love101imagines · 4 years
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✧ Please do not rewrite, steal or copy any of my works since I want my stories only on my blog and they have taken a lot of time and effort.
✧ I will write for any of the characters of Love 101 and the couples of the show. I have started watching Vatanim Sensin and may write for the character of Leon if requested.
✧ You can also send requests for any of Mert’s characters in the series and movies he’s been in since during quarantine I’m watching all the shows he has acted in.
✧ I update my masterlist every time I post a new story.
✧ My requests are always open and I try to upload every week even if I have school work to do.
✧ I’m not from Turkey but every time I write I try to make it as real as possible, always investigating about the customs and traditions there.
✧ If you want to send me an original idea or prompt please do! Your requests are always appreciated and taken into account.
✧ All kind of feedback is welcomed! Let’s make this fandom bigger.
✧ prompt list: one two three
Happiness is a butterfly: In where Osman cared much more about money than what was happening to both of you and it costed him everything.
Pillowtalk: After Işik's birthday, your drunken self has an honest conversation with your boyfriend.
Somebody to someone: AU where after a certain age you are able to communicate with your soulmate telepathically.
Give your heart a break: After Osman told you your friendship was over, you went back to your former friends, making him worry about how much you've changed.
Without you: It had always been Osman and you. Married fresh out of college, a few years later his worst fears come alive when you two have no money and you are panicking over a pregnancy test.
Cross your mind: In where your sprained ankle causes your friend to finally admit his feelings to you.
Mistakes like this: Your old habits cause a fight you didn't expect between you and Osman.
Crush culture: After feeling things slowly changing between you and your best friend, you're unsure on what to do once he starts to slowly pull away after you met Sinan. There's no way he's jealous, right?
Canyon moon: Art block was never solved in a better way.
Osman as a boyfriend | Headcannons
Osman with an artistic s/o | Headcannons
Thunder: In where you and Sinan are going through a rough patch until you have to act civil once you two are stuck on his house during a storm.
This love: Feelings spark up after Sinan agrees to fake being your boyfriend.
Closer: Things felt off between you and Sinan, once friends and now with only sarcastic comments between the two of you until you decide to talk.
Look after you: In where you can’t hide all the bruises and things that happen in your house to your boyfriend anymore.
You with me: After seeing Sinan storm off Işik’s house, you decide to stop by at his house before the concert to know what truly happened.
Will anything happen?: After having a crush on you for years, Sinan finally has a chance when they need you to set up Miss Burcu with Coach Kemal.
Just good friends: Being best friends with Sinan for years had its perks and disadvantages, one of them being that you couldn’t talk to him about the guys you liked because he didn’t care. Turns out, he cared too much, and finally took the opportunity to confess his feelings once you got closer to Kerem.
Here for you: The only thing he wants to do is to help you, even if you try your best doing everything on your own.
Super Freak: An encounter with Burak shows how protective you truly are.
One thing left to try: At a party, you ask Sinan to pretend to be your boyfriend so Burak stops bothering you. Once he accepts, chaos breaks free.
Middle of Somewhere: In where you two act like you hate each other until you don’t anymore.
Bad idea: In where Sinan has a crush on you, Kerem’s younger sister, and the rest help to distract your brother so you two can spend time alone.
Way too much: You two were best friends and grew up together until you had to move away. Five years later, you come back, as well as Sinan’s feelings for you.
Hold onto me: You ran into a passed out Sinan with empty cans around him and the smell of cheap beer.
Sinan as a boyfriend | Headcannons
The rest of the gang watches you and Sinan’s kid | Headcannons
Scary love: In where you don’t know how to handle love and feelings until you have to face the consequences of your acts.
Sit still, look pretty: You only went to take your school photo because your friend asked you to. Surprised that she didn’t show up, all your suspicions disappear once you find her crying in the school’s bathroom.
sinan & işık
Just like Heaven: It’s raining, the perfect weather for a movie with friends. Luckily, Eda wanted her friend to see how hot Ralph Macchio was in Karate Kid.
