minialbum · 7 years
marvey 👁👅👁
ayyy my boys 
big spoon/little spoon: harvey is the big spoon and mike is the little spoon but he spends most of his nights sprawled across harvey anyways so
favorite non-sexual activity: lying on the couch watching star trek after long days in the office
who uses all the hot water: as if harvey’s hot water ever runs out he lives in a condo in manhattan
most trivial thing they fight over: cheese in the pizza crust
who does most of the cleaning: they both do—despite the fact nearly all of it is mikes mess
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: mike controls it (the exception is star trek)
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: harvey and he’d be super pissy about it but mike would just lure him to bed with the promise of cuddles and wrap him up in blankets
who steals the blankets: mike but they’re for harvey
who leaves their stuff around: mike the absolute mess (harvey loves his mess)
who remembers to buy the milk: donna
who remembers anniversaries: they both do
who cooks normally: harvey—the only thing mike can cook (decently) is spaghetti sauce
how often do they fight: whenever a case gets especially tough
what do they do when they’re away from each other: complain to donna and text relentlessly
nicknames for each other: mike’s no doubt are puppy and rookie; this make up for the fact harvey doesn’t have one
who is more likely to pay for dinner: harvey, and mike’s 100% willing to let him
who steals the covers at night: mike does
what would they get each other for gifts: harvey never fails in buying mike obscenely expensive gifts that cause him endless embarrassment, mike gives harvey endless memories that are gifts in themselves
who kissed who first: harvey kissed mike
who made the first move: harvey, the confident bastard
who remembers things: mike. 
who started the relationship: a mutual decision decided upon the instant they fell into harvey’s bed
who cusses more: mike 
what would they do if the other was hurt: panic, no matter how bad the injury, they’d each freak out about the other and refuse to leave the others’ side
send me otp’s!!
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