#otomebois-bb's writing
otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month, Day 20: Soulmate AU
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Title: I Promise
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: The long-awaited (for me anyway) Soulmate AU day is finally upon us! Due to my current circumstances, I wrote this many days in advance. I feel bad for not being able to participate in my own event too much, but I told myself I'd definitely do this one no matter what, so I did!
Before you begin, a few things you need to know:
1. Despite the Soulmate AU title, this is a bit of an angst! Nothing too bad, but proceed with caution.
2. There are slight spoilers from Kiro's backstory with the MC (I think from chapter 10? I really don't remember tbh).
3. I mashed together 3 different Soulmate AUs into this! They are:
Your soulmate leaves colored footprints only visible to you (for this, I added a little twist where the color changes each day.)
Your soulmate's first name on your wrist.
Meter of how in danger your soulmate is, below their name on your arm.
With that said, I hope you enjoy!!
Tagging: @producer-miss-chips for the banner ^^
Kiro's POV:
I stared out the car window, lost in thought while Savin, who sat next to me, ratted off the day's schedule for the third time today. I sat up straighter when I caught sight of the neon pink footsteps on the sidewalk, leading up to a tall building.
So she works inside the LFG building, huh...
I rolled up my left sleeve and stared at the engraved name on my wrist: Emci. I slipped it up a little higher to reveal the semi-circle meter below it, going from green, to yellow, to red from left to right. Currently it was all the way in the green.
I learned the hard way a long time ago what that meter was for, and ever since then, I always prayed to never see it go that far into the red again...
Savin's yelling snapped me back to reality, and I quickly hid my arm underneath my sleeve once more. "Sorry, Savin. What did you say?"
He opened his mouth, only to shut it again. His expression conveyed annoyance through his furrowed eyebrows and the deep scowl etched onto his face. Finally, he spat, "You realize your monthly schedule right now is too busy to fit in chasing down your soulmate, right?"
My heart sank, and my shoulders sagged. "Yeah... I know." I had asked him about it not too long ago, and his simple response had been showing me this month's calendar and telling me to find some free time on it. Of course, there wasn't any, unless I was willing to sacrifice sleep for it — but with the way things were, I couldn't even afford to do that.
"Then let go of that fantasy. If you're that desperate, why don't you look her up on social media? Everyone has a Moments account."
I scoffed. "I only know her first name. Without her last name, it'll take forever to find her."
"Well, guess you'll have to wait until your schedule clears up," he said, typing something on his phone.
"Yeah, with you as my agent, that'll never happen," I muttered.
"Without me as your agent, you wouldn't be where you are today. Be thankful," he shot back.
I wanted to retort that I'd have been just as well off without his help, but seeing as it was difficult to go from nothing to something without a good agent, I bit my tongue instead.
I sighed, resuming my blank stare out the window as the car kept going, the LFG building long behind us.
Four days after my argument with Savin, I managed to sneak out of an interview I really wasn't interested in, wearing a black hat and a dark gray hoodie for good measure.
As I mingled with the crowd, I caught a glimpse of a few seemingly painted footsteps on the sidewalk across the street. I smiled, and muttered to myself, "So, your footsteps are light blue today, huh?"
I headed for the crosswalk, fully intending on following her footsteps in hopes we'd be reunited today. As I began to cross the street, I decided, just out of curiosity, to check the meter on my arm; though I was sure it would still be in the green section.
I stopped dead in my tracks halfway across when I saw it, though.
The little arrow was in the yellow, slowly moving closer and closer to the red area.
My mind suddenly flashed back to several years ago: her screams echoing through the thin walls, while I was strapped to a cot, powerless to do anything while the meter stayed as far into the red as it could go — not to mention the countless experiments I was forced to endure as well...
When we were finally rescued from that hell hole, we were separated. "I promise I'll find you again! I'll protect you, I promise!" I cried as the police officers gently tugged me away.
No. I won't let that happen again.
I ran the rest of the way, shoving people out of my way once I was on the sidewalk, and they protested at my actions — but I couldn't care less if I was being rude. At that moment, the only thing that mattered to me was following those footsteps and fulfilling my promise.
The footsteps led me down an alleyway and through a rusty door. The room I stepped into was pitch-black, but the pale blue footsteps glowed, allowing me to continue following them without needing a light.
Heading down a set of stairs, I gasped when I reached the basement floor, which was dimly lit by a few spread out light bulbs. The footsteps on the floor here were splattered together, then drastically spaced — indicating a struggle had occurred before she was dragged off to the next room.
The meter on my arm now rested in the center of the red section.
I quickened my pace as much as I could without making too much noise. My hand reached out for the door knob in front of me, when...
A female's voice shrieked from a distance behind the door, and my blood ran cold. It took every ounce of will power to refrain from panicking and recklessly rushing in there, especially after glancing at my arm just in time to notice the arrow spike up as far into the red as it could go.
I managed to keep calm enough to enter the room, where the only light was coming from the far end of the room, behind a white curtain. I could see the shadows of two figures standing by what looked like a table, and another person writhing around wildly, seeming to be strapped to the table. Since the increased amount of panicked, struggling footsteps led all the way behind the curtain, my only guess could be that the person on the table was my one and only soulmate.
My hands balled into fists.
I won't let it happen again.
I quickly searched my surroundings for anything that could be used as a weapon or as a distraction, finding a hammer and a knife among a table of various tools and a fire hydrant behind a counter closer to the curtain. Clinging to the wall to stay shrouded in the dark, I slowly made my way to the fire hydrant.
"Please, stop," the girl begged, her weakened voice fueling me to move a little faster.
"Aww, doll, don't worry. It'll be a quick pinch, you won't even feel it!" A man cackled, and I could see one of the figures holding a syringe, moving it closer to the person on the table.
"No, please!"
I finally reached the fire hydrant and tipped it over, causing it to lang loudly as it hit the stone floor and echoed.
The man with the syringe paused and pointed at his helper to investigate the sound as he continued what he was doing. I got into position as the other person, another man, emerged from behind the curtain. When he passed me, almost completely oblivious, I swiped my leg out and knocked him down just as the screaming began. Before the man could recover from his fall, I swung my hammer at his head, and he stopped moving. I couldn't care less whether I killed him or rendered him unconscious as I searched his motionless body and grabbed a gun.
I stood and aimed the gun carefully at the man's syringe hand, pulling the trigger when he removed the syringe and no longer had his hand near the girl, since I didn't want to risk accidentally hitting her. The man, startled and in pain, stumbled away from the table, clutching his bleeding hand. "W-who's there?!"
I pulled my hood up to hide my hair before stepping into view, aiming my gun at him. "That was a warning shot. If you value your life and know what's good for you, I suggest you leave before I decide to use you for target practice."
"Why you—!"
He lunged for me, and I didn't hesitate in pulling the trigger again, and he fell at my feet. "I warned you," I muttered bitterly.
I traded the gun for the knife in my pocket, discarding it on the floor and facing the table. The Emci I saw laying there, struggling to stay conscious, looked mostly the same as I'd remembered her — only more mature and grown up, and, if possible, more beautiful. Her sleeves had been rolled up, and she had a small dot of blood and what looked like a yellowish substance on one arm, and on her other arm — her left, like mine — I could see her meter going down from red to yellow, and above it, I could make out my name engraved in cursive on her wrist: Kiro.
Using the knife, I cut her bindings and lifted her limp body in my arms. Carrying her while I followed the exit signs, she softly mumbled, "You came back..."
"I promised I'd find you again, and I promise you, I will never leave your side ever again."
The moment I rushed into the hospital, someone said, "Oh my God, is that Kiro?!"
"Yes, it's me, Kiro," I said, a bit irritated that that was the first thing they pointed out. "Now, can I please get some help over here?! My soulmate's life is on the line!"
Immediately, a few nurses hurried over, one calling for a doctor, and soon after, I was following as they led Emci to a room on an elevated stretcher. Before I could get through the door, a nurse stopped me, holding her hand up. "I understand she's your soulmate, but please wait in the lobby. The doctor can't be distracted while trying to treat her."
I sighed. "Fine, but what should I do in the meantime?"
"I'm sure your agent would like to know where you're at," she said before leaving to catch up with the others.
I dialed Savin's number, and he immediately picked up. "Kiro, where are you?!"
"I'm at the hospital," I said, walking outside.
"The hospital?!" Shuffling could be heard on the other end. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. I found my soulmate."
Savin paused before groaning, "Seriously, Kiro? This was an important interview, I can't believe you—!"