After episode 1x08 | Headcannons
Small cute things while dating | Headcannons
kerem & eda
Hope is a dangerous thing: In where she has a secret that involves the two of them but can’t bring herself to admit
kemal & burcu
Relationship headcannons
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love101imagines · 4 years
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(osman | imagine)
request: hi babe! could u pls write an osman imagine perhaps with 4, 8 and 21 from ur spring prompts. absolutely love ur writing:):)
tags: @girl-looking-out-window @imtoolazytothinkofacoolname @wwafangirld
prompts used: 4. It’s three in the morning. 8. I’m pretty much fucked. 21. I’m not moving. Your lap is comfortable.
Being a light drinker was one of your many characteristics, however, that didn’t stop you from drinking the bottle of whiskey Eda was handing to you. You and your friends were celebrating Işik’s birthday, but once your came back to Sinan’s house, your felt too dizzy, holding onto your boyfriend for support.
“We’re heading out. Where are Kerem and Eda?” Osman asked to Işik and Sinan who were sitting on his table.
“I haven’t seen them.” Sinan replied as you rubbed your eyes.
“All right then. We’re going.” He said before giving Işik a smile. “Happy birthday again.”
“Happy birthday.” You said grinning as Işik thanked you both.
You walked out of Sinan’s house, Osman wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you balanced and you taking slow steps.
“Are we going to my house? My mum is with her boyfriend.” You slurred as Osman chuckled.
“You don’t mind if I stay there?” He asked softly.
“Course not. I wouldn’t be able to even get there if it wasn’t for you.” You said as your neared your house.
You fumbled with your keys to open the door until Osman took them from you.
“I can do it.” You said pouting.
He opened the door for you. “You almost fell off the boat.”
“But I didn’t, in fact, Işik did and I didn’t. So I won.” You said walking to your fridge to drink some water. “What time is it?”
“It’s three in the morning.”
You laughed. “I’m pretty much fucked.”
He answered a phone call while you finished your drink and took off your shoes. Without bothering to change your clothes, you collapsed into your bed. Dozing off, you felt the bed creak slightly as Osman laid next to you. The curtains were already down, and there was only a slight peak of moonlight entering your room which allowed you to see his face.
“You’re shivering, move.” He said trying to pull the covers over the two of you.
You scoffed. “I’m not moving. Your lap is too comfortable.” You said as your leg was wrapped around him and his arm around your waist since your bed was not big enough for both of you.
Osman managed to cover you two with your blanket, and as you snuggled into your pillow, you heard him sigh.
“Something wrong?” You asked not as intoxicated as before to notice how he furrowed his brows.
He stared at your ceiling while brushing your hair softly out of your face. “I can’t believe he just destroyed everything with the cafeterias.”
“It wasn’t your fault. We didn’t thought he would be that much of an asshole.” You started calmly holding his hand and playing with your fingers.
“I’m going to trick him to give us our money back.” He said, now turning to you as you smiled.
“I know you will because you’re the smartest person I know.” You said pecking his cheek.
He didn’t answer. Instead, he just held you close as you closed your eyes and fell asleep laying on his arms. He let his gaze glance at you, looking so peaceful after being so loud and goofy being drunk. Carefully, he shifted slowly so you wouldn’t wake up and placed his chin above your head and ran a hand through your hair.
“...I love you (Y/N).” He said softly cutting the silence that was already on your room punctuated with a soft kiss to your temple.
To his surprise, you shifted to bury your head on the crook of his neck, a sleepy smile appearing on your face.
“I love you too Osman.”
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love101imagines · 4 years
Give your heart a break
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(osman | imagine)
request: Hi, it's me again! I was wondering that can you do and osman x reader image, with 7 ("you are jealous, aren't you), 8 ("he kissed you?"), 22 ("you're not my friend anymore, remember?") prompts — also i'm a sucker for angsts with fluffy ending! If you write, please let me know.
tags: @disney-lied @imtoolazytothinkofacoolname @girl-looking-out-window
You were too drunk to care that your friends had already left you behind. You were in a party, it was someone’s 18 birthday in a nightclub and you weren’t sure how you got invited but it was someone from school, so you didn’t mind. As you spun around and saw your friend making out with someone, you bumped into the person you least wanted to.
You didn’t even try to hide your frown when you saw Osman looking at you and moved away from him. You heard him call your name but the music muffled the sound, and as you made a bee line straight to the bathroom, you felt a pair of hands grabbing you by your waist.
