#ota kbtbb
otomefoxystar · 1 year
Second Chance
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing: Ota X Reader
Genre: Angst, with fluff.
TW: Heart condition, car accident, main character death
Nothing could have prepared Ota or any of them for what happened. An underlying heart condition. You went into heart failure while driving home, plummeting into a guard rail. You had succumbed to your injuries not long after you were able to give the nurse your phone to call Ota, passing away before he could make it to your side.
You were already in the penthouse when they finally came home that night. It had been evident that they all were upset. Shaken to their core. None of them spoke. They all stood in the middle of the lounge in silence. You tried to get their attention, but no one saw or heard anything. Your yells and shouts fell on deaf ears.
The four men watched Ota with heavy hearts as he retreated to his suite with a bag of your belongings from the hospital.
You watched as he fell apart, unable to sleep in the bedroom. Grasping onto a stuffed animal he had bought for you when you first became a couple.
You watched them come home from your funeral, beaten and destroyed emotionally. That was Ota’s breaking point. He had yet to sleep in the bed. Painting was out of the question. He could barely think clearly. How could he paint? Everyone was concerned for him, and knowing how much you and Ota loved each other with that endless all-consuming love, no one pried.
You were done staying silent. While Ota slept on the couch, you brushed his cheek and ran your fingers through his hair. Part of being a spirit was you had no physical body, so there was no feeling. You were touching him, but you couldn’t feel the warmth of his skin or the softness of his hair. As much as you craved him, you knew you couldn’t change that you were dead.
During the night, you would settle in and keep Ota silent company, watching over him. You wandered into the bedroom, seeing a collection of things you had been wearing the day you died. A sapphire bracelet, a watch, a pair of pearl earrings, a couple of rings, the necklace he had made for you. The bird pendant, you wore it often. Your purse. It had all been placed so precisely. Right next to a photo of the two of you smiling. You picked it up the necklace, tracing the crystals with the pad of your finger.
Walking out of the bedroom, you sat at the dining table, inspecting it. Remembering the moment Ota had given it to you. You placed it neatly on the table, eventually forgetting you had put it there.
The afternoon sun gleamed in, waking Ota up. He stared into nothingness as he began to wake. Reaching for his phone, he unlocked it. He didn’t check social media, and he wasn’t returning calls or texts. He simply read over your text messages and listened to the voicemails you had left him. He would look at the photos he had taken of his beloved Koro. He did this every day, knowing he was torturing himself.
Ota stood up, stretching his tight muscles. He poured himself some cereal. Sitting down at the table to eat, the stones on the necklace shined in the sunlight. Making him gasp. With wide eyes, he stood up, walking over to where the necklace lay casually on the table. He stared momentarily, taking in a breath before reaching for the necklace with disinclination. Fingers trembling, he picked it up and put it in his palm.
He looked around as if he expected someone to be in his suite when he knew full well that it was just him. He silently observed the necklace, with a triad of emotions filling him.
Ota had given up believing in much of anything a long time ago. Your death only cemented it even more, giving him resolve that no one would take such a wonderful person away. Pressing his lips together. He looked at the necklace, observing it from different angles. He didn’t know how it got there, and he certainly didn’t remember putting it there. Walking back to the bedroom to put it away, he looked at your belongings that had been sitting there untouched since he came home from the hospital.
When Ota turned around to exit the room, he looked at the bed. Remembering how cute you looked when you woke up with your hair all over the place. Before you could fall asleep, you would always reach for his hand, twinning your fingers with his. A silent tear rolled down his cheek. “Why did you have to leave me? I need you, don’t you see that?” He shook his head, “What am I doing?” He left the room, turning off the light. Realizing his cereal was probably soggy by now, he dumped it into the sink averting to the next easiest thing, room service.
You were in the lounge observing your friends interact with one another when Eisuke suddenly stood up. “I have a conference call for our latest event.” Soryu looked up from his phone. “is this the one that _ _ _ came up with?” Eisuke straightened his suit jacket. “Mm. Yes,” Eisuke walked up the stairs to his suite, remembering how you came up with the idea in the first place.
Eisuke was sitting in the lounge scrolling through his tablet “No good.” Scrolling again, “No” Scrolling more, “Not happening” You were dusting and could hear Eisuke’s growing frustration. “Something the matter, Eisuke?” He set his tablet down, groaning. “The event planners I hired have the worst ideas.” You approached him, “You know what you should do?” He looked over at you. “If you have a suggestion, I’m listening.” You smiled, “You should have a metaphysical event and bring in tarot readers, psychics, and palm readers, so people could connect with their lost loved ones. It would be fun.” Eisuke rolled his eyes, “That is the worst idea you’ve ever had.” You laughed as you continued on with your work. He wanted to go forward with it even if it was meant to be a joke. You thought of it in that strange mind of yours. It was the least he could do to honor you. Of course, you hadn’t the slightest idea what he was up to.
Inside Ota’s room, there was suddenly a knock on Ota’s door, and you noticed how thin he was starting to look as he shuffled over to the door. You couldn’t say you were worried. You didn’t feel emotions like you did when you were alive. You weren’t sad, but you weren’t happy either. What you did know is that you didn’t like seeing him wasting away like this.
He barely opened the door enough for him to see Eisuke. “What is it?” He asked with a raspy voice, hoarse from a dreamless sleep. “Let me in. I have something to discuss with you.” Ota thought for a second. “Why?” Eisuke rolled his eyes, “Just let me in” Ota looked at him with irritation. “No.” Eisuke was getting increasingly frustrated when Ota tried to shut the door. Eisuke pushed the door open, forcing himself in before Ota could close it. Glaring at Eisuke, he finally stepped aside, letting him enter. He looked Ota up and down, seeing the reality of Ota’s state of mind. “Are you taking care of yourself?” Ota sat down on a chair, the chair you always sat in. “Eating enough?” Eisuke walked in and was surprised at the sight of Ota’s bedroom, seeing it practically untouched “I’m eating enough to ensure I’m still breathing.” Eisuke then noticed the bed he had made himself on the couch, along with the stuffed bunny. “Are you sleeping on the couch?” Ota shrugged his shoulders. Eisuke walked to the spare bedroom peering in. Usually, that was where Ota would paint if he wasn’t at his studio, but seeing as how he hasn’t left. He was curious. “You aren’t painting?”
Ota was growing impatient, “Is this an interrogation, or are you going to tell me why you’re here?” Moving back to the living room, Eisuke looked at Ota. “There’s going to be an event at the hotel. You’re expected to be there.” Ota crossed his arms, “No” Eisuke looked at his friend, “Excuse me ?” Ota just looked at him. “_ _ _ came up with the idea people will expect you to be there.” Ota shook his head. “Why? Eisuke hmm? She isn’t here. She’s fucking gone, never coming back. Why do I need to go down there and pretend I’m fine and see all her friends just to be reminded of how she was stolen from me?” Eisuke sat down. “I know you’re not fine. Everyone knows that. No one expects you to be, but it’s been three months, Ota. You’ve got to start living your life again, and this would be a good start.”
Ota looked at Eisuke. “I can’t do this right now.” Ota stood up, walking away. “She’d want you there, Ota.” That’s when Eisuke heard a crash from the kitchen. “Ota?” Eisuke walked into the kitchen to see a plate broken on the floor. He looked up at Ota, who had his fists clenched tightly. He had obviously purposely broken the plate. “I know _ _ _ would want me there. I know that! I just don’t know how to do this!” He looked over at Eisuke. “How am I supposed to go on without her? How am I supposed to live life? Everything reminds me of her.” Eisuke gave his friend a rare compassionate look. “You aren’t supposed to forget her. That would be impossible. You learn to live with the pain, and slowly, the pain becomes more tolerable. You have got to pull yourself together. You’re a damn mess.” Ota furrowed his brow. “I know.” He said quietly.
