#otp: i don't strictly date aliens
lynnearlington · 7 years
Sanvers, 67 or 85
85: “It doesn’t bother me.”
Maggie doesn’t mean for it to happen, but she supposes it’s a natural consequence to having dated so many women around National City.
Dated is probably a generous term for what she’s done with some of them, but still.
She never really shied away from the fact that she’s been around the block a few times, but she’s pretty sure it’s not a super attractive quality to keep running into exes while on dates with the current girlfriend. In fact, she’s had enough arguments with previous girlfriends to know that it’s definitely not an attractive quality.
It’s the third time just this week that she’s gotten approached by someone she’s been horizontal with and Maggie cringes as it happens. She can feel Alex’s eyes on her from where her girlfriend is still sitting by the pool table, cue stick playing lightly between her hands.
Maggie grips the two beers she just ordered and tries to politely extricate herself from...Jessica - Jennifer - Janet, maybe. It was a one night stand from forever ago and normally she’s way better at names than this, but the only thing she can focus on is getting back to her girlfriend who is probably extremely over watching Maggie get offered repeats at the bar every time they’re there.
When she finally gets back to Alex and hands her a beer, she puts on her most charming smile and laughs. “We’ve got to start going to different bars,” she jokes and Alex smiles.
“Another one of your many conquests?”
“They’re not conquests,” Maggie protests quickly because it’s true and she doesn’t want Alex thinking that’s how she views women.
“I was joking,” Alex says, looking at her with a furrowed brow before taking a sip of her drink. “I know they’re not.”
“Good,” Maggie says, still eying Alex cautiously. She takes a large gulp of her beer in an attempt to calm the worry in her gut. She can still hear her ex calling her insensitive in the back of her mind, can feel the fight and the break up like it’s just happening.
“You okay?” Alex sets her beer down and leans her cue stick against the nearby wall.
“Yeah, of course.”
“You sure?”
Maggie shrugs her off, sets her beer next to Alex’s and grabs her own cue stick. “We going to play or what?”
Alex laughs softly, but Maggie can tell her girlfriend is confused at Maggie’s subdued mood. Maggie doesn’t know how to talk about it without bringing into the light the fact that every time they’ve come to the bar this week they’ve run into someone Maggie has seen naked. Alex has this look in her eye like she’s trying to figure Maggie out and Maggie feels vulnerable, knows the intelligent firing of Alex’s brain will eventually put two and two together.
“She say something to you?”
Maggie follows Alex’s gaze across the room to where the girl from earlier is sipping at a pink cocktail at the end of the bar. “What?”
“Did she say something to you?” Alex repeats and Maggie can only classify the now glare on Alex’s face as something vaguely threatening depending on Maggie’s answer. Alex’s fingers clench a little against her side as if she’s reaching for a weapon that isn’t there. It almost makes Maggie laugh.
“No,” Maggie says, drawing the word out casually because it’s not like Alex clearly thinks. “So put the gun away, Rambo.”
Alex rolls her eyes. “Then why are you being so weird?”
Maggie sets her cue stick back down, the idea of returning to the game clearly abandoned. She sighs. “I’m sorry that every time we come here we have to run into some girl that thinks I’m available for-”
“A little late night tango.”
It pulls a sharp laugh out of Maggie and Alex is grinning in response. “Sure, if that’s what we want to call it.”
“Just being polite,” Alex says with the most obvious look of fake innocence that Maggie feels warmth curl in her gut.
“Well, I’m sorry,” Maggie repeats. “I know that’s not exactly the best thing to happen on a date.”
“Mags,” Alex says, amusement lacing her tone. “It doesn’t bother me.”
Maggie looks at her, wary. “It doesn’t?”
“I mean you’re super smart and awesome and gorgeous and if women didn’t regret letting you go then I’d think something was wrong with them.”
It makes Maggie laugh and relax a little. “So true, Danvers,” she jokes.
“Plus, I’m the one that gets to take you home anyway.”
There’s suggestion all around it that makes Maggie smirk and step forward between Alex’s open legs. Their hips fit together with intention and she loops a finger into Alex’s belt loop, pulling them together even more. “Also very true.”
“So they can hit on you all they want,” Alex says smugly, palms at Maggie’s back.
“Really?” Maggie asks with an arched brow.
“Well,” Alex pauses, looks away for bit. “Maybe not all they want.”
“I don’t want you think I encourage it,” Maggie says softly, serious.
Alex looks at her, kisses her quickly. “I know you don’t.”
“You sure it doesn’t bother you?”
“Of all the things to be bothered about you, that is so low on my list.”
Maggie shoves a little at her shoulder. “What do you mean list?”
“I just never thought I’d date someone so completely awful at playing pool.”
The challenge in Alex’s tease pools anticipation low in Maggie’s stomach. “Oh Danvers, bad move.”
Alex purses her lips, arches an eyebrow. “You think you can prove me wrong?”
“I’ve been practicing,” Maggie states, stepping out of Alex’s loose embrace.
Alex stands, picking up her cue stick. “Usual bet?”
Maggie leans over the pool table to rack the balls, knows that the angle gives Alex a perfect view down her shirt and she looks up at her with a smirk. “How about we make it interesting?”
Something - either the suggestion in the question or the view of Maggie’s chest - wipes the playful look off Alex’s face. “What do you mean interesting?”
Satisfied with the racked balls, Maggie walks around to the side of table and sets the cue ball on the green felt. “Winner tops tonight,” Maggie offers casually, like she’s talking about paying for dinner. She leans a hip against the pool table and watches Alex’s eyes go wide.
