#out of context Santa mythos is weird as shit and I need you to accept that
mamamittens · 9 months
Coming Home for Christmas (+18)
This is part 2/12 of the 2023 December Event
Law X OC(Kirin)
I am so sorry for the delay, @cebwrites! Hope it was well worth the wait!
Warnings: Religious/familial trauma, toxic relationships (past), Catholicism, Ex-Catholic Law, deep misunderstanding of Christmas and Santa, oral sex, unprotected sex, overstimulation, they/them Law, clothed sex, kitchen counter sex, implied but not confirmed marathon sex, and cockwarming.
They really go at it but no one is keeping track or score here, so if you'd rather imagine it was one really satisfying orgasm, feel free to lol.
Word Count: 5,443
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This time of year was always a mixed bag for Law. Had been ever since they were young.
Usually, they squirreled themselves away in their lab until the unmistakable Christmas music stopped playing in their ears. Ducking out only to give a terse phone call to Lami, dear sweet Lami who never wanted to rock the boat because she never understood why not everyone fit in the boat to begin with. She had no problem being the good, catholic schoolgirl.
So why did Law have such a problem with it?
Didn’t ‘he’ see how loving their parents were? How they tried so very hard to open their hearts to this lost, confused, wayward soul that was their son?
Even when Law was too young to understand their discomfort, they never felt at home in the church. Aside from the sermons lasting hours long every week, the judgmental look every time they asked questions despite asking for questions, and the condescending choir teachers that harped on about purity of the voice and soul. It just… never felt like the home their parents claimed it to be.
Law didn’t feel relaxed in the house of God. Law didn’t even really feel tolerated unless they folded themselves into a tidy little boy-shaped box to sit quietly with all the other little boys and girls unless spoken to. Which was always a trap because it never seemed like the adults back then actually wanted to hear anything but ‘yes, ma’am, God is ever so good to ungrateful wretches like me’ and ‘no sir, I’d never make God cry by being a heathen sinner, no sir’!
Sometimes… sometimes Law would hear the strong, dignified speech of a preacher playing on the radio or television and get… well, not quite nostalgic. The emotions squirmed unpleasantly in their throat, too sour to be bittersweet but so achingly familiar it almost seemed to be like longing. The closest they felt to peace in those walls. Alone in a congregation of nearly two hundred maybe more.
A heavy gaze weighing down on their shoulders from the eyes of a God that seemed only half of what they’d been told. Or maybe that was just Law wanting that accepting embrace they never got from the arms of their family. Still… they supposed that it made sense their feelings were so convoluted. Such was often the case for places and people that so much time is given to when it felt like there’d never be an end.
That place and time still haunted Law in unexpected ways. In all of it’s beauty and twisted love.
The heat of dim candles. Stained glass casting light across dust particles high over his head. This hushed feeling of reverence and promise of something bigger if they just believed.
Law felt cheated. That’s really what it boiled down to.
Law was promised from a very early age that the church is where, above all else, they could belong and feel safe in. When the world was a raging storm, God’s house was a blessed port from the brutal waves of life. But even little perfect, folded-box boy Law didn’t fit right. Didn’t feel safe and loved.
Unless he was quiet.
Unless he was obedient.
Unless they was everything he was told to be.
Maybe it did come from a place of love. Some deep, prickly, twisted love that would rip everything about Law to shreds until they could fold neatly into the perfect catholic son. But it would kill them.
In every way that mattered.
Their—motherfatherFathersisterGod it didn’t matter—love was never enough to keep Law together if they had stayed. Was never meant to. Not really.
So… Law left.
And they made their own family of the weird and strange and everything their parents would have clutched their pearls at.
Even the love of their life was probably the biggest afront to their beliefs Law could have managed to find short of a straight up atheist. Kirin, in all his sweet but bizarre glory, would likely send Law’s parents to an early grave.
And Law was pretty sure they’d never willingly resurrect their parents—however the hell they managed to bring Kirin back, they could not imagine how insufferable their parents would be after that!
