#our majestic vampire king πŸ‘‘
fangirlstorycreator Β· 1 year
Valek X Reader
Context: One of the other vampires hurts you badly, and Valek does everything in his power to help you
Being the life mate of Valek certainly had it's perks, but it also had it's disadvantages, especially when it came to vampire rivalries. Valek was the oldest and strongest, yes. But that didn't stop other potential rivals try to make out they are the better vampire. The amount of verbal and physical fights there were between Valek and these others were too many to count. There was one in particular who he really despised, and that was Magnus. He was a higher vampire just like many others, but nowhere near the same cunning and strength as Valek. So there was more tention between them than anyone else, and to try and keep the peace, he ordered his undead subjects to keep him away from his mansion. And most importantly, away from you...
Vampire mates most of the time tended to be human, it was part of the vampire curse, in order to have their one love, they had to go though years and years of loneliness. And their mates would be born in generations that were extremely far apart from their own, but most didn't mind, because once they finaly found them, it was like being brought back to life again. Hence why Valek wanted to keep you away from Magnus, Magnus knew that you were Valeks only weakness and loved you more than life itself. Your safety and protection was his main priority, hence why he banished Magnus from his mansion. There was one evening where you and the other vampires were just chilling in the main hall of the mansion, Valek walking in too and sitting next to you. He put his arm around you and he gave you a kiss, making you feel wonderful.
"Valek, have you by chance seen my purple coat?" "No my treasure, I'm afraid I haven't" "That's ok, I was just hoping you had. I've looked everywhere except the downstairs storage room, so I'll just pop down and have a look. I don't want to get cold when we go out to the new bar you've taken over. I'll be back in a minute" "Alright my beautiful darling" He kisses your hand as you stand up, then you give him a smile as you start walking out of the room and down the back stairs towards the storage room. It was dark in there and quite snug, but once you turned the light on, you were able to see all the things stacked up throughout the room. Being careful where you step, you walk through the room, and weave in and out of the shelves, making it look almost like a library of random things the vampires have found over the years.
Just then, out of the corner of your eye, you see a flash of purple at the back of the room. "Yes! There you are you little beauty" you say to yourself as you walk over and grab it off the shelf. You were happy you found it, but you were a little confused as to how it got down hear in the first place. The last place you put it was by your open window in yours and Valeks room, so why it was down hear you didn't know, but it doesn't matter now, you'd found it. You turn around to walk back upstairs when you get a sudden fright that makes you yelp. "Hello.....Y/N..." You had the fright of your life when you see this random man standing infront of you, you didn't know who he was, and yet he knew your name. "Who-who are you? How do you know my name?" He slowly takes a step towards you as he chuckles menacingly, it makes your heart race so fast that it feels like it could burst out of your chest.
"Never you mind how I know your name, I'm just glad my little coat hunt worked on you" "You? You moved my coat down hear?" "It was the best way to get you alone, and away from that pathetic excuse of a mate of yours" You keep looking between him and the door, thinking about weather you could make a run for it and scream for help. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I would snap your neck before you took a step" "Look, whatever issues you have with Valek, please keep me out of it. Please-please don't hurt me" Your physically shaking now from fear, but it seems this just spurs him on. "Oh don't worry little human, it wont hurt to much, it will at first when I sink my fangs into your neck. But draining you off every drop of blood you have, it will feel like falling asleep...but you won't ever wake up again..."
"Why are you doing this?" You ask with terrified tears running down your cheeks. "Your Valeks weakness, and if your out of the picture, I can take over. So I'm afraid this little meeting of ours...is about to come to an end..." You try in the next few seconds to scream for help, any help at all as the air rips out of your lungs, but this vampire is on you like a flash. He covers your mouth with his hand as he pins you against the wall, he's so strong that your unable to move, that's when he bites into your neck! Its incredibly painful and you try to scream, but his hand just turns it into a muffled sound. You try desperately to push him off you, kick him, dig your nails into his skin, but nothing works no matter how hard you try. He takes big gulps of your blood, draining you more and more each second, he takes so much that you can feel and hear your own heart beat, but he doesn't stop.
You feel so dizzy and disorientated, his hands moves away from your mouth now, but you have nothing left in you to scream for help, just breathing was a struggle. Your eyes start to feel heavy, and you feel like your about to pass out, when all of a sudden Valek and 3 other higher vampires burst down the stairs and rip him away from you. Your so week and lifeless that you fall to the ground, but not before Valek catches you and holds you in his arms. "Y/N?! Speak to me my beautiful treasure!" But alas, you were too weak, you were just about able enough to look up at him with tears filled eyes, fighting desperately to keep yourself from slipping into unconsciousness. "Magnus you evil monster! How dare you do this to her?!" "She's just a pathetic human, Valek! She makes you weak! I did what I did to show you how much stronger I am than you!" "Take him out of hear! Tie him to the garden statue, this bastard deserves to burn!"
They drag him away, and Valek talks to you in a calm tone, hoping to keep you awake. "My beautiful treasure, I'm so sorry I wasn't hear to protect you, please stay awake for me ok? Oh god, your neck, let me take a look. I promise I wont hurt you" He turns your head as he cradles your face in his hand, and he's able to see the bite marks, there red and sore, and very very painful. "Stay still my darling, I need to stop these wounds from bleeding" His hand slightly graises your neck, and it's so painful and tender, you whimper in pain and cry against his touch, trying to push his hand away. "I know it hurts, I'm sorry, I'm going to be gentle, I promise" You knew he was only trying to help you, and you knew he had healing saliva too.
He holds you against him as his mouth finds your neck, and he starts running his tounge over the bites and anywhere that hurts. It stops the bleeding and you don't have to fight so hard to stay conscious, but it's still hurting you, it must have been how brutal and violent Magnus was with you. "I'm going to get you cleaned up now alright my treasure? Just hold onto me" Because your so weak, he carries you in his arms bridal style and takes you up to yours and his shared bathroom.
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He carefully sits you down on the toilet, as he kneels beside the bath and runs the hot water. "We need to clean you off Y/N, your covered in blood" The bath is all finished and he helps you undress out of your clothes, then he undressed too and carries you into the bath with him, having you lean against his bare cheat as he supports you. You barely had any strength in your body, if he wasn't in hear with you, you definitely wouldn't be able to sit up properly. But you feel safe with him close to you, safer than when you were attacked, the memories were going through your mind as the water warmed you up, and Valek could see the war of emotions carved in your face.
"I'm so sorry Magnus hurt you my treasure, I banished him from hear, in hopes he wouldn't hurt you, but I was wrong, and I will forever beg for your forgiveness....Look at me" He asks lifting your chin to meet his gaze as he holds you in his arms. "I love you, and I'm so sorry he did this to you" "I love you too Valek" you just about manage to say back, almost like a tired whisper, it's all you can manage. He gives you a kiss with a feather like touch, being as gentle with you as he can. "Lie back against me my treasure, you need to rest" Doing as he says, you lean fully back on him as he takes a small empty bottle from the side of the bath. He fills it with the warm soapy water and starts to pour it over your shoulders and arms, carefully using his hands and fingers to wipe away the blood from your skin.
You feel so relaxed as he helps you like this, and just before it's time for you to get out and dressed, he gets out before you to grab you and him a towel. He wraps his around his waist as you try to stand up, but you stumble a little, instantly making Valek come right back to your side again as he kneels next to the bath. "Woh woh my darling, your quite unsteady. Hear, let me help you" He helps you stand up, wraps the towel around you then picks you up again bridal style. He was so protective and gentle with you, that was one of the reasons you loved him. He takes you into yours and his bedroom and sits you down on the bed.
