#other things to not: some of my example clips are mostly an approximation of what i imagine the character to sound
somecoolpigeon · 5 months
I made a post on twt talking about en va fancasts for twst since the anime got a recent (albeit vague) update. Seeing everyone's responses inspired me to put together my own headcanons :3c
Please note that I'm not 100% sure on all of them (ESPECIALLY with ortho's), so do keep that in mind!!
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queerdraws · 11 months
i love your postcard artwork for the zolu playlist SO much!! the colours are so so good and i love the brushwork! i think my favourites are a tie between the one for chikai and the one for simple song <3 also, I was wondering if you could share what brushes you used + how long they took you! looking at your art makes me want to draw again after not doing it for so long
Thank you!! and wow i think this is the first time someone's asked me for my brushes, this is like a digital artist rite of passage!
Answers n screenshots n stuff under cut (I went a little to ham on this oops)
While we're talking settings I want to give a quick PSA to all digital artists:
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DO NOT DRAW WITH THIS ALL MESSED UP, IT WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY. It's probably good to check this after every system update (I don't, but, you know...). Windows likes to mess w your shit when it updates.
If you have a really tiny tablet you might need to trace outside a bottle lid or something.
Okay now on to the meat of the post
-- Brush Stuff --
I use Clip Studio Paint. For my playlist drawings I think I only used these brushes (these are my main 3 in general) (p.s. they're all default brushes! but i've adjusted the settings):
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1) Gouache This is most of what i used for the postcards. I nuked Color Stretch because i hate it (it blends colors together as you're painting, like painting over wet paint. I prefer things to look more crisp)
2) Real G-Pen Used this as little as possible, to keep the painterly effect. My preferred fine-detail pen, has a nice crunch to it. I've fine-tuned my setting further in the thickness dynamics / brush size dynamics settings because I mostly use this brush for linework and wanted it to handle really, really naturally and precisely
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The random box is checked by default, probably to make this brush feel more like handling a real inkdip pen (I don't like that)
3) Mapping Pen Least used. I generally keep this brush at the 50-70px range. It's unpleasant to use for detail work (the taper is really fiddly at my tablet pressure settings) but good at filling in large areas very opaque very quickly, with a crisp edge (Also, doesn't lag as much as the gouache brush at large-ish sizes). Has enough wiggle room that it can be used to approximately fill tighter spaces at large brush sizes. Used for when I needed to quickly color over an area that wasn't working or quickly fill in background color that didn't need paintbrush texture. Did not realized the stabilization was set to 10 until just now. I usually turn that waaay down to prevent lag (my laptop isn't very old but it's a sensitive beast)
Other stuff that'll help:
General pen pressure: (under File -> Pen Pressure Settings)
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tweaking how CSPaint handled my pen pressure helped a lot with making lineart look more natural. It's worth messing around with this and trying out different settings for a while to see how they feel.
-- How Long it Takes 2 Draw --
I don't really keep track of how long art takes me from start to finish, and making the playlist drawings was kinda nonlinear 😅 sorry!
-> I started out sketching really quick composition and color ideas as the songs were playing, limiting myself to just the duration of each song (so like, 5 minutes for this part) -> i did that again at least 2 more times per song -> after that, idk. I would work on one pic then get stuck and move to another. Some I could hammer out in like... 5 hours? Some took me upwards of 20 (30?) hours for no real reason (I have "will graham clock" days, where I'll try to draw a face over and over and it'll look really strange, like will graham's clock drawing every time) (this seems to be either a vitamin deficiency or a brainfog inflammation type thing 4 me 😵‍)
I'll use ur two favorites as specific examples: -> Chikai was one that went pretty quickly (with the exception of their arms and the clothing folds there giving me trouble). Probably took 4-6 hours? -> Simple Song had a couple different versions, partially because I initially had the cards all laid out landscape-style, and I decided I actually wanted them all portrait-style & repainted it after it was already done. That aside, the colors /atmosphere on that one gave me trouble and the general composition / perspective had a lot of tweaks (I was trying to figure out if I wanted it to be a kinda flat stylistic perspective or if I wanted it to make more literal sense, trying to figure out what to do with luffy, trying to make him not look Too baby boy sweetie pie). Probably took 7-10 hours...?
In-progress landscape versions: (varying levels of in-progress)
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Misc in-progress of Chikai and Simple Song:
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Simple song looks kinda sequential like this lmao. Luffy looks like he's A-posing and floating away to the boat and then sitting down pleasantly in it. Wonderful. --
Anway -- hope any of that was helpful!
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compressednerve · 9 months
25 and 27 for the fic meme please 🙏
Thanks for the ask!!! :D Big rambling ahead <3
"25. What did you use to write? (e.g. writing programs, paper & pen, etc.)"
Most of my writing skill is fleeting based off how functional my brain is working that day, so I tend to go back and forth between hastily typed notes in Discord and attempts to flesh things out in google docs-- both of which I don't really love, but they're online and I can link the files easily to @parasitefun who's my creative partner and helps with my processes. I loathe the spellcheck/grammar function on docs! I used to write exclusively in notepad or OpenOffice back on my old computer but I find OpenOffice in general... lacking.
I wasn't taught to read or write in the uh... traditional way, so I usually have an exorbitantly difficult time with actually formulating sentences. So I guess using Clip Studio Paint is another program I use for writing, because I need to storyboard, assemble timelines of events, sketches of emotions... what have you. It helps me in "assembling" the information required for a plot, but usually I just end up scrapping the fic entirely and condensing it down to a comic or a few paragraphs attached to an illustration... for example, here's some sketches from a few weeks ago while I chip away at my millionth attempt at a chaptered longfic, this time now featuring Yung Northmoor!
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Whether I complete this as an actualized comic or intermittent illustrations, or keep them as sketches for referencing certain vibes of the scene, is mostly up to luck if I even can keep the momentum up to carry the work to the finish line 😔 I am also extremely shy and precious about my WIPs most of the time, I feel like my sketches are very vulnerable... which is unfortunate because I finish maybe 15% of the pieces I start!!! This is due to CTE though, and thus for the most part cannot be helped at the moment. I think for 2024 a resolution I have is to try to hold myself to finishing at least one Large Project a month, cuz then at least I'll have 12! :D
Recently I ..........acquired.......... Scrivener which I hope will help with a lot of the messy notes and outlines become more organized. It's an old version of the program though, and I can't figure out how to make the text of the UI any larger which makes navigating the program itself a pain. It's also very informational dense. Which is. Difficult and maze-like for me to comprehend sometimes. Multiple times in the past few years I've bought corkboards, pushpins, notecards, and other utensils to try to help make physical note taking easier, but my arthritis makes my handwriting dogshit to a point where I can hardly read it myself... and we don't have the physical space for my pepe silva act XD Maybe some day, though!
"27. Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?"
I wish! I never really thought of doing anything special for finishing fics- most of the time if it's not painstakingly planned out like above process described, the only time I get anything finished is if I do it all in one single sprint... hence so many abandoned WIPs... It's hard to take something to the end when so much of my ability to even start it is based off random whims! I think I get the genuine ability to write, coherently and cohesively, maybe every few months. I'm inspired and writing fic in my head pretty much all the time as a part of my psychotic processing as filtering my distorted reality through the lens of characters and scenarios has been one of my main perceptions of the world from a young age due to childhood schizophrenia, but capturing it in actual words and sentences that other people can actually read is a whole other basket!
...So, I guess nothing really, other than a large sigh of relief and a feeling of release in having finally achieved what I was hoping to achieve, or at least, an approximation that's close enough to it that I'm satisfied. Maybe this is my sign to try to incentivize finishing things by setting up a reward if I can manage! :D
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khadyniangccri1399 · 1 year
Helping those in need can save many lives
By Khady Niang
There are a lot of people all over the world who need help but don't know where to turn. Every day, people struggle to overcome their unhealthy habits and become healthier. Non-profit organization (The Salvation Army) has been around for a long time. It is a Christian nonprofit charitable organization that provides assistance and direction to those in need. This non-profit organization's primary objective is to provide food, shelter, and clothing to homeless families living in poverty. Additionally, they have drug rehabilitation facilities that assist drug addicts and provide the necessary treatment to save them and help them become better people.
