#sanvers fic
warriorbard2012 · 4 months
"Happy New Year's. I Love You."
Alex and Maggie get away from the big city to celebrate New Year's, spending the holiday in a cozy cabin in the woods. Maggie reflects on the little moments spent with the ones she loves.
Happy New Year, #Sanvers Fam! <3
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flyingpotstickers · 1 year
Sneak Peek of Life As We Know It by flyingpotstickers (embracedself): A Sanvers and SuperCorp tale.
“Violet!” Maggie came closer to the staircase. She looked under it, and noticed a shaky, small, knob in the wall. She tugged on it, ducking down under the stairs. “Violet, are you in here?” she asked, gesturing with one hand behind her to have Nolan follow her. Never go in blind. It was a lesson that she’d learned from her first day on the police academy team, and she tried to remember it each day.
“Help!” A small voice shouted. “‘M stuck.”
Nolan whistled low. “Sawyer?” But Maggie was already diving in, army crawling towards the voice. “Sawyer, wait for backup!”
Shaking her head, Maggie shouted back, “There is a kid under here.” it was obvious that she wasn’t going to be swayed into inaction. “Violet, can you shout really loudly? I’m gonna get you, but first I have to find you.”
“Ahhhhh!!!!!!” The child shouted. “There are spiders!”
“I’m coming. Just a second,” Maggie promised. As soon as she saw a toddler sized foot, Maggie yanked. “I promise, spiders are scared of me.” Maggie said as Violet screamed. Maggie clutched the toddler tight. “Hang on.”
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performativezippers · 2 years
Hi bud! I love your writing tremendously, and I appreciate all the work you do, and the way you write such excellent characters and dynamics!
I'm glad you found a new ship in NCIS, but I'm just curious - does that mean you are no longer interested in writing Sanvers? I hope not, but I understand it, and I'm still grateful for the fics I can reread.
PS: I may have to start watching NCIS: Hawaii so I can enjoy your future fics!
Hi bud! I'm currently co-writing a Sanvers Big Bang fic with my favorite Sanvers writer, Roadie, which has been SO FUN. I think those will start being posted in October, so still a while to go before it's up. But so no, definitely not done with Sanvers!
As far as future projects, I don't have any ruminating, but if the muse strikes, I absolutely will never say no to it. So look out for the Big Bang, and after that, who knows!
I always welcome prompts to get that brain jiggling, too!
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the-femslash-wishlist · 7 months
Ever wished your fave femslash fic would be made into a movie or a series?
What if there were so many of us wishing for the same thing?
What if we formed an online community where we could share the plot of our fave femslash fics and upvote the ones we really liked?
What if the community became huge, with a multitude of members, enticing filmmakers (from film students to pros) to adapt the fics (or chapters or sequences or scenes of fics) into (short) films because there was a built-in audience for them?
What if the website was called the femslash wishlist?
*membership fees would give you exclusive access to discussions with filmmakers or exclusive content like bts footage or deleted scenes
Click on this link for Frequently Asked Questions.
This is for a postgraduate Entrepreneurship class assignment. Please reblog so that it would reach more femslash fic or f/f fic readers and writers. It would greatly help the assignment, which could change from being fictional to real if there was enough interest.
Thanks so much for participating!
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nerdsbianhokie · 3 months
Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer
Mr. J'onzz contacts her parents and invites her to join his league team. Hockey is not at all what her parents expected, but if it will prevent more fights, they're willing to try.
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mx-loar-tev · 2 months
I'm always seeing people complaining that they are bad writers, that their writing isn't "good enough"...
But becoming a "good" writer takes time.
It isn't even a destination. Writing is a journey and you become better with every story you work on.
I've posted my first fanfiction in English in 2017 and sometimes I go and re-read my old stuff. And I cringe. I can see everything I did wrong. But it's comforting in a sense, because I see the progress!
It's not only because I'm becoming more fluent. I see it in my older fics in French. I can see how I learned how to structure the story better. I goes beyond the language I use.
Anyways, what I meant to say is: writing is a skill, not a gift. Like with any other art, you need to work, practice, to hone it. Even if it's bad at first. You'll get better.
I know it's frustrating sometimes when you compare yourself to these authors you admire. I get it. But it doesn't mean that what you have to say is less important because you haven't learn how to formulate it the way you want.
Writing is the only requirement to be a writer. (Yep, jokes aside).