Feeling yourself being pulled, you entered the kitchen to see what was transpiring. You saw the pained look on Ota’s face, so you wrapped your arm around his arm and leaned your head on his shoulder. You wished you could show him you were there, show anyone you were there.
Ota looked down at his bare feet, feeling a sort of calm come over him. Something you were always able to do just by touching him. Ota sighed, “I’ll go to the event, not for you or myself. For her.” Eisuke nodded and paused “_ _ _ wouldn’t want this for you.” He knitted his eyebrows together, forming deep worry lines. “I know she’d want me to go on with my life. How am I supposed to do that, Eisuke? I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready for her to leave, and she was just gone. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” Eisuke ran a hand through his hair.
“No one was ready, not even her family. It was so unexpected. You would have never been prepared for that.” Ota swallowed, “If I had insisted more that she come with me, then she wouldn’t - “Eisuke glared at Ota. He knew Ota was smarter than this. “Stop right there! Her heart gave out, and that’s why she got in that car accident. If the car accident hadn’t killed her, her heart would have. Didn’t you hear what the doctor said? She had a heart condition that she didn’t know she had. That no one knew she had.” He sighed, “There was literally nothing you could have done differently that would have saved her. It would be best if you found a way to make peace with that” Ota bit his lip, knowing Eisuke was right but not wanting to believe it. Eisuke looked at him, his collarbones more pronounced. Worry welled up inside Eisuke. “Do you need anything?”
Ota usually would have been shocked that Eisuke had just offered his help had he not been so miserable. “No,” Ota answered, and Eisuke nodded, turning on his heels to leave.
Ota looked down at the broken plate. As he cleaned it up, tears rolled down his face. Finishing up and about to sit down, Eisuke busted in with Luke in tow. “What’s going on?” Luke gave Ota a quick look over. “I’m going to give you something to help you sleep.” Ota started to protest. “I’m fine,” Luke tilted his head. “You absolutely are not. Let me help Ota. Please,” Luke insisted. Ota knew he was fighting a losing battle, so he relented, “in your bed, “Eisuke added.
Sitting on the bed’s edge, Luke shot Ota in his arm and immediately bandaged it. Luke immediately helped Ota lay down and put the covers over his body. The two men left, leaving Ota to rest. Eisuke was angry with himself with everyone else. Had they actually checked on Ota instead of giving him the space they thought he needed, they could have gotten him help when this first happened to avoid the mess he was now in. Grief and despair had taken him over completely.
You stood there watching Ota fight sleep, tears prickling in his eyes. Unable to contain yourself, you settled next to him on the bed. Turning to your side to face him, you cupped his cheek and watched as his breathing started to even out. “I love you, Ota.” You said, kissing his forehead. You didn’t move the whole night, holding him and watching over him as he finally fell into a deep sleep.
The sun started to rise, and with Ota still in a heavy sleep, you traced the contours of his face. “I wish you could feel me touching you. I wish I could feel you too.” You got up and wandered around the suite, entering the room where he painted. Everything was covered up and dark. You brought out some of his art supplies, putting them on the coffee table, hoping it would pique his interest in painting again.
Eventually, after mid-day, Ota woke up. He touched your pillow, “I miss you, Koro.” He got out of bed going into the living room to turn on the TV, not liking the silence. Something he had started doing since your passing. He stopped short when he saw his art supplies on the coffee table. The paint brushes were placed as if handled with the utmost care and respect. He wondered who had done that. He didn’t think Eisuke and Luke would do something like that. It was just strange. He sat down and picked up one of the brushes; looking at it, he set it back down and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He didn’t have the energy or motivation to paint. He contemplated why all these odd items were popping up in random places. Maybe he had completely lost his mind.
As all men gathered in the main event room, Ota felt everyone’s eyes on him. Hushed whispers followed him. “Everyone’s looking at me.” Soryu looked around, “Was to be expected. This is the first time you’ve been out since the funeral.” He furrowed his brow, “I suppose.” He imagined how excited you would have been pulling him to see all the different venues set up. “Let’s try it out, Ota,” Baba suggested, trying to distract him from all staring eyes. “Let’s do it for _ _ _.”
Baba sat across a small table from a physic while Ota stood nearby with his arms crossed. The old woman smiled warmly at Baba. “Put your hands in mine.” He did as she asked while the rest of the men circled around him, curious about what she would tell him. She closed her eyes. “Oh, you poor dears. There has been a great loss recently that has affected you and the people around you.” Ota swallowed thickly, “With one individual hurting significantly more than the others?” Baba raised his eyebrows, “Yes,” she clutched his hands tighter. The psychic smiled. “There’s a woman. I can feel her light. She was special, wasn’t she?” The woman kept her eyes closed.
“She says she is watching over all of you.” The woman furrowed her brow. “She hasn’t moved on.” She closed her eyes, “She’s confined to a specific area.” The five men looked at her wide-eyed, “What?” Ota narrowed his eyes at the woman. “Why should we believe you?” Ota began to turn, his voice dripping with aggravation, but she spoke again, catching his attention. “Does one of you work with your hands? An Artist?” Ota stopped before he could turn to leave. “She tells me something about a dog? A nickname with the letter K.” Baba gasped. “it’s her !” Ota Tilted his head. “Did you have a necklace made? Did you find it out of place not long ago? And art brushes ?” The psychic chuckles. “That was her.” Ota walked closer. His chest felt tight. “She wishes you’d paint again. It might help you deal with your feelings.” Mamoru chuckled. “Ya know she might be right.” Everyone around the table was in awe at hearing this.
Baba looked at the woman. “Why hasn’t she moved on?” The woman looked solemn, “she does not know but says she doesn’t mind because she can keep an eye on everyone .” She looks towards Ota. “You were quite in love, weren’t you? She stays with you every night.” Ota let a quiet sob. “she says she likes to watch over you while you sleep.” Ota sniffled. The woman released Baba’s hands. “I’m sorry I lost my connection to her. She must’ve been a lovely person.” She gave Ota an unreadable look.
“Out of curiosity. What would you give up if you had a chance to see her again?” What an odd question. Why would she say something like that to someone who’s grieving? “Anything.” He put his hands in his pockets. “Unfortunately, that’s just a dream that’ll never come true.” She looked at him compassionately, “Keep dreaming; you never know what could happen.” Ota forced a smile. “Thank you for all you’ve done tonight,” Soryu said as they began to walk away.
Ota talked with a few of your close friends; mostly, they inquired about him and his health. Of course, offering their help if he needed it. How could anyone help, really? He couldn’t rightfully cut off your friends, though. That wouldn’t be fair to you.
He threw back the rest of his wine and set it down. “I’m done for the night” Baba squeezed his shoulder before he could walk away. “It was nice seeing you tonight. Come around more.” Ota nodded. He took off his shoes and coat as soon as he walked into his room, flopping on the couch, feeling drained. Luke showed up at his door, “It’s time that I tuck you into bed.” He said with an unsettling smile. “You don’t have to keep doing this,” Ota replied, and Luke gave him a faraway look. “I do, though. Sexy bo -.” He stopped himself before he finished saying the nickname he had given you. He shivered, knowing how creepy it sounded, not that it wasn’t before, but now it just sounded flat-out gross. “Um. I need to honor _ _ _ somehow, and if I can do that by making sure you’re taken care of and healthy, then that’s what I’m going to do.” Ota said nothing more. If this is how Luke got peace from your passing, who was he to tell him no?