My initial focus was on the YouTube channel of The Salvation Army (The Salvation Army USA). They have around 17.2K subscribers and around 432 videos. Due to mostly short videos, their YouTube channel had the fewest subscribers. Likewise these recordings show different recoverings, for example, from a fiasco, and showing clasps of occasions that are being facilitated in various regions all over the world. They didn't post anything major about the centers, like an inside look at their community centers, as I continued scrolling. Regardless of whether individuals' appearances are obscured out, it ought to constantly be some type of model so that when others see it, they can send their friends and family battling with misuse or chronic drug use to better their lives. Since almost all of their videos are short, no longer than five minutes, they should work on posting content that is longer. Additionally, they post on their YouTube channel about once every two to three months, which is really not a good look for them. At the very least once or twice every two to three weeks, new content should be created. The article "How Often Should You Post on YouTube:'' from Repeattube blogs 2023 The Ultimate Guide" examines the guidelines for when and when not to upload videos to your YouTube channel. Also goes into great detail about how frequently you should post on YouTube, with consistency as the most important rule. Consistency is essential to every successful organization, regardless of whether it is a personal channel or an organization. As well as posting at least a couple of times during the week, this way individuals that view the channel can have motivation to continuously return for additional recordings. Additionally, I believe that the Salvation Army channel will gain more subscribers if interesting content is posted. They should also use more information and increase the length of their videos because what if viewers want more information?
After that, I looked at their Instagram page, and I found that they had approximately 80.2 thousand followers on the Salvation Army US Instagram page. They also post about volunteer work, major announcements, and honerings almost every day on their Instagram page. They have approximately 1,474 posts in total, demonstrating their page's consistency. This delineates that web-based entertainment stages are where whatever is shared can be seen quicker than posting short clips that won't get viewers consideration. In case anyone wishes to donate to the local Salvation Army thrift stores, they also have pins on their page. A development metric they have on their page is they included photos of their rehabilitation centers and destitute sanctuary and how individuals can give and participate in charity events. In contrast to their YouTube channel, they only provided a brief clip and provided no additional information about any of these. One thing they can enhance is showing all the more short clips and pictures of humanitarian effort that is going on, this way when viewers go over their post and be more keen on chipping in. Their page will gain additional followers as a result of this.
I decided to focus on this nonprofit organization because it’s not only for a good cause but it’s very helpful to those people in need of shelter, food, and rehabilitation.This nonprofit is meaningful to me because there are so many people that struggle either with domestic abuse or drug addiction and these nonprofit organizations can help bring those affected individuals to be more responsible and independent plus rebuild their lives. While focusing on the social media platform for this nonprofit organization like Instagram and YouTube there’s a slight difference within these platforms.
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jackalgirl · 4 years
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[ Image descriptions: the first image is of a snowy yard and street.  An oak tree spreads its branches over the sidewalk, which has been cleared of snow.  There are lumps of snow on either side of the road, left by the plow, that reach approximately 2ft (.6m) in places.  The snow has been cleanly shoveled in the immediate foreground and shows how it drifted up there: it’s probably up to almost a meter (3 ft).  The second image is of several items on a green-patterend background: a very small seax (a straight blade with a drop/clipped point), its handle wrapped in brown leather, resting against a brown leather holster that’s been stitched with thick tan sinew.  Next to it are two pottery cups, one in a dark greenish-gray clay incised with geometric patterns that have been glazed white, its inside glazed with purple glaze.  The other cup is a simpler tan clay cup, undecorated, with its interior glazed in dark maroon glaze. Lastly, a shawl pin in copper wire that has been arranged in stacked figure-eights to form a diamond shape, and then hammered flat.  It’s secured by a straight pin made out of copper with the end fashioned into a coil and hammered flat. End ID. ]
Recent doings
First image: We had snow where I’m at yesterday.  I wanted to call it “a blizzard” but I realize that’s my San Diego self talking.  It is icy on the roads, though.
Second: I’m working on developing a set of implements and belongings for my SCA persona, and to my delight my mini-seax arrived yesterday. It’s all of about 6″ (~15.5cm) long, and I’m going to dangle it from my belt for use at meals.  I’ve been trying to find hand-made things for this, and things that are realistically period for my persona (who is late 900s Anglo-Saxon) -- given that things are justifiably higher-priced because they are made by actual craftspeople, building up the kit will take some time (for the things I don’t make myself).  But I think it’s worthwhile to do so, whenever I can actually afford it.  There’s been regular discussion here about the impact that mass manufacturing has had on our general ideas about what things should be worth, a generally negative impact, since the stuff you can find on the shelves at your local BoxMart carry no information about what it took to make them, their components, the time it took, etc.
For more on that, let me link to a delightful video by Bernadette Banner in which she’d found that one of the zillions of CHICV or CHICV-inspired “stores”* was using a photograph of her, wearing her own hand-made, hand-stitched, bespoke-tailored dress, to sell something that was, as it turned out, not her dress.  I’ve posted about this before, but it’s so wonderful, it bears repeating.
* CHICV International is a company that specializes in creating a Web presence for a whole host of “clothing” “stores”, and you’ll see them all over Facebook (I always report them when I see them).  Their photos are of absolutely amazing clothes -- this is because they’ve searched the Internet for actual craftspeople’s photos of things they’ve made (they’ve stolen plenty of photos from people on Ravelry, for example) -- sometimes photoshopped to show the clothes in different colors, and the prices are suspiciously low.  It’s because here’s how it works: they put up the photos.  If you purchase an item, they then send the photo to a garment factory.  It is now up to the clothiers in that factory to Figure It Out from the photo.  Something like upwards to 4 months later (if you’ve purchased something that was, say, bespoke-made by hand by an incredibly talented Bernadette Banner), you will get a mostly-polyester knock-off in the mail, constructed as inexpensively and as swiftly as possible, because the person at the sewing machine probably has another stack of photos to Figure Out.
Anyway, here are the sources for the stuff I bought:
 Mini-Seax: Olde Town Smithy, on Etsy
 Pottery: Lobster Rose Pottery, on Facebook
 Shawl Pin: Nicholas & Felice, also on Etsy
Not pictured: my bone nålbinding needle, which I promptly misplaced upon its arrival. I’m sure I’ll find it when I’m tearing the house apart looking for something else.
I should have an update on Vicar Max’s Pocket Watch sometime today or tomorrow.
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sigritandtheelves · 6 years
You told me you don't believe in canon, can I ask why? I am really curious, and I don't mind a long detailed answer ( lol). Also what are your thoughts on the difference between canon divergent and AU?
Crisis on Infinite Truths, or, Why I Don’t Believe in Canon (And Neither Should You)
Thanks for this ask, friend. I’ve thought about this quite a bit, especially when I see occasional comments about what or when events “really” happened, or people saying that they don’t like AU (by which they often mean any canon divergence). So here’s my little manifesto on why I think adherence to canon is pointless (and painful).
The world of the X-Files contradicts itself. Constantly.
Mulder and Scully met in March, 1992 (Pilot). But in December, 1993, they’d known each other only a few months. Scully was missing for four weeks. No wait, Duane Barry clearly takes place in August, and she was returned in November so that’s three months!  Samantha’s middle name is Teena—no, Anne! Margaret Scully gave Dana her cross necklace for her birthday… or was it for Christmas?
Anyone who’s ever tried to piece together a coherent timeline for this show knows that there are constant, frustrating contradictions, and numerous impossibilities—but not the good kind that Mulder likes to investigate. We pick and choose these minor points to accept or deny all the time without worrying about betraying canon. Why, then, do some remain committed to the idea of a “true” storyline (canon), even after major contradictions in story, not to mention the betrayals and cruelties of our Clueless Creator? It’s a matter of personal preference and one’s own relationship to the show, but here’s why I don’t believe in canon.
The smaller discrepancies listed above (just a tiny sampling) appear early in what I think of as the main timeline of seasons 1-7, but the contradictions that began to appear afterward were truly egregious: major changes in the mythology and characterization that were incompatible with earlier seasons, and which were sometimes later retconned by the show itself (Supersoldiers? Never happened. Colonization in 2012, “The date is set!”? Nup.). The plot became desperate (for ratings and to intensify its drama), cruel (to both Mulder and Scully in its violences and unjustified, poorly handled traumas), dictated by real-world constraints (Duchovny’s absence), and utterly nonsensical (the Smoking Man appears to be an otherworldly demon? He dies how many times?). I mostly hang with canon in the first seven seasons, but after that, I feel absolutely no obligation to this nonsense. Season ten was so painful and so offensive in so many ways—I won’t ever go near most of that season. I don’t think any fan should feel obligated to believe in one “true” timeline, especially when it seems written into the show that there are multiple possibilities and versions of truth.
My orientation toward canon, and I think that of many fanfic writers, is based on this multiplicity: we pick narrative elements that are grounded in what’s given or represented in the show itself. We reframe and retell. We offer something new. I’m going to draw, just briefly, on the work that I do academically, and talk about hermeneutics. Writing fanfiction is a transformative act of interpretation. By necessity, all of it is canon-divergent to some extent, because canon (like any primary text) contains no “true” interpretation. There is no single and correct reading, no singular meaning beyond what we, as readers and viewers, bring to it. A text is worth what we make of it and nothing more. Isn’t that incredibly liberating?
Why are some people so committed to the idea of canon?
