#our office address is- 342
abloomrealty · 2 years
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heircrown-blog · 1 year
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Oh yeah Baltimore’s police reform is working our just great!
Oh yeah Baltimore’s police reform is working our just great! Living near Baltimore City the “diversity” of the community is reflected within the police department. Rawlings-Blake is correct; charges were brought way too quickly and the officers were over charged. This article says nothing about the race and/or gender of the police officers.
The crime in Baltimore continues to Skyrocket. I need someone to define what a mostly peaceful protest is because I don’t think it would include looting and fires. This article sites SEVERAL times the Democrats call to defund the police.
Direct Quotes:
Despite the failed prosecution, the criminal case against the officers proved a watershed moment. The Freddie Gray case instigated a new push for stronger police accountability laws and set the precedent in Baltimore and in cities across the country for implementing significant police reform.
“That accountability ultimately led to reform, and because of that reform, we had a spotlight on the entrenched police corruption in one of the largest police agencies in the country,” Mosby told CNN.
then-Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake asked the Department of Justice to order a civil rights investigation into the city’s police department. The findings revealed a “pattern-or-practice of constitutional violations,” including excessive force and racially biased arrests.
A national reckoning over policing, however, has prompted many agencies to regard Baltimore as a model, looking at its reform policies as they revise their own, Commissioner Harrison said. This comes as the Justice Department has begun ramping up efforts to hold police accountable for misconduct and constitutional violations.
Attorney General Merrick Garland has launched two separate federal civil probes into departments in Minneapolis, where George Floyd was killed by then-officer Derek Chauvin, and in Louisville, where Breonna Taylor was fatally shot by officers in her apartment during a botched raid.
“We don’t know how long it’s going to take to undo the embedded corruption and racism in the Baltimore Police Department,” Kelly said.
But reform efforts are routinely eclipsed by the high level of violence that continues to plague Baltimore’s underserved communities, claiming a disproportionate number of Black lives, and perpetuating a cycle of grief and trauma. The city had its second-deadliest year on record in 2019 with 348 homicides. Baltimore recorded 335 homicides in 2020 and is headed on the same path with 167 homicides halfway into this year.
Commissioner Harrison echoed the same sentiment, arguing that government leaders must address issues such as poverty, lack of education and opportunities, and substandard housing that either “pull or push people into a life of crime for survival.”
On April 12, 2015, Freddie Gray encountered police officers in a high-crime area that was notorious for drug dealing. Gray, after making eye contact with police, ran.
Baltimore recorded 342 homicides that year, a 62% increase over 2014. More than 90% of the victims were Black men.
After the case in Gray’s death was closed, then-mayor Rawlings-Blake criticized Mosby for announcing charges too quickly and “bowing to political pressure.” Prosecutors had to rely on “circumstantial evidence” because the van was not equipped with cameras to determine when and how Gray was injured, Mosby told CNN.
This year, Mosby announced she would not prosecute drug possession and other low-level offenses, asserting there is “no public safety value.” For Black Americans, Mosby said, “These offenses can lead to a death sentence.”
“There wouldn’t be such an outcry for help from the communities if there was so much change,” Long said. “Last month, I had to wrestle a young man down because he tried to shoot someone in the head. There were four officers standing on the corner who walked in the opposite direction.”
Commissioner Harrison said the incident was not brought to his attention. “We’re still changing the culture in the police department to a professional culture where officers respond appropriately, and they can get past their fears or perceptions about what they think will happen to them if they make a mistake,” he said.
“The implementation of body cameras and the updating of use-of-force policies are positive things
The city experienced mostly peaceful demonstrations last summer after Floyd was killed, with officers exhibiting a level of restraint and solidarity with protesters. Commissioner Harrison said he was able to keep a strong police presence in communities to combat crime, while other cities shifted resources to respond to moments of unrest and looting.
Earlier this month, the Baltimore City Council approved a $28 million increase in department spending, proposed by Mayor Scott, for the upcoming year. The funds will cover employee pension and health care costs after slashing $22 million from the police budget last year amid calls to defund the police.
Mayor Scott, a Baltimore native who previously served as president of the City Council, assumed office in December 2020, after campaigning on a platform to defund the police.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has been critical of Baltimore’s leadership in combating violent crime, saying the city needs to do “a better job.”
Every officer on the force has been trained in peer intervention to step in when fellow officers cross the line, a program called Ethical Policing is Courageous (EPIC).
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qm-vox · 5 years
The Dwelling Gods - Battles of Gatax-Ob
Previous Chapter - Contact
Risen Terra, 400 P.T (2863 Astra Federation Standard Calendar)
Alexandra Orlstasz, Covenant Day (Present)
We’ll say this for the Admiralty: unlike most of Our clients, they bothered to do the research on what they’re asking Us to do. Direct post-cognitive readings of either corpse, without further context, are likely to just kill Us in agony and waste quite a bit of the Phoenix’s money in the process, so Admiral Alekto Molteira has thoughtfully procured other artifacts of the battles in and around Gatax-Ob, in the Ob system. The modifications made to the Demeter for this affair are likely more than a little illegal - the original version of this morgue certainly didn’t have a meditation room where We can hook Our mind up to recording devices - but given the situation, We’re willing to give it a pass.
Gods Within, another hive mind. And so soon after the first, which drove us to form our mighty Covenant to survive it. The war against the Olkazi Organism was only formally ended in 342 P.T., after all, we can’t be ready to fight another one of those godless things.
Focus Orlstasz says into Our mind. I am ready to maintain Our mind during the work. Are you prepared for the dive?
We let out a long breath and nod Our head. “I believe so,” I tell my God. “This is what I do, what We do. I hope you can yank Us out ahead of any direct contact with the mind, because otherwise...”
Is it just me, or is Orlstasz’s malicious chuckle almost nervous? Death in agony.
We slide the needle of the recording cable into the datajack at the base of Our skull, adjust Our ass in the comfy chair, and steeple Our fingers in a meditative posture over the first artifact of the battles that We’ve chosen to read. It’s a small thing, not much more than a scrap of cloth from a uniform. Its owner, We have been told, is still alive.
The power is mine, not that of my God. The children of the Phoenix were psionic before the blessing of the Gods Which Dwell, and the power, the glory, is one of the few parts of Our mind that I wake up each and every day knowing is mine. We close Our eyes and I focus on the scrap of cloth, tasting the thick layers of the living past on it, the sticky threads that connect it to the present. I follow it down, and then I am...
Ajax Raulzax, 14 Embers 399 P.T (15/7 2863 Astra Federation Standard Calendar; Approximately Three Months Ago)
RPS Vorhees (Revenant-class corvette), en route to the Ob system
We slide Our hands into the jump controls; they clamp around Our wrists and crackle with power as they link with Our body’s energy. Raulzax’s whispers in Our mind dim and quiet as my God prepares to initiate the jump to the Ob system.
“Captain, incoming message from the Angrboda. Admiral Megaera Toirstax is ready to give their address,” Our comm officer tells us. The interruption is barely a ripple in Our concentration.
“Put the Admiral on-screen,” We reply.
Admiral Megaera Toirstax stands straight and tall, and speaks clearly for a pair that’s pushing a hundred and sixty. They were the captain of a cruiser, during the war against the Organism. Some part of Our mind (Me? Raulzax? It’s hard to tell while We’re concentrating) wonders if that will be Us, after this new war.
“It is not Our habit to mince words,” the Admiral says to the fleet. “We have no love for the Gataxian Pure States, no love for those who choose murder over peace and hate over friendship. We, the sailors and soldiers of the Astra Federation, are not here for them. We are here for us.”
They pause. Our bridge crew is silent, and why not? The Admiral is right. No one really wants to be saving Gataxians.