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superxkorra · 3 days
Supercorp Snippet Prompt #1
@pocket-sand-fic said on my pinned post: "Ooh! Love this series! Maybe something where Eliza and/or Alex and Maggie have the first real meeting with Lena as Kara’s gf. I’d love to see them being protective and question if Lena is really ready/prepared first the “bad days” Kara can have.”
Thank you for the kind words! Here is the little snippet I wrote at 1k words exactly (the first draft was nearly 2k, the second was 1.5k, and I brought the third down to 1k). Hope you enjoy!
"Kara entered the hospital, a contrasting wave of discomfort and ease rolling through her. It was bittersweet.
She looked around briefly before approaching the front desk with a smile, “Hi Jolene, how are you?”
“Kara, always a treat to see you here, hun. How’s your day been?”
“Good. I’m here to see Dr. Luthor and Dr. Danvers, would you mind paging them if they’re not busy?” Kara asked. 
Jolene was a lovely woman who had worked at the hospital longer than Kara remembered. She was always there with a smile on her face and a personality that could make even Mr. Scrooge merry. 
“Of course, hun. They’d love to see you. Go on over there,” She gestured to a waiting area, “They’ll be here shortly.”
“Thank you,” Kara patted the reception desk as she walked away. 
The waiting area was pleasantly spacious. With a five-hundred-gallon saltwater aquarium, well-organized children’s space, comfortable chairs, reading material, and water bottles, Kara was satisfied.
She sat in a toddler sized chair by the tank, picking up a toy car as she watched the fish. The stock was akin to Finding Nemo. It was vibrant, interactive, and captivating. Not dissimilar to a child, Kara could watch it all day.
Midvale General was nearly complete with its renovations since Lena purchased the hospital nearly two years ago and began the project. It was incredible to see how far it had come, from poorly built and outdated to modeling the latest technology and exceptional infrastructure. 
With an expansive courtyard lined with gardens, vast windows, and vibrant halls, the psychological healing Lena has incorporated into the medical center has been astronomical. 
Lena has revolutionized the small town’s understanding of healing and health.
Kara was proud of her and the impact she’d made on Midvale. On her life. 
Kara was pulled out of her thoughts as a little boy walked up to her, “Hi kid. Wha—”
He snatched the Hotwheels car out of her hands and ran off. She called out, baffled, “Hey!”
Unbeknownst to her, Lena stood watching from the reception desk, a grin on her face and a soft laugh escaping her throat.
Jolene shook her head, “Go get her before she starts a fight with a five-year-old.”
Lena barked out a laugh and made her way over to the blonde with a smile, fitting her hands in her coat pockets,  “What a surprise, Kara” 
The blonde’s head whipped around to face her. She stood from the children’s chair, only to have it lodge itself around her hips. The firefighter fumbled for a moment, but miraculously got it unstuck before setting it down on the floor. 
She inhaled deeply and offered Lena a dopey smile, longing to reach out and peck her girlfriend on the lips or wrap her in a brief hug. But, they were in the workplace, and their relationship was just theirs, as of now. 
Lena clasped her hands, “What are you doing here?”
Kara smiled brightly, holding up a brown bag, “I’m on my lunch break and I thought I’d bring you and Eliza sandwiches.”
She wanted to add that it'd been a slow day, but she knew what would happen if she said that aloud.
The brunette inched forward, but before words came out, her attention was drawn away by another presence.
“Hi, sweetie,” Eliza walked up to Kara and placed a kiss on her cheek, “What are you doing here?”
Kara repeated with a smile, “Brought you and Lena lunch.”
Eliza grinned gratefully, “That’s so thoughtful, sweetie. Should we eat together in the courtyard?”
Kara checked her watch, “I have some time,” She looked at her mother and Lena, smiling as they started walking, “How’s your day been?”
Eliza was the first to bring up something unrelated to surgery while they were operating, “Dr. Luthor.” 
Her words were soft and nearly quiet, but Lena noted they were laced with something.
The Chief of Surgery hummed without losing concentration, “Dr. Danvers.”
“How long have you and my daughter been together?” Eliza asked without missing a beat. 
The nurses, though forced to listen to their conversation, kept quiet.
Lena’s hands never lost their momentum. The surgery was muscle memory at this point, and she was expertly going through the motions. She inhaled through her mask, “A little over a month.”
Eliza nodded, watching Lena’s movements. 
She stayed silent until fifteen minutes later and the two surgeons were scrubbing out, “I can tell you two care a lot about each other.”
“We do,” Lena nodded as she dried her hands.
“Are you happy?” Eliza asked caringly. 