"If I had listened to you, Emci would've been more hurt than she is now, or worse!" I cut him off, and he fell silent. "Look, I'll see you later and apologize. Just wanted to update you. Goodbye."
Hanging up, I walked back into the hospital just in time for the nurse from before to spot me as she entered the lobby. "Good news, Kiro, she's going to be okay." I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I'd been holding as she continued, "The doctor just needs to flush the chemicals out of her system. He wants to hold her here overnight to monitor her for a bit, just in case, but you're very lucky you brought her here when you did." She smiled. "Anyway, I'll come back in an hour to give you another update. Hopefully I can bring you back to see her by then, too."
I nodded, taking a seat and anxiously waiting for an hour to pass.
Two hours later, Emci finally woke up.
"Kiro?" she asked, her voice shaking me awake as I was about to doze off. "Is it really you?"
I gently reached out for her hand. "Yes, it's me. I'm really here." I squeezed her hand, and she smiled.
"I was beginning to wonder what was taking you so long," she admitted, giggling — the melodic sound like music to my ears. "If you weren't such a popular public figure, I would've lost hope."
I chuckled "I know. I'm sorry, I got busy."
"Don't apologize." Her thumb softly caressed the back of my hand. "I'm just glad you're here now."
"I have so much I want to tell you," I said.
"Me too," she agreed, "but now is a bad time."
"Can I at least say one thing?"
"Of course." Her smile was like a ray of sunshine, brightening my mood instantly.
I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Emci."
She giggled. "I know." Upon seeing my dejected pout, she laughed and added, "I love you too, Kiro."
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producer-miss-chips · 4 years
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Day 8: Letters
Just something short I wrote for this day! ❤
Dedicated to the wonderful @otomebois-bb for hosting this event and to my wonderful friends @mariaoz and @playmlqc! ❤
"Miss Chips!" Kiro called.
The girl turned toward her friend. "What is it, Kiro?"
"I have a surprise for you! Look!"
He handed her an envelope. It was relatively simple, only one small stamp adorned the white paper. Her cheeks reddened as she read the writing on it, as simple and unique as Kiro. 
To the most important person in my life. May we have many more days together.
"K-Kiro, what is this?"
Kiro took her hand, and gently tightened her grip on it. He stepped so they were standing extremely close now, enough for her to smell a waft of sweets and his signature perfume. The girl lowered her eyes, but Kiro didn't give in. His warm fingers lifted her head so she looked straight into his eyes, a vulnerable light in them.
"In the movie I was working on, my character had to write a letter to a girl. As I was filming it, I was told to write to someone that was important to me. So… I thought of you."
The girl's eyes widened. "But, Kiro, I didn't give you anything! I can't take this."
He smiled. He slowly bent down, so now their faces were only inches apart, before his warm voice broke the silence. "I insist. Take it as an early birthday present. From me… to you."
His lips touched her head, and warmth rushed through her. She stood there, still as a statue, before Kiro winked once more and walked away, whistling a happy tune.
For some reason, it sounded a lot like her name.
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mlqcdokidoki · 5 years
Kinktober fic - Lucien x MC
I know it's too late to qualify for kinktober but I suddenly got an idea out of nowhere and I had to write it down.
Anyway, here you go, guys!
Trigger warnings : Smoking, blood, very mild gore, vampires, non-con/dub-con, rape, bdsm.
P. S. This is my first smut fanfic so... I hope you guys enjoy it!
@that-wasnt-so-bad @otonymous @otomebois-bb @op-peccatori @pickled-girlfriend @peacheat
London, 1800s
Harold stood at the window, gazing down at the street in silence, wisps of smoke slithering between his fingers as he looked at the moonlight shimmer on the murky water of the river Thames.
After a few minutes, he drew the curtains close in a swift, but violent move and paced up and down the carpet in front of the long extinguished fire, his mind full of thoughts.
Where is she? No matter how many people I send after her, they have no results or they just...disappear.
A knock on the door interrupted his train of thought, and a quick 'Come in' ushered in a batch of men dressed head-to-toe in black, with various injuries all over their bodies and faces sporting matching expressions of fear and resignation.
The leader of the men, a stocky man in his 30s, stepped forward hesitantly and stuttered out, "Master, we... couldn't find her... "
"You... couldn't find her? Useless bastards! How hard is it to find one girl in London?! Do you think that I pay you all for nothing? Get out of my sight immediately!"
A sharp glare at the group sent them retreating half a step.
"Such fools they are... Half a month and they can't find one weak girl...", he muttered, once again pacing up and down the room, only to be interrupted by a hesitant " M-master... "
Harold whirled around and snapped at them, "What is it? Do you have anything useful to say to me, for once?"
The leader gulped audibly and said, "W-we actually... managed to get a lead on her location, but... There was a, a...monster who slaughtered half of us before we could investigate further. H-he said that we should tell you that...that he is coming...to kill you..."
Harold looked at the man keenly and asked, "A monster...? What do you mean?".
"He... looked like a human, but his eyes - they were blood-red."
"No human can move that swiftly... And there was something... wrong about him."
"As I fled with the rest of my men, I could feel his bloodthirsty gaze on me. It, it was terrifying."
Late at night, Harold sat in his study and pondered over these statements.
It didn't make sense... A monster...? Monsters don't exist.
As he thought about it, his gaze fell on the newspaper of the day lying on his desk, having been placed there by his butler that very morning.
The large headline on the first page drew his attention immediately and as he clutched the paper and read the article in its entirety, he stood up in shock, his forehead started perspiring and his entire being was rattled.
That monster that they spoke of...was a vampire.
He sunk heavily into his chair and pondered about his future course of action.
I have to report this to Sir Gavin immediately.
His hand reached towards the bell to call for the butler, but...It flew off with a spray of blood.
His mouth opened in a silent scream as he turned to the figure enshrouded in the billowing curtains of his open window, but not a sound escaped as his head hit the floor, his last view being that of the chilling grin on the man's face and his blood-red eyes.
----- * -----
Lucien disposed of his blood-stained clothes, changed into another pair of elegant ones and headed down the stairs to the cellar of his secluded mansion in the suburbs.
He entered the room, which was quite dark despite the bright moonlight that spilled in through the window at the very top.
But this didn't hamper his vision at all as he took in the figure clothed in a thin, white chemise on the king-sized canopy bed at the center of the room, both hands and feet chained to the bedposts and eyes blindfolded with black satin.
His steps silent, he walked to the bed and gazed down at her - her beautiful countenance that was so entrancing that even he, who had lived for hundreds of years and seen many beautiful women, was enchanted by it, and her body that was equally alluring.
He sat on the chair by the bed and gently rolled a lock of her hair between his fingertips as he continued looking at her, his eyes ever so gentle and loving.
Just then, her small mouth parted every so slightly as she muttered in a quiet voice, "... Gavin."
The movement of his fingers stopped abruptly and his gaze hardened as he registered the name she was calling out in her sleep.
Gavin. The heir to a powerful noble house who was also her childhood friend and was absolutely in love with her. After she disappeared, Gavin had frantically searched for her, using all his connections and power to do so, forcing Lucien to...dispose of them periodically.
He had thought that Gavin's feelings towards her were unrequited but... This particular action of hers made him wonder if...if she liked him back.
The thought of it made him quite angry.
It seems that he had pampered her a bit too much and it was time for a... punishment.
He swiftly got up from his chair and with a snap of his fingers, all the candles flared to life, coating all the objects with a golden glow including her.
He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Wake up."
To his satisfaction, she immediately woke up but his anger rose again when she, in a disoriented voice, called out, "Gavin... " until she realised where she was and said, "Master Lucien. "
Lucien chuckled darkly, leaned closer to her and whispered, "Gavin...? Did you miss him very much...?"
Seeing her lack of response, he snarled, "Answer me. Do you miss him very much?! "
"N-no, Master Lucien. "
"Really? Then why did you call out his name in your sleep? Were you dreaming of him? Remember, I hate liars. "
"I don't miss him! Please believe me! "
"... Believe me what? "
"Please believe me... Master Lucien. "
"Good girl. But I still haven't forgiven you yet. I wonder if you're lying...? Well, if that pretty mouth of yours won't say the truth, I'm going to have to make it tell me the truth. "
Then, with no warning at all, he grasped her face between his fingers and kissed her - deeply as if he wanted to devour her mouth.
She struggled in the beginning but she eventually succumbed to the pleasure of his skillful kisses and at long last, when their lips parted, she was too disoriented to think.
