archived-brokentoys · 3 years
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@oursklpper​ sent:
then the riddler met the ACTUAL penguin (i'm so sorry ;-; )
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But then Eddie would just pick Skipper up, & be like;
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“ Oh ! Os would just LOVE to have you as a pet ! ”
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pocketfullofvoices · 3 years
oursklpper​ said: " don't i know you from somewhere...? " / for Alex the Lion ...Skipper don't pretend like you don't know him you ass
Oh the penguin’s got jokes, does he? The lion sighs gruelingly, knowing where this conversation is likely gonna go, this done expression on his face as he greets the penguin with an unenthusiastic wave if only to humor for the time being.
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“Uh, yeah, you know me buddy. I’m Alex, you know, the lion you continue to ditch at every moment’s notice.” Where had Skipper run off to this time anyway? The last the lion had seen the penguin was way back after their confrontation with DuBois. “Something tells me you’re not back to rejoin the circus.”
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jammedmuses · 4 years
@oursklpper​ (THE GOOSE; Madagascar AU)
That sound alone was like a whistle; With it, zoo animals already knew what was up:
That one goose was terrorizing the zookeepers again.
And that was a show that couldn’t be missed! Sure, some animals would rather ignore it and mind their own business, but most end up treating themselves to the view. Heck, some would even hold bets among themselves over the result-- majority of time they bet against the zookeepers because they know better:
That goose is out for blood. Which is already an understatement.
The chaos-filled avian stood might, wings spread wide with a couple flaps at them. It then retracted them back, its long neck lowered forward like a snake getting ready to lunge. Before it, a zookeeper and a janitor, both slowly taking tentative steps towards the goose, who just stood there, dark eyes fixated on them and without a flinch.
“ Shoo! Shoo already! ” The janitor tries to scare the bird off jolting their broom towards it.
Big mistake. Ya lil’ cleanin’ wood device doesn’t scare this bad boi. It honks loudly in reply.
“ I said SHOO! ” The janitor tries again, gets the broom a little too close, and the goose didn’t miss the opportunity. It immediately latched its beak on the base, and boy it wasn’t letting go if it had a say in it. The janitor ends up forced into an unwanted tug-o-war game with the aggressive avian, and it proved good at pulling back: Not only do geese HAVE teeth (on their beaks AND tongues,) they also have very strong necks!
The broom can’t take this. It gives in, ike the pathetic limp tree it is. And the janitor finds themselves with only the stick in their hands, defeated.
The zookeeper that was with them could be said to be better equipped, holding a snare pole. They march forward with it while the goose is remotely distracted by the weight of the piece of the broom they held, aiming to restrain it by the neck.
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Too slow, though. the bird sees through their trick, letting go of the weight and opening its wings it takes flight and slips off the zookeeper’s range, who fails to stop and ends up tripping over a fence and into the ostriches’ area. Loser.
“ I got this-! ” Enters another zookeeper, one of the newbies. On one hand their expertise are anyone’s guess, on the other hand, new blood might introduce new things into play. The newbie has a fishnet (that they use to filter out remains of dead fish and other litters from the waters of the aquatic areas,) and throws it up attempting to catch the goose in the air.
It’s a tight spot, but the goose manages to evade it by a nickel mid-flight, but by doing so it forced itself to practically nose-dive itself into the water of the penguins’ area.
The three employees, who had been stunned by the bird but were recovering themselves, failed to see where it had escaped to. The janitor and the newbie had to help the zookeeper out of the ostriches’ area, and the three walked away from the vicinity likely to look for the demonic goose elsewhere.
... no signal came from the surface of the water. Either something happened to that goose, or it was ‘playing dead.’
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for oursklpper : Positivity to @oursklpper for being the best friend i could ever ask for. We have known each other since i first got on tumblr, and her amazing writing inspired me to start a roleplay blog of my own! It's thanks to her if i'm here now, writing this post for her. I hope she knows that she's loved and that no matter what i'll always be here for her. ♥️
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starfaite · 3 years
@oursklpper​ said:  "   SEASHELL  ?!   Are  you  hurt  ?!   "
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  “   Uh  --   ?   No,   i’m   doing    quite   alright   actually  ..   nothing   bad   has   happend.   ” 
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pplankton · 3 years
@oursklpper​ replied to your post: 'how about i just send you all to hoboken?'
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❝ I have no idea what a Hoboken is, but why do I have the strange feeling that’s how you solve ALL your problems? ❞
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nighttero · 3 years
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She yelped and instantly withdrew her hand. Completely FLABBERGASTED. Her eyes wide. The cute penguin had PECKED her !    She rubbed the palm of her hand.