Lena hummed, her tone and words left no room for question, “I’ve never been happier than I am when I’m with Kara and I’ve never loved anyone as much as I do her.”
Eliza smiled, “That’s all a mother can hope for,” Shectossed her towels in the trash, “It’s not my business and I’m sure you’re already aware,” 
Lena nodded.
“My daughter,” Eliza cleared her throat, “Kara suffers from serious PTSD. I’ve seen days where she doesn’t know where she is, or who I am. She’s changed since her time overseas.”
Lena swallowed, “I don’t mean to sound rude, Dr. Danvers, but where are you going with this?”
“I want to make sure that you’re safe with her and that you’re strong enough for those days because,” Eliza inhaled shakily, “Each one will destroy a part of you.” She wiped her wet eyes, “I want nothing but the best for you both, sweetheart. But I need to know that when the going gets tough, she can rely on you and you can come out the other end alright too.”
Lena inhaled deeply, “Of course. I love Kara so, so much. At the end of the day, I want her to know that I will always be there for her. I can handle the hard days, without a doubt Dr. Danvers.”
Eliza stepped forward and wrapped Lena in a hug, “Call me Eliza, dear.” 
Welcome to the family."
Well, what did you think? This will be part of my 8th installment to Your Love Was Home Supercorp series on AO3. I'm working on the 7th right now. It was a big challenge to limit myself to 1k words. I had to take so much out, which I will put right back into the 10-15k one shot, including Alex and Maggie's "reaction".
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segfaultfault · 4 months
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And the art by Marseptica!
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Hey I’m looking for a Sanvers fic. All I can remember is that it is a fix-it fic where after Alex and Maggie break up, Maggie goes to stay in a Motel. And the fic is really about Maggie finding her independence outside of Alex. She makes friends with Winn. James comes to see her at the motel. Does anyone know what fic I’m remembering?
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Please, help us find this fic! Leave your suggestions in the comments. Thank you! 🙏😊🦸‍♀️
Edit: This fic has been found. Thank you, @boldlyshamlessfangirl !
It's "Fur and Feathers (The Way We Fit Together)" by Roadie.
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throughalleternity · 10 months
Hi I just went through your genderfluid!Lucy tag and on one of the post you had the idea about top surgery!Lucy wearing breast forms so I had an hilarious idea for a fic: Lucy wearing a dress and breast forms and leaning on a counter/table trying to be sexy and suddenly one of the breast froms falls out and then a second of silence as Lucy and Maggie/Alex process what just happended XD.(Can you maybe tag nerdsbianhokie? If you are not up for writing it maybe they are?)
Lolol, I enjoyed this, thanks for the prompt! It got a tiny bit away from me, so it may be a bit haphazard? I'm posting it below, but I'll clean it up and post on AO3 once I figure out a title.
And @nerdsbianhokie, I'm sure that anon would enjoy your take on the prompt if you are so inclined. That goes for any other writers who see this too and feel inspired!
1.5k words of genderfluid!Lucy fic below:
Lucy took a breath, smoothing her hands down over her dress. She stepped back and looked in the mirror one last time. 
“Nia will understand if you aren’t ready to go,” Maggie had said earlier in the week after watching Leon distractedly pour Alex a cup of milk with a dash of coffee. “There’ll be more events—Lena was throwing money at Nia the second she heard about the Dreamer Center plans, so she’s bound to do a charity event for it in the future. Or we can still go but leave early.” 
That had gotten him to stop pacing, to reduce rehearsing the same conversation that yes, you might know of him as Lucy Lane, CatCo’s general counsel, Lois Lane’s sister, or General Lane’s daughter—but that right now he was Leon Lane, and no it wasn’t just a drag thing, and no he wasn’t transitioning to be Leon all the time.
The shift to Lucy this morning had brought some relief. 
But as she imagined the conversations with people now, she felt a different sort of discomfort rise up.
“Ready yet?” Maggie called from outside the bedroom, pulling her away from her thoughts. “We’re not in a rush, but Alex has opened the fridge to stare inside it like twice now, and I think she’s going to raid the food table with Kara the minute after we’ve said hi to Nia.”
“I’m just checking what we have,” Alex insisted, followed by the sound of the fridge being shut. Footsteps, and then a knock on the bedroom door. “Can I come in?”