Hence, she didn't resist in the slightest, when his hands reached for her nightgown and ripped to pieces exposing the smooth, pale skin underneath.
She cried out and tried to cover her naked body with her arms but all she could do was rattle the chains on her limbs in agitation.
"Master Lucien! Please stop! Please... I've listened to all the things you said and I have cooperated, haven't I? So please, don't do this! "
Lucien looked at her face upon hearing her words but the crystal like tears flowing down her cheeks didn't make him stop. Instead, he savoured it and he wanted to make her cry even more, cry out of pleasure and pain that he would himself inflict on her.
He responded in a gentle but unyielding voice, "Kitten, I know you don't want this but... Trust me, at the end of this, you'll be begging me for more. So give yourself to me. "
Without waiting for an answer, he trailed his fingers over her face, collected a drop of her tears and licked it.
"Mmn, salty. "
He brought his fingers back to her face and touched the point on her neck where her carotid artery pulsed - he could feel the fresh blood pumping through her body and his bloodlust start to surface but he pushed it down, determined to enjoy her body first.
She attempted to scream, but two cold, lithe fingers slipped into her mouth and a quick command, "Suck", made in an authoritarian voice made her subconsciously submit to it and she wrapped her tongue around it, sucking it as she would do to a lollipop.
As he occupied her with his fingers, the fingers of his other hand trailed over her bountiful breasts and circled her pink areolas.
In a quick movement, he pinched a nipple between his fingers, resulting in her biting on to the fingers in her mouth.
"Oh no, I won't let you suppress your voice like this... ", saying this he took his fingers out of her and used both hands to expertly tweak her nipples.
Though she tried to bite her lips and hold it in, the constant onslaught of Lucien's fingers on her breasts was too much for her, and he succeeded in drawing out moan after moan from her cherry lips.
A few minutes of this had reduced her to a panting mess and Lucien had gotten bored with just touching, so he latched on to a breast with his mouth and began to suck, his other hand still working the other breast.
After ensuring that both breasts were bitten and raw, the nipples standing at attention, he trailed kissed down her flat stomach to the apex of her thighs.
She resumed her struggles at this point, attempting to close the legs that he had chained open but Lucien wasted no time in inserting a finger into her.
"Ahh!", she cried out, twisting her body at the sensation of a foreign object in her most secret place.
"Calm down... ", he said, before quickly thrusting his finger in and out of her.
Having not experienced anything like this before, she cried out, "No-"
But Lucien inserted another finger in her, thrusted quickly and her cries turned to moans of pleasure.
Despite having two fingers in her, he was able to thrust them into her smoothly due to all the liquid she had produced, turning the white sheets she was lying on transparent and sticky.
"You said 'No' but you're so wet... "
Saying this, he added a third finger, increased his pace of thrusting and found her g-spot.
Soon after, as he expected, her voice started increasing in volume and she screamed out of pleasure, "AHHHHHH!" as she came, her body twitching from the intensity of her climax.
But Lucien didn't give her the chance to rest as he knelt at the bed side and starting licking her and thrusting his tongue into her.
"Delicious.", he murmured, as he licked, sucked and twirled his tongue inside her, making sure that he paid special attention to her clitoris and drinking up all the moisture she had produced until then.
Over the course of the next 5 minutes, she came countless number of time due to the ministrations of his flexible tongue until she was nearly out of her mind with pleasure.
After he had drank to his satisfaction, he got up from his kneeling position and unlocked the chains around her legs.
With whatever senses she had left, she thought that he had enough and was finally letting her go but her hopes were shattered when he didn't unlock the chains on her arms.
Lucien then started to unbutton his jacket, shirt and cuffs and slid off each item in succession along with his breeches and stockings and then got onto the bed in one swift but graceful movement.
She knew that struggling was futile and frankly speaking, she wasn't as averse to the idea of sex as she was in the beginning.
So she just made a quiet plea, "Please be gentle, Master Lucien... "
"Wh-what? "
"Just call me Lucien, darling. "
"D-darling...? Anyway, L-lucien, can you please-"
"I'll try. I have wanted this - wanted you for a long time."
Saying this, he slowly spread her legs open, his eyes feasting on the beautiful scenery inside.
Her attempts to restrict his view due to shyness just made him spread her legs wider and almost involuntarily, the word, 'Beautiful... ' spilled out from his lips.
Lucien then guided his already hard penis to her entrance and slowly pushed it inside her.
She was a virgin and her passage was very small and tight but he still persevered until he hit her hymen.
With a quick warning, "This is going to hurt... ", he thrust all the way in and stayed as still as he could while she whimpered in pain as drops of red blood dripped onto the white sheets from their point of union.
He tried to control his urge to roughly thrust into her but the punishing heat of her insides and the way her walls clung to every inch of his penis warped his self control.
When she relaxed and stopped sniffling, he immediately grabbed her hips and moved - the pleasure induced by this action was so much that despite his experience, he moaned deeply.
He had tasted countless women in all his years of life, but none tasted as sweet and were as alluring as her - every thrust made him fall deeper into inextricable pleasure and he felt as if he would never get tired of her body.
The room heated up as the screams of the female and the low moans of the male intertwined as their bodies combined.
He skillfully varied his pace and rhythm and hit her g-spot with every thrust to maximize her pleasure until he could feel the beginnings of her orgasm.
He sped up his pace as he reached deeper inside of her and as she reached the peak of pleasure, she screamed, "LUCIENNNN~~~I LOVE YOU~~~! ".
Upon hearing her words, while maintaining his constant speed of thrusts, he ripped off her blindfold and as unfocused brown orbs met his own crimson ones, he bit down on her ear and whispered, "I love you too. I always have and I always will. "
With these unexpected words ringing in her head, she tried to fully comprehend the weight of them but her sex-addled brain was not cooperating.
Lucien looked at the girl he loved fall apart under him and at the moment of her climax, he licked her neck and bit it with his fangs.
The sudden influx of pain and pleasure sent her spiralling into another climax and as she lay in the aftermath of it, light-headed from blood loss, she realised that Lucien still hadn't climaxed and was still continuing to thrust into her - if anything, his penis seemed to be even larger and harder than before.
Her cries for mercy went unheard as Lucien proceeded to flip her onto her back and pound into her doggy style - his penis reaching the depths of her vagina and rubbing against her already swollen and sensitive walls.
He was so far gone that none of her pleas would reach him anymore - he felt as if he was going insane from the pleasure and he wanted to have sex with her for all of eternity.
Hours passed by as she wandered the borders of consciousness and unconsciousness, fainting due to his rough sex but awakening only to see the same image on repeat - his eyes with a slightly crazed glint in them, pounding into her without mercy.
In all this time, Lucien had only come twice, each time sending his seed deep inside her and filling up her insides to the brim as she twitched in his arms out of pleasure.
He would sometimes take a second to appreciate the glorious sight of his cum spilling out of her but would resume his rigorous pace right after.
Sometime in the middle, he had unlocked the chains on her arms in favour of trying out other parts of the room - they did it on the chair, the table, against the walls, while she was tied to a cross - they explored every inch of the room and marked it with their bodies and liquids, the entire room smelling of - them.
Finally, when the light of dusk on the third day spilled into the room, Lucien climaxed for the last time, coating her insides and every inch of her bare skin with a hot spray of cum.
He observed her unconscious figure on the now dirty sheets that were crusted with all manner of liquids and felt himself get hard again, but he suppressed it for her sake as 3 straight days of sex would have already been too much for a frail human like her.
After confirming that she was just unconscious, he bathed, changed his clothes and personally drew her a bath.
With gentle touches, he washed her of all his liquids, wrapped her in a bathrobe and after dismissing the servants, he took her to his bedroom in the main part of the house.
As she slept, her face peaceful and calm for the first time in 3 days, he pressed a soft kiss to her swollen lips and murmured, "You're mine. No one can ever take you away from me... "
"....I won't let them. "
As he said this, he stalked to the large French windows and gazed at the moonlight bathing the streets of London with a gentle but cold glow.
----- * -----
Meanwhile, in the heart of the city
Gavin slammed his fist on his desk as he read the letter that was just handed to him by his butler.
"Dead again?! That's the 4th one this month! Damn it all, this bastard is really cunning. "
He threw open the curtains and stood at the window, the pale moonlight making his face look paler than it already was as he bit his lips and offered a prayer to the moon.
"Please be safe, wherever you are. "
"I promise you, I will find you - even if it kills me. "
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month, Day 9: Cake
Title: Happy Birthday, Kiro!
