#oula my love why are you so amazing
musette22 · 2 years
365 days in a year and i only care for one
One lovely summer day with the brightest shinning sun 
with beaming rays and softly kissing heat 
One perfect summer day that's kinda hard to beat
Mirth was aplenty all around 
No sorrow or sadness were there to be found
Peace reigned that day on the green blue sphere 
and so did bliss
When we welcomed this sweet little miss
And it was clear to see for the signs were there
That an angel was born amid men
Her smile wide. Her visage fair
Her eyes shined with a blinding glare
Her hair like silk. Her touch as well
An angel, from the skies above, she fell
To grace us and bless our weary souls 
With the kindness she had and the love she held
A love so strong that the deepest wounds, it could mend
We weren't deserving and we aren't still
Nor will we ever be
Of this perfect angel and her perfect heart
Of the joy she brought
To this world the day she came
She is a blessing and Minnie's her name. 
This is super silly but i couldn't help myself cause i'm a silly mess when it comes to loving you, Minnie Sweets 💕💕happy birthday, you beautiful bean 🥰🥰i love you with every inch of my heart 💛💛💛
Oula, angel, I am completely serious when I ask: is there no end to your talent and loveliness????? 😭🥺😍
This is SO LOVELY!!!!! Like you 💖 And if it's silly, it's silly in the most wonderful, heartwarming way imaginable 💫 I adore every single perfect word and every single second you've ever spent on making me and everyone else in this fandom happy and giddy with your stunning creations and endlessly creative mind 💛💛💛💛💛
Here's another little poem of my own for you in return:
Roses are (sometimes) red 🌹
Violets are (actually often purple rather than) blue 💜
Oula, you own the key to my heart 🗝
Please know that I will always cherish and adore you 🌸💖🥰
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Hey bubbie 🥺
So i come to you this evening because, remember the radio interview Chris did where they had this quick quiz thing? Yk the one where he was an absolute button?! 
Now i distinctly remember that interview throwing you off the edge when it came to your daily screams at Christopher at the time and hence why i am here this fine evening, telling you about how, while i was trying to make a gifset from said interview, i almost legit cried when i noticed how red his ear and the skin behind it was getting just from holding the headphones that close to them. Like he didn't even have it fully on his head cause he was probably scared to ruin the do (the fact that he did that with all the radio interviews is so damn cute) nor was he holding it by his ear for that long anyway and it still left a sweet pinkish blemish on his milky fair skin and i saw that and i honest to god almost cried cause he is so cute and adorable 🥺
I just thought, outta everybody, you'd understand me the most on this one 😭
Love ya bubbie and hope you had a fine ass Friday 💕💕
Hi bubba!!! 💛💛How was your day? Hope you’ve recovered a little from this afternoon’s ridiculous Ari content? No? Neither have I 😫😫
And of course I remember that interview, godd I don’t think I’m over that either?? You mean this one below right?!? Okay I need a moment, crying again over that perfect hair and his stupid face, i totally understand your reaction 😭💖
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This definitely threw me off the edge into extreme unhinged-ness because, LOOK AT HIM BUBBA 😫😫😭and now that you mention it, I do see how his ears are a little red, especially in those two lower ones 🥺 He reaaally was struggling with those headphones in all of these interviews wasn’t he?
I am certain it has something to do with not ruining that pretty pretty hair of his. And that’s so fair? Because that hair is perfect? The only messing with it that should be done is by fingers lovingly running through those curly locks, I volunteer 😫😫
But yes Oula baby, he is extremely cute and adorable, sooo freaking soft in these 🥺🥺 I can barely handle it, so I don’t know how you’re capable of making another set of this interview, because just looking at these gifs is making me want to coo and sob 🥺 HE’S JUST SO CUTE AND PRETTYYYY 😭💖💖
I’m also 100% certain that whatever gif set you’re making, it’s gonna be wonderful, amazing, show-stopping, is gonna make me lose my mind a little more. Because you’re really a genius, and I’m so in awe of you??