When Ota woke up the following day, he walked to the living room but stopped in his tracks, shaken to the core. You stood with your back to him as you looked out the window, watching the rain fall from the sky. You wore a pale blue sheer dress that flowed gracefully over your body, with delicate lace decorated around the waist. You looked like a goddess. Ota blinked several times, thinking his mind was playing tricks on him, but still, you were there. You turned to face him, but you looked somber as you looked at him.
It seemed as though he was looking right at you. With shock written all over his face, the atmosphere in the room shifted. “_ _ _?” He was quiet, and his voice was laced with emotion, but he was looking at you and saying your name. You tilted your head slightly. “Can you see me?” Too much emotion filled his body, and his eyes stung with the threat of tears. “I-I can see you.” He took two steps towards you, and you stepped back, feeling wary. Ota stayed where he stood. His heart sank.
“Ota,” You spoke softly. He studied you, trying to imprint every feature into his memory. He didn’t know how long this moment would last and wanted to take advantage of every second. “I miss you,” he said with emotion laced in his voice. You drew your brows together, showing a conflicted look. “I’m always here.” He nodded, “I know that now. You’ve been watching over me.” You took a tentative step forward. “I have.” His heart was hammering so hard he wouldn’t be surprised if it beat right out of his chest. Once you stood before him, he studied your features, trying to imprint them in his memory. He didn’t know how long this moment would last, so he wanted to take advantage of every second. You went to reach your hand out to his face, you paused, looking into his eyes. How he looked at you at that moment stirred something inside of you. You finally put your hand on his cheek. You gasped when you felt the soft skin and stubble under your hand. “How is this possible? I can feel the warmth of your skin. Can you feel me?” a tear rolled down his face. “I can feel you.” You wiped his tear away. The sensation was almost too much.
Feeling him brought so many unused and forgotten emotions forward. The next thing you knew, you felt a warm wetness on your face. You reached up with your other hand. “I’m crying?” You gave Ota a concerned look. “Something is happening; I’m not supposed to feel or have emotion.” Ota put his hand over yours. “If we can touch each other, then?” You took your hand away as he moved forward, wrapping you into his arms. Alarmed at first, you reciprocated the embrace, wrapping your arms around his back. Both of you melted into each other, overwhelmed by being able to hold one another.
Your knees buckled, and you both sank slowly to the floor. Both crying from the intense moment of being able to touch each other. Ota pulled back, looking into your eyes. He smoothed your hair back. His face inched closer until his lips were on yours with a sweet kiss. You pulled away. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to being touched. It’s a bit much.” Ota nodded, “It’s okay, I understand.”
While the two of you were sitting on the floor holding each other, the door burst open. “Ota !” Eisuke and everyone else came marching into the room. Ota’s head was on your shoulder, the both of you teary-eyed. Everyone stopped short upon seeing you sitting there with him. “ _ _ _ ?” Ota looked up, finally acknowledging them. Eisuke looked at the newspaper in his hand, then at you. “You see me too?” Eisuke cleared his throat. “Yes,” Ota stood up, holding out his hand to help you up.
As if there were a typical day, Eisuke walked forward, placing the newspaper on the coffee table. “Apparently, you’ve been involved in some sort of scandal?.” Ota picked up the newspaper, flipping to the page the article was on, reading aloud. “Ota Kisaki local artist, has been the victim of someone stealing his original pieces, claiming that they were his work and not Mr. Kisaki’s. A suspect has been arrested and is in custody.” Ota furrowed his brows. “What is this garbage?” Eisuke stepped forward, putting his finger on the date. “Look at the date. It’s the day of the accident.” Eisuke looked at you. “The day you died.” You grabbed the newspaper from Ota. “Did this really happen? Did someone steal your art?” He shook his head, “No” No one was sure how to make heads or tails of this. “You need to fix this, Ota.” You said, your eyes pleading as he took your hands. When the warmth radiating off of you finally struck him as odd. “You know you’re quite warm. I might be going off movies here, but aren’t spirits supposed to be cold?” You arched an eyebrow. “From what I’ve experienced, none of you could feel me touch you, and I couldn’t feel you. I couldn’t feel anything.” Ota squeezed your hands gently. “We’re feeling each other now.” He brushed your hair back with his fingers. Soryu took out his phone and quickly sent a text message.
Luke walked into the room, surprising you. He stopped in his tracks, dropping his supply bag. “S-sexy bones?” Soryu crossed his arms, “Luke can you examine her?” He furrowed his brows. “She’s dead. How am I going to examine her?” Ota lifted your clasped hands. “I can touch her.” Luke was silent, observing you. He saw the blue veins on the underside of your arm. “I’m not really understanding what’s happening, but I’ll go along with it.” He picked up his medical bag and motioned for you to sit as he sat on the coffee table.
Doing as he asked, you sat. He brought out his stethoscope. “I apologize if I seem awkward, I’m just kind of shaken.” You made eye contact, “I’m sure it’s emotionally taxing seeing me.” He trembled slightly as he put the stethoscope to your chest, and his eyes widened. As he pulled away, he looked at you astonished. Not saying a word, but his eyes wavering. “uh-uhm.” He cleared his throat. “You have a heartbeat.” He swallowed. “I’ll proceed” You nodded, going through the basics of a physical. Once finished, he put the stethoscope around his neck and made eye contact with you. “Well, sexy bones. You have a beating heart, your blood pressure is normal. On the low side but normal. Your reflexes are good. If I had to diagnose you, I would say you are healthy.” He cupped his chin, “However, knowing that you have heart issues, I’m going to give you a referral to an excellent cardiologist I know.” You just stared at him, taking a moment to absorb his words. “That’s crazy. None of this makes sense.” The rain started falling harder, and suddenly, there was a loud crash of thunder, startling you. You felt it, your heart racing, trying to slow down. Ota looked at you and smiled for the first time in months. “Always a scaredy cat.”
You gave him a tender look. “I’ve missed your smile” He just about melted if you only realized what you did to him. Baba smiled at the sweet moment between the two of you. “Only you could do that to him. He’s been miserable since you’ve been gone.” You closed your eyes, sighing, “You don’t need to tell me, I know. I’ve been here the whole time. Actually, I’m unable to leave even if I wanted to.” Mamoru lit his cigarette. “What do ya mean ya can’t leave?” You shrugged your shoulders. “It’s like I said, I cannot leave the penthouse. I’m bound to it. There’s some barrier.” Ota brightened. “Then, let’s go outside since you apparently aren’t dead anymore.” Eisuke looked at you, “Try it” The whole group followed you to the elevator, your hand still clasped in Ota’s.
You hesitantly pressed the button, and when it dinged, and the door slid open, you took a deep breath and crossed the threshold. “What?” Everyone filed in. Going down to the lobby, it is evident that everyone could see you. “_ _ _, I love that dress! Are you guys off to a fancy brunch?” You looked at your friend wide eyed. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You swallowed, “Sorry.” Then you looked at your friend. “Hey, when was the last time we saw each other?” See laughed, “Yesterday, silly! We had the same shift. Did you bump your head?” You laughed, “I guess I’m still half asleep.” She smiled, “Enjoy your day off. See you later!”