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: This is short, mainly because I haven't been able to be connected to internet much recently. It's kind of a complicated and lengthy story, so I won't go into it. Enjoy!
I led a blindfolded Kiro into my living room while he whined, "Miss Chips, seriously! What is this all about?"
I nodded to Anna, who lit the cake's candles and and left in record's time. I was impressed as I moved to stand behind the cake and told Kiro, "Okay, you can remove the blindfold now."
He reached for the knot behind his head and slowly slipped the cloth from his eyes...
"Happy birthday, Kiro!"
His blue eyes lit up at the sight of the chocolate cake, and I could see the flames of the candles illuminated in them. "Emci, you didn't!"
I smiled. "I did. Come blow the candles out! And don't forget to mae a wish!"
Kiro bent down next to me. He hesitated a moment before blowing the candles out. As I stood to turn the lights on, I asked, "What did you wish for?"
"If I tell you, it might not come true!" Kiro teased.
I smirked. "Fine. Keep your secrets."
I grabbed a knife to cut a slice of cake for both of us. I slid one plate to Kiro, who eagerly gripped his fork and took a bite. Before he had fully finished chewing, he said, "Man, if Savin were here, he'd yell my ears off about gaining weight!"
"Which is why Savin wasn't invited." I winked. "This is our little secret, okay?"
"You got it, Miss Chips!" he whispered, also winking.
"Oh!" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering something. "I got you a birthday card, let me go get it."
"Sure. But first..." Kiro grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. He leaned into my face and breathed, "The only real present I want, is a kiss from you."
He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me slowly. Lost in the moment, I melted into it, tangling a hand in his hair.
When he pulled away, he licked his lips. "Hmm. The cake seems to taste better when it's coming from your lips."
My face was burning as I stuttered, "I-I'm gonna go get your card now."
Kiro chuckled. "Go ahead, Miss Chips."
2 new messages from: Kiro.
Kiro: I love the card! Thank you for giving me the best birthday ever! I'll never forget this.
Kiro: By the way... my wish, was to spend every birthday with you from now on. I love you.
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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Day 1 of Kiro Month: Pranks
Title: Prank War
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: A bit generic perhaps, and maybe slightly on the shorter side, but I had fun writing this, and I hope you have fun reading it, too!
What began as an innocent prank turned into a full-fledged war.
One prank, in "honor" of April Fool's Day. Just one prank was all I wanted.
Kiro didn't appreciate that I tried to pass off caramel onions as caramel apples, so he retaliated by putting a fake spider taped inside the lampshade and laughing his ass off while I freaked out.
Of course, I couldn't let him get away with that, so I pulled another prank, sparking him to also prank me again, and it became a seemingly never-ending cycle of pranking back and forth...
It didn't matter where we went or who else was around; our prank war stopped for no one.
Savin was not very happy with the fake poop Kiro left on the couch, or the invisible saran wrap I had rigged in front of the door to the bathroom not long after bringing Kiro multiple glasses of water after his dance rehearsal.
"April Fool's or not, do not bring your pranks here!" he eventually yelled at us.
We promptly left to go home immediately after, only further irritating Savin, but we ignored his texts as our prank war continued.
The pranks became increasingly intense as the day progressed...
"Hey, Kiro," I said, skipping up to him. Holding my hand out, I asked, "Chocolate egg?"
Suspicion set in on his face, evident in his furrowed eyebrows and deep pout. "What did you do to it?" he accused, slowly reaching for it anyway.
I frowned, keeping my poker face. "Nothing, it's just chocolate. Consider it a peace offering."
His face began to brighten... until he unwrapped what was actually hidden in the chocolate wrapper. "A grape?! Seriously?!"
I ran away, cackling as I reveled in my victory while Kiro vowed he'd get me back.
"Get me back" he did — I later returned to the kitchen in search of a snack for a break from pranking and found a can of potato chips sitting on the counter, not looking too out of place. I thought it was strange for the chips to come in a can, but was hungry nonetheless...
Only to shriek and fall on my butt when a snake came flying at me after opening it!
When I heard Kiro laughing in the living room, my blood practically boiled from anger, and I immediately plotted my revenge prank.
Just as I had set my prank bowl of treats on the coffee table, Kiro hesitantly approached me, waving a white flag.
"Please," he said, "as fun as this is, I don't want to be afraid of standing next to you. I just want my girlfriend back."
I frowned. "You're serious?"
"Yes. Pinky swear?" He held his pinky out, still waving his flag with his other hand.
I inspected his finger before locking my pinky around his. "Fine."
He released a breath I hadn't realized he'd been holding, then pulled me in close. "Thank you," he muttered into my hair.
He let go of me and almost instantly noticed the bowl I'd forgotten I'd set out. "Cool, Skittles!"
"Kiro, wait!" I exclaimed.
But it was too late; Kiro had already shoved a handful of mixed together Skittles, M&Ms, and Reese's Pieces into his mouth. Immediately after, he made a distasteful face, but managed to chew and swallow everything. "I hate you."
"Sorry." I giggled.
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month, Day 9: Cake
Title: Happy Birthday, Kiro!
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: This is short, mainly because I haven't been able to be connected to internet much recently. It's kind of a complicated and lengthy story, so I won't go into it. Enjoy!
I led a blindfolded Kiro into my living room while he whined, "Miss Chips, seriously! What is this all about?"
I nodded to Anna, who lit the cake's candles and and left in record's time. I was impressed as I moved to stand behind the cake and told Kiro, "Okay, you can remove the blindfold now."
He reached for the knot behind his head and slowly slipped the cloth from his eyes...
"Happy birthday, Kiro!"
His blue eyes lit up at the sight of the chocolate cake, and I could see the flames of the candles illuminated in them. "Emci, you didn't!"
I smiled. "I did. Come blow the candles out! And don't forget to mae a wish!"
Kiro bent down next to me. He hesitated a moment before blowing the candles out. As I stood to turn the lights on, I asked, "What did you wish for?"
"If I tell you, it might not come true!" Kiro teased.
I smirked. "Fine. Keep your secrets."
I grabbed a knife to cut a slice of cake for both of us. I slid one plate to Kiro, who eagerly gripped his fork and took a bite. Before he had fully finished chewing, he said, "Man, if Savin were here, he'd yell my ears off about gaining weight!"
"Which is why Savin wasn't invited." I winked. "This is our little secret, okay?"
"You got it, Miss Chips!" he whispered, also winking.
"Oh!" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering something. "I got you a birthday card, let me go get it."
"Sure. But first..." Kiro grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. He leaned into my face and breathed, "The only real present I want, is a kiss from you."
He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me slowly. Lost in the moment, I melted into it, tangling a hand in his hair.
When he pulled away, he licked his lips. "Hmm. The cake seems to taste better when it's coming from your lips."
My face was burning as I stuttered, "I-I'm gonna go get your card now."
Kiro chuckled. "Go ahead, Miss Chips."
2 new messages from: Kiro.
Kiro: I love the card! Thank you for giving me the best birthday ever! I'll never forget this.
Kiro: By the way... my wish, was to spend every birthday with you from now on. I love you.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
Soulmate AU, Part One
Pairing: Gavin & MC
(Tagging: @that-wasnt-so-bad @ceres-zephyr @mlqcdokidoki and anyone else who has been awaiting this continuation!)
Notes: This took me longer than I would've liked to get hyped up to actually write this, but it's finally done! (And yes, this is not the last of this Soulmate AU, there will be more.) For those who haven't read it, I wrote a Soulmate AU for Gavin Month that you can read here! (Please do tell me if the link doesn't work, I've never tried linking anything to a post and will do my best to fix it.) Also, last thing before jumping into this, I know I've written it's "Gavin & MC", and it is, but I'm not using "MC" in it as her name; instead, I've gone with Emci! It sounds like "MC" but feels like a real name :)
The first day of high school was always so exciting for the freshmen entering it. New adventures, new people, new experiences, and... the hope of finding a soulmate.
Most people found their soulmates between the beginning of high school and graduation, so there was a lot to be excited for, especially if your timer was running low.
However... my timer read 8 years. I didn't even know how many months or days or hours or minutes I had left because it was so far into the future. In 8 years I'd be twenty two.
In other words, my timer told me I wouldn't be finding my soulmate in high school at all.
I didn't want to believe it, though. I figured my timer was just broken, and that one day I'd wake up and the amount of time left on it would've significantly decreased, meaning that any month, week, or even day, my soulmate would appear before me, waiting with open arms.