The Admiral continues in their clear voice, their eyes steady on the screen. “Our nation was founded on one principle: no one deserves to die alone in the dark. Some of us were once enemies. Others called out in their hours of need and were answered. All of us swore ourselves to the preservation of sapient life and the glory of a galaxy united in friendship and compassion. Those principles can, at times, feel so easy to follow, but today is not one of those times. Today is a test of our faith, our commitment to the ideals we hold dear. Our union will not be found wanting. We stand!”
We and Our bridge crew respond as one, alongside the thousands of other sailors in our fleet: “Until the stars shineth not!”
“Captain Ajax Raulzax, are your Revenants prepared?” the Admiral asks Us. We give a cursory glance to Our computer, but it’s just for the look of the thing; there’s not a Revenant captain of any species or age that isn’t itching to get stuck in all day, every day.
“We await the Federation’s pleasure,” We answer formally.
A gleam of mischief enters the Admiral’s eyes. “Consider the Federation pleased. The rest of the fleet will follow thirty seconds after your jump. Glory to the Gods Which Dwell, Captain.”
The video cuts out, and We grin out of the corner of Our mouth before We start issuing the final orders to prepare for the jump; charging our weapons, dialing up firing solutions from the ship’s prophet, and warming up the engines for immediate evasive maneuvers. This isn’t Our first go around performing a jump scare (excuse Us, “close-range emergence assault maneuver”), but it doesn’t do to take the process lightly. The jump will strip Vorhees of her shields, which means we all get to die if We fuck this up.
“Preparations complete, Captain. We await your order.”
We tighten Our fingers into fists and lean the jump controls back. They crackle with power, ready and waiting. “Open a channel to the others,” We instruct, and when it is done We give the order We’ve been waiting all day for:
“Initiate your jumps. Glory to the Gods Which Dwell!”
“Hail the Dwelling Gods!” come the answers, and then I am releasing the power, slamming the jump controls forward and sending the Vorhees hurtling into a violet gate...
Our mind goes trailing back into the present. We rub Our temples and sigh; strong wills like the Captain’s only give brief snippets of memory, at least while they’re still alive. It is one of the many strange and mysterious ways that souled creatures defend themselves from psionic intrusion. We could try again...
The Gataxian artifact may be of more direct relevance Orlstasz suggests. They must have witnessed the battle.
“Good call,” I say to my god. We reach for the artifact in question, a datapad with a splintered screen. It’s small in Our hands, as most Gataxian products are. We set it in front of Us, steeple Our fingers over it, and then I am...
Wolt-Ob ra Yox, 14 Embers 399 P.T (15/7 2863 Astra Federation Standard Calendar; Approximately Three Months Ago) 
Ob Solar Defense Station, Ob System
“Another mass driver offline!” I screech; my wings flap in a panic, filling the air with thick dust that swirls in the yellow emergency lights. The station vibrates with our answering shots, which sail into the void outside. The rounds swat one-two-three of the filthy xeno ships that come towards us, but it’s nothing like enough.
Their capital vessels have us outgunned. The crew and I are only alive because these misbegotten things intend to board.
“Any response from our kinfolk?” my commander demands, his own wings calm and steady. His pointed fingers work the controls of the guns with practiced ease.
I focus my attention on the comms. The distress signal is still running, but - “The closest fleet is months out,” I answer, my voices wilting. “We are forsaken! Damned! Doomed!”
Another silent round clips through a xeno ship in the vision of my right eyes; the debris shreds two of its neighbors.
“Keep working,” the commander snaps, a buzz cutting through his words to color them with rage. “The colonists on Roylan are relying on you. Have faith: someone will come.”
Air rushes through my carapace to fill my voice with an angry response when my wrath is interrupted by a beep from the sensors. I refocus, looking at them and at the space outside where the xenos ships are boarding our mining stations, orbiting the colony, and closing in on the station. Before my many eyes, violet gates open in the midst of the enemy formations, and ships pour from them, their weapons already firing lances of strobing energy and swarms of missiles. Hundreds of tiny corvettes appear in the space around the station, close enough to reach out and touch their chosen victims, and open fire on the encroaching fleet in a silent slaughter.
The comms flash at me. “We are being hailed,” I whisper.
“On screen,” the commander demands, and I make it so.
It’s a terran; of course it is. An older specimen, with graying hair and a crackling nimbus of profane power around its eyes. That same corrupt energy is what permits it to form the beautiful buzzes of the Gataxian language with its misshapen throat and lips.
“Greetings, gataxian station. I am Admiral Megaera Toirstax. The Astra Federation has heard your distress signal and is here to provide aid and succor. The Ninth and Eighteenth fleets are prepared to evacuate your colonists to a place of safety and deny your resources to the enemy.”
“You are unwelcome here,” the commander buzzes, rising into the air with furious wingbeats. “You defile this system with your presence! Begone!”
The terran on the screen shows its teeth to us. “You mistake my statement for an offer that you might refuse, commander. We will evacuate your colonists, and you will assist us in doing so, to their considerable good. There is no time to debate this. You can help save the lives of your families down below, or you can aid your enemy. Your choice.”
“You are not our allies, filth,” the commander answers.
Families. I have a mate, and larvae, on Roylan...
The commander is still talking: “Every gataxian that ever was or will be would sooner die than accept succor from one such as you. We will gladly -”
A shot rings out amidst the alarms and emergency lights. The commander’s head explodes into chunks of chitin and yellow blood. Distantly, I realize that my weapon is in my hand.
The terran on the screen folds its fingers  under its strange, round chin. “To whom might I be speaking?”
I suck air in through my carapace. “Wolt-Ob ra Yox. Acting commander of this station. Your Astra Federation has sanctioned this action? Not simply you and your...terrans?” I ask.
The terran’s head goes up, then down. “Your people are in a danger you cannot comprehend, Commander Ob ra Yox. The galaxy is in danger few can comprehend. Let us help you, and we can face it together.”
I feel my very soul recoil, but I concentrate on the thought of my family and the young larvae I have not seen in months. They will be cocooning, and soon. “I can assist with the evacuation,” I agree. “My crew must be evacuated as well. I can run the comms alone.”
That head motion again. “Agreed. We’re sending a shuttle now, Commander Ob ra Yox. May your life be long and unsullied.”
A laugh forces its way out of my carapace. “And yours as well, Admiral.”
Orlstasz yanks Us out of the dive, and We double over out of Our chair to vomit in the small room’s trash can. Gataxians; every time We’ve dove into one of their living pasts, the sheer hate and fear that courses through them has been overwhelming. We retch, spitting up further acid and chunks of Our wasteland fry-up. It is infinitely less pleasant going back up.
Scourges Orlstasz mutters, their voice full of low-level irritation. At every stage of the Cycle there is always scourges, each thinking themselves original and poignant. They are beneath contempt.
We spit a thin line of bile and spit, then wipe Our mouth. “They’re still people,” I tell my god. “The Astra Federation won’t leave them to die alone. Not even if they try to make us.”
My god laughs at me in Our mind, and all I can do is roll Our eyes and use the intercom to request crackers and water, and to apologize for throwing up in the trash can. Our body shakes in Our seat as We try to focus on breathing and centering Ourselves after that dive.
The shipman who comes in notices, but does not comment aside from putting a comforting hand on Our shoulder for a moment before they must, regrettably, leave a new trash can and a bucket to replace the one they take from the room. The smell of vomit still lingers in the air of the meditation chamber, and I don’t dare try to waft it out with telekinesis. My control is far from that fine.
Are you prepared to dive into memories of battle? my god asks, their voice soft.
“If I don’t finish this today, I’m not sure I’ll have the courage to come back,” I admit. “The Phoenix - the Federation - needs to know the truth of what happened on the ground of Roylan. And...so do I.” The image of that drone, with its features so similar to a terran’s that I mistook them for one of our dead, floats through Our mind. “I have to know,” I repeat, in a soft whisper.
