schaladresdan · 4 years
Coming next month, Otayuri Week! Check out the prompts here: https://twitter.com/otayuriweek/status/1283475196033335297?s=21
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kaleidodreams · 4 years
I wrote this fluffy little ficlet for Day 6 of Otayuri Week over at Twitter! The theme was Future.
Summary:  Yuri wakes up to a surprise on his nightstand. (FF.net)
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otayuriweek · 4 years
Im so sorry that you're receiving such rude and arrogant nonys esp after your 1st VERY VALID explanation. Theres no reason for them to be a brat. This is your blog, u own it, and u aren't required to give it up just cause some salty nony wants it. Pouting and whining just makes them look dumb. As someone whose run event weeks in the past, I know its not easy and most work is done before the event starts. Anyone who wants to host one can create a new name (i.e otayuriweek2020). Like pls grow up
(Also, I appreciate you all keeping the blog up as an archive/record💕💕 -I ran out of room to add this in my other message)
Thank you very much for your kind words!
Honestly, it’s fans like that that sour the fandom experience for everyone. That sort of entitlement and lack of understanding is exactly why I have issues in just handing over this blog to someone I don’t know; I shudder to think what would happen to it in the hands of people like that. Like I said in my previous posts, I’m all for supporting anyone who wants to host the event and keep the spirit of the it, including personally reblogging their announcement posts to this blog for all our followers to see - so I don’t really see why all the rudeness and the entitlement they believe they have over this blog. Just create a new one if you want an Otayuri Week that badly? I’m not telling anyone not to - heck, create an Otayuri Month for all I care, I’ll be cheering you on. 
And yes, people really don’t seem to realize the amount of work that goes into these things! I’m still reeling at “nothing but a lot of reblogging”, I truly have no words for that.
Once again, thank you so much for your encouragement! It’s nice to see there are still fans out there willing to speak up against that sort of behaviour!
–Mod Howl
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