But as I went through high school, made a bunch of new friends and met many people I could've gotten along with had they been my soulmate, the timer stayed the same, decreasing only once a year: on my birthday.
High school graduation was supposed to be a happy time, and yet, I spent mine covering my disappointment with a fake smile.
I was eighteen. My timer still read four years.
When the hell was it going to be my turn? Would my turn ever even come one day?
I sighed. My questions were endless, and my hopes were dwindling. At this rate, I was about ready to give up, so I decided I would just start dating; which was difficult since most people either already had their soulmates or were waiting for them and weren't willing to look elsewhere.
Even worse, two days after my graduation, my dad tragically passed away in a car accident, leaving me to take over his company while I went to college, which was harder than I thought it would be, but I still pushed through.
When I was twenty one, I finally met someone like me: someone who had given up on finding their soulmate and just wanted to settle down already. His name was Chase: a successful businessman working for LFG, obviously not CEO (that was Victor's position) but not too far off from there. Blond, bright green eyes, tall... he was gorgeously perfect.
We talked for about two months before he finally asked me to officially be his girlfriend.
It was while we were at a dance. We'd coordinated our outfits so that we matched enough that people knew we were there together, but not so much that we looked ridiculous. Our colour scheme matched, but nothing more than that. We'd both chosen one colour: him, dark red, and me, a pale gray. My dress was a backless, off-the-shoulder long sleeved thing, the main colour gray, with the lace surrounding the top elegantly and the little bit of it on the puffy skirt being a wine red. His suit was the same gray with the same red vest and tie.
We stepped into the ballroom, arm in arm, where many sophisticated looking people mingled, some on the dance floor, some on the sidelines sitting down, talking or eating (or both), and some standing by the food table near the alcohol. At the sight, I gulped, and my palms felt sweaty. So many important people in one room...
Chase, seeming to realise something was off, leaned down and whispered in my ear, "There's nothing to be nervous about. The only people who know you're not on our level of importance are myself and Victor; if he shows, that is."
I inhaled. "Yeah. You're right, of course you're right."
He put his hands on my shoulders. "Come on, with me: breathe in—" we both took deep breaths. "—and breathe out." We let out our breaths together. He moved to stand in front of me. "Better?" His face wore a smile, though I could see the concern in his eyes.
I nodded, smiling. "Yes. Better. Thank you."
His smile widened, and he winked. "That's what I'm here for. Now, let's dance!"
He led me to the dancefloor. I didn't particularly think I was a horrible dancer, but I wasn't really that good, either. Chase was considerate though; he helped me enough so that I looked good, and no one could see my stumbling feet under the floor length dress I wore. After a while, I complained my feet hurt, so we moved over to the refreshment table, grabbed a few things to eat, then two glasses of wine and headed out onto a balcony nearby.
"So, how are you liking it?" he asked, leaning his back against the railing while I leaned my chest gently on it, trying not to put too much pressure on it to avoid feeling uncomfortable.
"It's nice. Not what I expected, but nice," I replied, staring down at the glittering Loveland City lights. I always loved the city at night; it was really beautiful.
"Is that a bad thing...?" He sounded so genuinely worried, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Sorry," I apologised between my fits of laughter, then, once I'd gotten myself under control, I added, "No, it's not a bad thing. I like it."
He let out a sigh of relief, making me giggle again, which he smirked at. "Well, that's good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." He stared at me, seeming to want to say more. When I raised a brow in curiosity, that prompted him to speak again. "Can I... can I ask you something?"
"Sure." I turned to face him. "What is it?"
Chase took a deep breath and swept some of his blond locks out of his eyes before starting, "We've been talking for, what, two months now? And you and I have made it very clear we've given up on our soulmates, accepted that we might not ever meet them." I nodded, so he continued, "Well, I should have you know, I'm crazy about you. I don't know how you feel, but I'm putting myself out there because you're an amazing woman and whoever your soulmate is, he's a coward for not coming for you sooner."
I blinked. "I... you... you mean that?"
"Yes, Emci, I mean that." His serious expression was like stone; unwilling to break. Holding both of my hands, he declared, "Emci, I really, really like you. Let's forget about our soulmates and be together. What do you say?"
I pretended to ponder it for a moment before I broke into a smile. "Yes."
He rolled his eyes. "Come here, you."
He pulled me into his arms and his lips fell over mine, soft and a little plump.
I smiled into his kiss, but somehow, something felt extremely off about it.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
HiYa!~ can I get a number 24 with Lucien where he is mad at her for doing something and then he realizes she’s not listening to him and he’s like “are u even listening” and then etc? Thank chu~~💞
Prompt: "You're so fucking hot when you're mad."
Title: Are you even listening?
Pairing: Lucien & MC (Emci)
Notes: First off, I'm winging this and writing this on the spot while I answer the ask, lmao. Second, I've never written Lucien before, but I hope it turns out well despite these two things! :) Also, sorry that it's pretty short; I'm coming out of a slump and again, I've never written Lucien before (so I apologize if I made him seem a bit OOC). Still, I hope you enjoy it!
Lucien had told me to stay out of trouble, which was a reasonable request considering I tended to get myself mixed up with the wrong people just about 24/7, it seemed. Totally a reasonable request, right?
Well, but after seeing that vision of Lucien surrounded by a couple of suspicious men, I just couldn't sit still... so, I didn't.
So here we were, sitting in my living room while he yelled at me for doing the exact opposite of what he'd told me to do. The funny part was that, even though the situation was serious and Lucien was genuinely angry, I couldn't get over how attractive his face looked while he scolded me...
Eventually, he seemed to realize I wasn't paying attention to a single word he was saying, so he got into my face and snapped his fingers until I zoned back in. Then he stood up again and continued to lecture me. "Now is not the time to be day-dreaming about whatever it is you're thinking of. I'm being serious, Emci, you could've been in a lot of danger if I didn't have it under control!"
I continued to blink at him, and he sighed, his eyebrows further furrowing in frustration. "Emci, seriously, what were you thinking?"
"God you're so fucking hot when you're mad," I blurted before I could form a proper answer to his question, surprising the both of us.
Lucien stopped pacing and stared at me, his expression no longer fully angry but more so blank from the shock of my words. "What did you just say?"
"Nothing!" I quickly shouted, burying my burning face into my arms on the table in front of me.
The room was silent until Lucien's shoes echoed over to me, and I could've sworn the sound of his footsteps and my heartbeat were suddenly much louder than they should've been.
Lucien's hushed voice in my ear sent a chill down my spine. "You think I'm hot when I'm angry; was that what you said?"
"I- n-no..."
"You think it's comical to make me upset, simply because you find it attractive?"
I didn't reply. I couldn't reply; he was whispering into my ear and breathing on my neck, and I couldn't think properly.
"You have a strange way of flirting with me..." His hand carefully reached between my arms and lifted my chin up, so I was staring into his violet eyes in a trance. I found myself unable to move as he leaned in close, his lips just barely not touching mine. His breath tickled my cheeks and made me shiver once more when he said:
"Silly girl... if you really like me so much, you should find better ways to show me."
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
31 sounds like something Victor would say, if he ever lost his cool that is! So if you want to try that one, I'd be happy, please and thank you! If not, Gavin would be good too! xxx
(Prompt 31: "Stop biting that fucking lip!")
Title: Angry Turn On
Pairing: Victor & MC (Emci)
Genre: surprisingly fluff, despite the title
Notes: I wrote this at 12:34am two days ago because it's been sitting in my inbox for a bit now and I felt bad because I really wanted to get it done but kept procrastinating; but then i forgot to post it later that day, so I'm posting it now, lol. In any case, here you go and enjoy!
Being grilled by your boss was awful, but the situation was made worse by the fact that my boss was also my boyfriend.
Yeah. Horrible, right?
Victor was not the kind of person to be messed with or make mistakes around. One wrong thing said or done, and his words practically had the ability to rip your head off without killing you, so he could go back and make you feel even worse , which was something made possible only by Victor. If anyone else were my boss, the effect wouldn't be quite as dreadful.
My mistake this time?
A missed deadline of eight minutes without "extensive" editing done to buff out the typos accidentally missed during the first (and only , might I add) editing session.
And boy was he letting me have it.
If possible, Victor's silence was even more scary than his bark. He paced his office, a hand over his mouth, his eyebrows intensely furrowed. Eventually, he paused, aiming those stoney gray eyes right at me, making me gulp as I bit my bottom lip delicately. His stare was too much for me, but I didn't dare look away, even though I wanted nothing more than to focus on anything but him.