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(   @oursklpper    )
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feraliix · 3 years
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@oursklpper​ said:  " You've got some good wings on you, I'll give you that! Maybe I could use your eyes in the skies!" for Anga please if you don't mind!
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 “uhh...” anga lowered her gaze to the.... penguin? her brow raised curiously, but an awkward---shy? maybe---smile pulled at her beak, leaning back in her perch on the tree branch. “thanks. don’t think i’ve ever seen you before. are you new to the tree of life?”
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moonrlsing · 3 years
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@oursklpper​ said: “  i do care about you i’m just. i’m not good at talking about it. ”, “ they don’t deserve you. and i’m not— i’m not tryna be that asshole that says i do. but sure as hell would never hurt you like that. ”
shippy memes for you hoes
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She’s silent for a good long moment, leaning against the railing along the bridge they’re on -- heart-to-hearts were always, frankly, hard for the “emotionless demon child,” as she’d been labeled prior to loosing her eye. Expressing feelings was long out of the question for as long as she could remember, because of the ways the Corvettes would react. Madame Corvette herself, Jessica, and hell, even Toby. But...she wasn’t planning on telling Skipper about Toby. Not like she’d told him about Boss. At least, as much as she could.
The silence lasts as long as she lets it. It isn’t until she stands up straight again that she finally speaks.
“It’s funny how you say that. I mean, it’s jus’...no one’s eva’ really said dat to me before. Not anything dat wasn’t manipulation from Boss, anyways. The closest thing was...well, a tie between Boss or Damien and Jenna. But those two left before I turned 15 and Boss...well, you know about dat whole situation. The...the brainwashing and all. Plus some extra.”
Another pause, before she decides to elaborate.
“Boss would...hit me. I have a scar on my cheek from it. Unda’ my featha’s, below my good eye. You can...move my featha’s if you wanna see it but I’m not gonna make you. It’s repulsive.”
She refrains adding the “just like me” line.
“But uh...I don’t think you would do dat. You might be kind of an arrogant asshole to people at times, but...I don’t think you’d stoop so low as to abuse someone. Even if dat someone is garbage like me.” Ah, there’s the depreciation. “But Boss took anga’ out on me a lot. Since, y’know...I’m the only one still living who’s eva’ seen the Boss’ face. Everyone else is dead. Well, and one otha’ person, but I can’t say, mostly ‘cause I don’t wanna turn inta’ a glitching robot again.
But yeah. You’re above brainwashing, and at least, I’d like to believe you’re above abuse like dat. Like, y’know, slashing my cheek and smacking me across the room. Or making me kill people I’m in love with jus’ t’ keep me in line. I think...that’s a part a’ the reason it was so hard for me to accept being in love with you. Dat, and the whole ‘you’re the hero and I’m the villain’ schtick.
And the fact dat I’m not allowed t’ be happy. To have good things. The tarantulas and one of my...personal possessions are the only things I’ve had for a long time.”
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archived-brokentoys · 3 years
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@oursklpper​ sent:
👊 Punch my muse 🖕 Flip my muse the bird/a similar gesture
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Perhaps he should've taken the penguin’s threats SERIOUSLY. But it was difficult to think something so tiny, so round, & so ADORABLE could be so PAINFUL. But it was true, the penguin’s flipper caused Eddie to grunt. & even after the bird was giving him an OBSCENE GESTURE, his jaw still stung.
But Eddie did put the penguin down.
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“ Looks like Officer Grumpy has reached maximum grumpiness ! That means no more FISH from me for the rest of the night, ” Eddie spoke as if the 35-year-old penguin was his child.
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
She tried to think back to any instance where this might have happened before but the panic exploding throughout her mind made it difficult to pin down ANY thought whatsoever. That and the lack of oxygen. Her breaths were coming in tiny labored gasps and even then, she felt like she wasn’t getting any oxygen into her lungs.
Kokichi was still talking, at least, she assumed the muffled voice was his but with her heart pounding in her ears, she couldn’t be one hundred percent sure. Had she been in the right frame of mind she would have lifted her head to look but between trying to breathe and holding down the bile that was steadily building up in her throat, there wasn’t much effort she could expend even for that.
She kneeled over and clenched her head in her hands while shutting her eyes tightly. She needed to find some way to calm down, she needed to center herself but that thought came and went just as quickly as the others that were flurrying around in her brain. Her chest was tightening even more and she felt the pressure seemingly crushing her lungs. Why couldn’t she breathe?
As the others spoke around her, she got the sensation of being under water, she was drowning and their voices were so garbled she couldn’t tell them apart.
