dust and her text messages often left unread. She sort of lives in her own world, and prefers it that way. You can find her at the market, or at a party drinking herself away.
Wanted Connections 
*Always open to more ideas just IM me!
[XANNY]: A negative influence, but the one who can get Clementine to go party. The closest thing she has to a friend right now. 
[MONOPOLY]:  A long time friend of Clementine’s. The first person she came out to,also  the person who calls her out on her bullshit. 
[SUMMERTIME MAGIC]: A summer fling (Could be recent or past), friends with benefits. 
[SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK]: They broke up right before the death of her parents, the relationship was already on rocks before. 
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novaxfitzgerald · 5 years
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(( Elizabeth Lail, 25, she/her, bisexual )) [MUSE O]? no, that’s [NOVA FITZGERALD] but they can also be called the [SACCHARINE]. i’ve heard they can be [MOTHERLY && GENUINE] but also [STUBBORN && DOCILE]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a [KINDERGARTEN TEACHER]. when you think about them, you can always picture [SUNLIGHT, BAKING BREAD, KNIT SWEATERS].
Only recently realized she's bi, so she’s only out to a few close friends
She’s the youngest of three and the only girl
She's a kindergarten teacher and absolutely loves her job
Mom friend™
Having a bad day? Nova will show up with homemade hot chocolate and baked goods
Has described her fashion sense as "elderly kindergarten teacher"
Super stubborn, good luck changing her mind once it's made up
Doesn't really stick up for herself, so she's definitely been taken advantage of before. She doesn't let that make her bitter/not let people in because she believes it says more about their character than it does about hers
Wants to get married and start a family
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siwonsays · 5 years
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(( cha eunwoo, 21, he/him, bisexual )) [MUSE H]? no, that’s [SIWON CHOI] but they can also be called the [CONTINGENT]. i’ve heard they can be [CHARMING && RELIABLE] but also [ MOODY && IMPATIENT]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a [BARISTA/COLLEGE STUDENT]. when you think about them, you can always picture [BLACK SKINNY JEANS,  LATE NIGHT WALKS ON THE BEACH, GOOD MANNERS].  
Siwon was born and raised in New York, which's where his family still lives now. His parents are both originally from Seoul, SK, but they moved to the US when his dad got transferred there for work.
Comes from a wealthy background.His father is the major shareholder and owner of a famous electronics company and his mother is a neurosurgeon. They were both really busy as he was growing up, Siwon's older brother was be the one watching him most of the time, going to school presentations and helping with homework. But it wasn’t like his parentes didn’t care about their kids, when they did get time off they’d make sure to make up for their absence.
Moved to Oceanside for college, he’s a literature major. As he started his classes and made friends, Siwon realized it’d be easier to fit in if he didn’t mention his family’s influence/wealth so that’s what he did. He even got a job as a barista on a cozy café close to his building and it felt good to actually earn his money for once. He really likes working at the café.
Personality wise he’s optimistic and determined, independent and adventurous. A soft baby most of the time. But days when he’s got an early shift/classes and had to wake up before 10 am he’d definitely be moody. Siwon’s also really loyal and is the type of friend that’d pick up 4 am calls/texts and listen to your problems and try his best to hep. Kind of the psychologist of his friend’s group.
He’s a lightweight, doesn’t take more than 6 shots before he’s napping on the floor. But he’ll fight you and deny this if confronted about it.
That’s all have for now but come plot with us?
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alicekinney · 5 years
(( sydney sweeney, 22, she/her, bisexual )) [MUSE R]? no, that’s [ALICE KINNEY] but they can also be called the [INGENUE]. i’ve heard they can be [COY && IMAGINATIVE] but also [INDECISIVE && MOODY]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a [LIBRARIAN]. when you think about them, you can always picture [KITTEN HEELS, TRIPLE TEXTING, A GLASS OF ROSÉ]. 
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hi everyone!!!!! i’m annika!!! 1) tbh i haven’t joined in rp in months so pls bear with me!!!! 2) i’m super excited to be here so pls read more to learn a lil more about my new muse alice :-)
- alice is freshly 22 (she’s a june baby, a total gemini tbh) and has lived in oceanside all her life but since graduating college (english major hi how are ya) she’s lived with muse s in house 1208! and i gotta plot with muse s for more details but as y’all know,,,, its complicated lol
- she didn’t want to be an english teacher, so she applied for a position at the local library and lo & behold she got a librarian job. she loves it for a lot of reasons: one being that no one’s ever fucking in the library anymore so she gets to spend most of the time either browsing her socials or working on her poetry book she *swears* she’ll publish one day. the other is that she’s always loved reading!!! alice is a bit naive and nostalgic so she spends most of the day in the young adult section reading about love and magical adventures, but who’s to put an age limit on being a “””young adult””” 
- although alice is a bit love obsessed, she’s not sure she’s ever really been in love. ya know, until maybe now with muse s. she loves the flirting game, but the idea of an actual, committed relationship definitely freaks her out. she’d much rather keep her options open & she’s always looking for the next best thing
so yeah !!!! i’m sure i’ll add to this but here she is for now!!! pls hmu if you wanna plot- i’m open to anything!!!!
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lcecolds · 5 years
he c
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(( lorenzo zurzola, 22, he/him, bisexual )) [MUSE I]? no, that’s [LEO GABRIEL] but they can also be called the [THE MAGNET]. i’ve heard they can be [CHARISMATIC && OPTIMISTIC] but also [POSSESSIVE && SELF-CENTERED]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a [BARTENDER]. when you think about them, you can always picture [HALF EMPTY COFFEE MUGS, USED RECORDS, WORN BLACK CONVERSE SHOES].  – madison, cst, she/her –
hi y’all!!! super pumped for this. my name’s madison let’s gooo!! i’m gonna do mostly his early life/personality cuz i gotta plot with muse j but here’s leo!!
leo has lived in oceanside for his whole life
he comes from wealth, his dad works remotely for a company in silicon valley and his mom got a fat inheritance from her millionaire father
because of this, he can be pretty conceited
but he actually comes off as pretty nice and cool because he’s a people pleaser and despite how aloof he acts, he really wants to be liked
although he comes from affluence he himself is pretty broke because when he dropped out of college at 20 and moved in with his girlfriend, his parents cut him off completely
they were like “don’t wanna follow our plan, then you dont get our money”
so he’s been working as a bartender to try and make ends meet
but now that he’s going to become a baby daddy he feels like he needs to get a “real job” but he doesn’t know what he wants to do and doesn’t want to get stuck in a job he hates
basically he’s just confused as fuck bc he’s faced with big decisions about his future and he barely knows who he is
he’s a big ole flirt. he barely ever gets in serious relationships-- his relationship with carla was his first real adult relationship
and it kinda put him off from dating so he’s nervous about getting into another one, and he figures no one will want to date a guy with a kid
so he kinda resents carla for this whole situation a lil bit even though he knows it’s his fault too
he is very clingy when he gets really close to someone but he’s choosy about the people he is close to
ok so that’s what i have for leo rn!!! pls plot with me i will love u forever i want all types of plots, crushes hook ups ALL THE PLATONIC CONNECTIONS just give me everything
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jonuso-blog · 6 years
Ay, y’all.
Jon, here. Feel free to ask me anything or just chat with me, uce!
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