#other fishing trips of note: the day i hooked the legend 8 times in one day but i was at level 5 fishing and no boosters
adw520 · 6 months
cant believe no one told me about the fishing derbies
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purintarts · 7 years
The Pirate and Mermale Pt 1. (VxMC)
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I always like Pirates AU. Thank you so much for this chance me darling @ beyazsuvari! 
Warning, It’s gonna be pretttyyy longgg so I’m dividing it into two parts.
I got carried away sorrynotsorry
and I feel like drawing some of the scenes too, lol
The sounds of waves crashed against the ship, the sky rumbling with thunder, rain fell like showers and the wind blew so strong that a few barrels flown away.
Whose bright idea was it to look for treasure during this monsoon season?
Of course, you did.
Sane people would stay away from the sea during this season, which means less competitors to hunt for one of the ancient treasures.
The golden goldfish.
As legend said, if you find the golden goldfish, it would poop gold. Unlike normal goldfishes, they lived in dark waters that make their gold scales more prominent. However, it is difficult to find them due to the fact they live in a castle made of solid gold deep under the sea with dangers lurking.
Goldfish or not, if you get some of the treasures from the gold castle.
The things you’ll do with them.
Will you get a chest full of gold? Or maybe a golden bed? A golden throne will work too, Or or-
“Captain, yer makin’ the odd look again”
You snapped from your fantasy, wiping away your drool. Looking over to your right hand man.
“I ain’t not”
“We need yer orda capt, the wind too strong. Any longer, de ship bout’ to blow” Said one of your crews.
You narrowed your eyes as you looked at the lightning flashed before your eyes. Fixing your hat and rolling up your sleeves, showing the numerous tattoos that painted on your arms.
“Ay listen up! You, raise the sail! We gonna make a turn, change da direction!”
“We goin’ to land Capt?”
“No idiot! We takin’ a detour! Get cha ass workin’!”
You barked orders towards your crews and they rushed to their task. Shouting as loud as they can to one another to defeat the sound of the storm. You stir the wheel to fight and hold on against the huge waves.
You won’t be defeat by some waves, by hook by crook, the treasure will be in your hands by the time this season end.
The room was illuminated by the multiple candles you lit up. After the stormy night, you were glad that it stopped raining before dawn.
The rest of the crew were asleep except a few who needs to keep the engines running. You took the pencil, tracing it on the map.
There were three possible places of the golden goldfish, you went to the other two but alas, they weren’t there. Which leaves the last place.
Judging with the compass and calculations (yes pirates do math), you would reach the place in 11 days. You scribble some notes and study the route.
The gold throne can be felt by the end of your fingertips.
Though, the fact that is deep in the sea. There would be monsters and mermaids. Urgh, terrifying creatures. You need to figure out a way to go down the sea.
Firstly, you need to find the pink seaweed and only then will that lead you to the golden goldfish. You pray that this place has pink seaweed since the others didn’t.
You must and will achieve it.
The feast that the crew could have, no more fish! The table would be full of meat and rum.
“Capt, yer makin’ the odd look again”
“Shut yer trap and hit da hay already”
7 more days before you reached your destination. You can’t afford to go to land and re-stock, therefore, fish it is!
“7 days till meat” you grumbled as you waved your hand at two of your crews.
They throw the net into the sea to catch some food for the trip. You walked around the ship, checking the status of the ships with each of your crews.
Due to the heavy storms you been facing, the ship needs to be fixed every day. Especially before the next storm. A broken ship against a storm? Not a nice combination.
“Woah! Tis is some heavy fish”
“Maybe it’s Salmon!”
“Ay idiot! Tis ain’t salmon habitat!”
“Just lift em up ugly”
You walked towards the two males to see the fuss. You are rather curious on what dinner it will be. Maybe it wasn’t fish. Maybe it is a giant squid. But that would make a mess on a ship but it’s a change from fish.
The two males grunt as they managed to pull the net on board. There were a couple of fish that flew on the impact, well it wasn’t tuna or salmon alright. Nor was it a squid.
