luxpvrk · 5 years
The house he was living in definitely didn’t feel like a home. The atmosphere was tense, hostil even. Siwon had figured out that a temporary solution would be to spend more time away. That had been the case that night, the party was a good excuse to avoid all of that. He had sent Lux a soft smile as he looked up at him, happy to spend time with the younger male as always, but it was quickly replaced by a frown at hearing his boyfriend’s reply to his comment. Siwon didn’t mean to upset the other, he just said what came to his mind, if anything he had meant it as a compliment. Sighing, he looked down at his his hands, getting lost in thought for a moment. Hearing what was said next hurt. He knew how much his boyfriend cared about him and that he just probably assumed the taller male was fine since he made it home safely, but in that moment it seemed like Lux was more worried about waking Echo up than about Siwon’s well being. The barista accepted the offered hand and sat down slowly, still not saying a word.
Hugging his knees to his chest, he looked over as Lux came closer and rested his head on his shoulder and sent his boyfriend a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have gotten wasted and made so much noise, I’m sorry. You should go to bed. I just need a moment to sober up a bit. I’ll be right there.”
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lux knew that siwon couldn’t help being loud, as it was obvious the boy was drunk and had a great time at the party. the younger had come home in a similar state many times before, but that was before every small thing that happened turned into a huge argument, for no apparent reason. it felt as if he had to walk on eggshells 24/7 in order to not piss someone off, which was pretty hard when the other boys continued provoking each other, and then expected him to pick a side. choose. every decision he made in life seemed to be the wrong one. it wasn’t fair to be put in a position like this. 
“i don’t want to sleep yet,” lux yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his fingerstips. the younger boy snuggled up closer, hoping the other would put his arm around him. “maybe later.” he didn’t want to think about the ‘hard stuff’ anymore. no, he just wanted to be happy, and for everyone to get along. why was that so hard? “are you alright?” lux inquired, noticing that the other’s tone of voice had changed slightly. “are you sick, or...?”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
“free cookies? you don’t have to tell me that twice!” lux exclaimed cheerfully, taking the liberty to grab a handful of cookies off the tray she was holding. “it’s best to try several, you know? just in case,” he assured, wagging his brows playfully as he took a bite off a cookie. “dang, i’d say you’ve nailed it, blonde cookie lady. totally makes me wish it was halloween already.”
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Nova had stuck her head out the window, waving to get the passerby’s attention.”Hey! I just tried a new spice combination in my pumpkin cookies and I could really use a taste tester! If you like them, you can have some!”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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       “ uh.. ” hajoon let out a confused hum as he processed the phrases he just heard. he didn’t know what had happened so lux would ask him – of all people – to hang out, including his choice of words. he thought about suggesting he’d go for siwon but decided against it;; conversing about his friend with the other male seemed even more awkward to him. “ are you sure– i mean, i’m sure you know a bunch of people and i wouldn’t bet on me to be the most fun one. ”
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“pikachu, i choose you,” lux exclaimed dramatically, pointing his finger at his boyfriend’s friend. granted, hajoon was an odd choice, since they didn’t know each other that well and he was close with lux’s boyfriend. you know, the same boyfriend he was currently avoiding. rest assured, he had his reasons for doing what he was doing. “no worries, haj. everyone becomes a fun person after a few tequilla shots. even you,” the boy promised, his lips curling up into a teasing grin. “so, what do you say?”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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the more days passed, the higher tensions rose in the house. it’s come to a point echo didn’t feel at home, in the place that became his safe haven after moving away from his hometown, anymore and his sleepovers at his boyfriend’s place were becoming more frequent and longer in time. sometimes, echo would not come home for over a week. for the sake of his best friend, echo tried to get along with siwon but he could no longer pretend that his every action didn’t get on his nerves nor ignore the painful ache in his chest anytime he had the misfortune to witness the couple together. 
startled, he dropped the watering can he was holding, drenching himself and his plants in water. unamused, he grabbed lux’s wrists and pushed his hands away. in the past, echo would’ve played along with his best friend’s antics but their friendship wasn’t what it used to be. on top of realizing his feelings for the other went beyond friendship, echo felt betrayed by lux’s passive behavior towards the situation they were in. echo expected lux to prioritize their years-long friendship over his relationship, something he would do if the situation was reversed. “i have no time for your shenanigans,” he snapped, out of character for the commonly cheerful and gentle boy, and crouched down to gently and carefully wipe the drops of water on the plants’ leaves. 
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lux flinched at the other’s reaction, his brown doe eyes widening in shock. in hindsight, he should have seen it coming from miles away, considering the tension between the two besties, but he was still taken aback by the usually soft spoken boy suddenly raising his voice at him. “a-alright, sorry...” lux wore his heart on his sleeve, and the dull ache he felt in his chest was written all over his face. how was he supposed to fix their friendship if echo was too stubborn to even have small talk with him? 