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Due to his vampire super speed, he drys and dresses himself within a blink of an eye, that way he is able to help you get ready. He gives you one of his baggy black shirts and a pair of your pyjama shorts, and helps you sit up in the bed as he places himself next to you. "I'm going to get you some food my treasure, its will help with the shaky feeling. I'll be just a moment" He gives you a kiss and is out the door like a lightening strike. You felt a headache and still felt dizzy, but a little better than before. You didn't think the bath would help you, but surprisingly it did, maybe it was because the love of your life was caring for you in the sweetest way possible. Speaking of the love of your life, he was back, and he was holding a trey of fruits, cookies and a glass of iced water.
He sits down on the bed and puts the trey on the bedside table next to you. "Thank you Valek, this is very thoughtful of you" "You need to build your strength up my treasure" You and him start to eat the fruit and cookies, and you make sure to drink the water too, it gives you some strength back and it now isn't as difficult for you. "Valek?" "Yes?" "I know that tonight was awful for both of us" "Both of us? My darling you were attacked and Magnus very nearly killed you. How can you you say both of us?" "Because of how scared you were, and how much you keep apologising for what happened. It wasn't your fault babe" "But I couldn't get there in time to protect you, I feel so guilty-" You stop him in his tracks by kissing him, and you can feel the smile forming against his lips.
"Valek, I promise you it's ok. You did save me. If it wasn't for you, tonight could have gone a whole different way, please don't feel guilty anymore. I'm hear, with you, and I know you would do everything in your power to save me. You have" He holds your hand in his, stroking your skin with his thumb. "Are you ok? Is there anything I can do to help you?" "Well, my neck is still hurting Valek. Please could you make it feel a little better?" "Anything for my beautiful treasure" He leans you back on the bed so your lying down comfortably, and he leans on top of you. He starts kissing you in the sweetest and most romantic way he can, he then looks into your eyes before he moves to your neck, slowly kissing the red and tender skin. His healing skills are definitely working, and the pain is going away every time he plants another kiss against your neck, it was pure bliss. Finaly, no longer being in pain, your body feels very tired, and sleepy. Before you realise it, your eyes get so heavy that you cant keep them open, and you end up falling asleep.
Valek sees you beneath him, sleeping soundly, he smiles at you, happy in the knowledge that your safe and soon to be well again. He moves the quilt so both you and him are under it, and he ever so carefully take you into his arms as he holds your sleeping body against his. He loved you with all his heart and soul, and he never wanted to think about what would happen if someone had taken you from him. He kisses your head and turns out the light, feeling calm and peaceful that you were with him, and most importantly, by sunrise, Magnus would be nothing but a pile of dust, its more than he deserves for what he did to his one true love.
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16 notes Β· View notes
larabiatasstuff Β· 1 year
I love ur story's! Do you think you could do one for Jan valek? Maybe him finally making love to his girlfriend to make her feel better after a bad ending with a friend ? Just romancing her into a calmer state and showing her that she's loved in the most intimate way possible. Thank you☺
AwwwπŸ₯ΊI'm always happy to hear that someone loves what I write, thank you so much for your kind words anon πŸ–€ Your request is so lovely of course I write that for you πŸ™
I was already in tears when I came home from work. The sun wasn't set yet which means Jan would be still sleeping for a while. I curled up on my sofa, hugging my knees still crying. "My dear, what bothers you? Why are you crying?" came Jan's voice from the bedroom. "It's all my fault that I can't find friends. I'm a terrible person." his eyes went wide and he rushed over to my side taking my hands in his. "Oh my dear darling that's not true, who told you that?" "Do you remember Becky my new coworker?" "Yes you both got along well, what happened?" I sighed and looked down playing with my fingers. "I came back earlier from my lunch break and heard her talking about me to a coworker. How naive and pathetic I am to think we could be friends and that she just hangs out with me because she wants my job. It took a while till she noticed me but... I'm so stupid Jan, how can someone like you be together with me? " he pulls me close to his body kissing the top of my head." I tell you why, because you're the most wonderful, kind and beautiful woman I've ever met. I've seen many centuries my dear and never have I met someone I fell so deeply in love with. I should ask myself why you chose me as your partner. You make so many sacrifices for me and I'm so thankful for that." he put a finger under my chin so I had to look at him." I love you so much my darling and my heart breaks when I see you like this. Come with me and let me show you how important and precious you are to me. " he holds his hand out for me and I took it. He guided me into the bedroom softly pushing me on the mattress. He climbs on top of me, looking deep into my eyes." Leave it all to me my dear, let me take care of you. " he said and before I knew it his lips were on mine. The kiss was slow, sensual and incredibly soft. His hands wandering over my body, gently taking off my clothes. "You're so beautiful my darling." Jan said placing kisses on every inch of new revealed skin. His large hands softly kneading my breast while his tongue works on the other one, drawing circles over over my hard nipples which made me moan in response. "Jan?" "Yes my dear, what do you need?" "I wanna see you too, please." he gave me a warm smile "Whatever you wish my dear."with that he takes his clothes off and positioned himself between my legs.I wrapped my arms around his body pulling him close, enjoying the feeling of his skin on mine." I need to feel you Valek, I just need a bit more please. " I said almost in a whisper. He then enters me with slow movements making me feel every inch of his cock. We lay there for a while, looking deep into each other's eyes, just enjoying our bodies. " Look what you do to me darling. I desire you so much it almost hurts." he softly stroke a strand of hair off my cheek. "Don't listen to what others think about you, to me you are perfect and my heart belongs to you alone." I looked at him with tears in my eyes "Thank you Jan, I love you so much. I really needed to hear that and I'm sorry that I was so..." "Never be sorry for being you Y/N. I will always be here to remind you how special you are." again his lips were on mine and he finally started moving his hips. It felt so incredibly good. He took his time bringing us both close to the climax with deep and slow thrusts. And after what felt like an eternity we both reached our orgasm, holding onto each other's bodies. "How do you feel my dear?" Jan asked "So much better thank you Jan." "Anything to make my darling happy."
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10 notes Β· View notes
fangirlstorycreator Β· 1 year
Hey Bestie πŸ–€ I am back with a Valek request. I thought about a scenario where he saves us one night from some bad guys asks if we're okay but then realizes that we're blind and can't see how he looks or especially what he is. He visits us more often after that and we're slowly falling in love with each other and one day he tells us the truth about him and offers to heal us with his abilities even if he is scared that we might not want to be with him anymore. With a sweet romantic ending πŸ₯ΊI had this in my mind for a while. I hope everything makes sense. Take all the time you need Bestie πŸ™ I love you ☺️
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I am more than exited to write this one for you bestie, we all need a little Valek πŸ˜ƒ I hope you enjoy, I love you too bestie πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
Everyday was pretty much the same, well it had to be in a routine when you had your little health problem. From the age of 17, you devoped a condition called corneal opacity, it was a very serious case, so serious that you had unfortunately now suffered from complete blindness. You used to have beautiful emerald green eyes, but now according to others that had seen your eyes, they were all clouded and white, a bit like having misty white eyes instead. You didn't have either your mum or dad in your life, and no siblings, but you did have some friends growing up who helped you when they could. It did seem however, that having a blind friend wasn't very cool, so eventually it ended up being just you on your own. Luckily by that time, you had learned how to read braille, could remember your surroundings of your local town and had a stick to help navigate you through the places you had to go. You were now in your mid 20's, and everything was pretty simple for you to do, and it seemed that rumour about your other senses improving when you go blind, was actually true. You could smell things in the air and identify anything you wanted to, your sence of touch was incredible, and your tastes had actually improved too. It was like every new food was a pleasant suprise. But to your suprise, even though you were completely blind and everything was black, there were times where you has some kind of vision, almost like magic.