She wants to laugh at the expression on her girlfriend’s face - knows that an innate need to win at everything is warring with a deeper more submissive need in Alex’s brain.
“That’s not fair,” Alex says, voice thick as she steps towards Maggie.
“Scared, Danvers?”
Alex’s jaw is tight, lips thin as she walks forward to line up the first breaking shot. “Of course not,” is all Alex says before eying the white ball in front of her and stroking her stick forward.
It’s the first time Maggie manages to beat Alex at pool.
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kaz3313 · 6 years
001 BATIM 003 Summer - rnm (I don't often see you talk about her lol)
Thank you for the ask! It’s 
OOOOOOOOoooo Summer!
You are right I do not talk about her nearly enough, even though she’s somewhere in my top 5 favs (top 3 counting only characters from the show)! Also I’m kinda talking about comic book Summer and show Summer (s)
So, as I stated up top, love her but when I started watching the show I didn’t like her too much (she was okay but I thought she was going to be flat stereotypical teen girl)But that was beginning season 1 (which she was a side character) and then Season 2 came along and I said “Hell yeah, she cool” and I started really loving her as a character! Wasteland Summer was also cool to see and I was sad to see her frozen with not much more exploration on her character.
Hmmm as much as I ship and love to do so…I really don’t with Summer. The one universe in the comics where she’s a lesbian I totally support and I low key ship the crackship with the car. Other then that though I think she’s doing well on her own. I personally don’t ship her with Ethan since based on what’s seen not really compatible (of course when did I care compatibility-Eh I just don’t see enough substance for em). I’ve seen a few arts with her and Jessica which is cute but not really my taste either.
Now to non romantic relationship-
Well I feel like her and Rick get along well in the end, whether that’s good or bad I’m not sure, but I really enjoy her relationship with Beth? Like at first it sucked, it really really sucked. But I feel as though it got progressively better (especially the end episode where they’re shopping and doing daughter mom things). I hope to see the relationship in the next season and even her to grow a stronger bond with her dad as well (since that ones been shaky too. Honestly she doesn’t have stable relationships with anyone platonic and romantic which Is sad)
Unpopular opinion…
Hmm a lot of people show her as badass (which I love me some good ol fighten Sum Sum) But some people, when doing so, make her exactly like Rick. Now I’m not disagreeing she has some parallels to him (she definitely does especially showcased in season 3) but I think people need to remember she IS a different person. She CAN be a genius and strong and whatever but she will approach situations with her own twist! I also see (in fics mostly) them blow Summer off completely or make her stereotypical teen (doesn’t talk to anyone about anything ever, always grochy, and if does appear in said fic is just on her phone) which is an interpretation that I don’t care for.
Hmm, again explore more her relationship with her family (asside from Rick since I think that has been showcased in Season 2 and 3 a lot). Maybe even her teen/school life since she doesn’t blow off school as much as Morty does.
Fav friendship, hands down her and Morty. I feel like, at times, the top can work really well together (although not always- but that’s the complication with relations thier not always perfect). I also hope in future eps she makes some cool alien friends or something. I think that would be fun!
Crossover ship? Ehhhhh? Her and Wendy from Gravity Falls? I saw it once (or twice?) in fic/art and they seem pretty decent together. They would make a nice couple and also I think they’d also be pretty good friends! Yeah badass red heads unite!
BATIM!!!! Oooooooo boy! Also I’ll be doing lil more descriptions for the characters then RnM one since your less familiar with these characters 😊
Fav character, that is tricky. Staying strictly to canon game Wally (pure janitor boy) or Bertrum (local narssarsist finds someone who’s got an even bigger ego and now thier partners or AKA the octopus ride). I like Wally because throughout the whole game he’s got tapes and they’re always nice and cheerful which is a nice lil break (or poik(perk) as he’d say) from the horror and darkness. Also the whole probable he’s Perfect Boris just makes him better (I love Boris). And Bertrum; well for one he’s an annoying cool mini boss, I like that both him and Joey had big egos but he had one AND he seemed like a decent guy, cool design in general, and he’s got his motavations figured out Joey gipped him and now Joey’s gotta pay. As for everyone’s interpretation and also my personal hc? All of them! Even that bastard Joey!
No least fav’s. Some times I don’t like certain people’s interpretation of a character but I really like them all. If I had to pick one I’d say Allison since I felt in cannon she was a bit bland. But really in cannon we didn’t have much to go off of many of the characters.
Fav ships (in no particular order btw and one more then said but whatever)
Henry X Joey (like how can you not ship the protagonist and antagonist? Doesn’t every fandom do that? But honestly why else would you come back to mean bosses’ studio after 30 years if you two hadn’t dated or at least had a lil but more then a friendship. Also angst train woot woo). 
 Sammy X Suzie (ahhhh. I love em so much I just hsjaownjw. And it’s almost cannon and SO MUCH ANGST POSSIBLE HEHEHHE) 
 Tom X Alison (cannon but very cute). 
 Wally X Shawn (bring me the pure boys! Honestly this ship is kinda ‘random’ but also is a lil popular and has a toooonnnn if cute HC’s.). 
Ink Sammy X Projectionist Norman  (I love inky angsty boys!)
Lacie X female OC ( I love when she has a noice girlfriend)
Who do I find attractive: hmmm not really anyone (in game)Like Inky Sammy buff so I guess him.