“i just... i just wanted to let you know that i watered your flowers for you while you were gone and... and i’m happy you’re home, echo. and no, before you bring it up, it’s not because the dishes have been piling up ever since you left. siwon and i are cleaning those up tonight, i promise.” housekeeping wasn’t his strongest suit, mostly because the boy was quite lazy, but he knew he had to step up his game if he wanted to end this war. 
“are you sure you don’t want a prize, though? i mean, you’ll still have to earn it, but we could play another game instead?” lux suggested with a forced smile, raking his nails down the base of his neck. his plan didn’t work the first time, it made no sense to ask again, but he was desperate and couldn’t think of anything else to say to him. 
“um..” the silence that followed after his rambling was beyond uncomfortable. awkwardly, lux shoved his hands into his pockets. “guess i’ll just leave you be then,” he mumbled softly, sadness clouding his features. 
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luxpvrk · 5 years
going to bed now, babes. i’ll be around again tomorrow! please check out my starter or hmu if you want to plot out a connection!
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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Jungkook lip syncs to Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy
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luxpvrk · 5 years
It was late, Siwon should have been home hours ago but his college friends ended up convincing him to go to a party after their classes were over. He had called Lux to ask if he’d like to meet him there but his boyfriend was stuck at work and wasn’t able to make it. Siwon remembered having a few shots with his friends and talking to other collegues he encountered there but after that it was kind of a blurr. He wouldn’t be able to tell you how he got home, but there he was, struggling to get his keys out and open the door. All the while giggling to himself. After a few moments, Siwon finally managed it and made his way inside, trying to be as quiet as possible. The last thing he wanted was to wake up Echo. But as he was making his way towards the room he shared with his boyfriend, Siwon slipped and feel to the ground. The noise apparently loud enough to wake up Lux, as the next thing he saw was his boyfriend’s sleepy face staring down at him. His eyes widened in amazement as he stared right back at him, the light coming from the corridor illuminating Lux’s face. “Oh my God, babe. You look like an angel. Your hair looks so so good, please promise me that you’ll never cut it again.” He slurred. @luxpvrk
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admittedly, lux might have told his boyfriend a little white lie about being stuck at work when the other had invited him to a party, but only because the truth was so out of character for him, that it was probably too hard to believe. the actual reason was that the younger boy needed some time to think. god, if only he had done that before, then their current situation wouldn’t be stuck in the middle of such a shitshow. lux felt so torn between his best friend and boyfriend, who were constantly at each other’s throat. the tension in the house had become unbearable and unavoidable. though neither of them had said the words out loud, lux could tell that they wanted him to pick a side, or even better, have him cut the other person out of his life. perhaps that would be for the best, but how was the boy supposed to choose between the two people he loved the most?
it was getting late, and echo had already gone to bed a while ago. lux needed a moment to clear his head first, hence why he was distracting himself by playing a videogame, until he heard some noises coming from the hallway. he watched his boyfriend stumble into the room, barely able to even stand, his voice slurring nearly every word. yes, it had become quite obvious to him that siwon was hammered. “yea, yea, sure, i mean god invited the devil himself into his angel clique, surely he’d be cool with the goblin prince himself,” lux hissed softly, running his fingers through his hair, which admittedly had become quite long because he had been too lazy to get a haircut. “i promise i won’t if you promise to be quiet. echo is sleeping.” he got up from the couch to lend his boyfriend a hand, cautiously helping the other male to sit down. it was strange, because normally he would be the one in the position that siwon was in right now; drunk, loud and needy, it was almost as if he was growing up, and he didn’t like that one bit. almost a real adult. lux shuddered just thinking about it. he snuggled up to siwon, resting his head against the other’s shoulder. “sorry, i... i’m just tired.”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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normally, lux was a fan of ignoring his problems until they eventually went away, but it had become apparent that his method of choice was only hurting his friendship with echo, instead of restoring it. it was his fault, he shouldn’t have pushed his bestie to let his boyfriend move in with them, but in his defense, he was genuinely trying to do the right thing. siwon needed a place to stay, and well, echo and lux had plenty of room in their house. it didn’t seem like a big deal to him, but clearly it was to the other two people involved. he should have thought it through instead of making a decision on a whim. god, he had created such a mess, but it felt like they already crossed a point of now return, since he couldn’t just kick his boyfriend out or force echo to get along with him. something had to happen, though. something had to be done, and it was up to him to do it.
“guess who!” lux feigned a slight chuckle as he covered echo’s eyes with his hands, while he stood behind the older boy, who was watering the plants. honestly, lux had no idea how to get them out of this one. starting off with a lame joke most likely wasn’t the way, but it was all he could think of in that moment. “if you guess right, there’s a fabulous prize waiting for you in the living room, sir.”