Thank you for dropping by bubba, hope you’re having the most wonderful evening! love you love you love you 💕💕💕💕💕
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Dear Bubbie,
The struggle is real. On one hand, i'm so glad you're finally getting the chance to take a break from the madness here on [tumblr] and having some beautiful you time. On the other, it's only been like not even a whole day and i miss you like heck *pouts*
I miss you running off in the middle of our screaming to go make some incredible gifs to better manage and concentrate the screams. I miss you getting COMPLETELY overwhelmed and yet super excited with the amount of content that kept blindsiding us for like a month. i miss you being fake angry at Christopher for being quite the slut and just losing your marbles over how good he does it. i miss the laughs that would burst outta the bottom of my heart reading your tags. Ugh! i just miss it all *does some more pouting*
so yeah, like i said, the struggle is real, sweet man! I hope you're having an amazing Friday kicking off what i know will be an awesome vacay with a wonderful start!
Love you more than the amount of screams we both have let out this past month, which is A LOT by any scale!
kisses, hugs, smooches, the works <3
Ohhhh Oula, Bubba 💛💛 my self imposed tumblr break probably won’t start until after the weekend, so fret not! I may have posted less today but that’s because I was so busy internally and externally screaming about Sebastian and reading a bunch of older evanstan fics 😂 So no worries, no pouting, I’m still around! And I probably won’t manage to stay away for a full week either 😂 no way I have that type of self-restraint lmao.
And goddd I know how you miss it, because I miss it too!! I miss our day long screaming 😭 but I’m sooo glad you’re still making these wonderful gif sets so I get to still express my fury about this man in the tags on a regular basis. On that note: HOW DARE YOU? I was definitely not fake angry at Chris, very real anger thank you very much 😤😤😤😤. He deserves it for being so slutty and horrible!! He ruined like at least a couple of weeks and a lot more brain cells with his infuriating behavior! I need a break dear god bc yes I definitely got extremely overwhelmed.
(Just kidding baby please come back - I miss his pretty face and his too tight shirts and his wild curly hair and his gorgeous gorgeous eyes and his beautiful soul and his dumb humor and his extremely hot annoyed face and pants that frame his assets all right and amazing answers to dumb questions and his infectious laugh and his pretty tired eyes and his puppy dog looks and his slutty slutty ways and and and 😭😭😭)
And you don’t have to worry! Even if we don’t get content for a while, believe me, I’m more than capable of screaming about this man without it, there’s so much to be upset about with him, and just as much to be upset about with Sebastian (I will find a way to make you obsess about that pretty angel somehow someday).
So my screaming will definitely continue - it’s why I’m on this hellsite after all - that, and to tell you on a regular basis that you’re amazing, brilliant, hilarious, incredibly talented & have the biggest biggest heart and that I love youuu 💗💗💗
I am having a great Friday - thank you Seb 💕 (and iced coffee and sunshine and good friends), and I hope you are too! Sending you allllll the smooches and cuddles and love 💛💛💛💛💛
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musette22 · 2 years
Hi, hello, hey Minnie my love 💕💕 I really don’t have anything to ask or say but I just was thinking about you and I thought I’d drop by to tell you how wonderful I think you are and how I hope you’re having the most wonderful weekend, because you deserve all the nice things 🥰🥰🥰
Also to tell you that your tags on the gifset of Steve in Captain Marvel have me thinking about your lumberjack boyfriends, so now I’m just sitting on the couch with a cup of tea thinking about them in their little cabin being all domestic. Them waking up on Sunday morning but staying in bed until noon, kissing languidly and curling up together, Bucky messing up Steve’s already messy hair even further. Bucky making them breakfast, humming along to a song while he’s at the stove, a song Steve has been playing a lot recently from an old record he loved before the war. Steve sitting on their couch looking out the window, smiling dopily at Bucky talking to Bernie right outside while he’s repainting some of the shed….just, you know. Peace and quiet and sweetness, just pure domestic bliss. Bc that’s all I want for them, and your fic was just so freaking lovely and brilliant and gave us all of that and more.