Who I’d marry: ghanakjsjsks??? Idk! No one?
Best Friend: preink-Wally, no questions. Postink- Boris (so still Wally) because I’d just hide in the safe house and play cards.
Random thought:
Unpopular Opinion: Sammy, Henry, And Joey are all around same age and they grew up together. Idk if it’s unpopular but I’ve seen a lot of times Sammy is younger then the other two.
Cannon OTP: Samsie isn’t cannon? Maybe? it’s definitely alluded to but the only thing cannon cannon is Thomas X Allison so I guess by default them. 
Non Cannon: Wally X Shawn please and thank you
Badass character: based on cannon,Bertrum? Like I said he’s a heck of boss fight. Maybe Henry cause he’s had to dealt with everyone’s crap. Projectionist because he literally fist fights the ink demon. Based on personal hc Lacie.
Epic Villian: Idk if he counts as epic but Sammy was an interesting villian. I feel like he should’ve been explored more (so does the rest of the fandom) but I feel like straight up trying to sacrifice
Pairing I’m not a fan of: I used to not like Sammy X Wally but now I think it’s kinda cute. Maybe Wally X Norman just HC they have a more father son bond but I’ve seen some stories where it’s not the case sooo, it really does depend on people’s personal story. I also don’t care for Alice X Bendy (but some content of them is cute and I still enjoy some of it).
Character I feel like they screwed up: Sammy they didn’t do to much with even though he had a lot of potential. Same with Allison and Thomas who were kinda just bland especially Allison.
Character I identify with: when hc I project a lot on Wally but i don’t identify with anyone imparticular.
Character I wish I could be: I’m going to take this as if I could be one of the toons (and not in game toons, since I’d be trapped and I’d rather not) Boris. Who wouldn’t want to be a wolf who just eats all day. Or Edgar (spider boy) because he’s so cute!
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lynnearlington · 8 years
6, sanvers
Honestly, I think both of them would do this sooooo. I just wrote it one way but rest assured they’re BOTH SAPPY IDIOTS THAT WOULD HAVE EMOTIONAL EPIPHANIES AT RANDOM TIMES. 
It’s not that she can’t sleep. Not really. She’s definitely tired and could probably sleep easily if she just closed her eyes and willed herself to. It’s just, Maggie’s in her bed and even if it’s not the first (or even the tenth) time this has happened, Alex wants to savor every moment of it.
The room is dark and quiet save for Maggie’s soft breathing and Alex turns onto her side to watch her girlfriend’s face, relaxed in sleep. Just thinking girlfriend makes her chest feel light. She curls an errant strand of dark hair around her finger and traces her eyes over Maggie’s face.
Her girlfriend. Maggie is her girlfriend. And she’s here. In Alex’s bed.
It hits Alex then, in the dark of her bedroom with this pretty girl next to her, warm from sleep, that that ache that’s formed just under her ribs for the past few months has a name. It’s a feeling she’s had swirling in her chest for weeks now, but hasn’t been capable of voicing. Here, in the safety of her bed, she feels like she could shout it and it would fill the room.
“Watching people in their sleep is creepy, Danvers,” Maggie says suddenly, voice croaky. She pops an eye open and shifts on to her side to look at Alex as a small smirk pulls at her lips.
“Sorry,” Alex whispers sheepishly, grateful for the dark of the room as heat blooms in her cheeks.
Maggie’s palm lands warmly on Alex’s hip, fingers stroking idly at the waistband of her sweatpants. “Why are you awake?”
Alex doesn’t have an answer for that that isn’t highly embarrassing so she just cups Maggie’s cheek with one hand, thumb stroking a cheekbone. “Just am.”
“You okay?” Maggie sounds more awake now, her hand creeping higher up Alex’s side, under her tank top.
“More than.”
“You sure?”
“I think I might be in love with you,” Alex whispers suddenly into the night, heart starting to beat at a ridiculous pace.
Maggie’s all awake now, Alex can tell. Her eyes go wide and her fingers tighten where they’ve stopped moving over Alex’s ribs. “You think what?”
Alex swallows. “I love you.”
“That’s the sleep deprivation talking,” Maggie says, almost like a joke but Alex can see the vulnerability all over Maggie’s face.
“It’s not,” Alex says, shaking her head. “I was just…I know what I feel.”
Seconds pass and Maggie doesn’t say anything else, just stares into Alex’s eyes, blinking in what looks like shock. “You woke me up at 4am to tell me you love me,” is what Maggie settles on, her words no more than a whisper, breathy and disbelieving.
“It couldn’t wait.”
Maggie just shakes her head a little before surging forward to press their lips together, pushing Alex over and back into the mattress. Her hands wander back up Alex’s tank top, and her kisses turn insistent and rough. Alex sets aside any further thought and gives into the scratch of Maggie’s nails down her abs and her lips against her neck.
It’s a boring day. National City has remained quiet almost the whole week and Maggie tries not to think anything ominous about it.
It’d probably make her happy if she thought about it, but right now it means that she’s stuck at her desk watching the minutes pass by instead of out on the streets. She taps a pen against the paperwork in front of her, rifling a hand through her hair.
She’s almost ready to commit a crime herself just to have something to do when Alex walks into the bullpen. Maggie can’t contain the way her face lights up. Not only because any excuse to see her girlfriend is a good one, but because if Alex is here that likely means there’s something for her to do aside from file reports. Maybe even something she can shoot. Like Alex’s gun. (she makes a mental note to borrow it at the earliest possible convenience)
“Danvers,” Maggie greets, standing up with a playful smile on her face.