{ @echvss } 
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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“liiisten, i know you have other plans already, but if you go out with me tonight, i’ll forever be indebted to you,” lux whined, his doe eyes wide and pleading. “i just need a break, okay? the tension in the house is really starting to wear on me. besides, you’re like the most fun person i know. totally not asking you as a last resort or anything because all the cool people are busy. ”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
Everybody had seen the whole ordeal. A rude customer talking down to her over the brand of eggs they sold. Clementine making a sarcastic comment, and the customer dump the eggs onto her head. She could feel the blood rushing to her face in anger. “You know what?”
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“uh, yeah, hi, eggs-cuse me, but do you happen to know where i can find the baking products aisle?” lux casually stepped in between the disgruntled customer and employee, as he was in a bit of a rush. this store wasn’t one he frequented often, but his regular supermarket had already closed for the day. the boy’s brows raised at the furious expression on the girl’s face, but he didn’t let it deter him. “yea, that wasn’t a great yolk. eh, i mean joke. mind helping me out, though?”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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“are you telling me you don’t want it, d?” brown doe eyes were fixed on the girl’s plate, though he had just finished devouring a jelly filled donut. admittedly, the croissant looked like it was falling apart right in front of him, but it wasn’t fair to judge a book by it’s cover. before delilah had the chance to answer him, he had already swiped it off her plate and had taken a big chomp out of it. “you’re right, it is pretty sad, so it’s only fair that i put it out of it’s misery then.”
“Well, the prices seem to have gone up since I was here last, but the quality certainly hasn’t.” Delilah eyed the food she’d just ordered from the cafe with distaste. “That is the saddest looking croissant I have ever seen.”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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“oh, leo, leo! you know you’re not supposed to drink while on the job, right? tsk tsk,” lux scolded teasingly, shaking his head at the other male, but there was no heat behind his wordsm. “i don’t care how drunk you are, though. there’s really no excuse for that boring, dated pick-up line. don’t tell me you’ve lost your mojo, playboy.”
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seeing the attractive patron at the bar, leo smirked and headed over to them. there was pretty much no one at the bar, seeing as it was like, four o clock on a tuesday, so he had time to flirt. “hey there,” he said, leaning forward with his arms perched on the bar. “you want a drink? on the house, from me.”
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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sleepy jungkook ♡ for anon
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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well okay jungkook i see you 
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luxpvrk · 5 years
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(( jeon jungkook, 21, he/him, homosexual )) [MUSE F]? no, that’s [LUX PARK] but they can also be called the [THE MALINGER]. i’ve heard they can be [OUTGOING && ADVENTUROUS] but also [IMPULSIVE && CHILDISH]. they call oceanside their home when they aren’t too busy being a [THRIFT STORE EMPLOYEE]. when you think about them, you can always picture [CONTAGIOUS LAUGHTER, COLORFUL SHOE LACES, WALKS OF SHAME]. 
NAME: Alexander Lee Choi NICKNAMES: Lux AGE: 21 GENDER + PRONOUNS: Cismale + He/Him SEXUALITY: Homosexual BIRTHDAY: June 16th ZODIAC: Gemini ETHNICITY: Korean BIRTH PLACE: Vista, CA OCCUPATION: Magic shop employee
HEIGHT: 5 ft 10 WEIGHT: 150 lbs BUILD: Average HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Brown TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: None
Lux is the youngest child in his family, and basically the black sheep because trouble sticks to him like glue, especially once he entered his Rebellious Teenager Phase™ which he never really got out of.
In high school, Lux was the class clown; always cracking jokes, attention whoring and acting like a brat to teachers. It was his way of trying to fit in and to distract his peers from the fact that he  genuinely didn’t know the answers to the teacher’s questions.
Lux smoked a lot of pot with his friends. Well, they weren’t actually ‘friends’. More like fellow trouble makers, people who he met in detention or at parties. 
He struggled to keep up with his studies, and eventually, he just gave up all together. Lux was sixteen when he dropped out of high school. His parents freaked, and threatened to kick him out, so Lux moved in with his granny under the condition that he would help her around the house and work at her store. 
Lux and his Grandma Park had always been very close. He was her youngest grandchild, so he held a special place in her heart. She was a strict, but fair woman. Sadly, she passed away when Lux was nineteen. 
Because he no longer had a place to stay, and moving back in with his parents was no longer an option, he moved from Vista to Oceanside, to live with his high school bestie, Echo. He’s been here for about two years now.
Recently, his boyfriend moved in with them... which isn’t working very well. ( But I still need to plot deets on that )
Now that his grandma is no longer around to keep him in line, Lux fell back into his old ways again and he has been partying a shit ton. A tiger can’t change his stripes  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This intro is really short because I’m terrible at writing them rip. If you wanna know more, just ask! Oh, and dm me for plots! I’d love to set up some connections.
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