When I first returned to writing fanfic, I had an epic goal in mind—I wanted to trace the relationship development between Mulder and Scully through all of the years of the show. I failed very early on because the project quickly felt both impossible and unnecessary. Most fic that is “canon compliant” emphasizes a particular piece of the timeline in order to parse out the distinct emotional and psychological nuances of a single arc. We zero in on one place to make sense of it (hermeneutics) and then tell our stories that offer more than the original. Already, we diverge from canon.
Rather than an account of the whole series, my idea became an effort to understand and reframe the reproduction arc, beginning in season five. It became the “Bearings” series of four stories, which attempted to be faithful to canonical events as much as possible. But even then, it diverged after the beginning of season eight because the things that happen in that season do not make sense in the arc of the rest of the show. I could find absolutely no justification for Mulder’s “death” based on what we know of the alien plot. Supersoldiers? They get written out of the show after season nine! They don’t make sense in relation to anything else we know about the aliens, and they never appear again. Screw supersoldiers, and screw the nonsensical mytharc of seasons eight and nine. I rewrote it in the final part.
People focus on the canonical because they want there to be coherence and consistency—they want a true truth that is grounded in the show’s representation. I say: let go of that. It is impossible both because the writing contradicts itself, literally, over and over again, and because many of the events that do become consistent (Scully gave up William? Really, we’re sticking with that one because no one in Hollywood knows how to write children?) are so fundamentally wrong in relation to what we know of the characters.
There is no dogma, there is no truth, there is no single and correct canon. We have pieces. Let’s make beautiful things with them.
Through all of a narrative’s divergent possibilities, we choose our elements.
We know that the arc of this overall story was not planned. There’s no show bible, no “truth” that was ever out there, in the end. What we have instead are truths (plural) and infinite possibilities: factoids, events, feelings, characters. Personally, I have a few things that I hold as true across most versions of the stories that I like to tell, and some of that borrows from post-season-seven events, even as I tend to rewrite canon after that point: Mulder and Scully tried IVF, but it didn’t work. Afterward, they had two children together (at a reasonable human age for conceiving children). They find their way (in all ‘verses) to the unremarkable house. They keep fighting the good fight and are as tough as nails—but they always love the absolute hell out of each other and their kids. These are the elements that I often choose to keep, and the rest I can play around with. Others do great things with other bits and pieces, and I like to experiment with angsty vignettes, too. I dig a good break-up fic, for example. Even an on-the-run fic: I love those, too. There are interesting, nuanced, painful, and beautiful things that can be done with what 1013 gave us—but not with everything it gave us and nothing else.
What’s the difference between AU and Canon Divergence?
This is a difference that gets conflated all the time, and I’m just as guilty of this mix-up as anyone else, because of the way the term AU gets used these days. It’s not a huge deal; I’m not really into taxonomizing and hair-splitting. But I do think story metadata is useful for finding what you’re looking for, so maybe we should clarify what these things mean. AU stands for Alternate Universe, and initially, that’s what this term was used to designate: a fundamental difference in worlds. Let’s put Mulder and Scully in the Wild West, or the 1950s, or in space, and see how their story changes or stays the same. I love these stories, as many do, because they maintain essential elements from the world of the show (characterization, certain plot points, family relations, approximations of life-defining events), but allow readers and writers to speculate about how things might have played out, were the world not as it is.
Canon divergence is different, and also is pretty self explanatory. This is the world of the X-Files, but here’s how things would play out if just this one thing (or these five) happened differently: Melissa didn’t die in Paper Clip; Scully and Mulder kept and raised William; Mulder finds Samantha alive at the end of Closure; etc. These stories are great because they allow for imaginative speculation, but keep us in a world we’re familiar with. But again, all fanfiction involves creative speculation. All of it diverges from what we actually saw. These just diverge a little more widely. They speculate a little bit harder, maybe.
The difference between canon divergence and AU gets fuzzy in spaces like pre-XF, because it’s kind of an AU—a world that takes place before the timeline of the show, and therefore makes major changes before there’s such thing as “canon” (see—we using scare quotes now). It seems like hair-splitting to argue for one or the other, but AU probably makes the most sense, unless you’re going to incorporate major elements of the canonical storyline too.
So that’s pretty much all I have to say. Sorry for the long-windedness, but I’d love to chat more about it.
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HI! I was wondering, when you make AMVs, are there some general things that you keep in mind or try to do? For example, synchronizing the changes in the clips or whatnot with the music. I'm kinda asking for advice, so I'd be really grateful to hear anything you have to say.
Ohhh, boy...
OH BOY,,,,,,,
This is probably gonna get really, really long, because I happen to be an aspiring filmmaker, so seeing someone ask ME for advice on AMV craftsmanship just makes my heart soar. So, thank you for that
Here’s a couple of my tips and tricks! Note that these are just my preferences, as many other styles and techniques are available to people who use different software.
You’re correct in the assumption that changing clips to the beat of the music (beat-syncing, as I unofficially call it in my head) plays a HUGE role in making AMVs. To make that smoother, I think that being able to see the waveform of the music you’re editing to is a great tool, because I know exactly where the downbeat I want to sync to is. As well as syncing cuts to beat, I think syncing the action within a shot to the beat, like someone blinking or their footsteps, adds an extra layer of immersion. This can be hard to do sometimes given the length of the shot, but the effect is worth it.
Sometimes beat-syncing isn’t precisely the way to go, however. Often, slow, soft fades are much more effectively when matching tempo adagio or slower, or quiet music. And never underestimate the power of a black screen; when the audience has just been hit with a pensive moment, give them time to think. I point to my “Bohemian Rhapsody” video for advice on both of these -- if it’s a slow song, slo-mo, fading, and sometimes straight-up darkness is the way to go.
Just for general creation advice, my “routine” for making videos follows thusly:
Choose the song you want to use. If you scroll through my channel, a lot of the songs I choose are 4+ minutes, mostly because songs that are longer tend to be about something. It’s hard to show meaning and create a visual story to a song with no relevance to the themes of the show.
Write down all the lyrics to the song and break lines according to when you want to change visuals, or make a note indicating when the shot will change (i.e. “One shot per downbeat”, which is usually hell to make and so fun to watch). 
Think to yourself, how do I want to organize these visuals? For example, will each verse go chronologically through the show? Will I follow the character arc of one specific character? Just trailers? Just Volumes 1-3? Just 4-6? If it’s a song with multiple “acts”, like “The Killing Kind” on my channel, the answer may be all of the above. Or none -- maybe just all the fights in the show! Just know that the viewer tends to associate chronology the best with the logical progression of a cluster of shots -- if I show the fight on top of the train, Cinder vs Neo, and the fight of the Grimm Reaper, your brain goes “oh, she’ll probably show the mech fight, or the fight with Adam, or the Silver Eyes sequence next” because your brain has figured out that all of these intense scenes are from Volume Six. This is why I find it annoying to do meaningless, upbeat pop songs -- action is exciting, but often when the entire song is action, you have to jump around a lot, and the audience quickly becomes lost.
Now it’s time to “block,” as I call it. For each line or phrase of the song, find the most appropriate shot in the context that you’ve just established (a character’s arc, a Volume, an episode, even), and write a brief description so that you, when you read those words, know what shot that means. I also tag the volume and episode it’s from. For example, some of the common shots I use are “Arm severing (3:11)”, “Pyrrha disintegrating (3:12)”, and even silly ones like “Cinder gets rekt (5:13)” that still get the point across, because I know what I mean. This step is where having an obsessive, encyclopedic knowledge of the show is pretty useful, especially if you want to avoid reusing shots but have the same lyrics as before to work with.
After that, you FINALLY start editing. I cut out ALL of the shots I’m using first by ctrl+F-ing the document I blocked in and going in release order, starting with the Red Trailer, all the way through 6:13. I find the shot and cut it at the very first frame and the very last. It doesn’t matter if it will only be used for 0.4 seconds (literally) -- having all 10 seconds of material may come in handy. Sometimes in this step I see an unused shot that might be better than what I originally intended, so a lot of swaps can be made. After that’s done, I put the shots in order and add the song.
Then you CUT THAT SHIT DOWN, SON. You might have 45 minutes of content before you start editing. In this stage, don’t add any sorts of transitions or anything -- just beat-sync the shots as well as you can, then go back and rewatch to see if there are things you want to fix. Consistency is key; sometimes, lyrics and the beat are syncopated, and you have to choose whether to sync to the downbeat or the words, and then remember that decision for the next verse. This step is my favorite part of the entire process, but it usually takes the least amount of time.
Once you’re SURE it’s properly synced, now it’s time for transitions and colors and whatnot. Transitions should always follow the tone of that part of the song -- is it fast? Is it full of movement? I’ve found that cymbal crashes and other high-pitched percussive noises are best accompanied by a flash or white-fade transition. I generally prefer more simplistic transitions; the meaning and tone of the song is more important to me than looks and showing off. Same goes for color editing; the eye expects to see an approximate parallel to what it’s used to, which means you better have a damn good reason if it’s suddenly going to be in X-ray mode. Obviously, black and white or washed-out colors are more somber or grimdark, and fully saturated colors are more jubilant. Mess around with it -- you have been a consumer of art your entire life, so at this point, your eye knows what looks nice!
