Broken Path?
It almost seemed like fate. Or is that my warped sense of reality? I’ll never truly know. You came into my life, I had no intention of keeping you around. You were nobody. You became somebody. Took hold of my life with a death grip. Didn’t know you for long, but wanted to know you forever. Wanted to fix all of your problems, turning a blind eye to my own. Now I’m back where I started. Alone. 
Alone with my problems consuming me whole. The emptiness you left, a growing void that engulfs the depths of my mind. Slowly tearing away and eating at me. I want to forget you, but I can’t bring myself to. You tell me I didn’t do anything wrong, so why does it feel that way? Tell me what I did so I can fix it, we can go back to the way things were. 
I want to go back to the darkness of the forest. Nothing around but trees and us. Smoke engulfing our lungs, leaving nothing but the high to take over. Nothing remains in our minds but us. Just us. You and me. The stolen glances and moments that we’ll never get back. The purest grins the world had bestowed upon us. 
Never felt a touch softer than yours, now it’s all that I long for. Never felt a hug safer than yours, I will never feel safe again. Never met eyes that drew me in like yours, now I’m left behind to drown in the memories. 
I was healed before I stumbled across you, accepted you, thought of you, touched you. 
You gave me false hope, and brought me back to the start.
I am left alone to walk around the forest, more broken than I had been before I met you.
You broke me, but I won’t ever regret you. Maybe in the depths of the forest, our broken paths may cross once again.
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Missed Entry
Sorry for missing a post yesterday. I had to take time to myself to think. I have a new one for today. I hope you enjoy
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"Write a story about a character who acts like they 'don't have feelings' - except they're just putting up a facade."
The clock ticks slowly, a chair shifts back and forth on the hard-wood floor, fingernails bent between teeth- slowly gnawing. A young boy looks back and forth between the ticking grandfather clock and the front door. The hands of the clock ticking, inching towards 6:00pm.
The front door swings open, hitting the wall, ratteling the worn artwork on the wall. The door reveals a man, tall and scruff. His beard is long overgrown, his hair lighly grazing the ceiling above.
The young boy jolts out of his seat, fumbling his way over to the large man. The back of his head rests upon the start of his back. A smile- gap filled- spreads across the young boy's face. He wraps his little ar,s around the diameter of the mans leg. Burying his face into the meat of his thigh.
The large man cranes his neck downward, head cocked to the side, observing the young boy. His bones crack on his way down towards the floor. He envelops the child in a large hug, the bones crack on the way up. The young boy's feet swaying in the air- unsupported.
He places the young boy back onto the ground, ruffling his hair before exiting. The sound of his foot steps echo throughout the home. He softly pushes a door open at the end of the hall.
A smaller woman is revealed behind, sitting at the edge of the bed. A smile from ear-to-ear spreads across her soft features. She gets up from the bed, and envelops the man into a hug. She buries her face into his chest, inhalig the smell of cedar and rain. The man pulls her closer, hiding his face in her folden hair, as he lets go. He quivers in her ar,s, tears slipping and falling upon her scalp.
He falls, knees slamming against the floor. Face hidden in her stomach, he whispers...
"I need help"
He breaks into a broken trembling sob.
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Short Story Journal
I started a short story journal, I will time myself for everyday for 30 minutes and write a short story based on a writing prompt. I'll be posting the submissions here on my page.
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Hello! I'm a college student studying creative writing and film! I'm going to be posting my writing here. By the time I graduate I want to look back on this page as a collection of my works, and how I've grown as a writer!
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