It was a male.
With a fish tail.
It’s a fish-male.
Or was it a male fish? Man fish? Hot body with slimy tale man fish?
“No you idiot! Mermaid is a woman, that ain’t woman, there no milk bags”
“What if her milk bags are tini?”
“Don’t offend her!”
“It ain’t a ‘her’ idiot!”
“I’m not blind pigeon!”
“It’s a mermale!” you snapped your fingers
“No capt, it’s a mer-MAN” your right hand man corrected
You glared at him and he automatically raised his hand up in defense.
“Mermale it is”  
You looked over to the mermale, he was tangled with the nets that unable for him to move. Mid-long wavy teal hair, teal eyes, pale skin with teal tail.
Talking about matching colours.
You walked towards him, you could see him struggling under the net to break free but alas, with a wave of an arm, your crew tied up the net so he won’t be able to break free.
Pressing your foot on his chest to make him stop moving, you tilted your head as you studied his eyes when he looked at you. You could see he was frightened.
“The last mermaids were brave. Were de males different?” you questioned “Or isit cause you alone?”
The man gulped as he stared at you, he loosens the tension from his body. As if he was giving up on his life, shutting his eyes as he sighs.
“What do you need of me? I do not sing nor do I have powers like the fellow maidens. I can’t give you anything” he croaked.
Well that’s surprising. Usually mermaids have beautiful voice despite being in the sea water, this one… really sounds like he drinks sea water.
“Then why you exist if you are useless?” you question, brushing the tip of your boot up to his chest and to his cheek.
“Careful capt, he might have canines” your right hand mind whispered before taking a step back.
“Well?” you asked the merman again.
“Our purpose… Is just to reproduce” he stated, looking away as his face turned red.
“How adorable” you took your sword and cut off the net from him
The crew gasped at your actions. Well, you’re not surprised of their expression. Some mermaids are terrifying as they feed on humans. There were a few with sharp teeth like sharks. Not to mention, their singing are just to lure you in before they eat you up.
You doubt that this one is different. Maybe it was just his tactic to get your guards down before he ate you all.
Just as he sat up, all the crews had their swords pointed at him and the fear in his eyes became more evident. You laughed as you crossed your arms.
“This one is obviously a pup” you laughed “What do they call you?”
“M-My name is V” he gulped “Please! Just kill me!”
“Look at em boys, what’s the fun in goin’ straight for the kill?” you walked around him.
Your eyes turned to his tail that was beginning to turn transparent, you knew his legs will be out soon. Your eyes studied him as you crossed your arms. An idea popped into your mind and you saw your key to the golden goldfish right in front of you.
“Well V, do you wish to live?”
The teal haired man looked at you, staring at you before he slowly nods.
“Then you need to help me”
  The mermale, V’s mouth was tied up before he was dragged away to your room. His legs were out but as you suspected, he was a young pup. He could barely stand.
He was obviously not used on legs.
You threw a blanket a him covering his private and legs as your crew tied his arms behind the chair. He was seated in front of your map, across you.
Just as they had tied him up, they took off the cloth from his mouth before stepping behind. V glared at them in rage but he knew he was no match.
“Well V. Pink Seaweed. Where are they?”
“W-why would you need to find them?” he croaked
“Get him some drinking water boys. And the questions will only be asked by me”
After giving him water and questions were thrown back and forth. V sighed as he shook his head.
“You won’t survive there”
“Why not?”
“There are creatures”
“You will die”
You smirked as you grabbed his chin, making him look at you.
“I don’t die easily, pup”
His teal eyes stared at you, as if he was studying you. Pursing his lips, he looked towards the map before turning to look at you once more.
“South-West. There”
The smirk on your lips stretched further.
“Atta’ boy”
The night was calm for once without any rain or storms. Due to the calm weather, the crew could finally get a proper night’s sleep and as always you were still awake.