So, when Law first heard the achingly familiar Christmas melodies start playing, he quietly resolved to not let Kirin get involved in the holiday that held a key feature of being all about family.
Not happening. Even if Lammy would love anyone that Law loved, she’d insist that he met their parents and that would be a fucking disaster.
They couldn’t imagine a worse way to spend an already difficult holiday than trying to explain Kirin in a way that wouldn’t give their estranged family a heart attack. And the discomfort Law felt in their chest did not bode well to the straight up nasty argument that would ensue. Even ignoring Kirin’s backstory, the fact Law was dating a man—totally ignoring the unique sexual characteristics Kirin sported on a whim—was enough to scandalize the whole church.
Law grimaced into their coffee as they realized that alone would warrant a ‘very concerned’ visit from the deacon that baptized them despite never seeing that old man after they left home.
Absolutely not.
Never shall the twain meet and never will Law need to tell a very frail old man to go biblically fuck himself.
Although the look of pure scandal would almost certainly bring an addictive level of satisfaction if they did.
No! Nope! Not happening!
Not even if it would almost be worth the headache that would follow.
Kirin glanced at Law over his book, brow twitching up in amusement.
Something was making them twitchy. Incredibly twitchy. Every time something started playing music, they rushed to turn off the offending electronic or jumped to start an inane conversation. And now Law looked like they stuck a whole lemon in their coffee. Nose wrinkling in disgust and something bordering on wistfulness in their eyes. It wasn’t always the same tune. Sometimes it was light chanting and other times tinkling bells. A group of people showed up at the front door with booklets and Law quickly slammed the door shut in panic.
Now, Law was perfectly capable of being persnickety and rude. Kirin had no illusions about his lover’s typical attitude. But this was very new. If Kirin didn’t know any better he’d think Law was losing their mind. Or failed to sleep for almost a week again. But Kirin’s new system worked wonders for that problem, so that couldn’t be it.
It took an unexpected glimpse of one of the neighbors to get a hint. A bright display of colorful lights draped over their trees, eaves, and bushes. On the front lawn in bold, bubbly letters, was the phrase ‘merry x-mas’. Kirin’s eyes narrowed as they resolved to look that up. Clearly it was a big deal if it was worth putting on such a gaudy display on usually pristine lawns.
The display looked infinitely better at night. And the late research was equally illuminating, if a little chaotic. Every time Kirin started to follow a thread he found a new piece of information that begged to be investigated further. So, in effect, he got a very broad but scattered view of ‘Christmas’. Not to be confused with ‘Hannuka’, which didn’t seem to be the source of all this paranoid-Law inducing music.
For some reason, Law had neglected to tell Kirin about this holiday. And he could almost understand why. The idea that they needed to buy massive boxes with ribbons, cars with bows, trees, lights, and rings so ‘Kay’ can make out with… someone? Some’s wife from what Kirin gathers. All this to keep some other guy from breaking into their house and eating their food in exchange for gifts, which was frankly weird as fuck. How did that even happen and did Kirin need to worry about Law being haunted for not participating in the holiday?
Kirin… didn’t think ghosts were real. But he’d also been multiple corpses at some point so who was he to argue about the dead? He wasn’t sure, there was a whole book about it deemed so important that they made movie adaptations. Once even with ‘Muppets’, which Kirin assumed were like puppets but not.
At the very least, everyone looks like they’re having fun when they aren’t paranoid over this Nick guy coming down the chimney, kissing moms, or watching them sleep—seriously what the hell is wrong with this creep and why is there a holiday for him???
The psychopath even has a list! A list! That he checks twice, the thorough bastard. Honestly, the more Kirin hears about him, the less he likes.
And don’t get him started on the reindeer and elves! What is Santa paying these elves? Who is paying Santa to pay these elves? Why do the reindeer fly?
Kirin felt like he was really starting to understand why the government tracked this psycho every year. He’d want to know where ‘Nick’ was going too!
There was one good thing about Christmas though.