With that, your friend returned to her duties. Baba looked around, mesmerized. “It’s as if it never happened to begin with.” Everyone looked at him, his words resonating with them. How was it that Baba could be so insightful at the perfect moment? Suddenly your stomach growled, and you put your hand on your stomach in embarrassment. You looked at all your friends and smiled, then laughed. Making them join in with your joy, a smile on each of their faces. “How about brunch?” You suggested. “You guys don’t know how much I missed eating!” Ota put his arm around your shoulders, walking out into the rain.
When your food was served, you looked at it longingly. Ota leaned in towards you. “Go on, eat.” You were apprehensive, but you picked up your fork and put a piece of the sweet pancakes in your mouth. Your tastebuds exploded, and you smiled as you chewed. When you were given the check, Ota put his card in the payment wallet. You were enjoying the company of all the people you love. The waitress returned, and as politely as possible, she bent down and whispered to Ota. “I’m sorry, sir. Do you have another form of payment? Your card was declined.” Ota looked confused, “It shouldn’t have, hold on, let me look.” he pulled out his phone, opening his banking app, seeing the grim state of his account.
His eyes opened wide, and Eisuke saw the conflict in his eyes. “Put it on one check, please.” Ota shoved his phone back into his pants. “I don’t understand.” Baba raised an eyebrow. “There had to be a consequence. Something had to be given up in order to gain what you wanted. It’s equivalent exchange.” Ota looked conflicted, “I didn’t ask for it. She was just there when I walked into the living room. I wouldn’t take it back. I’m so glad you’re back.” He squeezed your hand. Baba gave Ota a condescending look. “You kinda did; remember when we saw that fortune teller? She asked what you would give up to have her back.” Baba made his best depressed Ota impression while crossing his arms, “You said ‘anything’” Ota looked defensive, “You think she brought her back? That was the furthest thing from my mind.”
You looked at Ota with worry and concern washing over your face. He smiled at you. “It’s just money. I would never choose you over money. If I had to, I’d go sell crochet hats on the corner of the street if it meant that you were alive and I could hold you.” Mamoru snickered as he took a bite of his eggs. “You’ve changed, kid.” You looked at Eisuke. “Thank you for paying.” He scoffed. “You don’t need to thank me, it’s not a problem.” He put his hand on his chin. “I have a feeling that this has something to do with what was in the newspaper.” You squeezed Ota’s hand, he gave you a gentle peck on your cheek. “It’s fine. They have a suspect in custody, right? I’ll just have to work hard to get where I was before. I’m sure I can get some projects real soon. Now that I have my muse back.”
You trusted Ota, and you knew he was right. “With every challenge, we face, we always come out stronger. This is just another challenge we need to face.” Soryu nodded his head in agreement with Ota. “You will have to be there for each other. It will take time for Ota to regain his reputation, and you’ll need to be there to support him. Likewise, He’ll need to be there for you as you adjust to being alive again. Of course, I’ll support you both in whatever way I can. You still have a place to live.” Everyone hummed in agreement with Eisuke. Tears burned in your eyes. “It’s going to take some getting used to feeling emotions again. It’s a bit overwhelming.” Soryu looked up at you. “Don’t push yourself too hard, take it slow. You’re a strong woman. I’m sure you’ll get used to it in no time.” You looked at all the men around you. “I love you guys. I hope you know that.” You smiled.
Ota stood up and held his hand out to you. “Let’s get you to that cardiologist.” You looked at him questionably. “We don’t have an appointment” You put your hand in his nonetheless. “I don’t care. They will look at you today.” As you got out of the chair, you looked at him. “I believe you.” He kissed your lips gently. “That’s my Koro.”
You left hand in hand with Ota, successfully getting the medicine you need for your condition. Everything would work out, you had been given a second chance by some miracle, and you would enjoy every second of it.
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neerons · 1 month
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The bidders talking about Eisuke’s sexual behavior was a hilarious moment in this story. Also the first thing on my mind was "how the hell does Soryu know about Eisuke’s techniques? 👀"
Interesting Interesting….
Eisuke | A Baddest First Night
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sterkeyra · 9 months
KBTBB - Forever a Family with the Baddest Bidder
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Cheers to the 10th anniversary of KBTBB and Eisukes upcoming birthday!
It's been a decade, and he's been one of the faces of Voltage for a long time, so it's like the end of an era now that every bidders story finally reached his conclusion. They are happily married and their children got to see the light of day. In the new story of Eisuke, Eito himself is almost old enough to be a LI himself. (Is this a sign Voltage?)
Even if not everyone was a fan of the series, it does make you a bit emotional if not nostalgic if you think that the title finally reached it's end. In the japanese version at least. It will take a few more months before we'll get the last stories translated as well.
I personally love how Otas, Babas and Mamorus pictures feature the MC as well as she always seems to brighten the images. Especially Otas looks magical with all the flower petals. But it's also hilarious how Eisuke carries his child like a sack of potatoes.
Here's a small compilation of everyones kids:
Eisuke: Eito, Kaito, Yuu (possibly a 4th child in the making?)
Soryu: Ryusei
Ota: Hinata
Baba: Moa
Mamoru: Nodoka
Not in the pictures but Luke, Hikaru, Shuichi and Mad Hatter got kids as well:
Luke: Yuri
Hikaru: Akari
Shuichi: Kikyo
Mad Hatter: Rui & Kai
Anyways happy new year and here's for an exciting journey ahead of us!
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eikouxd · 2 months
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Brother's Rivalry: Deleted Scene
I've been meaning to finish this small comic for a while! ( ^ω^ ) I really enjoyed this story, and I loved the three brothers! I hope we get more family stories! I love how Eito has grown up so much but you can tell he loves his family! Yu is adorable! And Kaito is such a kind brother. Anyways hope you enjoy!
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berry-hwa · 3 months
*drops art and disappears into the abyss*
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eisukevint · 11 months
average day for the bidders
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incorrect-otome · 3 months
MC: who do you dislike more? Ota or Baba??
Soryu: hmm...I'll have to go with Mamoru
Mamoru in the background: I wasn't even a damm option, you jerk
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marutsuia · 9 months
the hotel singer. || KBTBB Eisuke x Reader
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Summary: A rewrite of the epilogue!
Word Count: 3.6K
A/N: Here's my first! Thank you for requesting @tokkiostarrs :) I hope you enjoy!
Your life had become a whirlwind. At first, you were just the hotel singer, and you worked most nights, sometimes in the restaurants, sometimes the casino. You recall when you first met your now boyfriend -- if you could call him that. He was brash, bossy and rude as hell.
It was your first year performing at the I.V.C., and you looked classic. It was no mistake that you were chosen for your job because of your looks, your ability to pull off a 40s brush out curly look, and of course, your voice. You had garnered the attention of the male clientele, but always remained professional. That didn't seem to matter on the day of the I.V.C, because when you went to get a glass of warm water at the bar to prepare for your next set, you were held at gunpoint and forced into a secret room in a basement that you didn't know existed.
It seemed as though someone decided to auction you off without your consent, sticking you in a birdcage for someone to buy you. The one who ended up helping you was none other than the hotel owner, Eisuke Ichinomiya. He was a pain in the ass; and you were not afraid to let him know.