Alex grins wide and easy. “Sawyer.”
“What brings you down to NCPD today?”
Alex cocks a hip against Maggie’s desk, shrugs a shoulder. “You busy?”
“Definitely not.”
“Want to go punch an alien drug dealer?”
Maggie grabs her coat where it’s hanging over her desk chair and smirks at her girlfriend. “You really know how to sweet talk a girl, babe.”
Alex laughs and follows her out.
They drive across city to where Alex has located the target and Maggie sits in the passenger seat, checking her gun and making sure her ankle holster is strapped correctly.
“Check the glove box,” Alex says, glancing over.
Maggie shoots her a curious look, but does as she’s told. Inside is a weapon of some sort. A gun from the looks of it, but nothing Maggie’s ever seen before. She pulls it out slowly, turning it over in her hand. Her brow contracts at the indecipherable markings on it.
“Just off field testing,” Alex tells her. “It’s a sonic pistol. And it packs a punch.”
The weight of it in her hand feels almost too good and Maggie has to resist the urge to roll down her window and test it out on a passing street sign. “You get all the best stuff,” Maggie complains, a teasing smile on her lips as she looks at Alex.
But her girlfriend shakes her head, eyes on the road. “It’s not mine.”
“It’s not?”
“It’s yours,” Alex says, pulling the car over under an underpass.
Throwing the car into park, Alex turns in her seat, smiling proudly at Maggie. “I got it signed out and everything. You’re practically an independant contracter of the DEO so…I thought you’d like it.”
“This might be the gun talking,” Maggie says. “But I love you.”
Alex’s eyes go a little wide and Maggie knows her girlfriend is thinking about a few days ago, under the cover of darkness when Alex whispered the same words and Maggie met it with silence.
“Probably the gun,” Alex says, voice thick as she nods and attempts a casual smile.
“No.” Maggie shakes her head. The feeling is too big to keep inside anymore. “I love you, Alex.”
This time it’s Alex that pushes forward suddenly, hands on Maggie’s cheeks to bring them in for a kiss. The gun presses between them where it’s still clutched in her hand and Maggie laughs between kisses.
“Maybe we should put the gun away before car sex,” Maggie jokes.
Alex takes the gun and throws it in the backseat. Maggie almost reprimands her for mishandling her new toy, but Alex’s lips interrupt any complaint. “I love you, Maggie,” Alex is saying, the sound of it thrumming all across Maggie’s skin like a burn.
This time she says something. “I love you too.”
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lynnearlington · 8 years
18, sanvers
18) Who is a cat person / who is a dog person?
The dog follows Alex home from work one day.
That’s seriously how it happens. She’s investigating a murder on the east end of town and there’s a stray dog there in the alley, no owner in sight, no tags. Alex doesn’t pay it much mind apart from determining whether or not it had compromised the crime scene at all.
When they’re done canvassing, there’s nothing for her to do back at the DEO so she decides to walk home. The weather is nice and she doesn’t mind the exercise.
Somehow the dog follows her the entire way to her apartment.
“What are you doing?” She asks the dog, looking at it skeptically. She runs through her list of shapeshifting aliens in her brain and tries to decide if maybe the dog is more connected to the crime scene than she originally thought.
The dog doesn’t answer, naturally, just lays down on the sidewalk and stares up at Alex with large brown eyes.
Alex glances around her street, tries to see if anyone else is seeing this, but she’s alone and the dog is still staring at her.
It doesn’t move from its spot, just watches Alex as she unlocks the front door to her building and slips inside. Guilt creeps up her spine at the thought of leaving the dog out there all alone, but she can’t think of what else to do.
It’s later that evening when Maggie shows up with a bottle of scotch and a bright smile. Alex kisses her and tugs her inside, taking the scotch and moving to the cabinet to pull out two glasses.
“Did you know there’s a dog sitting outside your building?” Maggie slides into a stool as Alex pours them each a glass of scotch.
“What?” Alex almost drops the bottle when she registers the information. “Still?”
“What do you mean still?”
“There was a dog at a crime scene today at work,” Alex explains, sliding Maggie her drink. “It kind of followed me home.”
“It followed you home?”
“Yeah,” Alex laughs. “Weird, right?”
Maggie shrugs, smirks a little. “I don’t know, I’d probably follow you home,” her girlfriend jokes, punctuating it with a wink.
Alex rolls her eyes and comes to Maggie’s side of the counter, kissing her swiftly. “What do you want for dinner? Pizza?”
Maggie doesn’t answer, just narrows her eyes. “Are you really going to leave that dog out there?”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s supposed to storm tonight,” Maggie says, gesturing to a window across the room. Alex eyes the dark looking evening sky with trepidation.
“You can’t just leave it out there!”
“It’s not my dog, Mags,” Alex protests.
“Well it like obviously imprinted on you or something so I think we should let it in.”
“Ew, gross.” Alex scrunches up her nose but Maggie punches her lightly in the shoulder.
“Go let the dog up here before it gets caught in the rain and I’ll order dinner.”
Sighing, Alex obeys knowing she has no choice once Maggie has really decided something. She walks back down to the front lobby of her building and is immediately greeted by the sight of the stray dog indeed still sat on her front stoop.
“Hey, buddy,” Alex says softly, opening the door. She tilts her head towards the inside. “You want to come inside?”