So I guess I’m also dropping by to tell you that, and to thank you again for sharing your amazing writing with us, I’m so grateful for it and for you 💖💖💖
Oh my god Maya, this is crazy, I was sending Oula an ask just now and I was fully planning on dropping by your inbox after to tell you that I adore you and that I can't wait to catch up with your fics, and lo and behold, what do I find in my own inbox?? That's right, this ridiculously sweet message from you 😭💘🥺💛
Are you kidding me??? Why are you the sweetest human on the planet, huh? Please explain 🥺💖 Arrgfgh YES, that Steve from the Captain Marvel post credits is just how I imagined Steve in Calico Skies (only happier)
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And then Bucky is a little like this, only with longer hair and more of a beard (and happier)
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I MEAN 🥺😍🥺😍 Imagine these big, lovely boys being all sweet and domestic and happy together 😭 Everything you described is just absolutely PERFECT for them... All the domestic bliss they both crave, all the sweet, quiet moments, the normalcy and the peace they deserve, in their cabin with their pets and their friends nearby 💫💘 I LOVE IT, it makes me so, so happy. Thank you so much for sharing these lovely thoughts with me, darling Maya, and for your super duper kind words that I do not deserve but appreciate regardless 🥰😘
And since we're on the topic of fics: I can't WAIT to read the last instalment of the Leather Jacket 'verse, but on the other hand I can feel myself wanting to put off starting it simply because I don't want it to be over 😭💗 I love the wonderful universe you've created for these beautiful boys SO much, with their pining and their fears and their bravery and their little notes and, eventually, their little girl 🥺💖 It's everything they deserve, and I can't thank you enough for giving it to them, honey baby 💛💛💛💛💛 You're such a talented, wonderful soul and I'm so happy to know you, amd so grateful for your lovely message 🥰 Hope you're having a splendid Sunday, lovely Maya!!!
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musette22 · 2 years
Minnie, my beloved, hope you're having a beautiful Wednesday much like your gorgeous wonderful self 💕and anybody trying to mess with that hope of mine, better watch out cause the pan is hot and i got my omelet-making apron on! 
I showed TGM to my sister last night and she freaking LOVED it! I mean i've been shoving so much Chris content and love into her sweet face for the past almost year but she's been taking it like a champ cause she's a marvel stan, and a seriously crazy one at that. 
She gave Chris so much props for his INCREDIBLE performance and she insisted that though this role was brilliant, his portrayal of Steve will forever rule in her books because that's who Chris is to her, just as sweet and amazing and allround as awesome as Stevie 🥺
I got so lucky with this sibling cause the other one obviously lacks the taste and the common sense since he thought the movie was, quote, "too much" 😒no bro, you're too much of an idiot to see perfection even if it hit you in the DICK!!!! 
Yes. I will trash talk my family on main. I'll do anything for Lloyd Fucking Hansen. He owns my [redacted] 🥵🥵
Love you more than Lloyd loved his fucking grapes ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oula, you marvelous creature, apple of my eye!! I've had a work filled but productive Wednesday and I'm very tired, but doing well! How are you today, boo? Feeling happy and groovy, I hope?? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aaaaaahhh your sister sounds like just about as awesome as you are!!! 💕 Why am I not surprised? I loooooove that she loved TGM and Chris's performance too, she's got great taste clearly! Must run in the family 🥰 (we’ll ignore your other sibling in this case lol). Steve is her fave?! Okay, yeah I love her already. She gets it. Good sis!!! 🙌🏻
Thanks for bringing me some happy TGM tidings, sweetheart 😘😘 I appreciate and adore you more than words can say, truly I do!!! (also, I didn’t realise Lloyd was eating grapes omg, another thing he has in common with Steve Kemp then…)
Have a wonderful night, by dearest! Sending a waterfall of puppies and love your way! ❤️💕
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
can i send headaches killers in the form of love, adoration, kisses and hugs? they may not actually work at easing the pain but they'll keep u company as you power through it!
i personally blame the long ride to the office yesterday and the long wait you had to endure 'til that dumb meetign was held, not to mention the world's WORST accountant!!! i blame him A LOT!
i also blame Christopher who has obviously taken a massive part of your headspace which is why it is currently hurting you, what with his round ass and broad shoulders *squeeezing* against your poor brain!
feel better soon, my love! let me know if there is any way i can help <33
PS. don't forget to take your nap! work can wait :*
Awwww Oula, bubba, you’re sooo sweet 🥺💛💛 I think I’m gonna be over that headache in no time with all that love & those hugs and kisses! 🥰🥰
Ugh yeah I’m not a big fan of the long commute and that waiting around after probably didn’t help. lol that poor man getting all the blame 😂
Especially when we know it’s Chris that deserves a bunch of the blame, clearly!! Like obviously I was already overheated and then he does this again? Just walks around like this like it’s not gonna have some serious consequences? (Like screaming and crying and brain melting?) 😭😤😤
You’re right, he does take up a lot of headspace, but I’m not sure I can (or want) to do anything about that. So naps & lots of water it is 😂
Thank you again darling, you’re already helping sooo much by just being your sweet and amazing self 💗💗😘😘
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