Somewhere through her blurry eyes, her clotted ears and her thundering heartbeat, she perceived a hand in front of her. She blinked, worry if it was real but the hand remained in front of her. It was solid, steady and real. She mustered all her strength and reached out to it.
((Please, I’m enjoying it!))
Kokichi muted all sounds around him for a split-second, forgetting what Shuichi had said to him as his purple eyes focused onto the girl who had gotten up with the help of K1B0—the others didn't do anything. Just... K1B0. For a split second, he actually felt guilty of all the things he had said and done to K1B0—but they were just harmless jokes. K1B0 knew he was joking. 
... Right?
Well, it's not like he could mend any relationships now; that had been the opposite of what he needed to do right now. To destroy any trust they had for him.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah— anyways!" Kokichi waved his hand dismissively, only irritating everyone more as he brushed off their—very reasonable—anger. "Kokichi, just- stop lying! Stop all of this! Can't you see S/o!? This... this whole thing, just stop it!" Shuichi gestured to S/o, eyes gleaming with confusion and utter frustration.
K1B0 watched S/o with worry—not knowing he wasn't the only one—analyzing her symptoms to help him understand the situation better. K1B0 was unsure how to help; she seemed to be struggling to breathe, and, well, robots couldn't really breathe, so he wasn't sure how he was to help her.
"Are you alright?" despite his robotic brain jumbling itself up, he was, fortunately, able to keep a steady and stable voice.
... Unfortunately, as soon as Kokichi saw that she had been stable enough to stand; him being the little inconsiderate brat he was, decided it would be an absolutely great idea to whip out the Exisals as S/o had still been recovering.
"Since you guys don't believe me—and for no good reason too!—I'll make you all believe me!" Kokichi held a wicked smirk as he whipped out the controller, his smile faltering as he tried to find the right button to bring them out.
"Aha!" As soon as Kokichi let out the small noise of achievement, he immediately looked around him, as if expecting something to appear.
Shuichi, as well as everyone else, stared at the controller cautiously, as there was no explanation of what it could be. Though their questions had soon been answered as the loud thumping of heavy metallic machines moving, made their way towards them, increasing in volume within each step.
"The E- Exisals!?"
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
❝ It comes with me where I go. ❞ for Eddie please
AJR  PROMPTS  ;  ACCEPTING! @oursklpper
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    ❝ That’s fair enough.  It’s always more wise to travel in numbers, ❞   Edgar observed, form alarmingly compact and disarming as his black eyes scanned the crew with a hint of curiosity.  However, Skipper would know about being small and cuddly while also possessing deadly force, wouldn’t he?  
   Make no mistake;  this isn’t a cat, nor something you can mow over.
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    ❝ On the contrary, I have no plans to endanger your darling little platoon.  In truth, I  RESPECT  your teamwork! ❞
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fiery-ambitions · 3 years
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖!✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖✖ ✖ ✖!!!!✖ ✖ ✖ ✖!!!!
Send me a ✖ if you enjoy my portrayal of my character.
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Thank you Sav! I’ll get back to posting more IC stuff soon (including my reply to our thread). I just need a little mental break and it’s easier to talk as just... me... on the dash for a while. lol
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pplankton · 3 years
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@oursklpper​ SAID: “ i almost died over this! you owe me the truth! ”
discovering the secrets // accepting!
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❝ Truth? My, my, testy, aren't we? ❞ He was coy, innocent smile teetering a touch menacing. All that was code for was he'd knew exactly what he'd done. Oh, maintaining anonymity all under the guise of 'saving the world'... these hero types were just too much. And the best part was, Skipper did all the work for him! ❝ You would've done better following your gut, Mr. Volcano. You wanna' KNOW what you just risked life and limb for? ❞
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❝ You just gave me the technology and digits to hijack EVERY radio and television frequency on this planet, water and land alike! ❞ he stated, smile stretching into a maliciously gleeful smirk. He turned slightly, red eye rolling to stare at the penguin ominously as his hand danced on a button. ❝ And y’know know what that means? ❞
A push of a button, and the floor beneath Skipper spouts rails, platform rapidly raising him toward the ceiling to meet a mirror set of bars to form a cell.
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❝ It means PRISON CITY, BABY! ❞
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wabbitseezun · 3 years
‘ it’ll be like herding cats. while on a unicycle. in the rain. on a hill. a night. ’
discord nonsense sentence starters // accepting !!
" . . . . . . "
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"Sounds easy enough. Are you sure this is going to work though? It's gotta be fool-proof so that I... I mean we, don't get hurt! "
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jammedmuses · 3 years
so apparently adelie penguins have an estimate height of 2′3′’ feet
the goose who’s around 3′2 feet, standing next to skipper:
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