The dog responds immediately with a happy little bark as it springs up to its feet and runs inside the building.
Back upstairs, Maggie greets the dog enthusiastically, laughing as she scratches behind its ears and making incoherent little noises.
“Wow,” is all Alex says, observing the uncharacteristic softening of her girlfriend.
“Dogs are great, Danvers. Watch it.”
Alex puts her hands up defensively and strides to the counter where her laptop is sitting. “We can bring it to the shelter tomorrow. I’ll look up the address.”
“What? We can’t keep it.”
“Why not?”
“It’s a stray, Maggie.”
“A stray that followed you here and clearly needs a home. A home we can give him.”
Alex tries not to think too hard on the way that sounds. The idea of making a home with Maggie, or taking care of another living being with her girlfriend. It’s too overwhelming of a feeling and she stamps down on it, forces calm over her nerves.
“Both of us are seriously married to our jobs. We don’t have time to raise a dog.”
Maggie sends her a pointed look. “It’s not a kid, babe. We have enough time for a dog and plenty of friends for help.”
“I don’t know,” Alex draws out, but she can’t help the way her resistance is crumbling the more she eyes the almost hopeful expression on both Maggie and the dog’s face.
“If you hate it or can’t handle it we’ll just call your sister.”
“Kara? How would that help?”
“Oh please,” Maggie scoffs, looking down at the dog with hands on her hips. “She’ll take one look at this adorable little shit and be all over it.”
Alex looks back at the dog, warms at the sight of its ears flopping over, tonguge lolling out lazily and thinks yeah, Kara probably would be all over the dog.
“I don’t think that will be necessary.”
Maggie just smirks. “Such a sucker for a cute face, Danvers.”
Alex just smirks right back. “You should know, Sawyer.”  
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lynnearlington · 8 years
Sanvers - 37 or SuperCorp - 26 (just because of our convo on the topic) please?
I did sanvers because I got the supercorp one i a separate post and it made sense to keep them separate. 
37) Height difference or age difference? 
Maggie’s small. There’s no other way to put it. Maggie is just small.
Alex knew this of course, but sometimes it just sneaks up on her because Maggie’s personality is anything but small. The knowledge makes itself known randomly - like when Alex has to lean down to kiss her or when Maggie’s head fits too perfectly in Alex’s neck when they hug or when Maggie borrows Alex’s sweatpants and the ends of them pool adorably around her feet.
Sometimes it brings Alex a guilty sort of satisfaction. There are so many things she feels Maggie has the upper hand in, but when it comes to reaching the top cabinet, Alex wins every time.
“Don’t look smug, Danvers,” Maggie grumbles, ripping the coffee mug out of Alex’s hand.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Alex replies, trying not to react when Maggie presses up against her as she maneuvers away from the counter. She’s sure the extra brush of their bodies against each other is intentional. Especially with the smirk Maggie now wears as she walks over to the coffee machine.
Alex can’t help it if she uses her extra inches to her advantage. It’s impossible to resist the way annoyance and exasperation mixes attractively on Maggie’s face every time Alex makes a show of how much larger she is than her girlfriend.
If she holds something above her head a little longer than normal, just out of Maggie’s reach, it’s only because Maggie gets this determined look in her narrowed eyes that always makes Alex’s breath catch.
“I’m going to kick your ass,” Maggie threatens after one particularly long tease.
Alex looks at her with an unaffected look. “You can sure try.”
It’s really all it takes before Maggie’s body goes tense with obvious intention and Alex has seconds before she can brace herself for the grapple she knows is coming. She sends a quick thank you to her extensive years of training for giving her the ability to read Maggie’s movements like a book.
Maggie goes straight for the kill as she’s often apt to do when it’s just the two of them sparring and Alex uses the quick movement to her advantage, pulls Maggie through the motion until they’re standing on opposite sides. Her stance widens and she puts her hands up, grabbing at Maggie’s forearms when she goes in again.
It wouldn’t really take much for her to disengage from her girlfriend, but Alex finds herself allowing Maggie to get a good grip on her waist and her arm, their legs tangling as Maggie attempts a takedown. It’d be a quick escape, a sweep of her legs and she could probably throw Maggie on her back first, but she resists her body’s automatic response and keeps in the struggle.
She has to put some kind of fight (because Maggie would probably get actually mad if she thought Alex was just letting her win), but not much of one and it’s not long before Maggie’s got her on the ground. A strong forearm is pushing into her chest and Maggie’s thighs bracket Alex’s hips. They’re both breathing a little faster from the quick scrap and Alex can feel heat exchanging between their bodies.
“Consider your ass officially kicked,” Maggie tells her, keeping her grip on Alex firm.
“You’re small but scrappy,” Alex jokes and fire bursts into Maggie’s expression.
“I’m seriously going to kill you,” Maggie says lowly, but Alex can’t help but laugh.
This time, she uses Maggie’s weight to her advantage and surges upward, rolling over to throw Maggie on to her back in one swift motion. “You small people,” Alex says, smirking at the startled look on Maggie’s face. “So easy to toss around.”
Maggie looks like she’s going to retort, there’s flushed anger creeping over her features, but she keeps silent. The only answer comes when Maggie pushes upward, fingers twisting almost painfully in Alex’s hair as she brings their lips together. It gets hot in a flash and Alex feels her body go almost limp with the sudden rush of pleasure as Maggie bites at her lower lip.
