#other glitches include annoying path finding troubles where sims can get themselves into places but not out even though nothing is blocking
fizzingwizard · 2 years
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recent adventures in simming...
I made a generic lot and to keep out the NPCs I built a fence around it. the fence is ugly but nothing I can do unless I decide to go the vacation home route again and ugh. don't want to deal with that. so fences it is.
what this meant is that all the NPCs trying to get into the lot just hovered around the front door talking to each other. since the lot is in Copperdale apparently the only NPCs there are the boardwalk workers at the fair, so it was like a party of aprons lmao.
then. for the first time. in eight years of simming. I actually had a sim get abducted by aliens!! lit this has NEVER happened to me before. some people claim it happens annoyingly often but yeah for me it never ever happened. and when it finally does, the aliens take none other than sim!moominmamma x'D whut. was very afraid she'd come home with an alien baby. but seems safe this time lol
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aaaaand we are glitch central as usual. not even sure what's going on with those menu options. and that is simply too many ducks. hear me EA? too. many. ducks. x'D
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