imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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i’m an army and i’m proud
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
She Makes Me Happy
"Come down to the bridge" She texted me. It was 10am. The sun wasn't up yet. I quickly replied to her message with an "Okay" and hurried around my disgustingly messy room. As I carelessly put on my black converse highs I notice the picture I cello-taped onto my wall. I stopped moving. I smiled as I remembered that unforgettable moment. We were both hugging, while the stars shined brightly in the darkness of the sky. It was a great memory. A memory worth capturing. I quickly grabbed my phone, closing the door to my room and ran downstairs and out the front door. When the bridge was in sight I smiled at the thought of seeing her again. My girl. I realised I probably looked like crap and stopped for a moment. But remembered how she wouldn't care. So I continued. As I continued to walk I saw her flawless figure laying under the bridge on the river banks long grass. Peering into the merky water. I ran towards her and hugged her from behind. She screamed in shock before realising it was me and laughing. "Ash, you bitch!" She giggled, as I let go and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry! I had to." I said while her contagious giggles made me also giggle a bit. She held my hand, and intertwined our hands. I smiled and looked at her to see her looking back at me and smiling too. "I thought you'd like to watch the sunrise with me." She said and I looked around to see a little bit of the sun appearing. "Id love to." I replied and soon the sun was starting to rise higher. I looked back at her to see her gazing at the sky with innocence. I leaned in and quickly pecked her cheek. I looked away and pretended like nothing happened. "Ash, if you're going to kiss me at least give me the real thing!" She replied needily, and leaned in closer to me. I giggled and nodded, we both began to lean even more closer to each other. We slowly started to let our lips touch. When they met, they started to synchronise together. As if they knew the pattern of by heart. I started to put my hands in her hair as she gripped my waist, trying to pull me as close as possible as the sun settled high in the sky with birds tweeting.
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
My gender changes frequently, I hate it, It makes me hate myself even more, I sometimes say to myself "Why can't you just chose one gender? And get over it? Why must you be so awkward and annoying?" It's not like I can do anything though, "I am a girl" "I am a guy" I tell myself, The two sentences randomly pop up, I hate it.
Ash the genderfluid
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
I want to be able to wake up one morning, With the person I love the most, Laying beside me, Waking up and smiling at me, And we cuddle, And maybe even kiss, And maybe even say "I love you", I haven't met that person. I probably never will. But I can't help but imagine it, And hope to God it happens, That I won't be waking up alone and lonely forever.
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
I hope one day I find someone, The one who will look forward to seeing me, The one who texts me daily with cheesy texts or messages, The one to hug me whenever I say I feel sad or hate myself, The one to kiss me and refuse to leave, I doubt I'll find someone like that, But it's a great thought of mine, Just imagining it. Maybe I don't deserve someone like that. Maybe I'll die alone. And have a dog. Maybe a couple of dogs.
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
I think I've been telling lies, cause I've never been in love. Everyone falls for the sunshine disguise, distracted by who they're thinking of. I'd rather date an idea; something I'll never find. Sure, I'll live in the moment, but I'm never happy here I'm surrounded by greener looking time. Am I the only one wishing life away? Never caught up in the moment busy begging the past to stay Memories painted with much brighter ink; they tell me I loved, teach me how to think. I'll take what I can get cause I'm too damp for a spark. Kissing sickly sweet guys cause they say they like my eyes but I'd only ever see them in the dark. I'm sick of faking diary entries, got to get it in my head; I'll never be sixteen again I'm waiting to live, and waiting to love oh it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when. Am I the only one wishing life away? Never caught up in the moment busy begging the past to stay Memories painted with much brighter ink; they tell me I loved, teach me how to think. I'm sick of faking diary entries, got to get it in my head; I'll never be sixteen again I'm waiting to live, still waiting to love oh it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when oh it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when.
Dodie, When
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
Zodiacs in Korean
I’ll list the zodiacs based on constellations (not sure what they’re called) and the Chinese zodiac. Please note that the first list, the zodiac you’re used to, is not commonly used in Korea.
Zodiacs from Constellations 양 자리 Aries 황소 자리 Taurus 쌍둥이 자리 Gemini 게 자리 Cancer 사자 자리 Leo 처녀 자리 Virgo (my sign!) 천칭 자리 Libra (also my sign!) 전갈 자리 Scorpio 사수 자리 Sagittarius 염소 자리 Capricorn 물병 자리 Aquarius 물고기 자리 Pisces
Chinese Zodiac 쥐띠 mouse 소띠 ox 호랑이띠 tiger 토끼띠 rabbit 용띠 dragon (my year!) 뱀띠 snake 말띠 horse 양띠 sheep 원숭이띠 monkey 닭띠 chicken 개띠 dog 돼지띠 pig
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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always useful for beginners 
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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School Vocabulary
학교 school 유치원 kindergarten 초등학교 elementary school 중학교 middle school 고등학교 high school 대학교 university 수업 lesson 과학 science 수학 math 역사 history 예술 art 영어 English 종이 paper 칠판 blackboard 연필 pencil 자 ruler 책 book 필통 pencil case 가위 scissors 공책 notebook 펜 pen 지우개 eraser 선생님 teacher 교수 professor 학생 student 공부하다 to study 연습하다 to practice 배우다 to learn 심심하다 to be bored 지루하다 to be boring 숙제 homework 시험 test 수필 essay 의자 chair 책상 desk 컴퓨터 computer 책장 book case
Add 실 to make it a classroom. Example: 예술실 is art classroom.
포스팅 많이 못해서 미안합니다. ㅠ^ㅠ 큰 시험을 본 후에 많이 포스팅하겠습니당~. ~짱보라
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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Lazy Day Vocabulary!
Face mask - (마스크)팩 To do a face mask - (마스크) 팩하다 Paint your nails - 매니큐어를 바르다 Watch TV - 티비를 보다 Watch a movie - 영화를 보다 Pillow - 베개  To not do anything - 아무것도 안하다  To sleep - 자다 To sleep all day - 하루 종일 자다 To rest - 쉬다  Nail Polish - 매니큐어 / 네일 폴리쉬
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imyourhope123-blog · 7 years
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모든 every 모든 것 everything 모든 사람 every person
~나 every 어디나 everywhere 언제나 every time 누구나 everybody
~ㄴ가 some 어딘가 somewhere 뭔가 something 언젠가 sometime 누군가 somebody
아무 any… 아무나 anyone 아무거나 anything 아무데나 anywhere 아무 때나 anytime
아무도 no… 아무도 nobody 아무것도 nothing 아무데도 nowhere
~특별한 짱보라
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