You turned around and found Boran, an older guy by two years who went to your school. You had talked before, even flirted to your friends amusements. He was handsome, not that smart like Osman but...
Why were you thinking about Osman? You hadn’t talked to him for three weeks when he gave you a shitty excuse saying you two couldn’t be friends anymore. He never told you why, so you were trying your best to hate him, even if you couldn’t.
When he said that, you couldn’t believe. You spend the first week without him going to school without really understanding what was going on and the minute you arrived back home the tears would start as well as some romantic film which made you feel worse.
It was a bit dramatic but you hadn’t only lost your best friend. You had lost the boy you secretly had a crush on:
So, after spending some time moping around while he only skipped class and pretended not to see you, you decided to go back to your old friendships, the ones who had insisted you on going to the party and ended up leaving you. You were too intoxicated to care and as your words stumbled a greeting to Boran, he was already kissing you.
Once he pulled back, you gently pushed him off you fixing the strap of your top.
“Sorry, I’m not really in the mood. I have to go to the bathroom.” You said chuckling doing your best to keep you balance.
He rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. “I think we should somewhere else and...talk.”
You shook your head and kept walking towards the girl’s bathroom when he grabbed you by your arm. You were about to tell him to leave you alone when someone else was already ahead of you.
“Is everything alright here?” Osman asked with a fake smile as he placed a hand on Boran’s shoulder.
Boran seemed angry that he had been interrupted but he did his best not to show it. “Everything’s perfect. We were just talking.”
“Didn’t seem like it.”
You rolled your eyes and mumbled something along the lines of “toxic masculinity” and finally went to the bathroom, where a group of girls were gossiping and fixing their makeups.
Once you washed and hands and your face to feel less dizzy, you went back outside and found Osman waiting for you against the wall. As soon as you were outside, he was already by your side.
“Are you okay?”
You scoffed and turned to him. It was the first time in three weeks you were this close and he had acknowledged your presence. “Why do you care? I don’t need you to defend me.”
He looked at you with raised brows as the other kids surrounding you continued dancing and almost spilled their drinks. “You didn’t seem that comfortable with him.”
You moved towards another part of the nightclub where the bar was, Osman close on your trail.
“I think you already drank too much.”
“Can you stop?” You snapped at him. He looked hurt, but you didn’t care. He had already done the same to you before. “I’m not stupid. I wasn’t going to do anything with Boran, we only kissed and...”
“He kissed you?” He interrupted you all of a sudden.
The look of surprise he had gave you everything you needed to know. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
You didn’t wait for him to answer, your friends already calling you to leave since your taxi had already arrived. You looked at him for a last time, hoping he would tell you to stay.
He didn’t, so you sighed. “You’re not my friend anymore, remember?” You said using the same words he had used before.
You left the nightclub, your friends laughing about some gossip they had heard and you did your best not to think about the boy who was giving you a killing headache.
Your tie was done poorly and your hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, but most students looked like shit too after partying all night. As you wandered around the halls in recess, trying to avoid you so called friends who couldn’t believe you had turned down Boran, you felt someone calling your name.
“(Y/N), I have to speak to you.” One of the “nerds” who worked for Osman called you.
You rubbed your eyes, probably spreading even more your smudged mascara but you would fix it later. You waited for him to start talking but he only lead the way to an empty classroom.
“You gotta be kidding.” You mumbled once you noticed Osman sitting near the teacher’s desk. “Are you going to lock us here to talk?”
He shook his head and the guy who had brought you there left, leaving the two of you alone. You crossed your arms and stood the furthest away from him near the door.
“I know that I’ve been ignoring you...” He started until you interrupted him.
“Fuck you.”
You knew that you were being maybe a bit too harsh but he couldn’t just walk and pretend you hadn’t talked only for a day.
“You can’t just drag me here like you didn’t snap at me for literally doing nothing and breaking off our friendship. You were completely irrational and I don’t know why you did that.”
You huffed and looked at the floor. It had been exhausting to finally let that out of your chest, so you sat down in a chair still maintaining your distance.
He looked at you, but you still wouldn’t look at you, scared that you would forget everything and go back to him.