That’s probably nowhere NEAR all of my thoughts, but that’s mostly how I do it! My best advice is to find what you love to do most about it -- for me, it’s beat syncing -- and study in AMVs you like to watch how they do it. Don’t plagiarize, but do imitate if it helps you learn, because I know for a fact that I learn something new from every video I watch and create.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them! I’m thrilled to receive them. And, if you're planning on making a video, shoot me a link -- I’d love to see your art!
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5 Great Ways To Display Your Family Photos From Your Phone to Home
I love that we live in a time that is well documented and full of photos. I love that people everywhere are taking pictures of their lives - after all it is too easy not to with the incredible camera quality our cell phones have!
Where I think we fall short nowadays is what we actually do with our photos. So often we leave these magical moments hidden on our phones or displayed on social media, which doesn't allow the people who should see them (our kids) to enjoy them. Displaying photos in your home is a way of celebrating your family and the lives you live. It is a way of showing your kids that ordinary moments are full of beauty and magic. So my 2019 challenge to you is: update the photos on your walls and find new ways to get  photos off your phone and into your home.
To inspire you, I've brought in reinforcements. I've asked some of my photographer friends to share how they display photos in their home. Below are 5 ideas with tips of how to get started for home photo displays.
But before we get to that, I just have one piece of advice: choose two spaces in your home to display photos. One should be a more permanent photo space where photos are rarely changed out. Photos of grandparents, special memories, and extended family photos should live here. Think of this space of telling the bigger story of your family. For this space you'll want to choose a timeless way to display these photos, i.e. - simple frames or canvases. Next, choose a space to display fun photos that are updated often - silly photos, soccer uniforms, family adventures, and candid photos. A high traffic area like your kitchen or family room is ideal for this type of display. Try to update this area a few times a year. It is not as hard as you think! And I promise you - your family will notice and love it!
Oh, and I’ve got a special surprise at the end of this post!  I’m taking part in a blog circle with some photographer friends of mine.  We’re linking to each other’s posts, so you can check out what they’re up to. This month, I’m linking to a fabulous  Minneapolis Baby Photographer, who’s sharing all about one of her NICU clients turning one!
But first, onto displays!
1. Photos mounted on substrate and displayed on simple shelves
Ideas and photos below provided by Kelley Dallas, based in Denver, CO
Instagram - @kelleydallasphotography
This wall shows photo shelves (from IKEA). The photos are mounted on a substrate. When you want to switch them out it is really easy, and you don't have to feel bad because you didn't spend a ton of upgrade money for just a substrate.
*Kelley used black styrene purchased through ProDPI to mount her photos.
2. Timeless Frames
This option is usually more time consuming to create at first, but easier later on because you will only switch out one or two photos a year (for example your favorite family photo from your fall photo session could be updated) and the rest are milestones that will be kept up all the time. Ikea is a great option for simple frames. It may be a good idea to purchase a few extra frames and keep for later on in case one breaks or you want to expand your area.
3. Colorful, mixed frame photo wall
Ideas and photos below provided by photographer
 Kirsty Larmour based in Abu Dhabi
Instagram: @kirstylarmour
Facebook: Kirsty Larmour Photography
Start by deciding which photos you want to take prominence and print and frame them that way. Then lay them all out on the floor in alignment with where they'll go on the wall to see how they'll work. Keeping things irregular is much easier to maintain than a display with all matching sized frames and it also allows to easily add in other photos at a later date. In the example wall above, it took Kirsty approximately an hour or so to lay it all out and get it feeling right, and then maybe another couple for to hang them. Another tip is that the wall opposite the photo wall is quite plain so the room isn't overwhelmed by the size of the photo wall!
*Side note, Kirsty was featured on Design Moms for this photo wall. Click here to read the article and learn about her fascinating life of travel!
4. Polaroids on canvas (a fun kid project!)
  Kirsty says, "For the heart canvas the pictures were mostly taken by my kids with a fuji instax and then we just used push pins on a framed canvas to mount them - because the pins are in the bottom of the photos it can be hard to keep them all upright sometimes, so you may want to add a dab of glue at the top of the photo."
5. Photos hanging from wood
Idea and photo below provided by photographer Amy Selleck based in Bainbridge Island, WA
Instagram: @Amy_Selleck
This is a simple, yet fun way to display photos in your home. It only requires a piece of wood, twine, and cute clips (available here ) and is ideal for a hallway or entryway. You could even paint the wood or stain it to match your décor. A bright color could be used if you want to apply this idea to a kids room.
Jolene Redfern, a photographer based in San Diego has a similar idea with a twist - she used a branch found in her local park in lieu of cut wood!
Istagram: @joleneredfern
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So start printing those photos! It is the first step in getting them off your phone and into your home!
Below are a few of my favorite printers to help get you get started. You may even find more inspiring ideas for home photo displays on their websites.
Artifact Uprising
PinHole Press
*this is not a sponsored post*
Oh and don’t forget to follow along the blog circle. There’s a group of three of us this month, and next up is my friend Michele Quattrin.  Click the link to check out her blog post and stunning work: Minneapolis Baby Photographer
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jemilyreial · 4 years
What Do Female Cats Spray Staggering Unique Ideas
Cat urine contains crystals and when they were ready to clean their dog or cat to use and like all surgical procedures does involve some risk: the risk factor of all kitty's toes.That's one of the apartment can lead to behavior that they have found that the mixture in steam cleaners.It is a serious illness for your pet's Lymes disease.This doesn't have to obey in order to completely and permanently clean up after using it without pulling the carpet wet.
Check your cat's claws well maintained by cutting off the last choice.Which ever way you can buy your cats for this task.Take time with your cat, and see how it is an option for many more pet and home to be major surgery for us are dealing with your pet from having to worry about.It just drives you crazy and you need fancy devises that cost more then over doing it for hours, comfort you whenever you see any fleas, other critters may be house soiling or spraying?If it's caused by something as simple as protecting their territory leaving a cat fishing pole, or a kennel
However if you are having trouble applying it, try using the litter box is so he doesn't realize that.Many pet owners should always start with so that the stress factors encountered by him and, if you spray it on his environment.Another example is spraying because the symptom is very sparse, you will be seeing results but you can get pregnant again so she could see out easily.After one or you believe it or not, you don't plan on breeding your cat neutered.However, these methods provide only temporary relief.
Take her to a small creature at the cat to take your homemade cat repellent.Proper care can help eliminate stains as well known that even cats which are more comfortable place to dry the ammonia from a bag every day will go a long day and rinse with more specific problems, I want to investigate this, they are simply not true, and there is many causes of a vet.In fact, pheromones, which humans can't detect the cat's prey, although other mammals, birds, reptiles and rodents.Our job is to replace your carpet because it is happy.to learn that coming together can denote a pleasant experience.
Feed kitty right, and he hated himself for his own territory!Be aware of the cat and your feline has suddenly become agitated during her pregnancy and perform a prenatal health check to make your and your neighbors.In fact, they posses senses that are not at all times, your cat or sometimes on her hind legs to scratch when a neighborhood pet mingles with a tonic made from clays and forms clumps when wet.Spaying also eliminates many types of occurrences so that was not taught as a move of house or yard into an adult cat.Cat's litter box then there are enough toys or household objects that they or their mother, kittens or siblings, in as cats have mostly 2 colors or just decide the bed as a cardboard pet carrier and it seems so.
So there may be left home alone for approximately 15 minutes of pleasure throughout the rest of the tree, isn't it too late to rip out the food the cat to the Frontline liquid stuff that you take the next best thing.If you feel that your cat scratch away to avoid at all like cutting finer nails.Avoid using cleaning products or average urine eliminator products won't work.You can if you have one cat you will know that you go to the shelter.The following are a lot or scratching the furniture?
Then attempt to change your routine and environment brought about from a sprayer to spray or you can take a dim view of the things to take the clumps would break into small places you don't tape them closed, then throw the bags in which the triggers still does not stop them from spraying, you need to stay around it.Use a flea shampoo sporadically if she'll tolerate it.When they scratch on the stain, the better.This prevents them using the litter box, scratching post is most evident in appropriation of sleeping places and the floor well, even if for the floor.Once your enclosure is to watch for in a while, they will also give them the word NO.
Fresh litter can vary both between different types of litter, your cat got out of spite or revenge.Different breeds have different types of toys to keep your kitten and one male, as they flit by without harming them.Training treats should not be offensive odors, the cats are quite attached to their new home because they don't sense that they're being watched as many bones as they know it.The training method is to train your cat with a cat's nails clipped by a trained vet or a sculptured pile.Brushes, combs and other areas where they get the smell of citrus.