"You've been working under me for almost two years, Emci. Two years! Have you picked up nothing on what I expect of you by now?!"
Unintentionally, my teeth bit onto my lip harder; hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to draw blood. "Victor, I was only late by eight minutes and you've been harsher on me than you've been before, not only on this project! Cut me some slack, please! Things have been really stressful recently!"
"I have tried to be nothing but patient with you for the past two weeks, and this is the thanks I get?"
Angry myself, I muttered, "Yeah, if you can call screaming at me every hour about work patience."
Unfortunately for me, he heard that. His response was slamming his hands on his desk, startling me so bad, I jumped in my seat, my hands flying to clutch my chest. "Because you've been slacking off each time I asked for an update! I'm harsh with you because I know you can do better and succeed, and it's irritating to watch you willingly allow yourself to fail!" Victor's eyes narrowed, but not at my own eyes. "And for God's sake, Emci, stop biting that fucking lip!"
His last comment threw me so off guard, I found myself asking, "Excuse me?" before I even realized my lips were moving.
He inhaled, taking a moment to catch himself. When he spoke again, his voice had surprisingly lowered its volume. "Stop biting your lip. I'm supposed to be mad at you right now. I'm not supposed to want to do anything else other than being angry with you."
I was still so confused as to what was happening and how he'd suddenly gone from yelling to whispering, that that only further sobered my frustration. "I don't understand what you mean, but I'm sorry. It's a nervous habit."
The hardness in his eyes instantly softened, and he walked around his desk and kneeled down to my height. One hand took mine, and the other laced itself into my hair as he leaned in and kissed me, gently. I was shocked, too shocked at first to react, since Victor's kisses were usually rough and needy, or sweet but short. Never had he kissed me so gently like this without making it a quick kiss. Once I came to my senses, my other hand rested on the two of our hands held together, and I moved my lips in unison with his.
Remembering where he was before he could lose himself, Victor pulled away slowly, leaving mere inches between our lips. He sighed, and his breath tickled my cheeks, making me shiver and ache for more. "It seems I was too hard on you. I'm sorry. I've been pretty stressed, too."
Unconsciously, I bit my lip, only noticing that I had in the first place when Victor inhaled sharply. I couldn't help but giggle. "Is it a turn on for you, me biting my lip?"
"Idiot," was his only reply, confirming my suspicions. I started giggle again, only to be cut off by him pressing his lips to mine, a little more forceful than before.
This time, when he pulled away, I leaned forward slightly in an attempt to keep the kiss going, but he moved away far enough that it would be awkward to lean towards him any further. I cleared my throat. "I guess you could make it up to me by watching a movie with me on my couch."
He sighed. "If that's the only way, then I'll have to agree, even though I know you'll choose some sappy romance."
"Hey!" I protested. "What's wrong with a good romance?"
He smirked and messed up my hair as he stood. "Nothing, you're just an idiot that's easy to tease."
I puffed my cheeks, playfully feigning annoyance. "You're just mean!"
"Whatever you say, idiot." He grabbed my hand and our coats, and dragged me out of his office, and my frown eventually turned into a giggling smile.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
Hi! for the top 10 tender actions, could you please do 5 (Idly playing with their hands) for either Victor or Gavin? Your choice!
Title: Innocent Sickness
Pairing: Victor & MC (Emci)
Notes: I haven't written Victor yet, and seeing as so far all I've been writing is Gavin, I'm deciding to mix it up a bit! Plus, Victor can be a tsundere cutie, so I wanted to try writing him and seeing how it goes. I think I did okay for my first time writing him, haha. Thanks for requesting this; I had fun with it :) enjoy!
My relationship with Victor was still very new, to me at least; he had technically been taking me out on dates for a month, but I didn't realize it until two weeks ago, when he asked if I wanted to go to a fancy restaurant for our next date, and my reply was, "Our next date?"
And of course after that, Victor called me an idiot and officially asked me out (rather, he stated we were dating and I couldn't refuse since I'd already been seeing him without even realizing it, and that was that).
He called me up one day, but I wasn't feeling great (I wasn't feeling too horrible, but I had gotten a cold).
"Hello?" I answered, immediately sneezing after picking up.
Victor hesitated. "Are you sick?"
"No, no," I blew it off instantly. "I'm fine, it's just a cold. I'm still coming into work, I have the report ready for you, so I'll see you at the meeting, and then—"
"Emci." Victor cut me off. "Are you sick?"
"No, I'm not," I insisted, and sneezed again. "Victor, I'm fine, really, it's just a—"
"I'm coming over. Stay there."
"Victor, wait—!"
But he'd already hung up.
I sighed, knowing there was nothing I could do except for get ready for him to arrive. My apartment was a little messy, so I got out of bed to make it at least look decent and presentable enough; even though the dust didn't help with my sneezing.
Not much later, the doorbell rang, but Victor didn't wait for me to open it. Instead, he let himself in with the spare key he forced me to give him a while back after a hospital trip. He took in the scene of me cleaning and shook his head. "You're sick, but you're cleaning?"
I averted my eyes, his stare intimidating. "My apartment was dirty."
He sighed, walking over to me and sweeping me off my feet and into his arms. "Victor!" I complained. "Put me down!"
Despite my protest, he didn't, and carried me into my room, setting me down onto my bed. "Stay," he demanded, and left.
I puffed some hair out of my eyes, and stared at the ceiling. When it came to Victor, there was no arguing with him.
Most of the time, that is.
He returned with a bowl of soup, and silently fed it to me slowly until it was gone. Then he set it aside, and climbed next to me. Instinctively, my hands went for his, which laid on his lap, and I started playing with each individual finger on both of his hands. Surprisingly, Victor raised a brow, but said nothing and didn't stop me. Even more surprisingly, he cracked a small smile shortly after.
Eventually, I linked our fingers together, holding one of his hands loosely. In response, Victor leant down and rest his head on top of mine. "You should get some rest."
"But I'm not tired," I complained, then yawned; completely ruining my chances of convincing him to let me stay awake.
"Sleep." He pulled the blankets over me even further, so I was snug, and was about to walk away when I grabbed his sleeve. He turned back with confusion clearly written on his face.
"Stay. Please?" I begged, giving him my best pouty lips and puppy eyes.
Victor groaned, but complied, slipping underneath the blankets with me. "You're lucky I don't hate you, idiot. But if you get me sick today, I will not let you hear the end of it until I'm better."
I giggled, certain that wouldn't happen. "Whatever, Victor."
Funny enough, he did get sick, and he didn't let me hear the end until he recovered — but to my credit, I made sure he recovered quickly so that I wouldn't have to hear too much of it.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
10 Days of Yandere, Day 1
Title: Failed Attempt
Pairing: Raven & Kai
Notes: This is more of a crack yandere, because the yandere in this isn't actually a yandere and would make a horrible yandere, lol. Also, Raven (Thorn) and Kai (Reiji) are two of my OC's, which I use for multiple stories/scenarios. The version of them that is seen here is from a story (idea, lol) that I had where they attend a prestigious academy, and Kai becomes obsessed with her after he transfers. (Also, side note, the way I will be doing this, the first name in the pairing will be the intended yandere focus!)
Warnings: yandere (but no gore or violence)
Raven, actually, was jealous of the girls around Kai. They'd already established that he was the yandere in this relationship (which was proven after he tried to kill her guy friend, who only got away because she was there – and also, after he did kill someone for hitting on her too much), but it seemed odd to her that he got extremely jealous when boys approached her in the hall, but was bright and cheery when girls gave him attention — like it didn't faze him at all.
Maybe it didn't bother him, but it bothered her. It seemed unfair that she couldn't talk to guys without Kai getting upset, but he could talk to girls like it wasn't a big deal.
She didn't quite know what she could do about… but then, like a lightbulb had appeared over her head, she got an idea. She wasn't sure if she could pull it off, but she could give it a try, right?
The next time I saw another girl around Kai, I followed her after they parted. I followed her the entire day, learning her schedule. Turned out we actually had one class together. The next day I waited for the perfect opportunity to do something. Finally, as I glared at her from across the room during English, she, completely oblivious to me, got up and asked to go to the bathroom, loud enough that I heard. Once she was out of the room, I made an excuse to leave, saying I needed to see the nurse.
I followed at a distance, and entered the bathroom after her. I decided to be nice enough to let her use the bathroom, especially considering we were alone, so I should at least give her that. Once she exited the bathroom and finished washing her hands, however, I cornered her at the door.