If you were out in the rain, the sound vibrations of the rain falling on the floor, or on someone, gave them a bit of an outline, it was like seeing things in a dark blue and misty white colour. You remember seeing many people through your rain vision, a woman feeling the rain on her face too a man walking past you in a storm who had forgotten his umbrella.
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It was like feeling freedom again, being blind makes you feel trapped. No way to see the world around you, see the stars in the sky or look apon a laughing baby, it was like you were stuck. But you tried your best to get through life, however, one night, everything you knew was about to change.... You had been working in an office for a number of years, your main job was to answer calls and send them through to your correct colleagues. And the other things you used to do was write up any orders that the company needed on your desk computer. You had a little earpiece to talk to people, and when you weren't talking to people on the phone, you used it to listen back from the computer to make sure you had typed the words correctly through your braille keyboard. One night you had worked a little late at the office, so when you were getting ready to leave, one of your colleagues spoke to you. "Hey Y/N, do you need a lift home?" "No thank you Otis that's ok, it's only a short walk home for me" "Are you sure? It is quite dark outside" "Its always dark outside for me" You both share a little chuckle at what you said.
"I guess your right. Ok, give me a call if you change your mind" "Ok Otis I'll see you tomorow" And with that, you got your stick out and started making your way out of the building. You knew you were outside because you could feel the cool breeze whip around your neck and hair. You start to walk down the street, using your stick to guide your way. You recognised the noises and sounds when you walked past certain areas, there was always a restaurant to the left of you that had curry and spiced smells in the air as you walked past. And when you got to the bend before the next street, there was always a little dog that barked happily at you, you would put your hand out to the gate he was behind and he would happily receive pets from you before you went on your way. However...something was diffrent tonight. You walked to the area where the little dog was, but he didnt bark. In fact, he was very quiet until he started growling, in what sounds like a warning. You also notice that the street has gone suspiciously quiet, too quite... Feeling uncomfortable with the feeling you had, you hastily tried to get back home, it was another 5 minutes away, but all of a sudden, someone stands infront of you and pushes you to the ground with an extremely rough and strong push. "Look what we have hear Dan, a poor, defenseless little lady" "Your right Aidan, what the hell is she holding a stick for-Ohhh! Aidan, it seems we are very lucky tonight..." Your very scared as you sence both these men towering over you as you try to keep the stick inbetween you and them. Your frightened to tears, so worried about what was going to happen to you.
"Well little lady, it seems that you were quite simply in the wrong place at the wrong time..." "Please! Just take my money and leave me alone" "What makes you think its your money we want?" Dan? Grab her!" One of the men grabs your arms from behind your back, yanking you up to your feet. You try to scream but he covers your mouth with his hand, while his other arm is pinning your arms behind you. "Keep her quiet Dan! I'll make a start on her..." You can hear the other man pull out a switch blade and he punches you in the stomach with his free hand. Over and over he punches you, until you feel him press the blade to your throat, he isn't cutting you, but it feel like he's about to. "I think she'll do just fine Dan, why don't we take her back? I can think of many uses for her!" "Hell yeh Aide-....what the f#ck? Did you see that?" "See what?!" "It-it looked like something just flew above us, it was really big and dark" "So what?! I don't care about that, let's just get her in the van!" They both start pulling you across the street, you desperately trying to free yourself or scream through his hand. "Get the door Aide-f#ck man I saw it again! What is that?!" "Just get her in the god damn!- Aaarrrgghhh!!!"
You hear the man infront of you scream for his life, and you can sence that he is far away from you now, how did he get that far away from you? This man is terrified as he stands back up, shaking as he looks around everywhere for whoever's or whatever threw him away from you. "Who the f#ck did that?! Show yourself! I'll f#ck you u........Oh sh#t!" All you hear is an enormous thud as what sounds like the man being thrown against the wall.
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The guy holding you pushes you onto the floor as he backs away from you. "Hey-hey look man! It was just a joke! Please don't hurt me-please!-" But just like the other time, the same sound happens again, this time with a crunching sound, almost like a bone being crushed or snapped. "RUN DAN RUN!" You hear both the men scramble to their feet and try to run away as fast as they could, leaving you on your own and shaking, or so you think your on your own. You suddenly sence someone getting close to you, you manage to sit up, and that's when you feel a large hand delicately hold yours and they start stroking their thumb over your skin. "Are you alright?" This man asked you, his voice was so smooth, and yet so calm and soothing, who was he? Was he the man who beat up those men? "I...I'm not sure...did...did you?-" "Its alright your safe now, I've taken care of them. They won't hurt you anymore. Let me help you up" Both his hands are now holding yours and he helps you to your feet, your still shaking and a little unsteady, and yet he feels incredibly strong, it's like strength is vibrating from him in waves.
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Once your able to stand, you can sence how tall he is when he talks to you again. "I saw them attack you, I couldn't let them do that to an innocent young woman like you. Did you try to beat them off with this stick?" "I-I tried, but it was a little difficult" "Why? What's-" Its then that you face him and he can see your eyes, its then he realises why you needed the stick, and why you struggled to defend yourself. "Oh...oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know you couldn't see" "Its alright, I'm used to it. Did you? Did you beat those guys up?" "I did, I threw them against the wall. It's no less than they deserve for what the did to you" "Thank you for helping me, if you weren't hear...god knows what would have happened. You saved me" "Like I said before, i couldn't let an innocent woman get assulted. Might I...know your name?" "Oh, my name is Y/N. Its nice to meet you" You held your hand back out to him, he didn't shake it, instead he gently held your fingers against his hand and brought it to his lips. Kissing it so gently, like a feather, it was so sweet. You could sence again how tall he was when he kisses your hand and fingers, he had to be at least 6 ft 4, 6 ft 5 maybe? "So are you completely blind?" "Unfortunately, yes. It happened when I was 17 and I've not been able to see anything since. Oh I'm sorry, what was your name sir?"
"Trust me I'm far from a sir....My name is Valek, it's a pleasure to meet you Y/N" "How can I repay you for helping me tonight?" "Well I would like to escort you home, I do not wish to see you go home by yourself" "Escort me? I haven't heard that term in ages. Yes, I'd like it if you could take me home, I wont lie, I'm still feeling scared from what happened" "Its understandable that you are. Hears your stick Y/N, would you also like to hold onto my arm as we walk together?" "That's very kind of you, thank you Valek" Your arm interlocked with his as he walked you back home, this man was very kind and gentle with you and yet he was able to save you from 2 men who so easily overpowered you, was he a fighter? Or did he do professional boxing? Whatever it was, you were glad for it. He walked you up to your front door and you thank him as you get your keys out of your bag. "I won't lie Valek, I'm a little suprised you offered to walk me home tonight" "Why is that?" "Isnt it obvious? There are so many people who have avoided me because I'm blind. It's very rare that someone sticks around and talks to me like a normal person" "If I'm being honest with you, I'm in a very similar position to you. You cant see me but when other huma-I mean person looks at me, they either run or just plain avoid me. Lets just say that I don't look like everyone else, how can I describe my look? Kind of goth ish?" "I don't think there's anything wrong with that? Your just being who you are, you shouldn't feel ashamed about how you look or dress, if that's who you are, you shouldn't care what people think or say"
"That is incredibly wise of you Y/N, not only are you brave and beautiful but your also so full of positivity and wisdom" "That's so kind-wait? Did you say beautiful, your just trying to be nice. I have no idea if I'm stylish and I've been told my eyes look like bowls of milk, I'm not beautiful" "You have been lied to then. Who ever said this to you was just trying to upset you, which you dont deserve at all. Your eyes, they're...they remind me of pearl's. They have a vibrant shine and a unique sparkle to them, it's like looking at rare treasure" Did he really just say this to you? You have known this man for an hour and not only had he saved you, but he has complimented you more than anyone ever has. "Valek...that's...thank you...that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" "You deserve to hear things like that every day Y/N. If you'd like, I would very much like to see you again. I uhh, I work till late at my job, so I won't be able to see you until night time, that is, if you would like to see eachother again?" "I would love to Valek, getting to know you would be wonderful" After that night, you and Valek would see eachother every night and spend so much time together, that a strong friendship blossomed between you. He was so thoughtful and kind, and he always listened to you when you had an issue or just needed someone to listen. He told you more about himself and how he only hangs out with a few select people during the evening, he apparently wasn't a fan of the day time, but that wasn't weird to you, you worked with many people in your job who preferred doing night shifts instead of normal hours. Over the next few weeks, Valek had been around your place, helped you cook diners for you both, and was just an absolute gentleman, and he never stopped complimenting you any chance he got. You weren't suprised that your feelings of friendship started to grow into something else, but was the feeling reciprocated? You didn't want to risk it, so you kept it to yourself.