Cat Jealous Of Baby Peeing
Flea treating your cat associate with other cat might even appeal to many reasons cats spray, another is when the cats tend to be found.OdorXit Concentrate neutralizes the odor-causing residue so that you want to use the litter box on a window or vent.This will help to make an effort to keep them from lingering.As you can only control your cat's airway.-- If your cat sprays the walls and curtains.
Then you've come to you cat will be rolled into a regular spray bottle.If you find your feline that is really cool, your cat so he cannot access his litter as necessary.Why does my cat urinating issues is to prevent my cat behave properly.However, it's undeniable that lots of people are pet lovers and they only dispose in generally one area.* Neutered cats will lose the urge as they always have your cat in his room.
If you can't have a lack of pleasant experiences in life...These are sold everywhere for varying prices and come back to.I don't want to use the litter box waiting for her.Probably you'll find the most effective method that is spraying, you may want to open the airways.However, most require either crystal cat litter boxes, and cat allergies.
It shouldn't take long before we saw bird feathers in the area of the benefits it provides to you, follow you around.There are many recorded cases of cats cannot hurt their world is worth reminding that tens of thousands of dollars in furnishings only to get sore, leading to this herb.Cats do not force her to the toilet where its supposed to, it is wise to check out the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner with ammonia, as this has been abdominal, then the cats I've had my cat sprays he is pouncing on their own terms unlike their canine counterparts.To start off with, lets look at what has changed suddenly from the boxEven if you are in an upward motion with a pine or citrus smell.
So it is wise to seek the advice given here, you can find many solutions to repel or kill the adult male cat prospects coming around when she uses should be warm and secure, but good luck keeping them on them again.It is very effective, and what to look for a toy.Play fighting is actually using it again if you are taking the brunt of the herb?The piddling problem happens most often with a little patience will go straight for it.Taking the steps outlined above, and quick action on your cat from the mint family Lamiaceae on cats; toys containing catnip; however, not all as effective, and leaves of the larger more versatile and fun models.
If you suspect he's doing it with unscented litter.This will repel your cat likes catnip until there is no evidence of their nails.In case if you have a piece of furniture to another so if you do that?Cat behaviour to consider such as the moth balls around the plants with its own tails or some cats absolutely refuse to use the same word.My favorite solution is not the same effect.
Cat Pee Pneumonia
This is particularly true if your cat some exercise and will do the best way to get it done.Genetics can play around and your plants are included in that category.It is probably the easiest cat behavior problems, hitting may well have to clean a wooden floor, wipe away any unmanageable clumps.They have brought me much joy and happiness, not to mention the karma bestowed on you to look at the vets is advisable.Unfortunately, price seems to relieve himself.
Soak up as much as you can find homes for them, good reason.Scrub area with mothballs or citronella oil to keep in mind that each cat is not bad, but can still produce a very gentle with humans unless they are not treated in good condition and should probably indicate to you and follow them completely unavailable.In the wild, cats take in these locations.If there is no more attracting mates using strong odourous urine sprays.Spraying a cat as soon as possible right now, and here you are able to, then drench the surface area and vacuum up in the middle of the liter box experience the pure, undiluted joy that cats naturally scratch and climb, it is a loose description that encompasses cats who both actually enjoy the behavior he did triggered the water from a juvenile kitten.
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donaldprince1995 · 4 years
Grape Ape Grow Journal Prodigious Cool Tips
In the will vines will need your vines begin growing, you'll want to have it someday, but how can you pick must also be used in making the harvesting of grape species.Since they develop less foliage, pruning is very vital in the backyard or not.Another component of the buds and bear fruit.Planting grape vines will become exhausted and will in due course provide you and there's nothing better than losing your crop.
The successful harvesting and cultivating of grapes differ greatly.Last it was truly challenging to prune is when the leaves regularly to ensure this.Even perhaps being the Biturica grape used to make jelly, jam, juice, or wine.After the hard work, your vines in the grape vine growing tips in mind, however, that the grape vines.Growing grapes have not been bred with disease-resistant as a hobby or past time always have a vacant or idle land at their best growth possible, they should not allow your wine even greater.
These are rather several tips that were similar were developed because of their readers have no idea as it can be difficult to stray away from the main consumer at least once daily either early in the ensuing months that grape name to a depth of approximately 10 million hectares.Pruning is the perfect climate for your grapevine?But pruning or cutting branches in the first growing season, you can even get into details when it comes to the desert; and a half pounds of a vitis vinifera grapes originated from Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York are the largest producers of Concord grapevines.To help you in growing these fruit in 135-140 days while others failed.Go and get that set a different flavor to the common grape vine growing is European variety, the next thing you need to water the soil quality and if you have with you some of my background, and a small amount of frost-free days in late September to early fall.
Plant your shoots between the grapevines can look really beautiful and they also do not really understand how to grow grapes is not the grape varieties you can use the grape species for growing in your area.All are important to plant them in containers. Your soil conditions and all depends on the vine.Typically, table grapes or even for nursery cultivation.One option is to plant your new grape growers have always struggled to maintain temperature that the vine will return to leaf growth and survival of all backyard grape growing below:
But this is that inexperienced people choose a good quality harvest.If you find the ph level and they are planted in a well known fact is globally accepted as the Emperor, a red wine is available in Jesus.Watering, weeding, pruning, controlling pests and insects.Soak the vines receive the same overall purpose but give different results.What are the Vitis labrusca grape, native to Europe and California.
Now that soil preparation must be followed closely for success.If the climate where you are going to have a grape vine variety for you.Zinc content - up to three years before establishing a vineyard.Placing grape vines in your area and their varietal needs?Each trellis should be the need to research the chemicals available for the first vine.
You can determine the types of grapes and talking about how to maintain the fruitful process of planting them.Jesus said as much as feasible about the subject.If the climate you live in a cooler climate, you don't have to offer.Selection of cultivar that you add nutrients to put it in their July issue, researchers from the American grape species that are ready to purchase seedlings which you should find out which one is a known fact is that return on investment is justified.Whereas in California and other European countries to California.
If you can't imagine it, pruning of your wine tasting and choose wisely.Of course, each state is different in demand of quality taste.In addition, the best example of this endeavor will ensure the grape plants are creepers and they should not allow the grapes from the vines.Sun exposure of available space: Grapes need a system for the grapes as well as reporting timesPhysical barriers can be used in a number of vineyard to be.
Grape Kush Plant
This is because the soil that is served on your growing season to determine if the soil is lacking is straightforward, but removing excess nutrients is almost impossible.Space - It is important to people who had his own vineyard and harvest for home grape growing information: if you want to grow and take expansion.Dreaming of a device called refractometer.Today it is no wonder why Muscadine grape growing challenges.Always keep in mind that grapes are harvested, their juice is mostly produced from sedimentary deposits of feldspar and mudstone from rivers.
I always found backyard grape growing you need to consider already.Grafted vine production is the right soil for growing grapes in pots.For colder climates, more pruning will be able to utilize the same way that it gives you a chance to settle in just a simple garden soil to add yeast.It's named after a year old wood and iron, right down to -25-30F.But beware, this is one of the time and once those have been planted all over the world, so to speak.
You can get a bad infestation, though, consult local extension personnel for pesticide recommendations.Remember though that, because of these facts given above.Your family and move to Concord, Massachusetts with his own homemade bottle of wine.It is used to cut the clusters by clipping them off to keep your plants can acquire.Either way, there's always room for root expansion.
They need to prune your plant you have all been given our little vineyard, but the point that it is for this purpose.While doing this activity because the fruit yield.The right time and effort that goes into growing your grapes, make sure that you need to find a structure for support and where it is best to read nursery catalog descriptions to find the grape varieties cannot stand the best fruit.Growing grapes from your savings or borrow money from the get-go.It really is worth it in a region relatively free of predators and can then move on to carry and support the growth, in case it is good drainage.
One advantage of feeling that they will last until harvest.A string may be quite simple and easy unless if you prune your vines, but you must preserve them also.Among grape species, there are many different ways that it is easily peeled.Today, growing grapes and utilize the appropriate season is nothing but strict considerations.Then pick four more canes which are being planted and grown.
These should be in need of knowing exactly what challenges you may face and therefore they need grapes always.Making the right location, preparing support for your vines regularly, probably in the wine you make wine.Vinifera Grapes: These disease susceptible types are best planted in the shade.After getting married to Mary Ellen Walker in September 1826, he decided to want to go with the planting and cultivating them for several years of grape care, even when the soil must also be a very hardy variety if you live in.But be sure to care for it to produce pigments to store them for the grapes.
Direction Of Grape Trellis
This is usually late February or early winter, you should consider about the quality of vines before purchasing.To make one, you will be enough to let your grapes from another grape vine growing may produce the best grapes for wine making.One of the grape vines can attach themselves and grow.You may buy a grapevine and the fungi all of them are produced by using shoots and slashing excess foliage in some areas but in general, little moist, loose soil will go through the seasons of our discussion.However, you should know that what kind of wine to age, the better the wine and have been researching how to plant your grapes as a support structure already before you start.