Unbeknownst to you, that was part of the reason he fell for you. You were not afraid of him, and you didn't fall at his feet like every other woman did. In fact, you despised him at first, and you always made that very clear. Ignoring him when he paged you, retaliating when he acted like a jerk. He acted all irritated but he found it very amusing from the start.
Regardless, you were together now, which was ironic, given that he used you as a fake girlfriend at first to make a business deal go through. You guessed. It was hard to tell when he treated you like trash most of the time. Granted, that was just his personality, but it wasn't good enough for you. He would change. Or you would leave.
You might love him as well, but no love is worth being treated that way. He seemed to change his tune when he admitted his feelings, but the rest remained to be seen.
You were attending the morning staff meeting, even though you only worked nights, you got your set list and a timed schedule along with the rest of the staff.
After you went up to your room (you don't live in the employee dormitories for convenience), and started going about your day while humming your set list, your pager went off. You groaned.
"You think he'd just call me instead of page me like I work for him..." You paused, "I guess I do work for him though," You mumbled and clicked the button to get it to stop beeping.
After a few minutes, you made your way upstairs at a leisurely pace.
"You're late." Eisuke said with a frown as you entered.
"How?" You quipped.
He glared at you, "Just sit," He ordered and you rolled your eyes, plopping down onto the couch. The two of you sat there for a few moments, just glaring.
"Well?" You asked and he raised a brow, putting his arm on the back of the couch.
"What?" He wondered.
"What did you call me up here for?" You asked, hoping he would say something nice to you.
"You're not working yet." He replied and you smirked.
"I might as well just go back to my room then," You teased and pretended to get up, but he yanked you down by the wrist to kiss you, pressing his lips onto yours.
He trapped you in his arms as you exchanged deep kisses, "You've been waiting for this haven't you?" He asked and you huffed, "Seems to me it's you who's been waiting."
Just as he was about to push you down onto the couch, you heard the voice of Baba and Ota. "Boss, you up there?"
"Is Y/n up there too?"
You tried to push against Eisuke gently, but he wouldn't let you go. So you pulled away from the kiss and turned your head, causing him to scowl, but he finally let you go just as the two men entered.
"Knew it." Baba said and you looked over to them, "Hey." You called casually.
"Sorry to interrupt your fun," Baba laughed.
"You know, you never answered us before... but I wanna know. What made you two fall for each other?" Ota asked, surprised, "I think you two make a good couple, but I don't understand how it happened in the first place."
"If you tell us, maybe I can figure out Boss' secret to getting women," Baba joked.
You rolled your eyes, "From what I can see Baba, I don't think you have any issues."
"Aw. Thanks!" He beamed.
"That wasn't a compliment." You shut him down, causing Eisuke to smirk and Ota to laugh.
"Damn. Straight through the heart, beautiful." Baba put a hand to his chest and pretended to be sad.
"Honestly, Eisuke falling in love with her is the most suspicious thing of all here," Ota made a face.
"What the heck? You wanna say that again?" You asked and Ota looked panicked.
"No! That's not what I meant!"
You glared at him, "Explain."
"I just meant that... You know, you're so likable! But tough, too." He backtracked, trying to clarify what he meant.
"Whatever," Eisuke said.
"Maybe Eisuke is more loving in private!" Baba thought.
You then thought about how he basically never told you how he actually felt. "Stay with me," Is what he said, but he never really told you anything else. You wondered if he ever would.
The next day, you were rehearsing with the band for the hotel's 5th anniversary party at one of the restaurants stages. The restaurant was closed, so it provided you with space to practice. "Ezekiel, the drums are sounding a little rough at this part, maybe lighten it up a touch?" You suggested as you discussed with the band.
You then heard the shrieking of women nearby. You saw Eisuke walking with a group of women surrounding him, trying to coax him to join them at the pool or the restaurant for the evening. He doesn't say anything as he walks past, but he doesn't send them away. It irks you.
You were off that night so that you could keep your vocals on point for the party. Eisuke takes you to the hotel bar. "This place brigs back memories, huh?" He teases and you roll your eyes. "Don't start."
This was where Eisuke overheard Takahiro asking you out, once you were taking a break from being on stage. You were dressed to the nines, in a stunning, form-fitting green dress, which probably didn't help Eisuke's case when he did spot the scene.
"I'm glad the employees make use of the hotel," He commented noting that staff sometimes go there to drink. "What do you think of the bar?" He asked.
"It can be a little stuffy. Sometimes I come get a drink after I'm done with my sets, and it's a bit dark. An aquarium or something would open it up and add some ambient light." You explained.
"It is a little claustrophobic, now that you mention it. I'll mention it to the manager." Eisuke said, "See, you can be useful sometimes."
You raised a brow, "I didn't realize there was any doubt."
Just then, one of Eisuke's groupies approached, "Some of my friends from the business are over there. Why don't you join us for a drink?"
"We're busy," You sharply said, before she even had time to finish her sentence. She looked at you, with a cold smirk, "Come on, Eisuke! It'll be more fun that spending time with your lousy hotel singer."
"Excuse me?" You raise a brow. "Get lost," Eisuke said with a scowl. "What?" She stuttered.
"You're annoying. Disappear." He added. Causing her to mumble, "Another time the," and scurry away.
"I'm in a bad mood, now. Let's go somewhere else and drink." He said and got up to leave, causing you to follow.
He took you to the pool, opening up a bottle of champagne. "I can't believe you asked Takahiro to turn the lights on," You groaned.
"You still thinking about him?" Eisuke glared and you shook your head, "No, but you clearly did it on purpose."
"I don't know what you're talking about." he nonchalantly said and you rolled your eyes. "You just wanted to assert your dominance. Which is rude, by the way!"
Eisuke smirked slightly, "You were wise not to choose him."
"...I was already going to turn him down, and tell you how I felt." You explained, hesitantly.
"I like your dedicated personality." Eisuke said with a warm smile, a glass of champagne in his hand.
You smiled slightly back, dipping your toes in the water. "Do you guys come here a lot?"
"When we have time. Baba comes here on the lookout for women," He said and you laughed, "That sounds about right."
"Let's go," Eisuke said and you looked a little confused. "Already? We didn't even take a dip." You joked and he stared at you, although expecting you to do something. Feeling a burst of courage, you stood up, running over to one end while you took your shirt and pants off. "Hey!" He called as you giggled, running to the deep end and doing an elegant dive in.
You resurfaced in the middle of the pool, pushing your hair back. "Aren't you coming?" You asked and he just stared at you. You got to the edge of the pool, an leaned up as though you were gonna kiss him. Enticed by your appearance when you were undressed and wet, he leaned in. "Gotcha," You whispered against his lips and yanked him down into the pool.
You started laughing as he tried to recover from the surprise attack, "Now you've done it!" He yelled and ran after you in the water as you tried to swim away. You splashed him and he splashed you back while the two of you laughed. He finally grabbed you, and the playful kicks and nudges turned into heated caresses as he pressed his lips to yours.
"Not enough..." He said as he continued to touch and kiss you. He helped you get out of the pool with ease, and wrapped you up in a towel as he carried you to the elevator, taking it up to the penthouse.
It was the day of the anniversary party. You were all dressed up, with your hair perfectly curled and brushed out, makeup done to perfection and jewels adorned on your neck and ears. You were a form fitting red dress, with a slit going high up the side, and gold heels. You had red gloves that reached your elbows, and a ring placed on your finger overtop.
"It's Mr Ichinomiya!" Someone called and you turned to look, seeing Eisuke walking into the ballroom, surrounded by more women than before. Eisuke didn't even look at the staff that are welcoming the guests, and he didn't look at you either as he passed by. It irked you again.