The Valhallan next, then Orlstasz suggests. They would have been near the line of battle.
“Good idea.” We take in a deep breath and let it out slowly; We sip Our water, take a few bites of cracker, and then reach for a pair of dog tags. On the back of them is the Phoenix-in-twain, the symbol of a Valhallan - a terran soldier who has chosen death in battle to be separated from their god. We set them in front of Us and steeple Our fingers above the tags. When I reach for the power, the name on them becomes my name.
Patrocles Ulkraylv, 15 Embers P.T (16/7 2863 Astra Federation Standard Calendar; Approximately Three Months Ago)
Descending on Roylan, Ob System
Terrans fear me (Us me Us me Us), because We (I) am what they dread becoming. The others strapping into their crash seats, the spirrans and ibraxians and helper-units (how helpful they look with their big guns, oh yes, so courteous and nice, ha ha!) don’t know why the terrans fear me (Us Us Us Us Us) but they have long since learned that whatever terrans fear is worth fearing in turn.
That’s fine, though. It gets to be over today. There’s death down there on that tiny little colony world, and Patrocles Ulkraylv is on its VIP list. At long fucking last!
Lieutenant MX-13 (”Moxie”) is taking point on this one; they’re one of the helper-bots, which helpfully (HA HA!) means they’re already used to delivering orders conventionally rather than telepathically. They’re addressing us as we get ready for the hot drop.
“The objective is straightforward,” the L.T. says, pointing at a map of the colony below. “The hivemind made landfall here and attacked the city of Olka-Ob, where it’s set up shop. It has processing facilities here, here, and here -” the facilities in question light up in a soft violet color, “- as well as cloning facilities here, and a structure we’ve tentatively defined as their neural link, here. We are to disable the enemy assets and hold their attention until the transport fleet can establish air superiority and begin the evacuation. We are, in short, to cause as much damage as possible in as wide an area as we can.”
A private, maybe twenty years old and shaking in their seat, speaks up: “What about the civilians, Lieutenant?”
Moxie’s quiet for a good long while, with only the sound of the transport hitting atmo to fill the hold. When they finally speak up it’s in that muted voice helper-bots use when they have to be unhelpful: “They’re already dead.”
When there’s no answer, the L.T. continues: “Valhallan Patrocles will be taking point. Check your barriers and don’t get in their way. They were a macro-telekinetic before they volunteered for this duty, and I should not have to tell you what that means.”
I (We) grin. “It means I’m going to be speaking a lot of ancient Earth-tongue today.”
Nervous laughter, from my (Our) fellows. We said ‘I” there. That’s not right at all.
Alarms start sounding, indicating that enemy systems have a lock on our transport, but it’s entirely too late for the hivemind to decide it doesn’t want to deal with us; the ship’s shields hold, and we land with a hard flex from the gear. We slap the restraints keeping Us in the seat and vault towards the lowering ramp.
There is no gun in my (Our) hands, but tattooed on each are words in an ancient tongue from Earth, whose pronunciations means ‘force’ and ‘skill’. The power gathers, crackling in Our mind and around Our arms and fingers, and I speak the first word the moment the ramp lowers and the entrenched enemy comes into view: “YEET!”
Sandbags and bodies go flying, alongside entrenched guns and tipped-over land vehicles. The shockwave shatters every window I can see and blows the snipers placed in them through the thin walls, but I am not done yet.
I speak the second word while bodies and metal and glass are still flying through the air - “KOBE!” - and they rip violently inward, crushing into a spherical mass of mangled corpses and wrecked technology. I throw my hands wide, and the sphere goes wide with them, slamming into buildings, hydrants, power lines, anything I can destroy, anything I can mangle with the power of my (Our Our Our Our Our) mind. Fires break out almost instantly, and We fan the flames as We stride forward, shredding power lines and exploding transformers to fuel the devastation.
We must survive until the cloning vats are destroyed Ukraylv reminds me. Only then may we be cut down in the flower of our might.
I release the power, letting the flames spread on their own and watching as the city around us loses electricity. Power systems are delicate; it doesn’t take much to wreck one. “I know,” I murmur to my god, before I turn Our (my) head to Moxie and my fellows on this suicide run. “Am I right in presuming you have not worked with my skill set on the front lines, Lieutenant?”
“Correct,” Moxie answers indifferently. I am not precisely in the chain of command right now, but the mission does have needs. I give the helper-bot a nod.
“Hive-mind protocols apply, of course. I’ll take point, and the others should watch their precogs and stay frosty. Once this gets going it’s going to get going fast and leave a lot of very alive enemies behind us, heading our way. My professional opinion is that the site of the cloning vats will be the most defensible, but the call is yours.”
“Defensible with you, or without you?” I’m not remotely ready for the pointed tone coming from my machine officer, and I take a brief step back. Then We (I) flash them a grin.
That seems to satisfy Moxie, and in moments we are moving in good order. It is not precisely stealthy; wreathed in my power, I spread chaos and desolation before me, and the streets of the city echo with the words whose names mean ‘force’ and ‘skill’. The hivemind, still reeling from the unexpected battle in space and struggling now to contain new information on more than three fronts, proves unable to mount a coherent defense against my onslaught.
“Why don’t we have one of you on every mission?” that brave little private (they’d introduced themselves as Cassandra Moinlix) asks me when we shelter for a moment to catch our breath.
“We’re expensive,” I (We We We) answer, between sips of water. “Macro-telekinetics are needed on capital ships, stations, and for entrenched defenses, where we can make the most of the decades of practice it takes to get to this point. I’m only here with you, now, because I’m going to die today.”
Cassandra looks away and doesn’t speak up again. Typical. Nobody likes hearing a terran say the ‘I’ word too many times. We (ha ha, ha ha ha ha) don’t do that much these days, do we?
Do we?
But when it’s time to move out, a scarce couple of minutes later, Cassandra does speak up again: “What falls might rise, Valhallan,” they say in a soft voice. “...It’s been an honor to see you work.”
The two field precogs and Moxie change our route up; the hivemind is rallying, and we need to hit the processing centers hard and keep moving. One of them is saying some dumb shit about planting explosives, and hearing it sends a streak of soul-deep irritation through my (Our) mind. We flick the power, sending plastic explosives arcing into the wild blue yonder in the general direction of the first target.
Moxie can’t make other facial expressions, but somehow I can still see how done they are with my (Our) shit. “If that doesn’t hit, I’m dragging the two of you out of this alive for the court martial.”
In return, I gesture with my right hand (”Kobe.”). A set of explosions answers the exercise of my power, even all that distance away, along with a faint trickle of blood from Our nose. The precogs stare while We wipe the blood away. “That should draw off the drones so we can advance more quickly. I wanted to point something out anyway.”
The L.T. gestures for me to fall in with them and we double-time it, moving from cover to cover. “Speak your mind, Valhallan.”
“You noticed the Mind seems to be using, well...technology?” We fumble at the thought percolating in Our mind. “Guns, ammo, body armor that the drones have to get in and out of. The Organism was all biotech, all the time, but if we didn’t know this was a hivemind we never would have guessed.”
Moxie’s quiet while we advance up a main thoroughfare, clean of drones but littered with the signs of battle and splashes of insectoid blood. The films might all depict hiveminds as taking living, struggling victims, but that’s film for you. Dead bodies don’t struggle and contain just as much biomass.
“That means they must have a supply depot of some kind,” Moxie says at last. How practical of them - they’re completely right of course, but trust a helper-bot to keep things on-task, eh? “Perhaps more than one, but the loss of any of them could take pressure off of the evacuation. We’ll need to -”
“Send me,” I (We We We We We) tell them. “Have the precogs find it for us and then send me. I’ll draw and destroy drones in the process, and you’ll have more time to get extracted.”