“I’m sorry. I...I got scared.”
You frowned your brows. “Scared of what?”
Osman sighed and now he was the one looking away from you. “One day I had to arrrange a few deals and new bets but the only thing I could think about was that one of your friends told me that you had a crush on me.”
You stopped picking at your nail polish. “That’s bullshit.” You quickly lied. “You should have talked to me about it, not stopping to talk to me because of some rumor.”
“I stopped talking to you because when they told me that, I was relieved because I like you too.”
Before you could say anything, even though you still were processing everything, he continued. “But I couldn’t let you be with me. You deserve better, and this was never in my plans. I never thought about love, everything for me is only money.” Osman finally admitted looking at the floor.
“It doesn’t have to be like it.” You softly said. “I don’t believe that you only think about yourself, and the money is a shitty excuse. To be honest, I don’t care about it, I only cared about you.”
He looked up from the floor to you. “Really?”
You bit down your lip to hide your smile. “You’re emotionally draining. You don’t know what I’ve been through these last weeks.”
“You didn’t seem like that last night.” He said back as the bell rang and you two starting walking towards your class.
You smirked. “You were so jealous I should have kissed him in front of you to see what you would do.”
He bumped into your shoulder lightly while you laughed. As class started, you sat down on your desk and him next to you, everything seemed like usual. Except that now, his arm was wrapped around your waist and your heart seemed to almost explode.
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love101imagines · 4 years
Somebody to someone
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(osman | imagine)
request: Heyy so umm I saw this TikTok that’s about this AU where when you turn a certain age you get to communicate with your soulmate telepathically and like I thought maybe you could wrote something for Osman based on it ?
tags: @imtoolazytothinkofacoolname @girl-looking-out-window
You had grown up hearing tales about soulmates and how wonderful it was to finally meet them. Once you turned 17, you would be able to hear everything your soulmate thought until you touched them. You thought it was a bit intrusive, but you didn’t mind, thinking about how romantic it would be.
Truth be told, you didn’t have to worry after all. You had a loving boyfriend who you had been dating since you were 16. His name was Mahir, and he was just perfect.
So, as you blew the candles in your seventeen birthday’s cake with your family surrounding you, you were ready to hear his voice.
As you went to bed, you knew your friends would gush all over you to tell them all about it, so you got into your bed and waited for something to happen, until you took matters into your own hands.
“Hello?” You thought.
Nothing happened in the beginning, so you assumed that Mahir was already sleeping, until a voice in your head snapped you out of it.
“We should just skip all of this and just say our names. I’m...”
“Wait!” You almost said out loud.
Your eyes widened as you paced back and forth in your bedroom.
“This can’t be happening. You’re not Mahir.”
“Who’s Mahir?” The unknown voice came up again and you groaned.
“He’s my boyfriend.”
“Lucky you.”
You rolled your eyes and fell into your bed.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to be my soultmate, what am I going to do now?”
You wanted nothing more than to crawl into your bed and eat something. You were being a bit dramatic, but it felt like your whole world had fallen apart. You had planned everything out, what your life would be like and now everything was different.
“It doesn’t have to be a bad thing.”
“What?” You thought furrowing your brows.
“You don’t have to tell him. Just fake it until he touches his real soulmate and it’s over.”
You scoffed. “Well, aren’t you the romantic type.”
Everything was silent for a while and you decided to call it a day. It was already exhausting and it had only been a few hours since you turned sixteen.
The next day at school, Mahir was waiting for you at the school’s gate. He gave you a kiss and you felt a bit relieved, but still knew that in some kind of way he would find out.
“Quick, let me guess. Now, you’re thinking about...what your friends’ gift is going to be.” He said to you grinning.
You pressed your lips into a line but acted happy. “Of course, silly. I bet they’re going to give me that book I wanted, or some lipglosses.”
He chuckled and you two walked into school, his hand holding yours. “Now you don’t have to worry about me knowing all the girly stuff you think about.” He said giving you a peck on your cheek.
You smiled at him and sat down on your desk, your friends right by your side giving you your presents, and for a moment, you forgot about your lie.
“So? Did you lie to him?”
You rolled your eyes even though your soulmate couldn’t see you.