Suddenly, Baba approached, "Hm? Y/n? You're working? I thought you were gonna be a guest?" He asked and you shook your head. "No, not this time."
"Alright, well. Do your best! I'm sure you'll be great!" Baba said and walked off with a wave, you waved back at him. You wished that Eisuke would approach and talk to you like he did. You watched Eisuke disappear into the crowd with his groupies.
You did your job as well as always, attracting a large crowd of both men and women, but it was the men who were ogling you and cheering whenever you hit a high note. At first, you had one eye on Eisuke, but once you got into your set, you forgot all about him, singing your upbeat jazz renditions of pop songs, and it was Eisuke that had one eye on you. That's right. You had groupies of your own. It irked him.
After the party, you lined up with the rest of the staff, thanking the guests for coming. Several men and women specifically wanted to say goodbye to you, and even the most handsome of the gentlemen was blushing up to his ears.
You acted politely, shaking hands and giving graceful and short curtsies. Then, as Eisuke was passing by you, another one of his groupies shoved past you, trying to get his attention, "Eisuke! Wait!" She called and you tripped over, falling into his arms. It was like when you first met, but this time, he wasn't indifferent and he looked down into your eyes as he held you.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" One of the groupies call, "Yeah! Get away from him now!" Another shouted, "You're going to get his suit dirty!"
All of a sudden, the two of you were surrounded by women, one of them looked like she was going to slap you. Hard. You got ready to catch her hand, but Eisuke pulles you close into him, protecting you with his broad back.
"Eisuke..." You said, surprised he didn't just ignore you again.
"Get away from her." His tone was hard, and strict, leaving no room for doubt. The women gasped.
"But Eisuke!" One of them shouted.
"That's right. It's time I make things clear."
He helped you stand up straight, and then wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you to him. "She's the only one allowed up in my penthouse."
"What?!" The groupies shouted. "Stop following me around!" He asserted, an you had never seen his face look as stern as it did in that moment.
"Why are you saying this?" one of the women looked like she was going to cry.
"Is she your girlfriend?!" Another yelled. "She's the one he took to the I.V.C., but I thought they broke up!" One said.
Eisuke started walking you to the elevator, as the lobby filled with chatter. "Eisuke please reconsider!"
"If we did anything wrong, we apologize!"
"Hey, watch it!" One of the guests shoved a groupie who shoved him. The women and guests started quarrelling and Eisuke turned around, "Silence! I'll ban anyone who causes trouble for the other guests from entering this hotel!"
"No!!" The women started crying and falling over as the staff rushed over to them to get them to stop. "Let's go." Eisuke said to you, putting his arm around your shoulder and heading for the elevator.
Just then, Ota and Baba slipped through the crowd. "Here come the busybodies." Eisuke sighed.
"Will you stop calling us that?" Ota asked. "I think it's pretty apt." You teased and Ota put a hand on his chest in mock hurt, "Et tu, Y/n?"
"What a waste, turning down all those women at once," Baba commented. "Only you would think that, Baba." You said.
"If you want them, go ahead and take them." Eisuke said. "Good for you, Baba. You've been wanting Eisuke's sloppy seconds, right?" Ota smiled.
"That's not respectful to women, Ota. I'm just going to rescue them with love." Baba replied.
"That's not respectful to women. We don't need rescuing." You teased.
"OOHHHH!" Ota celebrated, causing you to chuckle.
Baba then leaned in to whisper in your ear, "Boss looked super bored at the party. At first, I bet he wished he brought you."
You looked over at him a little surprised, "Then he kept one eye on you for getting all the attention of the men." Baba teased.
"Yeah, Y/n's about the only woman who can hold a conversation with Eisuke." Ota added.
"He doesn't look it, but he's pretty naive!" Baba continued. Eisuke rolled his eyes. "I can hear you, you know." He then turned his back on the elevator.
"We're going to your room." He said and you raised a brow, "What?"
"I can't stand it here. It's too loud." He replied.
"She's done for the day," Eisuke said to the manager who nodded with a bow. He started walking up the stairs.
"You'd better go," Ota said and you shrugged and followed him to your room. It was out of the way of the guest rooms, because it was outfitted with a small kitchen, but it was just a short walk.
"Small." He said when he first entered. "It's no penthouse." You shrugged, then gestured for him to sit down on a sofa. You then kicked off your heels and walked over to the kitchen. "I'm making some tea, do you want some?" You asked and he shrugged.
You brewed enough tea for the both of you and you squeezed lemon and honey into yours, bringing it over to the coffee table. "My dad sends me this tea. He bought it because someone told him it was good for the throat, so I drink it after work."
"Do you think I came here to talk about tea?" He asked.
"I'm just talking, you don't need to be an ass about it." You said as you sat on the floor tucking your legs underneath you as you began to sip, the warm liquid opening up your throat and refreshing your vocal chords.
It was silent for a few moments, and you debated asking him something based on what Baba said. "Why didn't you take me to the party?" You asked, looking down at your teacup. Your back was straight and your shoulders squared, only your eyes were cast downward, which told Eisuke you might've been a little upset.
"I was going to."
"Why didn't you?"
"...I don't know."
You didn't believe him, but you didn't wanna force him to say anything. "Why are you asking?" He thought.
You cleared your throat and brought the teacup up to your lips, "I was starting to think you enjoyed having all those women hanging off you," You sarcastically said, following your words up with a sip.
"As if. You'd be a fool for thinking that."
"Well, I can't help it. All you do is traipse around, ordering me to do this and that, dragging me around with you, acting like a complete ass... And to make matters worse you still haven't told me how you felt. Do you even love me?" You asked, earnestly, frustration coming across your features.
"Why do I have to say it?" He looked surprised.
"You're kidding," You glared, spitting the words.
"I made you mind. Can't you tell without me having to say it?" He asked, face blank."You went to all that trouble to have me say it, and you don't think I deserve to hear the words from you too? I hate to break it to you, but that's what a couple does!" You nearly shouted, your irritation finally releasing.
He kept quiet, looking off to the side. You sighed, "Forget it." You stood up, putting your cup down on the coffee table. "Where are you going?" He asked as he saw you putting your shoes on.
"Elsewhere." You said and started to leave but he grabbed you, yanking you to press up against him.
"Let go of me," You said, half-heartedly.
"Shut up." He turned you around and pressed your lips to his. He pulled away for a moment, "I love you." He finally said and you took in a sharp inhale.
"I love you, Y/n." He repeated, "Satisfied?"
"Not if you're going to follow it up like that," You shook your head as you whispered, your face completely serious. He sighed, "You think I'd keep around a woman I didn't love?"
You shrugged one shoulder, "Well, you're a sadist, so I thought the women you liked were just made to wait on you. But..." You brought your face close to his, "I'm not one of those women."
"I'm going to make it so you never say anything so annoying again." He smirked. He reached behind your back for the zipper of your dress, picking you up and lying you down on your bed.
"You want me to say it, right? That I love you." He whispered in your ear and you nodded. He saw your pupils get blown wide with lust, causing a soft expression and gentle smile to grace his face, "I had no idea those words were so effective."
He felt your skin as he slid your dress down, "I love you. I'll tell you all night long." His face still looked kind as he showed you just how much his words meant.
The next morning, you left your room with Eisuke, and you saw Baba walking with a big suitcase. "Morning!" He said cheerfully.
You called as you saw him.