Moxie signals a halt and looks me in the eyes. “Tell me this isn’t just your excuse, Valhallan.” When I shake my head, Moxie nods and extends a metal hand, which I clasp.
“Tell them that Patrocles Ulkraylv died in the flower of their might,” We ask, in a soft voice.
“Everyone will know,” Moxie promises. “Until you rise again, Valhallan. We stand.”
“Until the stars shineth not,” We murmur.
“What threw me out?” We snarl, as I am jolted out of the Valhallan’s memories. There is a pool of blood on the table, soaking the dog tags, and more runs steadily from Our nose and the corners of Our eyes. There’s a hand on Our shoulder.
“We did,” the Admiral tells Us. “See the medic, then take an hour.”
“Our work -”
“Can wait,” Admiral Alekto Molteira interrupts in their firmest tone. “We’re all worried about the hivemind but no one is going to learn a thing if you die trying to follow the Valhallan’s memories down to their grim conclusion. Medic, now.”
We stare the Admiral down for a long moment, and then sigh. “As the Phoenix demands,” We mutter, and then we trudge off towards the infirmary.
Odessa Nulrix, Covenant Day (Present)
The Astral Chamber, Astra Federation Space (Charybdis System)
That We sit this table alone seems to frighten them more than your alien nature, Nulrix whispers in Our mind, and we both share a feeling that isn’t quite a laugh. The Gataxian Pure States are a representative democracy, and with Us at the vast Astral Table is nearly 80 ambassadors - and their High Slayer, Yrull-Gatax ra Vell, the leader of their people and the figurehead for their xenophobic crusade.
The air is filled with dust from gataxian wings as they argue and talk amongst themselves in those moments before the meeting formally comes to order.
Finally, the guards at the doors - an even mix of gataxians and Astra Federation citizens - lock the doors and the Master of the Chamber calls the meeting to order. Before anyone says anything formally, We hand a set of files to an aide to bring to the High Slayer.
“Before we set about the business of the day, the Astra Federation would like to give you the files on your refugees,” We say; the power buzzes in our throat and at our lips, letting us make the insectoid sounds necessary to speak Gataxian. “The evacuation efforts went well, and have slowed the hivemind’s advance by depriving it of its expected biomass. Regardless of the other results of this negotiation, the Astra Federation would like to request gataxian doctors and medical staff to help better see to the needs of your people during this crisis.”
Diplomats start to buzz in anger, but silence themselves when Yrull-Gatax ra Vell raises one sharply-fingered hand. We have seen the High Slayer’s type before; their anger is cold, internalized, and calculating. We can work with such hate.
“You speak as if the Astra Federation has no intention of returning our people to us,” the High Slayer says. I ‘nod’ - in gataxian culture the motion is more like a full-body bob, normally done with the aid of wings.
“Returning your people to an active warzone would be a disaster, to say nothing of the material benefit to the hivemind that would result,” We state. “They will be returned to your space, if they desire to do so, at the end of the crisis and no sooner. Surely it is not the intention of the Pure Peoples to put food in the mouths of their attacker?”
“Even so.” The High Slayer rises from her seat, dust wafting gently into the air while she hovers in place on brilliant, multicolored wings. “I will be blunt, xeno. You claim to know my people and our ways. What do you expect to gain from this meeting?”
Nulrix makes a purring sound in Our mind. They always did love moments like this.
“The Astra Federation is willing to extend membership status to the Gataxian Pure States, with all the rights and responsibilities,” We stress, “thereof. No strings, no conditions, other than those of membership itself.”
The carapaces of gataxians flex when they laugh.
“And you entertain this fantasy because...?” the High Slayer leaves the question hanging in their air. She’s smarter than her lackeys. Good.
“Your people write beautiful poetry,” We tell her, in a soft voice. “We’ve studied your art, your writing, extensively. Gataxian culture speaks so eloquently about the power and beauty of fear, of the nature of wrath, of lonesomeness and of family. Terrans make films about the history of your people, you know, and we write stories that include you. We pity your hate, and your lonesomeness. We want to help - though we know you hate us, we love you, unconditionally. When the rest of the Federation wanted to extinguish your culture after your attacks on the spirrans, we alone argued for containment rather than wholesale destruction.”
We pause. The air is heavy with wingbeats.
“We don’t tell you this because We think it will move your hearts,” We continue. “We tell you this because We need you to understand that what comes for you is what terrans hate and fear above all other things. If you will not take our hand in friendship, we will destroy you to get to the hivemind. We will conquer your planets, burn your space stations, slaughter your elders and raise your children as our own. Your beautiful art and poetry will be cast down, and all that you ever loved, and were, and could have been will be ground to dust, and when we are done the people who call themselves gataxians will never remember that they were anything but the dear friends and lovers of the Phoenix. It is not your fault that you stand between us and our enemy but between us you stand.”
“You would never,” the High Slayer says, digging her claws into the surface of the table; they peel up thin strips of metal. “Your soft terrans would never countenance such slaughter.”
“Try us,” We answer coolly. We lean in, meeting the multifaceted gaze of Yrull-Gatax ra Vell. “We are not asking for your servitude or your submission. We are offering you a seat at the table, when our allies would rather see you dead. But make no mistake, if you won’t let us love you, we will annihilate you. And we will not be sorry.”
“This is extortion, terran.” The wrath is curiously absent from the High Slayer’s voice. “You know we cannot war on two fronts.”
We shrug. “This is politics, the universal language. If you were us, and a gataxian state stood in your way, would you do differently? Take the seat at the table. Show the Galaxy the cunning and wisdom of your people.”
The High Slayer looks at the diplomats that surround her, whose wings beat in furious rhythm, but even in their anger they seem to understand that now is not the time to trifle with their leader. “You have our people hostage. We demand collateral, if this deal is to go through. Call them legates if you wish. They will be housed on my personal vessel, the Chorus of Eyes. And you will promise that we will retain ownership of our worlds when this conflict is over.”
We ‘nod’ again. “These terms are acceptable to the Astra Federation and the Phoenix. Do we have a deal, then?”
The infuriated roar of the flunkies almost drowns out the High Slayer saying “We do.”
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sethcweston-blog · 5 years
Law Office of Seth C. Weston, PLC
Located in Southwest Virginia, the Law Office of Seth C. Weston, PLC is a law firm that practices family law, personal injury, and criminal defense. It is our mission to protect your rights while also providing you with clear and consistent communication every step of the way. When it comes to our clients, we pride ourselves in being patient, understanding, and compassionate. We understand that the legal process can be a difficult one and we are committed to helping you every step of the way. Contact our Roanoke office and speak with an attorney today. We are ready to hear the details of your situation so we can provide you with the comprehensive legal support that you need.
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ionecoffman · 6 years
83 Things That Blew Our Minds in 2018
Most “Himalayan” pink salt is from the Punjab area of Pakistan, not the actual Himalayas.
Hippos poop so much that sometimes all the fish die.
In addition to the supermassive black hole at its center, the Milky Way galaxy may be home to thousands of smaller black holes, invisible to even our finest scientific instruments.
There’s a parasitic fungus that doses cicadas with the hallucinogen found in shrooms before making their butts fall off.
The Arctic Ocean is now so warm that its floating sea ice can melt even during the coldest, darkest times of the year.
You can make thousands of dollars a week charging electric scooters.
When your eyes look right, your eardrums bulge to the left, and vice versa. And the eardrums move 10 milliseconds before the eyes do.
More than 2 million years ago, well before Homo sapiens evolved, one of our ancient-human relatives lived in what is now China.
Women who have had six to 10 sexual partners in their lives have the lowest odds of marital happiness, according to one study.
When Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium opened in 1930, the inland aquarium had to ship a million gallons of ocean water by train from Key West, Florida.
Twitter is the preferred social network for nudists to meet and connect online.
The population of older adults who misuse opioids is projected to double from 2004 to 2020.