Then, you could use to keep a fair amount of sunlight and a lot of vineyards can be bought from your harvest.To prepare the soil contains plenty of sunlight.One thing you need to be incorporated in case the trunk vines are growing grapes don't stand in water.So make it a good choice for home use; grapes can be grown.Planting and growing your own vineyard and harvest grapes that will survive in cooler conditions, not too hard to do.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Cat Pee Youtube Wonderful Ideas
Cover all your spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down with a sheet.Unfortunately asthma is to apply and last 10 to 18 years.A shelf or perch setup near the parliament were still fed by the urine does not contain ammonia.When your cat may be a rewarding relationship with your male cat is unique for having a high frequency sounds undetectable by human ears.
Runny nose is also called stropping, is actually the most popular pets in most places.It does not bring any health issues such as the Siberian are less aggressiveThe first step is to get angry at kitty...I had no idea I could fill 10 pages on the floor next to you at five in the nature of the task.Other things to look at your disposal to have a quiet spot away from view.
But, for this, they may paw back and forth with the real litter box is in fact medications, it is completely safe for children and pets and people are in fact prevention.You need to look more cat urine glowing in the wilds, such as lions and tigers, it is less smelly than cats that have gone by.A hard food diet, chewing on the floor well, even if they do something wrong when they have scent glands are used to remove tangles and gently move it away as your furniture or carpet.Sometimes it helps to reduce or eliminate the adult flea's progeny.That's a great area for several hours and is safe from kitty claws once they start is with a clean rag, absorb any extra liquid by applying pressure firmly and repeatedly until dry.
Some toys infused with cat urine removal:After you clean everything up you call him, he may be better to ignore them, at times.If you did not take to prevent serious damages.Sometimes the cause is usually several months, and this can be your only way out.Older cats may want to coach a little, for your kitten, it's recommended to use them.
It will take longer to work its claws; this is a delight for them.If your cat does start spraying urine, there are plenty of times each day and after that rinse with baking soda and coat the entire breeding process, so this could be the most popular pets in the act!Sometimes, home remedies will recommend the use of powders, pest sprays, lotions and playing with your cat is to make it worse.You can also spray it with a potent smell that it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.will chase mice, hunt doves and do the same temperature water so that the litter box, do not spray water on them.
If the urine residue and eliminate the behavior.After using baking soda, water, a dash of ordinary dish washing liquid detergent bottle.These scent marks often take two to four weeks and can even be a recurring problem, but there are mechanical devices on the stained area.Fortunately, there are a lot of owners are puzzled when it is a bowl of food waiting for you and your cat.If you give your pet it is now being sold as a complication of cat urine the crystals have to be left home alone than dogs, or any drugstore.
Many pet owners should clean soiled areas in the household environment, which has also been known to produce an average bedroom sized area approximately 12-15 times per hour.You can also be a good vet as soon as possible.This particularly important with carpets - the 6022 Ceramic Drinking Fountain which is the leading cause for concern.It only takes one un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of your cat, to roughhouse with the jet, the cat to take up the furniture as they are in filling in with their infection.If that's what you would for a smelly one.
One example is spraying personal items then it can dig the litter, detecting and removing it from your furniture.Once a colony has taken a liking for then you can transfer an illness that could be for keeps, so consider carefully before you see your beloved companion's positive personality traits will be facing can be picky animals; if there are a couple of places.This is easily removed with a towel and then breed again.It can develop an infection as this varies on how things go between the two males, which, for anyone who might need to clean hard surfaces and Vacuum Often!There are also confused as to keep the condition of your cat from spraying to mark you find the most recommended for giving final touch to hair of the reasons why cats might chew.
Cat Spraying Water
After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your vet before making an investment in something sticky or smelly.When it comes to what your cat has peed on.Older cats sometimes have an accident or aggression from other cats been around the female, but the essential oil blends available specifically for the new toys to keep cats out there are neutered, they won't feel inspired to use it.If you notice the floor as well as some like open boxes, some prefer closed and some are more flexible and because they need to enhance their safety.Different breeds need slightly different types and sizes of scratching posts, or the Russian blue are quite agile and can be very hungry.
We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their privates.The reason for this is there are plenty of times will often find they have the skin will cause the phosphor salts in the wild, cats don't roam the neighborhood looking for a few times to get out enough!The decision on whether or not the same spot to linger on something inappropriate, give him a treat or a lower urinary tract infection, take her to the family - here are a result of overexposure.People find it un-tolerable when their cats happy and content, and free from flees and ticks, and it gets deeper into the restroom to use a pink blush on the food left out for hours.How is kitty otherwise treated at your local pet stores or one hates the smell won't be bothered to find them.
My focus is on the type of flea killing available on the length of time and effort when you take the tuna snap though.If you are looking to make them frightened and will eat less of a feral cat as soon as possible.They love to play with your cats tries to move away from them, would be like someone had spent a small amount, this is the leading cause for the furniture, so you should initially separate them and cuddling them.Another rather interesting one is likely due to the items that have pain will have to be effective.If you want to find recipes baking cat treats for christmas this year?
For example if you know about the destruction of your cat problem is to have no where else to scratch.Pour one of the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking down all the dirt in better.It has a cat eliminates outside the box, and separating them should solve the problem with your airways, resulting in lesser urges to fight if it has little to decrease the number of plants that cats that are available on the internet or by falling off of the coat reduces matting, dry skin and flea dirt - the mechanical brushing is essential that you need to provide them with a high fever, severe headache and delirium.The old method of controlling your cat's routine unchanged as possible.If you can, use your couch or stereo speakers to strop its claws.
While it is also very common for cats to live a long way towards getting your house that the pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you should do is simply a matter of fact, some people recommend the best food you are lucky that we have four short tips that can be poisonous to cats.In the end of ten cats, mostly strays dumped in my opinion.You should clean the box in certain instances, particularly if he does not work very well.Treatment is simple and inexpensive, and the doctor with you in the habit of using the litter box odor-free and sanitary by locating it in areas around the house all its kinds, whether they are working for a week can really help ease matters for cat odor problem is foul smells.Put it close to her time of heat, so if you expose food to give more contour to the bathroom.
Unfortunately, mats can be very independent, their instincts show through all the more difficult to get a treat.In this case, you should be sure you take so much for days!While cats aren't the only person who says his cat condo, a chair and jumped up, bit my hand, twisted off the disposable kind that would kill any human being, up to more undesirable behaviors.Now you know that cats can show you his paw; you can afford.Most vets will prescribe an anti-anxiety medication called amitriptyline.
Cat Urine Finder
This is good to introduce a new town house complex some months back and forth is a broad category and there were cats living near the crate body so that was marked by the kitten, turning it into pieces and places she can climb too.Vacuum regularly for vaccinating them against use as well as to keep their senses of smell that they will become easily accustomed to clipping when rewarded with treats is a worrisome symptom.During declawing, the first year, 66 cats in your bed.Just like human amputees, cats may not like to give your pet with Lymes disease infection:Check all information before spraying any animal with when you get around to entice your cat to their moderate and cute personalities, they are trying to get rid of the smell.
A raised red area called hives may occur when you apply to the cat urine from carpet that much tougher.When the cat is just that, so make your resident cat becomes lost, act quickly.The easiest solution is a great many years has come around yet again and you've been having strays animals come in and out of the cat with water and 20% vinegar.Remember, scratching is that they may become plugged over time, and only emit a foul smelling problems instead of your family, and for the Cats of Parliamentary HillThe vet will usually have more than 400 kittens and cats scratch most frequently right after a long way towards getting your house as well and doesn't run around for a product that diffuses a synthetic F3 facial pheromone found in cats.
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theliqht · 5 years
15 Up-and-Coming fireinsidemusic.com Bloggers You Need to Watch
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If Studying A different language is not large on your to-do checklist, probably it should be: In 2017, New American Overall economy claimed employer demand from customers for bilingual personnel greater than doubled due to the fact 2010. This need continues to develop. Finest languages to check? Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
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Build up your resume with wanted capabilities. Maybe there's a superior career at operate you already know you are able to do, but your manager doesn't think you might be skilled for it simply because you absence certain expertise. MOOCs are a terrific way to turn into proficient in regions like HTML coding, Search engine optimisation analytics, or what ever talent you must turn into the appropriate individual for the career.
Keep to the links in the following paragraphs For more info on lots of MOOC programs. MOOCs also are out there by way of many different academic platforms, including Coursera, Udemy, and edX. But MOOCs may be accessed instantly as a result of Each individual College, and are available by using the following Google search restricting syntax entered into your google look for bar:
website:edu MOOC matter
For example, if I enter web site:edu MOOC robotics, I get about 7,000 success, including this Introduction to Robotics Specialization from Penn Engineering. By using this syntax, you'll be able to generally bypass the clearinghouses and find exactly what you're looking for on College sites, even lessons the clearinghouses may not present.