"You're so lucky, Boss! You spent the night in Y/n's room? Y/n, invite me next time!" Baba beamed.
Eisuke glared at him and pushed you forward, "Let's go."
"Oooh, are you jealous?" Baba asked. You look over at Eisuke, wondering if he actually was. "Oh, he's the type to get jealous easily. Which is why he put on that little show of getting rid of his groupies after he saw you getting ogled by so many men at the party."
You smiled slightly and looked at Eisuke. "Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for work. Don't forget about me!" Baba said and waved.
"Take care." You waved back. All of a sudden Eisuke gives you a kiss. "Forget about him. Just concentrate on me. Got it?"
You hesitantly nod. "Got it."
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kasumisnowdrop · 1 year
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i… am losing my mind
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maidofstars · 6 months
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RAHHHHHHHH i miss them featuring some self indulgent bunny suits
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voltagefangirl19 · 1 year
*Bidders chilling out and randomly talking in the lounge when MC enters to clean*
Mamoru: I sleep with a pistol under my pillow in case someone attacks me in my sleep
Baba: a gun? That's boring, I have a gun and a combat knife I stole from a rich guy once
MC: both of you are pathetic
Ota: what do you sleep with, then?
MC *completely deadpan*: Soryu.
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otastoothbrush · 1 year
The bidders at my cookie shop
(i work at a cookie shop soooo😋)
he normally wouldn’t stand in line at a little cookie shop in the mall for a sub pare chocolate chip cookie but the cashier caught his eye (mc obv)
he is one of the only customers who doesn’t complain about the high prices bc he big balling
he first just wanted a chocolate chip cookie maybe a coffee too
but mc persuaded him to do the daily deal of buy 6 get one free
(an obv scam but she can bat her eyes at anyone and make them spend every penny there)
and Eisuke wasn’t any different, he actually bought one of everything
which had mc’s mouth on the floor
(she was honestly pissy bc there was a line forming behind him)
he would overly compliment mc which would have her rolling her eyes
she would try to walk to the back when she saw him coming but he would wait for her to come back up for his order to be taken
after times and times of trying to give her his number she finally takes it
eisuke’s fave cookies: koko creme + the chocolate chip
and ofc he loves mc’s coffee, literally creams for it
he would be a usual there
he also works in the mall
he works in the little magick shop all the way on the other side of the mall
but the walk is worth it to see the cute cookie shop cashier
(and he doesn’t mind walking, he got those long legs for a reason)
he knows mc by name and ALWAYS asks how mc is before ordering his cookies
he is very charming and subtly flirts to make sure she isn’t uncomfortable
he would always get a red velvet and a cheesecake brownie
(mc literally knows his order by heart he gets the same thing every time, bless his soul)
he usually asks when her break is and if she wants to head down to the food court during it
(she always says yes)
he always tries to pay for mc’s food (and he usually does if mc isn’t looking)
if mc is closing he walks the long way out the mall so he can say goodnight to her
man isn’t a cookie person but inui dragged him here
he isn’t even a mall person but once again inui heard about the puppies in the mall and had to go, little did they know a quaint little cookie shop was by it
ofc they stopped when inui saw the spiderman cookie, which he had to get
Soryu ended up getting something like a double fudge brownie or a smores bar
he hits it off well with mc surprisingly, since he wasn’t much into small talk she did to mind taking his order
(other than his deathly stare that sorta scared her)
he really enjoyed the brownies and actually came back without inui
which had mc on edge since soryu didn’t have his little puppy dog beside him
he actually came later in the day so mc gave him some free chocolate chip which weirdly had him blushing
he devoured them, when inui tried to touch them he whipped out his gun
every time he goes back there he gets softer and softer for her
and develops an addiction to the double fudge brownies
he has a little art kiosk in the mall, he usually sells his art and sometimes draws people he see’s
his little kiosk was right by the cookie shop so he would stare all day at the cookie shop worker
he would watch her hair start to get messy and her take a breather after the long line of customers
he would draw her the most, her puppy dog eyes reminded him of his little dog koro
he would go up there everyday grabbing a yellow mellow and a large decorated cookie
he would usually pick the quirkiest one like the pumpkin with sunglasses
(even though its the middle of august)
and then two m&m cookies bc the splash of color reminds him of his water paintings
he would joke around with mc a lot
even across the mall from his kiosk
if mc had a loud customer he would look over at her with a concerned face
(he actually came up and put a guy in his place for yelling at her)
(he’s weirdly intimidating)
he put some drawings up of mc in his shop but she low-key never noticed
until he brought her one of his drawings of her
(she literally gave him like free cookies for a week bc of it)
he isn’t a mall man it’s too much of a pain for him
but one day at the office some one brought in cookies and he was hooked ever since
he would go straight to the mall for the cookies every single day after work
he would usually get the monthly cookie, especially in august its his fave
the blueberry crumble✨
other than that he would get the peanut butter swirl or the sprinkles
he would die for the buttercream
he was usually grumpy so mc would draw little doodles on his coffee cup
(when she stopped he actually said something about it)
he would always try to request the ones straight out the oven, which mc caved multiple times and gave him piping hot ones
(which he burned himself on but played it off)
(now mc is super careful while handing him his cookies and even tosses a joke here and there about it)
he actually is the one that tips mc the best, like he always tips her every single time
(he tried to ask if they sold edibles before, mc was thinking about sneaking something special in her new batch)
he knows mc already and goes there everyday to make her life hell
(he obviously wants to eat her out)
he takes forever to order things even though mc always knows what he wants
but he continues to give her a hard time EVERYTIME
his order is always a watermelon cookie pizza and a peanut butter blossom with a dr pepper
but he likes the extra time he takes to talk to mc
he orders cookie cakes often and puts them under dumbass names like “ben dover” or “Anita dic”
mc once persuaded him to get the raspberry cream cookie and he was not in love with it
it was too “tart” for him
(which mc knew but wanted him to waste 5 dollars)
hikaru is one of those customers to bring up the price of the cookies everytime
“why is this shit 2.36 is there dope in it?”