“I’m being removed from the kitchen. Which, I know, somewhat of a usual occurrence, but—” Alex stopped short, her eyes finally sweeping over Lucy. “Wow.” Her voice slipped into something breathy. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”
Lucy couldn’t help but duck her head against the fluttering in her body, affected by Alex too. It wasn’t an unexpected compliment, not exactly, but the paranoid part of Lucy had been worried that top surgery would change how Alex and Maggie felt about her. 
Reassured, she couldn’t help but pull Alex closer and make her blush too: “You should see yourself, Danvers.” Lucy played with the knot of her tie, pulling the tail out from behind her suit just for the fun of it. “I hope you don’t have other plans for tonight, because I know what I’d like to do.”
“You know I don’t have other plans,” Alex grinned, hands settling on Lucy’s waist as she stepped closer. “Just you and Maggie for the rest of the night. Though speaking of things we have to do…” The look in her eyes softened, and one hand came up to cup Lucy’s cheek. “We noticed you’ve been holed up in here for a while. You know that this is one of those things you don’t have to do, right? If you’re uncomfortable, or if you’re just tired of people, or whatever. This isn’t work.”
“I know. I just…” The weird feeling engulfed her chest again.
“Is it the dress? I can grab your suit, which you look just as hot in, by the way.”
Lucy smiled, but she shook her head. She was happy to be wearing this dress finally—she hadn’t been able to while recovering from top surgery because the one shoulder design meant that her pocket bras would be visible, and she had to wait to try her adhesive breast forms until her incisions were healed enough. Now it had been a few months, and it felt good, the shape and flow of it against her breasts, and against the rest of her body.
“Thanks for offering,” Lucy said, the sharp edge of her frustration lessening slightly. “The dress is actually fine. I think I’m just uncomfortable with people there seeing only this—” she gestured to herself, “and assuming?”
“Mm.” A look of understanding passed over Alex’s face. “Kind of like when people assume your sexuality based on who they see you with?”
“I… Yeah, actually.” She and James had even gotten shouted at once at Pride—by a group of teenagers who probably didn’t know any better, but it had soured the experience. “That I’ve figured out how to handle, at least. This is…” Lucy let her forehead drop onto Alex’s shoulder. 
Alex’s arms wrapped around her. “It’s really bothering you, huh?” she murmured.
Lucy just sighed.
“Would you like permission not to go?”
“I already know I don’t—”
“I know. Hey, I know that you know,” Alex said, rubbing her hand on Lucy’s back, the touch easing the tension that had gathered. “But it’s like what you tell Maggie and I, right? We’re still learning how to not feel so obligated, how to say no to things. And this isn’t life or death.” 
“I can’t just…”
Alex kept going. “This is me giving you permission. Okay? You have my permission not to go.”
Lucy squeezed her eyes shut harder. This gentleness still felt like an overwhelming spotlight on the weakest parts of herself, but Alex’s touch never left Lucy, steadying her a little more after each inhale.
“If you’re fine going but you need something from Maggie and I, we can absolutely do that too. But no one will be disappointed in you if you can’t go.”
Lucy breathed into Alex’s shoulder again, and then once more. She finally picked her head up to look at her. “What about you and Maggie? You’ve been excited for this.”
“We can still go and enjoy it for a bit,” Alex reassured. “I know that the three of us can kind of be a package deal, but I promise that Maggie and I will not destroy things if left unsupervised.”
A huff left Lucy’s lungs at the grin and the promise which, if the context were any different, would not be convincing at all. “You two have the worst track records, I swear,” she said, shaking her head. 
“But you love us anyway.”
“Somehow I do,” Lucy said, exasperated yet fond. She was stuck with the two of them, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She hugged Alex again, notching her chin on her shoulder. “And, um, thanks for saying all that. Can we do that?”
“Absolutely.” Alex pressed a kiss to Lucy’s head. “Love you too, Luce.”
A couple hours later, Alex and Maggie came back to the apartment, thankfully unscathed and with a plate of food swiped for Lucy. 
“We got you this, too.” Maggie pushed a set of jewelry across the kitchen table, the colors of the genderfluid flag and bi flag popping out. “We figured that the necklace would work well with most of your dresses, and there’s pins to put on other things too.” 
“So you can be a little more visible when you want to be.” Alex pressed her shoulder against Lucy’s.
Warmth spread through her even as she sputtered. “Oh you didn’t have—” 
The look Maggie gave Lucy stifled her protests. Maggie just inched the jewelry further towards her until she finally took them with an amused but genuine smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Maggie rested her elbow on the table and propped her chin up with her hand. “So.” She looked Lucy up and down, the side of her mouth quirking up. Lucy knew what she was thinking—the looks she gave her hadn’t changed. “Did you go anywhere while we were away, or were you just waiting around all dressed up for us?”