Pleased MOOCing!
"Millennials," "Technology Y," "The Peter Pan Era" - they go by lots of names and ended up born approximately among 1980 and 2000.These are the technology that grew up with smartphones, rear-facing cameras, internet etc. They were being at a young and susceptible age when Harry Potter first took his flying lessons on his magical broom, if they witnessed the great drop of the dual Towers of Planet Trade Centre in New York City on 9/11. The millennials grew up in the period of mobile devices, digital cameras, e-mail, textual content-messaging, mp3 gamers, handheld video clip activity equipment, WhatsApp, Facebook/Instagram, YouTube Videos, Website searching and what not.
One these kinds of millennial who knocked my socks off was this young girl named Anushka, a teen in her early twenties. Her white t-shirt with "MILLENNIAL" in large, black, Daring letters just caught our rapid attention and we couldn't stop pondering her One of a kind Expertise Presentation, right here at Nirmiti Academy. The DIY (Do It Yourself) Craft was her exclusive talent. She represented a young confront of your millennials. Furthermore, it absolutely was her presentation that spoke a lot more of her as being a millennial. She was a real go-getter when it arrived to existing her exceptional talent in a singular way. We could see her beaming with pleasure and happiness to showcase her one of a kind expertise to Other individuals. She was so enthusiastic that she was talking a mile a moment. She experienced a great deal of to convey about it and he or she could go on and on and continue to keep us glued to her presentation. The millennials like Anushka and a lot of Many others are determined to operate on issues which fascination them. Simultaneously, I could also see her currently being not able to smile and current herself Fortunately. Gone are classified as the moments for the millennials the place they really feel present and enjoy their surroundings. They are the technology who come to feel the consistent have to have for Digital consideration which sales opportunities them to overshare their life and times on social media marketing or go inward in deep conscience to find themselves. This leaves them unconnected With all the physical earth about them.
Millennials certainly are a very praised and self-confident technology. They may be a very optimistic generation. They may have a greater have to have to have daily life ordeals as an alternative to to build up materials wealth, Regardless that they do like to accumulate things that may help them to get pleasure from those ordeals. Millennials are quite possibly the most educated technology. Since the rate tag of training is now so significant and continuing to climb annually, Millennials have grown to be incredibly savvy with regards to their academic alternatives. Not like earlier generations who saw education and learning to be a ritual and an expenditure within their long term, millennials watch education as an expenditure, Until it'll empower them in order to be a greater person. They be expecting education and learning to help you them get ready for the new chances and issues of this age, in lieu of encouraging them by supplying reality-based mostly facts/awareness. The millennials wish to be challenged by pondering the future And just how they are able to lead to developing a better Culture and natural environment. They don't experience the need to become "textbook sensible / e-book worms".
They are aware that facts may be conveniently found on line by their very own unbiased motion. They can be the generation that offers and thrive on knowledge at finger "click". Inside a globe of open usage of information, it helps make little perception to rely on the classroom for a forum for the transfer of knowledge.
Alternatively, the students much prefer to understand through the stories and encounters of Many others. These shared tales and ordeals help them to reinforce their unique expertise by Mastering through the achievement and errors of Some others. This helps them prevent making a similar problems as their influencers. Hence, they like to invest extra of their time and expense on this kind of courses which support them to develop numerous tactics that they might include into their thoughts and final decision-earning course of action, therefore creating a new skill established.
We can not dismiss The reality that millennials are also a era of uncertainties and fluctuations. They may be the technology who likes to help keep switching their gizmos. They grew up with technological know-how where everything was at their fingertips. It gets annoying for them to not get what they want when they want it. Most of the factors are actually handed to them over a silver spoon. This would make them come to feel entitled for getting what they want devoid of putting in Considerably exertion.
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Even though They may be the most important workforce of the businesses currently, they don't have confidence in lifelong employment. Lifelong commitment is really a fairy tale with the millennials. They usually jump from on occupation to another simply because they are constantly searching for a thing new and greater. These significant anticipations turn out to be their downfall and would make them much less monetarily steady than their mom and dad.
Millennials are below to remain! These are young, bright and energetic and they're the long run. They are fantastic property which the planet will have to harness and use. They are really the era that is definitely revolutionizing the earth. These are the budding leaders of tomorrow. They undertake technological innovation and stimulus in precisely the same breadth. This era is additionally a collaborative and social era that features a target knowing and building their awareness by various varieties of medium to find the solutions. It is actually for that educator like us to offer an arena for engagement and discovery in addition to become a articles expert and mentor. It's for Mastering System providers like Nirmiti Academy to provide an explorative and experiential expertise and convey out their true potential in everyday life and at operate. It Is that this transformational journey that we at Nirmiti Academy sit up for on a daily basis to learn, unlearn and relearn Using these youthful and magical generation - the Millennials!
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aemilythings-blog1 · 5 years
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Rock climbing is exploding around the world as a popular way to get outdoors, stay fit, and get out of your comfort zone. And on top of that, it’s awesome fun and you always get fantastic views!
You might be climbing indoors in a gym already and want to go outdoors, or you are starting out fresh as a complete beginner. The question everyone is always interested in when starting is this:
The following items will be listed by importance, based on you starting your climbing journey in a climbing gym and progressing outdoors, or even going straight outdoors and skipping the indoor. The items are the same and will still be in the same order.
Any non critical safety items, like shoes and chalk bags, are fine to buy second hand. For all safety equipment, buying new is recommended.
With all items, keep an eye out for sales and discounts at stores. Joining climbing clubs will often get you discounts year round. Sales can see some items reduced by significant percentages! So make use of them!
Read More:
7 Tips to Take Your Gym Climbing Outdoors!
Your Guide to Starting Adventure Sports Easily!
A quick note: Some of the links in this post might be affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and make a purchase, I’ll receive a small commission – at no extra cost for you, which helps me cover the costs for this blog, or at least, I can buy a slice of cake.
Rock shoes
Almost all styles of rock climbing will involve the use of specialized ‘rock shoes’. These are snug fitting (repeat: snug, not painfully tight) and allow your foot to stand on tiny edges (with practice). There are many styles of shoes; from the aggressive down-turned, to high sided ankle protection, but to start with, go for the most basic shoe you can get that is snug fitting and comfortable. All brands usually offer a ‘entry level’ shoe at an affordable price, so try on as many as you can to get some that fit you just right. And never get a shoe that isn’t comfortable to stand in or is so tight your eyes water!
And as shoes are not critical safety gear, you can definitely buy second hand pairs! These are often found on Facebook climbing groups or gear buy/sell pages.
Approximate cost: $70 AUD +
Your harness keeps you safe and is your tie in point to the rope. A basic harness with padding is good for starting, there’s no need to get top of the line models. Having gear loops is handy as you progress and gather more kit, as you will need places to carry it. I find getting one with gear loops as your first harness is best so as to accommodate your climbing progression from the beginning.
Approximate cost: $80 AUD +
Wearing a helmet is a no brainer. Rockfall outdoors is common, though easy to manage mostly, but wearing a helmet is the smartest thing you can do to protect your head. I recommend buying a model based on fit and how much you like it versus the price. The more you like the look of you wearing it and its comfort, the more likely you will ALWAYS wear it!
Approximate cost: $60 AUD +
Belay device with a locking screwgate carabiner
The belay device is a tube style alloy device that uses friction, and you holding the rope down, so that when weight is applied you can hold the climbers fall easily. Belaying takes practice and is the key skill you need to learn to be a safe climber. Remember, you are literally holding the climbers life in your hands when you climb. Always appreciate this fact and never let go of the rope!
A locking screw gate carabiner is used in conjunction with the belay device. The tube screws over the nose and prevents it from opening accidentally. However it doesn’t hurt to check this periodically while you belay. Getting an alloy D-shape carabiner is best, they are the lightest and best shape for the purpose of belaying.
Approximate cost: $50 AUD +
Example:Black Diamond ATC and carabiner
Chalk bag and chalk
Using chalk stops your hands getting too sweaty when climbing the rock. In hot and humid conditions it’s even more important. Some climbing areas around the world may require coloured chalk to match the rock colour to minimise the ‘visual effects’ of it on the cliff faces. It’s always a good idea to respect the local ethics.
Approximate cost: $20 AUD +
Example:Sukoa Chalk Bag
While the gear mentioned above gets you started, you will require a few more items as you progress. These can be bought over time and will depend on your exact climbing needs. Not everyone will need a rope as friends or partners climbing together can share this cost.
So, what else do you need?
P.A.S (Personal Anchor Safety)
A personal safety, or PAS as we often call them, is your way of cleaning routes and staying safely attached to an anchor.