It’s not long before Maggie manages to roll them over again, sliding in between Alex’s legs and kissing hotly over her jaw. “You tall people,” Maggie murmurs, one hand sliding up under Alex’s shirt. It takes considerable effort for Alex to focus on anything other than the feel of Maggie’s hips moving between her legs. “All ego. I might just have to teach you a lesson.”
The words are delivered lowly just by Alex’s ear and tension builds at the base of Alex’s spine. She swallows against the sudden dry feeling in her throat and tries to be cool when Maggie pushes up a little to look Alex in the eye.
It’d probably be the cool thing (or the hot thing) to keep resisting, to tease Maggie some more and build the fire between them. But Alex already feels warm all over and Maggie keeps moving her hips just right, the scratching of nails over her abs making her lose all train of thought.
“Okay,” is all Alex manages to say before surrendering herself to the promising smile on Maggie’s face.
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lynnearlington · 8 years
sanvers + 47?
47) Who has the more complex coffee order?
Maggie drinks her coffee one way and one way only. Black. “Like my soul,” Maggie jokes, taking a sip in the morning and making an incredibly inappropriate sound of pleasure. Alex crosses her legs and clears her throat, feeling suddenly warm.
“You’re gross.”
“What’s gross is that monstrosity you ordered. I mean can it even be considered coffee when it’s really more sugar than anything else?”
Alex fights a blush. In truth she used to be a strictly black coffee girl herself, but years of going to coffee shops with Kara when they were older somehow affected her taste buds. “It has caffeine,” she answers with a shrug. It tastes good and it does the trick.
Maggie scrunches her nose adorably and Alex would comment on it if she weren’t afraid of getting socked. “Never would have taken you for being so…,” Maggie shakes her head as if searching for a word. “Basic, Danvers.”
Alex rolls her eyes, takes a sip of her drink. “It’s good,” she says, holding the cup out towards Maggie. “You should try it. You’d probably like it.”
“No thanks,” Maggie says, pushing Alex’s hand back.
“What?” Alex asks with a teasing smile. “You scared?”
“Please,” Maggie retorts with thin lips and a narrowed gaze. “I’m just not going to put that sugar bomb in my body.”
Alex laughs. “Sugar bomb?”
Maggie takes a sip of her own coffee. “You think I could stay in this-” she draws a hand down her body “kind of shape if I was drinking stuff like that?”
Alex’s eyes follow Maggie’s gesture and she licks her lips. “I’d like you in any shape you came in.”
“Alex Danvers the sweet talker,” Maggie jokes and this time Alex does blush. It doesn’t help that Maggie’s suddenly looking at her with intention that wasn’t there before. 
“It’s the truth,” she replies with a shrug. 
Maggie just observes her with a heated gaze that Alex reads easily. Her palms start to feel a little clammy where they’re clutching her coffee cup. “You done with that?”
Alex glances down at her drink. “Why?”
“I forgot something at home,” Maggie says, the words quick and firm.
“You forgot-”
Maggie stands abruptly, setting her coffee down and cutting Alex’s words off. “Take me home, Alex.”
Alex swallows thickly, sets her own drink back on the table and obeys.
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lynnearlington · 8 years
Maggie defending Alex's honor in a snowball fight
It’s the first snow of the year that falls on a Saturday and Alex is woken up by a loud knock on her door, the sound pounding through the apartment.
“Who the hell?” Maggie is saying, voice scratchy with sleep as she squints an eye over at Alex and stretches a little. It’s a distracting image, the way her t-shirt stretches over her chest, and her hair is still all disheveled on the pillow. Memories from the previous night beat across Alex’s body and she forgets to answer for a second.
The knocking continues and Alex sits up, clearing her throat and feeling a faint flush at the knowing smirk spreading over Maggie’s face. “It’s Kara,” she says, knowingly, swinging her legs out of bed and reaching for a pair of discarded sweatpants near her bed.
“How do you know?”
Alex laughs a little. “I just do.”
“Why is your sister here this early?” Maggie follows Alex out of bed, pulling on her own pair of shorts and reaching for an over-sized sweater hanging off a chair in the corner of Alex’s room.
Alex eyes the snowflakes fluttering outside the window. “Snow day,” she says, pacing towards the front door as Kara’s impatient knocks continue. “I’m coming, hold your horses,” Alex yells out, smiling.
Kara is indeed behind the door when Alex opens it, dressed in a big fluffy jacket and a wide grin on her face. “Snow day!” is the only greeting she gives Alex before practically bouncing inside the apartment, halting suddenly when she spots Maggie a few feet behind them, leaned up against the wall, arms crossed.
“Morning,” Maggie greets, eyebrow raised and a smug smile on her lips.
“Oh,” Kara says, eyes flitting back and forth between Alex and Maggie. “Sorry! I didn’t think…I mean…it’s just a tradition and I….I should have called…this is awkward…”
Alex laughs a little a the stuttering sounds coming from her sister’s mouth, but feels a blush creep into her cheeks. “It’s fine,” she says, reaching out to touch Kara’s arm. This thing with Maggie is new enough that she still feels a touch awkward, but she’s starting to become more comfortable with it…if only by sheer force of will.
“What’s the tradition?” Maggie interjects and both sisters turn to look at her.
Alex gestures towards the window. “Snow.”
A delicate arch of an eyebrow informs Alex that her answer was a tad lacking so she elaborates with a sheepish smile. “First snow of the year,” she explains. “We kind of go out and do…snow stuff.” She feels suddenly lame in front of her overly cool girlfriend who probably thinks having a massive snowball fight in the middle of the nearest park isn’t something adults should be doing.
