#our religions will not be bastardised and defiled
Plea of a bastard
Demon swarms broke from the girth,
Defiled the apes, and gave birth to our’s first.
Sinful and bastardised we invaded this heaven,
Scratching and clawing and nibbling it to dust,
God screamed “You broke my trust”.
Oh nature! Can you break my fall?
Oh mother! Please take me now!
The lust sparkling in our bloodshed eyes,
Without remorse we murder our own kind.
Religion, rights are just our veil,
War is what we demand and what prevails.
Oh Nature! Can you trace our path?
Oh Mother! Can you stop me now?
The ocean bleeds crimson,
The land is dyed.
We reek of blood and death is by our side.
This incestuous bond with the Earth, Why?
For far too long we've been deceiving the Eye in The Sky.
The time has come to cleanse this filth,
Our flesh and bones shall now be silt.
The stolen feathers will curl and wilt.
The foundation of heaven shall be rebuilt.
Oh Noah! Look what i wrote!
Oh Noah! Please don't build the boat.
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