“Yes...but I still think it’s wrong! I’m going to tell him later. It’s selfish, I shouldn’t lie about soulmates.”
“It’s not a big deal.”
You widened your eyes while you took notes of what the teacher was talking about. “Excuse me? You don’t care about soulmates?”
“Not really.”
“How can you be my soulmate?”
You continued your class doing your best to pay attention, even though you were still annoyed at the boy who was supposed to be your soulmate.
“And why don’t you care?” You found yourself thinking.
You waited for a few seconds until he answered. “I already have a lot of things to worry about and I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t be able to take you to fancy dates and all of that.”
“I don’t care.” You found yourself thinking while you doodled on your sheet of paper. A few moments passed and you were almost startled when you heard his voice again.
“So you’re not going to tell me your name?”
“No, this way it’s more romantic.” You stated like it was a golden rule. “Besides, it’s more fun this way. You already got it all planned for your love life so there’s really no rush on meeting.”
“You’re right. So, where do you live?”
“In Gebze, you?”
You felt your mood change slightly. “Oh, well it’s not that far away. I used to live there a few years ago until my parents got some jobs offers here. Um, what are you doing now?”
“I’m in the middle of a history exam.”
“And you’re talking to me instead of doing the exam?”
“I already memorized the answers.”
“Good for you.”
You conversations with your “soulmate” didn’t stop there. You two kept talking since you were in each other’s minds almost all the time and you found him interesting and funny. You had a few things in common, despite living almost one hour apart, but it was still a bit addicting to talk to someone new and that nobody else could listen.
“Why are you thinking about Istanbul so much?” He asked you three months after your birthday.
You sighed, even though he couldn’t see you. “My grandma got sick and my parents are planning to move back there with the rest of my family.”
“If it makes you feel better, we might meet.”
You felt a small smile on your face as you washed the dishes on your house. “I thought you didn’t care about soulmates.”
“Maybe you made me change my mind.”
“I know that you say that you only think about yourself but that’s a lie. Most of the time you only think about money but you also think about your friends. And you can’t say that’s not true.”
“Well, you’re always thinking about the same song over and over again it’s exhausting.”
“I hate you.” You thought slightly chuckling.
“Doubt it.”
A few weeks later your family moved to Istanbul, and now here you were standing in front of a new school in the middle of the semester. You really didn’t care about being the new kid, you only cared about how much homework you had.
“You are going to do all of that?” The girl who you ended up sitting next to asked you.
You stared at all the new assignments teachers had given you since you hadn’t taken any of the exams the other students had.
“I have to do them in a week. Almost every teacher gave me something to do, except Miss Burcu.”
The girl shrugged. “Just buy the homework like everybody else does.”
You lifted a brow. “You sell homeworks here?”
“Go and ask him, that nerdy boy. Just tell him which ones you need and he’ll give them to you tomorrow when you pay him.” She said pointing a boy with glasses.
“This school is so weird.” You thought to yourself as you walked to the boy.
“Why? Did you end up in an all girls school?”
You rolled your eyes at your soulmate’s answer but talked to the boy. He would give you the ones you needed the most the next day for ₺20, but you still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that somebody sold homeworks at your new school.
“Can you believe they trade homeworks here? I can’t believe I didn’t think of that...”
“Did you buy them?” He thought all of a sudden.
“Well, I had to...Why are you thinking about a list with names?”
“No reason.”
You didn’t think much of it and continued with all the projects you had to finish so you wouldn’t pull an all nighter.
The next day, as you waited near the school’s gates for your homework to be “delivered”, the same guy you had talked to the day before approached you.
“Here you go. No, you don’t pay me. Come, he wants to receive all the money today.” He said as you pulled the cash out of your wallet.
You furrowed your brows confused but still followed him as he lead the way to a classroom where a few boys were doing more homeworks and an older and taller guy watched them.
“Osman.” The boy with glasses called out.
As you pulled the money again from your wallet, you didn’t notice how the guy called Osman was looking at you.
“This better be worth it.” You thought as you extended the money.
“Did you say something?” Osman asked confused as your hand brushed lightly with his as you took the papers he was handing to you.
You furrowed your brows. “Excuse me?”
He shook his head. “Nothing, sorry.”