The stores sold super cute clothes for the season. May as well look the part while reassuring Law that he would help make sure ‘Nick’ didn’t break into their house for food or presents.
Law had been on edge for weeks now as the ‘Christmas cheer’ intensified. So far, they’d been successful in keeping Kirin from discovering anything about the holiday. But it was growing more difficult by the way as every commercial had a rip off of some Christmas classic and the neighbors started stringing lights up. Someone even put ‘Merry X-Mas’ on their lawn and Law ordered curtains for the kitchen.
To be fair, they should have done that sooner. They’d been getting frisky in there often enough that someone probably got an eyeful by now.
But it was worth it to maintain the new peace and warmth in their home. Law couldn’t dream of risking it after their… misunderstanding before. And their parents had a way of uniquely setting every happy moment on fire so Law could only remain vigilant and wait for this damn oversaturated, commercialized holiday season to end. They’d like to do New Years though.
That sounded nice, actually. Starting a whole new year with Kirin’s lips on theirs. Alone or at a party where the whole world would fall away like it tended to when Kirin cupped their face and melted into a kiss. Law really couldn’t wait.
Law shuffled into the kitchen, brand new curtains over the kitchen window pulled tight, and made a bee line towards the coffee maker. A hot cup waiting for them next to the pot.
They froze.
There was a candy cane in the mug, steam curling around the red and white stripes.
The mug was wrapped with a bow.
For one fleeting moment, Law wondered if someone broke in because there was no way in hell Law owned either item before this.
There was a quiet sip to their left and Law’s head whipped over to see Kirin reclined against the counter with a small smile. His eyes cutting through the steam of his own coffee cup. Law felt their heart stutter as they took in the sight.
Though the house was reasonably warm, Kirin wore a sweater. Not just any sweater, but a white turtleneck sweater dress that stretched over his bare hips just enough to cover his ass and a section cut over his chest, exposing the tops. Around his waist was a red belt with a bow, the color vibrant and emphasizing his figure shamelessly. Almost as shameless as the knee high boots with stockings clipped up with small bows and elastic trailing up under the dress. Kirin’s hair was tied neatly with a red bow, trailing over his shoulder.
Law had never been so horrified and aroused at the same time.
There was no way in hell Kirin bought all that and missed the Christmas time propaganda all over the place.
Did he get lingerie to wear underneath—
Didn’t matter. No matter what their dick thought, that didn’t matter! Damage control time!
“… so.” Law trailed off, ripping their gaze from the reflection off the leather boots and nearly succeeded in not trailing up Kirin’s toned thighs to where the dress ended. “You went shopping, huh?”
Kirin grinned.
“Yes. I did! Glad you noticed.” Kirin laughed. “You didn’t need to hide it from me, you know.”
Law could feel a cold sweat break out.
“Oh yeah?” They said faintly, pushing around the melting candy cane before taking a sip of their coffee. It tasted mildly like peppermint, the cool burn helping keep them distracted enough to not panic outright.
“Of course, Law! I know it’s gotta be stressful this time of year keeping an eye out for that psycho, but we’re a team, you know? Whatever you need, I can help.” Kirin pleaded softly.
That pyscho? As in, a specific one???
For a brief, hysterical moment, Law thought Kirin had somehow met their father or the elderly deacon. But that wasn’t possible. Lammy would have called half a dozen times if that was the case.
No. Certainly not. Something definitely went haywire and now Law has a much different kind of damage control to do.
“Kirin… who the fuck are you talking about?” Law asked curiously, mentally preparing for some crazed Christmas stalker or something.
“Nick? The saint guy? You know, the dude watching people sleep, breaking into houses, and trying to have affairs with people. Honestly, I get why you’d be so stressed if this maniac is at it every year if half of the stories I heard are accurate!”
Law felt like they were having a brief but intense out of body experience. Static in their head as the taste of peppermint faded to a vague sense of sweetener and menthol.
Shachi and Penguin would come around the corner with cameras at any moment. Perhaps with party poppers and dumb grins as they loudly laughed at his confusion.