One night, you and Valek head up to the roof of your flats building, you had been up their before when you wanted to try and view the city during the rain. But tonight, you wanted to view something else. Valek was confused as you both stood on the roof, but he trusted you. "Y/N? Why are we up hear?" "Its a suprise Valek...all we have to do is wait for the rain. I can smell it in the air, it's on its way" "You can smell the rain?" "Yes, my other senses are heightened, but....when it rains, something magical happens. I wanted to tell you before, but it wasnt raining at any point. When the raindrops fall onto a surface, my vision changes from pitch black, to a murky dark blue. And its white and mist like when it splashes against someone's face, so I'm able to make out the outline of someone's face, and even see the basics of someone facial features. Everything but the colours, and I was really hoping....to see you..." "Wow...Y/N....I would love nothing more for you to see me...but...I do have to warn you, that I'm not the best looking man you may know" "Why don't you let me be the judge of that? Its coming, are you ready? Hear it is" Small little droplets start to fall from the sky, and as it gets heavier, your able to make out things around you....including him. He really was very tall, he's all dark blue and white, his outline is huge. He let's the water splash against his face, and oh my god, you never expected this. He had a sharp chiseled jaw line, smooth and full lips, long wavy hair, and his eyes...wow his eyes were shining bright against the water droplets, he looked incredible.
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"I...I didn't want to scare you Y/N, I-I should go-" "Valek" You take him by the wrist before he has a chance to walk away, and you rest a hand against his wet face. "Valek....your beautiful...."
You could see his beauty and his smile in the water, his smile was hypnotic. His teeth were perfectly straight and his smile made him look like a model. There was so much wonder between you two, it made the whole moment feel magical, it seems that Valek wasn't used to being called beautiful. He rested his hand against your cheek as he looked down at you, and you could see and sence him leaning in close to your face, and that's when you could feel his soft wet lips press against yours and a slow and romantic embrace. You had no idea how long you've wanted this to happen, so when he did finaly kiss you, you couldn't hold back. Your hands wrap around his shoulders as you pull him in closer and he deepens the kiss between you, holding you against his wet body. It all happened so fast, but within a few tence moments, he managed to get you back into your bedroom and lie you down on your back as he kissed you more and more. You helped eachother pull clothes from your bodies, even letting out a little giggle of excitement through this, then he holds you in his arms again as he lies you back down on the bed, completely naked. This was a whole new experience for you, you hadn't slept with anyone since your blindness, and you had no idea what to expect. All you knew was that the feeling of his bare body, his skin against yours and his lips kissing every inch of your lips and neck was electrifying. His hand stroked up and down your leg as the kisses got more passionate and demanding, and you cant help but reach into his glorious lions mane sized silky hair. He starts moving down your body, leaving a trail of kisses as he slowly makes his way to your stolen and sensitive clit.
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He wasn't gentle now, he dived in between your legs as he devoured you like there was no tomorow. "Huh! Oh f#ck!" His tounge was already making you feel more s#xually charged than you ever had before, and as he ate and kissed everywhere you wanted him too inbetween your legs, it was the best experience you had ever had. "Oh god Valek-please don't stop! Oh god! Valek I- (screams!)"
He doesn't stop as you shake against his grip and mouth, he just loves what he is able to do to your body. Within an instant, he is inbetween your legs as he slides his thick girthy cock right inside of you, and his captures your lips in his as you gasp that the sensation. He f#cks you, over and over again, making you feel so good that a few tears fun down your cheeks. Throughout the entire night, Valek has you in every position possible to ensure nothing but pleasure, and ending with the lotus position. Where he is sat cross legged with you on his lap and he moves your hips against his groin over and over again. You had never experience this many orgasms before and you were feeling exhausted, but still so desperate for one more. He could sence that you were feeling weak, but you kept begging for him not to stop, so he held you close as he continued to trust up into you. And within the next couple of hard deep thrusts, both you and Valek finaly reach the highest peak you could get too, and your entire body is shaking in his arms as he holds you, you cant help but go limp in his arms as you finaly have a moment to stop, and he is kissing your shoulder and stroking down your back. "Your so beautiful Y/N, I've dreamed of making you feel this way for so long" "Me too Valek...that was amazing...I....I'm so...." Your so tired that you can barely speak or keep your eyes open. "Lie down my treasure, you need to sleep"
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He carefully lies you down on your back and places your quilt over both you and him as he holds you in his arms. "That was amazing Valek....you were amazing...." "You were incredible too my treasure, now just close your eyes" He starts stroking your hair as you start to fall asleep on his chest. You don't know if it's because your exhausted, but you can't seem to hear or feel his heartbeat? But before you could think about it anymore, you fell asleep in his arms.