“See ya.” You said as you checked if the papers were fine.
The next day as you talked with Miss Burcu after class about the poem you had to write, as soon as you left the classroom you were approached by the girl you had sat with and a blonde one.
“Hi! I’m Işik and I’m the student representative. We heard that you just moved here and we know how hard it is to make friends in a new city.” The blonde one said with a big smile.
“We are pretty sure we know your soulmate.” The brown haired said all of a sudden.
“Eda! It was going to be a surprise.” Işik complained.
You were not expecting this for your second week at school. “How do you know about him?” You asked as you walked down the halls with them by your side.
“He’s friends with us.” Işik explained.
“And he told us his soulmate was new at school and had an ex boyfriend called Mahir. Besides, yesterday he stopped hearing his soulmate’s thoughts just as he handed in a homework.” Eda said as you sat down on a bench.
“It’s so romantic. He’s the oldest so he was the first one to turn seventeen.” Işik said dreamily.
You started chipping at your nail polish to do something with your hands and calm your nerves. “So, you’re saying that my soulmate is the guy who sells homeworks?”
Both girls slowly nodded, still unsure of the whole situation.
“I’ll go and talk to him.” You said standing up.
Eda and Işik looked at each other before following you.
“He never said his name to you?” Işik asked as you walked around the halls looking for the boy.
You shook your head. “I didn’t want to. Besides, we lived in different cities.”
“He did say that you lived in Gebze.” Eda added.
“That’s true.” You said glancing at her before jumping into someone. “Sorry, I...you are him.” You said once you noticed you had bumped into the tall guy who had sell you your homework.
Eda and Işik smiled at each other, happy with their work before they left.
“You’re the girl who touched my hand and all of a sudden I couldn’t hear my soulmate anymore.” He pointed out with a smirk as he ate a hazelnut.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m your soulmate, I thought you were smart enough to already figure it out.”
He seemed to think for a moment before speaking. “Holy shit, you’re my soulmate.”
You couldn’t really stop smiling and blushing, so you just chuckled as the bell rang. “I can’t believe we finally met.”
“It was about time.” He said as you two walked to class.
And that how you went from being heartbroken for moving to finally meeting your soulmate, exactly the romantic way you wanted.
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love101imagines · 4 years
Happpiness is a butterfly
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(osman | imagine)
request: could u please write a fic w prompts 12,14,26,30,31 for Osman? he’s the only one w no backstory and I’m so curious! maybe like had a s/o before the season and it ended really badly w them losing a baby?
prompts used: 12. If you leave it’s over. 14. She’s at the nurse’s office. 26. Just leave. 30. I’m pregnant. 31. Fuck off.
tags: tags: @girl-looking-out-window @imtoolazytothinkofacoolname @alwysblue
trigger warning!: mention of abortion, miscarriage and teenage pregnancy
(a/n): I was so scared to not write Osman appropriately in this situation but I tried! Keep in mind that this happens before season one so he’s much more money minded than before. That being said, get ready for some angst.
As you waited in one of the school’s bathroom stalls, you bit down in your nails to distract yourself from the two pregnancy tests in front of you. Nevertheless, a million thoughts crossed your mind.
What were you going to do?
What was your family going to say?
What was Osman going to say?
You weren’t dumb, but you had just assumed it had to be a stomach bug from something you had eaten. The mood swings, the headaches, the sudden urge to vomit when Osman approached you with baklava or one of your friends was drinking beer. However, you didn’t think much of it until you had biology class, and your teacher was describing your same symptoms while talking about common pregnancy symptoms.
It felt like someone had thrown a whole bucket of water on you once you realized you had missed your period for two weeks. Still, you prayed for the test to be negative. You tried to convince yourself that it would be negative.
Once a few minutes passed, you slowly grabbed both pregnancy test and stared at the two ink lines in both of them. As soon as you hid them in your bag, you felt sick, the realization of having a baby coming to you as you threw up for the second time that day.
As you washed your mouth you were grateful everybody else was outside in the school’s yard. You looked extremely pale, your lower lip trembling slightly as you fixed your tie. You were seventeen, making plans for college, not for a baby. Besides, you didn’t care what people would think but you knew your parents would go crazy and arrange a marriage for you. Would Osman be okay with that? Would he offer to marry you or just let your parents marry you with some man who doubled your age?