Except Maggie’s lips turn up into a grin. “Does this tradition involve coffee of some kind?”
Alex laughs, nods. “Yeah, we’re going to go meet up at James’s apartment and someone will make a coffee run.”
“Cool,” Maggie says, with an accepting nod of her head. Alex falls a little bit farther into heavy like with this girl. “I guess I should put pants on then.”
Her girlfriend retreats back towards the bedroom and Alex turns to observe her sister, brow knitting at the skeptical way Kara’s eyes follow Maggie.
“Kara,” Alex says, knowingly and with a hint of reprimand.
It need not be clarified exactly what Kara is thinking and her sister turns towards her with a sigh and an unrepentant shrug of her shoulder. “I’m your sister. It’s my job.”
“Your job is to be supportive,” Alex corrects, not wanting to have this argument for the six hundredth time.
Kara hums a little. “I am supportive.”
“Tell your face that,” Alex says dryly, moving over to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water.
“Hey, I am,” Kara entreats, this time with a gentle look on her face. “I love you and I support you. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Alex takes a sip of her water, leans back against her kitchen counter. “But?”
With a crooked grin, Kara just shrugs. “But if she gets a load of snow down the back of her jacket…don’t look at me?”
It makes Alex laugh softly as she shakes her head at her sister and slings her free arm around her shoulders for a good morning hug.
They hang out at James’s apartment for a while, letting the snow fall on the ground and pile up enough to justify going out and goofing around in it. Alex sips at a cup of coffee from the shop around the corner and enjoys the sounds of laughter around her. It’s a peaceful, comforting moment in their otherwise chaotic lives.
By the time they get to the park there’s already at least two inches of snow on the ground with no sign of stopping and Alex gets a citywide notice on her phone of a snow emergency.
“So a snowball fight,” Maggie comments, looping her arm through Alex’s as they trudge through the snow behind the rest of their friends. Alex nods, enjoying the warmth of her girlfriend pressing against her side.
“Have to celebrate a snow day somehow.”
Maggie smiles at her, nose scrunching up and Alex feels her stomach flood with heat at the attractive flush in Maggie’s cheeks and the way snowflakes fall on the wool beanie pulled low over Maggie’s head. It disarms her how effortlessly attractive her girlfriend is and Alex still has to pinch herself to make sure this whole thing is real.
“So Maggie,” a voice interrupts and Alex looks over to see Winn standing in front of them, a scary look of enthusiasm in his face. “Since this is your first time here, I will be your Yoda so to speak and-”
“It’s a snowball fight, Winn,” Alex says, stopping him midsentence with a hard look. “It’s not that hard to figure out.”
“I’m being friendly,” he retorts with a challenging lift of his eyebrow. “She’s new.” Alex opens her mouth to respond, but shuts it when she spots a figure coming towards them in the snow.
“Be right back,” she says absently, disengaging from Maggie’s arm and pacing towards Kara.
Kara is watching the newcomer head towards them with a grin on her face and Alex flits her eyes between the two of them, turning towards her sister. “You invited Lena Luthor?”
An innocent look passes over Kara’s face. “You invited Maggie.”
Alex’s eyes narrow. “Maggie is my girlfriend.”
“Lena doesn’t have a lot of friends, okay?” Kara says in a hissed whisper. “Be nice.”
“I don’t trust her,” Alex says lowly.
The smile remains on Kara’s face, but her eyes are hard when they turn towards Alex. “I didn’t ask you to.”
She wants to say more, but Lena has finally reached hearing distance and Kara’s elbow in her ribs forces a friendly smile onto her face.
They split up into teams and Winn loudly announces the rules to them all. Alex, Maggie, James, Lucy and J’onn on one team. Winn, Kara, Lena and Mon El on the other. Headshots count for five points, body shots for one. First team to 100 wins the match. No cheating the numbers.
The park is full of all kinds of obstacles and hiding spots making it ideal for their kind of snowball fight and Alex ropes their team together behind a particularly massive tree.
“Okay, guys,” she says, when they’re all huddled up. “Best strategy is to try and split them up, pick off the weakest members first and get all the points you can off of them.”
J’onn shoots her an amused glance, arms crossed over his chest. “Which is the weakest?”
She rolls her eyes at him. “Just remember we’re in this to win it, and we’re only as strong as our weakest member.”
“Who is James,” Lucy adds with a playful smile.
His eyes go wide with indignation. “Just because I’m tall and have a larger target area doesn’t make me the weakest link,” he argues.
“It’s probably me,” Maggie says from Alex’s side. “I’ve never been in a snowball fight and my hand eye coordination with balls is pretty questionable at best.”
Lucy bursts out laughing and Alex shoots a glare at her. “You’re a cop, Mags,” Alex says. “Your hand eye coordination is great.”
“Yeah, in a gunfight,” Maggie says with a chuckle. “This is not exactly my battlefield of choice.”
Alex is ready to argue again, but Maggie bumps her a little. “It’s smart to acknowledge your weaknesses,” she says, lips turned up on one side.
She thinks to say more, but Winn is yelling at them from across the park and James sticks his hand out in the middle of the group. “Okay, team,” he says. “Let’s do this.”
They pile their hands in the middle one by one and grin at each other in excitement.