“…Saint Nicholas? Santa Clause?” Law asked faintly. “Why would…”
It occurred to Law then that with the fervor around the holiday and intense work everyone put into making it believable, there was every chance that Kirin genuinely thought Santa Clause was real. And not just the historical figure.
Law never thought they’d be put in the moral quandary of whether or not to disillusion their lover of the existence of Santa Clause. But since whatever image Kirin had of the mythical man was clearly very warped compared to the typical child, they should probably be honest. In hindsight, people say a lot of weird shit about the man, so it’s no wonder Kirin heard all that and thought the jolly old man was a creep.
“Kirin. Santa Clause isn’t real. Well, he was like… a few centuries ago. Gave toys to kids and shit so they gave him sainthood but otherwise he’s a fairytale. Marketing to get people to buy shit at this time of year. There is no fat man breaking into our house.” Kirin looked at Law with wide, confused eyes.
“Then why have you been so paranoid around Christmas stuff?”
Law began to sweat again. Maybe they should have gone along with it. Installed a new security system with Kirin and everything. Make it a tradition to upgrade their security against a mythical old man with mild omniscience.
It did not escape Law’s notice the irony of pretending to guard their house against an all-knowing man to get away with not talking about the other all knowing one. And their family. Because the two had always been inextricably linked for all the harm it caused them growing up.
Desperate for something to distract Kirin, Laws eyes caught on the slit of fabric exposing Kirin’s chest. The shine of dark stockings stretched over his toned thighs with tiny bows. Seemed a shame for Kirin to get all dressed up as a show of support and not show their own appreciation.
Law chuckled, setting down the mug and striding up to Kirin. Their hands settling on the silk belt as they kissed Kirin’s knuckle, the scent of coffee strong.
“You got all dressed up to tell me you wanted to help keep out an old man.” Law laughed. “It’d be rude to ignore your efforts.” Law gripped his waist and lifted, settling Kirin on the counter as he scrambled to put down his own mug of coffee. Hands brushing over Law’s shirt as he laughed.
Law brushed their hands down to the thick hem of Kirin’s dress where barely half an inch of skin was exposed before nylon stockings were secured in place. Teasing their fingers underneath the stockings and snapping them against Kirin’s hot thighs. Leather boots crossed behind Law’s ass and pulled them in closer but they resisted. Wanting to take a closer look at what else Kirin was wearing.
Law made the mistake of looking into Kirin’s eyes and froze.
There was heat in his gaze. Interest unmistakable. But underneath the easy lust was understanding. Kirin knew damn well what Law was doing and accepted it. Was willing to wait for as long as Law needed to say what had really been bothering them about Christmas. Law saw how much Kirin loved them, enough to set aside their concern until Law was ready.
That look, specifically that knowing, loving look, was achingly familiar. Not in the painful way church bells ringing cracked their ribcage open. But deeper and all the sweeter for it. Soft hands cradling his heart, mindful as they brushed across the raw surface and thundering vessels.
I’m here. I’ll be here waiting until you’re ready, Law. I won’t go anywhere.
“They’d hate you almost as much as they hate me.” Law heard but it took a moment to realize that they’re the ones that said it. Their next words tumbling in a fit of panic. “Cora would love you though—I mean—I-I…” Law’s tongue fumbled around their words, throat squeezing as a different panic settled in.
The panic to explain away the very out of pocket response. The panicked realization that they’d have to explain everything about their family. All the complicated, raw emotions Law still felt to this day. The perfect choir boy their parents wanted on the mantle and the real adult they spat at every time it came up. Ruin what could have been a sweet moment.
What if Kirin agreed?
No. No, he’d never, Law knew that—but?
Law hated this doubt they felt in their heart. Pure understanding of their love warring with the wounded child who tried everything to cut away the parts their parents hated and drowned in the bleeding wounds. Kirin would never just as their parents could never.
Warm hands gently brushed up their neck, teasing over their skin and yanking them free of their frantic thoughts. Palms settling over scruffy jawline so his thumbs could brush over Law’s damp cheeks. Kirin’s face inches from theirs with an expression of soft surprise lined with worry. Law didn’t even realize they’d been crying.