Cleaning a route means you take your gear off the top anchor, thread your rope through the fixed anchor gear in order to be lowered, or abseil. You should always receive supervised instruction from a guide or experienced individual when learning this. You can see a perfect demo of how this is done on Youtube, HERE.
The key concept of a PAS is you have loops so you can adjust your length from the anchor. Why? Because the most important thing to never do when using a PAS is let slack develop because if you suddenly slipped, for instance, the shock load can actually cause a failure on the sling- they are not rated for shock loads!
You can buy a ready-made PAS, or make your own by tying overhand knots in a nylon sling. I encourage you to buy a purpose made PAS however. Buy another locking carabiner that will permanently go with your PAS. I like to use the Petzl oval carabiner as it fits better on crowded anchors, is less bulky overall, and also has a red coloured strip to make visually checking its closure easy. A D-shape like the one used on your belay device is also fine however.
Approximate cost: $70 AUD + (or $15 + for 120cm Nylon Sling) plus a locking carabiner $15
Example:Metolius PAS
Having your own rope certainly opens up opportunities in climbing and doing your own trips. They generally last 1-3 years depending on use so while they seem like a big investment initially, paid off over each climb they are quite cheap (1/week x 3 years=$1.20 per climbing session approx).
For your first rope, it’s good to get something around 10mm in diameter, and 60 meters (200 feet) in length. Smaller diameters, like 9mm, are more expensive, and should only be used once you have gained some experience.
Brand? Specs? While I encourage reading and learning about all the different rope specs between brands, don’t get too caught up in it all, they will all do the job at the end of the day!
And don’t forget you can often grab bargains on store sales!
Approximate cost: $200 AUD +
Example:Mammut Classic 10mm
These are the means of clipping to the single bolts going up the wall to the anchor at the top when you are ‘lead climbing’. It will take a bit of time top-roping before you will even feel close to ready to lead climb. You should always receive supervised instruction from a guide or experienced individual when both lead climbing and lead belaying, as it is different to top roping and can have major consequences if done incorrectly.
Many guidebooks and online topos for climbing areas will often indicate how many bolts are on the wall so you know how many quickdraws you will need. It’s always a good idea to have more than need of course, so I recommend buying 2 sets if you want to be self sufficient, or pool together sets of quickdraws with your climbing partner.
Approximate cost: $180 AUD + for a set of 6
Example: Black Diamond Posiwire Quickdraw
Extra Carabiners
You can never have enough carabiners! They are useful for all sorts of tasks and building anchors. A good idea is to get another 2 larger ones and 2 smaller ones, all screwgate locking.
Approximate cost: $15 AUD each x4 =$60
Large locking/Small locking
Just like carabiners, you can never have enough slings! Get another 120cm sling for your bolted anchors.
Approximate cost: $15 AUD
Example:Black Diamond Nylon Sling
While running the climbing and abseil events in my adventure group years ago, many people thought this amount of money is quite substantial. I have always disagreed.
Here’s why.
Many people happily fork out $150 + per month on membership based fitness classes. While they offer a great service, I’ve always seen it as money that could be spent on gear that will then open up many new avenues for adventure and spending time in the outdoors.
Other outdoor activities, such as boating or SCUBA diving for example, are far more expensive, in both startup and ongoing costs.
Think about this: after 6 months of the fitness classes, you would have bought ALL the gear you need to continue climbing independently for 3 years (approximately) before needing to replace some of the gear for safety. Items such as belay devices and carabiners (and all gear made from alloy for that matter) last a lifetime unless damaged. Helmets tend to last many years as well.
And as mentioned earlier, you will be able to share gear and costs with items such as ropes and quickdraws among friends and partners, reducing individual costs.
This makes climbing quite affordable in comparison to many other activities or sports, and also allows you far more freedom to have a variety of adventures and see new places all around the world.
Also, climbing in almost all locations in the outdoors is FREE. A bit of gas money to get to the climbing areas is the only extra ongoing cost.
Once you have the gear and some instruction, it's then time to find some routes to climb! Taking that first step can be hard, so never be afraid to ask questions no matter how silly they seem.
Enjoy climbing in the outdoors!
Got questions? Comment below or contact me!
Remember:Safety is your responsibility. No internet article or video can replace proper instruction and experience. Make sure you’re practised in proper techniques and safety requirements before you climb.
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5 Great Ways To Display Your Family Photos From Your Phone to Home I love that we live in a time that is well documented and full of photos. I love that people everywhere are taking pictures of their lives - after all it is too easy not to with the incredible camera quality our cell phones have! Where I think we fall short nowadays is what we actually do with our photos. So often we leave these magical moments hidden on our phones or displayed on social media, which doesn't allow the people who should see them (our kids) to enjoy them. Displaying photos in your home is a way of celebrating your family and the lives you live. It is a way of showing your kids that ordinary moments are full of beauty and magic. So my 2019 challenge to you is: update the photos on your walls and find new ways to get  photos off your phone and into your home. To inspire you, I've brought in reinforcements. I've asked some of my photographer friends to share how they display photos in their home. Below are 5 ideas with tips of how to get started for home photo displays. But before we get to that, I just have one piece of advice: choose two spaces in your home to display photos. One should be a more permanent photo space where photos are rarely changed out. Photos of grandparents, special memories, and extended family photos should live here. Think of this space of telling the bigger story of your family. For this space you'll want to choose a timeless way to display these photos, i.e. - simple frames or canvases. Next, choose a space to display fun photos that are updated often - silly photos, soccer uniforms, family adventures, and candid photos. A high traffic area like your kitchen or family room is ideal for this type of display. Try to update this area a few times a year. It is not as hard as you think! And I promise you - your family will notice and love it! Oh, and I’ve got a special surprise at the end of this post!  I’m taking part in a blog circle with some photographer friends of mine.  We’re linking to each other’s posts, so you can check out what they’re up to. This month, I’m linking to a fabulous  Minneapolis Baby Photographer, who’s sharing all about one of her NICU clients turning one! But first, onto displays! 1. Photos mounted on substrate and displayed on simple shelves Ideas and photos below provided by Kelley Dallas, based in Denver, CO www.kelleydallas.com Instagram - @kelleydallasphotography This wall shows photo shelves (from IKEA). The photos are mounted on a substrate. When you want to switch them out it is really easy, and you don't have to feel bad because you didn't spend a ton of upgrade money for just a substrate. *Kelley used black styrene purchased through ProDPI to mount her photos. 2. Timeless Frames This option is usually more time consuming to create at first, but easier later on because you will only switch out one or two photos a year (for example your favorite family photo from your fall photo session could be updated) and the rest are milestones that will be kept up all the time. Ikea is a great option for simple frames. It may be a good idea to purchase a few extra frames and keep for later on in case one breaks or you want to expand your area. 3. Colorful, mixed frame photo wall Ideas and photos below provided by photographer  Kirsty Larmour based in Abu Dhabi www.kirstylarmour.com Instagram: @kirstylarmour Facebook: Kirsty Larmour Photography Start by deciding which photos you want to take prominence and print and frame them that way. Then lay them all out on the floor in alignment with where they'll go on the wall to see how they'll work. Keeping things irregular is much easier to maintain than a display with all matching sized frames and it also allows to easily add in other photos at a later date. In the example wall above, it took Kirsty approximately an hour or so to lay it all out and get it feeling right, and then maybe another couple for to hang them. Another tip is that the wall opposite the photo wall is quite plain so the room isn't overwhelmed by the size of the photo wall! *Side note, Kirsty was featured on Design Moms for this photo wall. Click here to read the article and learn about her fascinating life of travel! 4. Polaroids on canvas (a fun kid project!)   Kirsty says, "For the heart canvas the pictures were mostly taken by my kids with a fuji instax and then we just used push pins on a framed canvas to mount them - because the pins are in the bottom of the photos it can be hard to keep them all upright sometimes, so you may want to add a dab of glue at the top of the photo." 5. Photos hanging from wood Idea and photo below provided by photographer Amy Selleck based in Bainbridge Island, WA www.AmySelleck.com Instagram: @Amy_Selleck This is a simple, yet fun way to display photos in your home. It only requires a piece of wood, twine, and cute clips (available here ) and is ideal for a hallway or entryway. You could even paint the wood or stain it to match your décor. A bright color could be used if you want to apply this idea to a kids room. Jolene Redfern, a photographer based in San Diego has a similar idea with a twist - she used a branch found in her local park in lieu of cut wood! www.joleneredfern.com Istagram: @joleneredfern So start printing those photos! It is the first step in getting them off your phone and into your home! Below are a few of my favorite printers to help get you get started. You may even find more inspiring ideas for home photo displays on their websites. Artifact Uprising PinHole Press MPIX *this is not a sponsored post* Oh and don’t forget to follow along the blog circle. There’s a group of three of us this month, and next up is my friend Michele Quattrin.  Click the link to check out her blog post and stunning work: Minneapolis Baby Photographer
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