The next morning, you wake up in your bed and feel the braille clock beside your bed, it said it was 11.30 in the morning, you slept in that late? Well you did have a long night, speaking of, you couldn't feel Valek in the bed with you. "Valek? Are you hear?" No answer, but when your hand glided over your bedside desk, you feel a piece of paper. You run your fingers over it and discover that he had written you a note on your braille computer and printed it out for you. It read "Good morning my beautiful treasure. Last night was the best night of my life and you were everything I had ever wished for. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you, I'm afraid i couldn't stay, but I promise to explain everything when I see you tonight. I hope the day brings as much beauty and wonder as I feel whenever I'm in your presence. I'll see you tonight, love Valek x" That was so sweet of him to leave you a note, and his kind words brought a smile to your face as you sat up in bed. This did get you thinking though, how come he couldn't stay until the morning? Since you've known him you've never been with him during the day, and he never ate anything you prepared with garlic. Also? Didn't he say people got scared when they saw him? He did have an enormous amount of inhuman strength when he saved you from the two men, and you remember the time he nearly said humans instead of people, noone talks like that. And that's when it hits you, last night! You couldn't feel or hear his heartbeat! Were you really thinking this? Was it true? Could it be?.... Later that night when you were up on the roof, you were waiting for Valek to arrive, there was so many things running through your mind about what Valek could want to explain to you, was it what you thought it was? A few minutes later, you hear him arrive and walk up to you. "Hello Y/N, you look even more beautiful than the day I first saw you.....Y/N? Are you ok?" "Yes, yes I'm fine Valek. Thank you that's very sweet of you to say"
You feel him stand infront of you and take your hands in his. "Y/N, I wished that I could have stayed with you this morning, and it breaks my heart that I couldn't be with you when you woke up. Y/N when I'm around you, I feel more wanted and cared for than I ever have before, you have truly changed my life. You have trusted me and been completely honest with me since the start, and I need to be honest with you too.....Y/N.....I....I need to tell you the truth....I'm really a...." "Your a vampire" Valek's eyes go wide with shock, how is this possible? "You...you know I'm a vampire? But...how?" "I didnt think it was true at first, but my suspicions were confirmed when we were in bed last night. I...I couldn't hear your heartbeat as you held me...it was the last piece of the puzzle" "But you haven't run away? Or left? Or asked me to leave? Why?" "Valek, I cant deny that knowing vampires exist is something that has completely stunned me, but just because you are one, doesn't change how I feel. It doesn't change how you have protected me, been there for me when I needed you and made me feel more loved and wanted than anyone ever has. Its something I want to learn more about, but you being a vampire isn't something that's going to frighten me away. I know what it's like to feel like noone wants to be around you because your diffrent. But that's not the case with you Valek, your my dark angel..." "And you are my treasure Y/N..." You feel his hand on your cheek as he gives you a sweet kiss, this kiss was so tender and full of emotion, you can tell how relaxed and releaved he was that you weren't frightened of him, and accepted him for who he was. "Y/N, I want to do something to show you how much you mean to me" "You don't have to Valek" "No Y/N, I do...now that you know the truth about me, I can tell you about the abilities I have"
"What do you mean abilities?" "I suppose you've already guessed that I have super human strength after what happened with the two guys that attacked you. But on top of that, I also have hypnosis, flight...and something else...but I'd rather show you..." He holds your face in his hands and gently presses against the skin of your temples, very close to the edge of your eyes. "Valek? What are you doing?" "Just trust me my treasure...close your eyes for me" You do as he says, and all of a sudden you feel this fuzzy and warm feeling wash over your eyes, it's strange but not uncomfortable. About a minute later, he moves his hands away, and your eyes are still closed. "Now my treasure....I want you to open your eyes....very slowly..." Doing as he said, you start to open your eyes, your confused as to why he wants you to do this. But that's when you realise what he's done...you can see! The first thing you see is the stars above you, finally you were able to see what you had dreamed of for so long. "Oh my god! I-I can see! This is incredible! I can see the stars! Oh wow they're beautiful! And I can see the lights of the street lamps! And the view! And-" You spin around in your excitement and thats when you face Valek properly for the first time.
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You knew he was beautiful, but it seems that the water was only showing you a little of his beauty. You smile at him as you see his soft pink lips, his impressive physique, but it's his eyes that really get you. They are absolutely gorgeous, it looks like his eyes are made of diamonds and sapphires and they are glistening brighter than any star. "Valek your...Your more beautiful than the first moment I saw you in the rain" "And I never knew your natural eye colour was bright green, it's like your eyes are made of emeralds. I never knew you could get more beautiful, clearly I was wrong" "Valek, how were you able to let me see again?" "Its another one of my abilities, I have healing hands, as well as healing saliva. I wanted to give you back your freedom, you deserve it, and I hope that I can see you smile every night as you start to experience the world again. Starting with the stars tonight, and I think we're in luck. Look up"
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You look into the sky, you can see all the millions of beautiful stars, but you see something else too, it's a shooting star.
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"Oh Valek this is amazing, you've given me my life back. I...I love you" "I love you too Y/N, your my beautiful treasure" "And your my perfect dark angel" He gives you another sweet and tender kiss before he holds you in his arms, as he pulls you into his chest as you rest your head against his heart. You both look up at the stars, and enjoy the pure bliss of the moment together. You finaly had what you've always wanted, your freedom, your eyesight back and the love of the most wondeful man you could ever wish for.
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larabiatasstuff Β· 2 years
I'll be honest, I'm having a really shitty day and make shitty collages to cheer me up. Spoiler alert: It doesn't work πŸ˜‘
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larabiatasstuff Β· 1 year
πŸ–€ πŸ–€ πŸ–€
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fangirlstorycreator Β· 1 year
And this is part 3 bestie πŸ€—πŸ’š @larabiatasstuff
When you got home, your father and his men arrived shortly after, he didn't find any evidence of the vampire, and he wasn't in the best mood. "I give you one simple job and you couldn't carry that out, your useless!" "Its not my fault the ground broke beneath my feet!" "Why didn't you do what you were sent to do?!" "Well maybe I didn't want to do it!" The tent falls silent for a moment, you feared what your father would say back. "What did you say? You didnt want to get that vampire!" "All I wanted was some semblance of a bond with you, that's why I took this on! But why should I kidnap an innocent vampire to make you happy?" "Innocent?! No vampire is innocent! They are all blood sucking heartless creatures who dont understand reason! They all deserve to burn!" "Why?! Because you say so? This war is all because of you and the fact that you hate anyone and anything that's diffrent to you! I've had enough father! I cant do this anymore!"
"Excuse me?" "I'm not going to be a hunter, I'm not going to carry on with your little errands you send me on, I dont want to be like this, like you!" "Well good luck with that! It seems you cant do anything, even walk with that foot of yours! And even when your foot is all better, who is going to take you in hmm? We are the only humans around and now because of the way you just spoke to me, you will no longer be welcome hear! I will show you the little mercy I have, and allow you to stay until you can walk. But as soon as that day comes....you are banished from hear, and from this moment forward...I have no daughter!" He storms out of the tent leaving you to cry your heart out, how could he do this to his own daughter? He truly was a cruel man, a real monster. You manage to go back to your tent at the far end of the camp, away from everyone else, you had a walking stick to support yourself on, but it was still painful when you walked. It was the dead of night and all the other men were in the centre of the camp all enjoying drinks and having a laugh, so you were completely on your own.
You sat down on your bed in the big and spacious tent, and buried your face in your hands as more waves of tears flowed through you, but a noise stops you in your tracks. It's the noise of your tent door pulling to the side, and out of nowhere, you get a very unexpected visitor. "V-Valek?! What are you doing hear?! Its too dangerous, you have to go!" But he doesn't fight, he doesn't answer you, he just looks at you. "What are you looking at? Valek please you have to go" He kneels down infront of you, wipes away some tears from your cheek and gently pulls you in for a hug. You didn't realise how starved of touch you were, and how much you needed this right now, you instinctively hug him back just as tightly, crying on his shoulder from all the pain you had experienced, you were pleased to see him again, and so happy that you were able to feel something happy for once.
"Y/N, I heard what your father said in the tent, please listen to me when I say this. He is wrong about you, he doesn't deserve you as a daughter, you shouldn't waist tears over him" "Your right, I know your right. It's not just him though, I crying because this still hurts. And I dont have anything that can help with the pain" you say pointing down to your foot. "What if I was to help you?" "What do you mean?" "Do you remember when i told you I had many abilities? Well one of then was healing saliva, remeber?" "Oh Valek, no that's ok. You've already done enough for me, you saved me in the cave, you've come back to see me-" "And now I wish to help you Y/N, it pains me to see you hurt this way. Please? Let me help you" Your still a little weary of all of this, and a tear runs down your cheek again. "What's wrong?" "Its just....I'm not used to this" "Used to what?" ".....someone caring about me, thinking about what I need. I'm not used to it..." "Well, that's about to change Y/N...now just hold still for me"
He carefully lifts your foot, it's just around the ankle where the pain and swelling is, he gives you a smile before he presses his lips to the tender skin. It stings at first, but the more he does it, the less painful it is, until its practically numb, which was a welcome change to the stinging pain you had before. The swelling had gone down and it felt a lot better, but it was still too painful to walk on. "Thank you Valek, I dont know how I can repay you for this" "I know how you can, I wish to talk to you again tomorow night, if you'll have me" "Aren't you worried you'll be seen? It's the human hunters camp, it's like being in the lions den" "I dont care, I wish to be around you, help you get better....and know you..." He was being so sweet, you knew your father was wrong about vampires, especially when it came to Valek. You agreed and that's exactly what he did, every night from then on, he would sneak onto the camp and spend time with you in your tent, away from anyone else. As your father had told the hunters about you being banished, noone was to go near you, and you were happy with that, because it meant you and Valek would be away from danger. During these nights, Valek would continue to help ease your pain, both on your ankle and emotionally, and you ended up feeling very close to him, so much so that being around him was all you ever wanted.
