#otoh one of my varieties of snow peas is finally flowering so i have that to look forward to in a few weeks
jensownzoo · 5 months
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Erected a second trellis made from woven wire fence panels in this raised bed. (The first one is to the left and has snap peas growing up it). Planted loofah seeds at closest legs and some random pole beans in a few spots along the length. Random because the dried pods came from the green waste dumpster after someone's fall garden clean out (initially attracted by some marigold seedheads hanging out, but found the vines when I actually lifted the lid). They're white seeds so probably one of the more common varieties. I tend to like bush beans better than pole beans for cooking fresh, but they do take up less horizontal space and tend to do decent dried so.
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Then I put up a small panel for the perennial pea vine on the end, held in place with a few short u-posts and zip ties. I also scavenged the seed for this, got it to sprout last year but not do terribly great (drought), but this year it's exploded with growth and I have high hopes for blossoms.
I've also decided that I need to move the passion vines because the bitches want to climb and I need them not to take over the supports for the tomatoes. Plus I watched a YouTube video and got a greater appreciation of just how big one vine can get when in full sun. The new bed I'm planning on replacing some grass with will be 2' x 15', run along the sidewalk, and get southern exposure so the plan is to construct a fence/trellis along the back of it for the passion vine. Unfortunately, the clay soil is much too wet to put the bed in and will be for the foreseeable future (which is the only time I will whine about the rain). Trying to figure out how trashy it will look to just construct a random section of fencelike structure in the middle of my front yard to get the vines transplanted and just...build the bed in front of it later. I guess I could just try potting up the vines, but I really don't want to kill them and they're doing so well. More research may be needed.
But now I have to pause to go gather up the chickens' food for the week. I'm hoping to get some bush beans and squash in the ground when I get back.
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