“I’m right here.”
I won’t go anywhere.
Law’s lungs seized and shuddered with a ragged breath.
“It’s… complicated.” Law whispered as Kirin pressed his lips between their eyes. “I-I don’t know where to start.” Law admitted.
“Wherever you want. Whenever is the easiest.” Kirin encouraged gently, his lips brushing over Law’s skin as he stayed in place. Law squeezed Kirin’s thighs and swallowed hard.
“…I talk to Lammy maybe once a year. She’s my sister but she doesn’t get it.” Law breathed out. “She thinks we can all make up one day. Our parents and I. B-But I don’t think we ever could. They want their son—this perfect catholic boy who works in a secular hospital and marries a good catholic girl and gives them grandkids—” Law sighed, squeezing his eyes shut. “I was never good enough. Good enough to be a leading researcher but that wasn’t enough. Wasn’t right. B-Because I wasn’t right. Never had the right words or interests. Never smiled right for pictures or dressed right for the occasion. They want someone who’s not me and hate that I won’t even try.”
Kirin hummed, rubbing his nose into Law’s hair as they pulled Law in closer. Encouraging them to bury their head into his sweater.
“I-I ran out of that house as soon as I realized I’d die if I stayed there. One way or the other. M-Made friends somehow with Shachi and Penguin. M-Met Cora. H-He kept me off the street and out of trouble. Didn’t care how much I snapped at him, he just wanted me safe and happy.” Law sucked in a sharp breath. “They’re family. I-I was afraid that if you knew about Christmas you’d want to meet my parents and I… I couldn’t do that to you. To us. Not after fucking it up all my life and then that thing with Shachi and Penguin—”
“We can do Christmas with your real family. If you want. Shachi, Penguin, and Cora. I’m sure they’d love to celebrate with you.” Kirin mused. “I don’t want anything to do with someone who would hurt you like that for so long and not beg on their knees for forgiveness. Maybe not even then, really. You didn’t deserve to feel like that and I’m sorry you thought I’d ever want to put you in that position again.” Kirin squeezed Law close.
“Really?” Law asked softly, throat tight and strangely vulnerable. “You want to meet my dad?” their breath hitched.
“I’d love to meet your dad. He took you in. That’s all the reason I need to want to meet him and thank him for raising you well.” Kirin reassured.
Law cried. Shuddering tears and lungs aching as they cried into Kirin’s shoulder, squeezing him tightly. Fighting to not openly sob.
It hurt. But in a good way. Like cutting open an abscess that had festered for years. Because Kirin got it. Understood what Law meant and what they said. Didn’t argue about intentions and blood. Didn’t even try. Kirin only cared about what Law felt. Nothing else mattered.
For once, Law’s feelings mattered more than anything else. Anyone else. Something they’d only felt with three people in their life. And none of them shared blood.
“I love you.” Law gasped, turning their head to press their lips to Kirin’s ear. “I love you so much. A-And that’s all Cora needs to know to love you too—not that he wouldn’t anyway.” Law reassured Kirin with a wet laugh before pulling away to wipe their face. Kirin rubbing their arms with a fond smile.
“I can’t wait to meet him then.” Kirin breathed, tears clinging to his lashes. He looked beautiful under the admittedly sterile kitchen light. Just like he did everywhere else he went.
“Later… first, I want…” Law struggled to find the words they needed to convey the want that swelled in their lungs. The kind of want that can only be satisfied with taking in every inch of Kirin’s body.
Instead of trying further to find the right words, Law pressed a kiss to Kirin’s lips. Chaste until they nipped at his lips and slipped in their tongue. Tasting sweet peppermint coffee and soft moans. Their fingertips brushing over stockings and leather to push open his thighs. Law pulled away but didn’t go far. Kissing down Kirin’s throat where they could and then to the window of his sweater.