You had to tell him first, it would be easier than telling your parents. Maybe you could tell them together. You two had been dating for a few months after being friends, he would be supportive.
You knocked softly on the classroom he always used for his group of nerds to do assignments and homework. The door opened with a creak, and once he noticed it was you, he stopped counting the bills of money he had between his hands, his whole demeanor changing with a smile.
“Can I talk to you?” You asked approaching him.
With only a simple nod, the rest of the students left the room, leaving you two together. You stood in front of him, his hands resting on the sides of your waist while you prepared yourself for the news that would change your lives for the better, you hoped.
“What happened?” Osman asked giving you that lovestruck look he only had for you, and you felt your nerves calm a bit.
You dug your nails into the palms of your hands before blurting it out, wanting to get it off your chest as soon as possible. “I’m pregnant.”
It took him a moment to absorb your words, completely silent all of a sudden and you assumed he was processing what you had just said.
“What?” He mumbled, his hands losening around your waist, losing all tension which seemed to rise right to his chest.
You handed him the two pregnancy tests you had hid before on you bagpack’s pocket. He took them and fixed his stare on them, backing up slightly from you, his chest freezing in place as his lungs forgot how to work while you tapped your foot on the floor.
“Are you going to keep it?” He asked quietly all of a sudden.
You furrowed your brows. “What do you mean am I keeping it?”
“That didn’t come out right, wait.” He quickly apologized as you took the pregnancy tests and left them again in your bag.
“So, what were you trying to say Osman?” You asked stepping away from him, crossing your arms over your chest.
He looked lost with words, not knowing what to say as he stared at the floor, probably thinking what to do now. “Do you want to have a baby? Honestly, right now?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I don’t know.” You mumbled.
“We can’t have a baby. We’re in high school still, there’s no way we can support it.” He tried to explain to you as you manteined a serious look.
“Well, what do you want me to do then?” You asked. When he didn’t answer, you continued, already knowing what he was thinking about. “If I do that I could die, do you realize that?”
“I know but-“
“I had to shoplift the pregnancy tests because they would call my parents if I bought them, and I would need their signature to get an abortion.” You interrupted him.
He avoided your gaze, still looking at the floor trying to come up with a solution. “I can try to find someone who is trustworthy to do it.”
You thought about it for a few minutes, Osman finally looking at you until his eyes fixated on your still flat stomach.
“How far are you?” He asked and you meet his eyes.
“Um, I don’t know. I haven’t gone to a doctor yet. When was the last time we...?”
“Four weeks.” He answered quickly as he had started to think of the same thing the minute you announced your condition. “We still have time to do it.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know if I want to.”
He wasn’t expecting you to say that, the expression on his face a mixture of surprise and confusion. “We don’t have to think much of it, if you want. It’s for the best of us.”
“I can’t do it.” You refused firmly.
“What are you going to do then?” He asked a bit impatient.
You sighed, not knowing what answer to give him. “I don’t know, but we can work it out. We have to talk about this.”
“We need to be realistic. You can’t be serious.” He said turning away from you.
You looked at him as he made his way to a table full of notebooks, his back facing you.
“You can’t think of this like it’s a business meeting. We did this together, we can manage it.” You said, your voice shaky with distress.
“We can’t. We haven’t even finished school, we don’t have jobs, we don’t have a house to raise it, I don’t have enough money...” Osman snapped, his voice faltering in the end.
You felt a lump building in your throat, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to cry.
“I’m going to keep it.” You firmly stated.
The bell rang, and his group of nerds entered the classroom to collect their notebooks and start to deliver them to different students. They could feel the tension in the room, Osman doing his best to ignore you while counting bills with shaking hands and you with a tired look on your face with your arms crossed.
“It’s a busy day, I have to set up the new schedules for the cafeteria.” He said once he finished counting the bills and the other students started leaving the room again in their way to class.
“Osman.” You tried again but he only made his way to grab his jacket. “If you leave it’s over.”
Your voice cracked in the end, and although he stopped for a moment a looked at you to see if you were serious, he still left the room, leaving you alone wiping your tears on your cheeks.