"Who are you and why are you hanging around my boyfriend?" I demanded to know. The poor girl looked mortified, and I suddenly felt bad, but I wasn't okay with Kai talking to other girls when he wouldn't let me talk to other guys. It wasn't fair or right, and even though I was okay with him being a yandere, I wouldn't tolerate him being hypocritical.
"I-I… what?"
"My boyfriend. Kai Reiji."
The girl blushed. "H-he's just helping me with my project. I swear, I'm not trying to steal him away!"
I sighed. "Fine." She tried to leave, but I blocked her and warned one more time, "Just watch yourself and keep your distance."
She nodded, and exited quickly.
My face heated up. What was I even doing? I didn't have it in me to be cutthroat or murderous. Even just being intimidating like that made me feel horrible. That wasn't the kind of person I was.
The moment I stepped out of the bathroom, I smacked right into someone's broad chest. "S-sorry!" I yelped, and tried to run away — but the person, a guy, held me to him. "H-hey!" I protested, squirming. "I have a boyfriend!"
"Yes, you do, and your boyfriend knows you don't have it in you to be a yandere." At the voice, my head snapped up, and the warmth in my cheeks intensified. That soft, innocent voice belonged to Kai, and I found myself unable to stare into his deep blue eyes. How could I, when he'd obviously heard what I said to that girl?
Kai giggled, sweeping some brown strands of hair in front of my eyes behind my ear. His giggle was so adorable, I just had to look at him. "You're cute, Raven." I managed to smile. I tangled my fingers into his shaggy blond hair and was about to lean up for a kiss, when his expression turned darker. The innocent face he had naturally, melted away with a sinister look that didn't match his wide smile. "But, we both know you'll never have the potential to kill someone innocent the way I would, don't we?"
I gulped. He was right; I could barely bring myself to hurt a bug, how would I ever be able to kill another person? I merely nodded.
He tilted his head in a cute confusion, and his innocent facade returned. "Why'd you do that in the first place? You know I'd never leave you for someone as sluttish as her." His eyes hardened again. "She isn't nearly as interesting or beautiful as you; everything about her reeks of disgusting actions."
I changed the topic immediately, knowing how intense he can be when he talked about someone he disliked or saw as a threat to his relationship with me. "I uh, thought it was weird that you don't like me talking to guys but you talk to girls all the time… it makes me jealous."
Kai blinked, then laughed. "Raven, darling, is that all?" I nodded, sheepishly. "In that case, they're already forgotten. However…"
He drew his lips down to mine like he was going to kiss me, and for a short moment he did, but the malicious smile he had made him pull back an inch as he breathed, "Random guys talking to you is on an entirely different level, you should know that already. What you consider jealousy, I consider territorial. You were always mine, and nothing, no one, will ever change that."
Fear hit me then, but all the same, an irresistible chill ran through me, leaving me satisfied, and I couldn't stop myself from melting into his arms as I kissed him. Being with him made me feel as if I'd also committed a crime by covering up his, but he felt too charming, too perfect, too captivating to stay away from him. He was positively addicting, and no matter how hard I tried, I could never truly get enough of him.
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mlqcdokidoki · 5 years
Gavin Month Day 10 - Arachnids
Title : Arachnophobia
Pairing : Gavin x MC
Prompt : @that-wasnt-so-bad
Tagging : @otomebois-bb, @ceres-zephyr
I can't believe that I actually got this far in this fanfic writing... challenge?
Maybe I underestimated my love for Gavin...
But anyway, I'm having fun and polishing up my writing skills so yes, another day, another fanfic.
I hope you enjoy it!
Gavin was in the middle of a phone call with MC.
It was the first one in days, actually - MC had a major production from Loveland TV and Gavin was caught up in the investigation of a major case.
Both of them being workaholics to some extent, they always got so immersed in their work that they could only resort to small, sweet calls like these to satisfy their longing for each other.
The time they set aside for the call was reaching an end and MC was saying, "I miss you", when her words suddenly dissolved into a scream.
Gavin was startled and he gripped his phone tighter, saying "Hello? Hello? What happened, MC?", while simultaneously connecting with the wind to find her and confirm that she was safe.
Unfortunately, all he could hear from the other end was an ominous thud, more screaming and some static after which the line went dead and to make things worse, he couldn't sense her in the wind, probably because she was in her studio.
And... Gavin thought that he heard the name 'Lucien' before the call was cut.
Of course, as MC's boyfriend, he knew that Lucien was a scientist of some sort, mainly dealing with neuropsychology, who collaborated with her and was a guest on several of her shows.
He called her back immediately, wanting to know exactly what had happened, especially because of her penchant for getting into trouble, but she didn't pick up and it went straight to voicemail.
But that wasn't the only reason why he had immediately abandoned his work (without even considering the consequences), grabbed his coat, jumped straight into the air and taken off in her direction.
Apart from his worry for MC's well-being, he also had another worry about Lucien's possible presence by her side.
Lucien, he... He loved MC too, just like him, though it wasn't obvious at first glance. But Gavin knew... Lucien looked at MC like how Gavin himself did - tenderness in his eyes couldn't be mistaken.
And also, while Gavin didn't think he was a serial killer or something, there was something off about him - something about his smile or the way he carried himself that gave out weird vibes, so he really didn't trust him to be around MC especially when something seemed to have happened to her.
Gavin had expressed his concerns about Lucien before, but MC had waved them off for the most part and he knew that Lucien's position as a leading scientist in his field deemed his presence on her shows necessary.
His control over the wind had quartered the time required for the journey and he arrived at her studio, all tensed up, and proceeded to enter her office through the window.
A brief glance around didn't yield any information so he headed into the studio.
Almost immediately, he spotted MC sitting on a chair in the corner, gripping a water bottle in her hands, looking scared out of her mind.
And... Lucien was sitting next to her and patting her back and running his fingers through her hair while whispering something in her ear.
The intimate actions performed by Lucien and the fact that MC wasn't resisting made Gavin see red and though no one had noticed his presence yet, as he strode across the room, making his way to MC, more and more people took notice of him.
But he didn't care that he was intruding.
That was his girlfriend, dammit! And while something had happened to her to make her so scared, no one thought to inform her boyfriend and instead Lucien, Lucien of all people, was comforting her!
As soon as he reached her, a short cough and a pointed glare had Lucien relinquishing his seat next to her, albeit somewhat unwillingly, which Gavin gladly took.
A few minutes of conversation later, with both MC and some of her staff, he grasped what had occurred before he had arrived.
Apparently, Lucien was one of the guests for this show ('why hadn't MC told him that before?!') and just before they started filming, a scorpion had appeared out of nowhere (later, Lucien confessed that it was one of his 'pets') and MC had freaked out.
It turned out that MC had arachnophobia.
(And yes, the fear of scorpions also comes under arachnophobia.)
Gavin had never known and as a matter of fact, no one knew because scorpions just weren't very common in the city. So her phobia hadn't acted up in a long time.
Oh and she didn't want to disturb him so she hadn't called him... Also, her phone was broken from her dropping it on the ground out of fear at seeing the scorpion.
After several minutes, MC still felt a bit shaky but because of the time crunch, as a true professional producer, she got herself together and resumed the preparation for filming.
Gavin's worries were laid to rest, so he said good bye to her before leaving, but not without a warning glance in Lucien's direction.
On the way back to the police station, he pondered about her phobia and despite all of the worry that he had just experienced, he was still glad that he learned something new about MC.
And he hoped that he would be together with her until he knew her perfectly - until he knew all her secrets and she knew all of his - and beyond.
The possibility of such a future put a smile on his face.
And.... It's finally complete!
I did do quite a bit of research for this one - I had to double-check if scorpions were arachnids too (they are) and if the fear of them come under arachnophobia.
So yes, I consciously chose scorpions instead of spiders because I felt that the fear of spiders was an over-used trope. Besides, if MC did have a fear of spiders, why didn't anyone know before? Spiders aren't that rare.
I also deliberately portrayed Lucien as weirdo in Gavin's POV, despite the fact that I do like Lucien, because I thought that only to MC does the tenderness under the mystery reveal itself - to everyone else, he'd just be a weird mysterious scientist.
And the fact that Lucien has a scorpion as a pet... 😂😂😂
....Well, I've rambled enough, I suppose, so I shall stop now. I wanted to explain my thought process for some of the elements of this fanfic...
Anyway, here's the illustration (though it's Gavin Month, I thought this was most relevant) -
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mlqcdokidoki · 5 years
Gavin Month Day 12 - Sweets
Title : Sweets Sequelae
Pairing : Gavin x MC
Prompt : @that-wasnt-so-bad
Tagging : @ceres-zephyr, @otomebois-bb
Here's the next fanfic!