Kirin moaned hoarsely when Law nosed down the fabric to lap at Kirin’s nipple. Teasing him with their teeth and tongue as Kirin’s hands carded through their hair with increasing desperation. Thighs clenching against Law’s hands to close in and pin them in place. But Law had plans that required Kirin open and exposed.
When Law started to feel the familiar quivers in Kirin’s body, they stopped. Spit clinging to their lips and Kirin’s stiff nipple. Smiling at the cry of denial and sharp tug on their hair before nipping at the other one. Quickly driving Kirin to the brink of ecstasy only to yank away.
“A-Aaaahh--~! N-Nooooo~ L-Law, babe, please~!” Law chuckled at the petulant whine as they sank to their knees between Kirin’s thighs, lifting them up onto their shoulders. Law’s hands grazing along the outside of Kirin’s stockings. They didn’t bother pushing up the scant few inches of fabric to expose Kirin. Merely pressed into the heated space, their nose brushing the distinct feeling of lace.
“I want to show my appreciation, Kiri—how much I love you~” Law purred into the shadow of Kirin’s thighs.
Soaked and unbearably hot, the fabric scratched under their tongue as they lapped at the moisture. Pressing into the folds of Kirin’s pussy through the fabric where his entrance throbbed. Sucking up the familiar flavor of his arousal as Law opened his lips to take in their lover’s whole pussy. Kirin’s voice quivered and shook as they moaned, thighs pressing into Law’s head as they ground the slick fabric into his clit.
Law’s cock strained against their pants but went ignored in favor of Kirin drunkenly squirming, rubbing his pussy against Law’s face. Arousal flooding the skimpy underwear and smearing along their cheeks and thighs. Law pulled away just enough to blindly run their tongue up Kirin’s soaked thigh, pressing the tip of their tongue into the crease where skin met fabric. Pulling it away to slip into wet folds as Kirin moaned sharply.
“Y-Yes! O-Ohhhh right there, La-aw~!” Kirin begged as Law’s tongue found the throbbing entrance. Teased along the inner folds in increasingly right circles as they slipped in a hand to keep the fabric out of the way. Just before their tongue made contact, Law flicked it up and to Kirin’s clit. Attacking the throbbing area with a gentle nip as Kirin cried out.
“Are you going to cum? Give me all of it, I need to know how much you love me~” Law gasped in the damp, hot space. Nearly drowning in Kirin’s arousal.
“S-Soo—ooooh much! So much, L-Law~! I love youuuu~ I love you—A-Ah! Hnmmm~! A-hn~!” Kirin panting, one hand on Law’s head pushing them closer and the other likely pinching his nipples. Law’s tongue slipped into Kirin suddenly, pussy throbbing around the muscle in tight seizing motions as Kirin crested noisily, speech slurred as he chanted drunkenly. “Il-lovey-ooooh~Ilo-aah-veyou~LawlawlawL—A-AAahhhn~!” Soaking Law’s face as he squirted on their tongue. Law slipped in their other hand and teased Kirin’s clit, drawing out his orgasm as Law fucked him with their tongue.
Law’s cock was smearing pre into their thigh now, but Law ignored it. Just like they ignored Kirin shuddering, stuttering cry as Law pushed them over the edge again.
And again.
Utterly lost in the slick mess they made of Kirin’s pussy, eagerly lapping up his cum. The smell and taste thick all around Law. Elated at how well they could please their lover and intent on going until their jaw ached.
There was a sharp yank on Law’s hair as Kirin pulled them away. Law’s lungs ached as they blinked at the bright kitchen lights.
Kirin’s face was red, tears smeared over his cheeks as he panted.
“I wasn’t done.” Law licked their lips with a needy grin, jerking against the shaky hold on their hair to dive back in.
“L-Law, please fuck me.” Kirin cried softly. “I need you inside me.”
Law didn’t make Kirin beg any further, smoothly shifting out from under Kirin’s thighs to give him a messy kiss. Kirin hungrily lapping up Law’s hard work as Law shoved free their cock. Moaning as the pressure eased on their length. Kirin squirmed closer as Law blindly nudged their cock against soaked underwear. Smearing the tip along the itchy fabric.