The next two weeks you didn’t talk to each other, him believing you would come back to him saying you changed your mind and you only focusing on what was going to happen the next few months. You managed to attend a clinic far from your house and gave a fake name, praying they wouldn’t call your parents. Luckily, your doctor was sympathetic of your condition, probably pitying you so she didn’t ask many questions, offering as much help as she could.
You didn’t have a visible bump yet, but you still tried to hid it the best you could with oversized clothes or one of your jackets. You still suffered from morning sickness and now fatigue, but you assumed it was normal, as well as feeling your body changing.
You knew you would have to talk to Osman one day, but you still expected him to apologize. Still, he seemed only focus on his business, not even sparing you a glance when you were in the same room and you were with your friends.
Nevertheless, even though Osman tried his best to focus on school and the cafeterias, he couldn’t stop that thought that you were carrying his baby. He knew you weren’t that far along and that you were ignoring him, but one day he was at the library, he couldn’t help but look at you as you stood on your tiptoes to grab a book from one of the shelves. Your shirt rose up slightly, but still you didn’t look like you were pregnant. He began to think about the next weeks, you would go through major changes, and all because he had gotten you pregnant. That made him realize that he was supposed to be next to you, helping you with everything you needed and that maybe you were right. You two could try to make it work. After all, he loved you. He really did, so he should be excited about starting a family with you even if you were still teenagers.
However, you didn’t go to school the next day he had come to terms to raising a child with you. You were nowhere to be seen, but he didn’t panic and assumed he would do that the next day.
You didn’t go the next day either.
You didn’t go the whole week, and that’s when he started getting worried. As he approached your friends, he was determined to talk to you that day, even if he had to go to your house.
“Where is (Y/N)?” He asked to the group of girls.
One of them rolled her eyes. “Fuck off.”
They had been surprised when you stopped hanging out with Osman, so they started pestering you with questions on what had happened or if you two had broken up. You had told them you had gotten into a fight with Osman and that he had said some hurtful things to you, but you never specified what he had said. That seemed to answer their questions, so they stopped asking, taking your side in the argument although they didn’t know what had really happened.
One of the other girls rolled her eyes. “She’s at the nurse’s office. She was sick the whole week.” She explained before Osman made his way to the nursery.
And there you were, sitting down on a chair while filing some papers. He felt the weight on his shoulders suddenly disappear, a small smile on his face now that he could talk to you.
“I need to talk to you. I thought about it, and you’re right, we could try to do this. I want to try, with you. I’ll be by your side in everything you need, I promise.” He said holding your hands as you stared at him with a confused look.
“Osman...” You started while blinking away some tears in your eyes, him noticing something was wrong because those weren’t tears of happiness. “I lost the baby.”
His smile slowly dropped as reality hit him like a truck. You swore you could see the moment his heart broke, his eyes glazing over with despair while you broke down crying.
He hugged you immediately, rubbing your back and stroking your hair while you continued sobbing. You didn’t have anybody else to talk about it, your friends and parents didn’t know. Osman was the only one.
You had had a miscarriage earlier that week, something your doctor told you it was common in the first trimester and even on a teenage pregnancy. You couldn’t tell anybody, so she gave you a doctor’s note saying you were suffering from a very bad fever and you had to rest in your house for a week.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that alone.” He said softly once you pulled back and wiped the rest of tears in your face.
“Osman, you left me alone when I told you I was pregnant.” You said staring at the floor, not sparing him a glance.
He furrowed his brows, trying to hold your hands again but you pulled away, crossing your arms. “But I’m sorry, I wanted to apologize and I wanted to keep the baby now.”
“It’s too late now.” You said with a blank stare. He tried to say something else, but before he could, you interrupted him. “I meant it when I said we were over.”
He didn’t move an inch, feeling like when you had told him you were pregnant, instead this time you weren’t nervous at all. You seemed certain of what you were saying, which scared him even more.
“What are you saying?” He quickly asked.
You sighed, feeling numb like you had felt the whole week. “Just leave.”
It was ironic how weeks before you had asked him to do the opposite, not to walk away from you. Now, you two were in a whole different situation, Osman without any intentions of leaving you, but you had made your mind.
You took your bag and left the boy in the room, just like he had done before.
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