One night about a week later, your foot was all better, and Valek had come by the tent as usual. "Oh my dear Y/N, your all better!" "And it's all thanks to you Valek, if it wasn't for you I don't know what I would do" "Well you would be bedridden a lot longer due to-" "I don't mean that you idiot!" You both laugh at your little comment. "I mean if I had never met you...my life would have been so difffent, and it wouldnt be half as wonderful as it is now" He gives you a warm smile as he walks up to you, looking into your eyes with those piercing blue windows to his soul. His hands delicately strokes your cheek, and he leans in close to you, slowly and gently pressing his lips onto yours, the feeling of his soft inviting lips were like magic against yours, you had never been kissed like this before, it felt like you were weightless as he held you in his arms, and yours wrapped around his shoulders, deepening this already incredibly passionate kiss. You couldn't stop looking into his eyes when you both pulled away, he was so beautiful. "Come with me Y/N" "What?" "Leave this place and come to stay with me. I'll keep you safe, make you feel wanted, show you the love you deserve" "Are you sure? What about the other vampires? How would they feel about a human amongst them?" "You think your the first? Many humans have lived amongst us over the years, many of the other vampires have human mates and love them dearly. Come with me, and I can give you anything you desire...." "You....I desire you Valek" "And my beautiful treasure....my heart is yours"
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Later that evening, Valek was waiting at the edge of the forest for you while you collected your things. You got everything you could need and put it on your horse, walking it over to your fathers tent. "Its a shame you weren't the daughter I'd hoped you would be. The perfect vampire hunter" "I would rather be a strong independent woman with her own mind, than a hunter under your command" "Then that's your choice...leave, and never come back" You climb onto your horse and are about to turn and leave, just as your father says something to you. "Unless....you beg for forgiveness. Then I may consider allowing you back" "I would beg for death before I begged to be within metres of your cruel and heartless soul again. Remember that..." And with that, you trot out of the camp and on through the night. Its another half an hour until you reach the edge of the forest where Valek is waiting for you. "Are you alright my treasure?" "Yes, I'm better than alright. I'm finaly free" "Come down for a moment my treasure, I wish to show you something" he gives you his hand as you climb off your horse, and he leads you to a cliff edge, showing the land infront of you with the moon and stars shining like diamonds above you.
"You are no longer confined to that camp anymore, the world is all hear for you to see, to explore, anything you wish is yours. Before I take you to the castle, is there anything you wish to do?" Your feeling so happy inside and smiling from ear to ear, that you cant get any words out, but you know exactly what you want to do. You turn to him and pull him in for a passionate kiss, the emotions you were feeling and the soft feel of his lips and tounge were everything you could ever want to feel right now, and you could tell he was feeling the same way. He lifts you up and presses you against the tree, kissing your neck and holding your hips as he grinds against you. Your hands pull his black jacket away, then his black shirt revealing his muscular pale chest before you, and he does the same, pulling your shirt off of you, then his lips find the soft warm skin of your breasts. He feels so good against your skin, it made you shiver with anticipation as he kisses and licks anywhere he can.
He pulls you away from the tree as he sits himself on the enormous boulder, having you on his lap, then his hand slides into your trousers, pulling them away from you so now you were completely naked. You unzip his trousers and pull them down too, releasing his rock hard cock. His lips find yours again in a passionate embrace as you position yourself on top of him, and slowly slide down over his cock. "Oh my beautiful treasure, you feel so good" "You do to Valek" He starts moving your hips back and forth against his groin, making you feel amazing as he f#cks you over and over. The feeling is so intense that one hand grabs and leaves scratch marks along his back, and the other is making a fist in his dark thick wavy hair, desperate to hold onto him as your orgasm pulses through you. It's like a wave of electric pleasure flowing through you, it even leaves you week and shaking against him as he hold you, slowly coming down from your high just like he is. "I've wanted to be with you for so long Y/N, this was an amazing experience we've shared" "I couldn't agree more Valek, I needed you so much" You both let out a breathed laugh before sharing another kiss, with the moon and the stars shining around you, making the whole moment as beautiful as you could have ever wished.
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fangirlstorycreator Β· 1 year
This is part 2 bestie πŸ€—πŸ’š @larabiatasstuff
You both start walking down this tunnel, it's dark and dusty, but that's not what your brain is focused on right now. You were down in a tunnel, with Valek! And according to your father, he is the most evil vampire around! So how is it that your in this situation with him? Why is he working with you? And how come he hasn't killed you or tried to bite you? You dont realise you stoped until he spoke up. "Hey, what are you doing?" "Your asking me that? I should be asking you the same thing" "What are you talking about?" "Oh come on, I'm a complete stranger who you happend to have by the throat earlier this evening, you knew I was there to try and get someone from your social circle, and now what? Your just happy to walk with me through hear? When you could easily have just killed me and left with the map, not having to deal with a human?" He shakes his head, and gives you a hard stare "Will you relax? If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now"
"Then I dont get it? Why haven't you? It felt like you were going to earlier" "I know....look I apologise for my behaviour" "What?" "I apologise. I was only trying to find out the reason why you were there" "And I told you" "Exactly, you told me the truth. That's why I didnt kill you, why I wont kill you" "Why do you say it like that? Dont people tell you the truth?" "No...they don't" He keeps walking and you follow with him, carrying on the conversation through the tunnel. "So how did you know I was telling you the truth? Is that just intuition or something?" "No, its one of my many gifts. I have the ability to tell if someone is lying to me, simply by looking into their eyes as they talk" "Oh...I didnt know vampires had that ability" "They don't, only I do. I have many others, like healing saliva, super strength and hypnosis. Among other things" "Do others know that you are able to see when their lying?" "Only the other higher vampires do, lesser vampires dont know that, and that way I am able to see if they are loyal to me and their kind"
"So, knowing that, why tell me? I'm not a higher vampire, or even a lesser one. Why be honest with me?" "You were truthful with me even at the cost of your life, it's only fair I repay you by doing the same" "Well I...thank you...Valek..." "Your welcome Y/N" He cant see it but you have a little smile on your face. Noone from your fathers camp has actually had a real conversation with you, they just either ignored you or treated you like an outsider, just because you were a woman. And despite Valek being a vampire, he spoke to you the way you wanted to, and it felt really nice to feel listened too. You started talking more and learning more about eachother as you made your way through the tunnels, it was a few hours before you were within feet of the cave you saw in the map, and by that time, you felt a small understanding and connection with him, even to a point where you managed to make him laugh, by the looks of him, he seems like he hasn't laughed in years, but it was nice to see.
There was what looked like a blurry light ahead of you, and when you approached it, you find yourselves at the cave you were looking for. It was very large and was filled with natural light, not direct sunlight which was good for Valek. There was a running stream and a waterfall against the other side, and the floor and surfaces were filled with growing plants, flowers and carvings from many years ago. "We're hear!" "Hey, look down there" Valek say as he points down towards a dark hole, its the entrance to the outside world, and back out into the night. "Alright, let's head down there" you tell him, as you both start walking down the rocks and towards the stream. Your both about to cross the stream when something stops you, when you look back at the map. "Valek wait!" "What?" "Just don't move for a second, theres a warning about the cave" "What does it say?" "Its strange, but some of the animal carvings are good, and some are very bad. And the one we need to watch out for is the snake" "What? Why?"
