#out here like a fuckin roadman
Why the fuck is leng in my vocab rn
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Bobby’s a vampireeeee
i dreamt i would be writing bestsellers,how the hell did i end up here writing a fanfiction about a roadman being flustered by his mate dressed as his tv show crush?/j (this was so fun to write)
'Reggie? did you bloody hear me?'
Reggie was rarely quiet, he usually had a come back for absolutely everything whether it be a harsh intake of breath or his classic phrase of 'rah shut your trap you waste man but as he stood in front of Bobby his brain in an absolute panic. His crush on the boy wasn't exactly well hidden with Alex and Luke frequently taking the mick out of him all because of the one time he called Bobby a 'peng ting' a little too loud when Bobby first got glasses. This...this was just taking the piss in his mind.
'Reggie your ciggy' Luke poked him looking down at the cigarette that hung between his friend's fingers getting dangerously close to burning them with ash. Bobby stood before him in full black clothing and a hair cut that made Reggie's head spin, his heart pound and his knees weak. Reggie was falling for Bobby before but this young Dracula style outfit had him losing every bit of shit and street cred he had ever had. 'OI FUCKER YOUR TRAINERS ARE SHIT' Luke shouted kicking him in the shin causing Reggie to swear in pain dropping his cigarette on the floor, 'Wot da actual fuck you wasteman! that was my last bit of baccy' 'welcome back mardy ass' Luke shook his head looking up at Bobby, 'reyt.....stylish' he gave out a sigh, 'enjoy your little chit chat lads,im gonna find posh' was the last he said before walking away leaving the two boys to relish in uncomfortable silence.
'i fucking knew it' Bobby looked up at him with a shit-eating grin,' you said you didn't watch young Dracula and I wanted to test out the science' 'you are such a fuckin wasteman y'know dat?' Reggie glared at him, his arms crossed, but inside he knew he had been caught short. 'you like Vlad don't you?' Bobby chuckles adjusting the leather jacket around his shoulder. 'Fuck off' Reggie mumbled, a smirk soon making its way onto his face, no matter how much he tried to fight it. 'point Robert, nil to the wasteman' Bobby laughed nudging into him as they headed into the school building to find the others knowing they would likely find them hogging the water fountains to try and skip first-period English.
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maisygrace · 3 years
New word guys :) :)
Ok, so I had a sleepover at Hobo Gangster Druid’s house last night, and… well… I guess yo in could say that inspiration hit. Basically, at 4 a.m in the morning we went out of the tent with Sophia and Melted Roadman and went to sit in the hammock and look at the stars and all that brilliant inspirational stuff like that, and then we had an idea. So, we were just chilling in the hammock, and it was a bit windy so Hobo Gangster Druid was like: “Hey, it’s kinda wimby out here guys.” And we all just kinda looked at her like she was certifiably insane, and then I was like: “Hey, you’re right, it’s fuckin’ wimby out here bois.” Then we decided that wimby could also be a word used to describe a person. Now, wimby is officially a word that can be used on this blog, but half the credit goes to Hobo Gangster Druid herself, on behalf of creating the word. :). I kinda regret pulling an all-nighter, and when I get home I might write a scene thingy about Dylan, Flynn, James, Al, and possibly a new character called Liz, discovering the brilliant new word that is wimby. M xx
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