“I did some reading. Figured I’d keep the dress on because it’s fun to see Alex’s brain stutter,” Lucy said, smirking back at Maggie.
Alex reached across to shove Maggie’s shoulder. “You were the one rushing us home because you got reminded of Lucy’s dress, and, well.”
Lucy laughed at Maggie’s shrug, no attempt to deny it. “Yeah?” Lucy leaned forward. 
Evidently too much though, because her elbow had just touched the table when she felt her left breast form start to slide. One playful shoulder bump by Alex later and it was resting on the table limply.
“Well,” Lucy said finally. “Rough sex with these is off the menu until I figure out how to apply the adhesive better.”
“Oh my god.” The expression on Alex’s face was frozen in shock for a moment before she slapped a hand over her face and let out an embarrassed noise. “I forgot that could happen now. Please don’t tell me I ruined the moment.”
“No, you’re fine. Come here,” Lucy smiled, gently pulling the hand away to kiss her. 
“It’s only ruined if we let it be ruined, right?” Maggie was somewhat successfully biting back her own grin. If it was with anyone else, Lucy would have been worried that the laughter was directed at her. But Maggie was amused at Alex’s reaction, and when she met Lucy’s eyes, the mischievous look from before was still there. “We can wait if you want to switch to your bra, unless you want help?” 
“I got it.” Lucy took her runaway form from Maggie, the action as comfortable as being passed a binder. “You can help take off my dress after though, if you want.”
“Don’t take too long.” Maggie pulled her in for a kiss of her own, affection and heat that coursed over Lucy’s skin. “Alex and I, we definitely want.”
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warriorbard2012 · 2 years
The November prompt list is now live! I’m currently working on finishing up last month’s prompts so be looking for a lot of cool stories this month! Thank you for your support! https://www.patreon.com/posts/74156194?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
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flyingpotstickers · 2 years
alrighty folks I need to work on my writing for the Sanvers Big Bang but I am very tired so please send prompts
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sanversandfriends · 11 months
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And now, after a two year absence (They were in space--that's where they were. In space!), the continuation of Sometime Through the Stars by @smarterinabsentia !
I was very, very lucky to have been paired with the amazing @morganastorm24 for this challenge. Check out more of her beautiful work below and show it some love.
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nerdsbianhokie · 10 months
I wish you would write a fic where genderfluid!Lucy has a feminine/she/her Day but still wants to Pack and bind, and the alieness/unfamiliarity of the Situation throws her for a loop.
So, this did turn into a fic. I hope it hits the mark
Her skin is smooth beneath her fingers as she traces patterns between her breasts. She takes a deep breath, her chest pressing firmly against her touch.
She doesn't quite get it, the itch crawling up the back of her skull, the static disjointing her mind from her body. She is her. She is she.
But it isn't right.
Something isn't right. Something is off in a way that is familiar but not. Her existence is blurring out of the lines she has only recently redrawn.
Alex appears in the mirror behind her, walking up, sliding both hands along her waist and pulling their bodies close. Alex presses a kiss to the side of her head.
"Hey, pretty lady," Alex murmurs. "What's going on in there?"
Lucy wants to just sink back into her, but the static is oozing out across her nerves and they've been working on communication about this stuff.
She speaks softly, weighing every word before letting it go.
"I think I want to bind today." She pauses.
She could stop there. That would help.
But would it be enough? Or would it be compromising between what she really wants and what she thinks she should do, what she thinks others would want?
"And pack," she adds.
Alex considers her in the mirror. Her cheek presses into Lucy's hair. Her fingers flex around Lucy's hips.
Not long ago, that confession would have sent Alex flying back, apologizing, terrified of hurting Leon, unintentionally or not.
They've been working on it.
"As Lucy?" Alex asks.
There is something about the question that settles Lucy's nerves a bit. There is something about Alex not assuming that Lucy is now Leon because of what she wants, about Alex trusting Lucy to have told her if the switch had happened. But, also about Alex asking, just to be sure, about Alex feeling comfortable enough to ask.
"Yeah," Lucy answers. "I think so."
Alex nods. "Is it safe for you to bind today?"
"I have nothing planned, and it's been a few days since the last time."
"Alright." Alex steps back, the warmth of her instantly missed. She starts towards the closet as she continues. "Which binder do you want?"
A new warmth spreads through Lucy.
"The purple half binder" she quickly decides. She steps to the dresser and opens her underwear drawer.