"It says hear "Beware, do not stand on the snake. If you do, the deadly water will be your fait" "What does that-....oh sh#t..." Its then that Valek looks down at the floor, and as he lifts his foot, right under his shoe, is a picture of a snake. "Uh oh" you say out loud. Suddenly without warning, the sound of crashing rocks fills the room as the waterfall breaks apart and tones of water starts pouring into the room and filling up by the second. A wave knocks you and Valek over as you both are taken by the current, but a rock falls next to the cave entrance and start to fill up the room. You feel a hand grab you and pull you to the side of the wall as Valek holds onto it too. "The entrance is blocked! We're trapped!" You shout out in panic "Stay hear! I'm going to try and move it" He leaps out of the water and stands on the small part of flat surface that's left, and he tries again and again to pick up the huge rock and make a way for you and him to get out.
The entire place is crumbling down around you, and out of nowhere, an enormous rock falls from above you. You try your hardest to move out of its direction, but unfortunately, it hits the water, pulling you down with it. The pull of the water brings you down so fast that you have no chance to even think about what's happening, and the next thing you know, your leg is feeling an intense amount of pain as the rock falls onto it, trapping you under the water. Your down too deep to signal to Valek that your in trouble and the pain is so bad that your screaming under the water in pain, but that means your loosing oxygen and water is slowly starting to fill up your lungs, which also was a harrowing experience. You try desperately to pull your leg out, and look up towards the surface for any sign of Valek, but it was too late, your oxygen had run out, you were choking on water and your vision turned from a blur to complete darkness. "Come on you damned rock!....Yes!" Valek had finally moved the rock from the entrance and turned back to see where you are, but you had disappeared.
"Y/N?! Y/N!!" He jumped back into the water and looked under it to see what had happend to you, and that's where he sees the rock pinning you down by your leg, and you floating motionless at the bottom of the water. Within an instant, he starts swimming down to you, and gets his hands underneath the rock that's pinning you down. Its smaller that the one he moved from the entrance, but its was far to heavy for a human to move. He pulled with all his might and the rock lifted up, with just enough time for him to grab you by the waist and pull you back up to the surface. He took a breath once he reached the surface, but you were still not breathing, and there was no flat area to put you on to start CPR. So he swam with you to the entrance and pulled you through, onto the flat area of grass on the end of the forest area. He was panicked as he lied you down on your back, your lips were blue, your skin was as white as snow and there was no sign of breathing. "Y/N! Come on please wake up!"
He pinches your nose and blows into your mouth a few times, then he presses his hands into your chest, pushing in hopes to get the water out of your lungs. Again and again he does this, it's nearly a minute and a half he keeps doing this for, and when your in that moment, a minute feels like a life time. "Come on Y/N! Breath!" With one last push on your chest, water starts to burst out of your lungs and through your mouth, coughing up all that was trapped in there. He turns you onto your side so you wont choke on the water and are able to get it all out and breath properly. The coughing really hurt your throat and chest, but thank god you were able to breath again. "Just breath Y/N, take all the time you need, take slow deep breaths" You manage to look up at him with tear filled eyes. "Valek? You...you saved me...why?" "Is it that shocking that you think I would?" "......yes...." Its then that he can see in your eyes all the pain you have felt over the years, never being a priority to the other humans, he can see that you weren't seen as a woman at all, barely even anything. It broke his heart to see all that pain in just one word you uttered. You have to cough every now and again, but when you see your foot, you feel scared. "Oh my god! That's why it hurts so much, Valek-" "Shhh its alright, let me wipe those tears away. I can heal you, just let me-"
"Y/N! Y/N where are you?!" Shouts a voice near by, it sounds just like your father. "Oh no! Valek you have to go!" "What I cant leave you like this!" "Please you have too! If my father sees you he will kill you! Just go, stay away from me where it's safe, please!" Your fathers footsteps are getting closer, and by the sounds of it, there are others with him. "Please Valek..." he rests his hand delicately against your cheek and looks deep into your eyes, and within the blink of an eye, he flies behind the enormous trees, right before your father and 3 of his men turn up. "Y/N! What happens to you? When you didn't return I feared the worse. What's happened hear?" "Father, I uhh-I tried to get the vampire, but he wasn't hear, and that's when I fell as a hole broke into the earth. I followed the map and managed to find this cave entrance, but there was so much water flowing through that I had to swim through it" "And your foot? It looks like it has been crushed, its completely purple" "A rock landed on it, I had to push it away in order to get out" "But there is no vampire? You didn't complete your mission?" "No father, I'm sor-" "Harrison, Blair, search the area and see if you can find any evidence of the vampire. Hendrick, take my daughter in your horse back to the camp"
Your father looked so disappointed in you, it was like he didn't even care about what happend. You felt so low, and wished desperately to be able to say goodbye to Valek. You may have got of on the wrong foot at first, but at least he gave a damn about your safety. Hendrick helped you onto his horse and trotted off towards home, but Valek was watching through the trees, he saw how your father spoke to you, and he could sence how much physical end emotional pain you were still in. He couldn't just sit back and watch...
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fangirlstorycreator Β· 1 year
Hey Bestie πŸ–€ I thought about a enemies to lovers scenario with Valek. Let's say we're the daughter of a vampire hunter and our father is telling us really bad things about them especially Valek and one night when we're patrolling something happens that we're kind of trapped with him and have to work together and we talk and realize that vampires aren't that evil. And when our father comes to our rescue we help him get away but he comes back visiting us cause he can't stop thinking about us. πŸ₯Ί Take all the time you need Bestie πŸ™ Love you πŸ–€
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I am more than happy to write this for you bestie πŸ€— apologies for the delay πŸ€— love you too πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š Part 1
Being the only child of the best vampire hunter around was not as cool as it may seem, especially the way your father was with explaining how the world was. Anything that wasn't human he pretty much hated and tried to pass on that hatred to you, but thankfully, you weren't anything like him. You didn't think of the vampires and werewolves as an evil species, just because they were difffent and had diffrent ways to living than us humans didn't make them evil. Vampires didn't hunt humans, and if they ever did, it was because someone from my fathers hunting groups would attack them, and they were just defending themselves. You had seen how vampires and werewolves behaved when you observed them while out on patrols, and apart from protecting their families or territory, they weren't seeking out a fight and it was obvious from where you were standing, that this war between them and the humans, all started with us.
You were skilled in the art of weaponry and fighting skills, so you were able to defend yourself against many foes, so patrolling with others wasn't a problem, until this evening. Your father had called you into his tent to talk to you, he said there was a chance of a vampire close by that was in the trusted circle of Jan Valek. Not knowing who he was, your father explained that Valek was the oldest and most evil of the vampires, he was the one who started the vampire race, and he was your fathers main target. Your father wanted you to prove yourself to him and the other men, by going yourself and bringing this vampire back to be questioned about Valek, and possibly find out his location. You were a little weary of this task, you and your father didn't exactly have the best relationship, and your trust in him wasnt very strong.
But if you brought this vampire back, it could mean the start of a bond between you both. You agreed to do it and he gave you a map of the place you needed to go, you grabbed your weapons and left the camp immediately on your horse. It took nearly 2 hours for you to reach the place on the map, and because it was dark, it was much harder to recognise where you were going. Eventually, you find the place your looking for, its hidden amongst this forested area that was dark and made you feel very nervous. You climbed off your horse and started moving through the trees, being as quiet as you could. Stepping over large tree roots and crunchy leaves, you make your way to the spot on your map, until you suddenly stop in your tracks, when you hear voices up in front. You kneel down and move slowly forward, making sure not to be seen as you hide behind a massive bush next to the root of a large tree. That's where you can see infront of you, 2 figures talking in the moonlight, one is very short and fits the description your father told you about, that was the vampire you had to bring back.