The data economy didn’t begin with Google or Facebook in the 2000s, but with electronic information systems called a relational databases, first conceived of in 1969.
At their most voracious, wildfires can grow 100 feet high and consume a football field of forest every second.
People with autism are 10 times as likely to die by suicide as those in the general population.
The number of exclamation points now necessary to convey genuine enthusiasm online is, according to most internet users, three.
An “ice tsunami” killed a herd of musk oxen in February 2011 and kept their bodies perfectly entombed for seven years.
Ten thousand years ago, the people who lived in Europe had dark skin and blue eyes.
Facebook sent huge volumes of data about you and your friends to millions of apps from 2007 to 2014, and you have no way to control—or even know—how that information gets used.
A fishing cat is a water-loving cat species that lives in swamps, quacks like a duck, and dives from riverbanks to snag unsuspecting fish.
Astrology is experiencing a resurgence among Millennials, fueled by meme culture, stress, and a desire for subjectivity in an increasingly quantified world.
In the beginning of 2018, Amazon had 342 fulfillment centers, Prime hubs, and sortation centers in the United States, up from 18 in 2007.
Ivy League universities took nude photos of incoming freshman students for decades.
Some fundamentalist Christian groups think the spread of implantable technology is a key sign of the impending apocalypse.
The shopping mall put a cap on consumerism as much as it promoted it.
Bees stop buzzing during total solar eclipses.
The scientist who advised the production team of Interstellar made so much progress on his research in the process that it led him to publish multiple scientific papers.
High fibrinogen content can help a blood clot stay in a shape like putty—even if it gets violently coughed up.
Many butterflies in the nymphalid group can hear with their wings.
Some scientists think the reason you want to squeeze or nibble on a particularly cute baby is to snap your brain out of the euphoria that cuteness can summon, making you able to tend to the baby’s needs.
In the fourth quarter of last year, 25 percent of all new office space leased or built in the United States was taken by Amazon.
The first scooter was invented in 1990 by a guy who really wanted a bratwurst.
The streets of Boston carry an average of four gas leaks a mile.
In August, Oxford University’s Said Business School came up with a clever way for homeless people to receive cashless donations: Donors could scan the barcodes on homeless people’s lanyards to send them money.
Don’t worry if you forget all the facts you read in this article by tomorrow—that’s normal.
Many doctors have difficulty accessing the health records of patients treated previously at another facility; less than half of hospitals integrate electronic patient data from outside their system.
The original indigenous American dogs are completely gone, and their closest living relative isn’t even a dog—it’s a contagious global cancer.
Donald Trump can’t really send a message directly to your phone. In fact, the president’s ability to address the nation directly in a time of crisis, available since the 1960s, has never been used.
In 1995, a man in Germany realized his pet crayfish was cloning itself. Clones of that crayfish have now spread all over the world.
Four hundred years after Galileo discovered Jupiter’s largest moons, astronomers are still discovering some tiny ones.
The fastest someone has ever hiked all 2,189 miles of the Appalachian Trail is 41 days, seven hours, and 39 minutes. That averages out to roughly two marathons a day.
The lifespan of a meme has shrunk from several months in 2012 to just a few days in 2018.
Elon Musk’s $20 million SEC fine might make his ill-advised “funding secured” tweets the most expensive ever.
Thousands of horseshoe crabs are bled every year to create a miraculous medical product that keeps humans alive.
Single-celled microorganisms can survive in lab conditions that simulate the icy environment of Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
Only 10 major hurricanes have ever made landfall along the Southeast Atlantic coast, if you don’t count Florida.
Animals that live in cities are sometimes found to outperform their rural counterparts on intelligence tests.
Jupiter’s famous Great Red Spot is shrinking.
The paleontology consultant for Jurassic Park had a Tyrannosaurus rex eat a doppelgänger of another researcher with whom he had academic beef.
Some people think tennis balls are green while others think they’re yellow, and the disagreement has a lot to do with how our brains perceive color.
Conservatives tend to find life more meaningful than liberals do.
It’s easier for spacecraft to leave the solar system than to reach the sun. Thanks, physics.
Despite giving away hundreds of millions of dollars to charity, the Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen was worth $20 billion when he died, 48 percent more than when he signed the Giving Pledge in 2010 and promised to give away at least half his wealth.
China consumes 28 percent of the world’s meat—with the average resident eating 140 pounds a year.
Europa, a moon of Jupiter, may be covered in 50-foot-tall blades of ice.
You can reconstruct a pretty decent record of historical whaling intensity by measuring the stress hormones in the earwax of a few dozen whales.
Doing a good deed—or even imagining doing a good deed—can boost an athlete’s endurance by reinforcing his or her sense of agency in the world.
A science adviser on Stargate: Atlantis imagined a fictional astronomical phenomenon called a binary pulsar system for the show. Years later, such a system was found in real life.
The lowercase g in Google’s original logo is really, really weird.
Sixty percent of gun deaths in 2017 were suicides.
From 1984 to 2015, the area of forest in the American West that burned in wildfires was double what it would have been without climate change.
An astrologer came up with the phrase “super blue blood moon” to describe a celestial event that’s much less scary than it sounds.
The Cambridge Analytica scandal caused 42 percent of Facebook users to change their behavior on the platform, according to a survey conducted by The Atlantic. Ten percent of those people deleted or deactivated their accounts.
In the absence of federal regulation or good research about how skin-care products work, communities of citizen scientists have started compiling pretty decent resources.
The figure-eight trajectory flown by the Apollo moon missions was the very same path followed by fictional astronauts in a classic silent film from 1929, Woman in the Moon.
After one year in America, just 8 percent of immigrants are obese, but among those who have lived in the U.S. for 15 years, the obesity rate is 19 percent.
There’s a spider that makes milk.
Goats love to feast on weeds, and you can rent dozens of them to landscape your lawn.
Some people have a bony growth on the back of their heel, called a pump bump, that makes it hard to wear pumps and other kinds of dressy shoes.
Astronomers can still detect ripples in the Milky Way caused by a close encounter with another galaxy hundreds of millions of years ago.
China built its rocket-launch facilities deep inland to protect them during the Cold War, but decades later it actually makes launching rockets into space more dangerous.
The folks who make Piaggio scooters hope you might buy an R2D2-like cargo robot to haul a case of Aperol home from the market.
Shifting the pitch of an audio recording can make it sound like an entirely different word.
Kids under the age of 8 spend 65 percent of their online time on YouTube.
A reservoir of liquid water may lurk just a mile beneath the ice-covered surface of Mars’s south pole.
When people overdose in public bathrooms, many service workers become the unwitting first line of medical responders.
Some people think that quantum computing will bring about the end of free will.
Mouse urine is a major cause of asthma for poor kids in Baltimore.
The House of Representatives’ longest-serving member, Alaska’s Don Young, was first elected to his seat after his opponent died.
In September, Hurricane Florence dropped about 18 trillion gallons of rain over the Carolinas—enough water to completely refill the Chesapeake Bay.
Europe suffered its worst carbon dioxide shortage in decades (think of the beer and the crumpets!) because of a closed ammonia fertilizer plant. Yes, these two things are related.
Americans spent $240 billion on jewelry, watches, books, luggage, and communication equipment such as telephones in 2017, twice as much as they spent in 2002, even though the population grew just 13 percent during that time.
People get more colds in winter because chilly temperatures make it easier for microbes to reproduce inside your nose.
Article source here:The Atlantic
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dldiaz1022-blog · 6 years
Jeffersonian Project
Thomas Jefferson
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Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13th, 1743. He was born in Shadwell Virginia. In his early life he was born into a very important, well known family. His father Peter Jefferson was a successful farmer as well as a cartographer who produced the first accurate map of Virginia (“Thomas Jefferson”). His mothers name was Jane Randolph.