It's neatly organized.
Lucy's underwear, silky thongs and practical panties, on one side.
Leon's boxers on the other.
A box down the middle separates them, but, she muses as she reaches for the briefs in Leon's pile, both sides are hers.
Lucy is pulling out a pair of briefs as Alex returns, binder in hand.
"That's a good color on you," Alex says, poking at the dark green fabric.
"I know," Lucy says with a smirk.
Alex laughs and drops a kiss on Lucy's lips.
"Can I help or do you want me to leave?" Alex asks.
"You can stay," Lucy replies. "Enjoy the show."
Alex settles on the edge of the bed.
Lucy opens the box in the drawer and pulls out her packer. It's soft and flaccid in her hand and just a few shades lighter than her skin.
She eyes the harness she had bought with the packer.
Leon never uses it. The pressure of its straps on his hips only remind him that he's wearing his penis, that it isn't attached.
But now?
Lucy grabs it.
She slips the harness into the pouch, making sure it's oriented correctly, before pushing off her underwear. She fights back the urge to preen as Alex lets out an appreciative hum.
Lucy steps into the harness and pulls it up over her hips. She settles it into the right position, then pulls the briefs on. After some small adjustments, she lets out a deep breath.
The weight and pressure and bulge settle into her skin, chasing away some of the static.
She turns to face Alex, who looks up from her phone at the movement.
Alex eyes her, looking her up and down with a smile.
"Feeling better?" she asks.
"Yeah," Lucy replies.
Alex holds the binder out. Lucy takes it.
"Maggie is on her way home," Alex says as Lucy wrestles her way into the binder. "She's bringing food."
"Good," Lucy huffs through the exertion of figuring out where the fabric rolled. "I'm starving."
She finally snags the fabric she needs and pulls the binder into place. She adjusts her breasts beneath it, then looks down at herself.
It's good.
The flatness then the bulge. The bright colors not trying to be subtle. The curves of her waist still visible.
She looks up, then laughs at Alex's expression.
"You okay?" she asks.
Alex silently nods, eyes wide, lips pressed together, the lightest flush creeping up her neck.
Lucy steps towards her, relishing in the feeling of the packer.
"Are you sure?" she teases.
Alex nods again.
"Just, uh, remembering how hot you are," she gets out.
Lucy laughs. She climbs into Alex's lap, her knees pressing into the bed next to Alex's hips.
"You never tell Leon he's hot," she says with a fake pout as she slides her arms around Alex's neck.
Alex lets out a light laugh. Her fingers tail up Lucy's bare sides.
"If I still thought I was straight, I would be all over Leon."
"Is that so?"
"Mhm." Alex's hands spread out across Lucy's back. "He's what I thought my type was. Smart, cocky, but kind of shy."
Lucy kisses her. "Too bad for Leon," she murmurs against her lips.
Not that Leon wants Alex like that. It's complicated. He loves her. He loves her so much. Maggie, too. He just isn't comfortable with the idea of sex with them.
They are his life partners and they are lesbians and he is a man and they are his and he is theirs.
It's complicated.
"Too bad," Alex softly agrees.
Lucy is ready to push Alex back and lose herself between Alex's legs when the 'I'm home ' is called through the house.
Alex gently pushes her back.
"Finish getting dressed and come eat," she says.
"I was about to," Lucy huffs.
Alex just laughs into a kiss and murmurs "later."
Lucy grumbles but acquiesces. She climbs off of Alex and goes back to the dresser. Alex heads out to meet Maggie as Lucy reaches into a drawer.
She pulls out an old pair of army sweatpants and puts them on. Tight enough the bulge is there, but not so tight it looks comically big.
Her first packer had been far too big, had made her feel like she had a clown shoe shoved down her pants.
This one is much better.
She considers grabbing a shirt but, looking down at herself, decides against it.
Sweatpants and a sports bra is hot as fuck, why would sweatpants and a binder be different?
Alex and Maggie are setting out the food when Lucy leaves the bedroom.
Pancakes and turkey sausage and biscuits and fruit and Maggie looks up at Lucy and tilts her head to the side and bites her lip.
"Good morning," Lucy says as she steps to Maggie.
"Good morning," Maggie replies before Lucy kisses her. "Trying something new?"
"Mhm," Lucy hums.
"It feel good?"
"It does."
It really, really does
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change-the-rules · 4 months
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supercorphypes · 13 days
Come take my interest check! I want to write more and read more, so this is the way!
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