You walked out from your room, scanning your surroundings. The ship is still moving towards its destination and a couple of crews were up drinking or smoking while being on night shift.
You went to the first level of the lower deck where all the crews sleep, you were greeted with loud snores and grumblings. You went to the next level where the food stocks were. You walked pass the sleeping cook and went towards the end of the corridor.
Opening the door, you were greeted with multiple cells. However, only one is occupied.
The teal haired boy was dressed up with a pair of trousers and a used-to-be white shirt. Leaning his back against the wall, he snapped his head to face you when he heard your approaching.
You studied his features, they were sharp and stunning. You have to admit the boy was good looking but that doesn’t change the fact that he is a merman. Even the most vulnerable ones are still dangerous and you wonder how dangerous he is under the terrified and weak façade.
“Why do you wish to go to the pink seaweed?”
“Em’ a pirate, why do you think em’ going there?”
V tilted his head to the side as if to think. He glanced down on his new-found legs before looking back up to you.
“But there isn’t any treasure there”
Your lips quirk up in amusement.
“Who said em’ looking for treasures there?” you chuckled as you laced your fingers behind your back.
“You pirates are mad”
“Well pup. None of this will happen if we weren’t”
You turned around to leave when he called you.
“Captain was it? Why did you visit me tonight?”
“Just securin’ de area”
You hummed before you turned back to face him, leaning in but keeping your distance, you tilted your head slightly to the side.
V looked at you, wondering what you need of him.
“What dya know about the golden goldfish?”
“The what?”
“Golden Goldfish”
“...Aren’t all goldfish golden?”
“Aren’t cha useless”
You shook your head, standing back up straight. You made a turn to leave once more but he called you again.
“The sea is full of mystery. You won’t survive”
You throw your head back and laughed. Looking back at him with a smirk, you didn’t care if he was dangerous, you shoved your hand between the bars and grabbed his chin, pulling him towards you.
“Darlin’, yer could kill me brizillion times and I would still be alive”
Letting him go, you walked away, shutting the door behind you as you left.
As you scribbled away in your journal, one of your crew had placed a plate of food on your desk. Glancing at the grilled fish, your eyes flicked towards the door.
“Did ya give the mermale food?”
“Only water, Capt”
“Get out”
“Yes Capt!”
You continued your work until you heard the door shut. You sighed as you leaned back on the chair. It’s been three days since he was caught.
He would probably be starving by now but if he’s the type to eat humans, you ain’t risking any of your crews. You took your plate before heading below deck, greeting the crews with a grunt before they bustled away with their own food.
Walking through the pantry and into the cell room, you stopped in front of the cell when you saw V holding the wall.
He was grunting as he moved his legs to walk but after a step he fell on the floor with a loud thud. He panted as he pushed himself up with his arms, dragging his legs to sit up.
Just as he turned around, he jumped when he saw you standing in front of his cell. You took off the key from your pockets and insert the key inside the key hole.
Turning the key around with a click, V widened his eyes as you stepped inside the cell. He pulled himself back, dragging his body away from you until his back hit the wall.
You scoffed in amusement as you kneeled down in front of him, holding his leg so he can’t go anywhere.
“W-what do you need of me?”
You could feel him trembling under you hand and you would be lying if you didn’t feel superior over it.
You put the plate on his lap, making him flinch.
You said as you took one of the carrots and pop it into your mouth. He stared at you as you chewed on the carrot.
“Eat the plants or yer fish frien’, I don’ care”
You nod at the plate and he hesitantly reached out for a carrot. He swallowed as he glanced at the food and then back at you.
“If yer thinkin’ of eatin’ me, forget it pup”
You stood up to leave but then he grabbed your arm. On instincts, you whip out your dagger and pointed it on his neck.
V froze as he stared at you, letting go of your arm.
“T-t-thank you”
You narrowed your eyes at him before standing up, keeping the dagger back in your pocket.
“Don’ grab me as you please, pup”
Turning around, you locked up the cell and left him alone.
  To be continued in.... PART 2
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