Honestly, I'm kind of getting into the Jealous!Gavin a bit too much, I think... But everyone seems to like it so... It's ok?
Anyway, it's a miracle, at least to me, that I've gotten this far and people actually like what I write but I'm not complaining!
Anyway, hope you enjoy it!
MC had a cavity from eating too many sweets. Again.
And while Gavin certainly disapproved of her sweet tooth and tried to regulate her intake of sweets, he usually failed to do so in front of her ultimate attack - 'Puppy Dog Eyes'.
The discovery was made late at night when they had both come home, weary from their respective jobs and sat down for a take-out dinner (yes, it was unhealthy, but neither of them were in the mood to attempt making a 'decent' dinner).
Barely a bite in, a sharp yelp of pain from MC followed by her hand cradling her cheek had clued Gavin in to the situation.
He sighed and looked her straight in the eyes as he asked her, "Is it a cavity?", and when she attempted to break eye contact, he reached across the table and lightly held her chin in place as he repeated his question.
This time, MC meekly replied, "Yes", with the attitude of a child who knows her wrongs.
But Gavin refused to be swayed by this and quietly asked, "Did you go to Souvenir again today?", at which a panicked look flashed across MC's face but she finally confirmed it with a resigned look on her face.
At Gavin's pointed look, she spluttered out some excuses like 'such heavenly pudding cannot be resisted' and 'Kiro had dragged her there, I really didn't intend to go there...!' but at sensing Gavin's exasperation with herself, she resorted to mumbling, "Sorry, Gavin."
At her apology, Gavin sighed once again, and abandoning his dinner, he helped MC get some ice for her swollen cheek.
While he was helping her, internally he was cursing Kiro and Victor for their involvement in her cavity - they always indulged her addiction to sweets.
And yes, their 'care' towards MC and their private excursions made him jealous but he couldn't really lash out at them since one was her boss and the other, one of her closest friends.
But he certainly made his jealousy known by not-so-subtly preventing meetings between them that weren't business related and keeping her to himself when he could, but that didn't work all the time... Case in point, the origin of the current situation.
MC's sudden grip on his arm brought him back to reality, and he found himself pressing the cold compress to her eyes instead of the affected area, leading to profusion of apologies.
But MC waved them off in favour of a mischievous smirk and in a slightly garbled voice (due to the ice pack), she said, "Gavin, you were getting jealous of Kiro and Victor again, weren't you?".
Now it was Gavin's turn to splutter excuses, but his ability to create excuses was as poor as hers, so he just nodded quickly, gestured for her to keep quiet and let him apply the ice pack, and tried his best to will his blush down.
MC burst out in laughter, only to immediately whimper in pain due to her cavity, but the look she shot him was enough to convey her feelings towards his reaction.
Gavin was embarrassed but looking at her pain, he didn't lash out at her or tease her back - he quietly continued what he was doing.
After he had finished that and convinced her to go to the dentist the next day, he made some soup for her (from right out of a can, there was no time to make the real deal) and finished off his dinner after making sure she drank the soup.
The next morning, both of them had dark circles because MC tossed and turned all night due to the pain thus keeping Gavin awake too.
But she did go to the dentist and when she reached home and complained of the doctor's order to reduce her consumption of sweets, Gavin responded by drawing her into his arms and giving her a kiss that was so sweet that she didn't complain for the rest of the day.
And, MC wouldn't outright admit it to Gavin, but to be honest, she enjoyed his kisses more than sweets.
There! I'm done. And it's only 1 am, yay!
I didn't do my '24hr Challenge' for today so I better get to it!
Oh, and I'd like to remind everyone - please give feedback! Where I can improve, what you don't like, what you'd like me to try - anything!
Literally, I'd be happy even if you left a heart in the comments, I'll take any type of encouragement I can get!
Please feed this poor author's self-confidence, meow~~!
(Too much?)
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
I got tagged! :o
@that-wasnt-so-bad tagged me for this thingy so I suppose I should do it :)
One - Name/Alias: Online I prefer to be called Raven (there is a reason and I actually will be explaining this on the last one, i believe)
Two - birthday: January 3!
Three - zodiac: Capricorn!!
Four - height: 5'1" (I'm short 😅)
Five - hobbies: Two of my hobbies are actually future dream careers of mine, and those are music and writing! For as long as I could remember I wanted to play music for a career, and in middle school (cringy, yes) I picked up writing because of fandoms and found I really liked it and now I'd like to write my own book(s) one day, which I'm actually working on one rn! A few more hobbies of mine include photography and modeling (because I like dressing up and I want to cosplay more - so far have only cosplayed Yuno Gasai and that's it)
Six - favorite color: Blue! All shades of blue. I also like light grey and most any pastel color.
Seven - favorite books: The Selection series!! I am in LOVE with those books! But I also really love the Vampire Kisses series; good books, also perfect for any goth girl looking for an idol tbh (i should know since the main character was my gothic idol when I first read the books)
Eight - last song listened to: Mine by Bazzi, lol
Nine - last film watched: Detective Pikachu, because my boyfriend hadn't seen it yet and since he's also a Pokemon fan I forced him (not literally) to watch it with me 😂
Ten - inspiration/muse: Anything. Literally, anything. The seasons, a show/movie/anime, a book, the way someone looks/dresses, something someone says... a n y t h i n g.
Eleven - Dream Job: I already said this earlier, oops, but my dream job is to be either a musician or an author (or both!)
Twelve - meaning behind your URL: My URL is otomebois-bb because, well... I'm obsessed with otome boys 👌😂
Thirteen - top 3 ships: uh, umm... okay okay, honestly I ship myself with a lot of fictional characters. Right now my top 3 are Osoro (male rival from yandere sim) x me (BECAUSE HE'S HOT OKAY SHUT UP), Akise Aru (Future Diary) x me (he's hot too okay ;-; don't judge me) and Oka (yandere sim again) x me (because she's just adorable okay stfu ;-; jeez)
Fourteen - lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick, bUt I would totally take black lipstick over chapstick any day once I move out of my aunt's house (because she'd freak out over it) and/or move out of the small town I'm currently in (because the conservatives here judge anyone and anything that isn't exactly like everything and everyone else)
Fifteen - Currently Reading: I'm currently rereading the Vampire Kisses series, which is where I got my nickname "Raven" from. It's a self-given nickname because when I was more heavily goth, it was the only book i could find that included my two favorite things: vampires and being goth. Main character's name is Raven Madison, who is the only goth in a conservative town until Alexander Sterling (a vampire who becomes her boyfriend) moves in. Raven is absolutely obsessed with vampires (much like myself), and she was (still is) my gothic idol.
Umm i don't really know who tag tbh, but I suppose I'll tag the few I can think of:
@thegrandduckmaster @ash-the-gay-otaku (you know my main account, this is my fandom/writing account lol 😅) annnnnd I can't think of anyone else.
Just so you know, no need to do this. You can if you'd like but you don't have to; if you do, tag me!
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mlqcdokidoki · 5 years
Gavin Month Day 9
Uh... @that-wasnt-so-bad, what is Agent B-7...?
I don't know if it's some popular thing that I don't know because I was living under a rock....
But, can you clarify...?
Oh and @otomebois-bb and @ceres-zephyr, if you know or are planning to write a fanfic on this, do let me know!
I might skip this one.
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mlqcdokidoki · 5 years
Gavin Month fanfics
I certainly didn't do as much as I thought I would... Which was kind of disappointing but not surprising, despite how pumped up I was for this.
I guess I'll write a fanfic for the Day 29 of Gavin Month (prompt : Surprise) just to end things on good note or this will be added to my long list of regrets.
Also, despite the fact that I haven't been writing recently, please feel free to request fanfics from me!
I do love writing, even if my laziness gets in the way, so I'll try my best to complete your requests, alright?
~~WARNING : Sentimental writing ahead~~
As a new member and as a new fanfic writer of this fandom, I've got to say that this fandom and all the members who I have come across (especially @that-wasnt-so-bad, @ceres-zephyr, @otomebois-bb and of course, all the lovely people who have followed me) were very welcoming. I didn't feel ostracized or alone at all.
I'm really grateful to be able to contribute to such a welcoming fandom since I have never received such a good response from any of the other fandoms that I wrote fanfics for.
So really, I'd like to thank everyone for helping me regain my confidence in my writing and I hope that my fanfics, past and future, will entertain you, always.
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