But the other one...he was much more different. He was incredibly tall, at least 6 1/2 ft. He had black wavy hair, long fingernails and eyes as piercing bright as the moonlight.
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The other vampire was groveling to this dark figure, like he was a god in his eyes. "My lord, the other vampires have managed to hunt and catch 6 deers in the forest tonight" "That's good, that will feed many of the others back in our castle. Good work" "Oh thank you master Valek" Valek? That was Valek? You couldn't belive it! He was right there infront of you, the very first vampire! And yet...despite your fathers warnings, fear wasn't the emotion you were feeling. You had observed the conversation between these two, and you didn't feel like they were a threat at all. This Valek guy was understanding to this vampire and it seems he has the interests of his people at heart, not threatening at all, he's strong enough to take on an army of humans, and yet him and his kind don't hunt us.
You didn't want to do this, you didnt want to take this vampire hostage, and if you were being honest with yourself, you didnt want to be a vampire hunter. It was a role that was forced apon you as you grew up, you just saw it as good survival knowledge, but you never wanted to hurt people. This vampire walks away and heads in the other direction, leaving Valek in the clearing, deciding not to take it any further, you try to back away and go back the way you came. You managed to get a few feet away before a twig snapped under your feet, and that was a big mistake. Within seconds, Valek used his super speed to run straight over to you and pin you by your throat against the tree, his low growl is all you hear as he stares at you with those piercing eyes of his. "Who are you human? What are you doing hear?" "I'm sorry, I was just leaving. Let me go" "Not until you tell me what your doing hear, who are you?!" "I said let me go!" He gets angrier and lifts you up again the tree with his hand, making you hover off the ground, he isnt quite choking you, but with his strength, he's able to keep you there.
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"The only humans who come hear, are the ones who try to hunt my kind! Are you one of them? If so, why are you hear alone? Or is this some sort of suicide mission?" "I was sent alone ok! I was sent to find that vampire you were with and get info but I changed my mind!" "You seriously expect me to belive you just changed your mind? Was it because you saw me there and you knew I could rip your throat out before you took a step towards my loyal subject? Why should I trust this change of heart?!" "Think what you want! But you wanted the truth and I told it, it's your choice if you dont belive me! So if your going to kill me just get it over with!" You close your eyes as the fear washes over you, Valek can see how terrified you are, but he also had many vampire gifts, and one of them was being able to know if someone is telling the truth, and that's what he saw before you closed your eyes. He takes a breath and drops you to the floor, taking a step away from you as you sit up and try to take deep breaths to calm yourself back down.
"So human? Why this change of heart? Why did you decide not to take my subject?" "Because I'm sick of this" "Sick of what?" "THIS! All of this with the stupid pointless war! I didn't want anything to do with it in the first place, but I took this mission in hopes of trying to mend something that probably isn't even there!....." Tears start to fall from your face due to fear and frustration from the whole situation. "I-I tried to do it, I tried to go through with this mission but when I saw you and him, I don't know I just-I didn't understand why my race is trying so hard to destroy yours, and I hate that we are. I'm so sick of this b#llsh#t, I didn't want to take an innocent vampire.....why are you just standing there? Why didn't you just kill me?!" He stares down at you, there is no anger, no fury, strangely, there is a look of slight understanding. "I know you are telling the truth human, I can see it in your eyes, that is why I am not going to kill you" "What? That makes no sence?" "Go...and never come back" He starts to walk away from you, but you stand up and try to follow him "Wait! Why would you!-"
Your words are cut off by a rumbling and a shake in the earth, it startled both you and Valek, leaving you both confused. Before either of you have a chance to ask what it was, the ground beneath you breaks and falls from under your feet. You both fall through the earth and down into the darkness of this pit below, it's so dark you cant see anything as you scream through your fall. It's only a few moments before you suddenly fall onto a hard surface and completely hit the floor, smacking your head on the ground too. The pain is all to much, and is causes you to pass out....
You awaken some time later by a tap of your shoulder and the voice of Valek. "Hey? Are you alright? Can you sit up?" He slips his hand underneath your back and helps you to sit up, it's still dark, but it's not so dark that your not able to see your surroundings. "Hhsss! Ow ow" "Careful there, you've got a nasty bump on your head. Come on, take my hand" He delicately takes your hand and helps you to your feet, you even have a little wobble when you feel like your feet are about to collapse, but he grabs you and holds you against him so you dont fall. For an extremely tall and powerful vampire, he's surprisingly gentle, especially as you thought earlier that he was going to kill you. Still holding you, you look up to meet his gase. "Thanks, I guess my legs were a little weak from the fall" "Its alright, are you able to stand now?" "Yeh, yeh I'm fine" he slowly let's go of you as your able to get your footing, then you brush off the dust from where you fell, that's when you take in your surroundings for the first time.
"What the hell? What is this place? Do you know where we are?" "I don't, I've never been this below ground before, it looks almost like a hidden tunnel system" "Tunnel system? Wait a second!" You reach into your back pocket where that map was that your father gave you. It was a very old one that had a dusty like background against the main drawings, like a map behind the map. You looked closely and you could see the words 'tunnel system' and it had very faint lines where you could make out where you were. "Look at this, this part hear on the map has a sign, an animal sign, there are diffrent ones all over the tunnel pictures. If we can find a sign in hear, it may tell us where we are" You and Valek start looking around the walls and the floor to see if there was anything of use to you. "Hey, over hear" Valek says calling you over to a wall, where he was pointing to a carved our picture of a bear. "A bear..a bear...ah! There it is! We must be hear on the map you see?" "Your right, so if we start heading in this direction it should lead us to an underwater cave. And at the edge of it looks like a cave entrance, so a way out" "Alright, let's head this way then shall we? I doubt you want to stay stuck with a human for any longer than you need too" "Well it wouldn't be as difficult if I didn't have to call you human" "....Y/N, my names Y/N" "Ok Y/N...lead the way"
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larabiatasstuff Β· 2 years
All hail our majestic vampire king πŸ‘‘
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8 notes Β· View notes
larabiatasstuff Β· 2 years
My favorite screencaps from our majestic vampire king πŸ‘‘ πŸ–€ πŸ”₯
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larabiatasstuff Β· 1 year
Of you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you choose out of your favourite characters to be stranded with you? And why?
Thank you for your question anonπŸ–€I absolutely love answering it πŸ™
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CK Terry without hesitation. I think he would stay calm even in dangerous situations and he's also a very strong and skilled fighter who can protect me from all evil.(he's also very handsome 😁)
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I absolutely think that Taligaro has major survival skills. He knows how to make a fire and hunt some animals for food. He might also know how to build a shelter and he's a very strong fighter. And he'd absolutely know how to keep me warm at night.
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Okay hear me out. Maybe, just maybe depending on the size of the island, it might be fun to be stuck there with Max. Is it a very small island he would be shark bait in less than an hour 🀣
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Surprising I know but I absolutely think that I could have a pretty good time with him on a deserted island. I like his vibe and he very skilled with weapons and fighting.
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I actually want to say Valek too but it would have to be an island where he could hide at daytime, my sleeping schedule would be fucked up and yeah it's basically impossible to be stranded with him. But I think being stuck with him somewhere could be pretty interesting though. (also I love our majestic vampire king πŸ‘‘)
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