The snowball fight goes well. At least it does in Alex’s opinion. J’onn is lethal with a projectile and Lucy is ridiculously agile as she weaves in and out of players, dodging snowballs. Winn is red in the face from getting hit one too many times and Mon El spends most of his time focused on pelting James from any angle to no avail. It makes him an easy target for Alex to get a couple shots off.
Kara is, as always, pretty useless because she spends most of her time laughing at everyone and forgetting to actually throw snowballs, but Lena turns out to be a formidable opponent.
In fact, Alex looks over just in time to catch Lena throwing a deadly accurate snowball towards Maggie and pelting her straight in the face.
It’s just a friendly snowball fight. It’s just a friendly snowball fight. Alex fights the ridiculously inappropriate surge of protectiveness that lurches in her stomach and stops herself from full tackling Lena Luthor into the nearest snowbank.
She settles for sending a massive snowball straight at Lena’s head before rushing to Maggie’s side, dodging a snowball thrown in her direction and helping Maggie shake snow off her face as they hide behind a tree. “You okay?”
Maggie’s laughing and it eases the knot in her stomach. “Yeah,” she says, shaking her hair around and adjusting her hat. “it’s just snow, babe.”
The babe sends warmth flooding through her, beating against the chill of the snow and winter air. She goes for casual indifference. “I know,” she says, looking away and clearing her throat a little. “Just checking.”
The laugh Maggie lets out is low and warm and memories of the previous night beat against Alex’s brain in a pleasing way. “You’re cute, Danvers,” Maggie comments, eyes bright.
Seriously can someone die from blushing too much? She makes a mental note to ask her mother. 
“Shut up,” she says, but she grins and Maggie kisses her swiftly. Alex can’t help but chase Maggie’s lips when they break apart and press them together for longer. It isn’t until a snowball hits Alex in the back of the head that they actually stop and Alex turns to find Lucy standing behind them, eyebrow cocked.
“Mutiny,” Alex says, low and accusatory.
“Stop making out and focus on the fight,” Lucy warns, a teasing glint in her eye.
Alex pulls away from Maggie and advances on Lucy, bending to scoop a ball of snow on the ground.
“Now, Alex,” Lucy says, hands up as she backs away. “We’re on the same team, here.”
“You hit me first!”
“That’s different!”
“They teach you those brilliant argument skills in law school?”
Lucy opens her mouth to say something else, but Alex is already jogging towards her, hand pulled back in a throwing motion and Lucy has no choice but to turn and run, laughing as Alex pelts her with snowballs as quickly as she can.
Kara must notice their side battle because the next thing Alex hears is a loud FREE FOR ALL get declared and soon everyone is turning on everyone.
Alex abandons her pursuit of Lucy as soon as James comes with an armful of snow to dump on her head. She barely has time to react to the assault before she sees Maggie’s body collide with James, sending them both tumbling into the snow.
Wide-eyed, Alex can only watch as Maggie rolls away and grabs a handful of snow herself, pelting it at James as quickly as possible. James looks completely caught off guard and Lucy starts laughing from her prone position in the snow not too far away.
It isn’t until Winn joins the fray in defense of James that Alex is able to act again, jogging towards Maggie and planting herself at her girlfriend’s back. They stand there together, thwarting off attacks for a long while until Mon El manages to hit Winn in the face despite aiming for Alex and everyone turns on him instead, laughing at the way he trips and falls in the snow trying to get away.
It’s pure chaos at that point, but Alex and Maggie stay back to back, working as a team.
Exhausted and cold, the group finally declares the war over and Alex pulls Maggie up out of a snowbank, brushing snow off her hat and shoulders.
“Your family is fun,” Maggie comments as they walk back to James’s apartment for hot chocolate and takeout.
Alex observes the group ahead of them with a fond smile. “They have their moments.”
“Kara still seems wary of me.”
“Whaaaaat?” Alex draws out, hoping it sounds believably incredulous.
“Nice try,” Maggie says with a laugh. “I’m a detective. I know how to read people.”
“She’ll get over it.”
“She loves you a lot.”
“She’s my sister,” Alex replies because that’s all there really is to it.
They walk along in silence after that, until Alex threads an arm through Maggie’s, their hips bumping softly. “Nice tackle back there.”
A contrite expression makes itself known over Maggie’s face and Alex can’t help but laugh. “Maybe a little overkill,” Maggie concedes, shrugging.
“He dumped all that snow on you,” Maggie says, looking away, but leaning into Alex’s side. “He deserved it.”
“It’s just snow, babe,” Alex mocks, grinning at her.
“Shut up.”
“My hero,” she swoons, voice dripping with mockery. 
Maggie narrows her eyes. “I said shut up.”
“You’re cute, Sawyer.”
“Watch it, Danvers.”
Alex just laughs, tugs Maggie towards her until they’re kissing again. Maggie’s lips are cold and carry a lingering taste of their earlier coffee. Fingers tug against Alex’s jacket, pulling them closer and it’s hot for a long moment until she feels a snowball impact the side of her face and she turns to see a grinning Mon El standing a few feet away.
His grin falls at the murderous expression on Alex’s face as she swipes snow off her face. “Kara said-” he starts, but the sound chokes out as soon as Maggie bends over to scoop a snowball from the ground and takes off after him.
Alex just laughs at the image of Mon El scrambling away yet again as Maggie’s throw misses him by a wide margin to the left. She shakes her head at Kara who steps up and loops her arm around Alex’s waist.
“She’s growing on me,” is all Kara says as they walk after the group, laughing at the site of Maggie heaving two handfuls of snow in a large white puff towards Mon El’s face.
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