With one hand, Kirin desperately reached between his thighs to push aside the lacy fabric. Grabbing Law’s cock to guide it where he needed it. Law didn’t argue, too busy chasing the faint taste of peppermint mixing with arousal.
Law rocked their cock between slick thighs, gathering up enough arousal to make a smooth motion. Fucking slowly into Kirin as he gripped Law’s ass, desperately trying to force Law to hilt.
“Easy, Kiri~ Let me love you right~” Law purred against his lips. Kirin’s eyes heavy with lust as he reluctantly relaxed. Allowed Law to go slow despite his pussy throbbing around every inch he could.
Kirin whined every time Law pulled their cock free only to gasp as it returned with aching slowness. Inch by inch, Law’s cock throbbed between Kirin’s walls until there was nowhere else to go. Hilted and soaking their balls with dripping arousal that slipped further down their thighs.
Before, Law didn’t have the patience to wait. But now it seemed insulting to fuck Kirin on the counter after how understanding he’d been. How sweet and loving. Eating him out on the counter was fine at the moment. But making love to Kirin?
That deserved a bed.
Law kicked away their pants and Kirin helped tear off their shirt. But Law stopped him from trying to remove anything of his own.
“No. Keep it on.” Law panted, slipping their hands under Kirin’s ass to pick him up. Kirin’s legs wound around Law’s waist as his pussy throbbed at the unexpected display. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.” Kirin sighed in agreement as he held onto Law with a weak moan, rolling his hips to the best of his ability. Grinding his clit into Law.
Law nearly stumbled a few times but managed well enough, pinning Kirin to the bedroom door to free their hand long enough to force it open. Kicking it closed behind them as they fell onto the bed. Kirin whined as Law accidentally fucked into him attempting to move further up. Leather sticking to Law’s sweaty back as they rocked their hips into Kirin sensually.
In the dark, they were both blind. Only able to hear the wet slap of their thighs together, Law’s balls smacking into Kirin’s ass with every slow thrust. Pants and unsteady moans as they couldn’t get enough of each other. The room growing hot with sex and the faint burn of peppermint. Law held themselves up with their hands clenched in the sheets by Kirin’s head. Their bodies pressed together and lips rarely further apart than a hairsbreadth.
Kirin keeping them close with a hand on their ass and the back of their neck. Grip slipping from sweat or arousal, it was impossible to tell at this point.
Kirin’s voice echoed in their ears as they whined and moaned, the sound increasing in volume along with Law’s groans. Balls throbbing as their cock struggled to slip free of Kirin’s tight pussy despite how wet he was. Electricity sparked along their spine as they both slowly began to crest over the edge.
There was no rush despite Kirin’s desperation. Just a slow, inevitably crash as they both came undone in each other’s arms.
“I love you.” Someone said as they came again. And again. And again? Time dripping away from them like their cum soaked the sheets.
Law couldn’t say if it lasted hours or minutes. If they both only came once or so many times their orgasms smeared together until their bodies shook. Lost in each other again and again until Law collapsed into Kirin. The both of them trembling and gasping for air but refusing to keep their lips to themselves.
Kirin rolled them to the side and threw his leg over Law’s waist. Distinctly free of any leather despite the other boot clearly being on still. Just ripped nylon tickling their skin. Their cock still throbbing in Kirin’s walls, cumming weakly in thin spurts. Obviously, they couldn’t go again, Law’s cock growing reluctantly soft despite the tempting squeeze from Kirin’s pussy. But they both lingered as they were.
Wet lips pressed together in slow kisses. Exhaustion clear in every soft sigh.
Kirin chuckled, his eyes just barely visible in the dark as he smiled.
“I love you, too.”
Law drifted off, already looking forward to the holiday they once dreaded. And every other one after that. Fully planning on ensuring Kirin knew just how much he was loved. On their knees, in bed, in the lab, the kitchen…
Law loved Kirin no matter where it was and had no intention of letting that go unnoticed ever again.
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