In 1760 Thomas Jefferson attended the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Thomas Jefferson decided to become a successful lawyer and decided o practice law from 1767-1774. The political life begins in 1768, being elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses. He then later in June 1776, drafted the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson passed away of old age on July 4,1826.
Thomas Jefferson was the first Secretary of State. Thomas Jefferson was Vice president under John Adams. Thomas Jefferson thought John Adams law and was his tutor. During that time he changed America in many ways.
Thomas Jefferson was elected for president in 1800, making him the third President. He delivered his first inaugural address on March 4, 1801. His first term in office was very successful and productive. He reduced the size of the armed forces and lowered the national debt by $23 million dollars in the first two years in office.
Jefferson’s most important accomplishment was the Louisiana Purchase. In 1803, he obtained land stretching from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains from Napoleonic France for the price of $15 million. The Louisiana Purchase doubling the size of the nation.
Thomas Jefferson had many strong impacts too. One of his many impacts was on the American Revolution. He was elected governor of Virginia and after the war he was elected minister of France.
Thomas Jefferson was one of the youngest delegates to the second Continental Congress beginning in 1775 at the outbreak of the American Revolutionary. Where a formal declaration of Independence from Great Britain was favored.
On December 1773, colonists were objecting against a British tea tax, dumping 342 chests of tea into to Boston Harbor. Thomas Jefferson then sent many American militiamen to clash with British soldiers in Massachusetts. The first battles were what brought upon the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson was a part of the building of our country, making him a founding father.
James Madison
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James Madison was born on March 16 1751, in Port Conway, Virginia. Growing up James Madison was the oldest among 12 children (“James Madison”).  He was named after his father, James Madison, who was a successful planter and owned 3,000 acres of land. In 1756, he went to college, enrolling into the College of New Jersey.
In 1762, James Madison went to a boarding school, learning more about writing. Later on, he used his writing skills in 1776 in the Virginia Convention, representing Orange County. In 1787, James Madison represented Virginia in the Constitution Convention. He had many ideas about forming a three part federal government, including an Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches. He then passed away of Congestive heart failure on June 28,1836.
James Madison was the third president and he and many impacts and many accomplishments. He had worked on the Virginia legislature. He was also an author of the Declaration of Independence. He had many beliefs for religious freedom.During his work in the Virginia legislature, Madison met lifelong friend Thomas Jefferson. In May 1787 James Madison presented his ideas to other representatives of other states of the United States for an effective government. Which would be a government with three branches. Legislative, executive, judicial.  James Madison played a strong role in the ratification of the constitution. He was soon considered one of the authors of the constitution. He was a federalist, soon his document called the ‘ The Federalists’ got ratified in 1788. Madison was elected in 1808 for president, and once again in 1812. During the war of 1812, Madison was forced to leave the capital. Soon coming his final years in 1817, he gave a speech for him to leave office. He had impacts such as him winning a seat in the U.S House of Representatives. He had helped the legislative body envision later on their future for the country. He had a given the original idea for Americans to have ‘The Freedom of the Speech’. Madison was elected in 1808 for president, and once again in 1812. During the war of 1812, Madison was forced to leave the capital. Soon coming his final years in 1817, he gave a speech for him to leave office.As you can see James Madison had many accomplishments but he had many impacts as well. He was very influential and impacted the beginning of our country. He was a part of the constitution and many other events. Making him a founding father
James Monroe
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Born on April 1758, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, James Monroe studied law and fought under George Washington in the army. James Monroe was the oldest of his siblings.  James Monroe was enrolled into Virginia College of William and Mary with intentions in studying law, but dropped out of school to fight in the American Revolution.
After the American Revolution, James Monroe studied law with a tutor named Thomas Jefferson. In 1782, he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. From 1783 to 1786 he served in the Continental Congress. After the 1787 Federal Convention, James Monroe joined the anti federalists in opposing ratification of the new constitution because it lacked a Bill of Rights. In 1790, James Monroe ran for a house seat but was defeated by James Madison     (“ James Monroe”). James Monroe passed away of tuberculosis on July 4,1831.
James Monroe, as well as all the other Jeffersonian presidents, is considered a founding farther. He had many impacts and accomplishments. He was the fifth president and an important part of the development of our country.James Monroe served as an officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolution and was severely wounded in the American Revolution. After the war, James Monroe was under tutorage from Thomas Jefferson and starting a relationship between the two.After 1787 Federal Convention, James Monroe joined the anti federalists in “opposing ratification of the new constitution(“Biography.com” editors p5]. James Monroe soon lost to James Madison in a House seat. After that James Monroe was elected for Virginia Legislature as a United States senator.James Monroe had many impacts as well as accomplishments. He had his own alliance known as the ‘Monroe document”. It was a secret alliance between United States and other Spain regains. It was confirmed as the Monroe document on December 2,1823.James Monroe was a big piece of our countries history. His accomplishments and impacts were very important to our country. James Monroe being the 5th president changed many things during his time in office, and he was very influential.
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abloomrealty · 2 years
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marie1-kersaint · 3 years
https://fb.watch/bqqUjcsR1H/ This Work-In with Tristan Thompson feels as good as a swish https://fb.watch/bqqUiIn1HB/ via @FacebookWatch  FedEx #FedEx Christie's Sotheby's #sothebys #christies From the Florida Attorney General's [email protected] 2/18/2022 5:05 PM Dear Craig Putnam, The Florida Attorney General's Office received your correspondence regarding your concerns with Fedex and Coleman Land Services, LLC. Attorney General Ashley Moody asked that I respond. We appreciate that you consider our office as a source of assistance and I apologize for the delay in response. The Attorney General's Office is concerned with all potentially unfair and deceptive trade practices, and we have shared your information with the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division. In regards to your concerns with Fedex stealing your painting, I'd like to clarify that the investigation and prosecution of potential violations of criminal law are under the jurisdiction of the local police or sheriff and elected state attorney. Those authorities operate independently and are not part of the Attorney General's Office. If you are seeking to resolve a financial dispute with either company, then you may wish to contact the State's mediation program operated by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS), Division of Consumer Services. You may contact the mediation program at: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer ServicesDivision of Consumer ServicesTelephone: (850) 410-3800Toll-free within FL: (800) 435-7352Website: https://www.fdacs.gov/Divisions-Offices/Consumer-Services You may also wish to contact your local county construction licensing board regarding Coleman Land Services, LLC: St. Lucie County Planning and Development ServicesContractor LicensingPhone: (772) 462-1672Website: www.stlucieco.gov/planning/contract_licen.htm I also encourage you to review the following helpful information on resolving consumer complaints: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0162-alternative-dispute-resolutionhttps://www.consumer.ftc.gov/topics/resolving-consumer-problemshttps://www.floridabar.org/public/consumer/tip001/ Finally, individual consumers may bring a civil action through the courts for damages, attorney’s fees and court costs under Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act. Because our office is not authorized to provide legal guidance to individual consumers, if you need legal guidance, please consult a private attorney. The Florida Bar offers a Lawyer Referral Service toll-free at (800) 342-8011 or online at https://www.floridabar.org/public/lrs/. Thank you for contacting Attorney General Moody's office. We hope this proves helpful. Sincerely, Office of Citizen ServicesFlorida Attorney General's OfficePL-01, The CapitolTallahassee, Florida 32399-1050Telephone: (850) 414-3990Toll-free within Florida: (866) 966-7226Website: www.myfloridalegal.com PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL. THIS ADDRESS IS FOR PROCESSING ONLY. To contact this office please visit the Attorney General's website at www.myfloridalegal.com and complete the on-line contact form.  