“what dope are you smoking that is 2.36”
“not good shit”
in the end he is low-key obsessed w the cookies and HIGH-KEY obsessed with mc
after the plant shop he would always stop at the cookie place
usually as shu tho never shuichi
when she does see shuichi she thinks its so funny he has the same order as shu since there so different
chocolate chip pecan, a german chocolate brownie and a black coffee
shu always jokes with mc and usually flirts it up with her
(she really enjoys seeing shu he’s actually lowkey her favorite customer)
unlike shuichi which is her least fave, since how brass he is
he never acknowledges her as a person as shuichi but shu greets her very kindly everytime
every visit he takes, shu and shuichi slowly mold together
one day shuichi brings her a little succulent and thats when she puts two and two together
she gets really embarrassed and has a breakdown in the back
(but now she thinks he’s bipolar or has multiple personalities) (which is totally fine on a real note)
very sweet boy and very soft spoken
mc can barely hear him over all the mall noise
his face is always red when he orders he can barely look at mc
but when he does look at mc, he stares
he works in the costume shop and sometimes wears masks to scare her if she doesnt see him coming
(she lowkey thinks he’s weird asf but he’s very kind and cute so she’s fine with him)
his order is a carrot cake cookie and a snicker doodle, he always gets stuff for his coworkers too bc he’s a sweetheart
he tries to give mc free costumes, really wanted her to be Alice for his mad hatter for the last three years in a row
she finally said yes
some days when he would come up to her in his mad hatter get up he would have more courage to talk to her
but she made sure he knew that he could talk to her either way and she would enjoy him
he would get the gluten free sprinkles
since this man on a PILL DIET LIKE BFFR
but eisuke brought him here and made him get a cookie and not only a coffee
so he went for the overly priced gluten free cookies
and stared at mc’s chest the whole time
he says its not creepy and he’s just admiring her bone structure
(which she still finds very creepy)
luke started to come on his own bc his new pill started being the gluten free sprinkle cookies
he would ask mc to be his model to study her bone structure (ngl she had her boss come out and serve him a couple of times bc she was a little uncomfy)
but one day he was actually the exact opposite, almost came in like he was lifeless which freaked her out a bit
(mf was malnourished asf)
mc literally hand fed him the cookies to make sure he ate
(mf was literally just buying cookies to let them stack up at his house)
girl tries her best to love her job
her favorite thing to do is ice the cookies while she hates to restock
she is a closer who workers many hours and usually spends the whole day at the shop
she literally runs the place lets be for real
her favorite would be the underrated koko swirl and oatmeal rasin
she would take long breaks with baba in the food court bc she deserved it after working opening to closing
she lowkey hates when baba pays for her so everytime she goes to the magick shop she tips extra so it feels like she’s paying him back
she always doodles a cat on her cup when she gets a drink, its her little thing so everyone knows the cup is hers
she gets along the best with her coworkers and honestly gets the best tips
she does have like 9 men fiening over her
which i mean she never really minds bc it helps with the tips
ota and rhion always try to give her cookie designs, which she usually listens too bc their gods with their hands
one time she took mamo in the back of her shop and smoked weed with him
she pretends to hate eisuke but she legit thinks he’s the biggest man candy in the world
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neerons · 1 month
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Aww what?! Baba and Mamo are so cute?! I love their mindset 😭❤️
Eisuke | A Baddest First Night
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jessyurahara · 2 months
KBTBB- Public Affection
Ota Kisaki
Ota, wasn’t embarrassed by these things, you were, embracing you when he wants was kind of his thing, a sly mutter and a smirk going along with his movements, normally people would be watching you from the sidelines. 
He loved the way in which you would squirm and react to him, it made him smile even further, if you listened carefully you’d even catch him laughing, it made him feel like a child, playing around with you at all times, smiling along with each movement. Ota is playful, and a jerk, it’s that simple, but also you’re his world and that was also a simple fact. 
He wasn’t not going to touch you at every open opportunity. 
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Eisuke had never been a particularly affectionate person, possessive in a way yes, but affection was a different matter of facts. Even when you started your overly complex relationship, he was always giving you push and pull. 
He knew if you hugged him, or held his hand, or kissed him it meant you were trying to be close to him, you were creating perfect memories with him. Eisuke wasn’t one to deny you of your deepest desires even if it was something as simple as holding his hand, in fact he was the one who was more likely to try and push you further, a kiss here and there, especially in front of the bidders, or when someone would make him feel jealous, despite the fact you knew you would never leave him, sometimes it was like he questioned that fact himself, and in those moments he would become the most possessive and affectionate man alive. 
Eisuke doesn’t share. 
Mitsunari Baba
In a relationship with Mistunari, the only shame towards public affection was felt by you, he was very open about his feelings towards you, no matter who was around, or what circumstances. There was no end to his affection towards you. 
He’s a passionate man, watching you under the moonlight on a roof, brushing your hair away from your face, he was so unapologetically himself. 
Mitsunari would often find himself walking around with you, his hand resting comfortably on the small of your back, sleeping at night he’d find himself tracing patterns on your skin, he saw you as perfect, he adored every hair on your head, every blemish on your body, every part of you was his. 
He wanted nothing more than to keep you, to claim you as his and his alone, and leave his marks all over your skin, whether that’s to be seen publicly or privately. 
Soryu Oh
It wasn’t that Soryu wasn’t affectionate towards you, when you were in private, he was one of the sweetest men you’d ever met. However, being so attentive in private meant in public you often fell to the wayside, after all, he had an image to uphold. He worried about the people around him, whether or not they would view him at the Mob Boss he is if he started being overly affectionate.
If he would succumb to the desire to be affectionate towards you, but in those moments his almost embarrassment and the way in which the bidders would tease would make the both of you uncomfortable. So affection during working hours became a strict but unspoken rule.
Despite all this, there were certain moments in which he would swallow all those feelings and simply enjoy being with you, holding you close. Tightly clinging to you, or an arm wrapped around your hips, just keeping your warmth close to him, he knew when he would have to restrain himself. 
Mamoru Kishi
Mamoru wasn’t an overly affectionate person, maybe it was his job, maybe it was trauma, but either way if you were looking for someone to cling to you at all moments and be hanging on your every movement, it was his duty to be your partner and stand by your side, but he wasn’t going to run around like a child. 
You had ultimately accepted that you needed to expect this treatment from Mamoru, he was never going to be the man who was going to be outwardly affectionate to you 24 hours a day, and if you were going to be honest then tell there were days in which you found yourself feeling a little thrown to the side, and during those moments you would find yourself reaching out a hand towards him, and grabbing onto him instead. 
Mamoru would allow you all the contact you felt you needed, and sometimes that stopped at a simple hand hold, other times you felt the need to grab him and hold him, and he would hold you back, mumbling something about you being a kid, because despite him not needing the physical contact in the same way, he was going to give you what you need. 
Ryunosuke Inui
Ryunosuke, a strange case, the man would run around calling you a Princess, and yet it was like he was embarrassed to kiss you in public. That’s not to say he wouldn’t in fact, despite how exited he could come across, he knew where to draw his professionalism lines, and in front of Soryu despite the comments of Princess he wouldn’t touch you. 
It was more than a little bit cute, the way in which he would turn red when you’d reach up and kiss him. He wishes he was able to be close to you at all times, apparently to protect you from the hordes of men that would surely chase after you if he wasn’t there. It was just an excuse to be able to be as close to you as possible and as affectionate with you as he wanted to be. 
Ryunsoke would never be embarrassed by his love for you though, if anything he enjoyed being able to show off that he was the one who won in the race to your heart. 
Koji Ayase
Koji was somewhat clueless when it comes to matters of the heart, he knows that he adores you, and he knows you adore him too, he doesn’t seem to always know how to properly react to you showing him how much you love him, it’s like he’s a wreck, turning bright red, mumbling quietly, sometimes freezing under your touch. 
It often meant that any public displays of affection needed to be initiated by you. It wasn’t something he didn’t think about, of course he’d think about touching you, kissing you, holding you closer than he ever thought possible, but he was embarrassed by your actions, and the red that was almost a permanent feature across his cheeks reflected that perfectly. 
He didn’t think you would appreciate it if he acted on his thoughts, and the best he would manage was to reach out and grab your hand, shyly holding it in his and refusing to look you in the eye, that same red covering his face. 
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Headcannons/ Love Letters/ Stories/ Drabbles
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eikouxd · 2 months
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♤♡ Ask a Bidder: The Mushroom of Time: Angelic Slacker ◇♧ Thank you for being patient. I hope you enjoy the next part of this Ask. ( ^ω^ ). Thank you all for encouraging words when I was going through a hard time. I read everyone's messages, reblogs and comments on my last small comic and motivated me to draw again. Thank you.
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berry-hwa · 4 months
fem bidders. eat up, everyone (i promise ill try to do the others too :3)
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