Again, thank you for contacting the Office of the Florida Attorney General.________________________________________________________INTERNET MESSAGE RECEIVED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE ON 12/11/2021 marie k demosthenesthe renaissance 130 S INDIAN RIVER DRIVE, AAAAARTbyKERSAINTFort Pierce, FL 34950Phone: (212) 370-0831Email: [email protected] RE: FedEx942 S Shady Grove Rd,Memphis, TN 38120Phone: 901-818-7500$50Website: fedex.comTransaction Date: 6/2/2021Amount Paid: 50Payment Method: Personal Check or Bank Debit Subject: FedEx lost or stole my $100,000 painting Before moving to FL i mailed painting via post office from Chugwater WY to PalmBeach County SAFELY before moving from Old Town, FL   UPS took the painting to 1334 York Ave, NewYork, NY 10021  Sotheby's New York  SAFELY i never got the details for therejection So on 062021 i drove to Office Depot. Boxed the painting using their tape andhad them measure paintings because i am always hopeful Christies would find abuyer.  i even left painting behind to go toTires Plus to get ASNATH's cashmerescarf (i could not insure the $100,000 painting BECAUSE FedEx only insure<$5,000) i was happy when weeks rolled by and CHRISTIE'S did not return paintingEventually, i research FedEx who claimed that painting was delivered20 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020     Christie's New York Then, even though i did not want to for fear of a vocal rejection like "we didnot think your 'PAINTING' was worth us wasting money to ship it so how do youwant to pay for us to return your "PAINTING"" i called Christie's New York whoaid they never received it.  couldn't find someone to talk to at FedEx forweeks or days.  i asked questions their only response is to file a claim.   just today i read an  (october) email from Office Depot that my claim shouldhave been within 60 days and i did not provide proof of the value of painting i need FEDEX TO FIND MY PAINTING OR PAY THE VALUE THAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TOHAVE CHRITIES AND SOTHESBY'S AUCTION IT FOR ME $100,000 FOR OVER A YEAR NOW i cannot accept "oh too bad SO SAD we stole /lost your painting like we "lost"your Apple box (maybe thinking it had an IPHONE inside)"    and took almost amonth to find my address where they picked up the damaged iPhone SE a coupledays before October 19, 2021 Case #: 1019647760Tracking/Pro #: 787730505730Ship/Received Date: 06/02/2021Claim Amount: 100000.00 ___________________________________________________________________ INTERNET COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE ON 12/11/2021 marie k demosthenes14831 N W 302 street, AAAAARTbyKERSAINTOkeechobee, FL, 34972 OkeechobeePhone: (212) 370-0831Email: [email protected] Name/Firm/Company: WALKER ADAM DEIHL /Coleman Land Services llcSubject/Category: OKEECHOBEE COUNTY FL 💔 Case #21S20640 AGAINST Coleman land services llc 863 634-9737Street Address: 1825 SE 4th St. Okeechobee, FL 34974-4732City: Okeechobee, FL 34974-4732 OkeechobeeAmount Paid: 2600 Questions/Comments:                                                                                                                                                                                                            Coleman told me he can put up privacy fence around my 1,24 acre vacant land onthe prairie.  He showed up with another guy and they said $2600 for a70x70x70x70 privacy fence.  i am alone with 2 men in the wilderness anddesperate.  i would have accepted anything to save my life.                    i never hear from them   next time i visited the lot wood was left  on the"driveway" where my $2000 culvert used to be before someone stoleit                                             Several months later when itried to file a complaint  the officer "recognizing"  the names said the woodmust have been what i paid for                              the officer tookthe day off then reluctantly took my complaint  and the result is  OKEECHOBEE'SSONS WIN AND STRANGERS WITH NO CONNECTION LOSEAGAIN                                                                                                 Coleman land services llc 863 634-9737 💔 WALKER ADAMDEIHL 8634475487 💔 KERSAINT -$2600 OKEECHOBEE COUNTY FL 💔 Case #21S20640 AGAINST Coleman land services llc 863634-9737 💔 WALKER ADAM DEIHL 8634475487 💔 KERSAINT -$2600 💔 Case #21S20640 vs Case #90652276: AGAINST Coleman Land Services LLC BBB serving Southeast Floridaand the Caribbean Case #90652276 :AGAINST Coleman Land Services LLC BBB 💔💔💔OKEECHOBEE COUNTYFL 💔 Case #21S20640  AGAINST Coleman land services llc
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Top Architect list of Bureau Internal Revenue Record Building, Butuan City
What do you mean by Architect?In defining the term and meaning of what an
is, the simplest explanation; is a; trained, accredited, and registered (this is very important) professional, who is qualified to design, plan, advise, and aide in the procurement of both the private and public built environments.
This covers both the aesthetic and technical fields and is carried out through impartial and creative thinking no matter how small or large the project is.
The actual word “Architect” was derived from the Latin word architectus, which originates from the Greek word arkhitektn, where arkhi means chief, and tecketn means builder.
Architect list of Bureau Internal Revenue Record Building, Butuan City
Bureau Of Internal Revenue Record Building, Butuan City
Bureau Of Internal Revenue Record Building, Butuan City
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 366 , the BIR offices throughout the country will stablished their own Document Processing Division in every Regional Offices, or proximate to the same office, ensuring for the exclusivity of such Division where returns shall be archived in its storage facility. This, results to the creation of a permanent DPD Building for each Regional Office throughout the country. This three-storey Document Processing Division Records building comprises of offices, conference room, and huge document storage.
Phone: +639178582455
Address: 168 Mandumol st., Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines
GALUA PLUS Architectural Design Studio is an architecture firm established in 1998 ( the former name was RD Galua Associates). It is dedicated to providing a diversified range of services from space planning and design, to project development and management. It also offers consultancy services not only for architectural design but as well as for sustainable development.
The firm comprises a comprehensive range of expertise. Members of the consulting team have professional qualification as architects and experts in Sustainable Development projects that fit what is required to deliver an excellent and quality service
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Our innovative design solutions for different projects stem from a highly investigative design process with an integration of sustainable development approach as it goes with the trend of green architecture.
Their Commitment:.
The firm has proven its ability to handle different degrees of complexity with its involvement in numerous types of establishments- government offices, colleges, universities, commercial establishments, residential buildings, plus a number of municipal & city master development plans and physical planning. In its years of keen service, the firm has been steadfast in delivering excellent service to its clients, and it remains consistent as it continues to operate in the field of architecture
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Butuan City Architect
The Butuan City Hall complex is the seat of the local government of the city of Butuan.
: City Hall Building, J. Rosales Avenue, Doongan, Butuan City, 8600 Agusan Del Norte
(085) 815 1062
United Architect of the Philippines - Butuan Chapter
: 557 Casa Rivera Subdivision, Libertad, Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte
0919 590 2218
Bureau of Internal Revenue - Revenue Region No. 17 Butuan City
: BIR Regional Office Building, J. Rosales Avenue, Butuan City, 8600, Agusan del Norte
(085) 342 5500
: PUROK 1-D, AMPAYON, Butuan City, 8600 Agusan Del Norte
Closes soon ⋅ 12PM ⋅ Opens 8AM Mon
0920 384 6553
National Bureau of Investigation - CARAGA Regional Office
: 471 Jose Rosales Ave, Butuan City, 8600 Agusan Del Norte
Closed ⋅ Opens 8AM Mon
(085) 225 8788
Provincial Government of Agusan del Sur
: PNU Gymnasium, Philippine Normal University Antonio Villegas St, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Metro Manila
Closed ⋅ Opens 8AM Mon
(085) 343 7369
United Architect of the Philippines - Iligan City Chapter
: Housing Number 2, NPC Agus 415, Ma. Cristina, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte
Prodisenyo Corporation
: 7 Rodolfo N. Pelaez Blvd, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental
Closed ⋅ Opens 8AM Mon
0915 222 9941
Bureau of Internal Revenue
: H. h. Bldg. 2nd Fl, J. Ebarle St, Mambajao, Camiguin
(088) 387 1082
Famous Architecture in Mindanao
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architect-arcane · 6 years
Friend or Foe
Part 1/? wattpad
fandom: Detroit: Become Human
pairing: Markus x reader (platonic), Connor x reader (romantic, tentative)
word count: ~1.5k
warnings: none? I didn’t edit.
A/N: I watched a play through of this game last week and fell in love with it. This story will/may contain spoilers, depending on how you played the game. So just keep that in mind. These first two parts are a majority of the Markus stuff. More will be sprinkled throughout but this is the bulk of it. I currently have Connor and tentative because I haven’t decided if this will be a story that reader ends up with him or not. I will make that decision when the time comes as I continue to write.
Nov 5, 2038
 I hear my phone go off and slowly wake up. I look at the red numbers on my side table: just past 11 pm. Who would be calling me at this hour? I rub the sleep from my eyes and look at my phone. It’s an unknown number but I decided to answer anyways. Whoever it is wouldn’t be calling me at this hour if it wasn’t important.
 “Hi,” a gruff voice greets me, “is this Detective (L/N)?”
 “This is Officer Luca Hernandez with the Detroit Police Department. Sorry to call so late but both your grandfather Carl Manfred and Uncle Leo Manfred are in critical condition. They are on their way to the hospital now. If possible we think it would be in your best interest to fly here to take care of Carl.”
 It takes me a moment to take in what the officer has just said. Grandpa is up there in age, but I was sure he still had a few years in him. If I’m being honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if Leo had ‘visited’ him and somehow triggered a heart attack or something. He’s always asking him for drug money and honestly it pisses me off. It’s hard to consider him family when that’s the only time he ever visits. I think it’s the only reason he even stayed in Detroit. If Leo could just get his shit together, he’d probably be successful in some profession. I really don’t like when people who barely know us call him my uncle either. He is, but we’re close in age. It’s just weird.
After all those thoughts run through my mind at 100 miles a second, it finally dawns on me. “What about Markus?”
 “His android?” he seems apprehensive as he asks for clarification.
 “Yes. He should be there to take care of him. I won’t be able to make it out there for a couple more days.”
 The officer takes a deep breath before answering. “He was at the scene and was showing signs of deviancy. We had to neutralize him.”
 “YOU SHOT HIM?” I ask. It came out a little louder than I wanted it to, but I think it’s okay considering the situation. “Officer, excuse my bluntness but you’re supposed to take them in and interview them before that even becomes a decision.”
 “Ma'am, I understand your distress, however I can’t defend the choices other officers make.” I take a deep breath to calm myself down. “Understood officer. To answer your previous statement – as I said before – I won’t be able to make it out there for another couple of days. Whoever wanted you to contact me, let them know that. Thank you and have a good night.” I hang up. I lay back down and try to go back to sleep but at this point I can’t. There’s just too much going on in my head. Not only is Leo (who is the least of my worries tbh) and grandpa in the hospital, but some cop was dumb enough to actually shoot Markus for showing signs of deviancy. If he was actually reported at deviant, it would be a little more justified, but you’re supposed to interrogate them before deciding to deactivate them.
 Being on the LAPD has taught me a lot of things not only about androids but deviants as well. From our accounts here in California, almost 90% of those who go deviant do because of some sort of abuse pushing them over the edge – verbal or physical. There are still cases of ones that deviate for unknown reasons, but those are still a very low percentage. I remember watching a newscast of an android in Detroit back in August who was reported going deviant and taking the little girl that he took care of hostage due to jealousy of being replaced. Which yes, is a human emotion that they shouldn’t have, but digging a little deeper into the reports and findings of his case, he was actually verbally abused a lot by the adults. Mindlessly ordering him around and such. It’s too bad the SWAT decided to shoot that one too; they may have been able to get some answers from him or send him back to CyberLife headquarters to see what was going on in his software. I guess we’ll never know.
 After a long time of laying in bed staring at nothing, thinking about everything, I finally fall asleep.
 I wake up the next morning tired but still somehow make it to work on time. After grabbing a coffee on the way, I go to the captain’s office to explain my situation. He gives me a half-day instead of staying for my whole shift, and I’m back home by 2pm. I immediately pack a suitcase and get on the next plane to Detroit. After a 4.5 hour flight, I land around 11:30.
I have an android at the help desk call me an automated taxi. When it arrives, I enter in the address for the hospital, not wanting to waste anymore time to getting to grandpa. Luckily, it’s only like a 10 minute ride. Once there, I go to the front desk where there’s another android.
 “Hello,” she smiles at me, “how may I help you?”
 “Hi, I’m looking for Carl Manfred’s room. I’m his granddaughter.”
 “Of course.” She looks at the screen in front of her, “Take the elevator to the third floor. He’s in room 342.”
 “Thank you.” I make my way to the elevator and to the third floor. When I get to his room, the door is cracked. I lightly knock and walk in. There’s a human doctor checking his vitals and an android doctor taking notes.
 “(Y/N)..” he says in a weak voice.
 I go around to the opposite side of the bed the doctors are on. I pull up a chair and grab his hand. “I’m here grandpa. I came as fast as I could.”
 “You must be the famous Detective (L/N),” the human doctor says with a chuckle, “Carl has said a lot about you.”
 I can feel myself blushing. “I don’t know about that,” I look at my grandfather, “you always have to talk me up, don’t ya?”
 He smiles and chuckles as best he can. “I love talking about my favorite granddaughter.”
 “Only granddaughter” I correct.
 “Well, he’s looking good at the moment. We’ll leave you two alone.”
 “Thank you doctors.” Once they’re gone, I turn back to him concerned. “Grandpa, what happened last night? Was it Leo?”
 He shifts a little to get a better look at me. “He was there.” is all he says.
 “He wasn’t looking for more money was he?”  
 I let out a frustrated sigh. “What happened?”
 “Markus and I were in the studio when Leo came. There was a scuffle-”
 “To put it lightly” I interrupt.
 He continues as if I said nothing, “-Markus pushed Leo down and he hit his head on my lifting apparatus. I got out of my chair and tried to tend to Leo – to wake him up. I told Markus to leave multiple times before the cops came, knowing they would do something to him. He didn’t listen. Or at least I don’t think he did. The two of them got me so worked up that I blacked out beside Leo before the cops came.”
 So he didn’t know. “What happened to Markus?” I ask, even though I was already aware.
 His eyes search mine, as if he’s going to find the answer there. He does, “You know, don’t you?”
 I nod slowly, not sure if I should actually tell him. I approach it delicately, in hopes he doesn’t have another heart attack when he hears it, “The DPD called me that same night wanting me to come to your aid. They told me they-” I take a deep breath before my next words, “shot him. Said he was showing signs of deviancy.”
 All he did was turn he head the other way, away from me. I stood up to look at him. I could tell that he was crying. “Grandpa?”
 “Figures,” he sets himself up and I can see the sadness quickly turn to anger, “they never trusted them. Even though there’s some on the force! Just because they’re not human, doesn’t mean they can just kill them off like that!”
 “Grandpa, please.”
 “I’m sorry honey,” he takes a deep breath, slowly tearing up again, “what am I supposed to do when I get out of here? Markus is the only android I’ve ever had.”
 “I’m sure you’ll be issued a new one. If not, I’ll buy one for you.”
 He weakly waves me off, “No, no. I don’t want you wasting your hard earned money on me. I can afford a new one myself.”
 I smile at his last sentence, “Okay, gramps. Why don’t you get some rest? It’s late.”
 “What about you?”
 “I’ll be right here. I’ll make myself comfortable on the couch.”
 “That’s not necessary. I can get you a hot-”
 I put my hand up. “I’m staying here. Goodnight Grandpa.” I stand up and kiss him on the forehead. Almost immediately he’s asleep. With only the light from the moon and the streets below, I push the chair I was sitting on aside and lay down on the couch. Almost as quickly as grandpa, I’m out too.
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